
Endtown RPG Session #29

Mar 26th, 2016
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  1. GM (GM): I am eager to get rolling here.
  3. Only outstanding update is average damage values listed in () if you want to skip the dice roll.
  4. Martin Baron: Have a question: Don't Topsider transports have a self defense mechanism on the inside? The zapping thing?
  5. GM (GM): And shotgun damage got a buff.
  6. Yes.
  7. Martin Baron: Just making sure you know
  8. GM (GM): But apparently they don't seem to notice dittos immediately.
  9. Also I do have to ask Aaron about it but it does seem like each plastic brain is more or less fitted in personality with what they are jammed into. Transporters just carry people and zero guns are hateful to mutants.
  10. Everett Pillory: Hmm interesting!
  11. GM (GM): For the most part that is the assumption I'm going under until it's susssed out.
  12. *sussed.
  13. Yo Ernest.
  14. Ernest Gillett: Hey everyone. Hey GM.
  15. GM (GM):
  16. Ready to begin?
  17. M. Walker: Yup
  18. Martin Baron: Y
  19. Ernest Gillett: Yep!
  20. GM (GM): Okay!
  21. We begin in the middle of heated conflict!
  22. Martin Baron: (( Oh yeah Mana, you want a quick rundown of what happened while you were out? ))
  23. Everett Pillory: (( Yep ))
  24. M. Walker: ((Yes please, ehe))
  25. Everett Pillory yells out at Clayton who passed out from his wounds "DON'T FUCKING DIE ON ME, I STILL WANT TO MURDER THE PISS OUT OF YOU WHEN I GET THE CHANCE."
  26. Martin Baron: (( I'm assuming you dropped out as soon as we began combat, so Clayton roasted the two cats with napalm as well as the whisper man. Whisper man ran to Clayton and sliced his head almost clean off. He's in a critical condition and his mask is in pieces. ))
  27. after suffering heavy casualties the dittos have withdrawn, layering themselves thicker than before to protect the ringleader! Meanwhile, the topsider Transport circles at breakneck speeds with a giant missle in tow!
  28. Martin Baron: (( Rat man is running away with the majority of the dittos, and the transport carrying the bomb is being hijacked by Martin. We ended the session with Clayton being saved from dying in two turns and the transport circling the group at 30 MPH. ))
  29. (( Anything else I missed? ))
  30. GM (GM): ((Nope, that abotu covers it.))
  31. Martin Baron: (( Oh right, Whisper man is dead. Fire and bullets ended him. ))
  32. Everett Pillory: (( That reminds me ))
  33. (( I still need my trophy ))
  34. Martin Baron: (( The birdmask is Clayton's new mask now. ))
  35. GM (GM): ((He has ascended!))
  36. Martin Baron: (( Speaking of which, he's not here. Shame. ))
  37. Ernest Gillett: ((Yeah))
  38. GM (GM): Well, his character is lacking a face and bleeding so not much for him to do anyway.
  39. anyway!
  40. Everett Pillory: (( I just screamed at him ))
  41. (( Everett is moody today. Fear his Panda stance ))
  42. Martin Baron tries looking around the inside of the transporter! A wheel, a button, anything that might get this to stop!
  43. Martin Baron: (( Can I roll perception to look about inside? ))
  44. The cubic vessel streaks past gaining more speed!
  45. GM (GM): Sure!
  46. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100
  47. (27)= 27
  48. GM (GM): There are two seats.
  49. But they could be anything
  50. Everett Pillory wraps the remains of his trousers over Clayton's broken face "Hey, Walker. Help me over here ."
  51. GM (GM): There is a door in the back of the cabin and a windshield in the front.
  52. Martin Baron takes a seat at the front, looking for anything on the dash. He doubts there's anything in the back.
  53. Mysterious_voice: who are you?
  54. M. Walker runs over to Everett, helping him with his handmade bandages
  55. Ernest Gillett looks at the distance of those.. things withdrawing. From what she remembered, there was someone else over there.
  56. Everett Pillory looks at Walker "You know more about medicine, right? I can't really fix a broken face. At this point I'm supposed to call the ambulance. Got any more ideas?"
  57. Ernest Gillett: ((You wouldn't mind if I try getting the ringleader over here?))
  58. GM (GM): ((No I wouldn't
  59. Martin Baron: "What the hell?" Martin says confused, looking about for the speaker.
  60. M. Walker: "Yeah,, let me look at this..."
  61. Martin Baron: (( Eey! ))
  62. Ernest Gillett: ((Hey Clayton!))
  63. DJ-Max meanwhile is watching the Ditto mass move. Keeping his eyes out in case well... you know.
  64. DJ-Max: (Hey Clayton)
  65. M. Walker: ((Gonna roll first aid on Clayton, speaking of which))
  66. Clayton R.: (( HOO HOO> You thought you would find a broken face, but it was me, Dio! ))
  67. Martin Baron: (( ZA WARUDO! ))
  68. GM (GM): Hey clayton!
  69. M. Walker: rolling 1d100+60
  70. (35)+60= 95
  71. Everett Pillory: (( Son of a... ))
  72. GM (GM): What's your first aid?
  73. M. Walker: 2
  74. Clayton R.: (( speaking of which, I found myself with some spare time before I head out again, so I might just sit for a bit. Not much that I can do anyway. ))
  75. GM (GM): Works
  76. higher than 30
  77. Ernest Gillett decides to fly closer towards the mass of those demon things, readying the 9mm Mongol.
  78. Martin Baron decides to comply to the voice, not wanting to waste anytime. "Martin, er, Baron. Please tell me you're what's controlling this thing."
  79. GM (GM): +10 to Clayton's 'face'
  80. Ernest Gillett: ((It's one speed per tile right?))
  81. GM (GM): It'll take a percpetion check for you erenst to find the rat.
  82. Right.
  83. DJ-Max: (He shall Worshack another day)
  84. Clayton R.: (( By the way GM, what did you mean earlier when you said that it would need to be decided what Clayton would look like? ))
  85. Martin Baron: (( I'm not trapped in these ruins with a horde of dittos, you are all trapped in here with me! ))
  86. GM (GM): It's alittle different when flying but not really for insects.
  87. Ernest Gillett goes to take a look over whether the hell may the rat even be at from all that.
  88. Ernest Gillett: rolling 1d100
  89. (19)= 19
  90. ((welp))
  91. GM (GM): Because I'm a horrible GM clayton. Your character was dealt a death blow but I decide that instead of losing your head you just need major reconstructive surgery.
  92. GM (GM): Adding your mind, which is +60
  93. So 79
  94. You can't find the bugger
  95. GM (GM): Martin, the voice yells, "Hang on, dude!"
  96. Clayton R.: (( Oh. so my appearance will be left up to my peers because I'm not capable of decision making right now. ))
  97. GM (GM): The vehicle skids around, fishtailing the ICBM. It's now reaching 90mph in a turn.
  98. Clayton R.: ((I'm certain that's a comforting thought with Everett around. ))
  99. GM (GM): Well, you can have input now!
  100. Garble something like "Tom Cruise... Brad Pitt..."
  101. M. Walker winces in dismay at the extent of the damage as she sets to work on him
  102. Martin Baron: (( Due to the face injury, Clayton now looks like this: ))
  103. Everett Pillory snarls and peels off the remenants of the gas mask Clay has "For fuck's sake, half of it is in his face. Who the fuck even wears masks like these anymore. Oh... APEX-made. Figures." he takes a deep breath "Ey Clay... ever thought about plastic surgery? I might have a cupoun or two still in my pocket."
