
Blue-Blooded Rivals Pt. 11

Apr 24th, 2014
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  1. >After a calm wake-up at the crack of dawn, a hearty breakfast of fresh vegetables, a few refreshing swigs of water, and the denial of Fluttershy's morning advances, you're walking toward the cliffs again.
  2. >Really, you're shocked she didn't slip under your blanket with you last night.
  3. >But honestly... she had a comfortable, way-too-big-for-her sleeping bag. Shit was probably like having her own hotel room. It'd be hard to leave that.
  4. >You, on the other hand, had a blanket and pillow. Though, considering what you had to work with, it wasn't a bad sleep by any means.
  5. >So now you continue your trek, just a few miles away now.
  6. >...But you really couldn't get there soon enough.
  7. >The yellow pegasus stapled to you is really starting to get on your nerves.
  8. >Each step on the dry, cracked ground feels so much harder when you know she's staring at you lustfully. Or lovingly. You can't even tell anymore.
  9. >You give her a glare. It's just so baffling that she can't get the hint.
  10. >A vulture screeches overhead, just passing by Celestia's recently raised sun, which scorches the ground below you and makes the walk all the more difficult.
  11. >You take a deep breath of the warm air. It feels nice in a way.
  12. >Then you hear a soft flutter up next to you.
  13. >"S-So... are you having fun yet, Anon?"
  14. >You don't respond.
  15. >Just keep looking forward.
  16. >"B-Because I am... I love spending time with you..."
  17. >Your eyebrows flatten.
  18. >"...Are you?"
  19. >...You sigh.
  20. >The cliffs are in your view, and you don't take your eyes off of them.
  21. "...This isn't a trip for fun, Fluttershy."
  22. >"Well, um, yes, I know. B-But you could still have fun on the way... right?"
  23. "Not really."
  24. >It's hot.
  25. >You're walking a fuckton.
  26. >And worst of all, this yellow menace is with you.
  27. >No.
  28. >This is not fun.
  29. "You know what'll be fun?"
  30. >"Ooh. What?"
  31. "Getting to the cliffs."
  32. >"Ah. But, weren't we--"
  33. "In silence."
  34. >She puts her hoof to her mouth. "...Is this a game?"
  35. "...Sure."
  36. >She flutters up closer.
  37. >"Do couples play games?"
  38. >Just keep looking at the cliffs.
  39. "Everyone plays games. Children play games. Old, depressed, lonely men play games."
  40. >You sigh.
  41. "Why do you need to make everything into a couples thing?"
  42. >A bead of sweat forms on your forehead, slipping down the side of your face.
  43. >Fluttershy wipes it aside with her hoof, like some weird, newlywed wife/babysitter hybrid.
  44. >You don't respond.
  45. >"...Because I love you, silly."
  46. >You shake your head.
  47. "You don't love me."
  48. >"What are you talking about? Of course I do, honey."
  49. >Your head shakes once more.
  50. "What is your perception of 'love,' Fluttershy?"
  51. >She looks at you with a puzzled expression.
  52. "Do you really think 'love' is showing up to my house every morning, trying to find a new way to get into my pants?"
  53. >"Well--"
  54. "Do you really think 'love' is slapping a label on what we are and excessively calling us that, as if it'll make it so?"
  55. >"But I--"
  56. "Is 'love' stowing away on someone's personal journey and refusing to leave them alone?"
  57. >"...Yes?"
  58. >You finally turn your head, looking at the brick wall you're talking to.
  59. >...It actually causes you to laugh.
  60. >You laugh, just a little, and shake your head.
  61. >The cliffs re-enter your field of view.
  62. "...You're really something, Fluttershy."
  63. >She tilts her head.
  64. "I don't know what that something is. But I really don't think I like it."
  65. >"Maybe you will in time...?"
  66. >You don't respond immediately. You just keep looking ahead, hoping that that will answer her question. Then:
  67. "Weren't we playing a game?"
  68. >"Oh, um... right..."
  70. >Finally, after hours of walking, you reach the cliffs at last.
  71. >The sun sits high in the sky, letting you know that it's just about noon.
