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Jan 31st, 2015
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  1. -Celestia is a cunt.
  2. -Luna is an apologetic but uncaring cunt.
  3. -Twilight is a fagot.
  4. -The main six (Minus Twilight and Rarity) are depressive fagots thanks to Luna.
  5. -Rarity is... uh... In an hospital? I think?
  6. -Discord disappears into thin air.
  7. -Where is Cadance, for fuck sake? a guy even mentioned the Crystal Empire.
  8. -No alicorn seems to really give a fuck about nothing.
  9. -Yes. I get it. Celestia and Luna have like four thousand names.
  10. -"Latin sounds magicky and stuff, right?"
  11. -There are like twenty different subplots going on, a lot of them fucking unnecessary. Why do I need to know that a lot of soccer moms want to take smut out of Equestria and end up killing a guy from another subplot, who then has a totally unconcequential "pass to the next world" scene? JUST TO GIVE A SINGLE AND UNNECESSARY LINE OF FORESHADOWING, OF COURSE!
  12. -Yes, I get it, sexsexsexsex
  13. -Luna literally takes Spike out of time and space (Why!?) and then seems to forget about him. As in, she literally ripped him out of the plot. I am still trying to decide if the writer did this as a joke about bad Twilight centered stories or if he did it for real.
  14. -There are so many subplots, I have to spend a second or two in the first paragraph of each part to remember what the hell is going on with that character.
  15. -So much foreshadowing than the plot is set aside.
  16. -Is there any actual plot, or just a lot of vaguely related subplots? Wait, I get it. The whole story is a metaphor of the thinking of a drunken person, incapable of concentrating in a single thing for longer than five minutes.
  17. -When the hell is Twilight going to actually do something?
  18. -Yes, I get it, foreshadowing and preparation. Now can you actually advance the damn story?
  19. -The sheer number of subplots leaves the first Yu-Gi-Oh to shame.
  20. -You know, Equestria is a battle-zone. Could you... you know... portray a character really giving fucks about it? a tiny little one?
  21. -The whole plot feels like a joke about a joke about a joke about a joke about a joke about a joke...
  22. -Maybe there is a subplot for each joke about a joke?
  23. -Hey. Look at this bathroom. No, the left upper corner.[spoiler]That spider has it's own subplot[/spoiler]
  24. -Like, one may have to wait four chapters to know what happened to that one character you give a fuck about.
  26. -Oh, you think than this one character/entity from a subplot finally served it's function and will go away? Wrong, the damn soccer moms won't stop appearing. I think it's a reaction of the plot immune systems to try and create a layer of non-characters around actual characters and try to protect them from the writer. Emphasis on "try"
  27. -Ooooh Cadance popped into existence. “Exactly. We've got to be cool with it. Otherwise we risk becoming marginalized on a national stage,” Oh, silly Shiny, you and Cadance are already marginalized in the very thread of destiny and happenstance that we like to call "Plot"!
  28. -And Cadance is a cunt.
  29. -And her subplot does not seem to have any actual reason to exist, unsurprisingly.
  30. -I make this in a different bullet not for humor, but because I was honestly surprised to see a single subplot not being instantly interrupted. Cadance started a war with the griphin, apparently. Hoora, more subplots!
  31. -No, wait, apparently the zebras are on it too. Yuupi!
  32. -Oh, and Cadance doesn't seem to give fucks about the war.
  33. -daddy, will the subplots go away if i give them candy?
  34. -Oh god, you can't make Celestia more into a cunt, can't you? First she literally throws her nation into ruins to get laid, and then she has a Evil Judge under her Evil Strings of Manipulation. I bet she even steals candy.
  35. -Maybe the subplots are an actual plan by Celestia to drive the reader mad and eventually overthrow human civilization, and then pass the walls between the worlds and grab a new towel for free. Wahaha.
  36. -Wait waaaait waaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiit. All of Equestria is apparently drunk because of the elixirs, how can the soccer moms be holding a trial against a smut magazine? Maybe the drunk Equestria is three subplots to the left or something like that.
  37. -"and any new burst [of rain] would begin quite suddenly and rise immediately to peak intensity" Does this guy even know how ecosystems work? if you start a strong rain out of nowhere, the ground has no chance of softening or the dust of setting, and it's hardened by the sudden presure of water to the point where no grass will grow. And I saying this out of common sense, for fuck sake, I didn't even take erosion into account.
  38. -Uh. Equestria is in the middle of a crisis, and no one through to tell it to Cadance? Or maybe the message got sent into another subplot by mistake.
  39. -"[Cadance] was level-headed" She started a war like two hours ago. She isn't.
