
Grey Horse - For Stronger Bones

Jan 21st, 2015
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  1. >Summer is just about to pass away at the hands of Autumn.
  2. >The air begins to lose its heat and give way to the cooler winds that lie in the months ahead.
  3. >Another school year is just beginning, but the patterns of attendance for some of the students will be different.
  4. >Something happened last year that brought significant change to the school.
  5. >Last Christmas, a number of the girls from school had gotten themselves pregnant at a late-night party.
  6. >And wouldn't you believe it, the father of the children is Flash Sentry. All of the children are his.
  7. >What this fact indicates is quite crushing for a lot of the other guys at school.
  8. >It may be something that one could brag about at first, but after nine months, that bragging right slowly transforms into a burden that is the decimator of one's hopes and dreams.
  9. >However, Flash hasn't been able to be present for the children, though it's not completely his fault.
  10. >Long story short, he has been sent to prison quite a few months ago, and he won't be getting out any time soon. What happened to cause this is strictly to remain a secret.
  11. >The newborn infants are left without a father.
  12. >You, Anon Y. Mous, had volunteered right before the end of summer to help some of the girls out along with a couple of other boys.
  13. >It's the least any of you can do to make the girls' lives at least a little bit easier.
  14. >And now the next school year has begun without the presence of Flash Sentry, and with the presence of many students with children.
  15. >In result of these recent developments, Principal Celestia has agreed to set up a child care program in the school so the girls with children can still attend class.
  16. >The program unconditionally counts into their health and home life credit requirement.
  17. >You, along with the other guys who are helping out, are automatically enrolled into the program as well.
  18. >The schedules that you had set up for the school year have been modified.
  20. >In substitute for half of your classes, you are assigned to join the girls in their child care program and help raise the children.
  21. >You're basically hanging out with them for half the day while helping them take care of their babies.
  22. >It might not be the best thing in the world, but it knocks off about half of your schedule and prevents you from ever having any homework for the entire school year. But you're still getting full school credit as long as you attend the program you had committed to.
  23. >With that in consideration, your resulting situation is actually more in your own favor than having a standard high school schedule. It sure as hell beats having to take calculus and chemistry.
  24. >So at least you're happy about this, but you can't say the same about the girls.
  25. >Though most of the girls aren't too happy about their newborn children, Fluttershy seems to be experiencing something completely opposite.
  26. >Upon you asking her one day, she revealed that she was with Flash during that Christmas party as well, and she had sex with him with the intention of getting herself pregnant so she could have a child to take care of.
  27. >She had wanted to do this sort of thing really badly, but she was unfortunately unable to become pregnant, despite the massive amount of seed she had received.
  28. >Here's what has happened during the past nine months...
  29. >After a trip to the doctors, Fluttershy soon discovered to her own dismay that she was infertile, meaning she is unable to have children.
  30. >She hadn't taken the news very well at first, but gradually became a little more accepting of the fact over time.
  31. >All of her friends were there for her when she needed a shoulder to lean on.
  32. >Fluttershy seemed to have mostly put it behind her once the school year had ended, and looked content every time you saw her.
  33. >But she still made it clear that she felt it that this was greatly and unrealistically unfair, and began to consider adopting a child.
  35. >There were occasions where you considered talking her out of it, but you couldn't think of an appropriate way to bring it up.
  36. >She felt a pressing need to adopt because a lot of her friends had the obligation to be a mother to a child, and yet she was the only one out of the group who actually aspired to do so.
  37. >But since she was in school, she wasn't allowed to adopt a child to have responsibility over.
  38. >So, Fluttershy did the next best thing and adopted as many pets as she could.
  39. >This occurred over some period of time, resulting in her accumulating a notable number of cats, dogs and other animals.
  40. >In recent days, Fluttershy had been taking drastic measures in becoming closer to her pets to compensate for not having an infant human to care for.
  41. >It didn't seem too unusual at first.
  42. >That is, until you were asked to pay her a visit to her house one day.
  43. >Which brings you to the present day.
  44. >There's about five minutes left of the school day, and you're in the child development classroom.
  45. >Today has been a fairly easy one.
  46. >You sit in a chair next to Twilight, who is bouncing her daughter on her lap.
  47. >It's quite hard to imagine such a thing being possible so soon, but then you look over to your side and see the baby right there.
  48. >And then you think to yourself: "Yup, this is actually happening. Twilight Sparkle is the mother of a child."
  49. >It might take a while to finally mentally grasp enough where it won't seem unrealistic by your standards anymore.
  50. >Meanwhile, you and Twilight carry on a conversation.
  51. >"I... just can't believe it." Twilight sighs. "I don't understand why Flash did something like that. It's not like him."
  52. "I'm just as confused as you are." You reply, playing along with what she's saying. "He and I might not have had the best of encounters at times, but he was usually a cool guys when I was around him. I really don't get it either."
  53. >You think back to the time he cock-blocked you from even talking to Twilight.
  55. >Remember the way he had just sent you off like you were some kind of a sheep.
  56. >But those days are over. Flash isn't going to see anyone from Canterlot High again.
  57. >And now you are the one who is here for Twilight, given that almost all of her friends have their own children to care for.
  58. >Her motherhood is aided by your helping hands.
  59. >You must never let anyone know the true reason for Flash doing what he did to be sent to prison. It will be a secret that you shall take to your grave.
  60. >"Maybe something went on in his head. I would have never guessed he was one of... those kinds of guys."
  61. "Well, now I wouldn't say that."
  62. >"But you have to admit, what he did was pretty extreme. Maybe it was those pills he said he took. He told me he took a bunch of... testosterone pills or something at the party. It must have deeply affected his mood or something." Twilight presumes.
  63. "Well, pills or not, he can't reverse what happened. It's all on his shoulders, now."
  64. >"It's hard to face it, but that is true. There's no going back."
  65. >Twilight looks down at the floor, but still bounces her daughter on her lap.
  66. >"It's just that... he and I were just starting something. And then he went and did all... that... stuff." She softly croaks with a tear forming at her eye.
  67. "Twilight..." You try to comfort her. "It's going to be all right. Remember, life goes on. Also, you kinda have a kid to keep happy right now."
  68. >"Oh, I know. I'll just... stay peppy for now, okay?"
  69. "Alright."
  70. >"Um..." Twilight asks you. "Could you look away for a minute or two? I'm need to nurse Starburst before we go home. I usually forget later on."
  71. "Oh, okay." You respond, feeling somewhat excluded.
  72. >It's like she's implying that you're some creep whom she doesn't want to see anything beneath her clothes.
  73. >You look in the opposite direction so Twilight can proceed with her business behind your back.
  75. >She's literally doing this less than three feet away from you and you can't even look. It's tantalizing, really.
  76. >Fifteen seconds pass; her chest must be out in the open at this point. You just know it.
  77. >And all you have is your imagination, which is running wild at the moment.
  78. >Imagine her unbuttoning her shirt and pulling her bra down. This is exactly what is happening behind you. The unseen revealing of a bosom.
  79. >Just the thought of it is enough to fap to, at least by your standards. It will easily remain in your mind for the rest of the day.
  80. >After three and a half minutes pass, Twilight tells you that you can turn back around.
  81. >"I'm sorry, Anon. It's nothing personal or anything." Twilight apologizes. "Really. It's just... kind of a privacy matter."
  82. "It's alright, I understand. My spooky eyes aren't allowed too see those things." You somewhat sarcastically respond. "If you don't need me to do anything more, I suppose I'll just be on my way, then."
  83. >"Aw, come on. It isn't like that." Twilight says to you.
  84. "I know, I know. But I kinda need to go soon anyway. So, if there's anything else you need me for, you might want me to do it now while I'm still available."
  85. >"Eh, it's fine. I can take care of the rest if you want."
  86. >Just at that instant, the final bell rings.
  87. "Um... okay then. I'll see you tomorrow."
  88. >"Thanks. See you tomorrow, Anon."
  89. >Wave goodbye to her and exit the classroom.
  90. >Great, just great. Because of what happened there in the classroom, you're going to be thinking about boobs all day.
  91. >It sounds silly, but the fact that a girl consciously took her breasts out right behind your back is something you can't just stop thinking about.
  92. >You wish there was a way for things to have played out differently. If there was a way you could've peeked at her. Just to get a brief view to... memorize later.
  93. >What are you thinking? These thoughts are kinda perverted.
  94. >Your phone vibrates in your pocket.