  72. >You're making fairly good time.
  73. >As you approach the vertical wall of rock in front of you, you pull out the map once more and check your position.
  74. >...Yup, still on track.
  75. >All is good.
  76. >You take your bag off your back and place it down on the dry desert ground. Time to get out that equipment.
  77. >"...How about now?"
  78. >You glance up to the source of the timid voice.
  79. >You think about answering her question the same way you have been.
  80. >...But that's getting just as annoying as letting her talk anyway would be.
  81. "...Yeah, fine. You can talk. Go crazy."
  82. >She smiles, and pumps her hoof in the air. "Yay~."
  83. >You shake your head to yourself and get the last of the rock climbing equipment out.
  84. >Now... these cables...
  85. >...Hmm.
  86. >You hold the picks tightly in your hand, then look straight up.
  87. >...The wall is a good hundred feet up.
  88. >How are you going to get these cables up there?
  89. >You'd have to jump really high to attach them safely.
  90. >Or fly.
  91. >Or fly...
  92. >...
  93. >You turn around and glance at the yellow p0ny, who seems to be doing nothing else other than stare at you.
  94. "...Hey Fluttershy. Can you do me a favor?"
  95. >She smiles gleefully. "Oh, of course Anon. What can I do for you?"
  96. >You toss the cables lightly in your hand a few times, then look back up to the cliff.
  97. >Rocks jut out every now and then, and the entire scope of it seems to just scream a kind of intimidation that you feel you just can't back down from.
  98. "...I need you to take one end of this cable and attach it to something solid at the top of this cliff. Think you can do that for me?"
  99. >She looks at you, then to the cables, and nods with a smile.
  100. >"I'd be happy to."
  101. >She hovers over slowly, her hooves outstretched to retrieve the cable.
  102. >Once you hand it to her, she hesitates for a moment, gives you a quick peck on the cheek, then takes off as fast as she can toward the top of the cliff.
  103. >Which is, to say, not very fast.
  104. >You scowl in her general direction and wipe your cheek with your wrist, wondering how long she's been trying to find a time for that.
  105. >...But no matter. You have more important things to worry about.
  106. >You grab the safety belt from the pile of equipment and fasten it to you tightly, attaching one end of the cable to it.
  107. >In a few moments, Fluttershy reaches the top, and you see her disappear out of sight for a bit.
  108. >The cable jerks to and fro, and occasionally you feel pressure pulling at the belt, but soon enough, it stops.
  109. >She reappears over the edge, waving at you.
  110. >You think she might have tried yelling at you too, but if she had, there's no way you heard it.
  111. >Alright... let's do this.
  112. >You put the much-lighter bag on your back and grab the two picks in your hands, approaching the rock wall.
  113. >You give the cable one or two hard tugs, just to ensure it's safe, then get ready for your ascent.
  114. >With a breath, you drive the pick hard into the cliff side. It sticks in with a punch and a loud "TING!" noise.
  115. >You follow this up with your other pick, only higher. It also jams into the wall.
  116. >Then, you rotate, leaving all of your weight on the higher pick while you remove the lower one and swing it up and over.
  117. >Soon, your feet press hard into the wall as you climb. You do your best to find safe places to set them and take weight off of the picks.
  118. >Fluttershy all the while watches you from the top as you slowly make your way up.
  119. >One after another, you swing your instruments and dig them into the rocks.
  120. >It's becoming a wear on your arms, but you muscle through it.
  121. >Each swing you make feels like immense progress, and you know you're closer with each one.
  122. >You grit your teeth and focus only on the wall in front of you.
  123. >Sweat starts to form on your face and bead down onto your neck. Some even seeps into your eyes, burning a bit, but it doesn't bother you.
  124. >You're too determined.
  125. >Your breath picks up, and soon enough you're breathing through your mouth. You control your respiration as efficiently as you can.
  126. >A cool breeze blows past you.
  127. >Fluttershy's cheers of enthusiasm soon become audible. Knowing how loud she is, it probably means you're close.