  40. -Oh oh ohohohohohohoh, Celestia did not only give a terrible nightmare to Twilight that sent her into a spiral of alcoholism and turn Equestria into a battle-zone (Killing thousands) but ALSO started a chain of events that could destroy the Equestrian universe, JUST SO SHE COULD GET LAID. At this point, she is the cunt of cunts. Imagine that you are in the middle of a circular island with about a 50 kilometers radius, and you see the wall of water of a tsunami engulfing the island by all sides, covering the sky. The amount of water in that wave is around half the cuntishness that Celestia has.
  41. -"Hey, my name is Pinkie Pie, and I come to start another subplot, subplot, subplot! I come to subplot, subplooooooooooot!"
  42. -Maybe there is a subplot for each of the nectars?
  43. -The very universe in which Equestria resides (I think the Gap is that, I am not sure) is being literally assfucked just so Celestia can get laid. This fic is trying to to redefine "over the top", isn't it?
  44. -Oh and Celestia hasn't made a single apparition in like half the fic. She got lost in the subplots net, I am sure of it!
  45. -"Celestia's machinations, at work again. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out that she was mashing them all up and putting them in pies." I bet there is a subplot about that.
  46. -Let me see if I get it. The guy started the subplot of the smut magazine owner, like three or four chapters ago, just so the characters of a subplot that actually matters could get transport to griffin lands? What the fuck?
  47. -No. He didn't. The guy started the smut magazine AND the soccer moms subplots, JUST SO TWO CHARACTERS HAD TRANSPORT. I'd like to add than the soccer moms also had a small sub-sub-plot. This is recursive subplotting, folks!
  48. -Did I mention that every single bad thing in the whole fic has happened because Cuntestia wants to get laid?
  49. -"Time for a bath". Let me see if I get this. In the story, alicorns have:
  50. -Flown at match 24 or something like that
  51. -Regenerated from any damage in essentially no time
  52. -Created pocket dimensions
  53. -Displaced time and space itself (To remove Spike from the plot, of course)
  54. -Teleported to the moon
  55. -Thrown three mares into an existential crisis by talking for like five minutes
  56. -Turned a golf bat into iron sludge by mere kinetic force without batting an eye
  57. -And made a shield that can resist atmospheric entrance, after said shield what hit by a iridium-tungsten(I think it was that, at least) baseball bat so strongly the bat instantly turned into plasma
  58. And Luna can't just clean herself with magic? What the fucking damned cuntish cursed hell?
  59. -I should note than, when I am around three quarters of the story, I still have no fucking idea of how the effect of the Nectars on the universe works. In a part Luna mentions than by that point it must have affected all of Equestria, but normal guys within Canterlot are perfectely fine. And how do the bat ponies resist what is literally a response of the universe immune system by having a good resistance to alcohol? This thing made no bloody sense, I say.
  60. -Oh Spike exists again. Nice I think. Of course, he was being sent to the care of another non-character since before Luna un-disploted him. And he was apparently traumatized (Ya know, the old "Spew random bullshit that sound cryptical and stuff" kind of trauma) by the experience of being thrown out of reality itself. And he has no say about being sent to the care of someone he hasn't seen on his life. It's like the writter is trying to be ironical or something and fails horribly.
  61. -It aparently doesn't matter that he almost went mad due to total sensorial deprivation because it'll pass eventualy, it seems. What, teleporting him somewhere safe? Pffft, alicorns must do every thing at least six edgykilos harder than mortals.
  62. -“A dragon, with ethics. Stranger things, Katabasis!” What now, an alicorn besides Whom and Twilight who isn't a cunt?
  63. -Ohohohoh, Luna's ship, Mytheme? Of course it doesn't use hot air of magic, that would be like, totally uncool. It displaces Reality, of course! I wonder if the alicorns can throw a fart without it modifying reality in some way.
  64. -Wait, I bet Spike will have his very own subplot, maybe even two, yay!
  65. -"Luna's tits! It's the end times! I've got to get moving! So much to do!" Wait. Wait for fuck sake, wait. Berry Punch instantly connects rain to the end of the world. She knew what the first Nectar would do. And she fucking gave the recipe to Twilight? Is there anyone on this damn fanfic besides Twilight who isn't either a bloody retarded, a bloody cunt, or both?
  66. -So Whom is in the dessert and, as far as Twilight knows, could be dead. Of course she worries about her bags and the ingredients for the Nectar inside as much as the death of a sentient creature.
  67. -I can't believe this. Someone gives a fuck about the idea of death. Whom, you are best ponie from now on.
  68. -Dude. Stop throwing Twilight around. Leave her do stuff with stuff about stuff instead of just jump from eldritch location A to eldritch location B.
  69. -"Could someone, or something, be railroading me?" Ooooh yeah, that what you want folks, right? yet another "Twilight confronts Celestia about being a manipulative bitch" scene?
  70. -Oh yay. A subplot about Death and Satan that seems as inconsequential as every other subplot not started in the first two chapters of the fic. Grrrreat.