  96. >Pull it out to discover that you have just received a text from Fluttershy.
  97. >[Hi, Anon. Can you come over to my house really quick? There's something I would like to ask you to do.]
  98. >You read the message a second time, and then a third time. It's hard to believe that she just sent this text to you.
  99. >With dirty thoughts still in your head, you automatically picture Fluttershy referring to something sexual when she says she wants you to do something.
  100. >But there's no way that can be the case. You're fully aware that your imagination isn't being completely realistic right now.
  101. >Instantly develop a mental scenario that you're going to drive all the way over there expecting something lewd, only to find out that she just want you to help her walk a dog or something.
  102. >You think this way because your luck has always been like this. Overestimation has always been the result of every time in the past during which a girl had asked you to do a favor for them.
  103. >Over time, you had learned that they never actually wanted to do the things you really wanted with them, you had only believed that until you learned otherwise.
  104. >Text her back that you'll be on your way and head over to your car, expecting the more realistic outcome this time. Too many times have you been through this.
  105. >You have no idea how this afternoon is going to turn out for you.
  106. >...
  107. >Twenty minutes later, you arrive at Fluttershy's house.
  108. >Exit the car and walk up to her front door.
  109. >As you approach it, it is cracked open before you can ever reach it.
  110. >Fluttershy pokes her head out.
  111. >"Oh, thank goodness you came. There's... something I need you to do." She whispers to you.
  112. >Slip your way through the doorway and into the entry room.
  113. >Fluttershy gently shuts the front door and faces you. What you immediately notice shocks you.
  114. >Around Fluttershy's neck is a collar with a chain leash attached to it. And around her wrists is a pair of handcuffs.
  116. "Fluttershy?" You ask, already confused. "Why are you wearing those?"
  117. >"Please... let me explain." Fluttershy says to you. "It all has to do with my pets."
  118. >Raise one of your eyebrows as you begin to look around the house.
  119. >It doesn't take long to notice that there are numerous cats, dogs, birds, rabbits and a few other various animals living in Fluttershy's home.
  120. >How many pets did she adopt?
  121. >Glance back over to Fluttershy, who is now giving you a pleading expression.
  122. "So..." You trail off, too confused to even guess what she's about to say.
  123. >"Okay. Do you remember how I had found out that I couldn't... bear children?" Fluttershy asks you.
  124. >Silently nod in response.
  125. >"Well, that's the reason why I got all of these pets. And I love them, very very much. But the thing is, they're not people like I am, so we're all a little bit more different from eachother, unlike the other girls and their children."
  126. >You can already see where this is going.
  127. >"So I have been thinking of ways for my pets and I to become closer to eachother." Fluttershy explains. "Since all of the other girls are now nursing their babies, I feel like I should be doing the same with my pets."
  128. >And now you like where this is going.
  129. >"I can tell that if I had an actual child, I would be nursing him right about now. Because my chest has... grown a little bit."
  130. >You try not to direct you attention to Fluttershy's chest. But what she just mentioned made your mind go wild.
  131. >Look down and find that she is telling the truth. There are noticeably bigger than you last remember.
  132. >Look back up to Fluttershy's face to see that she's looking right at you. There's no way she didn't just catch you.
  133. "Oh, um... I'm sorry." You say expecting her to react in a similar way that Twilight would have.
  134. >"Oh, no... you don't have to apologize. That's why I wanted you to come over here." Fluttershy reveals.
  135. >Stare at her for a couple of seconds in disbelief. This is nothing like the reaction you had expected.
  137. >Fluttershy smiles at you.
  138. >"It's true. That's the reason. And I understand how much you boys like my... you know. So, I wanted to let you have an opportunity to do this with me, since it would mean a lot to you."
  139. "Really?"
  140. >"Yes, really. You don't have to thank me, I just kind of want someone to do this with me. And I might as well let you have a little bit of a break while I'm at it."
  141. "Whoa... That's very... kind of you, Fluttershy." You nervously stammer, now unable to speak in complete sentences. "So, why... chains and..."
  142. >"There's a place not far from here. It's a girl's house where she does things to get milk from herself all the time. I promised all of my pets that I would go over there and let the people over there... extract from me."
  143. >Automatically realize who she's talking about.
  144. "Are you talking about... going over to Milky Way's house?"
  145. >"Y-yes."
  146. "And you promised... your pets that you'd go over there and let the people there collect your..." You stutter into silence as you realize what you're saying.
  147. >Fluttershy hesitates.
  148. >"Yes. It's all true. I personally don't want to do it, but..." Fluttershy looks over to her pets, who all give her adorably sad looks. "It promised them that I would."
  149. >You're frozen, unable to comfortably respond to Fluttershy's proposal.
  150. >"So, since I need to find a way to be a little more like them anyway, I would like you to hold me by this leash and walk me over to Milky Way's house. Please, Anon. It has to be done this way. If I knew a better way to explain it, I... look, I just have to know what it is like to be the pet so I can feel empathy for them. I promised them."
  151. >You wait for a few seconds before answering.
  152. >It's clear that this girl is completely insane. She's obviously experiencing some form of a mental breakdown from the news of being infertile, and she's gone off the deep end.
  153. >You imagine that almost anyone else would have gotten Fluttershy psychological help.
  155. >But who are you kidding? You'll get to do... things with her thanks to this. Best just take the opportunities as they come.
  156. "Alright. I'll... I'll do it." You tell her.
  157. >"Oh... my! Thank you, Anon!" She says, handing the leash over to you. "I'm... not going to like this. But... I'll do it for all of my pets."
  158. >Now's not the time to let yourself feel sorry for her. That comes later.
  159. "Alright. Here goes nothing, I guess..."
  160. >"Th-thank you."
  161. >No no no, thank you.
  162. >The front door is opened. You hesitate before walking through it.
  163. "Do you really want to do this Fluttershy?"
  164. >"I want to feel as close to my pets as possible,"
  165. You take the chain in your hand
  166. "Well, by foot then,"
  167. >She traipses to your side
  168. >Giving you puppy look, she makes a small pout
  169. "Good Girl!" you pat her head "Let's go for a walk"
  170. >Onward to Milky Way's house you both go.
  172. >Fluttershy trudges alongside you down the sidewalk in front of her house.
  173. >You can already tell that people would begin to develop suspicions in they see you holding a chain connected to Fluttershy's neck like this. There's no way this can be considered normal by suburban neighborhood standards.
  174. >Look into the front windows of the homes you pass by to ensure that there are no unwanted spectators.
  175. >But there is no was you can be certain.
  176. >As you look over to Fluttershy, it's apparent that she's concerned about this as well. The neighbors are unaware of the story that lies behind her bondage.
  177. >Fluttershy begins to speak in the light of these circumstances.
  178. >"Um, Ano- I mean... Master?" She begins.
  179. "I know. You don't want the neighbors to see us, right?"
  180. >Fluttershy nods her head.
  181. "Do you know of any trails into the woods? You do know the way to Milky Way's house, right?"
  182. >"Yes. In fact, I think there is a shortcut through the woods just down the street from here." Fluttershy says to you.
  183. >Look past about five houses or so to see that she's not lying. There is a gap in the yard fences with a path that leads into a wooded area.
  184. >The two of you keep walking and head over to the path.
  185. >Fluttershy walks by your side as you approach the space in between the fences.
  186. >Follow the path into the wooded area behind the houses. The street momentarily leaves your view and you are soon surrounded by trees.
  187. >You slow your walk, letting Fluttershy go ahead of you so she can lead the way.
  188. "So, does this path lead directly to where we're going?" You ask.
  189. >"Not exactly." Fluttershy answers. "There are a few splits in the path from time to time that go in different directions. But I've known Milky Way long enough to remember which ones lead in the direction of her house."
  190. "All right, then. You go ahead and lead the way. Besides, this whole thing was your idea anyway."
  191. >Fluttershy smiles at you before continuing.
  193. >You both follow the path through the woods for almost another five minutes. Fluttershy is walking in front of you as you follow her.
  194. >Everywhere she goes, you follow her.
  195. >Holding the leash, you look down at Fluttershy's body as she walks in front of you. Her hips sway side to side with each step she takes. You watch the form of her torso move accordingly to this, slightly bending to the sides to conform to the movements of what lies below it.
  196. >There must be something you can do with her on the way over. She isn't really in an independent position after all; she's wearing a collar around her neck with a leash attached to it and handcuffs that hold her wrists together.