  128. >And you are. Your next swing isn't really a swing at all. You more lob your arm over the cliff, tossing the pick with a metal clank, and grab what you can.
  129. >Mustering the upper body strength you have left, you get your other arm up and pull yourself up and over.
  130. >You're practically panting now. You just kind of lay there for a bit on the warm rock. It feels nice.
  131. >"That was amazing, Anon! You're so strong...~"
  132. >Ugh.
  133. >You prop yourself up on your hands and knees, then turn yourself over in a sitting position.
  134. >It gives you a good view over the cliff, to where you were only a little while ago.
  135. >...Holy shit, you're high up.
  136. >You turn around and glance behind you.
  137. >The top here seems to climb even higher. Sometimes on a slope, other times via a ten or twenty foot wall.
  138. >More climbing, for sure, but you don't think you'll need the cables anymore.
  139. >You stand to your feet and take off your belt, then collect the long rope.
  140. >It was tied very securely to a grounded rock.
  141. "Thanks, Fluttershy."
  142. >"Anything for you..."
  143. >You roll your eyes.
  144. >With your equipment back in your bag, you waste no time. You and Fluttershy continue walking toward your destination.
  145. >Sometimes it's easy to forget you're so high up in the air. The top of the cliffs themselves can look just like ground if you choose to perceive it that way.
  146. >But sometimes the wind will blow in such a way that you're reminded of your altitude, or you'll catch a glance down off the side into a canyon and see the ground, or in many cases where you look off, a river, so far below you.
  147. >You're again reminded of Wile E. Coyote.
  148. >But you trudge on, climbing even higher and higher into the air, occasionally getting your picks out and clawing your way up a much smaller wall.
  149. >The sun moves slowly in the sky.
  150. >Eventually, you feel like you must be a few hundred feet in the air. It's rather intimidating.
  151. >You try to keep your distance from the edge of the cliff.
  152. >Focusing only on moving forward.
  153. >Loose rocks start to show up on the high cliff tops, and you absentmindedly kick them as you think about your next course of action.
  154. >Should you camp out here at the end of the day?
  155. >Or perhaps make your way down the cliffs first?
  156. >Though you aren't too sure how much longer you'll be up here, it might get dark before you even have a chance to descend.
  157. >"What are you thinking about, Anon?" Fluttershy asks, reading your face.
  158. >You leave your thoughts for a moment, and turn to her.
  159. "Nothing really."
  160. >You punt a rock so far it skips and bounces off the side.
  161. >Come to think of it, why so many loose rocks all of the sudden?
  162. "Just thinking about when and where to camp."
  163. >She nods in response.
  164. "...Maybe I ought to check the map. It might tell us just how much longer we'll be--"
  165. >You're cut off instantly.
  166. >Your eyes widen, and you instinctively drop down to one knee and hold the ground with a hand.
  167. >A massive tremor.
  168. >An earthquake, almost.
  169. >A low, deep grumble rises over the cliffs as they shake and jerk back and forth.
  170. >The rocks violently shake to and fro, and a loud cracking noise sounds off from somewhere close.
  171. >The loose rocks go wild on the surface of the cliffs, clicking and clacking away as some fall off the side.
  172. >You grit your teeth, and your heart races.
  173. >Fluttershy's eyes are the size of pinpricks. She bolts over and latches herself onto your side.
  174. >You almost fall over, and the grumbling of the cliffs gets louder.
  175. >A large crack slowly splits its way over before halting.
  176. >And finally, it all ceases.
  177. >Gradually, the quake stops, and the white noise seeps off into the distance.
  178. >You can feel Fluttershy's grip on you loosen, and you use this opportunity to pry her off as you stand up.
  179. >Your breath has quickened.
  180. >Neither of you say anything for a moment. You simply glance around you, still stunned, but almost subconsciously trying to see the cause.
  181. >Until finally, Fluttershy speaks up.
  182. >"...Wh-What was... what was th--"
  183. >From the crack, a huge explosion of rock and rubble bursts forth, knocking you down onto your back. The sound itself is almost enough to paralyze you.
  184. >From the dust, a massive, scaly purple worm of sorts springs forth, still halfway in the cliff.
