
Endtown RPG Session #19

Jan 2nd, 2016
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  1. GM (GM): Okay.
  2. Well, all we can do is go forward.
  3. you all have succeeded in a violent battle against the mutts!
  4. Suule S.: Hmmm too bad we don't have Manalisha around but oh well
  5. GM (GM): All players now can use her token.
  6. a moment of peace settles in the darken warhouse as you contemplate your next move.
  7. GM (GM): Next move?
  8. Martin Baron proceeds to throw up onto the ground.
  9. Martin Baron: ((Move on to light this candle would be my vote))
  10. GM (GM): Appropriate reaction all things considered
  11. Clayton R.: (How do we handle this with the Manashila tken on the board?)
  12. Suule S. waits for Martin to finish throwing up then runs up to him and starts to shake him "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING AIMING THAT THING IN MY GENERAL DIRECTION"
  13. Martin Baron: ((I'd assume we can make a vote on her combat turn if we find more Mutts, and the GM can make the rolls.))
  14. GM (GM): Sure!
  15. Martin Baron: ((Or, leave her out, since getting her killed without it being the owners fault would be pretty shitty of us.))
  16. Suule S.: ((Yeah given how undergunned we are))
  17. Martin Baron: ((Well we do have a insta-death laser gun, so I think as long as I make decent rolls we'll be golden.))
  18. Clayton R. climbs up from the destroyed catwalk, dusting himself.
  19. Martin Baron doesn't respond, not even looking Suule in the eye. He doesn't appear to be all there at the moment.
  20. Clayton R. paces back toward the group, he tries not to stare at Martin. He instead calls out Everett. "Hey. Lay off, he's been under constant wear for a while... leave him be for a moment."
  21. Suule S. growls and pushes Martin away and walks towards Clayton, still looking aggravated and nervous "Yeah, yeah. Need any patching done or being buried under twisted steel is your regular method of cooperation."
  22. GM (GM): Also everyone, DJ is here.
  23. Clayton R.: (Oh jeez a gremlin entered the compound)
  24. Traver S.: DJ: Sup.
  25. Clayton R.: (Oh, I see it now.)
  26. GM (GM): It is surprising how unnoticeable he was.
  27. Martin Baron: ((I didn't see him either, huh.))
  28. Clayton R. hardly noticed DJ, having to a double take to make sure he was really there.
  29. Suule S. snaps fingers completely ignoring DJ "Hey, Clayton. Down here. Do you need patching or are you good?"
  30. Your current objectives: Destroy this factory and its payload. Also that probe thing.
  31. Clayton R. shakes his head. "It's just a bruise buddy... nothing more."
  32. The lights flicker back on and you notice something!
  33. Suule S. nods "Good." and hides his knife then sits down and takes deep breaths
  34. ...Weren't there supposed to be afew missiles in here?
  35. Clayton R. arches an eyebrow as the lights find power. He surveys what he can see of the room
  36. Martin Baron: ((Oh snap))
  37. Traver S. DJ looks about and notes "...Huh. Tha's kinda odd. Where'd the..."
  38. Clayton R.: .d 1d100+40
  39. (Man, let me find this dice command)
  40. Martin Baron: (( /roll))
  41. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+40
  42. (10)+40= 50
  43. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100
  44. (24)= 24
  45. Suule S.: rolling 1d100+40
  46. (30)+40= 70
  47. GM (GM): Yes, there are indeed no missiles here.
  48. GM (GM): Yes, there are indeed no missiles here.
  49. Clayton R. sighs, and begins to advance to the other side of the room, yet he remains cautious of the yellow sign painted on the floor.
  50. Martin Baron mutters incoherently once more, occasionally stating "No" multiple times.
  51. Suule, you notice that there are a second set of tread prints on the West end.
  52. GM (GM): Martin is going through a tough time.
  53. Suule S. barks still sitting down "You know Clayton, instead of being afraid of yellow paint, you might want to look at that set of thread prints...
  54. Clayton R. Clayton can still here Martin's ramblings. He tries to blot them out of his mind
  55. GM (GM): Clayton, as you advance the Yellow Sign makes no sudden moves.
  56. Martin Baron: ((Negative 78% MP isn't anything to sneeze at))
  57. Traver S.: (Hang in there buddy.)
  58. Martin Baron: ((I'm still having fun, even if he dies gloriously or without a whimper))
  59. Suule S.: ((This is gonna go Watership down very fast))
  60. the factory does appear to be pretty damaged from the last fight, smoking holes dot the walls.
