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Aug 8th, 2016
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  1. Lord_Gareth: Flight in D&D and its legacy systems has essentially always been annoying
  2. AmberVael: Yeah
  3. Mashallah_: that still sounds better than pf flight
  4. Lord_Gareth: Dunno if 4e or 5e fixed that
  5. Adahn: It also meant that you could do whatever within those limits.
  6. Kelebed: And frankly most gms I've seen just treat it as another movement mode
  7. Kelebed: Climb doesn't have a massive list of dos and donts
  8. Adahn: Yeah!
  9. Adahn: Climb's just shit! :V
  10. Kelebed: Swim doesn't. Burrow needs more
  11. Kelebed: (main thing on burrow: tunnel or no tunnel?
  12. Agata: I am a great fan of the way Strike! handles flight for D&D 4e-style skirmishes. It is arguably more elegant a solution than what 4e had come up with.
  13. Lord_Gareth: We're well aware that you love Strike!
  14. Bellezza: My curry roux was a failure ;-;
  15. AmberVael: I think I've heard enough about strike to last me a month
  16. Lord_Gareth: It's almost like we had a conversation about that earlier or something.
  17. Lord_Gareth: Oh wait.
  18. Lord_Gareth: *We did*.
  19. Tuvarkz: I'd say tunnel as a feat
  20. Adahn: <AmberVael> I think I've heard enough about strike to last me a month
  21. Lord_Gareth is now known as Lord_Shower
  22. Adahn: I could say the same about PF.
  23. Adahn: But it keeps draggin' me back in.
  24. Agata: It is simple. "Flying" is a status effect. If you are flying, melee attacks and Opportunities from non-fliers cannot affect you, but you cannot use melee attacks and Opportunities against non-fliers either.
  25. Adahn: I keep homebrewing, it hurts.
  26. bjc2406_ left the room (quit: Remote host closed the connection).
  27. Adahn: It is a good pain, but it's also a painful one.
  28. Lord_Shower: Agata - That was the least subtle possible clue that no one gives a shit and didn't wanna hear it
  29. bjc2406_ [~bjc2406@8BB3ADF:FEF37400:AD281BC9:IP] entered the room.
  30. Lord_Shower: Goin' AFK now
  31. Agata: I fail to see how it is irrelevant when it is a flight mechanic in a D&D-style system, precisely when you yourself had brought up flight in systems other than Pathfinder.
  32. Adahn: It might not be irrelevent, but it's not what anyone necessarily wants to hear about right now.
  33. Agata: Why is that?
  34. Ikiryo: Oversaturation
  35. Mashallah_: people are still bitter about strike in dbg
  36. Adahn: Mostly because it is Strike!, which as other people have mentioned you have talked at-length about. It's a good thing that you enjoy Strike!, really it is. But constantly talking about it is just very, very wearing on the mind.
  37. Adahn: Yes, it's probably better than PF or 4e in some regards, but it is as annoying as "Just play GURPS"
  38. Adahn: And I say that, /as someone who was once a "just play GURPS"-fag/
  39. Agata: "Constantly talking about it" is patently false.
  40. Ceri: I don't know how flying works in 5e but I bet it's better >:D
  41. Agata: Going through my logs of /pfg/, I have mentioned the system extremely sporadically in the past, and even then, the majority of the occasions where times wherein someone else had brought up the system.
  42. Adahn1 [] entered the room.
  43. Ceri: Agata, you frustrated people with it this morning, bringing it up again is just rubbing salt
  44. Ikiryo: Agata, please just accept that people really really don't want to talk about it right now.
  45. Adahn1: Freakin' hell, my internet just does not like IRC today it seems.
  46. IterationDrive: so I think I'm gonna try my hand at some pathfinder homebrew for literally the first time; if I wanted to make an archetype for fighter or ranger that did wild shape, I think, would it be too much for it to ALSO give limited (up to sixth level) martial initiation?
  47. Agata: It contains a mechanic relevant to the situation at hand. Does this mean that if I was to simply present the mechanic without context, it would have been more acceptable?
  48. mode (+b *!* by Anise
  49. AmberVael: Probably
  50. Agata left the room (Kicked by Anise (It's time for you to take a break.)).
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