  197. >The two of you eventually reach a split in the path. Fluttershy stops in front of it and pauses to examine each possible direction to go in.
  198. >She takes a minute or two to decide which path is the right one as you start to get thirsty.
  199. "Are you sure you know the way?" You ask.
  200. >"Yes, I know how to get there. It's just hard to remember which way is fastest."
  201. >Fluttershy then picks the path on the right and begins to gently pull in its direction. You both start off again along the path for another ten minutes or so.
  202. >You had no idea that the woods went on for this long. In fact, this place is starting to seem more like a forest than just woods.
  203. "How long does it usually take you to get through here?" You ask.
  204. >"It should be about another 45 minutes or so..." Fluttershy informs you.
  205. "What? 45 minutes? How far away does Milky live?"
  206. >"Um... it's usually pretty far. Every time she and I would walk to and from eachother's houses, she would usually pick through here so no one can see her."
  207. "Why's that?" You question her, eager to know more.
  208. >"Well, um... most of the time we spend together is usually during the summer, since there's no school then. And the walks would be a little exhausting because of the heat."
  209. >Fluttershy pauses, hesitant about what she is going to say next.
  211. >"And when we would spend about two hours walking through here looking at the flowers and trees, we would get thirsty after a while. Now, I brought my own water bottle every time, but Milky did something... different."
  212. "What did she do?"
  213. >"She has a condition where her chest leaks at random times, and there's nothing she can do to stop it from doing that. So, she decided to take advantage of that situation and... drink from herself whenever she got thirsty. And that's why she wanted to be in here where no one could see her. It's actually quite handy if you look at it that way."
  214. "So, why are we..." You start off, only to see the chains that answer the question you were about to ask. "Oh... right."
  215. >"It's actually a bit strange, since I couldn't grab my water bottle this time because my hands are restrained."
  216. >You remember that she's also lactating at the moment as well. A combination of these two things suddenly looks particularly desirable in your view.
  217. >A chilling urge drills its way into your mind.
  218. "Oh, now that you mention it. I wish you had brought a water bottle. I was starting to get thirsty a little ways back."
  219. >"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that."
  220. >Fluttershy looks down at her cuffs, and than back up at you. She blushes a little bit, almost looking like she's trying to hold back a smile.
  221. >The two of you continue walking for another couple of minutes.
  222. >It's just the strangest thing. All of a sudden, the sun seems to be bearing down on both of you, despite you being under a ceiling of tree leaves. The air promptly becomes a lot more dry and toasty than it was up to a minute or two ago. In your own personal opinion, of course.
  223. >It sure is weird how hot and dry the weather has spontaneously become over the course of two minutes or so. Must have run into a sharp heat wave or dry spell, or maybe a combination of the two.
  224. >This climate is beginning to intensify your thirst, or course. That's a good excuse, right?
  226. >Seizing a wonderful opportunity, you begin to breathe heavily, just loud enough for Fluttershy to hear.
  227. >"Master? Are you okay?" Fluttershy asks you.
  228. >Well, that didn't take long.
  229. "Oh, me? I'm fine." You answer. "This dry heat is just getting to me a little."
  230. >"Oh, I know that feeling. It usually is like this when Milky and I would go through here. But the view is nice anyway."
  231. "Say, don't you have a car or something?"
  232. >Your eyes widen as you realize how stupid you were to ask that question. You might have just ruined everything for yourself.
  233. >"Oh no, I don't have a car. Carbon Monoxide is bad for the environment, Master. And Milky doesn't drive because seat belts don't fit very well around her... you know."
  234. >Oh god, how lucky are you right now?
  235. >After hearing that, you really want to see if you can get some action with Milky as well. Fluttershy's her close friend, after all.
  236. >Given the situation that Fluttershy's already in, Milky would be more than okay with joining in, since she and Fluttershy share a common trait at the moment.
  237. >You actually want to wait until both of them are in your presence.
  238. >"I'm sorry that there isn't a faster way to get over there. And I'm also sorry that I wanted to be taken over in these chains. I know it's a little... strange. I'm sorry, Master." Fluttershy apologizes.
  239. >This is definitely more than just a little strange.
  240. "It's okay. I don't mind if you have certain preferences."
  241. >"You can be honest if you want, Master. I understand if this is a little bit of an inconvenience to you."
  242. "It's not. Really. I'm totally okay with this thing we're doing here, Fluttershy."
  243. >More like totally enjoying where this is going.
  244. >"If you want, I can make it up to you."
  245. "What do you mean?"
  246. >Fluttershy gets red in the face and narrows her eyes a little bit.
  247. >"Well, since you're thirsty and everything. I was wondering if you wanted to..."
  248. >It's not hard to tell where she's going with this.
  250. >"I mean... I know you would definitely really like that, and there's probably no way you're not going to do it at this point now that I brought it up. But I just want to save all of my milk for when we get to Milky Way's house, since that's the whole reason we're here anyway."
  251. >She has a point, and with that said, you have two options. You can either do something with her here in the forest, or wait until you both reach the house so Fluttershy will have more to offer and you could possibly get something from Milky Way as well.
  252. >Fluttershy lowers her hands and lifts each of her feet forward over the cuffs so her hands are behind her back.
  253. >"You can go ahead and just get it over with now, Master. I-if you want to."
  254. >Her arms being positioned towards her back cause her bosom to push out more prominently. You've never seen Fluttershy this busty before. It's almost like she's trying to tempt you into doing it.
  255. >And due to your aspirations regarding the arrival at Milky Way's house, Fluttershy's perky bust isn't quite pushing your urge over the edge. But holy flipping fuck is it trying.
  256. >You stand your ground.
  257. "It's okay, Fluttershy. It's not like we're in a desert or anything. And like you said, it should only be another 45 minutes. Right?"
  258. >"Yes, Master. It should."
  259. "So, we shall hold off until your milk is properly collected." You enthusiastically declare.
  260. >"Oh... okay." Fluttershy concludes. "Well, I'll keep my hands behind my back in case you change your mind."
  261. >Ch-challenge... accepted.
  262. >Nod to her as the walking continues. Once you're both reach the house, you will get to have even more fun with twice as many girls.
  263. >You watch Fluttershy walk and continue to slightly swing her hips in front of you.
  264. >Even from behind her back, you can see the side of one of her boobs, since you're at a slightly diagonal angle behind her. It jiggles a little bit with each step she takes.
  265. >This shouldn't be a very difficult task.
  267. >Fluttershy slowly leads you through the remainder of the forest. As she walks in front of you, you just can't take your eyes off of her.
  268. >The minutes go on, and you soon find yourself grabbing onto the leash closer to where the collar is, becoming closer and closer to Fluttershy.
  269. >She doesn't seem to notice at first. She just continues to walk down the path with her hips slightly swinging. Hypnotizing you just a little bit more with every step that she takes.
  270. >Your hand is now about halfway down the leash.
  271. >At this point, Fluttershy can feel a change in how the leash is being pulled. She looks back to find your hand holding onto the leash a lot closer to her than she had remembered.
  272. >Fluttershy doesn't say anything, as though in hopes not to disturb the moment.
  273. >At this point, she has clearly noticed you looking at her body as she walks. But the girl doesn't say still anything, and proceeds down the path while allowing your eyes to fix their gaze on what they like.
  274. >The air around you two feels hotter and hotter.
  275. >Several minutes pass. And then several more.
  276. >Aside all of the excuses you're thinking of making once you inevitably cave in, your legs are actually starting to feel really tired. And the fact that you'll get nice things from needing a break causes an effect in your brain and body that makes you grow tired faster than usual.
  277. >It's like some sort of placebo effect.
  278. >It doesn't take long for you to slow down.
  279. >The chain tenses up in result of this and Fluttershy begins to feel a weak force preventing her from waking as fast.
  280. >She slows down to stay consistent with your pace. This lasts for about another 10 minutes, or at least that's what it feels like.
  281. >Fluttershy knows that you are getting closer and closer to caving in. She frequently peeks back at you with an almost sympathetic expression on her face.
  282. >She also knows that you know she is starting to piece it together, which is causing you to slow down even more.
  284. >It's like you both are having a silent conversation, negotiating how many steps left until your urges overcome your restraint.
  285. >And she slows down as you slow down, answering to your calls for mercy. But the slower you two go, the longer it's going to take to get to Milky's house. And the longer this moment shall last.
  286. >It's pretty much unavoidably going to happen at his point. There's not a doubt in your mind.
