
Chapter 1: Panic Button {edited}

Jun 16th, 2016
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  1. Megabound (an Earthbound-like story about of Mega Man RPG Prototype)
  3. The School of no Notable Attributes was a junior high school in a small city, in the state of Oregon. The school was simply known for nothing interesting happens around the school grounds. No athletic students being called by colleges, no overachieving students that end up in colleges like Harvard or Yale, no students have committed any crimes on school grounds, nothing. The school appears to be light grey on the outside, blending in with the murky sky, the insides to the school are painted a depressing shade of grey, with monochrome tiles on the floor. One of the students was known as Alex, with black hair and brown eyes, wearing a black hoodie and jeans to match the school's color pallet, she sitting in her Language Arts class, which was simply filled with just silent reading, the students hoping for either the class to end or their death to come soon. Alex was sitting by her close friend, Kayla, and were both bragging to each other about their drawings.
  4. "Yes! I finally finished it" Kayla proudly stated, she held up her journal, showing a lady in a large, pink dress that fell to her knees.
  5. "It's lovely, but you need to see this!" Alex held up a piece of paper with a complex drawing of a rose, one of its petals were missing on the flower, and lied next to it in the drawing.
  6. "Oh, so jealous-" Kayla was interrupted by the teacher, who never spoke to the class until that day.
  7. "Please welcome our next victim to this school, his name is Kyle" The teacher spoke in a monotone voice, and sounded as if she was speaking on years of chain smoking.
  8. Kyle stood out from mostly everyone in the classroom, his likely dyed cyan hair, yellow hoodie, and magenta pants gave everyone looking at him a headache.
  9. "I can tell we are going to be Best friends!" Kyle stated loudly to Alex and Kayla, and was met with no response. The class continued with silent reading and suffering, and then the class, and the school day, finally ended. Kayla and Alex walked out of the classroom and into the murky sky and rain that met them outside, however, they were both in Kyle's line of sight.
  10. "Hey guys, I just have to show you this amazing website!" Kyle exclaimed "I'll show you on the school computer." Kyle led them to the only computer in the school, which was in the library. Kyle started up the old computer and started typing in to the Search engine, hit enter, and showed Alex and Kayla the website, it was a drag grey site, showing "Mega Man RPG Prototype" on the top of the screen in big, blue lettering. He logged in as somebody that Alex and Kayla were familiar with, Kyle was logged in as "Meta"
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