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- 7868106 Demons UnLtd. Corporations monopolizing demons, over-active police forces, humanity gets fed up with this bullshit, heroes arise in the form of the players.
- 7874380 Muju does a character portait drawthread Includes Repentia sealed boobs and biomech daemonette
- 7872217 The estranged journey of an unwealthy boy who dreamt of collecting warhammer title says it all. "RL" writefaggotry.
- 7880320 Vampire Bride Quest End DO THE BATUSI!
- 7874332 Vampire Bride Quest - The End At long last, our heroine is finally reunited with her lost love, but how will he react to her after what she has become?
- 7904907 Drawfags and Characters Redux Because it worked at first. Have a second one.
- 7913774 Drawfag draws odd stuff Yup, That's what he does.
- 7922568 Elf Murderin' Pt. 5 The Elf Murderer returns with an update.
- 7922578 Axel the Artist Drawthread He slashs, dashs, and does your requests. Also, involves other drawfags.
- 7935352 /tg/ the philosopher /tg/ gets philosophical on their personal mottos
- 7949822 Ribbonfag makes a cute drawthread Involves otherd'aawwwfags as well.
- 7950341 Muju does a drawthread .3 Yup. Shitty Drawfag helps.
- 7956162 EXTERMINATUS! A proposal for a 40k themed hex board-game/CCG/turn based vidya hybrid. A pretty tight system with simple combat rules; now if only someone could code it.
- 7955790 40k Schola Dating Sim creation Guy making a 40k Dating sim, draws up ideas for a bunch of characters and builds up plot and setting
- 7953927 Sandwich and Drow and Paliden Writefaggotry yes
- 7967868 DnD monsters are all Jackie Chan Quick, name at least four DnD monsters that aren't Jackie Chan. YOU CAN'T!
- 7968187 Moe-blob man the drawfag moe-blob man doesn't eat spam. Also does some good requests.
- 7967220 Anti-Rape Drawthread Anti-Rape Goblin does a drawthread
- 7975608 A photo and pencil drawfag appears that's how he rolls. He also does beefcake fisherman vs beefcake swimming vampire.
- 7970136 Eldar Quest Bad Marradar, you are not a Khornite berserker.
- 7984282 Epic Puns? Epic Puns!
- 7994479 Cei does drawthread Because cei is that AWESOME and other drawfags might pitch in :3.
- 7992385 Eldar quest eldar quest continues, slow night.
- 7998351 shittydrawfag makes a daytime drawthread other drawfags appear, makes it a party
- 7997329 Pathfinder Laori Vaus S&M fic Writefag hijacks Shoanti GAR thread, awesomeness ensues
- 7999152 Crazy rpg shenannnigans A DM talks all about his party where the Rogue and Bard go off, and coming up with completely insane ideas for the laughs, ideas including firing chickens, having turtle shoes, etc.
- 7998824 40k Schola Dating Sim update 1 New update on the schola dating game made by a crazy /tg/ tripfag, looking better than ever.
- 8001136 Dark Heresy character writefaggotry The epic writefaggotry backstory of a guardswoman in Dark Heresy
- 8002639 The Mist Anons house is surrounded by Fog while he watches The Mist.
- 8010151 DeathTrap A small quest, slightly derailed towards the end...
- 8010268 Small-Sized Character Concepts in 3.5 Fake paladins, werebadgers, sourcerous 6-year olds, and combinations thereof.
- 8014943 sick shittydrawfag does decent arts sick in the cold sense
- 8011768 Blood Bowl thread Blood Bowl, fuck yeah! A fairly cool thread on the state of the game, and the teams people play.
- 8006002 Roll-and-write thread More writefaggotry with a different set of waifus from monotreeme. Some fairly good writing, and the return of a few long-absent writers.
- 8015692 Deadcross does a drawthread Why must some good drawfags have a similar style so I may confuse them? Oh well, also Bloodthrister and daemonette sexy time
- 8014443 Habits /tg/ has /tg/ discusses the habits and other odd quirks they have, it turns out great minds do think alike.
- 8016750 Laori Vaus S&M fic continued Laori Vaus fapfic continued.
- 8022037 District 9 strategies A discussion of a nonexistent tabletop wargame based on the movie District 9. Much wishful thinking ensues.
- 8028057 You have Cha 10 /tg/ stats itself turns out we're pretty awesome
- 8036998 make a succumbus part 1 Jo helps us make one. Aight?
- 8038564 make a succumbus part 2 the end Black Succumbus gets fleshed out.
- 8037198 Deity of Logic Quest GM pulls a 'Black and White' opening classic. /tg/ decides to become the Deity of Logic.
- 8042226 REGINALD BRICKDICKLER A drawfag creates a character by drawing the first thing suggested after each question. Things predictably spiral out of control.
- 8041884 Deity of Logic (DOL) Quest 1b The tribe defeats its primary enemy, colloquially: "Ashikooshibooboo." But his last work and a too-shallow sinkhole meet for tea.
- 8042225 Legends of the Hidden Templars Aztec-themed Space Marine fluff discussion gets interesting when Olmec shows up. Hidden Templar marine chapter discussion follows
- 8055361 Gnome Rapper in a DRAW THREAD because bitches don't know 'bout my hidin' skillz
- 8057999 Nimue draws some more Does awesome stuff
- 8055930 Great Dungeon in the Sky Shitty flash game is shitty, horribly addictive. Fuck purple.
