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Sunset Spaghetti

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Jul 14th, 2015
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  1. (Prompt:)
  2. >"So, you like her, don't you?"
  3. "What?!"
  4. >"You're looking at her."
  5. "...well, they're playing b-basketball."
  6. >"You're always looking, Anon. Fill me in. Maybe I can help you..."
  8. -------------
  10. >Your heart is racing
  11. >Eyes dart to the grass
  12. >Unable to find the right words, you listen to the bouncing basketball and the banter between Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie
  13. >"Anon..."
  14. "Uhh, y-yeah?"
  15. >"Do you not trust me?"
  16. >Oh fuck
  17. >Now you've gone and offended her
  18. >You look to the now pouting Sunset and your anxiety builds
  19. >This... this is bad
  20. >What can you say?
  21. "I t-trust you, of course."
  22. >She smiles
  23. >"It's nothing to be embarrassed about. Pinkie's really pretty, and a lot of fun."
  24. "Um..."
  25. >"Every time I talk to you, you just end up staring at her. It's really cute."
  26. "I..."
  27. >She stands up, hands behind her back, and leans in close
  28. >It's as though your autism liquefies and pours out of your mouth
  29. "I-W-we-wel-I-er, S-su-........"
  30. >"Anon, I promise. I won't tell her."
  31. "..."
  32. >"I'll help kick start your relationship. I've been her friend for almost half a year now. And, honestly..."
  33. >She turns and faces the girls
  34. >"...she deserves a guy like you."
  35. >Your mind is racing
  36. >Is this really happening?
  37. >How... did it end up like this?
  38. >You keep opening your mouth but have no idea what you can say
  39. >And just when you think you've got something, she spins around with a huge smile and pulls out her cell phone
  40. >"This will be so great, Anon! You know Pinkie, she- ...well I'll tell you later. Here, let's exchange phone numbers."
  41. >She hands you her cell phone and you dig out yours
  42. >Before it leaves your pocket your eyes go wide
  43. " I forgot it. I'll j-just type my number into yours..."
  44. >"Okay! I'll call you tonight!"
  45. >Sunset's phone is red, looks like a relatively inexpensive smart phone
  46. >In an attempt to calm your nerves, you pile your focus onto being a little bit nosy
  48. >She has mostly default apps installed. A few mobile games you've never heard of
  49. >Her wallpaper is Canterlot High for some reason
  50. >That horse statue is off to the right, and a bunch of students you don't know are in the background
  51. >"Uh, you got it?"
  52. "Y-Yeah, f-figured it out. These new uh, new phones are so... di-different."
  53. >"Oh yeah, you have one of those flip phones right? You should totally upgrade Anon, you won't regret it."
  54. >You open her contacts
  55. >...
  56. >It's just Rainbow, Twilight, Pinkie, Rarity, AJ and Fluttershy
  57. >Is she having trouble making friends?
  58. >...nah, who needs more friends than that, anyway?
  59. >You type in your number and name and hand it back
  60. >"Okay, great! Oh man, I am SO excited!"
  61. "Eheh... he..."
  62. >"Excited about what, Sunset?"
  63. >Rainbow is walking up, and Pinkie is not too far off
  64. >Oh fuck
  65. >"Uh, this new TV show about a Motorcycle gang."
  66. >Rainbow chuckles
  67. >"You know that stuff's totally fake, right?"
  68. >"I- ...oh, I guess. Um..."
  69. >"Did you actually fall for it? All of that reality TV stuff is staged! Ha!"
  70. >Sunset looks uncomfortable
  71. >A little bit of anger wells up inside of you
  72. "She knows it's fake, obviously... s-she's just suspending her disbelief."
  73. >Rainbow's shit-eating grin fades and she looks at you with uncertainty
  74. >"Whoa, are you mad, Anon?"
  75. "Huh? No..."
  76. >"Let me guess, you're a big fan of Cake Boss?"
  77. "What? N-No!"
  78. >Rainbow drops the basketball to point and laugh
  79. >"Coming up on, haha, coming up on Deadliest Catch! We catch ourselves a gullible Anon!"
  80. >Now you're pissed
  81. >You were just trying to make Sunset feel better
  82. >Rainbow always has to do this shit
  83. "Wh-whatever."
  84. >You take off
  85. >"Hold on! Nonny!"
  86. >Pinkie grabs you by the arm and pulls you back
  87. >"It was just a joke Nonny! Don't feel bad!"
  88. >You stare at Pinkie, then glance at the still giggling Rainbow
  89. >"Sorry, sorry, sorry. I was just playing with you Anon. I watch some shows like that."
  91. >"Anyway, I'm gonna take off. My dad gets mad if I'm out late on Fridays, I'm supposed to clean the house in case relatives visit on the weekend."
  92. >Rainbow pats you on the shoulder
  93. >Come the fuck off of it...
  94. >"Don't let me get you down Anon. You're cool."
  95. >You close your eyes and take a deep breath as she walks away
  96. >"See you guys! Good game, Pinkie!"
  97. >Sunset and Pinkie say goodbye
  98. >"I need to go, too. Promised I'd come in to work today and bake some special orders!"
  99. >Uh oh
  100. >The time to act is now
  101. >Your face scrunches up a little bit and you raise your hand
  102. "Hey, I c-can help."
  103. >Pinkie stares at you with this big smile
  104. >For an uncomfortable amount of time
  105. >Sunset lights up like a Christmas tree
  106. >" me with what?"
  107. "......baking."
  108. >"......why?"
  109. >Oh god come on, no
  110. >Don't do this
  111. "I heard you say it'd... be tons of work on your own."
  112. >"heh... heh... nonny, I'll be fine. Why don't you-"
  113. >"It's okay Pinkie. He doesn't mind. In fact, he loves to help people!"
  114. >"Wh..."
  115. >"Huh, Anon? And he learns so fast. He's never used a smart phone before, but he figured mine out in like, five seconds!"
  116. >"Really? Five seconds?"
  117. >"It'll be fun. And you know he's been looking for a new job. Maybe he could get hired at the Corner?"
  118. >Pinkie's expression fades, but she raises her eyebrows
  119. >"Well, alright then."
  120. >Sunset is so filled with glee that her ear-to-ear grin almost forces her eyes shut
  121. >"Awesome! Well, I should go too. I wouldn't wanna miss any episodes of my fake Biker shows, haha! See you guys!"
  122. >She dashes off
  123. >You and Pinkie stare until she's out of sight
  124. >And you let out a long sigh
  126. >"Nonny, why'd you-"
  127. "I can't fuckin' believe how stupid I am."
  128. >Pinkie jumps, and rests a hand on your shoulder
  129. "She thinks I'm..."
  130. >You scratch the back of your head
  131. "She thinks I like you, Pinkie."
  132. >She clasps her hand over her mouth
  133. >"What?! Why?"
  134. >You groan
  135. "She says I'm always staring at you when I talk to her."
  136. >"Why would she think that??"
  137. "Because I am. Like, every single time."
  138. >Pinkie's hand slides off of your shoulder and her arms sway by her sides
  139. >"Nonny. You can only like one girl at a time. That's the *rules*."
  140. "I know. Don't take this the wrong way, but I don't like you like that."
  141. >You're both quiet, so you peek over to gauge her reaction
  142. >Thankfully she's smiling
  143. "Like I told you before, I always forget the stuff you tell me to say. And, I don't know, I guess I was looking at you trying to remember."
  144. >"Hmmm... do you remember now?"
  145. "Yes!"
  146. >Your foot hits the dirt hard and you gesture with your hands for emphasis
  147. "It's so annoying. Every time, my mind goes blank. And then you gave me an opportunity to be alone with her, I could've fixed this and I..."
  148. >You rub your face
  149. >God you're such an autist around her
  150. >If you can't ask her to hang out, how are you supposed to clear this misunderstanding up?
  151. "Anyway, she did ask for my phone number."
  152. >"WHAT!! That's huge, Nonny!"
  153. "She only wanted it to help me hook up with you though."
  154. >"THAT'S- slightly less huge, but still great!"
  155. >Pinkie hops in place and claps her hands a few times
  156. >"I mean- I mean, this is actually-"
  157. >She's almost as excited as Sunset was
  158. >"I'm thinking about it and I keep realizing just. How. PERFECT this is!"
  159. "Whoa there."
  160. >You hold her still by the shoulders
  161. "How is this in any way a good thing?"
  162. >"The ball's in my court now! Like- Sunset is Rainbow. I'm Pinkie Pie. And this misunderstanding is the court."
  163. "What, does that make me the ball?"
  165. >"Duhhh! Now, Sunset thinks you want me to dribble you super hard."
  166. "Uh..."
  167. >"And so she's gonna do anything to make sure my hands are all over you."
  168. "G-Go on."
  169. >"So, when she passes it to me, I can just be like, 'oh no the hoop is soooo high.' And ask her to help me."
  170. >You nod
  171. >Even with a metaphor this awful, you get the general idea
  172. >"I'm SO excited!"
  173. >"This is SO perfect!"
  174. >"I have so much control!"
  175. >"TOTAL control of your balls!"
  176. >Pinkie practically stops mid-hop and her eyes shoot open
  177. >You burst into a fit of laughter
  178. >"The ball... control of the ba... anyway Nonny, we need to work out a plan right now."
  179. >Just then, Pinkie's phone alarm goes off
  180. > [Embed]
  181. >"OOOH! The special orders!"
  182. >Pinkie's embarrassment fades and her enthusiasm pours back in
  183. >As annoyed as you just were with yourself, Pinkie's really picking you up
  184. >Maybe this will end well?
  185. >"I'm heading off. I'll call you when I'm free okay?"
  186. >She starts running again
  187. "Hold on! What if she calls me?"
  188. >She runs right back
  189. >"Just play along for now."
  190. "Play along? What does that mean?"
  191. >She grins
  192. >"It means, act like you've got a crush on me, silly."
  193. >Your expression turns grave
  194. >She gently punches you in the shoulder and gets sort of... close
  195. >"Come on Nonny. Is it that crazy to imagine?"
  196. >Your autism strikes unexpectedly and you just stare at her
  197. >This is probably a time to say words
  198. >Probably
  199. ""
  200. >"Hee hee. She's probably gonna repeat the nice things you say about me, you know."
  201. >Pinkie takes off yet again, and stops one last time
  202. >"I look forward to hearing it!"
  203. >And she's gone
  204. >You watch her hair bounce in the distance, and before you know it, you're standing alone on the edge of the park while people pass by you
  205. >Like a fucking weirdo
  207. >Pinkie's words stick with you on the walk home
  208. >As goofy as that girl is, she's an amazing friend
  209. >To help you with something so pathetic, and to warn you that that any embarrassing things you say about her won't stick with Sunset
  210. >But then you realize that Pinkie probably said that for her own sake, too
  211. >In that case, it's your turn to be a good friend
  212. >Absolutely nothing you tell Sunset will be embarrassing in any way
  213. >Because that totally worked out this afternoon
  214. >"Anon!"