  185. >Your eyes widen in fear.
  186. >The creature looks left and right with its pink head, then straight at you.
  187. >You start backing upon the ground.
  188. >Fluttershy is a stuttering mess next to you.
  189. >"It's it's it's... it's a-a-a..."
  190. >It peeks over at you with a low growl.
  191. >"It's a..."
  192. "It's a what...?"
  193. >You barely manage to speak.
  194. >Its head splits in three with a tremendous roar, revealing a row of teeth on each segment and three whipping tentacles.
  195. >"It's a tatzlwurm!"
  196. >It winds itself back, and you use this opportunity to get up and sprint, scooping up Fluttershy as you go.
  197. >It dives forward, slamming itself into where you just were and burrowing into the rock beneath you.
  198. >The cliff quakes and shutters, the sound of shifting rock loud beneath you.
  199. "Fluttershy, get out of here while you can!"
  200. >You yell, trying to keep your eyes on the ground.
  201. >"I-I-I... I can't...!"
  202. "What do you mean you can't!?"
  203. >You turn to her, perplexed, but... you've never seen Fluttershy like this.
  204. >She's practically petrified with fear, so much so that her wings are snapped tightly to her side.
  205. >You doubt you could pry them open if you tried.
  206. "God damn it."
  207. >Your heart is beating frantically in your chest, and you fumble over your shoulder feeling for the one item of defense you have.
  208. >Your baseball bat.
  209. >You slide it out and hold it in front of you.
  210. >...Some help this'll be for a creature that size.
  211. "Fluttershy, get somewhere safe!"
  212. >You don't even know what that means.
  213. >Likely, nowhere is safe.
  214. >She nods to you in confirmation, but doesn't actually move.
  215. >You start pacing around the cliff area, gripping your bat tightly and keeping your eyes on the ground.
  216. >Suddenly, the rumbling stops.
  217. >You hold your breath.
  218. >From in front of you, the rock bursts open in much the same fashion as before.
  219. >Though this time, you can feel yourself shifting.
  220. >Your heart skips a beat as you see the rock around you slowly slip to the side, an ear-shattering grinding sound assaulting the air around you.
  221. >With as quick a reaction as you can muster, you run and jump over to a more solid area.
  222. >The part you were standing on just moments ago begins to slide off slowly, before falling off to the side entirely and crashing down off the cliffs into the canyon, falling hundreds of feet into the raging river below.
  223. >The tatzlwurm pokes out of the side of the cliff, growling lightly before slowly shifting its head to you.
  224. >You hesitate for a second, but the moment you see its eyes lock to yours, you switch on.
  225. >With all the strength you can muster, you swing for the fences. Your aluminum bat cracks the side of its head with a deafening "PING!", and you feel the connection to its skull via the painful vibrations down through the metal of the bat.
  226. >Its head moves about a foot to the side from your impact, and it reacts by bellowing an earsplitting roar at point blank.
  227. >Well, a whole lot of good that did.
  228. >You take this time to turn around and book it as fast as you can.
  229. >You can see Fluttershy still standing helplessly not too far away.
  230. "Get moving!"
  231. >You yell with a grand sweeping hand motion, but it's cut short by another violent quake.
  232. >Its cause isn't exactly known to you, as you didn't see it, but you assume the worm burrowed into the cliff again, and it's enough to knock you down on your stomach.
  233. >The second your cheek feels the grainy dirt and pebbles, you push yourself back up as quickly as you can.
  234. >You can see small cracks beginning to form under you.
  235. >Despite the rumbling ground under you and the cliffs literally falling apart, you try your best to run over to Fluttershy.
  236. >If she won't move, you'll fucking carry her. You need to go.
  237. >A large crack forms in between the two of you.
  239. >You're trying your best. You're trying so hard. But you just can't move.
  240. >The tatzlwurm has completely petrified you with fear.
  241. >Then... why can't you run?
  242. >Anon is doing all he can to get to safety, and you're nothing but dead weight.
  243. >You try to move your limbs, but they just won't budge.