  71. -Oh, Fluttershy again, I can only assume that she has spent like twelve hours watching the rocs by now. It'd be nice to know what the hell did Pinkie want with those penis cannons, by the way.
  72. -Celestia also imprisoned a guy in Tartarus because he made her a joke. What now, she steals kittens in the dead of the night?
  73. -You know the fun thing about puppet masters? than most authors are so obsessed with them pulling the strings from afar, they forget to make them into actual characters, and by now Celestia has had like two pages worth of dialogue since she was established as the bad guy, maybe a bit less. As nice as manipulators are, the villain and the hero are the two most important characters for the reader to understand if the writer pretends to give some kind of emotional attachment to them. Characters that are essentially forces of the nature, that speak little but whose actions resonate in the whole story, are better left as servitors or mindless slaves. Precursors are also somewhat allowed to this because what resonates are the actions of them as a whole species, but Celestia is by no means an entire species. I think. Maybe there are a thousand evil Celestias and they cycle each year?
  74. -Oh great, these quotes from random books keep appearing, maybe they are related in some way? maybe... I shudder to say it, but what if they are an abstract kind of subplot?
  75. -Wait, let me see if I get it: What Celestia started will eventually allow gods that roam in the places between realities to fucking rampage trough Equestria, as in GODS RAMPAGING FUCKING EQUESTRIA, just so she could get laid? This guy can't go a single chapter without making her into more of a cunt. No, no cunt, a Cunt.
  76. -To make it worse, the closest thing I've gotten to a explanation of all she is doing is that she wants to get laid. There has been no confirmation or denegation of that fact since the damn fic started.
  77. -So the Universe allows divines into itself to see what happens, and it almost ends a world. The solution? Let more divines in, of course!
  78. -"she was in motion with speeds that only matter infalling toward a black hole could muster." Shouldn't this kind of plasmify the very air around her instantly, destroying a few kilometers around her? 'cause, you know, black holes aren't a cool word you throw around a la DBZ, black holes are the kind of things that can gobble up galaxies. Also, don't use absolutes to show just how ebin a character is; If you say "only matter falling to a black hole", it means "only matter falling to a black hole", no "Look how many zeroes are there on his power lebel!!!1"
  79. -"replacing it with a neatly compacted layer of black slag and a rapidly expanding cloud of highly differentiated plasmas" FOR FUCK SAKE STOP MAKING CELESTIA INTO THE VERY EMBODIENT OF CUNT I MEAN GOD-
  80. -"That bastard unicorn" Yeah, Celestia, I kind of think you lost your rights to call even Discord a bastard by this point. And you threw that unicorn into Tartarus (Where he has been for 8000 subjetive years) because of a statue, by the way.
  81. -"Am I losing my touch?" But that would imply that you had any actual interaction with any character besides two phrases to Discord, ya silly filly.
  82. -So Celestia takes Shining's Strong Force Bomb (The writer's favorite mini plot tool, it seems) to the sky so it doesn't destroy an entire continent. Does the writer know than that much energy would actually be much more damaging without land to take around half it's impact? Because let's see-- a cupcake transformed directly into energy is roughly equivalent to all atomic bombs ever used by humanity (I think I heard that in Discovery Channel like a decade ago, don't judge me), so more than 2000 kilos of stone and metal... yeah. That would probably be enough to destabilize our sun ten times over. So Celestia would not only have to get away from Equestria (Because quite frankly with that much energy "the floor taking half the energy" means "the floor is plasmified a few fractions of a second earlier") but away from the very Equestrian solar system, that much distance covered in around a second and therefore much faster than light, with energy that would probably destabilize any kind of magic near. Yeah, there is "OP character" and there is "Alicorns in TNNNPL".
  83. -I think it's worth mentioning that while Celestia was doing the effort to go at speeds that should rip open time and space according to the relativity theory, she did it SO SHE STILL HAD A EQUESTRIA TO GET LAID ON.
  84. -It'd be nice to see what the hell happened to AJ, Rarity and RD, ya know? They are kind of important characters. Or Luna decided they wheren't anymore and left them at their luck?
  85. -And to know how Celestia's actions are affecting Equestria as a whole. I don't think having a sudden wave of plasma destroying entire forests is that normal.
  86. -And just what the hell did Pinkie want with the penis cannons. I don't think the whole reason of her unnecessary subplot was so Luna had to take a bath; subplots are never this short. A true unnecessary subplot will invariably extend to unimaginable lengths, making the reader wish the swift release of death.
  87. -What would happen if Celestia just, ya know, used a dildo? Maybe her fluids would shot quickly enough to fling Equestria out of orbit. It certainly is a posibility.
  88. -Is Ponyville in some kind of pocket dimention? Why haven't it's citizens reacted in any form to the capital city burning? Why aren't they afected by the Nectars while going to Canterlot seems to take like an hour tops?
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