  61. the factory does appear to be pretty damaged from the last fight, smoking holes dot the walls.
  62. Martin Baron: ((I get to bang hot rabbits and turn into a ghost? Sick.))
  63. GM (GM): The flare burns out,.
  64. Clayton R. walks back toward the group. "There really isn't much left here... Not from what I can see."
  65. Martin Baron: ((Hey, at least we can set up the probe without worrying about the tower falling!))
  66. Clayton R. straightens up, addressing the group. "You guys want to investigate some more or are you all ready to move on?"
  67. Martin Baron: "Oh dear God, please let me leave. Please, please let me leave this pit."
  68. Suule S. gets up as he catches his breath and shakes his head "Okay... there are tire threads, so someone shipped the missles out? Right? Let's do the damn probe thing and try to follow the trail... well if we have our bloodhound on the job. And please shoot Martin up with a tranqualizer or something or I'm gonna join him soon."
  69. Traver S. pats DJ's shoulder. "Don't worry, we're getting out of here soon enough."
  70. Martin Baron: ((Ooh, nice icon on me.))
  71. Clayton R. frowns with Everett's assessment. He reaches into his bag and pulls out a can of green beans, tossing them to Martin. He then turns back to Everett. "Suppose we don't have a choice then."
  72. Martin Baron: ((Maybe have Manalisha roll a smell perception? Try to see if there might be something else here?))
  73. Clayton R.: (I actually want to check out those doors up on the catwalk.)
  74. GM (GM): ((He had green beans?! Get them!))
  75. Martin Baron: ((Do some scavenge rolls and try to find some mini-nukes?))
  76. GM (GM): Sure!
  77. Clayton R.: (yeeeeeees)
  78. GM (GM): Well, I mean, you can roll...
  79. Suule S.: (Hmmm I could make a demo roll to scavenge explosives)
  80. Martin Baron: ((Let's see, I'm in Despair, so that's a -40 to my rolls.))
  81. Clayton R. Clayton gestures toward DJ. "You want to tag along with me and weep that upper floor?"
  82. Clayton R.: *Sweep
  83. Traver S. DJ shrugs "Migh' as well. Who knows, migh' hit a crawl space."
  84. Suule S.: (Demolition 1, Scavange 1)
  85. .roll 1d100
  86. Martin Baron looks towards Clayton, silently thanking him for the food. He opens the can and starts to eat what's inside.
  87. Suule S.: rolling 1d100
  88. (30)= 30
  89. Clayton R. waits for DJ to catch up
  90. Martin Baron: ((How much MP does that restore?))
  91. Suule S.: You're... leaving me?
  92. Traver S. DJ runs along
  93. Suule S. looks at Martin and then at Clayton "Hey just because I know first aid doesn't mean I am a nurse"
  94. GM (GM): You find nothing Suule. It looks like this place has already been swept.
  95. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+10
  96. (87)+10= 97
  97. GM (GM): You find...
  98. Martin Baron finishes eating and slowly stands up, still looking frail from the previous battle. He decides to try helping the others with scavenging.
  99. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100-40
  100. (2)-40= -38
  101. Suule S.: (...)
  102. Martin Baron: (Hohoh fuck, this is what I live for)
  103. Suule S.: (Out of all the rolls)
  104. GM (GM): Beans.
  105. Clayton R.: (I my. I apologize if I'm laughing in my chair.)
  106. GM (GM): Lots of beans.
  107. Traver S.: (So much beans)
  108. GM (GM): Slip evenly, it would last you guys an additional three days.
  109. Clayton R.: (Not just that, pictures of beans too.)
  110. Martin Baron: ((I'm guessing I accidentally found an eldritch horror with my shit roll.))
  111. ((Composed entirely of beans))
  112. Traver S.: (You probably found an Old Hunter with a roll like that.)
  113. Clayton R.: (So what, does Martin find something find something amazing, and it's just his foot that fell asleep?)
  114. Suule S. walks around trying to determine what might've happened to the missiles, kicking up remenantss of the fight
  115. GM (GM): ((What do you think that is?!))
  116. Clayton already found a separate pair of tire tracks.
  117. and we know that mutts don't occur in nature.