  287. >Your eyes lock on to the side of Fluttershy's boob again from your view from behind her.
  288. >Even though the steps she takes aren't as large, it's still moving no matter what. Just enough for you to notice.
  289. >Inside your boxers, your dick pushes forward. Desperate for an escape so it can stand all the way up.
  290. >This combined with everything else makes walking virtually impossible. It's time, Anon.
  291. >You stand in place.
  292. >After feeling a sharp tug on the leash from your absence of movement, Fluttershy also stops walking, as she cannot go anywhere with you holding the chain anyway.
  293. >Both of you stand there for a moment in silence. Listening to the birds chirping in the distance and somewhere up in the trees. Birds that will have to shield the eyes of their young in about a minute or so.
  294. >The standing continues and the walking does not. Fluttershy knows exactly what this means.
  295. >She turns to face you and lets out a sigh.
  296. >At this point, just look at her tits the entire time. There's practically no reason not to, so why the hell not?
  297. >"G-go ahead, Anon. Just... promise me y-you'll be gentle." Fluttershy says to you.
  298. >You have no idea why, but you feel some sort of notion to resist. Or at least find an alternative so that all of her milk is saved.
  299. "I still don't know, I..." You stutter, unable to find the right words. "I want to make sure you have enough to offer when we get there."
  300. >"Well, you're the one who stopped walking first. So, you're the one who decides whether to go through with it now or not. Um... Master."
  302. >That word sounds even better when you have a boner while hearing it.
  303. >"And it's not like I would be able to stop you anyway."
  304. "Well, self control isn't really a factor that's on my side. Look, maybe I don't have to go all the way through with it."
  305. >"What do you mean?"
  306. "Well to make it really simple, I could just be satisfied with... just touching them for a little bit. And maybe that will get it out of my system and I'll last the rest of the way."
  307. >"You really think you'll just be able to just do that and not... lose control and go all the way? I mean, that's another thing I was thinking about."
  308. "Do you mean..."
  309. >"Yes. I mean, it does make sense since I wouldn't get pregnant anyway."
  310. >The need to unzip your pants stings the back of your mind.
  311. >You need to be fair with this girl. Try to resist as much as you can.
  312. >But you find yourself already walking towards her.
  313. >In seconds you wrap one arm around her.
  314. >"Look. We already stopped walking. Just go ahead and do whatever you want about it." Fluttershy says, swinging her cuffed hands side to side behind her back.
  315. >Dropping the leash, you take your left hand and slowly cup Fluttershy's left breast in your palm.
  316. >Right when you press onto it, it's softness gives way to your hand.
  317. >"What are you going to do?" Fluttershy asks.
  318. "I'll just... feel around for a minute or so. That should get enough out of my systems."
  319. >You know that if you actually have sex with her, that would surely push your urges far over the edge. Best just let your hands get what they want and not do anything that would tempt you too much.
  320. >Fluttershy stands still as you gently squeeze her chest. The luscious mounds of flesh under her clothes are like pillows.
  321. >Gesturing your eyes towards the ground, to signal for Fluttershy to sit down with you. She does so after the two of you move away from the path and behind a couple of bushes.
  322. >You cannot take your eyes off of Fluttershy's chest.
  324. >Before you know it, you find your face moving in closer and closer. Fluttershy lets out another sigh as you do this. What was supposed to hold back your appetite is merely encouraging it.
  325. >Now resting your face on the soft bust, you close your eyes and listen to the sounds of nature around you.
  326. >"It's okay, Master. If you can't hold it back anymore, you don't have to." Fluttershy whispers as you feel the vibrations of her voice slightly tremor through her chest along with her heartbeat.. "I'll surely have some left for when we get to Milky's place. Just do what you need to do. I'll try to keep anything from coming out the best I can."
  327. >Don't say anything in response this time. Just dig your face deeper into her bust. The smooth skin slides past your cheeks as you move your face around.
  328. >Fluttershy's tits push forward onto your face with each deep breath that she takes. Pressing onto you.
  329. >You begin delivering tiny kisses along the warm surface, slightly tasting the skin with each peck your lips make with her skin. Your mouth plants the kisses in multiple areas on Fluttershy's left breast, before you move over to the right one.
  330. >Remember to avoid letting your lips go over the nipples. At certain points, the pointy nipples would be softly glided along the sides of your face as you focus your mouth on other parts.
  331. >Wrap your arms around Fluttershy, hugging her as she leans back against the tree. Your hands are no longer the things that are exploring her soft, prominent chest. Your face ventures on alone, now.
  332. >Then, to your (somewhat) mistake, your mouth passes over Fluttershy's right nipple. You can't really put your finger over how it happened, it just happened.
  333. >Fluttershy is silent, waiting for whatever it is you decide to do.
  334. >You try to just plant one kiss on it, just for the feeling, but your lips do not lift back off.
  335. >"It's okay, Master." Fluttershy assures you in a soft tone.
  336. >Her gentle breath can be felt on the top of your head.
  338. >It's impossible for you to pull your lips away. Instead, they press a little bit more. The soft feeling of the surface is alluring to you while Fluttershy is silent, perhaps encouraging your surrender to her bosom.
  339. >You mostly do no want to do so, but you tighten your lips around the nipple an slightly suck on it. Still trying to make it so nothing comes out.
  340. >It's the strangest thing; you really don't want to let her down. But you just can't help yourself. The feeling of it in your mouth pulls you in, defeating you.
  341. >Fluttershy inhales sharply as you move your lips some more. The rest of her seems to tense for some reason.
  342. >To your surprise, her nipple tastes a little bit sweet in your mouth. Something that enhances your enjoyment of the moment.
  343. >In addition to this surprise, nothing seems to come out either. Even though it's been between your lips for about a minute now.
  344. >Briefly look up at Fluttershy, who has her eyes shut and appears to be straining. Effortfully trying to do something.
  345. >Still, nothing has come out. It's hard to understand why this is, until you begin to piece it together.
  346. >Somehow, Fluttershy is managing to hold everything in. She continues to sit there with her eyes closed, still straining.
  347. "Wha... what are you doing?" You ask.
  348. >"I'm helping you, Master." She replies. "I'm keeping myself from letting it go."
  349. >You stare at her, confused.
  350. "But how?"
  351. >"I don't know. Just go ahead and finish up whenever you're ready. I'll... do my best."
  352. >Move your focus back on what you have in your mouth. You resume kissing and licking and doing all kinds of things with Fluttershy's right nipple. As you begin to caress it with your mouth a little bit more aggressively, Fluttershy begins to breathe heavily.
  353. >It's amazing how good a job Fluttershy is doing with this. No matter how much you do with your mouth, Fluttershy doesn't give in. She's a hell of a lot more determined than you are.
  355. >You eventually release the breast from your grasp and asses anything that might have happened with it. Check the whole area for any traces of spilled milk.
  356. >Nothing.
  357. >You're baffled at how this could be possible, especially since Fluttershy is going through a period during which she is supposed to be lactating.
  358. >"I... think I'll be able to manage now. Um... good job." You stammer to her in a weakly congratulatory tone.
  359. >"Did you like that, Master?" Fluttershy asks you. "Did... it feel good?"
  360. "Yes." You answer her. "Did it for you."
  361. >"I liked it a lot more than you know, Master. But I didn't let myself like it too much to the point where I wouldn't control if milk comes out or not."
  362. "You mean..."
  363. >"Yes. I... may have practiced this kind of thing before. I don't remember what encouraged me to start, but I kinda got a little bit good at it. I guess I just wanted to learn how to conserve my milk so my... young... could have as much as they want."
  364. >That must have been her plan before she discovered her condition. The realization of this strikes you right in the heart as you imagine all of Fluttershy's self-training being all for nothing.
  365. "Oh..."
  366. >"I've never really had anything come out before. But that was because I had never lac- you know. So, I just wanted it to build up as much as possible."
  367. "Well, that's good."
  368. >"I just hope that I will have the opportunity to care for a child one day. I've already done tons of thing to prepare for it, including what I just told you. I supposed the things I do sometimes show that I'm a little obsessed with wanting to take care of something I can call my young."
  369. "It's okay, Fluttershy. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. So... I guess I'll be able to control myself now."
  370. >"Okay. Let's go ahead and keep walking, then."
  371. >With out another word, the two of you stand back up. You cover Fluttershy's breasts back up so she is decent once more. And then, you both continue along the path.