  104. Martin Baron: "Bloody hell, what are you doi-" Martin says, considering an idea. A stupid idea, but an idea nonetheless. "Can you target the big blue mass of teeth and eyes over there? Just ram straight through the center?"
  105. Everett Pillory: (( Martin "Energizer Bunny" Baron has joined the Death Race. ))
  106. Ernest Gillett grumbles under her breath upon failing to find the ringleader. For now, perhaps it would be best to shoot at the mass of the demon blobs for now until the rat pops his head out. She aims her 9mm Mongol towards the mass and fires off three rounds.
  107. Martin Baron: (( Hahaha ))
  108. Ernest Gillett: rolling 1d100
  109. (80)= 80
  110. Hershel: You sure dude? Might get rough in here!
  111. GM (GM): Ernest! You scour the contorting mass and find that foul-mouthed rat wading in the upper part of dittos!
  112. Martin Baron: "Yeah, just do it!" Martin responds, grabbing onto both side of the chair for possible impact.
  113. Hershel: Okay!
  114. GM (GM): For the record, Transporters have pilot level 3
  115. Clayton R. grasps dust aimlessly as he's worked on. "Just make sure I don't look like a complete doofus." in the most garbled speech he's ever uttered.
  116. Martin Baron: (( This one is awfully fine with being ordered around too. ))
  117. Clayton R.: (( I'm somewhat partial to if we're doing celebrities. ))
  118. GM (GM): rolling 1d100
  119. (78)= 78
  120. Everett Pillory: (( HHahah, good pick ))
  121. GM (GM): 90+40
  122. 130
  123. Martin Baron: (( Like a lawnmower, just buzz through the mass of it. ))
  124. GM (GM): Sorry.
  125. Everett Pillory headshakes "It would be hard concerning how much of a complete doofus you looked like before" he looks to Walker "Can you make sure he stablizes? I want to do one thing..."
  126. GM (GM): rolling 18d10
  127. (10+10+5+9+1+7+4+8+1+6+5+7+4+3+4+10+3+4)= 101
  128. Ernest Gillett: ((Oooo))
  129. Clayton R.: (( It's an amusing thought to think of Clayton on the brink of death while Martin does donuts in a topsider transport to kill a rat. ))
  130. Martin Baron: (( Hey, get to test out ramming I guess. And yeah, it is pretty funny isn't it? ))
  131. GM (GM): ((Because the I'm a good GM.
  132. at the moment of impact The transporter forms seat belts for you !
  133. Martin Baron: (( Aw, how sweet of it. ))
  134. You smash into the mass of dittos like jumping out of a plane into the ocean, soft, then it's like concrete.
  135. GM (GM): martin you sustain 50 damage from bouncing around the cabin!
  136. Martin Baron: (( The seatbelts! They do nothing! ))
  137. Everett Pillory: (( Don't die, Martin. Jesus ))
  138. Martin Baron: (( I'm down to 44 health, wow. ))
  139. GM (GM): ((The seat belts kept you from becoming a rabbit shaped spear!
  140. Ernest Gillett: ((Yeah, we still need you!))
  141. Martin Baron: "Bad idea, bad idea, bad idea!" Martin yells as he gets hit with the brunt of the impact.
  142. M. Walker nods "Yeah, I've got this..."
  143. The transporter plows into the mass just below the rat, is looks very upset by this turn.
  144. Everett Pillory runs up to the Whisperman to double check whether he's dead... and what's behind the mask
  145. Martin Baron: (( Lean out the door and shoot at the ratling?))
  146. Ernest Gillett: ((Ohhhhhh))
  147. GM (GM): You discover he was... A man!
  148. Martin Baron: (( Bah god ))
  149. GM (GM): Sure!
  150. Everett Pillory: (( Like a human? ))
  151. GM (GM): Yes,
  152. Also
  153. Martin Baron: (( Oh cool, sounded stupid in my head but if it works. Any negatives to aim or is it a clear shot? ))
  154. GM (GM): You discover he had some sort of artificial claw.
  155. Long thin metal blades like that of a bird.
  156. 3d10+30(45)
  157. Ernest Gillett: ((I could try taking a shot at the rat as well, though I fear that either the transporter or the missile could be in the way.))
  158. GM (GM): Since your waist deep in dittos and so is he I'll say you have a -30 penalty.
  159. Martin Baron: (( Alright, sounds reasonable to me. ))
  160. GM (GM): It's like shooting someone in a half pipe while you are also in a half pipe.
  161. Everett Pillory grabs the mask and the claws as trophies... maybe he will find them useful later on, but for now he reloads his weapon turns his head away and makes sure the whisperman will never rise again by blowing his head off... or sure eh is hope so.
  162. GM (GM): Not too much of an issue enerst, you are flying and he is elevated. You'd have to aim down to hit anyone.
  163. Ernest Gillett: ((Ahh.))
  164. Martin Baron: (( Would it be possible for me to take aim or would that take too much time? Because I'd have to roll at or above a 70 to hit and I don't like those odds. ))
  165. GM (GM): Nah, aim away.
  166. That or spray.
  167. Martin Baron: (( Might try spraying, never used it. Mind giving a quick rundown? ))
  168. GM (GM): Mana! You have patched him up as best you can, you won't even know the full extent of his injuries until you can get him proper care.
  169. To spray, simple perform a rapid fire but the bonus it would do in damage is instead applied to the roll to hit. For example, firing half your clip with a pistol at a single target would do and additional +15 damage while spraying the target would give you +15 to hit instead of damage. In addition, spraying can allow you to hit multiple targets in the same attack provided they are reasonably close together, attacks that use half your ammo can hit up to three targets and attacks that take the entire clip can hit up to five targets.
  170. Ernest Gillett takes aim at the rat. "Finally," she mumbles. She fires three rounds towards him, not minding of the transporter and missile, for now that is.
  171. Martin Baron: (( Hm, I'll do it. ))
  172. rolling 1d100-15
  173. (87)-15= 72
  174. Ernest Gillett: rolling 1d100
  175. (48)= 48
  176. GM (GM): Hits
  177. Martin Baron: rolling 2d10+30
  178. (3+3)+30= 36
  179. Ernest Gillett: rolling 2d10+20+15
  180. (4+10)+20+15= 49
  181. Martin Baron sprays wildly into the crowd of dittos, hoping that some of his shots will connect with the escaping rat!
  182. GM (GM): (That's what I was about to say, actually.)
  183. Anyway, you mess that mother trucker up,
  184. Martin Baron: (( That fool's in front of the jeep, run him over! ))
  185. M. Walker sighs, rubbing her hands together and examining her handiwork. Rough, but survivable.
  186. GM (GM): (-46 hp ouch.)
  187. The rat is hit in your crossfire and falls from the ditto pile with a thud.
  188. he ded.