- 8062967 ITT /tg/ has two cows. You have two cows.
- 8066320 Implications in Mass Effect A female predator thread soon turns into a discussion on the views people would have on Commander Shepard and the Normandy crew. Hilarity Ensures.
- 8065936 Shitty Drawfag Strikes again Better then DK2 :3. Also, featuring Khronentte Heart Extractions. Both wierd and aesome
- 8074492 Sexy 40K Describe your sex life using Warhammer 40K rules and terms. e.g. DEEP STRIKE
- 8074653 Dungeon Keeper hectic at end 7 Keepers, one dungeon, no protection
- 8077906 Friends An attempt at Manly Tears fails, but is still awesome writefaggotry.
- 8081755 Helpful Infini/tg/ thread /tg/ discusses Infinity, specifically Aleph. Several helpful fa/tg/uys help newbies out as well.
- 8080220 Ask Scriptarius Scriptarius answers /tg/'s questions about conversion, and Valentine's Day
- 8084793 Crust Effect "I'm Commander Shephard, and this is my favourite pie in the Citadel".
- 8089904 Sanguinius does a drawthread It's drawfag time! Actually pretty good. Involves cute "realistic" Nimue
- 8095309 GOLDEN NECKBEARD CAKE Smooth and delicious.
- 8100162 Drawthread Cross & Muju, et ali might join.
- 8104655 Why you don't fuck with Paladins. "I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills that I have acquired over a very long career; skills that make me a nightmare for people like you."
- 8106576 Gentleman Barbarian vs Raven Queen's Queen Bitch player with half-ogre Barbarian deals with goffik misandrist cunt and her unbearable lesbian elf Avenger who mistakes "lolrandum" with "unaligned"
- 8122341 Sir Doodlefag rides again By riding again, I mean, does a drawthread
- 8133068 Protocall summons massive amounts of fellow drawfags Including CF and Muju and others It's good stuff, including ultrasmurfs.
- 8148996 The ten commandments of Gaming Fresh from god's mouth to your brain.
- 8150619 Protocol: Drawthread Also, CF is here. And maybe others
- 8157445 Rebel Grot Noz does a drawthread 2 nameless drawfags help him do requests
- 8158931 So many drawfags... That I don't feel like naming this thread after one or two of them
- 8164382 Nimue draws stuff and Kobolddragonfag helps with the load That's two drawfags at least, Kyle.
- 8162637 Primordials and gods went to high school together Exalted, the high-school drama, staing all your favorite Incarna. Autochthon source of exalted shards, could there be another 'maiden' with Soulsteel exalts?
- 8168675 Protocol : Drawthread, and others I seriously enjoy this guys name. Also, Creed and his daemonette suit.
- 8174149 Medieval talking thread Lots of medieval talking.
- 8173630 Laori Vaus S&M fic Part 3 Third part of the Laori Vaus fapfic
- 8178387 Drawthread, now with a postive amount more dissappoint Includes people like eve drawfagging
- 8192302 Ribbonfag does a drawthread Includes orc girl nibbling at hand, and dorf with bow, and other drawfags doing stuff.
- 8194763 Prostitution in D&D /tg/ discusses the social dynamics and cultural roles touched on by prostitution amongst multiple races. Later devolves into a fantasy female lottery.
- 8204700 Protocol draw thread goes long involves work for drawanongs and Shitty Drawfag. Also, involves a part 2
- 8210013 Drawthread part 2 Sequel to
- 8212037 A new drawfag apears! While kinda not new with her roommate posting stuff in a thread not achived. She does to a ton of requests rather fast.
- 8213053 Sir Doodlefag thread? A heck of alot of pretending to be drawfags and trollin, I guess? Has plank as a ent caster
- 8226322 Drawthread: common cold edition Features a lot of good stuff, including Emps trollan the GODS! Also machete dryad
- 8235635 Rusty Drawfag does some fun stuff Involves Jafer and Andrew Ryan Requests
- 8233472 crazy people and their tattoos /tg/ shows off it's tattoos and a few crazy people slice themselves up.
- 8236788 Tapioca Joe: god of dessert chefs A new deity is bestowed to us as the god of dessert chefs everywhere: Tapioca Joe
- 8233666 Return of the HUMANITY FUCK YEAH Some old HUMANITY FUCK YEAH stories along with some new ones, including an epic story ending in mankind trolling the entire galaxy.
- 8226927 Monster Fic Writefags have a field day, monsters are slain/laid.
- 8241820 Another shitty drawfag drawthread With the standard decent ideas, and Shitty Drawfag, the eh drawfag in terms of skill :3. Seriously, I love 'im
- 8247995 HROTHGAR IRONCRUSH NEEDS YOUR HELP Awesome pasta piece.
- 8246278 ROTK XI Strategy Players discuss strategy for Romance of the Three Kingdoms
- 8253453 Attempted sketcher drawthread That's the guy's namefag. Provides hookie Link, and other stuff.
- 8249802 Jackie Chan, the new BBEG Elegan/tg/entlemen discuss Jackie Chan's CR and how well he would do based on where he was encountered
- 8265716 Tired Drawfag thread Keep your drawfags tired, it helps preserve them :3.
- 8268651 Mermaid Crusade Some guy posts a premise for a restaurant that serves miniature mermaids. /tg/ goes apeshit and organizes a crusade
- 8275024 Cross and others drawthread Includes 40k holmes, ork luigi, and other stuff.
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