  373. >Minutes pass.
  374. >You and Fluttershy now walk a lot closer to eachother, now fond of one another from what just happened behind the bushes. It was a pretty good bonding experience.
  375. >She smiles as she continues to lead the way through the now hot and humid forest. The birds in the distance continue chirping their singing tunes into the afternoon air.
  376. >Several more minutes of walking pass, and you begin to feel an empty feeling on the inside. What had happened to you behind the bushes might have been a little bit on the embarrassing and disgraceful side, due to your loss of self-control. But you have to admit that it felt so amazing.
  377. >It was so soft, and now you miss it. You find yourself eyeing Fluttershy's body once again. It's like you're addicted.
  378. >But if this keeps up, you'll never make it to Milky way's house in time, if at all. There must be a way to compromise.
  379. >You gently pull the leash towards you, causing Fluttershy to stop in her tracks. She gasps for a second, but then sighs in acceptance as she believes that you need another go at her.
  380. >And she's partially correct.
  381. >"There are some bushes right over there, Master." Fluttershy indicates, pointing to a couple of bushes of the side of the path.
  382. >You go right behind her and reach around her body, grabbing onto her chest. The breasts immediately give way to your hands.
  383. "Shhh... It's alright, it's alright. I just want something to hold on to this time while we walk."
  384. >Fluttershy hesitates, slightly skeptical.
  385. >"Um, okay. I think it feels kind of good anyway. We should get there soon." She says to you.
  386. >You both continue on forward.
  387. >Hold on to Fluttershy from behind her, keeping you speed constant in comparison to her.
  388. >Her body is pressing into yours.
  389. >Of course, your inevitable boner greets her from behind. Fluttershy giggles a little bit as she feels this, seeming to enjoy the feeling.
  390. >This moment is what lasts the remainder of the walk. It's rather comforting.
  392. >Finally.
  393. >You and Fluttershy finally make it to the backyard of a house. Fluttershy points out to you that it is indeed the place where you two were going. No other streets or paths to go on.
  394. >Just the house right there. That's it, the end of the long walk that you liked more than you had first expected to.
  395. >This doesn't really seem very realistic that after the whole walk, the house is suddenly there. It doesn't even really look like there are any neighbors around here.
  396. >And unexpected suspicion sparks itself in your mind. But you try to ignore it so you don't ruin the moment you came all this way for.
  397. >Without any further ado, Fluttershy simply leads you up the steps to the back porch and sits down with you on a couple of lawn chairs.
  398. >"Master, you can reach into my pocket and grab the keys, now." Fluttershy tells you.
  399. "Which one?"
  400. >"Left."
  401. >You reach into Fluttershy's left pocket and pull out her mobile phone. Place it beside her and reach in again to retrieve the keys to the handcuffs and collar that she wears.
  402. >Fluttershy nods to you before you take the keys and unlock the devices that restrain her. Once she is free, she takes her phone and sends a single text to her friend, who is apparently inside the house.
  403. >The suspicion returns.
  404. >What if she found out the real reason for Flash being sent to prison? Without that occurring, you would have never experienced this, along with... other things. And now she could be trying to do something to bring you to justice. It was a little odd that she randomly texted you, and that the house was right there.
  405. >What if she's actually getting ready to call the police or something, and this whole walk was just a ruse? Is it possible to text the police?
  406. >But after a minute or so, the glass doors of the house open up and out steps Milky Way.
  407. >You let out a sigh of relief as you know you just prevented your imagination from inducing another spaghetti moment.
  408. >That sure was close.
  410. >"Heya, Flutters." Greets Milky. "You said you want to... finally give it a try?"
  411. >"Um... yes." Fluttershy responds. "And I brought my friend along, too."
  412. >Fluttershy points to you. You wave to milky as she stares at you. She has a little bit of a confused look on her face.
  413. >"Um... do you know this guy really well?" Milky asks.
  414. >"Oh, yes! This kind of stuff isn't anything he hasn't seen before. He usually helps me with things that involve me not wearing any clothes around him." Fluttershy lies so you can get into the house with her. "Is it okay with you if he is able to be there with us? He and I walked all the way over here."
  415. >"Okay. Sure." Milky verifies. "Welp, come on in. There's not really any time for small talk anyway. I'm a little bit busy with someone else."
  416. >"Oh, really? Who?"
  417. >"Your friend Rarity decided to come over with her child as well. She tells me that I'm the only one she knows with a device that extracts her breast milk the proper way." Milky explains. "She doesn't like to do it the other way."
  418. >Even Rarity is here. You don't even know what to say or think in response to this.
  419. >All three of you go into the house. You all enter the house's kitchen and go into a hallway. You are directed with Fluttershy over to some back room where mechanical sounds can be heard.
  420. >You enter the doorway to find a completely topless Rarity standing in front of some kind of machine. She appears to already be done using it.
  421. >A quick glance of her nipples meets your eyes before she promptly covers her chest with her hands and squeals in shock.
  422. >"What is he doing here?" She frantically asks.
  423. >"It's okay, Rarity. He's Fluttershy's close friend. He's seen topless girls before." Milky assures Rarity. "You don't have to worry about this one."
  424. >She glares at you with a suspicious look. You notice that on one of her sides is a medium sides container of milk that she just recently half-filled.
  426. >Rarity looks down at her hands that still cover her bare chest, and then over to the top half of her clothes which lie across the room. She then looks over at you.
  427. >She knows that there's no way she can keep herself covered the entire time. She waits for a couple of seconds before removing her hands from her chest and letting her goods hang free.
  428. >"It's okay, Rarity. He's only going to be here when we all hang out here." Milky explains.
  429. >Meanwhile, Fluttershy stands in the corner of the room, unwilling to move from her spot. She's gotten really nervous and apprehensive now that she's not restrained anymore.
  430. >"Is everything alright, Fluttershy?" Milky asks.
  431. >Fluttershy looks over to her, twiddling her thumbs. She doesn't look like she wants to answer.
  432. >"Umm... well, the reason I came over here is because I promised my pets that I would." Fluttershy informs them. "Wouldn't it be better if... I don't know... Milky just gave some of hers instead?"
  433. >You become confused upon hearing Fluttershy saying this as Milky smiles at her. Rarity looks at both of them.
  434. >"But... isn't the reason you came over here to... make your pets happy?" Milky asks.
  435. >"Yes. And I wanted to relate to them more, too. But, I'm not too sure if I should do this. I mean, what if I actually end up with a human kid somehow one day through adoption? I want to be able to provide all I can for them." Fluttershy tells her.
  436. >"Aw, it's okay. It's not like it won't come back. And if it doesn't at first, all you have to do is have sex again." Milky explains. "That should do the trick just fine."
  437. >Milky walks with Fluttershy out of the room and to somewhere else in the house to talk with her. You can still hear them speaking with eachother. Listen in as Fluttershy explains a portion of what she's been doing and why she did it.
  438. >"Look, it's not like I completely don't want to do this. I just... need someone to help me get into it." Says Fluttershy.
  440. >They both exit into the living room as they speak.
  441. >"You see, to relate to my pets, I've been getting people to kind of... treat me like one so I can feel closer to them."
  442. >The two continue to talk as you are left alone with Rarity, who is still topless. She glares at you, checking to see if you're looking at her boobs or not.
  443. >You step outside of the doorway and face away from her, as you know for a fact that your eyes are not going to obey any command you give them to not look. You just know this from experience.
  444. >"Darling?" You hear Rarity call to you from in the room, but quietly enough so she doesn't wake her child. Fluttershy and Milky are still talking things out elsewhere in the house.
  445. >A hand can be felt on your shoulder. Turn your head to see Rarity approaching you.
  446. >"Anon, I do not hate you or anything. I just want to make that clear. I'm really not even very mad at you." She says to you.
  447. "It's okay. I know you girls have a knack for privacy."
  448. >"Well the thing is, I'm not even completely done with my session. I'm just taking small breaks since I like to pace myself in things like this." Rarity explains. "So, I'm not going to be putting my top back on any time soon."
  449. >Look up at the ceiling.
  450. >"Darling, I don't mind if you look. But what I don't like is being lied to. Tell me... why are you really here? I don't mind if the other girls don't find out, that's their problem. But I want you to tell me the truth. Did you really come here because it was a good excuse to see some of us topless?"
  451. "What makes you figure that?"
