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a guest
Jun 23rd, 2015
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  1. 15:31:20 ALiVE SYS_PLAYER - PLAYER UNIT FOUND IN PLAYABLEUNITS (B Alpha 1-1:1 (Noonanamous) REMOTE)
  2. 15:31:21 "ALiVE - Starting Garbage Collector..."
  3. 15:31:29 ALiVE [m_31|190] Module ALiVE_mil_logistics INIT COMPLETE TIME: 13.64
  4. 15:31:29 ALiVE [m_32|190] Module ALiVE_mil_logistics INIT COMPLETE TIME: 13.651
  5. 15:32:35 --------------------------------------------------------------
  6. 15:32:35 ALiVE Exit - mode: REMSAVE
  7. 15:32:35 --------------------------------------------------------------
  8. 15:32:35 ALiVE Exit - mode: SAVESERVERYO
  9. 15:32:36 [19855,468.216,76.354,"x\alive\addons\main\fnc_buttonAbort.sqf:41","PLAYER CLICKING ON ABORT BUTTON: _this=["REMSAVE"]"]
  10. 15:32:36 [19856,468.232,76.374,"x\alive\addons\main\fnc_buttonAbort.sqf:41","PLAYER CLICKING ON ABORT BUTTON: _this=["SAVESERVERYO","76561198106795384"]"]
  11. 15:32:36 "["76561198106795384",[["RH_m4a6_des",0,"RH_m4a6_des","M4A6 Tan camo"]]]"
  12. 15:32:36 Error in expression <"_value") then { nil } else { _value },
  13. _hash select 3] call (uiNamespace getVar>
  14. 15:32:36 Error position: <_hash select 3] call (uiNamespace getVar>
  15. 15:32:36 Error Undefined variable in expression: _hash
  16. 15:32:36 File x\alive\addons\x_lib\functions\data\fnc_hashSet.sqf, line 42
  17. 15:32:36 Error in expression <is select 0;
  18. _shots = _this select 1;
  20. [ALiVE_sys_statistics_shotsFired, _uid, _>
  21. 15:32:36 Error position: <ALiVE_sys_statistics_shotsFired, _uid, _>
  22. 15:32:36 Error Undefined variable in expression: alive_sys_statistics_shotsfired
  23. 15:32:36 File x\alive\addons\sys_statistics\fnc_updateShotsFired.sqf, line 14
  25. 15:32:36 ALiVE SYS_PLAYER - PLAYER UNIT FOUND IN PLAYABLEUNITS (B Alpha 1-1:1 (Noonanamous) REMOTE)
  26. 15:32:37 --------------------------------------------------------------
  27. 15:32:37 ALiVE Exit - Saving Server
  28. 15:32:37 ADMIN UID: 76561198106795384
  29. 15:32:37 ADMIN: B Alpha 1-1:1 (Noonanamous) REMOTE
  30. 15:32:39 ALiVE Pausing state of ALiVE_ALiVE_sys_profile instance set to true!
  31. 15:32:39 ALiVE Pausing state of ALiVE_ALiVE_mil_command instance set to true!
  32. 15:32:39 ALiVE Pausing state of ALiVE_ALiVE_fnc_analysis instance set to true!
  33. 15:32:39 ALiVE Pausing state of ALiVE_ALiVE_mil_OPCOM instance set to true!
  34. 15:32:39 ALiVE Pausing state of ALiVE_ALiVE_mil_logistics instance set to true!
  35. 15:32:39 ALiVE Pausing state of ALiVE_ALiVE_amb_civ_command instance set to true!
  36. 15:32:39 ALiVE Pausing state of ALiVE_ALiVE_mil_OPCOM instance set to true!
  37. 15:32:39 ALiVE Pausing state of ALiVE_ALiVE_mil_OPCOM instance set to true!
  38. 15:32:39 ALiVE Pausing state of ALiVE_ALiVE_mil_logistics instance set to true!
