

Nov 24th, 2015
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text 17.42 KB | None | 0 0
  2. version 5.0218
  3. build: 5.0218.8596
  4. AppLifeCycle Borned -> Preparing
  5. peekFile - file actual t= 1448368087
  6. peekFile - file actual t= 1448368075
  7. peekFile - file actual t= 1448368080
  8. launch time 1448374604
  9. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6003 (RES_WOOD:78) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  10. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6001 (RES_FOOD:164) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  11. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6190 (RES_CANE:9) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  12. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6179 (RES_SHELLS:2) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  13. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6258 (RES_SHOVEL:2) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  14. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6002 (RES_WATER:39) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  15. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6058 (RES_LIANA:88) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  16. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6138 (RES_BLUE_VINE:4) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  17. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6293 (RES_BLUE_BERRY:1) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  18. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6189 (RES_STRAW:4) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  19. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6292 (RES_RED_BERRY:2) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  20. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6011 (RES_STONE:29) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  21. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6291 (RES_FERUM:42) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  22. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6375 (RES_BASE_CRYST:7) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  23. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6281 (RES_INGOT:1) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  24. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6257 (RES_PIKE:1) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  25. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6137 (RES_IRIT:4) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  26. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6139 (RES_BATTERIES:5) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  27. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6127 (RES_CLAY:9) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  28. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6359 (RES_UPGRADE_1:28) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  29. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6146 (RES_CHIP:8) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  30. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6208 (RES_ACORN:6) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  31. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6024 (RES_DYNAMITE:1) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  32. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6147 (RES_ARTIFACT:5) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  33. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6282 (RES_DISHES:1) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  34. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6284 (RES_SAWDUST:1) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  35. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6287 (RES_OBLICOVKA:3) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  36. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6193 (RES_RAT_SKIN:5) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  37. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6218 (RES_ADAMIN:20) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  38. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6192 (RES_GORCH:6) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  39. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6384 (RES_RELIC_CHIP:1) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  40. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6364 (RES_TREE_LEAVES:4) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  41. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6363 (RES_MAP_MUMUMBA_CHEST:1) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  42. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6390 (RES_GAS_MASK:1) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  43. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6374 (RES_NY_PEACE:7) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  44. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6413 (RES_WHITE_CRYST:3) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  45. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6415 (RES_REAGENT:1) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  46. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6389 (RES_GREEN_CRYST:16) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  47. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6162 (RES_GOLD_BAR:3) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  48. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6500 (RES_OBSIDIAN:16) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  49. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6499 (RES_SPIDER_PAW:10) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  50. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6522 (RES_BLUE_CRYST:12) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  51. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6515 (RES_SHIP_UPGRADE_1:2) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  52. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6572 (RES_YELLOW_GEAR:1) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  53. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6574 (RES_PLANT_ACID:3) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  54. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6004 (RES_MONEY:464864) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  55. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6005 (RES_REAL:7) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  56. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6400 (RES_ACH_GET_BUILDINGS:68) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  57. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6007 (RES_EXP:48349) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  58. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6360 (RES_FB_LOGIN:43) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  59. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6279 (RES_MAP_DISTRICT:29) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  60. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6365 (RES_RATING:405) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  61. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6399 (RES_ACH_BATIER_DESTROYED_COUNTER:952) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  62. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6397 (RES_ACH_ANIMAL_KILLED_COUNTER:148) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  63. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6405 (RES_ACH_FOOD:47198) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  64. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6269 (RES_BARN_CAPACITY:750) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  65. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6379 (RES_ORDER_DELIVERY:64) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  66. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6299 (RES_COMPASS:1) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  67. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6151 (RES_MOON_ROCK:6) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  68. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6280 (RES_PUZZLE:9) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  69. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6158 (RES_COORDINATES:1) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  70. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6077 (RES_ASH:5) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  71. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6367 (RES_DISARMED:2) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  72. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6368 (RES_GEN_DETAILS:3) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  73. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6369 (RES_IDOL_PYRAMID:1) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  74. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6386 (RES_WISE_HUT_KEY:1) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  75. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6382 (RES_SPINNING:1) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  76. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6383 (RES_FISHING_LINE:1) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  77. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6385 (RES_FULL_RELIC:1) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  78. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6430 (RES_QUEST_PREMIUM_UNLOCK:2) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  79. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6194 (RES_ROKEZ_MAP:1) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  80. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6391 (RES_BOAT_DETAILS:1) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  81. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6548 (RES_BOAT_BARN_CAPACITY:25) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  82. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6549 (RES_BOAT_GAS_TANK_CAPACITY:60) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  83. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6557 (RES_BOAT_PROVISION_CAPACITY:70) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  84. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6488 (RES_FLASHLIGHT:4) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  85. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6562 (RES_EXPEDITION_COUNT:35) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  86. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6502 (RES_DUPLON:176) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  87. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6461 (RES_ISLAND_DISTRICT:7) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  88. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6504 (RES_EXP_MAP_PART:2) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  89. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6527 (RES_UNLOCK_1:1) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  90. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6528 (RES_UNLOCK_2:1) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  91. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6529 (RES_UNLOCK_3:1) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  92. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6568 (RES_ZOO_REQ_CAT:8) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  93. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6447 (RES_INDIAN_COMPASS:1) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  94. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6452 (RES_MINE_SCANNER:1) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  95. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6559 (RES_RACOON:1) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  96. <- addRes[WRH_BOAT_GAS_TANK] 6491 (RES_GASOLINE:16) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  97. AppLifeCycle Preparing -> Running
  98. <- humans: HID_DAVID [6] from server
  99. id {
  100. sinstance: 6
  101. }
  102. tag_id: 5003
  103. point {
  104. x: 18
  105. y: 94
  106. }
  107. state: STAND_FREE
  108. interactive {
  109. id {
  110. prototype: 105003
  111. }
  112. }
  114. <- humans: HID_NONE [1] from server
  115. id {
  116. sinstance: 1
  117. }
  118. tag_id: 0
  119. point {
  120. x: 20
  121. y: 100
  122. }
  123. state: STAND_FREE
  124. interactive {
  125. id {
  126. prototype: 100000
  127. }
  128. }
  130. <- humans: HID_JULES [3] from server
  131. id {
  132. sinstance: 3
  133. }
  134. tag_id: 2
  135. point {
  136. x: 78
  137. y: 126
  138. }
  139. state: STAND_FREE
  140. interactive {
  141. id {
  142. prototype: 100002
  143. }
  144. }
  146. <- humans: HID_ALBERT [2] from server
  147. id {
  148. sinstance: 2
  149. }
  150. tag_id: 1
  151. point {
  152. x: 21
  153. y: 105
  154. }
  155. state: STAND_FREE
  156. interactive {
  157. id {
  158. prototype: 100001
  159. }
  160. }
  162. <- humans: HID_DIANA [4] from server
  163. id {
  164. sinstance: 4
  165. }
  166. tag_id: 3
  167. point {
  168. x: 23
  169. y: 77
  170. }
  171. state: STAND_FREE
  172. interactive {
  173. id {
  174. prototype: 100003
  175. }
  176. }
  178. <- humans: HID_RACOON [7] from server
  179. id {
  180. sinstance: 7
  181. }
  182. tag_id: 105016
  183. point {
  184. x: 19
  185. y: 93
  186. }
  187. state: HAPPY_FREE
  188. interactive {
  189. id {
  190. prototype: 105016
  191. }
  192. }
  194. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6269 (RES_BARN_CAPACITY:750) <- virtual void Barn::setUpdateStage(int):63