  452. >"Oh, puh-lease! I saw that look on your face when Twilight was breast feeding her daughter and she made you look away. I could see the pressing desire in your eyes. And I have to admit, I did feel bad for you. All you wanted was a peek, am I right?"
  453. "Y-yes..."
  454. >"Look, I'm not saying that you have to admit it to them, but the only thing that bothers me is whether I'm being lied to or not. And I'm not easily fooled, darling."
  456. >Just go along with it.
  457. "Okay, Rarity. You win. I'll confess. Half of the reason I came here was to look at boobs, I'll admit that. Alright? Please, don't tell the others that. This is my only chance to at least do something like this for once in my life, because lord knows I'm not attractive or popular enough to experience something like this otherwise."
  458. >"Go on..."
  459. "And the main reason I came here is because Fluttershy asked me to. And for the record, I wouldn't have done it if it weren't for the boobs, okay? At least I'm brave enough to admit it. But I really am mainly doing this to help Fluttershy. She seems like she's having a lot of issues, and this is what she wanted. And you don't believe me, you can ask her yourself, she'll tell you!"
  460. >Rarity pauses for a second.
  461. >"Okay, then. I suppose I'm not mad." She replies.
  462. "Well, do you know what it's like to have your eyes constantly kept away from seeing something they really like? And no matter what you do, no one ever gives you a break with it? And all you want to do is just look at something really quick, not even being able to help it, but no one lets you because of their personal values and it would make you a pervert or slut or something? Do you have any idea what that feels like?"
  463. >Rarity looks down to your crotch, where your erection pushes from under your pants. You had no idea that was happening down there until now. But in your defense, you were distracted by something; the same thing that caused the boner in the first place.
  464. >"Oh trust me, Darling. I might be more familiar with that feeling than you think. Though I haven't really felt it anymore in the past years."
  465. >Oh, the implications in that statement.
  466. >Rarity puts her hands on your shoulders as you look right into her eyes.
  467. >"Well? Aren't you going to look, then? That is part of what you came here for, isn't it?"
  468. >You nod.
  469. >"Well, go on. Be honest with me and yourself before the other two come back."
  471. >Look down at Rarity's chest. Her supple breasts point right at you, very well accented by the lighting in the hallway.
  472. >But you cannot find it in you to say anything.
  473. >"Well, what do you think? Was it worth the walk over here? Does it really mean that much for you to see these breasts of mine that just got milked like a cow?"
  474. "I... don't really know how to respond to that."
  475. >Rarity snickers, knowing that she's got you in the palm of her hand. She then places her hand on your bulge, feeling it.
  476. >"It's quite alright, darling. I suppose we both aspire to... see things." She says as she takes your hands and place them on her chest. "I'll tell you what. Since you're the first guy not to lie to me, I'll allow you to... pleasure yourself to my image."
  477. "What? Really?"
  478. >"Not right now, of course. We don't have the privacy right now. But there are conditions, however. How about you give me your number, and you and I will exchange... pictures of ourselves." Rarity plans. "Every time you show me something... I'll reward you with a little something of myself."
  479. "Um... okay."
  480. >"But you have to do in the picture exactly what I tell you to. No questions asked. Otherwise, I won't give you anything in return. Okay, darling?"
  481. "Are we ever going to do anything in person?" You suddenly and bravely ask.
  482. >Rarity blushes and widens her eyes.
  483. >"Um... soon, darling. But not yet. I want to do this first, okay? Because of reasons."
  484. "Okay."
  485. >You hear the other two girls coming back from elsewhere in the house. You frantically pull your number up on your phone and Rarity takes a picture of it with hers. You can't help but peer at her chest as she does this.
  486. >But of course, you've already told her what you told her, so it's all out in the open now. She even smiles a little bit as she notices you looking at her.
  487. >"Alright, let me show you what you're supposed to do then. Follow me, Fluttershy." Milky starts off as she pulls her shirt off.
  489. >Her massive breasts are released from underneath and jiggle around with each step she takes. She wasn't even wearing a bra under her shirt.
  490. >"Anon. I need you to also come and watch this. Just, well why not?" Milky tells you as she goes back into the room.
  491. >You re-enter the room, followed by Rarity, who enters right behind you.
  492. >Milky way steps up to the machine and grabs a handle that rests on top of it. She leans forward to reach the handle, letting her tits hang over a large tank with two small mechanical suction cups attached to it. Her abdomen rests on a seat like surface with what looks like a seat belt attached to it.
  493. >"Could you put them on for me, Rarity?" Milky asks. "I'm going to show Fluttershy how this thing works so she has nothing to be afraid of.
  494. >Fluttershy eyes the machine. She appears to be somewhat afraid of it, as though it could potentially hurt her or something.
  495. >Rarity hooks Milky Way's nipples up to the machine and turns it on. The device is actually surprisingly quiet.
  496. >The tiny suction cups move their lip-like rims to make smaller and then larger openings, causing a radial stroking motion. Milky begins to blush a little as this happens, also starting to deepen her breathing.
  497. >The cups continue their little cycle for a few second, slowly doing something to make the milk closer to coming out. Perhaps it was the rubbing on the skin.
  498. >"So, you have to let them do this for a little bit before it starts to come out." Milky explains in a labored tone. "Should be any minute now..."
  499. >Rarity watches her with her arms crossed while you stand behind Fluttershy so no one sees the bulge in your pants. Just watching this happen makes you feel funny on the inside to an extent.
  500. >After about 30 more seconds, Milky lets out a sigh as you notice a stream of milk run through the thin tube that is attached to the suction cups.
  501. >"Oh my..." Fluttershy gasps softly as Rarity places her hand on her shoulder.
  503. >"It'll be quite alright, darling. It doesn't hurt, I promise." Rarity tells her. "It feels exactly like a mouth sucking on your nipple. Um... not that I would know what that feels like, of course."
  504. >Yeah, sure you wouldn't, Rarity.
  505. >Fluttershy looks back over at the machine, seeming a little bit worried. It's understandable that she would be afraid of a mechanical device that forces the milk out of a girl's breasts.
  506. >She's probably wondering how it manages to get so much of something from the inside to come out into a tube. It would be rather frightening to someone who is is unfamiliar with technology.
  507. >Fluttershy's shaking a little bit as Milky finishes delivering her surprisingly plentiful amount of milk into the tank near the base of the machine. Milky then pulls the suction cups off of herself, stands back upward and faces Fluttershy.
  508. >"See? I'm not hurt or anything." Milky points out, showing Fluttershy her nipples. "There's nothing to worry about."
  509. >"Um... I'm still not sure... I mean, can't I just use the milk you just put out? My pets wouldn't be able to tell the difference." Fluttershy suggests.
  510. >"But then why did you come over here, darling?" Rarity asks.
  511. >"To bring back some milk because my pets wanted me to."
  512. >Imagine Fluttershy's pets actually talking to her and telling her that she needs to do this. What if that's what was going on in Fluttershy's mind at he time? You reintroduce the possibility of mental help for Fluttershy to your thoughts.
  513. >You feel like a pervert for further encouraging her delusion instead of getting her a psychologist simply because you have these... needs. She could go completely insane because of what you didn't do.
  514. >Fluttershy whispers something into Milky's ear. Milky listens to what she tells her, and then takes a deep breath.
  515. >"Are... you sure that's the only way, then?" Milky Way asks Fluttershy. "I mean, I guess there would be no harm in that."
  517. >Fluttershy silently nods in response, looking towards the glass doors that lead to the balcony. Milky looks in the same direction, and then back at Fluttershy. She seems to be a little hesitant about what Fluttershy had just told her.
  518. >"All right. I'll go get them." Milky says to her as she goes towards the glass doors.
  519. >You stand next to a bashful Fluttershy who anxiously watches Milky Way exit through the glass doors to go to the back patio of her house. Milky didn't even bother to put a shirt on or anything; she simply walked outside with her voluptuous chest bouncing in the open.
  520. >Well, there doesn't appear to be anything behind this house except for trees, so it's not like the chances of someone seeing her are very high at all. This girl must know for a fact that there's not going to be a chance of anyone being there, given that she lives here.
  521. >A moment passes.
  522. >Milky comes back in with the pair of handcuffs that Fluttershy had left on the deck. She looks over to Fluttershy with a slightly belittling expression.
  523. >"So what made you want to go for these ones?" She asks.
  524. >"Really? Those again, darling?" Rarity asks.
  525. >You stare at the three as it slowly unfolds in your mind what is about to happen. The more it starts to dawn on you, the more excited you become.
