
mansion assassination mission

Oct 12th, 2020
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  1. mansion assassination mission
  2. - sneak into heavily guarded mansion, inhume target, get out without being seen
  3. - stages: the grounds, the mansion pt 1, the detour, the mansion part 2
  4. - use dungeon inherit to procedurally generate mansion
  5. - the grounds: patrolled by guards, sneak past them and find either a place to climb in or a place to swim in
  6. climb: there is a fortunately placed tree next to an unlocked window, allowing you to use it to get in
  7. swim: idk sewers or something
  8. you can't go in through the front door because it's heavily patrolled
  9. - the mansion: mazelike, divided in half effectively by animals that cannot be sneaked past - pet dogs, birds, cats
  10. there are less guards here, but also locked doors
  11. you enter in the wrong half and must use the detour to enter the other half
  12. - detour: uses the other skill of climbing or swimming that the mansion entry did not
  13. - finally, reach the target and inhume them
  14. - challenges:
  15. the guards will throw you out and go into high alert if they see you, ending your mission; they check on enter and every 5 seconds
  16. animals will always see you and make noise, alerting the guards; this makes them function as roadblocks
  17. locked doors in the mansion require a key to pass; the key can be stolen from a nearby guard, or you can lockpick the door
  18. inhuming the target is naturally a skillcheck; if you fail badly enough that they see you, you fail the mission
  20. mansion layout
  21. - rooms: picture gallery, front parlour, tearoom, drawing room (living room), guest rooms (several), dining room, study, pantry, kitchen, scullery, bedrooms (several, with en suite bathrooms), attic, storeroom, closet, cellar, billiards room, music room, great hall, cloak room, grand foyer, ballroom, conservatory
  22. - walking through doors alerts guards who are in the room; you have to pursue a guard through while sneaking
  23. sometimes you have to manipulate guards into walking through the door, by making
  24. - maybe use brightly lit guarded rooms as roadblocks instead of animals, animals could be bribeable
  25. two argumentative guards that you can cause to argue by planting items on them; they take turns to patrol a more dimly lit hallway but one of them is always in a brightly lit room
  26. - dog which you have to bribe with its favourite dog treats, found elsewhere
  27. maybe there are like six bags of various treats scattered everywhere and you have to eavesdrop on the servants to figure out which one the dogs like and which one the cats like
  28. cover birdcage with a blanket
  29. put dog in a basket and weigh it down
  30. - maybe one of the guards is superstitious and gets spooked whenever someone mentions a particular god
  31. and you have to figure out which name, and then whisper it to him while sneaking
  32. name of his ex? name of a god he wronged
  33. if you whisper the wrong name he gets suspicious so you can't trial and error it
  34. plant something he fears on him
  35. - traps:
  36. tripwires that set off a bell
  37. - multiple "lives"? you get 3 mistakes before you fail the mission
  38. - guards playing poker, you can make them fight by stealing and planting cards
  39. - family member sipping wine, you can swap their drink to get them drunk
  40. - locking guards into closets?
  41. - troll guards - outside front door?
  42. - guard sipping tea while guarding a door, you can steal his tea so he falls asleep after a minute
  43. during this wait time you can go off and do other things
  45. - when you enter the final room with the target, he's not looking at you
  46. he thinks you're someone else and goes on a long monologue/rant
  47. (if you're sneaking he says something about how you always walk too quietly and he hates it when you startle him like that)
  49. /d/forn/genua/genua_city/paradise_crescent/paradise_crescent_04
  51. Sprint 1: 20-8-2020
  52. Currently the basic generation is in place, but the grounds and the mansion are entirely empty.
  53. [] Write NPC inherits:
  54. - Guards, who only alarm if they see you
  55. - Animals, who alarm if some condition is unmet
  56. - Family members, friends, and servants: ?
  57. [] Write room inherits:
  58. - Nothing for now
  59. [] Write handler:
  60. - Keeps track of alarm level
  61. - Ends mission when it gets too high
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