  244. >You have no idea where the wurm is now after it dove into the rock and knocked over Anon.
  245. >But here he comes, sprinting towards you, to rescue you.
  246. >This would be the most romantic thing imaginable, if your lives weren't in danger.
  247. >As your hopes rise for the rescue by your major league knight, a giant crack forms in between the two of you.
  248. >Your pupils shrink, because you know exactly what it means.
  249. >The tatzlwurm bursts forth, blocking your view of Anon.
  250. >You have no idea how he reacted to the tremor it caused, but it knocked you down to a knee.
  251. >The cliffs are already in horrid shape from its assault, and you have no idea how much more they can take before the entire structure crumbles.
  252. >To your horror, the wurm turns to you instead of Anon, bellowing its terrifying cry.
  253. >Its tentacles wiggle and jerk to and fro, before launching themselves at you.
  254. >You open your mouth to scream, but nothing comes out.
  255. >Only one reaches you, wrapping itself around your leg. It instantly starts to drag you in.
  256. >The sensation immediately brings feeling back to your body, and you do your best to resist, digging your hooves into the ground as you scream at the top of your lungs, eyeing the beast's gaping maw.
  257. >Just as you're about to lose your grip, a whiffing sound graces your ears. A familiar metal bat arcs down like a tomahawk and bashes the wriggling, gripping tentacle, crushing it into the ground.
  258. >The creature roars a hurt cry, and the tight appendage loosens and slips from your leg.
  259. >Wasting no time, Anon grabs you and hurls you forward for a running start.
  260. >"LET'S GO!"
  261. >You land on the ground and, with newfound energy and adrenaline, run as fast as you can across the crumbling, weak mess of rocks you might have once called a cliff.
  262. >Anon books it next to you. His face wears an odd expression, like some mix of determination and absolute terror.
  263. >He pumps his free arm next to him as you gallop with every hoof, the ground uneven and quaking beneath you.
  264. >That could only mean one thing.
  265. >Please, please, please let you outrun it.
  266. >A loud crash sounds off as the ground shakes once more, causing you and your human companion to stumble, but thankfully, not fall.
  267. >The exact same noise and quake happens moments later.
  268. >You pant in terror as the realization hits you.
  269. >It's diving after you both.
  270. >Anon notices it too and glances behind him.
  271. >He grits his teeth and looks back ahead, focusing on not falling through the intense quakes.
  272. >After three or four more dives, the wurm instead opts to stay underground for much longer.
  273. >This is even more unsettling.
  274. >You and Anon try to ignore it as you keep up your running, but soon, the violent rumbling below you and the cracking rock tips you off to what's going on.
  275. >Any second now, it'll be in front of you both.
  276. >You wonder if Anon's figured this out too.
  277. >You figure you should warn him just in case.
  278. "Anon!"
  279. >You call. He looks at you. His face is drenched in sweat and plastered with fear.
  280. "I think the tatzlwurm is--"
  281. >Before you can even finish, the wurm sprouts from the rock with a boom, rocks and rubble flying in every direction.
  282. >You and Anon both halt as quickly as you can, the cliff still quaking and shaking uncontrollably.
  283. >The creature opens its mouth for a roar, but stops itself as its entire mass shifts hard to the right.
  284. >The rock has become so unstable that its moving and sliding with the falling rock.
  285. >Not a second later, the same begins to happen with the section you're on.
  286. >The cliff rumbles and quakes, slowly shifting off to the right off into the canyon to the side.
  287. >You jump off as quickly as you can to safer ground, and Anon begins to do the same.
  288. >Unfortunately, the wurm has the exact same idea. It flings itself over to the side for safety, burrowing back into the rock in a quick arc-like motion.
  289. >The force of its entry disturbs the rock even more, causing Anon to stumble and fall back.
  290. >Your eyes widen with fear as you look to your love collapsed on the crumbling rock.
  291. >He tries his best to stand, but...
  292. >He can't make it in time.
  293. >You can see the fear in his eyes, and your tears start to well up before anything has even happened.
  294. >But it does in a second.
  295. >He climbs to his feet as quickly as he can, but it's already too late.