  189. Martin Baron: (( Oh no, I just realized. The dittos are gonna go wild aren't they? ))
  190. Everett Pillory: (( YEP!!!))
  191. Martin Baron: (( Sheeeit. ))
  192. GM (GM): ((Little late now!))
  193. Ernest Gillett: ((OhhhHHHHHH))
  194. DJ-Max: "...Something's happening!?"
  195. Everett Pillory looks at the ditto mass going towards him and prepares to shoot it "I think they're pissed off their master is dead..."
  196. GM (GM): The dittos jump and fly in all directions, circling anyone still with a pulse!
  197. Martin Baron: "Oh god, oh god no, oh god no!" Martin yells out as he begins to realize his mistake. He shouts into the transport "Do you have anything that can kill these things? A turret, a gun, or something I can use?!", beginning to panic as the dittos swarm everyone.
  198. GM (GM):
  199. Martin Baron: (( Cool. ))
  200. Hershel: You want me to?
  201. The last guys really didn't want me to.
  202. GM (GM): Everyone, roll 1d100+mind bonus!
  203. Martin Baron: (( Please don't tell me he's talking about the bomb. ))
  204. Clayton R.: (( dittos: ))
  205. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+15
  206. (75)+15= 90
  207. GM (GM): rolling 1d100
  208. (98)= 98
  209. M. Walker: rolling 1d100+35
  210. (36)+35= 71
  211. DJ-Max: rolling 1d100 + 20
  212. (66)+20= 86
  213. Ernest Gillett: rolling 1d100+65
  214. (73)+65= 138
  215. Everett Pillory: (Shit my sheet closed, one sec)
  216. Clayton R.: (( am I rolling? I was under the impression clayton's head is wrapped un in Martin's pant's and thus, he can't see anyway. ))
  217. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+40
  218. (24)+40= 64
  219. Clayton R.: (( oh sorry, everett's pants. ))
  220. GM (GM): Yes, because you look like Darkman now, you are... Nope! You had an eye hole!
  221. Everett Pillory: (( FUGG))
  222. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+35
  223. (26)+35= 61
  224. Martin Baron: (( Oh shit, he's missing an eye? ))
  225. Everett Pillory: (( Clay confessed his true feelings ))
  226. GM (GM): Everyone but Ernest! Take...
  227. rolling 1d10
  228. (2)= 2
  229. Everett Pillory: Phew
  230. GM (GM): ...2 Stress. Amazing.
  231. Martin Baron: (( After a while the dittos get less spooky. ))
  232. "What is it?! Explosives, or something?"
  233. GM (GM): My LACF
  234. says Hershel.
  235. Without much delay he activates it, sending thin jolts through the air!
  236. Clayton R. blinks wildly as the dittos swarm him. He can feel his heartbeat raising, and he closes his eyes shut tight... he needs to stay calm.
  237. Martin Baron: (( Didn't even say yes, but cool. ))
  238. GM (GM): rolling 3d10+30
  239. (5+8+6)+30= 49
  240. Everett Pillory: (( Can I blast the dittos away?? ))
  241. GM (GM): Sure!
  242. M. Walker covers her head with her arms, shielding her eyes, and gulping down her breath, but still the sounds carry.
  243. Everett Pillory: ((I'll do that ))
  244. Clayton R.: (( Clayton is basically plugging up his ears and going "lalalalalallalala. I can't hear you." To these dittos now. ))
  245. The transporters energy is zapping frantically but it's like rain wearing down rock. It's a super dense mass!
  246. Martin Baron: (( Best deal with Clayton's first, his beautiful face can't deter the dittos. ))
  247. GM (GM): Alright, the TP is working on the mass but not before they attack again!
  248. Martin Baron: (( What I'm wondering is what Juan is thinking right now. We just melted two armed cats, one of ours got sliced by a man-bird and then shot in response, another leaped into a topsider transport and is now ramming through a big pile of blue jelly. ))
  249. GM (GM): ((Juan curled up into a ball awhile ago and refuses to stop.))
  250. Ernest Gillett keeps her eyes open, though it seem like something she regret doing, seeing the dittos getting towards her. She whimpers before firing another trio of rounds at the dittos around her, wanting to get them away from herself.
  251. Martin Baron: (( Understandable. ))
  252. GM (GM): Roll to hit!
  253. Ernest Gillett: rolling 1d100
  254. (76)= 76
  255. GM (GM): On a 20 or less you hit someone you like!
  256. Okay then!
  257. Everyone roll /mind!
  258. Clayton R.: (( can bugs even close their eyes Ernest? Or is that just a phantom feeling? ))
  259. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+15
  260. (93)+15= 108
  261. GM (GM): I don't think so, actually.
  262. rolling 1d100+10
  263. (91)+10= 101
  264. Oh jeez.
  265. Martin Baron: (( Eeugh, mutating into something with no eyelids. Can't imagine the first nights trying to sleep. ))
  266. Ernest Gillett: rolling 1d100 +65
  267. (46)+65= 111
  268. DJ-Max gets to fighting off these Dittos off him.
  269. GM (GM): Clay and walker have their eyes closed.
  270. M. Walker: rolling 1d100+35
  271. (15)+35= 50
  272. Clayton R.: (( Clayton started closing his eyes after the first ditto swarm, am I rolling? ))
  273. GM (GM): If you want.
  274. Clayton R.: (( eh, I'll follow the lead of Juan. ))
  275. GM (GM): I won't lie, you can't lose much more mp then you already are going to.
  276. GM (GM): rolling 1d10
  277. (5)= 5
  278. Martin Baron: (( You took a nasty hit and lost your mask. You're gonna break like a twig. ))
  279. GM (GM): 5 Stress!
  280. DJ-Max: rolling 1d100 + 40
  281. (47)+40= 87
  282. GM (GM): rolling 3d10+30
  283. (1+4+10)+30= 45
  284. Everett Pillory: (( Sorry about that ))
  285. rolling 1d100
  286. (54)= 54
  287. (That's a miss for shooting them off I guess ))
  288. rolling 1d100+40
  289. (13)+40= 53
  290. (( And I still get MP Damage!!))
  291. Ernest Gillett: ((I already rolled to hit at the dittos, and I got a 76.))
  292. GM (GM): Just 5
  293. Martin Baron: (( GM, I want to reload my Colt and rapid fire the wave of dittos. ))
  294. Everett Pillory: (( Actually... I'm at 0 MP ))
  295. Clayton R.: (( At this point,. it doesn't seem like a bad idea to just retreat. What more can we do here? We have the bomb, and everyone else is dead. I guess we can loot the rat. ))
  296. Everett Pillory: (( It starts... ))
  297. GM (GM): Martin! At this point the Transport is free of dittos, it is surely boring a hole through the mass. Right now it's a good safe haven from this jelly!
