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- "Oh no, I already used my last antidote." Pkmn Trainer Leaf rummaged through her bag over and over again. Her ensemble of pokemon were in bad shape. After entering the cycle road from Celadon city, she'd ran into a number of biker gang members, but thanks to her newly caught Snorlax she'd managed to win her battles. However, all of her pokemon were now running on fumes and her Fearow was in no condition to fly anywhere with its broken wing.
- "Wait a minute..." she said, picking up her bike. "...ugh I was supposed to meet Prof. Oak in Celadon! Leaf, you idiot!"
- She mounted her bike again and sighed heavily, she knew she had to go back up the steep hill. And with only her Clefairy with enough energy to battle, if she ran into any more trainers, she'd be toast.
- She peddled hard, with every huff of breath she knew that her Growlithe was suffering more and more from the poisoning it received from her last battle. A few minutes clocked by, she heard a distant crack of thunder and the sky turned an un-inviting grey.
- The first drops of rain fell directly onto her face, forcing her to slow down and wipe away the moisture.
- Her second wind kicked in, she only had about a mile left to go. 'I can do this!' her mind kept replaying the thought.
- "There she is!" Leaf heard a young voice shouting among the building pour of rain. Not having any time to react, Leaf felt something solid hit the front of her bike. The wheel kicked to the left and through her off and she landed roughly next to a now muddy puddle.
- "Nice one, big bro!" She heard the voice again, this time much closer.
- She winced slightly, she'd scraped her knee when she fell. She managed to get a glimpse of where her bike landed. Then saw what had hit her; a small boulder.
- Rubbing her leg, Leaf managed to sit up. But then noticed a burly looking biker standing in front of her, he loomed over her like a tower.
- "'ey, kid!" said the biker. "So yer the one who beat up on my lil' bro?"
- "W-what?" Leaf stared in disbelief. She noticed the kid she'd battled earlier standing at the biker's side.
- "So yah think it's fun to pick on lil' kids, girly?" The biker folded his arms, the Geodude next to him mimicked his actions.
- "I didn't pick on anyone!" said Leaf as she picked herself up, dusting her off her skirt. "It was a pokemon battle, he challanged me."
- The younger brother shook his head and stomped his foot. "Nuh uh! You brought out that huge pokemon against me and didn't give me a chance!"
- Leaf remembered she used her Snorlax to do so. She then rubbed her temple.
- "Look, I'm sorry if I-"
- Leaf's feet swept from underneath her as she was pushed back down by the older brother. She landed on her rear with another thud.
- "OW!" Leaf slowly managed to sit up. "Wh-what's wrong with you!? I don't have time for-"
- "And yer even took his money, ya little bitch."
- That part was true, as was the way with pokemon battles.
- "I..." Leaf started but found her bag being thrown into her lap.
- "C'mon, battle me! Lesse how well ya do!" The older brother took out another pokeball from his belt.
- "Yeah, do it, Johnny!" The younger brother cheered on.
- This is exactly what Leaf didn't need right now, there was no way she could beat anyone in this condition. She thought of a quick exit with her bike but felt her stomach drop as she saw another biker had picked it up and holding it ransom. She saw his eyes nudge toward Johnny, ordering her to battle.
- She took some weight off her grazed leg and looked over to Johnny and his brother.
- "I... I can't fight right now..." she said, weakly. "I'll give your brother back the money... my pokemon really need to get to a pokemon centre."
- She felt her eyes start to build with tears.
- "Just... let me go. Please!"
- Johnny scoffed. "Yeah right, girly. Let's battle already!"
- "Ugh, g-go Clefairy!" Leaf threw her pokeball and out popped her battle partner. Upon entering, the Clefairy already hunched over in near exhaustion, it looked back at its trainer with almost pleading eyes.
- "All right! Go! Arbok!" Johnny called forth his pokemon with anticipation.
- "Chaarrrr!" With a strong cry, Arbok stared menacingly at the little fairy.
- "Arbok, use Glare!"
- With a shine in its eyes, Arbok coiled its body and stretched out its chest markings.
- "Don't look at it, Clefairy...!" Leaf called out but it was too late.
- Her little pokemon had been frozen in fear ever since the battle started. It was the perfect target for a healthy Arbok. It felt a strong current shoot through its round body as its eyes met its opponent's. Leaf watched in horror as Clefairy's arms went limp at its sides.
- "Ha! Now put the squeeze on it! Bind!" Johnny's orders loud and triumphant.
- In a flash, Arbok pounced from its compacted stance, wrapping itself around Clefairy, who could only watch as its body was grabbed tightly.
- Arbok further tightened its grip, squeezing Clefairy's body and pushing the air out of its lungs.
- "No, stop...!" Leaf called out.
- As Arbok looked upon her pokemon with hellish intent, Clefairy's weak cry and screams carried on. It let out a long, painful squeal which slowly drifted off as it exhausted its air supply. Sure enough, it quickly fainted and went motionless.
- "STOP IT!!!" Arbok's lost its grip as Leaf threw her body into it and tackled it to the ground. It swiftly wriggled free of Leaf's grasp. It was about to strike again when it saw the young trainer on her knees by her fainted pokemon. It looked back to Johnny, who raised his hand, ordering it to halt for now.
- "Clefairy!" Leaf's tears fell onto her pokemon's stomach. "No no no, please..."
