
Shi-Long Lang & Lang Zi's secret sex techniques

May 26th, 2016
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  1. "What am I doing here?",thought to himself in a rather annoyed way, Defense Attorney Phoenix Wright.
  2. "I mean, we closed the Zheng Fa's Embassy case two weeks ago and I'm the attorney here, shouldn't it be Maya the one coming up here to do the last of the paperwork? Oh well, I wouldn't think she'd get things right anyways" thought Phoenix.
  3. A few seconds later Phoenix started hearing a ruckus coming from one of the private rooms in the Embassy, it was really loud so he thought it wouldn't hurt to check what was going on.
  4. Phoenix walked towards the door and opened the door slightly, it was some sort of conference room, inside were several officers from the Republic of Zheng Fa, you could see the words "Lang Zi says: Every Pack has its own Rules" projected onto the front wall of the room.
  5. "Pack? What are these guys? Dogs? And what about that crazily dressed wolf guy in the front?" asked Phoenix to himself. The conference looked like it was just about to start and Phoenix thought that it wouldn't hurt to learn a bit more about this country, so he snucked in and sat at the back.
  6. The crazy wolf guy started talking
  7. -"As you all know, I am Interpol Agent Shi-Long Lang, direct descendant of the great philosopher Lang Zi, and I'm here to guide you my cubs on Lang Zi's teachings, you can ask whatever you want and all of your questions will be answered without exception, as Lang Zi said: "Reject not those who seek the truth.""
  8. -Shifu!Shifu!Shifu!- started cheering the crowd.
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