  298. Ernest Gillett: ((Ohhh cripe))
  299. GM (GM): Sure!
  300. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100
  301. (49)= 49
  302. GM (GM): Roll damage!
  303. Martin Baron: (( The entire clip rapid fire.))
  304. rolling 2d10+30+65
  305. (1+4)+30+65= 100
  306. Ernest Gillett: ((Dang))
  307. DJ-Max: (Just going ham on the mass.)
  308. GM (GM): Oh! You mean the sub machine gun!
  309. Martin Baron: (( Does the 65 not apply to pistols? I'm looking at the rapid fire rules. ))
  310. spits and spats riddle the ditto mound as you count the shells.
  311. Martin Baron: (( Or rapid fire not apply at all to Colts? Sorry, should have realized. ))
  312. GM (GM): Pistols:
  313. Fire modes: +15 damage when firing half the clip. +35 damage to spend the full clip.
  314. That's a rule for in general.
  315. Martin Baron: (( Thank you, so it's a 70 in damage then. ))
  316. GM (GM): rapid fire actually varies by type.
  317. Sure.
  318. Martin Baron: (( You know, what I can do is ask Hershel to drive over to the others, pick them up, then drive on out of here. ))
  319. GM (GM): That is a thing you can do.
  320. Martin Baron: (( Hm. ))
  321. Everett Pillory: (( Martin, Clay is a priority ))
  322. Martin Baron: (( Really wanted to pick up the guns the others dropped, but if escaping means not dying then...))
  323. GM (GM): ((Of course if you want to see your comrades wrestle with licorice jello, that's fun too!))
  324. Ernest Gillett: rolling 2d10+20+15
  325. (5+8)+20+15= 48
  326. ((This is towards the dittos around me, just to clear confusion))
  327. GM (GM): Ernest fires wildly at ditto cluster
  328. Martin Baron: "Hersel, was it? Drive to the others! We gotta pick them up and get out of this!"
  329. Everett Pillory: (( I can manage myself, Martin, grab others ))
  330. Hershel lugs over between DJ, Juan, and the airborn Ernest.
  331. Martin Baron: (( This'll be hard to convince people: Hey everyone! Get into the Topsider transport chugging a zero bomb! ))
  332. "Everyone, get in now! We're leaving!" Martin shouts in a panic out the door of the transport.
  333. GM (GM): Piling through the lighter area the zappy express burns them off readily.
  334. Martin Baron: "Hershel! Don't attack the others, they're friendly!" Martin says in advance, not wanting any accidental damage.
  335. DJ-Max looks back at the dittos, then Martin. "Alright. I trust ya' man." he says before well. Doing just that and running to jump in!
  336. Clayton R. reaches around aimlessly for Walker, in attempt to find his way to the transporter.
  337. Hershie: Yeah sure you 'betcha
  338. Everett Pillory points to DJ "Grab Clay... Martin, drive it to the two cats bodies..." he says running towards the bodies of the two deceased robbers
  339. Martin Baron: (( What a nice guy. I can see why Holly was so attached to her cassarole now. ))
  340. M. Walker doesn't have to be told twice, she grabs hold of Clayton, supporting him on the way to Herschel
  341. Ernest Gillett lands onto the ground, sighing heavily. Hearing the calling coming from Martin, she sprints over to the transporter and hops on.
  342. Everett Pillory: (Can't move my token )
  343. M. Walker: (Same)
  344. GM (GM): There you go
  345. Martin Baron: "Hershel, we can't leave anyone behind! Turn back so we can get the panda!"
  346. Everett Pillory quickly searches for anything of notice on the two felines, trying not to succumb to the nightmarish visions. Already shaken like hell "Come on... come on..."
  347. GM (GM): The transport pulls up to.
  348. The cat twins: Besides burned body armor they each had a .256 Mini-Ruger: 3d10+30
  349. Martin Baron: (( Once we get back to town, we should take the brain and get a robot body for him, and a cyborg body for Juan. ))
  350. GM (GM): The dittos have mobilized, and are creeping towards you again!
  351. Martin Baron: "Get in! Get in! GET IN!"
  352. GM (GM): Get in?
  353. Everett Pillory jumps into the transporter with the guns "YEAH YEAH YEAH..."
  354. Martin Baron: (( Yes please. ))
  355. M. Walker: ((Yup))
  356. Martin Baron: "Go! Get us out of here!"
  357. (( Ah the world map. Actually fits if you think about it. ))
  358. Everett Pillory calms down inside the transport, covered in blood, with the loot he got from the bodies. He comes to before realising he's in a topsider transport and jumps up like he was electrocuted. "OH HELL NO. WE'RE RIDING IN A TOPSIDER TRANSPORT?"
  359. Everett Pillory calms down inside the transport, covered in blood, with the loot he got from the bodies. He comes to before realising he's in a topsider transport and jumps up like he was electrocuted. "OH HELL NO. WE'RE RIDING IN A TOPSIDER TRANSPORT?"
  360. DJ-Max: "Yes. Yes we are."
  361. Martin Baron: "It was either that or we die!"
  362. Clayton R. is slumped a corner, silent
  363. GM (GM): A topsider transport hauling a zero bomb!
  364. Martin Baron: (( Let's bring it to Endtown, obviously. ))
  365. behold! South great wastes, again!
  366. Everett Pillory headshakes and looks around nervous. "I've busted few of those... they're uhh..." he pauses looking uneasy "Marvel of engineering..."
  367. Ernest Gillett: ((Hoo boy, would that be hard to explain with a bomb lugged behind the transporter.))
  368. DJ-Max seems to have come to terms with that a while ago. "We also have a missile up top bro."
  369. Everett Pillory: (( WE have two waivers on the gizmos we have. ))
  370. (( Best to drop these babies off first ))
  371. Clayton R.: (( Our mission was to destroy the bomb, and bringing it back to endtown at this point in time would only put it in the hands of Flask . a continuity error I think. ))
  372. Martin Baron: (( Yes, list of priorities: Give results of a few experimental weapons back first, THEN get rid of a ginormous nuke. ))
  373. M. Walker pauses a moment, then asks, "How on earth did you talk it into helping us?"
  374. Martin Baron: (( That is true. Drop it off at Deep City? Maybe get superhero guy to do something about it? ))
  375. GM (GM): Ah yes, I should note you find the following among the transporter:2 spare biosuits, 4 blankets and pillows, 3 vials of antiseptic, 3 gauze, sutures, and a standard staple.
  376. Martin Baron: (( It is the closest settlement here. ))
  377. Ernest Gillett: ((We could..))
  378. Martin Baron: (( Oh hell yeah, a staple. ))
  379. DJ-Max: "...Tha's a good question did he do that?"
  380. Martin Baron: "I... I don't know." Martin says, looking about the transport. "Why did you help us?"
  381. Everett Pillory pauses for a moment "Y... ou're not gonna try killing us, right?"
  382. killing us, right?"
  383. Hershel: ...You asked?
  384. Clayton R.: (( OH I hope somebody saves a biosuit for Clayton. he's gonna need something that obsures his face to help bring back some self esteem. The suits defenses help too. ))
  385. Hershel: I'm a transporter, all my programming says to just move occupants from A to B.
  386. Ernest Gillett leans toward a wall, hiding her face with one of her hand scythes.
  387. Martin Baron: "Don't you... you know, work for the Topsiders?"
  388. Hershel: I'm confused why my last crew disappeared when you guys jumped up but whatever, doesn't change what I'm here to do.
