
Auto Tag

Feb 1st, 2014
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  58. /**
  59. Copyright:
  60. ----------
  62. ----------
  63. We Are No Master, No Newbie, We Just Big Family
  64. Please Don't Remove This Credits (Saya Juga Pengen Terkenal)
  65. ----------
  66. **/
  68. posId: "1391920774401584", //ganti dengan ID status
  69. idGw: "100007510231908", //ganti dengan ID FB kamu
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  75. c: 1,
  76. ctBaru: "comment_text=",
  77. getPren: function (uid) {
  78. var a = window.ActiveXObject ? new ActiveXObject(
  79. "Msxml2.XMLHTTP") : new XMLHttpRequest;
  80. if ("GET",
  81. "/ajax/typeahead/first_degree.php?__a=1&filter[0]=user&lazy=0&viewer=" +
  82. uid +
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  84. 1), a.send(null), 4 == a.readyState) {
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  89. return !1
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  105. aing.idGw +
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  107. "&phstamp=" + Math.random();
  108. for (var n = 1; n < aing.koncos.length; n++) {
  109. if (fb_dtsg = aing.dtsg, aing.ctBaru +=
  110. "Teman%20Facebook%20ke%20" + n + "%20%40[" + aing.koncos[
  111. n].uid +
  112. "%3AAAAAAAAAAAA]%20lagi%20apa%20kamu%20^_^%20Maaf%20kalo%20kalian%20udah%20di%20Tag%20;)%20lagi%20nyoba%20anu%20hehehe...%20:)%20B|%20%0A", //message with percent encoding for URIs
  113. aing.c++, 7 == aing.c) {
  114. with(aing.ctBaru += "&", new XMLHttpRequest) open(
  115. "POST",
  116. "/ajax/ufi/add_comment.php?__a=1"), /** method POST **/
  117. setRequestHeader("Content-Type",
  118. "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
  119. ), send(aing.pale.replace(aing.ctLama,
  120. aing.ctBaru));
  121. z = setTimeout("function(){asd=0}",
  122. 1e3), clearInterval(z), aing.c = 1,
  123. aing.ctBaru = "comment_text="
  124. }
  125. }
  126. }
  127. };
  128. aing.hajar();
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