
An Apple A Day (Part1)

Jul 15th, 2013
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  1. >Your name is Anonymous.
  2. >As the only human in a world filled with multicoloured horses you’ve been starting to feel a little bit ‘lonely’.
  3. >The lack of human interaction is starting to affect your mind; how do you know? Well, this is as good an example as any; you lie in bed every morning, giving yourself an inner monologue about how much your life has changed in the past year while you wait for...
  4. *Knock knock*
  5. >Fluttershy, she’s like your personal alarm clock, except instead of tuning in to your favourite radio station or just playing a mind-numbingly repetitive buzzing tone she has a rather unique, and very unfavourable, way of greeting you.
  6. >If things had turned out very different you’d probably be dating her by now, but, as with all people of an insecure nature, something just had to fuck it up.
  7. >In this case it was due to a rather unfortunate fact she overheard when you were telling Twilight about your home-world of Earth.
  8. >Specifically to do with human ‘mating habits’.
  9. >For the past two years she has been coming to your door and attempting to get your attention by guessing your fetish, usually using rather obscene ‘visual aids’.
  10. “What is it this time you crazy talking horse?”
  11. She stood in the doorway with a slightly perplexed look on her face before saying
  12. >”I-I was wondering if... if”
  13. “Just spit it out so I can go to work.”
  14. >”Oh w-well I...I got nothing.”
  15. >Wow, has she finally run out of ideas for this peculiar game of hers?
  16. >This is going to be a good day.
  18. >Walks over to the farm where you worked were usually the most boring part of your day, sandwiched in between being horrified at the suggestions of your Rhubarb and Custard coloured stalker and having your first normal conversation of the day with Applejack.
  19. >Yet today seemed different, you felt happier than usual, probably due to the lack of a method of entering your undergarments from your strangely intimidating neighbour.
  20. c
  21. >Reaching the farm however, something doesn’t seem quite right. Normally AJ is waiting for you at the gate, leaning against the fencepost, one hoof crossed over the other but today she was nowhere to be seen.
  22. >Entering the main gate you felt as if you were trespassing and decided it best to keep an eye out for Granny Smith and her shotgun, she may look like a frail old horse but she can quite easily lift those twin iron pipes to your chest, quicker than you could say ‘Apples’.
  23. >You finally catch sight of a small orange dot moving around in the East field.
  24. “Huh, she must’ve already started without me.”
  25. >You jog down to her, not wanting to waste any energy with running down there, after all you’ve got a long days hard labour ahead of you.
  26. >She’s finally within visible range now and you start to watch her as she methodically kicks each of the tree’s thick trunks to clear them of their apples one by one.
  27. >Of course, you’re only doing this for the purpose of studying her technique to better your own skills. Or at least that’s what you tell yourself.
  28. >Still, you can’t help but stare at her as she bucks the trees as hard as she can, the muscles in her hind legs flexing with each thrust.
  29. “Wonder what else she could do with those strong thighs?” Once again you’re showing the signs of your mind slowly deteriorating; this time talking yourself out loud.
  30. >”Whatcha say there Sugarcube?”
  31. >Shit, did she hear you? Quick think up a lie!
  32. “Oh umm, I-I was just wondering if you wanted me to help.”
  33. >Damn you’re a terrible liar.
  34. >AJ seems to think so too as she stares at you with a sceptical expression in her beautiful jade eyes. Being the element of honesty probably helps her to tell when others are lying as well.
  35. >Wait, are you starting to have feelings for her? Shit, when did you start becoming a horse-lover?
  36. >It’s probably just due to the fact that she’s the only pony you ever really see anymore, isn’t there a term for that? Stockholm syndrome or something like that?
  37. >Still, of all of the ponies that you speak to regularly, she seems to be the most human. Not in an anthropomorphic way of course, that would just be freaky, but she certainly acts the most human. Don’t get me wrong, the others still have their endearing traits yet none of them are really suited for you; Twilight has her dorkyness, knowing too much about everything, Pinkie is far too hyperactive, not to mention so clinically insane that her mind has gotten complete disregard for the laws of time and space. Rarity, though unbelievingly beautiful, even by human standards, is far too prissy for your tastes, Rainbow dash is just to fast to keep up with although you know he’d stick by her friends through thick and thin. And finally Fluttershy, after the results of this and the previous 700 or so mornings you shouldn’t have to explain that to yourself.
  38. >Yet you have still to find something about Applejack that you do not like; her kind nature, the way she always makes you feel happy, she’s always by your side, always willing to help you out with your problems. Hell, thinking about it, she encompasses all of the elements of harmony on her own.