  215. >Your mom pulls you out of your thoughts
  216. >She's in the yard watering her potted plants
  217. "Hi."
  218. >"Sooo? How'd it go? You were gone all day!"
  219. "Oh..."
  220. >You walk up beside her and cross your arms
  221. "I actually didn't go job hunting today. Sorry."
  222. >She gives you a nervous look
  223. >At least it wasn't one of disappointment
  224. "I'll pick up the pace, okay?"
  225. >She shrugs
  226. >"It's no skin off my back. But I know you hate being broke, and having so much free time."
  227. "Yeah."
  228. >You kneel beside the porch and pull a few ugly-ass weeds
  229. >Just a few though. You're a lot lazier than you let on
  230. >"So what did you do today?"
  231. "Oh..."
  232. >You stand up, hop onto the porch and rest your hand on the doorknob
  233. "I was with John all day. Watching an-cartoons."
  234. >"Ahhh."
  235. >You waste no time opening the door
  236. >"Anon."
  237. "Huh?"
  238. >"..........Could you turn the AC off? It's cooled down a lot."
  239. "Sure."
  240. >Phew
  241. >The thermostat is only a few steps from the front door, so that's out of the way
  242. >It's an old system that barely works and shuts itself off all the time
  243. >Might as well never turn it on
  244. >Upstairs it is to relax
  245. "Ahhh..."
  246. >Precious computer chair caresses your ass
  247. >It's a bit late. The clock reads 7:44. Is Sunset going to call you before sunset?
  248. >Instantly, you feel a bit nauseated
  249. "Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck."
  250. >You pull your shitty phone out of your pocket and flip it open
  252. >The wallpaper makes you cringe
  253. >Sunset's smiling face, snapped from your yearbook
  254. >Just change it already
  255. >It's one of those things you did and immediately regretted
  256. >...nah, whatever
  257. >You make sure it's not on vibrate, and drop it on your desk
  258. >Before it even collides you hear the default piano jingle ringtone
  259. "...Fuck!"
  260. >Unfamiliar number
  261. "Fuuuuuck!"
  262. >Okay Anon, time to man up
  263. >How fucking hard is it?
  264. >Breathe, in and out
  265. >Raise the phone up
  266. >And SLAP that bitch open
  267. "What's up?"
  268. >"Glad to know you didn't give me a fake number, haha."
  269. >Computer chair wh-why are you sinking
  270. >Heart, slow down
  271. >Come on, words, please
  272. "......"
  273. >Words
  274. ".........uh,"
  275. >FUCK
  276. >You slam the phone shut, open it back up and dial
  277. >"Nonny!"
  278. "PINKIE HELP."
  279. >She gasps, and you jump from your chair
  280. "I just hung up on Sunset!"
  281. >"...WHY?"
  282. "I don't know, I panicked!"
  283. >"Well what are you waiting for! Call her back!"
  284. "After that!?"
  285. >"Especially after that!"
  286. >You grunt
  287. >"Okay okay, Nonny, you can do this. Relax."
  288. >Right
  289. >You jump onto your bed and lay down
  290. >"And open your mind's eye!"
  291. >The fuck kind of tulpa bullshit is this
  292. "The hell are you talking about?"
  293. >"You have to SEE inside your mind, visualize Sunset sitting beside you, talking, and you, actually saying words!"
  294. >Oh dear mother, if you only knew about this autism you'd stop your worrying
  295. "I don't think that's going to work, Pinkie."
  296. >"Trust me! I do it all the time!"
  297. "That sounds-"
  298. >"No time! Call her! Now!"
  299. >She hangs up
  300. >Ffffffuuuck
  301. >Alright, mind's eye or whatever. You open the recent calls list and force yourself to hit the dial button
  302. >"......Anon?"
  303. "S-s-sunset."
  304. >"What happened?"
  305. "Er.."
  306. >Got an emergency call
  307. >Phone died
  308. >Accidentally hung up
  309. "Had to go to th-the bathroom."
  311. >"Oh... haha, you could have just said so."
  312. "Yeah..."
  313. >"So! How'd it go? I'm going to need a full report on your romantic bakery date with Pinkie!"
  315. >Oh, right. Sunset thinks you were with Pinkie
  316. >Whoa
  317. >You're suddenly very aware that you can sort of "see" yourself helping Pinkie at Sugarcube Corner in the black void behind your eyelids
  318. >This is...
  319. >Actually really interesting
  320. >You fill the room with cupcakes
  321. >Flood the sink
  322. >Soggy cupcakes are now floating in the waist-high flooded kitchen
  323. >You remove Pinkie's clothes so they won't get wet
  324. >Amazing!
  325. "Ohhohho, it was pretty great."
  326. >"Really? I'm so glad!"
  327. "Yeah, we uh, haha, I helped her with cupcakes mostly. It was really fun."
  328. >Holy
  329. >fucking
  330. >shit
  331. >Just keep thinking about naked Pinkie in waist-high water
  332. "I want to thank you for encouraging me. I probably wouldn't have taken the initiative otherwise."
  333. >"It's nothing! I had a feeling you two would connect."
  334. >Oh yeah, what was she saying earlier?
  335. "You were going to say something at the park..."
  336. >She giggles
  337. >"Pinkie, I think she... likes you."
  338. >Er
  339. >The Pinkie in your mind is laughing at the thought
  340. >"She always brings you up at school."
  341. "...really?"
  342. >"And did you see how nervous she got when you asked to go with her? She's never like that. She has a crush on you, I know it!"
  343. "Oh I don't know about that. But maybe."
  344. >"Either way it doesn't matter. Because we're going to court her."
  345. >Snrk
  346. >"...did I say something funny?"
  347. "No, I just remembered something is all."
  348. >"What is it?"
  349. >...
  350. >Why would you ask that
  351. "Today, Pinkie... she was talking about basketball and how well she could control the ball. But she accidentally said that she had full control of my balls."
  352. >Sunset laughs
  353. >It's adorable
  354. >Her voice even cracks at one point
  355. >You can't help but smile and roll onto your side as you listen
  356. >"Oh man... that's, that's a good way to break the ice, huh?"
  358. >It really is
  359. "Your laugh is amazing, Sunset."
  360. >Silence
  361. >Your eyes open
  362. "...uh..."
  363. >"Really?"
  364. "Yeah. Sorry for... blurting it out, though."
  365. >"It's fine. It surprised me, but made me happy."
  366. "It did?"
  367. >"Uh huh. To be honest Anon..."
  368. >"..."
  369. >"Nah, never mind. Let's talk about Pinkie."
  370. "Wait, what? You can tell me."
  371. >"Well..."
  372. >"I kind of thought you disliked me."
  373. >Your eyebrows contort and you slide out of bed
  374. "Why did you think that?"
  375. >She makes a quiet, nervous moan
  376. >"I don't want to talk about it."
  377. >Your social life flashes before your eyes
  378. >But you can't think of anything you've done that could possibly imply you dislike her
  379. "Is it something I did? It's fine. I want to know."
  380. >After a while, she clears her throat
  381. >"It's nothing, just that..."
  382. >"You kind of treat me the way everybody used to."
  383. "..."
  384. >"Being quiet, stuttering, looking at someone you'd rather be talking to."
  385. >"Waiting for me to go away."
  386. >"It's like you're scared of me..."
  387. "...I..."
  388. >"I mean, it's okay. I don't deserve to have everyone like me after I... uhm."
  389. >"But I really hope that we can be friends."
  390. >"I've heard so much about you, but only from the girls."
  391. >"You don't really talk to me. I hoped... this would change that."
  392. >Your mouth hangs open
  393. >"And I noticed that you like Pinkie, and since she seems to like you too, and no one else even mentioned it, I thought it was my chance."
  394. "........"
  395. >"...uhm, sorry. I made it awkward. Uhm... uhhm, I'm going to hang up. I'll talk to you later about Pinkie. I-If you want to."
  396. "...wait, Sunset!"
  397. >Too late
  398. >Your screen glows white with the "call ended" message box
  399. >Of course she thought that
  400. >What is wrong with you?
  401. >How did it never cross your mind that your autistic bullshit might upset people other than you?
  402. "God. Damn it."
  403. >It can be fixed though, right?
  404. >You raise your cell phone
  405. >But it's shaking in your trembling hand
  406. >Probably not a good idea to call at this moment
  407. "Just... fuck!"
  408. >Pillow, meet cell phone
  410. >Fuck it
  411. >You'll just calm your nerves on 4chan
  412. >If you call you'll just fuck it up
  413. >Once Pinkie calls you'll get her advice
  414. >And, before you know it, your mom pokes through your door and says goodnight
  415. "Going to bed already?"
  416. >"It's about midnight, Anon."
  417. "WHAT?"
  418. >"You need to stop wasting time on that computer."
  419. >"You'll regret it one day!"
  420. >Yeah
  421. >You're regretting it now
  422. "Goodnight mom."
  423. >You wave to her as you step over to your bed
  424. >Why didn't Pinkie call?
  425. >Still busy helping out at Sugarcube Corner, this late?
  426. >Maybe you should have called, but if she was working, you'd just have been an annoyance
  427. "I don't know... what to do."
  428. >The cool blankets form around your limp body
  429. >Your shoes slide off your wiggling feet
  430. >If you hadn't just slammed your face into your phone you'd be really comfortable right now
  431. >Too soul crushed to move it
  432. >Just roll a bit so it's resting on your cheek
  434. >It's fine
  435. >This is fine
  436. --------
  437. >"son"
  438. >Sleep is so amazing
  439. >You don't have to give a single shit about anything
  440. >"son"
  441. >And sometimes you manage to remember some of your crazy dreams
  442. >"son!"
  443. >Many of which happen to be about Sunset
  444. >"ANON!"
  445. >Mom's shaking you
  446. "Huh?!"
  447. >"Get up. Now."
  448. >Uh oh. She looks pissed
  449. >Did you forget to turn the AC off or something?
  450. "sorry... turned it off, didn't I?"
  451. >"What?! Anon, wake up!"
  452. >You rub your eyes
  453. >"And tell me who. She. Is."
  454. >She?
  455. >What are you
  456. "Is someone here?"
  457. >"Yes. A girl."
  458. >A GIRL
  459. >BESIDES MOM?
  460. "Are you joking?!"
  461. >"No, she-"
  462. >You jump out of bed and grab some clothes out of your closet
  463. >"...Anon, I'm... right here."
  464. >Your mom covers her eyes as you strip down to your boxers and throw on some fresh clothes
  465. "Who is it?!"
  466. >"I... er... I don't know."
  467. >Slip on shoes
  468. >Spray some deodorant
  469. >Run hands through hair
  470. >What a stud
  471. >"Just hold on a minute!"
  472. >Down the stairs you go
  473. >Please don't be Sunset
  474. >PLEASE
  476. >"Rise and shine, sleepy head~!"
  477. "Oh thank god!"
  478. >You jump onto the couch next to Pinkie
  479. >"Whoa! What's up with you?!"
  480. "I thought I was about to embarrass the FUCK out of myself."