  118. Martin Baron: ((Ugh, no worse. I find a gun, that secretly has a 70% chance to explode and completely kill me.))
  119. you could assume that Topsiders found this place and took whatever was valuable.
  120. Clayton R. gestures back to DJ once more. "Time to head upstairs... and Everett. I have another set of tire tracks over here too."
  121. Suule S.: ((Well obviously, but more so where they went))
  122. Clayton R. waits patiently
  123. GM (GM): ((True.))
  124. ((Move on to the upper rooms?
  125. Martin Baron: ((Yep.))
  126. Suule S. walks over to Clayton "Two sets of tire tracks huh? It's kinda weird they were using trucks instead of their regular vehicles... I guess we'll solve that mystery later."
  127. Traver S. Follows along like ya'know.
  128. Suule S.: ((Sure))
  129. Martin Baron: ((But GM, how much MP does the green beans restore?))
  130. Suule S. stops and has a sudden realisation
  131. Suule S.: Guys...
  132. ...who the fuck did we saw 20 minutes ago?
  133. Fighting mutants
  134. GM (GM): Let me setup here.
  135. Martin Baron: ((OH FUCK))
  136. Clayton R. steps forward, searching the room for anything interesting..
  137. Martin Baron: ((Those niggas are dead now. Those guys were just the front guards, once they picked up the missiles they're nothing but dust now.))
  138. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+40
  139. (11)+40= 51
  140. Martin Baron: ((The mutants, I mean.))
  141. Traver S.: (They were a cutout of Cypher.)
  142. Suule S.: ((We will need to check on that later Martin, they seemed to have been winning))
  143. rolling 1d100+40
  144. (13)+40= 53
  145. You are in... a storage
  146. room.
  147. Clayton R. groans, walking further into the room
  148. Martin Baron: ((They were winning with those few guys. Once everyone else got out they probably got absolutely destroyed.))
  149. there are shelves with some office supplies, a fuse box which has some damage to it, and a very old furnace inset in the wall.
  150. Traver S. DJ continually changes rat icons. Probably only Martain has enough Insight to see this bloodborne level stuff.
  151. Martin Baron: ((Like Fear and Loathing, everyone's slowly turning into disgusting animals.))
  152. Clayton R. moves to investigate the furnace
  153. Suule S. looks over the shelves trying to find something he can use in bomb-making "Say Clayton... I have a question for you if you don't mind. See I've been fighting topsiders for a long time and well each time I ripped their suits or made them bleed, they spontenously mutated... I'm a bit shocked with that amount of possible small cuts you had in the few days to remain well... unscathed..."
  154. Suule S.: rolling 1d100
  155. (76)= 76
  156. Traver S. DJ Shall search around too. Who knows, he might find himself something nice...
  157. Traver S.: rolling 1d100
  158. (86)= 86
  159. GM (GM): Suule!
  160. You find that there are alot of pens, papers, clipboards and the like.
  161. Clayton R. looks puzzled. "What are you talking about. I haven't been cut yet. Those Mutts just keep hitting armor, this bruise is the first injury I've had."
  162. Clayton R. leans down to get a look at the furnace
  163. GM (GM): The letter head of it reads "Trask Industries, LLC."
  164. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+40
  165. (85)+40= 125
  166. GM (GM): You find that the furnace is actually quite large.
  167. Suule S.: (Oh I could make a science roll to see if I know them from my lab work)
  168. rolling 1d100
  169. (13)= 13
  170. (Welp
  171. Suule S. smiles at the find "Oh goodie. Office supplies! Just when I was running out of them."
  172. Martin Baron walks around the shelves, occasionally staring at a random office piece before setting it back down on the shelf.
  173. Clayton R.: (sad trombone)
  174. GM (GM): It's covered in dust and soot but plain as day its littered with loose bricks going right to the top.
  175. Traver S.: "Hey they could be pretty useful I think...hmm, hope the ink in these pens hasn't dried..."
  176. GM (GM): It looks like someone could reach the surface through here.
  177. Clayton R. hums. "I think I found a way to the surface from here. I think this may be the smokestack."
  178. GM (GM): Traver-er, DJ!
  179. Suule S. looks at Clayton as he starts putting the papers into his backpack "Well just... you seem to be a rather anomalous in the "Grand scheme of things" that seem to be happening around the world... Way to the surface eh?"
