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Jan 26th, 2014
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  1. 15:03 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: hi there
  2. 15:03 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: need a word
  3. 15:03 - TC Oxy: hi
  4. 15:03 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: get back to me after your match ;-)
  5. 15:03 - TC Oxy: tis ok
  6. 15:03 - TC Oxy: was flobby
  7. 15:03 - TC Oxy: wassup
  8. 15:03 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: i have seen you creating lobbies using your own voice comms
  9. 15:03 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: whats up with that?
  10. 15:03 - TC Oxy: well
  11. 15:04 - TC Oxy: TC is a community
  12. 15:04 - TC Oxy: we like to hang out together in mumble
  13. 15:04 - TC Oxy: we dont set mumble as required so
  14. 15:04 - TC Oxy: thing is we want to talk with eachother
  15. 15:04 - TC Oxy: but the only way to do that in tf2center mumble is to stack an entire team
  16. 15:04 - TC Oxy: but we dont want to be dicks and do that
  17. 15:05 - TC Oxy: if that makes any sense :)
  18. 15:05 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: well, from a tf2center perspective, you kinda are ;-)
  19. 15:05 - TC Oxy: how?
  20. 15:05 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: well
  21. 15:05 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: we provide infrastructure
  22. 15:06 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: which includes the leaders game server and our own mumble server
  23. 15:06 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: altho you set mumble not to be required, you still use comms
  24. 15:06 - TC Oxy: if we were setting it to mumble required and then forcing people in our mumble then i would get your point
  25. 15:06 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: and need to do all kinds of stuff to get non TC people to your TS server
  26. 15:06 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: which is not helping much
  27. 15:06 - TC Oxy: wat
  28. 15:06 - TC Oxy: TS?
  29. 15:06 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: teamspeak right?
  30. 15:07 - TC Oxy: no
  31. 15:07 - TC Oxy: we use mumble
  32. 15:07 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: or you're using mumble as well?
  33. 15:07 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: well, anywya
  34. 15:07 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: you need to tell people to switch mumble
  35. 15:07 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: which they dont understand etc
  36. 15:07 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: and for a good reason
  37. 15:07 - TC Oxy: not really, we are just being kind and inviting them in
  38. 15:07 - TC Oxy: we normally have like 14 people of the 18 in our mumble like last night
  39. 15:07 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: thats not how i see it
  40. 15:07 - TC Oxy: just seems rude not to invite the other 4
  41. 15:07 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: so here is my suggestion
  42. 15:08 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: when you play scrims, please use your own comms
  43. 15:08 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: do whatever you want
  44. 15:08 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: however
  45. 15:08 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: when putting up lobbies, use the regular infrastructure, as desired
  46. 15:08 - TC Oxy: why?
  47. 15:08 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: like i said
  48. 15:08 - TC Oxy: i dont really get your point
  49. 15:08 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: read it again
  50. 15:08 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: its about expectations
  51. 15:08 - TC Oxy: it doesnt make any sense
  52. 15:08 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: it does
  53. 15:09 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: this is not about technicalities
  54. 15:09 - TC Oxy: i dont really get where your coming from
  55. 15:09 - TC Oxy: we're not breaking any rules of tf2center
  56. 15:10 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: dude
  57. 15:10 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: i make the rules
  58. 15:10 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: im telling you to stop it
  59. 15:10 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: im asking you nicely
  60. 15:10 - TC Oxy: not really
  61. 15:10 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: trust me, i am
  62. 15:10 - TC Oxy: we are just hanging out together playing games
  63. 15:11 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: you cannot explain me why putting your own mumble would make sense
  64. 15:11 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: thats cool
  65. 15:11 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: dont use tf2center
  66. 15:11 - TC Oxy: what?
  67. 15:11 - TC Oxy: TC community wants to hang out together in mumble
  68. 15:11 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: cool
  69. 15:11 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: dont use tf2center
  70. 15:11 - TC Oxy: why?
  71. 15:11 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: if you play on tf2center, use tf2center mumble
  72. 15:11 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: like anybody else
  73. 15:12 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: its a little trouble to click a button designed to make things easy for you
  74. 15:12 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: this is my final answer
  75. 15:12 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: i expect you do act so
  76. 15:12 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: *to
  77. 15:12 - TC Oxy: but then we cant talk to our TC people on the other team?
  78. 15:12 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: why would you?
  79. 15:12 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: you're playing a lobby
  80. 15:12 - TC Oxy: we are not selecting mumble required, if we didnt come mumble no-one would complain anyway
  81. 15:13 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: you're creating your own community within tf2center
  82. 15:13 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: that is annoying for the rest of the team who has no clue
  83. 15:13 - TC Oxy: the community exists outside of tf2center
  84. 15:13 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: if you want to hang out with TC, arrange your own lobbies
  85. 15:13 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: dont use tf2center
  86. 15:13 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: if you play with us, use our infrastructure
  87. 15:13 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: thats the third time, it should be clear now
  88. 15:14 - TC Oxy: no
  89. 15:14 - TC Oxy: that doesnt make any logical sense
  90. 15:14 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: im sorry
  91. 15:14 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: you will have to live with that
  92. 15:14 - TC Oxy: what about if we just dont ask other people to join mumble?
  93. 15:15 - TC Oxy: i.e. randomers
  94. 15:15 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: what about you're not putting up lobbies on tf2center?
  95. 15:15 - TC Oxy: have you heard yourself?
  96. 15:15 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: im a bit tired of this discussion
  97. 15:16 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: go create your own tf2center, you can define your own rules xD
  98. 15:16 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: you're on my turf now, here are my rules
  99. 15:16 - TC Oxy: wow
  100. 15:16 - TC Oxy: you realise your suppose to make the tf2center for the COMMUNITY
  101. 15:16 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: yep
  102. 15:16 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: and we cant have 15.000 exceptions to the rule
  103. 15:16 - TC Oxy: to what rule?
  104. 15:16 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: so this is to make it simple for all
  105. 15:16 - TC Oxy: we havent been breaking any rules
  106. 15:17 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: dude
  107. 15:17 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: for fucks sake
  108. 15:17 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: do you want me to block your servers IP?
  109. 15:17 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: dont get me pissed off right now
  110. 15:17 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: you have given me ZERO reason to use your own mumble
  111. 15:17 - TC Oxy: what?
  112. 15:17 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: and yet you keep on debating
  113. 15:18 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: wasting my time
  114. 15:18 - TC Oxy: you literally are not reading anything i write
  115. 15:18 - [TF2Center] MasterNoob: cya oxy
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