  195. <- l(505608) buildings: skip loging: [2850 - -32] Del[]:2819 Del[]:2820 Del[]:2821 Del[]:2822 Del[]:2823 Del[]:2824 Del[]:2825 Del[]:2826 Del[]:2827 Del[]:2828 Del[]:2829 Del[]:2830 Del[]:2831 Del[]:2832 Del[]:2833 Del[]:2834 Del[]:2835 BK_MONEY_HOLE_1x1:2836 Del[]:2837 Del[]:2838 Del[]:2839 Del[]:2840 Del[]:2841 Del[]:2842 Del[]:2843 Del[]:2844 Del[]:2845 Del[]:2846 Del[]:2847 BK_G_OLD_CANNON_3:2848 BK_B_CANNON_EXPL:2849 BK_MONEY_HOLE_1x1:2850
  196. <- commit: (0) CHECK_PRIZES
  197. <- commit: (1) TRANSACTIONS Get available
  198. __ASSERT__
  199. File: /Developer/LostPrequel/LostChapters/cpp/Game/Quest/Quest.cpp
  200. Line: 338
  201. Func: virtual void AQuest::setState(AQuest::EState)
  202. Msg: trying to restart Done quest
  203. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6007 (RES_EXP:14) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  204. __ASSERT__
  205. File: /Developer/LostPrequel/LostChapters/cpp/Game/Land/LandObjects/WarehouseWrapper.cpp
  206. Line: 169
  207. Func: void WarehouseWrapper::checkLocation(const Item &)
  208. Msg: Bad usage warehouse 'WRH_GLOBAL' for item 'RES_REWARD_36'
  209. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6336 (RES_REWARD_36:1) <- void AQuest::addQuestProfit():584
  210. <- commit: (2) FINISH_QUEST qid = 401440 : QT_REMOVE_OBJECTS l(505608) remove 1 BK_PYRAMID_2
  211. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  214. /======================= responce( ok )
  215. | 0) CHECK_PRIZES
  216. | + Client Debug: {"690001":[{"6001":164},{"6002":39},{"6003":78},{"6011":29},{"6024":1},{"6058":88},{"6127":9},{"6137":4},{"6138":4},{"6139":5},{"6146":8},{"6147":5},{"6162":3},{"6179":2},{"6189":4},{"6190":9},{"6192":6},{"6193":5},{"6208":6},{"6218":20},{"6257":1},{"6258":2},{"6281":1},{"6282":1},{"6284":1},{"6287":3},{"6291":42},{"6292":2},{"6293":1},{"6359":28},{"6363":1},{"6364":4},{"6374":7},{"6375":7},{"6384":1},{"6389":16},{"6390":1},{"6413":3},{"6415":1},{"6499":10},{"6500":16},{"6515":2},{"6522":12},{"6572":1},{"6574":3}],"690002":[{"6004":464864},{"6005":7},{"6007":48349},{"6077":5},{"6151":6},{"6158":1},{"6194":1},{"6269":750},{"6279":29},{"6280":9},{"6299":1},{"6360":43},{"6365":405},{"6367":2},{"6368":3},{"6369":1},{"6379":64},{"6382":1},{"6383":1},{"6385":1},{"6386":1},{"6391":1},{"6397":148},{"6399":952},{"6400":68},{"6405":47198},{"6430":2},{"6447":1},{"6452":1},{"6461":7},{"6488":4},{"6502":176},{"6504":2},{"6527":1},{"6528":1},{"6529":1},{"6548":25},{"6549":60},{"6557":70},{"6559":1},{"6562":35},{"6568":8}],"690004":[{"6491":16}],"i":[{"6315":1},{"6337":1}]} Random: []
  217. \_______________________
  219. ______req______:
  220. id: "2366965"
  221. passkey: "7930f3da0f2d7e6fc3ace667c79b56a5"
  222. packets {
  223. command: CHECK_PRIZES
  224. contents {
  225. [Protobuf.Game.Account.accounts] {
  226. id: "2366965"
  227. }
  228. }
  229. time_shift: 2
  230. }
  231. checksum: "a03784cfcfe62658b2eca525095cfd86"
  234. ______resp______:
  235. id: "2366965"
  236. packets {
  237. command: OK
  238. contents {
  239. }
  240. }
  241. packets {
  242. command: OK
  243. contents {
  244. [Protobuf.Game.Account.accounts] {
  245. id: "2366965"
  246. gifts {
  247. id {
  248. sinstance: 411
  249. }
  250. time: 1448282141
  251. sender_id: "9127831"
  252. items {
  253. item_id {
  254. prototype: 6001
  255. name: "RES_FOOD"
  256. }
  257. count: 3
  258. storage_info {
  259. storage {
  260. prototype: 690001
  261. name: "WRH_MAIN"
  262. }
  263. usage: COMMON
  264. }
  265. }
  266. }
  267. gifts {
  268. id {
  269. sinstance: 412
  270. }
  271. time: 1448349939
  272. sender_id: "9127831"
  273. items {
  274. item_id {
  275. prototype: 6001
  276. name: "RES_FOOD"
  277. }
  278. count: 3
  279. storage_info {
  280. storage {
  281. prototype: 690001
  282. name: "WRH_MAIN"
  283. }
  284. usage: COMMON
  285. }
  286. }
  287. }
  288. }
  289. }
  290. }
  291. error: NOERROR
  292. time: 1448374612213
  295. /======================= responce( ok )
  296. | 1) TRANSACTIONS Get available
  297. | + Client Debug: {"690001":[{"6001":164},{"6002":39},{"6003":78},{"6011":29},{"6024":1},{"6058":88},{"6127":9},{"6137":4},{"6138":4},{"6139":5},{"6146":8},{"6147":5},{"6162":3},{"6179":2},{"6189":4},{"6190":9},{"6192":6},{"6193":5},{"6208":6},{"6218":20},{"6257":1},{"6258":2},{"6281":1},{"6282":1},{"6284":1},{"6287":3},{"6291":42},{"6292":2},{"6293":1},{"6359":28},{"6363":1},{"6364":4},{"6374":7},{"6375":7},{"6384":1},{"6389":16},{"6390":1},{"6413":3},{"6415":1},{"6499":10},{"6500":16},{"6515":2},{"6522":12},{"6572":1},{"6574":3}],"690002":[{"6004":464864},{"6005":7},{"6007":48349},{"6077":5},{"6151":6},{"6158":1},{"6194":1},{"6269":750},{"6279":29},{"6280":9},{"6299":1},{"6360":43},{"6365":405},{"6367":2},{"6368":3},{"6369":1},{"6379":64},{"6382":1},{"6383":1},{"6385":1},{"6386":1},{"6391":1},{"6397":148},{"6399":952},{"6400":68},{"6405":47198},{"6430":2},{"6447":1},{"6452":1},{"6461":7},{"6488":4},{"6502":176},{"6504":2},{"6527":1},{"6528":1},{"6529":1},{"6548":25},{"6549":60},{"6557":70},{"6559":1},{"6562":35},{"6568":8}],"690004":[{"6491":16}],"i":[{"6315":1},{"6337":1}]} Random: []