  481. >Pinkie jumps
  482. "...oh, sorry."
  483. >"Heehee. It's fine..."
  484. >Hard to remember that Pinkie isn't comfortable with strong language since she's so laid back
  485. >Really need to keep it in mind
  486. "So why are you here? My mom's going to give me a lot of trouble over this."
  487. >"Sorry, sorry. I just HAD to talk to you Anon~"
  488. >"Really? Talk to him about what?"
  489. >Mom is halfway down the staircase
  490. >You make a bit more distance between Pinkie and yourself and rest your feet on the coffee table
  491. >Pinkie sits on her knees to face back at mom and you just wait for this to blow over
  492. >"About... something super fun I'm planning!"
  493. >"Uh huh? Go on."
  494. >"Er. I mean."
  495. >Pinkie glances at you, clearly nervous of saying something she shouldn't
  496. >"It's private~!"
  497. >"Ex-EXCUSE me?"
  498. >oh fuck
  499. >Mom stomps into the living room and crosses her arms, staring right at Pinkie
  500. >"What PRIVATE things are you planning with my son?"
  501. >holy shit
  502. >did you get the autistic behavior from mom or what
  503. "Calm down. It's nothing."
  504. >"Oh, right. Nothing. Just some private stuff you can't tell me about."
  505. "Yeah... it's..."
  506. >"What's your name?"
  507. >Pinkie Pie looks uncharacteristically terrified
  508. >"Pin...Pinkie, ma'am."
  509. "I saw you with Anon before. Are you two dating?"
  510. >"N-No, we aren't, ma'am. Never even held hands."
  511. "Never done anything. We're friends."
  512. >"...we do hug sometimes though."
  513. >....
  514. >What
  515. >The fuck
  516. >Are you doing
  517. >"N-N-Not in a romantic way, I mean, I feel a tiny bit e-excited ma'am, but that's normal... I mean, I'm a girl and he's... ohhhhhkie dokie, I'll be quiet."
  518. >Mom's about to explode
  519. >This isn't the first time she's gotten super suspicious, and the best way to deal with it is let her be alone
  520. "Come on, dork."
  521. >You grab Pinkie's arm and guide her to the front door
  522. >"WAIT! Anon!"
  523. "Yeah?"
  524. >"Don't do anything stupid!"
  526. "We're just. Friends."
  527. >"Ohh I BET you're 'friends'!"
  528. >Jesus
  529. "We're just going to talk about an embarrassing thing that happened at school yesterday, and how we can fix it."
  530. "Have a little faith in your son, will you?"
  531. >She's still scowling but at least she's not yelling
  532. >Yeah, better just go on
  533. >Please don't go crazy and throw away the computer
  534. "Bye mom, love you."
  535. >She doesn't say it back
  536. >"....Nonny, your mom is reeeaaally scary."
  537. "Just when it comes to this. All because-"
  538. >Can't talk about that with Pinkie the fuck are you doing
  539. "I don't know why. Why'd you come here? I warned you about this."
  540. >"Sorry. I called but your phone was going to voice mail."
  541. "Oh."
  542. >You look both ways and then jaywalk
  543. >"Anyways. We gotta talk!"
  544. "About what?"
  545. >"Sunset. What did you do?"
  546. >Your stomach sinks
  547. "Huh? What do you mean?"
  548. >Pinkie's tone is dire, but she's got that classic smile on her face
  549. >"She called me last night, sounding all urgent. And then we had a super long conversation."
  550. "About me?"
  551. >"No, Nonny, the world doesn't revolve around you!"
  552. >You blush
  553. >"But we talked about you for at LEAST half an hour."
  554. >She playfully jabs your arm
  555. >"Actually, mostly Sunset was going on and on about how fun you are. She told me I should hang out with you more. She's so sweet... but her tactics are super obvious."
  556. >Do you detect some pride in Pinkie's voice?
  557. >"So that's when I did it."
  558. "Did... what."
  559. >"I told her how I want the three of us to hang out together."
  560. "Oh..."
  561. >"Today!"
  562. >You nearly trip over nothing
  563. "ToDAY?"
  564. >"Why not today?"
  565. "Isn't that kind of rushing into this?"
  566. >"We're just hanging out Nonny, it's not like a date or anything!"
  567. "But I can barely talk to her."
  568. >"Nuh uh. She told me that you were talking to her last night. She was really happy about it."
  569. >Pinkie won't like what she'll have to do to make that happen again
  570. >"In fact, I kind of wonder if she-"
  571. "She doesn't like me. She just thinks I have something against her."
  572. >Pinkie looks extremely confused
  574. "She thought I was bothered by the stuff she did... before. You know."
  575. >"Oh..."
  576. "All she's doing is trying to get me to like her. As a friend."
  577. >The two of you make your way down the sidewalk, not yet bothering to specify a destination
  578. >As you turn the corner Pinkie claps her hands
  579. >"Then this HAS to be a super duper fun date!"
  580. >What
  581. "What"
  582. >"...What?"
  583. >You glare at her
  584. >"I know I said it's not a date, but if my plan goes well, it WILL be!"
  585. >"Sunset's gonna be wanting a whole lot more than your FRIENDSHIP buddy boy!"
  586. >She grabs your hand and speeds up
  587. "Where are we going?"
  588. >"My house first!"
  589. >It's a decent little jog before you get there
  590. >Pinkie's house is small, but stands out due to its pink color
  591. >Her parents are suckers
  592. >"Wait here Nonny It'll be one second!"
  593. "Can't I say hi to Maud?"
  594. >"They took her to a dentist appointment, sorry!"
  595. >She pops into the house and returns with a big brown box
  596. >"Come on! Burnin' sunlight!"
  597. "What is that? And where are we going now?"
  598. >"Twilight's house!"
  599. >...
  600. "Well what's in the box?"
  601. >"Special order! You'll see!"
  602. >Thankfully Twilight lives nearby
  603. >Pinkie must be really hyped up, because she's skipping down the sidewalk
  604. >What an efficient, comfortable way of getting around
  605. >Too bad you'd look like a total faggot if you joined in, so you just speed walk the best you can
  606. >"And we're here!"
  607. >Pinkie rings the doorbell
  608. >Once, then twice
  609. >And a third time
  610. >"Hm..."
  611. "Maybe she's not home?"
  612. >"She definitely is. Because of that game."
  613. "Oh"
  614. >Flashbacks flood your mind
  615. >Equestrian Warriors, the MMO through which you met Twilight and Pinkie Pie. They were recruiting for their new guild - "Pinkie Keen" - and put up fliers at school
  616. >You considered such a game to be weird, girly and nerdy back then, but the opportunity to play a game with two cute girls could not be passed up
  617. >Pinkie lost interest in about a week, and you got out after a few years, but Twilight...
  619. >Quiet, frantic footsteps get closer and closer
  620. >The lock clicks
  621. >And they fade away again
  622. >"Told youuuu!"
  623. >Pinkie dashes inside, but you go slowly
  624. >Don't want to step on Spike or something
  625. >"Nonny! Come onny!"
  626. >Twilight's house is absurdly clean
  627. >There's not a single thing out of place
  628. >This house might have the only kitchen you've ever seen without food or utensils left laying around
  629. >At the end of the hall you hear that familiar key mashing and mouse clicking
  630. >"Hello... Anonymous..."
  631. "Hey."
  632. >"One second.... Pinkie...."
  633. >Pinkie sets the box on the desk and looks from the monitor to you, repeatedly
  634. >"....and... Okay! Good! Quick!"
  635. >Twilight swivels around and thrusts her hands into her closet
  636. >And out comes her purse
  637. >But something's weird
  638. "Twilight, why are you dancing."
  639. >"What? I'm... eh."
  640. "Don't tell me."
  641. >"....yes, actually. Okay, here Pinkie! Take however much I owe you."
  642. >She tosses the purse
  643. >"Anonymous, you remember how to play the Alicorn class right?"
  644. "N-"
  645. >"GOOD I'll be back, if I get attacked protect me!"
  646. >She sprints down the hall and you hear a door slam shut
  647. "Dear god. She... should give this up."
  648. >"She can't NOW, Nonny! After... what's it been, six years?"
  649. >It's true, she's been committed to this game for ages
  650. >And she recently announced that Pinkie Keen has placed 6th on the global guild leader boards
  651. >1st place would be impressive - even in this dying MMO - but is it worth it when she's already so busy with school?
  652. >Squeezing in a few stressful hours a day for management and then playing the entirety of your weekend... sounds like hell
  653. >"Hey, Nonny. Look?"
  655. >Twilight's being attacked
  656. >Her health is going down rapidly
  657. >FUCK
  658. >You haven't played in years
  659. >You've never even touched this class before
  660. >It's cool, it's just an MMO right? How hard could this be?
  661. >You start scanning her skill bar and it's got 3 fucking monitor-wide rows
  662. >Which one of these heals?
  663. >You plop down in the chair
  665. >Some cheeky baby dragon is breathing fire and shit
  666. >Maybe if you run away?
  667. >Oh, great. Paralysis
  668. "Pinkie."
  669. >"You can save her pony, right?"
  670. "Pinkie... don't let Twilight hurt me."
  671. >You click on the satchel icon
  672. >Items items items
  673. >Zap Apple, Enchanted Horseshoe, Suspicious White Potion, Fresh Pancakes
  674. >There's no time to read the descriptions - you start clicking everything
  675. "It... oh it's working! One of those healed her!"
  676. >"Yay!"
  677. >The baby dragon suddenly turns blue, sprays you with ice, and you can't do anything
  678. >Your health bar is once again falling
  679. >It's over
  680. >...was that a flush?
  681. "I can fix it I can fix it I can fix it."
  682. >A skill - a skill has to undo this
  683. >You patiently read the descriptions of two before going berserk and clicking anything that's not faded out
  684. "Come on!"
  686. >Twilight's literally pulling on her hair beside you
  687. >"Why did you undo my Ice Immunity?!"
  688. "Huh?! I didn't!"
  689. >"You threw away my enchanted horseshoe, I can see it!"
  690. >You throw up your hands
  691. "Here, I'm sorr-
  692. >She plops down into your lap and clicks the horseshoe repeatedly
  693. "Whoa, Twilight, what the hell!"
  694. >"Please please please... please PLEASE..."
  695. "G-Get off of me..."
  696. >"If I die, I'll lose *so* much experience!"
  697. >Fuck MMOs
  698. >You look over to Pinkie and gesture at Twilight, as if to say 'get a load of this weirdo'
  699. >But Pinkie Pie quickly looks away and goes back to the purse
  700. "...ughh..."
  701. >This is incredibly awkward
  702. >Twilight's kind of heavy for a twig
  703. >And she smells... way better than an MMO addict has any right to
  704. >"YES! I'm unfrozen- grab the horseshoe, come on! GOT IT!"
  705. >She leans back further into you and starts slapping all over the keyboard
  706. >That's what it looks like anyway, but you can see that her character is actually doing shit
  707. "You got it?"