  296. >With an arm outstretched, aimed for the more sturdy rock, he falls with the cliff beneath him. Too stunned to even make a sound.
  297. >But you do. You scream.
  298. >You scream as loud as you can and bellow his name.
  299. >You dash over to edge of the cliff, but you don't see him.
  300. >The rocks and rubble block where he may be, falling down into the raging river hundreds of feet below you.
  301. >You reach hopelessly down toward him, leaning over the edge, crying his name with tears flowing down your cheeks.
  302. >Sobbing your love's name.
  303. >You clench your eyes closed and weep.
  304. >Your hoof drops.
  305. >...How could this happen?
  306. >Before you can even think of anything else, you hear and feel that familiar boom not too far off.
  307. >As much as you want to stay, you can't.
  308. >That wurm is still very near.
  309. >You stand up and try not to linger. You force your hooves to run, carrying you in the direction you two were running earlier.
  310. >Tears trail behind you as you continue to sob.
  311. "Anon... I'm... I'm so sorry..."
  312. >The roar of the tatzlwurm sounds off not too far away, and you can still feel the quaking beneath your hooves.
  313. >You put all the energy into your galloping, taking you as far away from this nightmare as you can.
  314. >You just need to outrun the wurm.
  315. >Please, mind. Focus on just this for now.
  316. >You can't even remember how long you've been running, but the roaring sounds off further and further.
  317. >It must have lost track of you.
  318. >As soon as you even barely think you might be safe, you begin to slow down.
  319. >Your chest heaves and your mouth exhales choked, sorrowful breaths.
  320. >You're exhausted.
  321. >And your mind is an absolute scramble.
  322. >Adrenaline is still bursting through your veins, and your thoughts are going a mile a minute.
  323. >All you can tell is that you're thinking of that horrible scene over and over in your head constantly.
  324. >You sniff loudly again and lay down on the ground.
  325. >Sobbing once again.
  327. >With the high altitude comes high wind. Your blue cloak flutters in the breeze.
  328. >The two pegasus guards haul your chariot as fast as they can. They've been at it for so long, but you know they can take it.
  329. >They're the best of the best.
  330. >You fumble with the scabbard of your sword as you glance to the desert landscape far below you.
  331. >...Your mind has been racing lately.
  332. >Anonymous... what has happened to you?
  333. >Did you make it to Nevlaria unharmed?
  334. >Was your foolish trip successful?
  335. >Or were you...
  336. >...
  337. >You force it out of your mind.
  338. >It can't be.
  339. >He couldn't have gotten that far. You keep telling yourself this, and scan the entire desert wasteland for him.
  340. >But no human is to be found.
  341. >Your heart sinks a little, and you turn your eyes more forward.
  342. >The cliffs...
  343. >They soon become more and more visible.
  344. >If he isn't in the desert... he must have found a way up there.
  345. >And that's where the tatzlwurms reside.
  346. >...It's entirely possible that he made it across without encountering one.
  347. >They're not absolutely EVERYWHERE.
  348. >The rocky cliffs are now under you, and you get a good look at a large majority of it.
  349. >Your eyes scan it as best as they can from up here, but still, you see no sign of your friend.
  350. >You must keep going.
  351. >Soon, the elevated rocks take up more space in your vision than the desert itself.
  352. >You're getting fairly deep into the cliff side.
  353. >...Maybe Anonymous couldn't have gotten this far.
  354. >There's so much space to scan. It might be better to go to Nevlaria and--
  355. >Suddenly, your eye catches something.
  356. >The cliff...
  357. >That part over there is...
  358. >It's an utter disaster.
  359. "Gentlecolts!"
  360. >You call out.
  361. >"Sir!"
  362. "Do you see that section of cliff there?"
  363. >You ask, pointing to the demolished, crumbling area.
  364. >You know it can only mean one thing.
  365. >Yes, the wurms live in the rock, and there will naturally be damage because of that. But not of this magnitude.
  366. "I need you two to take me there, now."
  367. >"Of course!"