  298. \_______________________
  300. ______req______:
  301. id: "2366965"
  302. passkey: "7930f3da0f2d7e6fc3ace667c79b56a5"
  303. packets {
  304. command: TRANSACTIONS
  305. time_shift: 2
  306. }
  307. checksum: "a03784cfcfe62658b2eca525095cfd86"
  310. ______resp______:
  311. id: "2366965"
  312. packets {
  313. command: OK
  314. contents {
  315. }
  316. }
  317. packets {
  318. command: OK
  319. contents {
  320. [Protobuf.Game.Account.accounts] {
  321. id: "2366965"
  322. gifts {
  323. id {
  324. sinstance: 411
  325. }
  326. time: 1448282141
  327. sender_id: "9127831"
  328. items {
  329. item_id {
  330. prototype: 6001
  331. name: "RES_FOOD"
  332. }
  333. count: 3
  334. storage_info {
  335. storage {
  336. prototype: 690001
  337. name: "WRH_MAIN"
  338. }
  339. usage: COMMON
  340. }
  341. }
  342. }
  343. gifts {
  344. id {
  345. sinstance: 412
  346. }
  347. time: 1448349939
  348. sender_id: "9127831"
  349. items {
  350. item_id {
  351. prototype: 6001
  352. name: "RES_FOOD"
  353. }
  354. count: 3
  355. storage_info {
  356. storage {
  357. prototype: 690001
  358. name: "WRH_MAIN"
  359. }
  360. usage: COMMON
  361. }
  362. }
  363. }
  364. }
  365. }
  366. }
  367. error: NOERROR
  368. time: 1448374614435
  371. /======================= responce( ERROR )
  372. | 2) FINISH_QUEST qid = 401440 : QT_REMOVE_OBJECTS l(505608) remove 1 BK_PYRAMID_2
  373. | + Client Debug: {"690001":[{"6001":164},{"6002":39},{"6003":78},{"6011":29},{"6024":1},{"6058":88},{"6127":9},{"6137":4},{"6138":4},{"6139":5},{"6146":8},{"6147":5},{"6162":3},{"6179":2},{"6189":4},{"6190":9},{"6192":6},{"6193":5},{"6208":6},{"6218":20},{"6257":1},{"6258":2},{"6281":1},{"6282":1},{"6284":1},{"6287":3},{"6291":42},{"6292":2},{"6293":1},{"6359":28},{"6363":1},{"6364":4},{"6374":7},{"6375":7},{"6384":1},{"6389":16},{"6390":1},{"6413":3},{"6415":1},{"6499":10},{"6500":16},{"6515":2},{"6522":12},{"6572":1},{"6574":3}],"690002":[{"6004":464864},{"6005":7},{"6007":48363},{"6077":5},{"6151":6},{"6158":1},{"6194":1},{"6269":750},{"6279":29},{"6280":9},{"6299":1},{"6336":1},{"6360":43},{"6365":405},{"6367":2},{"6368":3},{"6369":1},{"6379":64},{"6382":1},{"6383":1},{"6385":1},{"6386":1},{"6391":1},{"6397":148},{"6399":952},{"6400":68},{"6405":47198},{"6430":2},{"6447":1},{"6452":1},{"6461":7},{"6488":4},{"6502":176},{"6504":2},{"6527":1},{"6528":1},{"6529":1},{"6548":25},{"6549":60},{"6557":70},{"6559":1},{"6562":35},{"6568":8}],"690004":[{"6491":16}],"i":[{"6315":1},{"6337":1}]} Random: []
  374. | error: %s4: )appendResource(account 2366965 [MOBILE]) item 6336 is not suitable for warehouse 690002
  375. | error: %s4: )addItem(account 2366965 [MOBILE]) can't append resource 6336, count 1 to account
  376. | error: %s4: )finishQuest(account 2366965 [MOBILE]) failed to add rewards by quest 401440
  377. | error: %s4: )finishQuest(account 2366965 [MOBILE]) failed to finish quest 401440
  378. \_______________________
  380. ______req______:
  381. id: "2366965"
  382. passkey: "7930f3da0f2d7e6fc3ace667c79b56a5"
  383. packets {
  384. command: FINISH_QUEST
  385. contents {
  386. [Protobuf.Game.Account.accounts] {
  387. id: "2366965"
  388. land {
  389. id {
  390. prototype: 505608
  391. }
  392. quests {
  393. id {
  394. prototype: 401440
  395. }
  396. }
  397. }
  398. }
  399. }
  400. time_shift: 9
  401. }
  402. checksum: "9e32a2b3bc2cc8f94d834ec7c9728605"
  405. ______resp______:
  406. id: "2366965"
  407. packets {
  408. command: OK
  409. contents {
  410. [Protobuf.Game.Error.errors] {
  411. message: "appendResource(account 2366965 [MOBILE]) item 6336 is not suitable for warehouse 690002"
  412. }
  413. [Protobuf.Game.Error.errors] {
  414. message: "addItem(account 2366965 [MOBILE]) can\'t append resource 6336, count 1 to account"
  415. }
  416. [Protobuf.Game.Error.errors] {
  417. message: "finishQuest(account 2366965 [MOBILE]) failed to add rewards by quest 401440"
  418. }
  419. [Protobuf.Game.Error.errors] {
  420. message: "finishQuest(account 2366965 [MOBILE]) failed to finish quest 401440"
  421. }
  422. }
  423. }
  424. error: LOGIC_VIOLATION
  425. time: 1448374615770
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