  708. >She sighs
  709. >"Got it... all... good."
  710. >The baby dragon dies
  711. >...
  712. >Fuck MMOs
  714. >Twilight continues clicking away, apparently not bothered at all that her ass is right over your dick
  715. >You start to sweat a bit
  716. "Hey, uh, can you let me... up?"
  717. >"What was that all about Anonymous?"
  718. "Huh? Oh, I told you. I haven't played in years. I'm rusty."
  719. >"Rusty? Rusty?! That's more than being rusty! Why would you ever drop an enchanted horseshoe? Their only purpose now is to grant immunity to an element."
  720. "I didn't know..."
  721. >She leans back hard and facepalms
  722. >"It was in the patch notes like four times."
  723. "I don't READ the patch notes."
  724. >"Why?"
  725. "I stopped playing ages ago!"
  726. >She huffs
  727. >"That's no reason not to read the patch notes..."
  728. >Pinkie comes up on the left and places the purse by Twilight's keyboard
  729. >"Hey, you're kind of squishing Nonny to death, Twi!"
  730. >She gasps, and hops off of you
  731. >"Uhhh, sorry Anonymous."
  732. "Don't worry about it..."
  733. >By some miracle, your dick is *mostly* flaccid
  734. >Perhaps because it knew that you'd never live this down otherwise
  735. >You get up and let Twilight take your place
  736. >"Anyway, Nonny, you wanted to see Twilight's special order right?"
  737. >She opens the box and gestures toward it
  738. "So what's up with the shady unlabeled box and stuff?"
  739. "HOLY HELL what IS that?"
  740. >It's full of slime balls
  741. >"Doughnut holes!!"
  742. >"Precisely. I order them from Pinkie once a week. They're a life saver."
  743. "N-No offense, but... these things look disgusting."
  744. >"Oh, that's the syrup~ and it doesn't help that I soak them in multiple brands of energy drinks!"
  745. >So these are some kind of all-nighter aid?
  746. "That's. Uh. That's interesting."
  747. >"Not only do they help me stay awake, but they taste a lot better than they look!"
  748. >Pinkie nods and pushes the box closer to Twilight
  749. >"Thanks again, Pinkie."
  750. >"No problemo!"
  751. >There, the conversation just dies
  752. >Twilight's 100% focused on her game and there's really no talking to her at times like this
  753. >You motion to Pinkie that they should probably leave her be
  755. >Leaving Twilight's house instantly relieves the awkward mood
  756. >For you, anyway
  757. "So what's next? I think you should brief me on this plan of yours."
  758. >Pinkie's just humming and walking beside you
  759. >And tapping her arm
  760. "...Pinkie?"
  761. >"Alright, mister..."
  762. "What?"
  763. >Pinkie giggles
  764. >"I told you yesterday. You're only allowed to like one girl at a time."
  765. >Does she seriously
  766. >Oh jeez
  767. "Hey, she sat on me. And I told her to get off."
  768. >"Barely..."
  769. >She just waits for you to explain
  770. >To explain why you were molested by Twilight's butt
  771. >The fuck are you supposed to say
  772. "I wasn't going to push her off of me..."
  773. "She's just really comfortable around me. Because, you know."
  774. >"I do know Nonny."
  775. >Twilight was your first girlfriend
  776. >She taught you how to play Equestrian Warriors
  777. >And for the most part that's all you two did together
  778. >It was pretty common for her to sit on your lap and grind with you for hours
  779. >...grind your character
  780. >"Just keep in mind, if you really like Sunset... you can't let girls SIT on you..."
  781. >"It's. KIIINDA naughty."
  782. "Eh... alright, mom."
  783. >She raises an eyebrow at you
  784. "Anyway, come on. Tell me what we're doing today. Rip the band-aid off quick."
  785. >"So impatient!"
  786. >"Fine, I'll tell you."
  787. >She fishes into her pocket and produces a small stack of cash
  788. >"CUH-CHANG! We goin' shopping!"
  789. >Oh
  790. >That's easy enough
  791. >Not nearly as over the top as you'd expect from Pinkie
  792. "Okay. Sounds... acceptable. I don't have any money though."
  793. >"I know that mister jobless! That's why we went here first."
  794. >...
  795. "I'm not taking your money, Pinkie."
  796. >"Anyway, I have to go get ready."
  797. >You honestly thought she was
  798. >But any excuse to delay seeing Sunset calms your nerves
  799. "Where will we be going? I'll wait for you."
  800. >"Uhhh, Maremart cafeteria's fine. I'll bring Sunset with me!"
  801. >She opens her arms up wide
  802. >"Goodbye and good luck hug!"
  803. "Haha... maybe I shouldn't hug you."
  804. >A question mark practically appears over her head
  805. "Don't want you to get a 'tiny bit excited', right?"
  807. >No response; she's just smiling warmly
  808. "Um..."
  809. >As you go in for the hug she lowers her arms and turns around
  810. >...was that a sigh?
  811. >"Good luck Nonny!"
  812. >You should probably say something
  813. >Before she's...
  814. >She's gone
  815. "Uh."
  816. >Sometimes it's hard to know what you can joke about with Pinkie
  817. >She's always so forcefully positive
  818. >Seems like she was really embarrassed about what she said to mom
  819. >Can't be that bad though, right? It's Pinkie Pie
  820. >And besides, like Pinkie said, it's normal
  821. >Like you getting excited from Twilight's nerd butt, except 1/10th as extreme as that
  822. >...
  823. >Better not joke about something like this again
  825. --------
  827. >This cafeteria is rad as SHIT
  828. >Tacos, corn dogs and cotton candy you can't afford
  829. >Multiple crying babies
  830. >And the radio keeps playing the same pop songs over and over
  831. "Come on guys..."
  832. >You're anxious about this, but facing Sunset is better than sitting in this hell
  833. >Pretty sure it's been almost half an hour
  834. >Maybe you should go jump in a TV or something
  835. >"ANON!"
  836. "JESUS!"
  837. >You jump out of your chair and go into a karate stance
  838. >"...pffffbwahahahaha!"
  839. >Rainbow Dash falls onto the table with laughter
  840. >People turn to look...
  841. >Fuck
  842. >You put away your fists of steel and sit back down
  843. "The hell'd you do that for?"
  844. >"Haaahaha, haaah, oh my god... Sorry!"
  845. >After wiping the moisture from her eyes, she sits across from you
  846. >"You looked so bored, I thought I'd wake you up."
  847. "Uh huh..."
  848. >Fuck
  849. >This isn't good
  850. >"What are you up to?"
  851. "Uh, not much."
  852. >"Ah. Me either. Was looking at some bikes."
  853. "Oh yeah?"
  854. >"Mine's like a million years old. Can't deliver papers on a dinosaur anymore, you know?"
  855. >"Don't wanna look lame."
  856. >You nod, but in reality you don't care much about what people think of you
  857. >Except when you go into Mortal Kombat mode, that's too far
  858. "Find one you like?"
  859. >"I don't know. Maybe. You should come give me your opinion."
  860. >Uhhhh
  862. >"Ooh, but first I'm gonna get a soda."
  863. >She gets up and pulls out her wallet
  864. >It has a guitar on it, because of course it does
  865. >"You want one?"
  866. "....That's oka-"
  867. >"Don't sweat it dude. I'm getting you a soda. Buuuut... I get to choose the flavor."
  868. >She grins and walks off
  869. >Oh boy
  870. >You watch her, at the other side of the cafeteria
  871. >She's tapping her foot
  872. >Hey, so are you
  873. >Where are the girls?
  874. >You reach for your cell phone for a third time
  875. >Still not in your pocket
  876. >Not that it's charged, anyway
  877. >You rest your head on the chilly table
  878. "Hughhh..."
  879. >"Anon?"
  880. >Holy shit, that voice
  881. >You sit up absurdly straight and rest an arm on the back of your chair as you slowly turn your head
  882. ".....Hi."
  883. >She's wearing a white tank top again
  884. >But this time without the oversized black coat
  885. >It's fine, just... don't stare or something
  886. >She sits down in Rainbow's chair and places her purse on the table
  887. >It's a nice purse
  888. >A beautiful shade of red
  889. >So you just stare at it and ignore the girl in front of you
  890. >"Uhm. Sorry, Anon. I tried to get her to go through with it."
  891. "Huh?"
  892. >"We were on our way here and Pinkie started getting really nervous. Then she faked a phone call with her boss and said she had to work."
  893. >"It didn't even ring... I was sure this was going to be your chance."
  894. >She looks really sad
  895. >Oh boy
  896. >You mentally prepare yourself for the gut-wrenching frustrating stutter, and open your mouth
  897. "It's okay. Don't feel bad about it."
  898. >What
  899. >She smiles
  900. >"...Anon, she was so scared she was dancing in place. She's got eyes for you. It's SOOO obvious!"
  901. "Hehheh, I don't know. I can't imagine her returning my feelings."
  902. >Last night's phone call is on your mind, powering you up
  903. >Your stomach fills with butterflies as you remember how you made Sunset laugh
  904. >You talked, a bunch. And didn't die
  905. >Who would have guessed?
  906. "I can imagine Pinkie doing something as silly as dancing in place though."
  907. >She smiles even harder!
  909. >Adrenaline starts to rush
  910. >Which is pathetic, but boy do you not care right now
  911. >"Oh, Pinkie gave me some money she owed you."
  912. >Sunset pulls some cash out of her purse
  913. >"She also made me promise to tell you to take me to get something to eat."
  914. >"But don't worry about that, haha!"
  915. >You take the money
  916. >God damn it, bubblegum hair
  917. "Ah, the money. That Pinkie owed me. From that time I... lent it to her."
  918. >...
  919. >Maybe talking for the sake of talking isn't a good idea
  920. >As you're stuffing it into your pocket, you notice Rainbow spin around
  921. >She's headed back with two sodas and a big smile on her face
  922. >Which slowly turns into a blank stare
  923. >Oh boy
  924. >"Sunset? What's up?"
  925. >She hands you your drink and leans onto the table
  926. >"Hi Rainbow. Uhm. Were you here with Anon?"
  927. >You look over to her
  928. >And as soon as you open your mouth, she speaks up
  929. >"Yeah. Why are you here?"
  930. >"Uhhm. I'm here to hang out with Anon."
  931. >"...Why?"
  932. >What the fuck do you mean why
  933. >"No reason. Just hanging out."
  934. >".....Since when do you two hang out by yourselves?"
  935. >The mood is suddenly tense
  936. "What, is it a problem?"
  937. >Rainbow shrugs and gulps down some soda
  938. >"Ahh... not everything is a problem or a big deal Anon, geez. I was just curious. Haha!"
  939. >Yeah
  940. >Just curious
  941. >She's going to do the shit she always does to Sunset
  942. >And just thinking about it is pissing you off
  943. >"Anyway, come on Anon. I want to show you that bike. Don't forget your soda. Or Sunset."
  944. >She strolls on out of the cafeteria
  945. "Ugh. I don't know what her problem is."