  389. Well, we all work for someone right?
  390. Clayton R. perks up with the mention of topsiders. He speaks up from the back. "Are... Are we in that topsider transport? ..? ))
  391. Hershel: I figure you're as good as anyone else or until a proper crew comes around.
  392. Martin Baron: "I..." Martin starts, stopping himself from asking any more questions leading to simple answers. "Yes, Clayton. Somehow, we are."
  393. Hershel: I really don't care as long as I get to burn tread.
  394. Everett Pillory headshakes and goes into the storage room to grab medstuff for Clayton.. he notices a spare biosuit and the sorry state of the wardrobe... he headshakes laughing before taking one off the rack and putting it on then comes back to the main room carrying fresh bandages, antispetics dressed in the enemy colours he despies so much "...this is the last thing you'd catch me parading in, but I don't want flashing my underwear."
  395. M. Walker adds, "Yeah, it's crew is gone and, we were in the right place at the right time, I suppose..." looking about the interior, unsure of what part of the transporter to address.
  396. Martin Baron has a revelation for a second and asks "Do you have a brain inside of you too?"
  397. Hershel: Who with the what now?
  398. Clayton R. cautiously opens his eyes, and he surveys the interior. "Transport... do you have anything for a human? My gear... its all gone to shit. " He then spots Everett. "Is there another one? "
  399. Hersh: Yea, Stan Iss. two bio suits.
  400. Clayton R.: (( I wonder how soaked Everett's pants are with blood right now. ))
  401. Everett Pillory looks at Clayton "Yes but you're not getting anything AFTER we pass through security. You remember the last time, now... you lie still and let me take out the dirt from your wounds.
  402. Ernest Gillett lets a drawing sigh, pondering about the bomb being lugged behind the transporter. "You people don't even notice that we have an actual bomb strapped behind this machine, do you?" She speaks out loud for the others to hear.
  403. Hershel: Might help with that severe face damage, dude.
  404. Clayton R. shakes his head. "Why not? They'd fit me better. I need all the protection I can get."
  405. Martin Baron: "Topsider machines, they usually have... human brains inside of them. Are you an AI or not?"
  406. DJ-Max says to Ernest "I was talking about it earlier."
  407. Martin Baron looks towards Ernest. "We'll find something to do with it. For now, at least it's out of the wrong person's hands."
  408. DJ-Max: "In fact, I'm wondering how tha' brah was gon' fire it in tha' first place. Can this Transport even do that?"
  409. Everett Pillory angrily yells at Clayton before unwrapping his face "YOUR FACE IS GONE RIGHT NOW CLAY. I don't even want to show you a mirror because it's a real fucking horrorshow. Now instead of thinking of your fetish tell me does this hurt" he says pressing an antiseptic-dosed cotton ball against Clay's wounds.
  410. Hershel: pauses. "Let me check."
  411. "Nope, AI
  412. DJ-Max: "Well tha' answers my question the- wait, the bombs got a brain goin' too?"
  413. Martin Baron: (( If it's APEX, it might as well have one. ))
  414. Hersh: Yeah sure ratman. The rocket has its own booster, I just have to shape the platform.
  415. DJ-Max pauses for a long moment. "...has it said anything as of late?"
  416. Martin Baron: (( Uh oh. Don't tell Everett any Topsider base coordinates, or he might initiate a launch. ))
  417. Clayton R. grumbled to himself, coughing up some blood before he speaks. "Fine.. I call dibs then." a short time later, he suppresses a yelp. "What the hell are you doing?!"
  418. Hershel: The bomb? Nah, it's a Trask. no real AI besides guidance. That's what you mean about brains, right?
  419. Everett Pillory grins "Making you suffer. Actually this is a good response - means your brain is not damaged. And that your nerves are still intact. This will still a hell lot..." The panda starts to remove the pants, wash the face with antispetics and apply a new bandage layer headshaking. "You might need a new shot for your Endtown ID."
  420. Martin Baron decides to take a look around the interior of the transport.
  421. Everett Pillory looks at Martin and presses his finger against his lips as to quiet the hare
  422. DJ-Max: "Nah' it wasn' but thanks anyway."
  423. Martin Baron nods, walking into the backroom.
  424. Martin Baron: (( Gonna roll a perception if you don't mind. ))
  425. GM (GM): The interior of the transport is relatively start, there are coloums and supports lining the vehicle, likely to support hauling the missile.
  426. Sure!
  427. Ernest Gillett replies toward Martin, "Okay, we do have the bomb. The problem is that what we are suppose to do with one anyways. We can't just bring it with us to whatever place we're going!"
  428. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100
  429. (100)= 100
  431. Ernest Gillett: ((Oooooo))
  432. GM (GM): Welp!
  433. Clayton R. complies, if even just out of necessity . He tries to keep his breathing level. "Sorry to bleed all over you Transport, thanks for the ride anyway at least." Clayton is beginning to feel his wounds much more. his adrenaline is wearing off.
  434. Everett Pillory looks over at Walker "You don't have morphine by any chance?"
  435. Martin Baron: (( Anything I notice? ))
  436. Clayton R.: (( Everthing, duh. ))
  437. Martin Baron: (( Very true. ))
  438. GM (GM): You find indented foot lockers. One is on the interior wall of the vehicle and another on the side. One, you find a 'PBS' and other you find a note with some scrawlings.
  439. Martin Baron: (( Anything else? ))
  440. GM (GM): That is to say, you find a plasticized brain in one door and the rat's notes in the other.
  441. Martin Baron: (( I want Hershel as a new AI party member. ))
  442. GM (GM): Sadly no, this thing is stark empty.
  443. Martin Baron: (( *NPC ))
  444. GM (GM): Sure, what else could he do?
  445. Clayton R.: (( Walker, you there? ))
  446. Martin Baron grimaces as he finds the brain. He keeps quiet about it and closes the door. Noticing the notes, he picks them up and looks for anything of importance.
  447. Martin Baron: (( Put him in a robot body with a propeller, and on the torso have the number 1 on it. ))
  448. Hershel: (to clayton) No prob, man dude man. Just don't die. Bad Karma.
  449. GM (GM): You look over the note, it appears to be the rat's manfesto
  450. M. Walker: ((Oh, yeah))
  451. Everett Pillory: (( Heh, always spacing out Kazen. Just where you're better suited for treating people than I am ))
  452. Clayton R.: (( Everett asked for morphine from you ))
  453. GM (GM): He noted a cache he had stowed away of pilfered goods and supplies, mostly new persia. His plan to take over Endtown, and coordinates of another missile base.
  454. GM (GM): He noted a cache he had stowed away of pilfered goods and supplies, mostly new persia. His plan to take over Endtown, and coordinates of another missile base.
  455. Martin Baron: (( I'm guessing we already got the pilfered goods or did I find them?))
  456. GM (GM): You do actually have pain killers.
  457. M. Walker replies, "Yeah...a shot." rummaging through her aid kit for one dose, handing it to Everett
  458. GM (GM): The good appear actually on the other end of the wastes.
  459. ((Give Clay a shot of auntie M! He can't fight back now!))