- She choked back a huge gasp as Clefairy coughed back into conscienceness. It slowly opened its eyes and waveringly looked into Leaf's eyes.
- Leaf wiped her eyes with her wrist, holding back more tears, then looked up to Johnny.
- "All right, you win. I give up..." She picked up her Clefairy in her arms. "...take whatever money you want, just don't hurt my pokemon anymore."
- "Tch!" Johnny wasn't happy. "This sucks! An' I was all fired up too!"
- Leaf didn't respond, simply lowering her head. The rain had picked up during their short battle, she definitely wasn't in the right attire for it either. She silently walked toward Johnny, digging into her bag and grabbing all the money from her purse. She meakly held out her hand to give it him.
- He snatched it out of her grasp and counted it. With that, Leaf turned to the guy who held her bike.
- "This ain't nearly enough, girl."
- Leaf froze in place.
- "Th-that's all I have, I swear..."
- Johnny tapped his foot angrily, glaring at Leaf. If it weren't for the rain, she was sure everyone could hear her heart beating.
- "Fine. I guess we'll just have to take that pokemon of yours too."
- Leaf shivered and went wide-eyed.
- "Yeah! Those Cle-farty... things, they're rare." said Johnny's brother. "I bet we could sell it for a load of money!"
- "All right, hand it over, girly." Johnny stepped forward towards her. "An' let we'll let ya go."
- "N-no... no..." Leaf backed up as Johnny advanced.
- She took a few more steps, then found herself tripped up once more. This time from the guy with her bike. She rolled backwards into the puddle she missed earlier. Muddy water now soaked her clothes as she came to a stop among some more mud and leaves. She still clutched the Clefairy close to her.
- "Not gonna hand it over, huh?" Johnny picked up Leaf's bag that she dropped when she fell. He turned it upside down and all its contents scattered among the wet grass. Including her PokeGear and trainer card.
- Johnny's brother scooped it up and wiped some grime off it to read it. He lent over and showed it to his big brother.
- "Leaf, huh?"
- She felt herself gulp. Her Clefairy let out a few, faint cries but she gently cooed it to stay quiet.
- With another shove, Leaf slipped on the dewish terrain and fell into some long grass. She managed to roll again, protecting her Clefairy with her body. Slowly, she looked back and saw the three standing over her again. She turned away, almost putting her face in some more mud.
- "I won't... let you take... my Clefairy!" she said defiantly.
- "Aww, now ain't that sweet." Johnny laughed to himself. "The lil' baby loves her pokemon soooo much."
- Among their laughter, Leaf saw her chance. Her bike was laying down on the ground not far from her. In a split moment she summoned every ounce of strength she had at once.
- Up on her feet, Leaf ran full tilt toward her bike. Johnny and his brother almost couldn't react in time.
- *SLIP*
- A mere few ft away from her bike, Leaf slipped on some wet grass again and fell to the floor. And this time she dropped her Clefairy.
- Loud laughter soon followed yet again. The young trainer blocked it out, her pokemon was more important. She saw her Clefairy laying on its side a small distance away, she moved to pick it up again.
- Suddenly she felt something grab her leg, it felt like a grass vine.
- "All right, ya know what to do, Ivysaur." Johnny's voice echoed in her ears.
- Leaf dug in her fingers but the moisture made her lose her grip instantly. She kicked and screamed as Ivysaur's vine pulled her away from her pokemon. The Vine then wrapped around her other leg, binding them together. She struggled to pull any distance, then saw Johnny's boots walk past her, he made his way to her Clefairy and bent down to pick it up.
- "NO! STOP IT!" Leaf shouted at the top of her voice. "STOP IT! DON'T TAKE HER...!"
- He looked back as he picked up the pokemon by its leg.
- "Man, yer loud, kid."
- "Pl-please...." her voice started to break down. "No more...."
- Her tormentor quietly stepped up and stopped right before her. She saw his boots again but didn't look up. She then felt his hand grab her by the chin, forcing her to look up.
- "Hey, Tobi, come 'ere."
- Johnny's brother walked over and knelt down beside him. He looked into Leaf's eyes, all her will to fight was gone. Some part of him even felt sad for her.
- "I think ya got something to say to my lil' bro, haven't ya? So let's hear it!"
- Leaf sniffled, finally being let go of Johnny's grip. Her head lowered again.
- "...I'm sorry..." she said, almost inaudibly. "...will you please f-forgive me?"
- Johhny's gripped her chin again, making her look at Tobi. "Don't say it to me, tell him!"
- "Please forgive me..." She repeated.
- Tobi stood up with a content smile. "All right, I guess I'll forgive you. This time."
- Johnny let her go then set her wimpering Clefairy at her side. Upon seeing it, a little spark of hope reignited in Leaf's heart. She moved and managed to cuddle it once again.
- "All right, let's get outta here. She's learned 'er lesson, boys." With that, Johhny stood back up. then picked up Leaf's bike and wheeled it toward his brother. "Happy birthday, kiddo!"
- Leaf stayed silent, clutching her pokemon and trying to give it all the warmth she could muster. She heard the laughter trail away with the sound of peddling from her bike heading down the hill. She looked around, everything from her bag had been left behind, albeit all covered in mud and probably have to be replaced. As she was, dirt and grime covered nearly every inch of her body. She found herself sobbing to herself but breathed deeply and calmed herself.
- "I still have you guys," she said, holding Clefairy and her pokeballs tighter. "That's all that matters."
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