  946. >Sunset's shoulders droop
  947. >"It's fine. I think she just. You know. Doesn't trust me because of the stuff I did."
  948. >Wait, could that be it?
  949. >You never really considered the idea of people mistrusting Sunset this long after the incident
  950. >Especially with her being so nice, and helping put a stop to those siren twats
  951. >But if Rainbow is still hung up on it, it'd explain her behavior
  953. "I think that might be it."
  954. >She starts to pout
  955. >Heart
  956. >Malfunctioning
  957. >Stomach
  958. >Melting
  959. >Should not have said that out loud
  960. >"Hey! What's up with you guys? Come on!"
  961. "W-We'd better go."
  963. --------
  965. >"Vrroooooom!"
  966. >Rainbow is spinning the wheels on a rather expensive looking bike and making animal noises
  967. >"Whoooosh! There she goes, the fastest delivery girl ever! She had the speed, she had the aim, and now she's got the wheels!"
  968. >You glance at the price tag
  969. >Four hundred fucking dollars
  970. >But it's shiny and has a lightning bolt on it, so it's totally worth it, right?
  971. >You're standing back with Sunset. Rainbow's been doing her own thing
  972. >It's kind of weird
  973. >"She really likes bikes, huh Anon?"
  974. "Yeah. She's a speed demon."
  975. >"Ahh. I like Motorcycles."
  976. "Really? I didn't know that."
  977. >She nods
  978. "So that's why you like that Motorcycle Gang show?"
  979. >Assuming she didn't just make that up
  980. >"No..."
  981. >She closes the distance between you two a bit
  982. >If you weren't staring at Rainbow Dash, it'd probably make you nervous
  983. >"I like how the bikers are all so close. Even if someone messes up... they're forgiven. You can tell they care about each other, even when they argue."
  984. >Hm
  985. >That sounds like an unrealistically lighthearted biker gang
  986. >But you get her point
  987. >"That's what it feels like being with Twilight's group of friends."
  988. >For the most part, right?
  989. >Rainbow turns to make sure you were watching her that whole time
  990. >"So! What do you think Anon? Is this the one?"
  991. "Uhhhhhh. Sure, why not?"
  992. >She smiles, but raises an eyebrow
  993. >And Sunset steps up to the bike
  994. >"It's awesome, Rainbow! Why not go with this one?"
  995. >"......"
  996. >Rainbow covers her mouth to stifle her laughter, and rolls her eyes
  997. >"Uhhh, maybe because it's like four hundred bucks? Wow Sunset! I know you don't have a job, but you should at least know the value of money. Am I right Anon?"
  999. >You feel your eye brow twitch
  1000. "Rainbow."
  1001. >"...what? I'm just playing around."
  1002. >She pats Sunset's shoulder and moves on to the next bike
  1003. "...ugh."
  1004. >"Ooh! Check it out Anon! This one makes noises!"
  1006. --------
  1008. >Rainbow insisted on tagging along after deciding she doesn't need a bike right now after all
  1009. >Her taste in movies is easily read
  1010. >"WHOA Anon, it's that new horror movie. With the horses. Man, I should get this, huh?"
  1011. "Uh huh..."
  1012. >You sip your drink
  1013. >It's Hawaiian Punch
  1014. >If that was supposed to be a prank, joke's on her
  1015. >You fucking LOVE Hawaiian Punch
  1016. >"Uhm, Anon, what TV shows do you like?"
  1017. >Sunset is holding some sitcom's DVD case
  1018. "Oh. Hmm. What do they have?"
  1019. >A shit ton of them, apparently
  1020. >DVD cases and box sets everywhere
  1021. >From classics that were popular before your time, to the stuff you grew up watching
  1022. >The show she's holding is a somewhat sappy sitcom about a bumbling but lovable guy, who marries a know-it-all woman
  1023. >No points for originality, but you've seen it
  1024. >Well written and well acted
  1025. >"Ppffffbbwaha! Sunset, don't tell me you watch dopey sitcoms? About marriage? Nobody watches those."
  1026. >"Uhm..."
  1027. "I watch them. I love sitcoms."
  1028. >Rainbow's like a deer in the headlights
  1029. >"Wh-why would you watch sitcoms?"
  1030. >Why not?!
  1031. "They're fun. Comfy. Easy to pass time with. Why not watch them?"
  1032. >"Haha. Because."
  1033. "Because isn't an answer."
  1034. >That was a bit more hostile than you intended
  1035. >But hey
  1036. >You love yourself a good sitcom
  1037. "Don't just discard something if you don't have a reason, Rainbow."
  1038. >"I do have reasons. Anon."
  1039. "Like?"
  1040. >" how they're made for stu-"
  1041. >She rolls her eyes and storms off
  1042. >"Let's go, I'm bored!"
  1044. --------
  1046. >"Man, this game's freakin' AWESOME!"
  1047. >Some demo on the Haystation has captured Rainbow's attention
  1048. >You play as a bird-like ship that's flying through a white desert with obstacles popping up
  1049. >It gets to a pretty high speed. You can feel it, and you're not even playing
  1051. >Sunset taps your shoulder
  1052. >"Anon, I want to know what kind of games you like."
  1053. "O-Oh, okay."
  1054. >You lead her further down the aisle
  1055. >"I've never played a video game before, so uh, try to translate to English!"
  1056. "Wh-wait, never?!"
  1057. >"...Uhm."
  1058. "That's crazy!"
  1059. >"Yeah, haha."
  1060. >Not even Tetris?
  1061. >Not even Pac-Man?
  1062. >How has she lived this long?
  1063. "Here, you can play one right now."
  1064. >You make a huge, dramatic arm gesture toward a few demo consoles at the end of the aisle
  1065. >Sunset giggles
  1066. >"I take it you like video games a lot?"
  1067. >You nod and walk up to another Haystation
  1068. >It's got about a dozen demos- but a few of them are just movies
  1069. >Fucking hate when they trick you like that
  1070. "Pick anything that looks interesting."
  1071. >"Ummmm..."
  1072. >She cycles through the games
  1073. >Part of you wants her to pick the weebish music game, but you'd rather not show that side of yourself to her
  1074. >Or anybody
  1075. >"What about this one?"
  1076. >Some open world crime game's logo pops up
  1077. >You point to the "confirm" button
  1078. "Go for it."
  1079. >Air shoots through her nose in an adorable, nervous way
  1080. >"Will you tell me if I do something wrong?"
  1081. "Doing stuff wrong is normal in games. It's all about failing, and learning, and then developing useless talents."
  1082. >"Oh..."
  1083. >The game boots up with some lame rap song
  1084. >Soon enough she's standing in some dark alleyway
  1085. >"Ohh... uh, I control it now?"
  1086. >You just point to the analogue stick
  1087. >"Okay, here I go."
  1088. >As if the controller were rigged to explode, she slooowly presses the tip of her finger into the side of the stick
  1089. >Her character transitions from a calm walk to a sprint
  1090. >"H-He's moving! Haha! He's, he's going!"
  1091. >You beam
  1092. "You're moving. And you can do more than that!"
  1093. >"What can I do?"
  1094. "Press the X button and find out!"
  1095. >Her character reaches the street, and as she mashes the button he jumps high into the air
  1096. >And collides with a diesel truck
  1098. >Sunset yelps and covers her mouth
  1099. >...
  1100. "Sunset you're-"
  1101. >The both of you burst into laughter
  1102. "You're fine. You- you're still alive in real life."
  1103. >"Hahaha, oh my gosh. That scared the crap out of me!"
  1104. >"WWwooow, did you just die in like ten seconds or what, Sunset?"
  1105. >And just like that, the fun has ended
  1106. >"Haha, I did!"
  1107. >"That's lame dude. I've seen old people play games better than that the first time."
  1108. >"Ha... haha."
  1109. >"Are you like that with all video stuff? Can you operate a TV, Sunset?"
  1110. >Her voice is getting way too loud
  1111. >Does she seriously have this much of a grudge?
  1112. >"Tell you what, if you need to call someone, I can dial the number for you."
  1113. "...Rainbow."
  1114. >"Anyway, let me play. I'll show you how it's done."
  1115. "Rainbow. Come on."
  1116. >Sunset moves aside and Rainbow snatches up the controller
  1117. >"What, Anon?"
  1118. "Could you..."
  1119. >She mashes buttons as the game is loading back in
  1120. >"Could I what?"
  1121. >There's something
  1122. >Wrong with this girl
  1123. >You're sure of it
  1124. >Just... calmly convince her to let Sunset enjoy this magical interactive medium
  1125. "Could you fuck off?"
  1126. >...
  1127. >Whoa
  1128. >You didn't mean to say that
  1129. >And Rainbow didn't expect to hear it, judging by her dumbfounded expression
  1130. >"...excuse me? You wanna run that by me again?"
  1131. >"H-Hey, you guys. It's fine."
  1132. "You heard me, Rainbow."
  1133. >She looks back at the game's idle character for a few moments before dropping the controller onto the tray, and getting up close and personal
  1134. >Her face is all scrunched up, holy shit
  1135. >"You got a problem, Anon?"
  1136. "...I do."
  1137. >"Well? What is it?"
  1139. >She's trembling
  1140. >Yet somehow still intimidating
  1141. >It doesn't matter though
  1142. >You have to say this
  1143. >There's no excuse for being an asshole to Sunset
  1144. >She'll be thankful that you said what she's too kind to say
  1145. "You're being rude and annoying."
  1146. >"..Wh-WHAT?"
  1147. "The way you're treating Sunset. It's got to stop."
  1148. >"What... are you TALKING about?"
  1149. "Come on! Every time she says something you try and make her feel like an idiot."
  1150. >"Is-Is that why you're mad?! Over me joking around? I do that stuff with everyone!"
  1151. "You know damn well there's a difference in how you're acting with Sunset."
  1152. >"There ISN'T!"
  1153. >She's standing on her tippy toes to match your height
  1154. >This girl has no right to be scary, but she is
  1155. "Can't spot the difference? I'll make it really obvious. With the others, you're laughing WITH them, right?"
  1156. >"Yeah?!"
  1157. "And with Sunset - or with me if I defend her - you're just a bitch!"
  1158. >Her mouth hangs open
  1159. >You feel the thrill of shutting her up for a second, before you realize she's tearing up
  1160. >That's... not fair
  1161. >"Y-yeah? You think so? Then we'll ask her."
  1162. "You sure you want to do that?"
  1163. >"UH HUH. Sunset!"
  1164. >You both look around
  1165. >...
  1166. >She's nowhere to be found
  1167. "Uh..."
  1168. >...Fuck
  1169. >"Oh good going, Anon. You scared her off."
  1170. "H-ugh!"
  1171. >Rainbow's fist, right in the gut
  1172. >She takes a few big steps away from you
  1173. >"Jeez... JEEZ! Maybe if you weren't so freaking dense, this wouldn't have happened!"
  1174. "...huh?"