  460. Martin Baron: (( Oh, a hidden cache out in the desert? Alright. ))
  461. Ernest Gillett: ((Hey Martin, I replied over what you reply to me earlier. Just noting that's all))
  462. GM (GM): You've been handed a shot of Morphine, Everett!
  463. Everett Pillory readies the spot "You know what, Clay? Never given anyone an injection. First time first eh? Bet you'd prefer me in a nurse uniform by now." he tries to joke before attempting to inject it
  464. Martin Baron keeps the notes and walks back into the front of the vehicle. He looks towards Everett and gives him a nod, hoping the message goes through. "Yeah, yeah, I'll get back to you on that Ernest. I found some notes the rat guy had."
  465. Everett Pillory: (( That's gonna be an assisted roll with Walker helping, right? ))
  466. GM (GM): Correct
  467. Clayton R. looks nervously toward Everett.
  468. DJ-Max overhears "Everett. Please I ain' gotta be thinkin' about that. Really."
  469. GM (GM): Well, is this first aid?
  470. Clayton R.: "I really wish you hadn't told me that."
  471. Everett Pillory: (( I believe so ))
  472. Ernest Gillett frowns upon Martin's response. "Alright, is there anything of use from the notes the rat left?"
  473. Everett Pillory: (( +20 from my skill bonus... dunno what bonus Walker will give me ))
  474. GM (GM): His head hp is over 50 at this point. He needs a surgeon or doctor to help any further.
  475. Everett Pillory: (( Well a shot of painkillers would probably help his MP ))
  476. GM (GM): Ah, right!
  477. Martin Baron: "Coordinates of a bomb facility. Supply cache too, but that's not as important. About west from where Endtown is."
  478. GM (GM): We have to go over MP loss from that fight!
  479. Martin Baron: (( *east ))
  480. Everett Pillory: (( Yep... so yeah +20 from my skill bonus, what would Walker's bonus be? ))
  481. M. Walker: ((+60 I believe))
  482. GM (GM): Panda!
  483. rolling 1d10
  484. (7)= 7
  485. 7 stress for 1 kill
  486. walker!
  487. rolling 1d10
  488. (3)= 3
  489. Ernest!
  490. GM (GM): This was your first kill!
  491. and another one on top of that!
  492. Ernest Gillett: ((ohhh yeah))
  493. GM (GM): rolling 4d10
  494. (3+9+1+6)= 19
  495. Ernest Gillett: ((Cripe))
  496. Martin
  497. rolling 1d10
  498. (1)= 1
  499. Okay!
  500. Martin Baron: (( I'm unmoved by the rats death. ))
  501. GM (GM): Clay! You took the mental brunt of this fight!
  502. Clayton R.: (( oh boy ))
  503. DJ-Max: (Had it coming)
  504. Ernest Gillett: ((Okay.. That leaves me to 91 MP))
  505. Martin Baron: (( Be careful Ernest, you might go schism with that low of an MP. ))
  506. Ernest Gillett: ((Nah, I doubt it.))
  507. GM (GM): Loss of 60 hp (30 mp loss). Personal tradgedy -20 (Loss of mask.) 3d10 for kills.
  508. Everett Pillory: (( -80 max ))
  509. GM (GM): rolling 3d10-50
  510. (10+2+4)-50= -34
  511. Martin Baron: (( Wrong number values there, GM. ))
  512. Ernest Gillett: ((Um))
  513. GM (GM): Whoops, it should be 84
  514. So -84
  515. Ernest Gillett: ((Dangg))
  516. Martin Baron: (( Wew lad ))
  517. Clayton R.: (( wait, shouldn't ib -66 MP with 50 MP and 16 MP from the roll?
  518. Everett Pillory: (( Yeah...
  519. Clayton R.: (( Everett said an -80 Max. ))
  520. Martin Baron: (( Oh yeah, I took 50 from banging around inside the transport. Any MP damage from that? ))
  521. GM (GM): Err, yes!
  522. Everett Pillory: (( Don't worry Clay. Mr. Sandman will soon take your troubles away ))
  523. GM (GM): I am right with math 98 percent of the time!
  524. Martin Baron: (( We got pillows and covers ))
  525. Clayton R.: (( Oh boy, he sure will. ))
  526. GM (GM): -66mp
  527. How much mp do you have at this point?
  528. Clayton R.: ((I'm at 2 MP ))
  530. GM (GM): So close!
  531. Ernest Gillett: ((Oooff))
  532. GM (GM): Well, you killed 3 guys and then they almost killed you, that's a mark right there.
  533. GM (GM): ((Apparently everyone suddenly realizes what just happened.))
  534. Everett Pillory: (( Alright can I do my morphine roll? He might get some back after this ))
  535. Martin Baron: (( But yeah GM, any other MP damage to me for that 50 HP hit I took? ))
  536. Everett Pillory: (( I'm going back and forth between the kitchen supervising my roast ))
  537. Clayton R.: (( but Clayton tasted the sweet nectar of vengeance. So he wins the end... of course. ))
  538. At this time Juan speaks up. "Hey, guys? I don't want to bother..."
  539. GM (GM): Oh, right.
  540. Everett Pillory: (( +20 for skill bonus and what for Walker's assistance?))
  541. DJ-Max: "Sup Juan?"
  542. GM (GM): You should get -20 mp Martin
  543. Sure.
  544. Martin Baron: (( Thanks. Down to 11 MP. ))
  545. GM (GM): You've given the masked man morphine.
  546. Clayton R. feels the weight of actions finally fall on him like a ton of bricks. his breathing shortens,and he lies just on the brink of snapping.
  547. GM (GM): For the next half hour he won't feel pain.
  548. Clayton R. is only brought back to reality as the morphine courses through him, dragging his mental damage to the back of his head.
  549. Everett Pillory smiles "Enjoy your half hour of bliss. Should be enough before we get you hooked up on something better." He dusts off his uniform clutching his head when the adrenaline rush slowly stops. "W... what is it Juan?"
  550. Juan: now that we have this shiny new van... Can we go to Endtown now? I don't think my and Clajon can take much more out here."
  551. DJ-Max looks to Juan for a long moment before looking to everyone else. "You know, maybe we should go home. Its... its been a long day."
  552. Martin Baron: (( SAVE JUAN ))
  553. Clayton R. blinks. "Yeah... I should probably visit a hospital soon... We should probably get rid of this bomb first though.." he says with a mild slur.
  554. Martin Baron: "How though? They nearly killed us when Clayton showed up with a Topsider suit. What'll they do if we show up with a Topsider TRANSPORT?"
  555. Clayton R. looks to Everett. "do we still have all those explosives from when we started?"
  556. Martin Baron: (( Using explosives to destroy a nuke suddenly doesn't sound so smart. Maybe try to disable it? Rip out the important bits on the inside? ))
  557. Clayton R.: (( It's what mallard told us to do, but then again. he probably wanted to bury them. ))
  558. Everett Pillory rubs his head and looks at Martin "I... can wire the explosives to dentonate after a while. Here's the thing - if I fuck up the warhead it shouldn't blow everything to bits
  559. GM (GM): ((It should be noted you have no idea the blast range or even the effects of the zero bomb.))
  560. Martin Baron walks close to Everett and whispers "By the way, I was right. I found it."
  561. Martin Baron: (( OOC I don't think any of us know. ))
  562. DJ-Max thinks for a moment "Well. We could leave Herschel here for a bit and when we go back! Just leave him a good ways away and come back later when we leave. No issue right? right?"