  39. >The way your mind has turned to thoughts about her again has made snap back to reality and you realise that you have been staring at her for a few minutes longer than you probably should have. She’s just leaning up against the tree, her right hoof in front of her left and her head quizzically cocked to one side with an expression on her face that shows she knows why you’re staring.
  40. >”I hope this ain’t gonna be a habit of yours sugar?”
  41. >Her tone showed that though she was slightly annoyed she was still able to see the funny side of it.
  42. >As your face turns red her smile widens.
  43. >”Ya turn any redder an’ Ah might just mistake ya fer an apple an’ kick ya in the head.”
  44. >Normally, back on Earth, a southern accent as strong as hers is would annoy the shit out of you but with a mare this beautiful it almost becomes hypnotic.
  45. c
  46. >It’s strange what a few years trapped in a world of talking horses and mythological beasts can do to the mind, talking to yourself, getting Stockholm syndrome and falling in love with someone you would’ve previously considered an animal to name a few of the ‘symptoms’ you’re showing.
  47. >”Yer doin’ it again hun.”
  48. >Fuck; Brain, probably best if I stop talking to you now before this situation get’s any worse.
  50. It’s been nearly ten minutes now and his still just stood there gawking at you, you’d probably find it creepy if the dopey look on his face wasn’t so funny. It kind of reminds you of Rainbow when she finally met the Wonderbolts for the first time.
  51. “Hey Anon, d’ya wanna start buckin’ now?”
  52. >The look on his face after this statement showed you that he completely misunderstood your question.
  53. “I mean the apples in the trees not the one yer talkin’ to.”
  54. >You can’t help but let out a small laugh when his face shows a mixture of relief and disappointment at this.
  55. >Seems like the males of the species always think the same way, be they pony or human.
  56. >"Oh uhh... Yeah, applebucking, right."
  57. >That stallion had always been a bit of a weird one, but recently he seems to be paying less attention to anything around him and focusing more on staring at you like he'd been hypnotised. You even saw him walk into a wall purely because he was watching you from the corner of his eye.
  58. "Anon, is there something you wanna talk about?"
  59. >"Hmm? No, well I mean, I really like... Working here. At the farm."
  60. Anon, ya know Ah don,t like ot when ya lie to me. Are ya sure that's all there is?"
  61. >"Yeah, thats all."
  62. >Pressuring him is only gonna make it worse so you decide to drop the subject, besides, you've got a pretty good idea what it is he's thinking even without him telling you.
  63. >The look on his face is the exact same one that Big Mac had when he saw the doll Twilight enchanted with her 'Want it, Need it' spell.
  65. >Be Anon.
  66. >The rest of the day passed by relatively uneventfully, you chatted with AJ about various things, usually to do with farming, though you weren’t to sure; you never really pay attention to most of them.
  67. >It got near to six O'clock and you knew you had to start heading home soon, only one issue, a storm was brewing and it was brewing fast.
  68. "Hey Applejack, I don't think I'll make it to my house before the storm starts, do you mind if I stay at your place till it dies down?"
  69. >You practically had to shout those last few words as the wind had begun to howl through the trees, deafening the two of you.
  70. >"O'course not Anon, don't want ya to catch a cold in this weather now do Ah, ya'll wouldn't be much help on the farm then would ya?
  71. >She chuckles at that before looking at you out the corner of her eye. You know that look, it's the one that shows you have been issued a challenge.
  72. "It's on!"
  73. >The two of you start pelting towards the farmhouse, AJ kept her head down the entire time and the wind just whistled past he sleek curves.
  74. >You on the other hand acted like a parachute, your wide frame catching the wind as you run into it, slowing you down considerably.
  75. >She reached the front door a full minute before you, patiently waiting as the wind buffeted her, threatening to blow her away.
  76. "Showoff."
  77. >"Hey, it ain't my fault y'all are terrible at running."
  78. "You could have at least gone a bit slower to give me a chance."
  79. >You immediately regretted snapping at her.
  80. >"Ah waited fer ya didn't Ah?"
  81. >An argument with AJ was the last thing you wanted to happen right now
  82. >She was scowling at you and you suddenly felt a wave of sadness overcome you.
  83. >Guess she must have seen it too as her face slowly turned into a smile and she gave you a quick hug to show she was only joking.
  84. >You had never felt better than you did in those few seconds, the feeling of her hooves wrapped around you and the sweet smell of apples and rainwater sent you into a state of euphoria.
  85. >"Come an' eat with us, smells like Granny Smith is cookin' up one of her delicious apple pies."
  86. "I'd love to join you, thanks Applejack."
  87. >"Aw shucks, it's nothin' really, just lookin' after a guest is all.