  1175. >You stand there holding your stomach
  1176. >Everyone in the electronics section is either staring at you, or watching Rainbow stomp away
  1177. >Any second now you're going to realize how shitty this turned out
  1178. >But you can at least enjoy the thrill of the argument for a while
  1179. >...
  1180. >No, the thrill is gone
  1181. >You begin your walk of shame
  1183. >The walk home is agonizing
  1184. >You wandered around Maremart for a few hours, unsure of what to do
  1185. >So not only do you feel like shit but you're also pretty tired
  1186. >Your feet just soldier on and retrace the path back to Pinkie's house
  1187. >Should you go in?
  1188. >Pretending you're in a good mood to her family doesn't sound fun
  1189. "Ugh."
  1190. >Just keep going
  1191. >And hope Pinkie didn't see you from her bedroom window
  1192. >Before you know it you're standing outside of Twilight's house again
  1193. >A nostalgic part of you wouldn't mind laying on her bed and chatting with her
  1194. >She definitely wouldn't mind it if you stayed here a while
  1195. >...but trying to talk to her while she's stuck in that pony game?
  1196. >"Ehh."
  1197. >Besides, she'll get too comfortable with you and cause problems or something
  1198. >Moving on
  1199. >Really only one place left to go
  1200. >You quietly open the front door and head up the steps
  1201. >Beautiful computer chair always knows how to cheer you up
  1202. "Ah. That's more like i-"
  1203. >Windows lock screen
  1204. > 'The user name or password is incorrect.'
  1205. >God damn it, mom, seriously?
  1206. >She'd never guess it
  1207. >You're not about to use your last name like she does with everything
  1208. "Hah..."
  1209. >After punching in half of your password you realize
  1210. >Not even 4chan sounds good right now
  1211. >You made Sunset so uncomfortable she just left
  1212. >Rainbow's going to be a prick about this. It's a guarantee
  1213. >Pinkie's going to be sad that her plan failed
  1214. >No part of this isn't depressing
  1215. "Fuck it."
  1216. >Off with the shoes
  1217. >Pants too, fucking summer heat
  1218. >The sun's barely going down but it's time for sleep
  1219. >Dreams will save you from thinking about your failures
  1220. >Goodbye, having-to-give-a-shit
  1222. --------
  1224. >...
  1225. >Someone is shaking you
  1226. >For fuck's sake, go away
  1227. "Ruughhh... whaaat?"
  1228. >The sunlight momentarily blinds you as you roll over
  1229. "Wha-eAHH whoa!"
  1230. >Mom is standing over you wielding a rolling pin
  1231. "Whoa whoa whoa! Innocent until proven guilty!"
  1232. >You know she's just holding it to scare you, like when you were a kid
  1233. >But you guard yourself anyway
  1234. >"ANON."
  1236. "Y-Yeah!"
  1237. >She shakes her head
  1238. >"Tell me what you did. Right now."
  1239. "Didn't do anything! Just woke up!"
  1240. >"Don't play dumb. You did something to that poor girl."
  1241. "...What girl?"
  1242. >Mom shouldn't even know who Rainbow is
  1243. >"....'Pinkie'. She's downstairs right n-Anon! Hold it!"
  1244. >Phew, better just make this quick
  1245. >You can cheer Pinkie up pretty easily
  1246. >Just reassure her that this wasn't her fault
  1247. >From the bottom step, you leap over the back of the couch
  1248. >The impact makes her hair bounce
  1249. "Hey."
  1250. >"...."
  1251. >She's...
  1252. >Scowling
  1253. >With her arms crossed and everything
  1254. >It's so un-pinkie-like that she might just be an impostor
  1255. "Pinkie."
  1256. >"...Anonymous."
  1257. >Oh god
  1258. >Your heart skips a beat
  1259. >She's not even looking at you
  1260. >Against all logic, you hope your mom gets downstairs quickly
  1261. "I uh. Didn't expect you to be here again."
  1262. >She's just staring at the muted TV
  1263. "...What's up?"
  1264. >"I called Sunset yesterday. She said she had fun with you and Rainbow Dash."
  1265. "....y-yeah?"
  1266. >"Later, Rainbow Dash stopped by my house."
  1267. "......she did, huh?"
  1268. >Pinkie sighs
  1269. >"Yup."
  1270. >Great
  1271. >You're just sure you can trust Rainbow to give a fair recap
  1272. "What did she sa-"
  1273. >"I'm gonna spend the day cheering up Rainbow Dash. She needs it."
  1274. "...let me expla-"
  1275. >"I think she'd been crying, Anon."
  1276. >Really?
  1277. >Tearing up is one thing
  1278. >But Rainbow, crying? That can't be right
  1279. >"She said you called her a b-word."
  1280. "...well..."
  1281. >She huffs
  1282. >"It's true?"
  1283. "Yeah, but-"
  1284. >"I was really shocked. I can't believe you'd do that... Nonny."
  1285. >This is the most serious you've ever seen Pinkie
  1286. >You don't know what to feel
  1287. >But you're in the right
  1288. >Rainbow was being a complete ass
  1289. >You're not the bad guy
  1290. >Right?
  1292. >"We're going to fix it. For now I'm going to get Rainbow back to normal. Then, you're gonna apologize."
  1293. >Apologize eh?
  1294. >For some reason you don't think Rainbow will apologize to Sunset
  1295. "But Pinkie... she was asking for it!"
  1296. >"WHO was asking for WHAT?"
  1297. >Mom walks up to the side of the couch with her arms crossed as well
  1298. >Pinkie looks over
  1299. >"Oh, uh."
  1300. >"Well?!"
  1301. "D-Don't worry about it."
  1302. >"Did you cheat on Pinkie?"
  1303. >Uhhhhhhh
  1304. >"Ma'am, we're n-not dating. I promise."
  1305. >"Oh?"
  1306. >"Yeah. P-Pinkie swear..."
  1307. >"So you'd sit next to a FRIEND while he's in his underwear? This is totally natural to you, is that what you're telling me?"
  1308. >"What?"
  1309. >Pinkie looks down, and clasps her hands over her mouth
  1310. >"...NONNY!"
  1311. >And she just keeps staring
  1312. "It's boxers. They're practically shorts."
  1313. >Although you suppose these sort of shape around your junk
  1314. >"That's another thing. 'Nonny'? Do you have cutesy nick names for all the boys you know?"
  1315. >"Uhhhh... UHHHH..."
  1316. >"How long have you been going out? What all have you done?"
  1317. >Part of you wants to fall to your knees and apologize
  1318. >And confess that Pinkie is pregnant with your child
  1319. >But your mom would probably have a heart attack
  1320. "We've been friends for a long time mom."
  1321. >"Oh?"
  1322. "Well we weren't this close until a year or two ago. But the point is that she's an old friend."
  1323. >You wrap an arm around Pinkie and pull her close
  1324. >She makes some kind of low whine
  1325. "JUST an old friend. She's like my little sister."
  1326. >You say that, but having Pinkie so close is kind of getting to you
  1327. >She's squirming around
  1328. >"N-No-Nonny!"
  1329. >Her face is bright red
  1330. >"Y-You're be-you're being..."
  1331. "What?"
  1332. >"LEWD!"
  1333. >She pushes you and falls onto the other end of the couch
  1334. >Rapid-fire baby kicks land all over your body
  1335. "Haha, stop! Stop! Come on!"
  1336. >She rolls off of the couch and darts over to the door
  1337. >"Hey! Stay here, I'm not through with you!"
  1338. >"One g-girl at a time, Nonny! That's the RULES!"
  1340. >Slamming the door in mom's face
  1341. >That's bold
  1342. >Very bold
  1343. >She's even gone silent
  1344. >...
  1345. >Wait
  1346. "Don't read into that, mom..."
  1347. >"Son."
  1348. "She's talking about something else."
  1349. >"Son, just..."
  1350. >She produces your cell phone and throws it to you
  1351. "Why do you hav-"
  1352. >"I charged it for you. Turn it on."
  1353. >You hesitantly click the power button, and your heart sinks at the sight of Sunset's face
  1354. >"Who is that, Anon?"
  1355. "Um."
  1356. >"Another old friend?"
  1357. "No..."
  1358. >Embarrassment washes over you
  1359. "I have a crush on her, so I put her picture on here is all."
  1360. >"That's a little much for a crush, isn't it?"
  1361. "Maybe?"
  1362. >"You're cheating on Pinkie with her."
  1363. "No! I'm not even dating Pinkie!"
  1364. >"I'm not stupid."
  1365. >For fuck's sake
  1366. >This is why you don't tell your mom anything
  1367. >Everything's a conspiracy
  1368. "Ya fuckin' act like it sometimes, y'know?!"
  1369. >Your voice got sort of high pitched and... Scottish for some reason
  1370. >She just looks confused
  1371. >Perfect, an opening
  1372. >You step past her and open the door
  1373. >"Hold on!"
  1374. "I have like seven friends who happen to be chicks. I've screwed zero of them."
  1375. >"...S-SEV-"
  1376. "I'm not dad."
  1377. >You gesture to yourself
  1378. "Putting a girl's face as your wallpaper - that's the most virginy thing you can possibly do. You have nothing to worry about."
  1379. >You spin around on one foot and start marching
  1380. >That's right
  1381. >You showed her just how much of a virgin you are
  1382. >She's probably gonna be super embarrassed about this
  1383. >Just keep walking
  1384. >Keep going...
  1385. >This is fine
  1387. >You're laying down in the bliss of a house with a modern AC
  1388. >The pillow against your face is exactly what you needed
  1389. >It sort of smells like dog, but it's nice and cold
  1390. "Ahhhh. I kind of missed hanging out here."
  1391. >" too..."
  1392. >Twilight's typing something out. Guild recruitment advertisement or something
  1393. >She wants another big push to force her way up to 5th place by the end of the day
  1394. >Sounds kind of crazy but if anyone can get that done, it's her
  1395. "Sorry for barging in on you."
  1396. >"'s fine..."
  1397. >It's like she's in a trance
  1398. >You stare for a bit and think back on how lively she used to be when playing this game
  1399. >Practically bouncing on your lap every time you got a new skill
  1400. >She'd explain all of its applications, write them down for you
  1401. >And you'd discuss life while grinding
  1402. >Now she treats it like it's her job
  1403. "Twilight."
  1404. >"....huh..."
  1405. "You look miserable."
  1406. >""
  1407. "Staying up all weekend, worrying about your guild - it's a bit insane."
  1408. >".....yeah..."
  1409. >She's not even listening
  1410. >This is starting to worry you
  1411. >You get up and lean against the top of her swivel chair
  1412. >"H-Hey! Anonymous, you made me make a bunch of typos."
  1413. "Oh. Sorry."
  1414. >You get off and sigh
  1415. >Twilight corrects them, pauses with her hands held above the keyboard and then spins the chair
  1416. >"I'm sorry. You came to see me and I've been ignoring you."
  1417. "It's fine. I'm intruding. It's not like I didn't know you're committed to the guild on weekends."
  1418. >She nods and smiles
  1419. >And then looks at your crotch
  1420. >"Uh. Why aren't you wearing pants?"