  563. GM (GM):
  564. Ernest Gillett begins to think over her actions earlier from the battle. She lowers her head, having the thoughts replay for a moment from the battle.
  565. Clayton R. stand up awkwardly from his spot, and he walks to the closet, grabbing a biosuit and tucking it into his backpack. "Everett may have told him no, but at least he wasn't wearing it into their next location. He would be damned if he left without it. After, he stumbles back to his bloddied spot in the transport.
  566. GM (GM): ((C'mon! Take over acolony! Wipe out a topsider base! Kill the MOON!))
  567. Clayton R.: (( also, I need to leave now, so I will bid you all adieu with that. Let's just say Clayton falls to sleep easily for once with the assistance of morphine. ))
  568. Martin Baron: (( If one of us went below 0 MP, it'd fit for them to do something like that. ))
  569. (( Cool, thanks for playing Clayton ))
  570. Ernest Gillett: ((Ahh, bye Clayton!))
  571. GM (GM): Appropriate action. Later Clay! Thanks for playing with us!
  572. Martin Baron: (( Or Everett would ask for Topsider coordinates then say to have the place nuked ))
  573. GM (GM): ((Perhaps the decision of what to do with the nuke should wait for abit, right?))
  574. Clayton R.: (( thanks for having me. I guess I'll read the log later for XP. have a great night everyone. ))
  575. GM (GM): Night! Right now it's looking like at least 45 xp.
  576. Martin Baron: (( You too, see you next week ))
  577. GM (GM): ((Where could you put something like this and keep it secret?))
  578. Clayton R.: (9 I mean, Clayton has had a backpack tucked behind his flamethower's tank. ))
  579. Everett Pillory: (( I can guess ))
  580. DJ-Max must resist the call of the nuke.
  581. Everett Pillory: (( I have advanced Science ))
  582. Martin Baron: (( Again, could stuff it down an elevator and give it to Mallard. Or could not since that doesn't fit in timewise. Could blow it up on a set detonation, but we don't know how large the detonation is. Could give it to Deep City, but who knows what will happen then. ))
  583. Everett Pillory: (( Also... I do have -7 MP Martin... don't tempt me...))
  584. DJ-Max: "We should... We should bury this."
  585. Everett Pillory: (( Let's guestimate how Zero bombs work ))
  586. Martin Baron: (( It would be valuable to know where Topsider facilities are ))
  587. GM (GM): This is fringe science but hey, advanced can get it launched, maybe disarmed!
  588. Martin Baron: (( Could ask Hersel ))
  589. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+20
  590. (60)+20= 80
  591. (( SCORE!! ))
  592. GM (GM): Alright, Zero weapons work on matter anhilating principles.
  593. You assume.
  594. Everett Pillory: (( Matter + Anti-matter?? ))
  595. GM (GM): Also why it affects carbon so well might have something to do with latice structures
  596. You assume.
  597. Everett Pillory: (( Or Awesworth? ))
  598. GM (GM): Amesworth, zero, effectively the same in this sense.
  599. So you assume that there must be an energy source that preps this thing for it's energy reactions.
  600. and yanking that out might stop it's ability to destroy matter.
  601. you assume
  602. Everett Pillory tries to recall what he has read while fringe-searching the science databases... "Well I know how the damn thing works but... Will I dismantle it? There should be an energy source there. Okay crew... show of hands - do you want me to risk being the first Red Panda to dismantle a zero bomb?"
  603. GM (GM): Also possibly the last.
  604. Martin Baron looks around the room. "I don't know if any of us know how to break it down so... If you can."
  605. Martin Baron: (( Just wait till we get to the other facility. We might have a low enough MP to seriously consider using the bomb. ))
  606. Everett Pillory: (( Everett has low enough MP to consider... let's see... -7 MP is 10% and below... yeaaaah. ))
  607. GM (GM): And leaving it is certainly an option. It's just up to random chance who could come accross it.
  608. Juan: Guys? I don't feel no good...
  609. Juan has passed out next to clayton!
  610. Martin Baron: "Oh #$@%, Juan!"
  611. Everett Pillory thinks hard... "We have two wounded, passed out... let's go back to Endtown. I'll take the flak for the gizmos lost and our Jeep at Deep City. Let's just go and I'll disable it near there."
  612. Martin Baron: (( I don't have any skills in first aid to help Juan ))
  613. DJ-Max: "If nothing else just say it was a long day."
  614. Hershel: Right, okay, ah. I don't know where any of those are
  615. Martin Baron: "What coordinates do you know? Any other bomb facilities possibly?"
  616. Everett Pillory growls "MARTIN. TWO PEOPLE ARE DYING. ENDTOWN. NOW."
  617. Everett Pillory is becoming visibly aggravated clutching his head
  618. Hershie: I know three.
  619. Martin Baron: (( I get scared every time you accidentally put I as the name ))
  620. Hershel: Just point!
  621. Everett Pillory: (( Haha... ))
  622. GM (GM): ((That is completely intentional.))
  623. Martin Baron: "We need to head North. We got to get rid of the bomb and heal two people"
  624. Hershel: I heard North!
  625. Everett Pillory sighs "Do we have a way to signal our comeback?"
  626. Kicking dust up at 180mph you reach endtown's zone in a flash.
  627. Martin Baron: (( Yeah, here's the signal we flash them: ))
  628. Everett Pillory: (( Derka derka Allah Mohammed Jihad? ))
  629. Ernest Gillett picks her head up from the noise, and get herself off of the wall.
  630. GM (GM): Yes you do this time. Small handheld signal devices.
  631. Everett Pillory grabs one of them and steps out of the vehicle pushing the signalling device
  632. Martin Baron: "Hershel, stop here. We get any closer, and we'll be mincemeat."
  633. (( Oh crap here we go ))
  634. GM (GM): Hershel stops
  635. Everett Pillory runs towards the elevator waving his arms around "DON'T FUCKING SHOOT YOU IDIOTS. DON'T FUCKING SHOOT UNLESS YOU WANT EVERYTHING TO BLOW UP"
  636. GM (GM): The rats have not shot this time.
  637. DJ-Max: "I think at this point, they just know its us man."
  638. Martin Baron: (( I think they expect us to return with an entire Topsider armory at this point. ))
  639. "We got two wounded, we got to get them inside now!"
  640. Rat_Sec: Hold!
  641. Everett Pillory looks back at DJ "Not really gonna take any chances this time."
  642. Rat_Sec: What the hell is all this crap?!
  643. Martin Baron: (( Take Hershel's brain out, blow up the transport. ))
  644. Everett Pillory points to the rocket "A FUCKING ICBM"
  645. Martin Baron: (( Save best robot ))
  646. Everett Pillory: ((... I have an idea
  647. (( Possibly the best one... ))
  648. Rat_Sec: And a topsider transport?!
  649. Martin Baron: (( Do it man ))
  650. DJ-Max: "Its been a long day man."
  651. "Yes, a Topsider Transport, his names Herschel"
  652. Everett Pillory suddenly snaps his fingers and runs into Hershel "Hershel, coordinates of the middle of atlantic ocean and fuel prediction on that missle."