  88. >The five of you (AJ, Applebloom, Big Mac, Granny Smith and yourself) sat around the table in the dining room, exchanging stories. By exchanging stories you really meant that Applebloom was going on about school and the latest adventures she got into, trying to get her cutie mark to appear. You thought about telling her that she should jus wait for it to appear and do what she wants to do, but you didn’t want to have to spoil her fun, after all growing up on a farm away from the town can probably get very boring at times.
  89. >AJ and Big Mac both shared knowing glances with each other, the kind that says ‘This is going to end any time soon,’ as the youngest and oldest members of the Apple family were having a conversation whilst not actually talking to each other, just both rambling on about things you had no hope of understanding.
  90. >When you had all finished eating you went through to the sitting room and played board-games on the floor, the games had to be cut short however, when Applebloom fell asleep and had to be taken to bed.
  91. >The talk of bed suddenly made you remember that you needed to get home soon.
  92. >”Looks like ya may need to stay here tonight Anon, this storm ain’t lookin’ like it’s dying down any time soon.”
  93. >At times it almost seems like that mare could read your mind. Still, she was right; there was no way you could head home in his weather.
  94. “Well, where am I going to sleep then, do you have a spare room?”
  95. >”’Fraid not, looks like you’re gonna have to bunk in mah room tonight sugarcube.”
  97. >Wow, did he really just blush at that? Getting embarrassed at sharing a room with a mare. Actually, come to think of it, you can see why he was. You even felt your own face heat up at the thought.
  98. >Pulling your hat off, you quickly use it to hide your face.
  99. >After a long, awkward walk up to your room, you close the door behind you and head into the en-suite bathroom.
  100. “Ann, Ahm gonna be gettin’ in the shower now so make sure ya don’t come in here ok?”
  101. >”Yeah, sure.”
  102. >You trust him enough to know he isn’t gonna sneak in on you, at least you hope he doesn’t.
  104. >>Hey, Anon, AJ just got in the shower, you know what you should do?
  105. >Damnit Brain, I told you to leave me alone today!
  106. >>It’s not day anymore.
  107. >The one problem with arguing with your brain was that they always had the power of logic on their side
  108. >And no, I’m not going to spy on AJ in the shower, she’s a good friend of mine and nothing more.
  109. >>Sure she isn’t.
  110. >Shut up.
  111. >And while you’re at it, remind me to go talk to Twilight tomorrow, I have a feeling I’m going to need a psychiatrist soon.
  112. >>You want to get rid of me? Well it will never work!
  113. >Thus ensues a mental battle between you and your brain to gain control of your conscience.
  114. >Stalemate.
  115. >”Are, y’all right sugarcube?”
  116. >>Shit, how long has she been standing there? Quickly man, think up another lie!
  117. “Oh, yeah, I was just thinking.”
  118. >>Nice work, I’ll make a conman out of you yet.
  119. >The fuck are you going on about? Actually no, I’m gonna stop talking to you, don’t want any more embarrassing situations to take place.
  120. >”D’ya wanna tell me what you’re thinkin’ about, or is it a secret?”
  121. “Well AJ, I’ve been wondering if... well, uh...”
  122. >>Spit it out already.
  123. >Shut up Brain.
  124. “Well, I’ve enjoyed spending time with you since I started working here and I... I feel like we’ve gotten to be good friends but, I umm I kinda think that umm...”
  125. >”You’re stutterin’ more than Fluttershy does, ya sure you’re ok hun?”
  126. >>Fuck it, I’m taking over.
  127. >No wait, I can do this.
  128. “Look, AJ, it’s just that I want... I want to be more than friends with you.”
  129. >”Are ya askin’ me out Anon?”
  130. “Yeah, I-I guess I am.”
  131. >”Kinda an awkward time to do it don’t ya think, seein’ as I’m gonna have to share a bed with ya in a minute.”
  132. “So, that’s a no then?”
  133. >”Course it isn’t sugarcube, I’d love to go out with ya.”
  134. “Oh, wow, well that went better than I expected.”
  135. >”C’mon, let’s get to bed before ya do something to embarrass yerself.”
  136. >As you lay next to her in the bed you can feel her soft warm fur pressed against your chest, the sweet smell of apples radiated from her mane. She had finally taken off her hat and left it hanging on a hook by the door. Her hair had been let down as well and you could swear as you looked into her face that you had never seen anyone as beautiful as her in your life, not even the girls back home on Earth compared to her.
  137. >>See, I told you it would work out, next time just do exactly as I say and perhaps you won’t embarrass yourself.
  138. >Brain?
  139. >>Yeah?
  140. >Shut up and let me enjoy this.
  143. End of part 1.
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