  1421. "I left my house in a hurry."
  1422. >You thought it'd be fine since Twilight's parents are essentially never home
  1423. >"Are you arguing with your mom again?"
  1424. >Nail on the head
  1425. "Yeah."
  1426. >"Do you wanna talk about it?"
  1427. "Nah, it's nothing serious."
  1428. >"Oh. Okay."
  1429. >Twilight's pushing against the floor slowly
  1430. >Turning to face the monitor
  1431. >Probably praying that you don't say anything else
  1432. "So."
  1433. >"hnnghyeah?"
  1434. "Do I have any pants here?"
  1436. >She blanks for a second and then smiles
  1437. >"Oh you do actually! They're in my dresser."
  1438. >Score
  1439. >You kneel down and open the top-left drawer
  1440. >Panties of varying colors and patterns
  1441. >Oh boy
  1442. "The striped ones are really cute."
  1443. >".....uh-huh......"
  1444. >You close it and move on to the next
  1445. >And the next
  1446. >Until you reach the bottom-right
  1447. >A pair of blue jeans is the only thing in here
  1448. >It's got little holes all over, and you tore the legs off half-way to turn them into shorts
  1449. >Hardcore shorts
  1450. "Haha..."
  1451. >Twilight was into it
  1452. >You slip them on
  1453. "Hey. There's actually something I want to talk about."
  1454. >"....mhm..."
  1455. >Typing away again
  1456. >You don't want to be an ass, but you actually really do
  1457. >You grab her shoulder and spin her around
  1458. >"GHUNHHHH, I almost hit enter! What are you doing!"
  1459. "Can't you take a little break?"
  1460. >"...huh? I take lots of breaks."
  1461. >Bwaha
  1462. >"What?!"
  1463. "You were about to have an accident yesterday."
  1464. >She blushes and looks back to her monitor
  1465. "Your eyes are red. Come on. Take a break. Let's get something to drink."
  1466. >".....okay."
  1467. >You lead her into the kitchen
  1468. "What do you have?"
  1469. >"You're going to laugh."
  1470. >Probably
  1471. >You open up the fridge and find the top shelf full of energy drink cans of various different brands
  1472. >Not much else in here
  1473. "Seriously?"
  1474. >"Give me any of them. I've found that they all work equally."
  1475. "Uh huh."
  1476. >You grab two and sit down beside her
  1477. "Don't tell me you're addicted to two things now."
  1478. >"It's not an addiction if it helps me..."
  1479. >...
  1480. >Wow, she actually is addicted
  1481. >You open yours up and just stare at it, while Twilight takes a big swig of hers
  1482. >She looks really antsy
  1483. >Tapping her fingers and clearly wanting to get back to her game
  1484. >Kind of makes you sad
  1485. "So uh. I wanted to talk about Rainbow Dash. You know her better than me, so I wanted your opinion."
  1486. >"Did something happen?"
  1487. >Better be careful
  1488. >Don't want to paint her as too much of an ass
  1489. "Uh, not really. I just wondered, do you think she has something against Sunset Shimmer?"
  1491. >Twilight ponders for a while, tilting her can back and forth
  1492. "Sometimes Rainbow goes a bit too far is all."
  1493. >You feel a bit uncomfortable with how long it's taking her to respond
  1494. >"....I'd be surprised if she didn't."
  1495. "Huh?"
  1496. >"What Sunset did was a pretty big deal."
  1497. "Well-"
  1498. >"I forgive her, but it's still a big deal."
  1499. >Frustration is suddenly brewing inside of you
  1500. >"And the thing about Rainbow is she's very protective of her friends. Remember how she was suspicious of you at first?"
  1501. >It's true
  1502. >One time she freaked out over you kissing Twilight on the cheek
  1503. >As if you had forced her to turn her head and enter kissing range
  1504. >Rainbow kicked you right in the ass
  1505. >Even after you explained that you and Twilight were going steady, she seemed pissed for a little while
  1506. "I guess. But how can she suspect Sunset now? I can't think of a single bad thing she's done since then."
  1507. >"Uhhh..."
  1508. >She gulps down the rest of her all-nighter juice
  1509. >"I guess it's hard to believe people can change is all."
  1510. >You're proof of it, Twilight
  1511. >Look at those bags under your eyes
  1512. >And the messy hair
  1513. >It's like the cutest car crash ever
  1514. "Yeah."
  1515. >You run your hands through her hair
  1516. >"What are you doing..."
  1517. >After tucking the bit on her face behind her ear, you pat her on the head
  1518. >"...who am I? Spike?"
  1519. >Her smile makes you happy
  1520. >...too happy
  1521. "Uh. Anyway, do you want to go back to Equestrian Wa-"
  1522. >"Can I?! Thank you!"
  1523. >She starts down the hall
  1524. >And literally jumps into her computer chair
  1525. >You might just need to plan an intervention for this girl
  1526. ".....I'm going to head out I guess."
  1527. >"....Alright.... anonymous..."
  1528. >...
  1529. >"Wait!"
  1530. >You poke your head into her bedroom
  1531. >"Get me another drink.... please...."
  1532. >She must have finished all of those slime balls
  1533. >You bring her your untouched can
  1534. "Here you go."
  1535. >"Ahh.... thanks, babe..."
  1536. >...
  1537. >She's back to typing out those obnoxious guild recruitment requests
  1538. >...Your heart is beating kind of fast
  1539. "See ya."
  1540. >"...bye..."
  1541. >Nostalgia
  1542. >It's just nostalgia
  1544. >You take a moment on the sidewalk outside Twilight's house
  1545. >Her words are ringing around in your head
  1546. >"What Sunset did was a pretty big deal."
  1547. >Your first reaction is to roll your eyes
  1548. >But when you really think about it...
  1549. >...
  1550. >Whatever
  1551. >It was like four years ago
  1552. >They were all thirteen
  1553. >And Sunset's so nice now
  1554. >Even after what happened yesterday, she told Pinkie that we had a great time
  1555. >Wait, does that means she wasn't mad...?
  1556. >Just embarrassed?
  1557. >Maybe...
  1558. >Maybe she was thankful after all
  1559. "Hmmm."
  1560. >You power on your phone, cringe at the wallpaper and open the recent calls window
  1561. >There should be some missed call notifications, but mom apparently hit OK on the them when she was snooping
  1562. >Whatever, you don't care
  1563. >There's nothing to hide on this phone now
  1564. >...
  1565. >It's calling
  1566. >The uncertainty is making you nervous again
  1567. >"........."
  1568. >She answered!
  1569. "........uh."
  1570. >"Hi."
  1571. "Hey. What's up?"
  1572. >You head down the sidewalk as you wait for a reply
  1573. >"Nothing. I'm just sitting around at the park."
  1574. >Then you speed up a bit
  1575. "Ah... I'm not doing anything. Do you want to hang out?"
  1576. >She pauses, and then sighs
  1577. >That's not a great sign
  1578. >"Anon."
  1579. >Sunset...
  1580. >"Don't worry about what happened. It's fine."
  1581. "Huh?"
  1582. >"But please, don't ever do it again."
  1583. "I... I was just-"
  1584. >She hung up
  1585. >Your feet slow down until you're standing there looking at your phone
  1586. "I was just... trying to..."
  1587. >Before you know it, people are passing by you
  1588. >As you stare at your phone with a dumbfounded expression
  1589. >At least you're wearing pants, right?
  1591. --------
  1593. >"Oh, darling, what has gotten into you?"
  1594. >You're laying flat on the floor of Rarity's studio
  1595. >Which is just Rarity's garage
  1596. >She's working away on her sewing machine, and Sweetie Belle is poking the side of your head
  1597. >"He doesn't look so good, sis."
  1598. >It's because you're not
  1599. >This freezing tile against your face and barrage of annoying pokes is a metaphor for your life
  1600. >Craaaawling innnn my skiiiin
  1602. "Can I stay right here forever."
  1603. >Not even supposed to be here when Rarity is working, but she doesn't seem to mind very much
  1604. >"I'm afraid not. My father's going to park the car there, you know."
  1605. "Noooo..."
  1606. >The mind's eye just has to go and visualize being run over, without your consent
  1607. >Just stick to naked Pinkie Pie for fuck's sake
  1608. "OkayI'mmoving."
  1609. >You pull Sweetie's finger off of your head and stand up
  1610. >After hobbling over to Rarity, you collapse in one of the nearby chairs
  1611. >Sweetie's resting a hand on your arm
  1612. >Cute
  1613. "I'm fine, Belle. Just feeling a little mopey."
  1614. >You smile and she smiles back
  1615. >"I thought you were gonna die when you fell on the floor."
  1616. "I..."
  1617. >Clutch of the heart
  1618. >Squint of the eyes
  1619. "I shall fight on..."
  1620. >"Oh, Anonymous, what is the problem?"
  1621. >Rarity switches off her machine and stands in front of you
  1622. "Uhh."
  1623. >You want to talk about it, yet you don't
  1624. "Nothing really. Just got them end-of-the-weekend-blues."
  1625. >She frowns
  1626. >"It's cleeaarly something. Why, I haven't seen you acting quite like this since-"
  1627. >"Him and Twilight went to splitsville?"
  1628. >"Yes, I-"
  1629. >Uh oh
  1630. >Rarity's eyes are starting to light up
  1631. >Gossip mode engaged
  1632. >She pulls a chair up beside yours and sits down
  1633. >"Sweetie, be a dear and collect all the dirty dishes?"
  1634. >"What?! I want to know what's wrong with Anon!"
  1635. >"I'll tell you later. Just go."
  1636. >"Ughhhh."
  1637. >She heads off
  1638. >"I won't tell her later."
  1639. "Uh."
  1640. >"Okay, go on. Tell me. Tell me everything."
  1641. >Jesus
  1642. >Do you want to get your laptop so you can blog about it?
  1643. >Why did you go to a busy body to vent your frustrations
  1644. >"Is it Twilight?"
  1645. "Huh?!"
  1646. >"It is, isn't it? That's soooo sweet!"
  1648. "What are you talking about."
  1649. >She grabs your hand
  1650. >"You want to get back together with her?"
  1651. >No
  1652. >You don't
  1653. >Her obsession with that game was too much
  1654. >And besides, she seems to have lost interest in you
  1655. "No."
  1656. >"Oh don't be shy!"
  1657. >She rubs your hand
  1658. >You must admit it's very soothing
  1659. >"I always knew you couldn't stay away forever. She was practically attached to you!"
  1660. "Eh..."
  1661. >"Always holding your hand in public, sitting on you, laying on your lap at lunch!"
  1662. "Please no."
  1663. >"You two were just THE CUTEST couple!"
  1664. >RARITY
  1666. "I don't feel anything for Twilight alright?"
  1667. >She deflates
  1668. "She's just a good friend now."
  1669. >Rarity looks just about as sad as you are for a second
  1670. >Then she perks up again
  1671. >"Well that's heartbreaking. But it IS about a girl, isn't it?"
  1672. "What? Eh, well yeah."