  526. >Fluttershy doesn't say anything and puts the cuffs onto her wrists as tight as they can go. She locks them in place and gives you a bit of a sorrowful look. Only a key can free her hands.
  527. >Begin to try to figure out how to react as the other two girls approach her. It is at this moment that you remember that you had put the key in your pocket after releasing Fluttershy the first time.
  528. >"Come on, Shy! It's time for your extraction." Milky encourages Fluttershy to partake in what occurs in that small room behind the kitchen. "Come here, girl!"
  529. >Fluttershy instinctively back away from the two and into the living room. She retreats behind the couch before being followed there by her pursuers.
  531. >Rarity and Milky corner Fluttershy from either side of the couch and grab her by the arms. Fluttershy struggles and twists around as she is gradually walked through the kitchen by the two girls. Rarity gestures for you to follow them into the room.
  532. >Fluttershy begins to make soft squealing sounds as she is brought up to the machine. But she automatically silences herself as she is in the presence of a sleeping child. She is mindful to be as quiet as she can as she tries to reverse the bondage she had inflicted on herself.
  533. >You join them as they lean Fluttershy's abdomen against the seat-like surface. Fluttershy's arms are lifted over to the top of the machine and her hands onto the top handle.
  534. >"Anon, we need you to go to the other side and connect the cuffs around that handle." Milky instructs you in a carefully quiet tone.
  535. >Nod and begin making your way over. As you do this, Rarity and Milky untuck the bottom of Fluttershy's top from the rim of her skirt. Fluttershy manages to get her arms back down and press them against the sides of her body to keep her shirt from being lifted up.
  536. >"Darling, it's okay." Rarity whispers. "It will be over in a couple of minutes."
  537. >Fluttershy shuts her eyes and holds her position as the four hands slide her top halfway up her abdomen. But her elbows prevent the other girls from going any further. You have to make sure to hide your boner behind the device so it isn't in plain sight.
  538. >"Anon, we need you to get Fluttershy's hands to stay up there." Milky whispers over to you.
  539. >Take the keys out of your pocket and reach across and grab ahold of Fluttershy's hands. You pull them in the direction of the handle at the top of the machine. Fluttershy struggles to break free of all of the grasps that bind her, but the seat belt that is attached to the surface her stomach lies on has been wrapped around her and connected behind her back. She can only arch her back to try to distance herself from you.
  541. >You direct her slender hands back up to the handle and unlock the left cuff. Then, you pull the loose cuff through opening of the handle and reattach it to Fluttershy's hand, causing her hands to be connected to the handle and unable to go back to her body, which is now being unveiled with ease.
  542. >In seconds, Fluttershy's tank top is lifted all the way up to her collar, exposing her bra, which Rarity unhooks. The bra falls away and the the busty breasts are freed and now hang right in front of the suction cups that Milky holds in her hands.
  543. >Fluttershy cannot even pull away as Milky Way lifts the loosened bra out of the way and presses the suction cups onto Fluttershy's bare nipples. Fluttershy keeps silent as the suction cups are latched on, and flinches when the air pressure from the suction begins to take effect.
  544. >Rarity strokes Fluttershy's hair as she whispers thing into her ear to tell her everything's alright.
  545. >"It's not hurting you, I promise." She assures her. "Just relax and let it happen."
  546. >Fluttershy breathes heavily as she tries to pull away from the machine that is sucking away at her body. It's apparent that her first time might not be the most comfortable. But the handcuffs and strap around her body make it impossible for her to move away.
  547. >Within a few seconds, the suction cups begin to contract and then widen their rims. You can barely notice this, but the movement is just enough to be visible. The rims of the cups continue to do this at a constant and even rate, like a pair of lips closing and opening around the nipples.
  548. >Fluttershy shudders as she feels the effects of this. She perks up a little, attempting to internalize her reactions to the sudden feeling.
  549. >Milky watches attentively, expecting the excretions of milk to appear at any second. Fluttershy braces herself as she is pushed towards allowing herself to cave in.
  550. >Keep yourself hidden from the waist down, as you can feel yourself practically going full staff at this point.
  552. >And nothing comes out. The tiny plastic cups continue to open and close on Fluttershy's breasts, heavily encouraging them to release what's inside. But Fluttershy resists, maintaining composure.
  553. >You remember how she did this in the woods, and how she previously kept herself from releasing the milk from her nipples so it could be saved for this moment now.
  554. >She's doing it again, for whatever personal reason it is this time. She has managed to push herself all the way over here through the friendly force of her friends, but when it comes to her own natural bodily functions, she is the only one who has any control over it. Well, to the best of your current knowledge.
  555. >Milky turns a dial on the device and the lips of the suction cups begin to move a little bit faster, making it more difficult for Fluttershy to hold it in. You imagine how long you would last if this thing was doing the same kind of thing to your dick.
  556. >There's no way you could last more than a minute, judging by the way the lips of the suction cups move along the smooth surface of Fluttershy's nipples. This girl's talented for having held it in for this long.
  557. >"Shy? Sweetie?" Rarity addresses her. "The sooner you let it out the sooner it will be over."
  558. >"Come on, girl! You'll get a treat after you're done!" Milky says to her, articulating to Rarity that Fluttershy wants to be talked to like one of her pets. "Be a good girl like your friends back at your home, Shy!"
  559. >Fluttershy becomes red in the face and keeps her eyes shut. She's still desperately trying to pull away from the machine so the cups are detached from her breasts. She's determined to keep her milk inside so she can deliver it her own way later.
  560. >But she had promised that she would do it this way, and a kind girl never backs down on a promise just because they changed their mind about something. No, Fluttershy's going to finish the thing she started.
  562. >But her own willpower is too strong, which is why she needs the bondage that holds her still so she can do what she vowed to do before her own panic washed away her determination.
  563. >"Fluttershy, I know you're being brave right now." Milky says to her. "But you're being brave the wrong way. You're supposed to fight the thing that makes you fight this. Come on, girl. You saw me do it, and you can do it, too."
  564. >Fluttershy lets out a squeak.
  565. "Is... she alright?" You ask, wanting to openly convey concern.
  566. >"She just needs someone to comfort her as she does this. It's spooking her out, it looks like." Rarity whispers.
  567. >Fluttershy winces as the cups begin sucking on her even faster. Deep down, she wants to do this, but her nervousness wants her to pull away and get the machine off of her. This is what Milky was talking about.
  568. >"Come on. You're a brave girl, Fluttershy." Milky whispers as she wraps her arms around Fluttershy.
  569. >The sight of this isn't doing anything close to helping your bulge from receding. Milky and Rarity are both also topless, and the sight of them on either side of Fluttershy... pressing themselves against her...
  570. >On a screen, this wouldn't have really affected you as much, but it's the fact that this is actually happening in person, right in front of you, is the type of reason why it's better to see the Grand Canyon in person than just in a picture.
  571. >It's the utter realism.
  572. >Rarity glides her hand up and down the side of Fluttershy's body, running along her smooth skin. This calms Fluttershy down a little bit, but she doesn't release her tension. Milky does the same thing, causing pretty much the exact same reaction.
  573. >Fluttershy slightly slows her breathing, looking like she's ready to submit at first.
  574. >But she doesn't let it out. Rarity caresses the underside of Fluttershy's boobs to relax her even more. This is met with even more of Fluttershy's remarkable resistance.
  576. >Fluttershy continues to loom over the machine restrained. With four hands and two fronts of female bodies rubbing and pressing against her.
  577. >"You're almost there, Fluttershy. This is the last part." Milky urges Fluttershy.
  578. >Fluttershy stays tense over the machine, leaning forward at a 45 degree angle. The suction cups do not cease their rubbing, further stimulating Fluttershy. She still holds it back, directing her focus away from what is trying to squeeze the milk out of her and waiting for something to happen where she's eventually be set free.
  579. >But she's being held right up against this machine. And her restraint is wearing thin. She feels a warm feeling in her breasts as they start to want to loosen. Fluttershy desperately tries to ignore this, and manages to foe a couple of minutes.
  580. >She's holding out exceptionally well.
  581. >Rarity and Milky are gently caressing Fluttershy's body, trying to keep her calm. Fluttershy stands between them, scared. She's visibly frightened by what's happening to her, but she knows deep down that she wants this to be over with already.
  582. >"Darling?" Rarity whispers into her ear. "I can help you out by squeezing them a little bit. Would you be okay with that?"