  368. >The chariot drifts to the side as the pegasus guards smoothly turn, gliding down to the sight of the wreckage.
  369. >As you get closer, you can see even more detail.
  370. >So much of the cliff has slid off into the canyon to the side, where a raging river runs.
  371. >The cliffs themselves seem so unstable, with parts of it jutting straight up, and rocks and rubble in every direction.
  372. >It's a catastrophe.
  373. >As you reach your destination, the guards call over to you. "Sir... you don't intend to traverse this area by hoof, do you?"
  374. >You put a hoof up over the side of the chariot.
  375. "That is exactly what I intend to do."
  376. >The two of them look to each other with worry.
  377. "You needn't worry about me. After my exploration, I shall take refuge in Nevlaria not too far off. You may turn back for Canterlot now."
  378. >You don't exactly wait for a response. You wave goodbye as you hop off the chariot, landing down on what you interpret as the sturdiest part of the cliff.
  379. >Thankfully, the chariot and the guards do exactly as you say, looping around and up after your disembark and soaring over and away.
  380. >You take a deep breath, then look around you.
  381. >By Celestia...
  382. >This must have been one hell of an attack.
  383. >You walk slowly around, observing the damage.
  384. >You're careful not to step on any area too badly hit.
  385. >Any shift in weight might set these rocks loose and tumbling into the canyon below.
  386. >A horrid feeling sits in your chest as you gaze down.
  387. >...You must find your friend.
  388. >It's dangerous, but...
  389. >...
  390. "Anonymous!?"
  391. >You call, as loudly as you feel safe doing.
  392. >It echoes a few times, but you are answered with nothing but deathly silence.
  393. >You begin walking in Nevlaria's direction.
  394. "Anonymous!?"
  395. >You call once more. Still no answer.
  396. >You continue your walk for about another ten minutes, shouting out to your friend every so often.
  397. >It seems so utterly futile.
  398. >The sun will be setting very soon, and you worry about searching in the night.
  399. >Though eventually, the cliff begins to take more of its former form, the cracks and loose rocks lessening with each passing moment.
  400. >...Could he have gotten this far?
  401. >The wurm certainly didn't.
  402. >And if it didn't, and the wurm, in fact, has done him in...
  403. >You grit your teeth in worry.
  404. "Anonymous!?"
  405. >You shout out, one more time.
  406. >It echoes, as it did before, and is followed by silence.
  407. >You take a deep breath, and just as you're about to sigh dejectedly, you're miraculously graced with a response.
  408. >"Wh-Who's there!?" a voice calls back.
  409. >It sends a shock of surprise through your body.
  410. >That voice... it's definitely not Anonymous's.
  411. >It belongs to a mare.
  412. "Hello!?"
  413. >You shout out.
  414. "Where are you!?"
  415. >You pick up your pace to a trot.
  416. >"O-Over here..."
  417. >She's relatively close.
  418. >As you slide down a small slope, your eye catches some movement.
  419. >A breathing, yellow figure.
  420. "Do not move, I see you!"
  421. >You gallop over, her form becoming clearer.
  422. >Her yellow wings. Pink mane and tail.
  423. >Your heart nearly stops.
  424. "Is... is that you, Fluttershy?"
  425. >You ask, walking up to the timid pegasus.
  426. >All sorts of thoughts run through your mind.
  427. >Your first instinct is to regress into shyness, but thankfully, the task at hand prevents that.
  428. >Observing her, she looks like an absolute mess.
  429. >She's trembling, and her fur is dirty, messy, and in knots.
  430. >Her eyes are bloodshot, like she's been crying for a very long time.
  431. >Those red, teal eyes look up to you, blinking a few times.
  432. >"Is that you... Prince Blueblood?" she asks with a sniffle.
  433. >You're still so shocked.
  434. "Fluttershy... what are you doing here?"
  435. >She sniffs again and lowers her head. Her eyes fill with tears.
  436. "Were you... here with Anonymous?"
  437. >She clenches her eyelids shut, as if trying to stop her crying.
  438. >You kneel down next to her.
  439. "Fluttershy, please... tell me what happened."
  441. End of Part 11
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