  1673. >"I KNEW IT!"
  1674. >She squeezes your hand
  1675. >"Are you going to tell me or am I going to have to list them all off?"
  1676. "Rarity..."
  1677. >"Ooh, it's me?"
  1678. "N-No!"
  1679. >She giggles
  1680. >"I guess we're doing this the hard way."
  1681. >What is wrong with you
  1682. >This is very uncomfortable
  1683. >But please don't stop holding the hand
  1684. >"Applejack."
  1685. "No..."
  1686. >"Fluttershy."
  1687. "No..."
  1688. >"Rainb-"
  1689. "No..."
  1690. >"Twilight?"
  1691. "NO!"
  1692. >"...hmph... Pinkie?"
  1693. "Negative."
  1694. >"Maud!"
  1695. "She's like a dorky sister."
  1696. >"That Adagio girl?"
  1697. "...She flirted with everyone, not just me. We've been over this."
  1698. >"Hmmm. Ready to tell me?"
  1699. >You groan
  1700. >She's already convinced that this is a romantic thing, so you don't want to say Sunset's name
  1701. >Better just let her lose interest if she won't listen to you
  1702. >"Don't tell me it's Sweetie Belle."
  1703. "......."
  1704. >She grins and uses her free hand to pinch your cheek
  1705. >"Anonymous. You'd better say no."
  1706. "Pffft... I thought you were joking is all."
  1707. >She actually looks a bit relieved
  1708. >The cheek is released
  1709. >"Alright. Well, I can't think of any other girls."
  1710. >Really?
  1711. >She didn't think of Sunset at all?
  1712. "Are you sure? I can think of another girl."
  1713. >OW, THE HAND
  1714. >"Ohhhhh? Who is it?"
  1716. "Rarity, I don't want to talk about it. It's not something I want repeated. I don't even know why I came here."
  1717. >"I-...."
  1718. >...
  1719. >That was too much
  1720. >Way too much
  1721. >She looks genuinely insulted and her grip on your hand is loosening
  1722. >Please don't pout
  1723. >Don't do this
  1724. "...Sorry. I didn't mean that."
  1725. >She's staring at the floor
  1726. >Boy are you a fuck up or what these days
  1727. "Hey."
  1728. >You rub her shoulder
  1729. "I'm sorry. Really sorry."
  1730. >She nods
  1731. >Come on, say something
  1732. >Please
  1733. >"'s Twilight?"
  1734. >WHAT
  1735. "NO!"
  1736. >I TOLD YOU
  1737. "She's married to a video game!"
  1738. >Rarity bursts into laughter and shakes her head
  1739. >"Just tell me who it is, Anonymous! I'm dying to know!"
  1740. >She drops your hand and tickles your stomach
  1741. >"You rreeeaaally wanna get it off your cheeeest!"
  1742. >Straight face
  1743. >After she lets up, you launch the counter-attack on her tummy
  1744. "Nooo I dooooon't!"
  1745. >"Ahha-ah, s-stop! Aha!"
  1746. >She goes back into it
  1747. >The two of you are just wiggling your fingers all over each other and squirming around, trying not to laugh
  1748. >You're not even that ticklish but it's a challenge
  1749. >"...Sis?"
  1750. >"....."
  1751. "...."
  1752. >Sweetie Belle's poking her head through the doorway
  1753. >"Should I put your computer mug in the sink?"
  1754. >"Uhhhh, of course Sweetie."
  1755. >"Ohhh. Okay."
  1756. >...
  1757. >"Sis?"
  1758. >"Y-Yes?"
  1759. >"Are you and Anon gonna date?"
  1760. >The life begins to leave your body
  1761. >Urge to lay on the freezing garage floor rising
  1762. >Rarity's just staring blankly
  1763. >Go on Rarity
  1764. >You can deny it any day now
  1765. >"Maaaaaybe..."
  1766. >RARITY
  1767. >WHAT THE FUCK
  1768. >"Oh my gosh! Oh my GOSH!"
  1769. >"I said maybe, Sweetie Belle."
  1770. >"What?"
  1771. >"Unless Anonymous lets me know which lady is on his mind, I'll have to assume he's got eyes for me."
  1772. >"Oh my GOSH!"
  1774. >"After all, if he can't bare to admit who he's fallen for, it must be because she's in the room!"
  1775. >Rarity
  1776. >Stop
  1777. >You can't involve a kid
  1778. >Kids will say anything to anybody
  1779. >They're fucking retarded
  1780. >...except Belle
  1781. >You stand up and grunt
  1782. "Sweetie, can you go deal with the dishes?"
  1783. >"Yes~! Hee hee!"
  1784. >She skips off
  1785. >...
  1786. >Great
  1787. "It's Sunset."
  1788. >Rarity gasps
  1789. "Not in a romantic way or anything. Don't get excited."
  1790. >She stands up with you
  1791. >"Anonymous... going after bad girls now, are we?"
  1792. >Don't call her that...
  1793. >...if Rarity thinks of her that way, it must be why she never wants to hang out when Sunset is there
  1794. "I just made her uncomfortable, and she seems upset with me."
  1795. >"Oh dear. What did you do?"
  1796. >She's looking at you like you're a rapist or something
  1797. >Get off of Tumblr, Rarity
  1798. "Uhh, I just made an inappropriate joke."
  1799. >"...A joke? Why would that be such a b-"
  1800. "A rape joke"
  1801. >"...."
  1802. "About Sunset"
  1803. >Mouth please stop
  1804. >She looks disappointed for a while, but you notice her smile is creeping back up
  1805. >"...but you're so worried about it. She must be very, very special to you."
  1806. >You smile wide
  1807. "Nope."
  1808. >Perfectly executed lie
  1809. >"Ahhh. Fine. Well then, what are you waiting for?"
  1810. "Huh?"
  1811. >"The solution should be obvious."
  1812. >She pushes you all the way to the end of the garage and opens the door
  1813. >"Go and do what you must do, Anonymous. Making a lady uncomfortable - it's simply not allowed!"
  1814. "Okay."
  1815. >"Go! Go on!"
  1816. "Okay!"
  1817. >The both of you exchange goodbye waves
  1818. >Typical Rarity, loses interest as soon as it's not romantic or juicy
  1819. "Hm."
  1820. >Oh well
  1821. >She listened
  1822. >And you feel a lot better
  1823. >...
  1824. >In fact, Rarity might be right
  1825. >The solution here is very obvious
  1827. >Back in the park
  1828. >You feel pretty confident strolling past everyone
  1829. >A fine Sunday to face your problems
  1830. "I got this. I got this."
  1831. >You round the corner of the porta-potty and your legs start to feel weak
  1832. >There she is
  1833. >Right where she was sitting back when this misunderstanding with Pinkie was born
  1834. >What if she gets mad?
  1835. >She didn't seem to want to talk
  1836. "Oh lord."
  1837. >Can't give up, just got to get it over with
  1838. "Hey!"
  1839. >She looks up at you
  1840. "Uh, hey. Uh."
  1841. >You scratch your head
  1842. "Hey."
  1843. >".....Hi."
  1844. >You've already made yourself look stupid. Might as well put it all out there
  1845. "I w-was wondering if you're mad at me."
  1846. >She stares for what feels like ten seconds and finally shakes her head
  1847. >"Not mad."
  1848. >Oh
  1849. >How convincing
  1850. >You sit down a few feet in front of her and stare at the grass
  1851. "I shouldn't have called Rainbow dash wh-what I did."
  1852. >"....yeah..."
  1853. "I uh. I'm sorry if I embarrassed you."
  1854. >The wind picks up
  1855. >It's the only sound around
  1856. >You wish Pinkie and Rainbow were out there playing basketball again
  1857. >"It's not that I got embarrassed."
  1858. "Huh?"
  1859. >"In a way I was really happy."
  1860. >Sunset gets up, walks over beside you and sits down
  1861. >Don't panic
  1862. >She's just a girl
  1863. "U-U-Uh."
  1864. > resolve to keep your mouth shut as much as possible
  1865. >Don't want this to turn into a study of high functioning autism
  1866. >"You kept defending me. You got so mad, just because Rainbow was picking on me. It made me feel silly for thinking you hated me."
  1867. >Of course you don't hate her
  1868. >"But..."
  1869. >She pulls her knees close to her chest
  1870. >"Don't do that again. Please."
  1871. >"I can't take it."
  1872. >"I don't want to be the reason people fight anymore."
  1873. >"...Okay?"
  1875. >...
  1876. >As relieved as you are that she's not angry with you, she's not to blame
  1877. >Rainbow didn't know when to quit
  1878. >But, judging by Sunset's tone, she's not about to listen to you go on about how Rainbow 'totally deserved it'
  1879. >You just sigh
  1880. "Okay."
  1881. >She smiles
  1882. >"Did you apologize to Rainbow?"
  1883. >Pfft
  1884. "No."
  1885. >"Will you? Please?"
  1886. "Uh. I..."
  1887. >"For me?"
  1888. >HNNG
  1889. >WEAK SPOT
  1890. "O-Okay."
  1891. >Sunset stands up and stretches
  1892. >"Thank you. Please do it soon. Okay?"
  1893. "O-O-Okay."
  1894. >It's easy to tell that a lot of weight was just lifted off Sunset's shoulders
  1895. >Not that she's back to her usual self, but close
  1896. >"I had fun with you yesterday."
  1897. "Really?"
  1898. >"I hope you had fun too."
  1899. "I did. Especially-"
  1900. >You feel a laugh coming on
  1901. "Especially when you went all pro-gamer on that Haystation..."
  1902. >"I... haha, I was going to go find a car or something. Hahaha, I was so excited."
  1903. "Well, you sure as heck found a car."
  1904. >You share a good laugh
  1905. >Sunset's blushing
  1906. >Perhaps she thinks you'll judge her based on her video game performance
  1907. "And trust me, the controller isn't dangerous."
  1908. >"It looked expensive. Haha, I didn't want to break it!"
  1909. >They are pretty expensive, but it's practically the norm for people to wreck controllers that are on display
  1910. >Wait, speaking of money
  1911. "Hey, feel like getting something to eat?"
  1912. >"Huh?"
  1913. "Pinkie wanted us to get something to eat. Never got the chance."
  1914. >"Oh. No, no, you should use that on Pinkie!"
  1915. "Uh.... right."
  1916. >You sigh and stick stick your hands into your pants pockets
  1917. >Oh, the money's not even in there
  1918. >"I'm gonna head off, okay?
  1919. "Okay."
  1920. >"I'll be thinking of new strategies to win over that party animal!"
  1921. "Haha, me too!"
  1922. >"Great!"
  1923. "Y-Yeah!"
  1924. >She raises her hand
  1925. >What the fuck is she doing
  1926. >What is happening
  1927. >OH
  1928. >You return the high-five
  1929. >And after giving you one more smile, she walks off
  1930. >...
  1931. >You touched Sunset's hand
  1932. >.....
  1933. >It's not a big deal or anything
  1934. >You rub your palm with a retarded smile
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