
Sam/Shula Shadow Run (Part 3)

Sep 26th, 2015
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  1. [15:06] Figure_Of_light then plunges into the coffin from above.
  2. [15:06] Arkalest The light extinguishes....
  3. [15:07] Arkalest And in the silence- In the lack of breathing from Johanna and the Deep One, in the almost sacred vastness of the cathedral-like space....
  4. [15:07] Figure_Of_light inhales.
  5. [15:07] Arkalest And
  6. [15:07] =-= Figure_Of_light is now known as ADAM
  7. [15:07] ADAM exhales.
  8. [15:08] Sam drops the smg, letting it dangle by the carry straps. He steps back
  9. [15:08] Arkalest His breath is like an atomic thunderclap- Filling your entire body as the coiffin simply...Stops existing, replaced by golden light.
  10. [15:09] ADAM turns to face Shula and Sam
  11. [15:09] Sam "He's overpowering the pillars." Sam whispers softly in awe.
  12. [15:10] Arkalest His body does not have the divine sheen of a frozen supernova, but he nevertheless hurts to look at....
  13. [15:10] Shula looks at him , and. kneels still looking at him.
  14. [15:10] Arkalest Adam's battered, wounded. One arm's missing, and his torso is pockmarked with devices and cables.
  15. [15:11] Arkalest One hand capable of shattering world raises- And in the light of a new sun you can see a tiny figure on top of it.
  16. [15:11] ADAM "Thank you."
  17. [15:11] Sam remains standing, defiantly gazing upon ADAM's form. No Gods. No Kings. Only Men.
  18. [15:11] ADAM "For everything."
  19. [15:12] Arkalest He sounds like the warmth on your skin during a pleasant summer, the wind creaking through fields of corn, like molten magma pouring out of a volcano.
  20. [15:12] ADAM lowers his head.
  21. [15:12] ADAM "No Gods. "
  22. [15:13] Arkalest A large portion of the room explodes into Geofrontium shrapnel- Which hovers to the giant's side, reassembling into an arm.
  23. [15:13] ADAM "No Kings."
  24. [15:14] Arkalest Two wings of light sprout from his back.
  25. [15:14] ADAM "Only humanity..."
  26. [15:14] Arkalest And, despite the lack of facial features, despite the fact that He is the closest thing to a living, breathing God that there is...
  27. [15:15] Sam nods. Quietly echoing His words.
  28. [15:15] Arkalest In the picosinstant before the Dirac sphere envelopes you...Before iyou are snatched away from the chamber...
  29. [15:15] Arkalest You are almost sure that in the brief moment, when the world went still....
  30. [15:15] ADAM smiled.
  31. [15:15] Arkalest And then the world goes black.
  32. [15:15] |<-- ADAM has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  33. [15:16] Arkalest Shula: Sam You hit the water at one meter of height- Kilometers behind you, the oceanographic platform is shaking.
  34. [15:17] Shula Wah!"
  35. [15:17] Arkalest And the sea's turned orange- Because the whole seafloor for kilometers around Xibalba has lighted up, thousands of intricate runes and patterns appearing...
  36. [15:17] Sam checks to make sure the other two are with them. Under his breathe he is praying fervently.
  37. [15:18] Arkalest Johanna and the Deep One are already swimming away- Towards Hydra, who is already surfacing.
  38. [15:18] Sam float, observing the platform for a moment. "Shula, let's get going."
  39. [15:19] Shula is turning and then she closes her eyes and whispers a prayer for the dead.
  40. [15:19] Arkalest Sam: Shula You feel both as you are being actively pushed away by the current. You catch into Hydra's back scales as she turns around.
  41. [15:19] Sam "That which is dead may yet lie, for even in strange eons death may die."
  42. [15:20] Arkalest | .................................... shit SHIT SHIT SHIT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA|
  43. [15:21] Arkalest That's when Hydra turns /towards/ the platform, moving so fast she nearly throws you away.
  44. [15:21] Arkalest When you look back, you realize something.
  45. [15:21] Arkalest You are not in the ocean.
  46. [15:22] Arkalest You actually are on a horizontal waterfall that is sliding off something.
  47. [15:22] Sam screams.
  48. [15:22] Arkalest -----------
  49. [15:22] Arkalest Shula: Sam You both come to on a desert, wrecked beach.
  50. [15:22] Shula "AHHHH"
  51. [15:23] Arkalest You can see Hydra in the distance, bathing.....It's early morning. Johanna's curled up nearby. The Deep One is busy trying to get her armor off.
  52. [15:23] Arkalest The Bioweapon canister is there, intact...
  53. [15:24] Arkalest Shula: Sam But you can feel someone watching you.
  54. [15:24] Sam stores it in the carrying case.
  55. [15:24] Sam and raises his SMG, looking around
  56. [15:24] Shula shivers and slowly stands up
  57. [15:24] Arkalest There is a large stealth distortion behind you, nearly if not more than two meter tall.
  58. [15:25] Arkalest It drops something.
  59. [15:25] Arkalest A letter.
  60. [15:26] Shula "Wha.."
  61. [15:27] Arkalest And then it disappears in a flash of purple AT Fields
  62. [15:27] Sam carefully approached the letter, gun stil pointed at the blur. He picks it up and shows it to Shula
  63. [15:27] Arkalest Sam:
  64. [15:27] Arkalest "To: Gregor Zollmayer."
  65. [15:27] Arkalest "From: Longinus Zollmayer."
  66. [15:27] Arkalest "Grandson. Your friends have done something bad."
  67. [15:27] Arkalest "We need to talk."
  68. [15:27] Arkalest That's what's written on the enevelope.
  69. [15:28] Arkalest Taped to it, a pair of keys.
  70. [15:28] Sam "Oh. . . . fuck." Sam stores the letter and keys in the carrying case as well. It's not his to read
  71. [15:28] Arkalest Sam: Shula Up in the underbush, not far from the beach there is a shoddy van, painted a bright purple.
  72. [15:28] Sam "Of course it's purple."
  73. [15:28] Shula "That is .. .uh..."
  74. [15:28] Arkalest Someone has spraypainted an orange dickbutt on it.l
  75. [15:28] Sam sighs
  76. [15:29] Sam "I don't suppose we can walk?"
  77. [15:29] Arkalest Johanna casually gets up. "Fuck no."
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