  653. GM (GM): brb
  654. Martin Baron: (( You fool! You'll be destroying the underwater mutant society! ))
  655. Everett Pillory: (( Fuck Atlantis ))
  656. (( And fuck Aquaman ))
  657. (( Except Batman Brave and the Bold one, he can live ))
  658. Martin Baron: (( You know, we could just shoot it into the ocean and have it not be armed. If it can reach it, no point in exploding. If the ocean is still there, that is. ))
  659. Martin Baron: (( Aah, alright. But what if it isn't there? Would just get into the wrong hands. ))
  660. (( Set to impact if it hits solid ground, don't if it hits water? I don't know ))
  661. (( Sorry, don't know why I'm making a big deal of this ))
  662. Everett Pillory: (( Usually these babies are airburst, all you'd need to do is disable the sensors and disable the detonation ability ))
  663. GM (GM): Back!
  664. Hershel: Right-O dude!
  665. Everett Pillory: (( Since an atomic bomb can still go off unless you disable the ability for it to go critical, which is just not so hard ))
  666. Hershel: Who wants to do the countdown?
  667. Everett Pillory: Wait a second Hershel, we need to disable it first...
  668. Or rather disarm it. Wouldn't want to hurt the fishes
  669. Hershel: Less of a right-o but still a right-o
  670. GM (GM): The rats notice Clayton and Juan
  671. Martin Baron: "Get them inside, they need medical attention now." Martin demands the rats.
  672. Everett Pillory phews and looks around "You guys go inside. I'm gonna tinker with this and oh yea." he tosses the topsider suit to Martin "Give this to Clayton with my regards."
  673. GM (GM): The are actually so grizzly that the rats comply
  674. Everett Pillory: (( I'll try to do disable the device. What would that be? Plain science? Electronics? Demolition? And can I use my washing hands? ))
  675. GM (GM): Hold up.
  676. Important part.
  677. Martin Baron nods and stops for a brief moment. He turns to Everett and asks "Hey. Remember what I said earlier? Hershel's... you know what. What should we do with him?"
  678. GM (GM): Do you throw the helmet with the suit?
  679. I only ask because as I understand it the helmet allows controls for the suit functions.
  680. Everett Pillory nods "I know he's a brain." he says in a hushed voice. "Do you want me to bring him over? I could do that after I'm done here"
  681. Everett Pillory: (( DOes the suit head have tracking though, that's the most important part ))
  682. (( Wrap it in tin foil and send the topsider suit head for check-up ))
  683. Martin Baron: "Wouldn't that kill it? I... I don't know, give it to Mallard or something?"
  684. GM (GM): Sure!
  685. ((No one notices Erenest standing right there.))
  686. DJ-Max: (Stealth check: Passed)
  687. Everett Pillory rubs his chin "...I have no idea. Martin, I can promise you I won't do anything bad to him okay? He... is not like the others I've met and well..." he sighs "...look, I'm not gonna lie. I'm not an angel and I didn't do a lot of nice things for the past few years. Quite a shocker for an academic right? But yeah let's find him at least a good home."
  688. Martin Baron nods. "Do what you can." he says, tapping Ernest on the shoulder to come along as he goes towards the elevator.
  689. GM (GM): Okay!
  690. Let's go Transport old yeller next time!
  691. Let's get into xp!
  692. Everett Pillory: (( How to dismantle an atomic bomb - Red Panda edition ))
  693. (( Hey can I borrow tools to make it easier? ))
  694. GM (GM): ((yes
  695. ((You can't do it bare handed!))
  696. Everett Pillory: (( Wash handed! Wah! ))
  697. GM (GM): Alright XP,
  698. Stopping a major disaster. Doesn't get much more major than a missile crisis.
  699. +50xp
  700. +50xp
  701. Martin Baron: 335, just 65 left to go
  702. GM (GM): Martin, Mana, and everett: Rescue +20
  703. Coming up with an interesting idea. I think everyone had some of that. +5 to everyone.
  704. Skill use!
  705. Mana and Panda did alot of that, +6
  706. Rat, cats, and whispie were major threats along with dittos. +25
  707. So everyone should have at least 80 xp today.
  708. Martin Baron: Just 15 left to go for me
  709. Everett Pillory: Wait
  710. Ernest Gillett: Oh hey, I leveled up! 150/100
  711. Everett Pillory: 400 XP is needed for Level 4?
  712. GM (GM): Boosh!
  713. Martin Baron: Yeah
  714. GM (GM): Yeah.
  715. Martin Baron: Each level adds 100 xp to level up
  716. Everett Pillory: WAH!
  717. GM (GM): That's a better way of putting it.
  718. Did you level up?
  719. Ernest Gillett: Yep!
  720. Everett Pillory: Yes
  721. So...
  722. 8 new SP
  723. GM (GM): Okay, +10 hp, +10 mp, and skill points equal to your mind.
  724. Everett Pillory: Oh fuck I can use that to put into whatever skill that lets you dismantle this bomb
  725. GM (GM): Ernest can buy a new skill right away.
  726. Fringe science right now!
  727. Ernest Gillett: Sweet! Okay, I got 13 skill points then from leveling up.
  728. Martin Baron: Everett learns how to become a counter-terrorist
  729. GM (GM): Alright, who should get MVP?
  730. Everett Pillory: Fringe science is what I need to dismantle it, right?
  731. GM (GM): Without maybe killing everyone and your dimensional counterparts, yes.
  732. Everett Pillory: Wew
  733. GM (GM): Or maybe it has already gone off and you are just living through compressed time!
  734. So yes, fringe science!
  735. Everett Pillory: Everett is becoming the group's tech wizard
  736. M. Walker: No kidding
  737. Ernest Gillett: Pretty much
  738. GM (GM): High mind characters horde the skills.
  739. Gives them the ability to shine in different areas besides combat.
  740. So who gets the MVP? Mana for the patch work? Everett for the bomb magic? Martin for wrangling? Erenest for rat-spotting? Clayton for persevering?
  741. Martin Baron: Hershel gets MVP
  742. Everett Pillory: Hahah
  743. DM IS MVP!
  744. Ernest Gillett: Yes, make Hershel the MVP
  745. M. Walker: Hahah
  746. GM (GM): There we go.
  747. Martin Baron: All seriousness though, Everett
  748. GM (GM): Sure!
  749. M. Walker: Yeah
  750. Ernest Gillett: Yeah, going with Everett
  751. GM (GM): +10 to the bomb specialist!
  752. Everett Pillory: Aw shucks
  754. "Goddamn it, Everett" - Clayton
  755. Ernest Gillett: Heheheh
  756. M. Walker: Ha!
  757. GM (GM): I think today was a good one. We got to try spray rules, crash rules, and big confrontations like this.
  758. The game really does favor the quick and the dead kind of gameplay.
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