  39. 15:32:39 ALiVE Exit - Server Player OPD
  41. 15:32:39 ALiVE Exit - Server Save Profiles
  42. 15:32:39 ALiVE Exit - Server Save OPCOM State
  43. 15:32:39 ALiVE Exit - Server Save OPCOM State
  44. 15:32:39 ALiVE Exit - Server Save Logistics State
  45. 15:32:39 Error in expression < "_result")) then {
  46. _messages = _result select 1;
  47. if(count _messages > 0) then {>
  48. 15:32:39 Error position: <select 1;
  49. if(count _messages > 0) then {>
  50. 15:32:39 Error select: Type Bool, expected Array,String,Config entry
  51. 15:32:39 File x\alive\addons\main\fnc_buttonAbort.sqf, line 225
  52. 15:37:06 --------------------------------------------------------------
  53. 15:37:06 ALiVE Exit - mode: REMSAVE
  54. 15:37:06 --------------------------------------------------------------
  55. 15:37:06 ALiVE Exit - mode: SAVESERVERYO
  56. 15:37:06 [33351,738.552,346.696,"x\alive\addons\main\fnc_buttonAbort.sqf:41","PLAYER CLICKING ON ABORT BUTTON: _this=["REMSAVE"]"]
  57. 15:37:06 [33351,738.553,346.696,"x\alive\addons\main\fnc_buttonAbort.sqf:41","PLAYER CLICKING ON ABORT BUTTON: _this=["SAVESERVERYO","76561198106795384"]"]
  59. 15:37:06 ALiVE SYS_PLAYER - PLAYER UNIT FOUND IN PLAYABLEUNITS (B Alpha 1-1:1 (Noonanamous) REMOTE)
  60. 15:37:06 "["76561198106795384",[["RH_m4a6_des",0,"RH_m4a6_des","M4A6 Tan camo"]]]"
  61. 15:37:06 Error in expression <"_value") then { nil } else { _value },
  62. _hash select 3] call (uiNamespace getVar>
  63. 15:37:06 Error position: <_hash select 3] call (uiNamespace getVar>
  64. 15:37:06 Error Undefined variable in expression: _hash
  65. 15:37:06 File x\alive\addons\x_lib\functions\data\fnc_hashSet.sqf, line 42
  66. 15:37:06 Error in expression <is select 0;
  67. _shots = _this select 1;
  69. [ALiVE_sys_statistics_shotsFired, _uid, _>
  70. 15:37:06 Error position: <ALiVE_sys_statistics_shotsFired, _uid, _>
  71. 15:37:06 Error Undefined variable in expression: alive_sys_statistics_shotsfired
  72. 15:37:06 File x\alive\addons\sys_statistics\fnc_updateShotsFired.sqf, line 14
  73. 15:37:07 --------------------------------------------------------------
  74. 15:37:07 ALiVE Exit - Saving Server
  75. 15:37:07 ADMIN UID: 76561198106795384
  76. 15:37:07 ADMIN: B Alpha 1-1:1 (Noonanamous) REMOTE
  77. 15:37:09 ALiVE Pausing state of ALiVE_ALiVE_sys_profile instance set to true!
  78. 15:37:09 ALiVE Exit - Server Player OPD
  80. 15:37:09 ALiVE Exit - Server Save Profiles
  81. 15:37:09 ALiVE Exit - Server Save OPCOM State
  82. 15:37:09 ALiVE Exit - Server Save OPCOM State
  83. 15:37:09 ALiVE Exit - Server Save Logistics State
  84. 15:37:09 Error in expression < "_result")) then {
  85. _messages = _result select 1;
  86. if(count _messages > 0) then {>
  87. 15:37:09 Error position: <select 1;
  88. if(count _messages > 0) then {>
  89. 15:37:09 Error select: Type Bool, expected Array,String,Config entry
  90. 15:37:09 File x\alive\addons\main\fnc_buttonAbort.sqf, line 225
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