  583. >It feels like a fantasy come true now that Rarity actually has to ask her that. Rarity moves her hand up along the side of Fluttershy's body toward her chest.
  584. >"N-no... wait..." Fluttershy quietly pleads. "Anon..."
  585. >"Wait, what?" Milky asks.
  586. >"Anon." Fluttershy repeats in a whisper, looking over to you. "Him."
  587. >Rarity looks over to you.
  588. >"You want him to do it? Why?" She asks.
  589. >Fluttershy only nods. She doesn't say anything in regards to the reason behind her preferring you to touch her. But her friends respect that decision.
  590. >"Well... alright, then." Milky agrees. "Anon, come over here."
  591. >You remember that massive bump in your pants from your erection underneath. It is not even close to receding any time soon. Remain motionless on the other side of the machine.
  593. >"Darling, come on now." Rarity tells you. "You heard her. Now's not the time to start being shy, too."
  594. >Standing in place, you still do not respond.
  595. >Milky lets out a frustrated groan.
  596. >"Alright, look." She starts off, looking in the direction of your crotch. "We can see it. All right? You're... not very good at hiding it from view. But we don't care right now, okay? Can you just come over here already?"
  597. >You're frozen in place. These girls are not anywhere near as gullible as you had hoped. Hell, they're not gullible at all, they were able to tell right away.
  598. >Rendezvousing around the machine, you sheepishly walk with your dick pushing the front of your pants forward. They can definitely see it in clear view now.
  599. >Rarity raises an eyebrow as you walk up to her and the others. She smiles a little bit, almost bragging about how stealthy you thought you were in the light of them knowing the whole time.
  600. >"You didn't really think that we wouldn't notice, did you?" She says to you.
  601. >Let out a friendly chuckle, nod your head in agreement and position yourself behind Fluttershy. Just go along with what Rarity's saying to you, there's no other easy was out of this.
  602. >Since Fluttershy is leaning so far forward, you have to do the same to get a good grip on her. Lie halfway down on top of her backside and wrap your arms around her waist. Your arms brush up against Rarity's ad Milky's chests, not exactly helping you boner refraining from ramming itself onto Fluttershy's ass. Your dick tenses for a second and Fluttershy lets out a quiet squeak in response.
  603. >"It's alright, darling. Anon's going to help you finish this once and for all. And then it will all be over." Assures Rarity.
  604. >You know what you must do.
  605. >Move your hands up the sleek front of Fluttershy's body and onto the underside of her breasts. You gently massage them to try to encourage Fluttershy to let them emit what's dying to escape them.
  607. >Fluttershy begins to breathe more rapidly as your fingers close in on the areas where her nipples are. You can now feel the suction cups under your fingers, pulsating at a constant rate.
  608. >Begin applying pressure to the areas right next to the nipples on either side of where the cups are sucking.
  609. >Gentle pressure.
  610. >Fluttershy shuts her eyes tightly and instinctively tries to hold it back again as your fingers squeeze the milk closer to coming out of her nipples. The suction cups are doing their part as well, moving their plastic lips open and closed right onto the nipples, rubbing the skin to cause the milk to come out.
  611. >It's a lot more difficult for Fluttershy to resist this time. It's clear that she can feel it coming. She strains and squeals softly as you squeeze her breasts once more.
  612. >She's scared. And she doesn't know what to do about this.
  613. >Squeeze her soft breasts once more, directing the pressure towards the nipples themselves. Fluttershy's denial of the coming emission is quickly overwhelmed.
  614. >You feel her entire body shake under you as she grunts multiple times. You could have sworn that it sounded like she was whispering your name.
  615. >It's coming out.
  616. >In the plastic tubes, you finally spot the stream of milk flow through. Fluttershy shudders in ecstasy as this occurs.
  617. >"There we go... just let it all out, darling." Rarity coos to Fluttershy, stroking her hair.
  618. >You give the tits one last squeeze, strengthening the stream that is shot into the tubes. The container at the bottom of the machine is filled up relatively quickly.
  619. >It's over in less than a minute.
  620. >...
  621. >After the extraction, the cuffs are eventually released and Fluttershy's shirt is pulled back down. Milky takes the milk that came out of Fluttershy and divides it into two separate pints.
  622. >One of the pints are placed on the kitchen table while the other is taken into another room. To be creative, Milky has decided to churn the second pint into butter.
  624. >However, Fluttershy insists that she like cheese more than butter, and want it to be turned into cheese rather than butter as her treat for being a good girl.
  625. >This girl's got some strange fetishes.
  626. >After agreeing, Milky fulfills Fluttershy's wishes and undergoes the process of turning the milk into cheese. She tells Fluttershy that she'll mail the cheese over when it's ready.
  627. >And with that, Fluttershy grabs the rest of her belonging, including the other pint of milk, and leaves with you to go back home after saying her goodbyes to Milky and Rarity.
  628. >You take another glance at your phone and wonder when Rarity will send you her first... message. At least you still have that to look forward to.
  629. >But that will likely have to wait for another time.
  630. >The walk back home is almost exactly like the walk over to Milky Way's house. Except this time, Fluttershy instead stops several times to look at flowers and animals in the distance. She's still on the leash, but you allow her to enjoy the scenic route of the walk back home.
  631. >Both of you return just before it starts to get too dark outside.
  632. >...
  633. >You have to admit that the past two days have been quite the success for you. Never before have you expected that a girl like Fluttershy would let you do something like that with her. You're a bit disappointed that there wasn't any sex, but you were still overall satisfied.
  634. >The day after her extraction, Fluttershy became a lot more optimistic about her current position in her life. She had used her milk to feed to her pets through a bottle the morning after she got back home. It appears that it's all she wanted to do at the time.
  635. >She told you all about it in school right before you had entered the childcare program.
  636. >Once again, Twilight had made you look away as she was nursing her daughter.
  637. >You've gotten your fill the day before, so it's not surprising that you wouldn't tend to care this time around. A nice little secret you'd like to keep from the others.
  639. >After school, you head on over to Fluttershy's house to check up on her. As you get there and go up to knock on the door, she already opens it before you can even reach the welcome mat, having waited for you again.
  640. >"Hi, Anon." Fluttershy greets you. "Come on in. I have something to show you."
  641. >Fluttershy immediately lets you in and directs you to her kitchen, where you instantly notice a package sitting on the table. She pulls the wrapping off to reveal that it is the cheese that Milky Way said that she would mail over.
  642. "Oh hey, it arrived!" You exclaim, suddenly feeling a sense of desire wash over you.
  643. >You stare at the cheese on the table, knowing that it had come from Fluttershy. If it were any other ordinary cheese, you wouldn't have felt the way you do now.
  644. >Fluttershy sits down at the table and pulls out a butter knife. She uses it to cleave the cheese in half and separate it onto two small plates.
  645. >"Would you like to share this with me?" She asks you. "You did help me out a lot, after all."
  646. >A smile creeps its way onto your face.
  647. "I'd... love to."
  648. >You contently sit down at the table across from Fluttershy. She passes your plate to you and sets hers down in front of herself.
  649. >Pick up the cheese from the plate and take a bite into it as Fluttershy does the same with her share. You both smile at eachother as you begin to consume the cheese.
  650. >The cheese is kind of soft in your mouth and between your rows of teeth, but not in a bad way. Your teeth pierce the surface of the cheese as you bite down into it. It tastes amazing.
  651. >Fluttershy watches you bite it as you watch her bite hers as well.
  652. >It's hard to admit this to yourself, but the fact that this cheese came from Fluttershy... really turns you on. You don't know what it is about that, but it's true.
  653. >You just might have acquired a new fetish. After all of this, you have discovered something unique that you find yourself interested in.
  655. >You suppose that it might seem only fair that if Fluttershy has some sort of pet/master fetish that she had to put up with through all of this, you might as well have your own kink in this as well. And it looks like eating cheese from Fluttershy is just that.
  656. >If anything ,you feel a bit proud of this; not that Fluttershy isn't the only one out of the two of you who takes special interest in something that seems strange to everyone else.
  657. >She sits at the table with you, eating the cheese that Milky made from the breast milk. In silence, you watch eachother eat the cheese, reflecting on the small journey that happened to make all of this possible.
  658. >The afternoon concludes with you and Fluttershy sitting in her house and eating her cheese.
  659. >And afterward, as your sitting on her couch and waiting for Rarity to send you a message, you think something to yourself.
  660. >You would totally do all of this again.
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