  180. Martin Baron: ((Hey GM, I think I'll take some stuff from here. How many pens can I pocket?))
  181. GM (GM): You look around, you notice that there is more smoke coming from the fuse box in the corner. Use Rat Smell powers?
  182. Traver S. DJ shall do so!
  183. GM (GM): I'd say, 40 pens?
  184. Traver S. DJ wafts the fusebox.
  185. Martin Baron: ((Guess that's how many I'll be taking.))
  186. GM (GM): The party has now 80 pens!
  187. Suule S. snatches the pen from Martin's hand and tries doing a quick doodle to see if it works
  188. Suule S.: rolling 1d100
  189. (25)= 25
  190. DJ sniffs the fusebox.
  191. GM (GM): It's covered in Ozone, like someone just shot it with an energy weapon.
  192. Martin Baron starts moving items around looking for pens, ignoring how damaged or good they look. He starts shoving them into his pockets and backpack.
  193. Martin Baron: ((That explains the blackout, most likely.))
  194. GM (GM): It also appears that a beaver and a DJ were here once.
  195. After that, men who smell kinda like plastic were poking at it abit with equipment.
  196. Traver S.: "Someone shot this wit' some energy..." he pauses. Wait. Oh. Yeah, we were here. "... Yeah tha' seems like somethin' we might'a done."
  197. GM (GM): And then alot of mechnical things were wandering around the room.
  198. Thus completes the timelime of the fusebox.
  199. Clayton R. shrugs, facing Everett. "I... I suppose so. I hear Topsiders are pretty nasty with humans they find... It always struck me as odd though. Why don't they give these other huans some suits... that way they don't tranform too..." Clayton R. shrugs once more, "{Eh... guss that's why I keep myself covered up... so I don't have to deal with them."
  200. GM (GM): ((I think this is kind of how rodent smell is supposed to work. You get kind of a backstory from one particular place.)
  201. Traver S. DJ wouldn't doubt it. He comments on this story to the others based on the scents that line the area of the fusebox. "Well. Is' had quite the life.... kinda lookin' burned out now though"
  202. Clayton R. straps his flamethrower back onto his back, and produces his grappling hook.
  203. Clayton R.: "hope this thing works."
  204. Suule S. is kinda disappointed that a doodle that was to be something to cheer Martin up turned out to be quite hedious and pockets it.
  205. Suule S.: "Well yeah Clayton, they are all kinds of nasty that you wouldn't even want to know about. But imagine they're like big jelly filled balloons. If you pop them the jelly spills out. Only it has teeth. If you don't think of if as killing it makes you sleep better at night." He looks at DJ "So who blasted the fusebox? Got any idea there, Basli?"
  206. GM (GM): Do a standard attack roll clay
  207. 40< works
  208. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100
  209. (33)= 33
  210. GM (GM): ... You throw the grappling hook up, it goes down.
  211. Traver S.: "Someone with a blaster. Probably me o' Grey... we've been here before... course... tha' depends on how recent it is." he says looking it over, was it done very, very recently or...?
  212. there is another room to this facilty
  213. Clayton R. grumbles and winds the graplling hook back up
  214. Martin Baron: ((Where's the door to the other room?))
  215. GM (GM): Right next door out in the factory floor?
  216. Suule S. turns to DJ as he tries to doodle on the back of the paper again "You've been here before?"
  217. GM (GM): ((Honestly I didn't have a map ready at the time.))
  218. Suule S.: rolling 1d100
  219. (59)= 59
  220. GM (GM): Consoling!
  221. Clayton R. takes another shot up the giant chimney
  222. GM (GM): Martin recovers
  223. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100
  224. (36)= 36
  225. GM (GM): rolling 1d10
  226. (10)= 10
  227. Traver S. comments "Its a long story." he comments rubbing the back of his head. A moment later seeing that doodle. "Oh, what' ya drawing?"
  228. Martin Baron: ((Bloody hell Picasso))
  229. GM (GM): Clayton, let's say that's a success!
  230. you now have a rope to an opening in the chimney space!
  231. Suule S. looks at DJ and then at Martin and hands him a picture of what appears to be Martin as a bad ass action hero "Here you, go. Sorry for being an ass earlier."
  232. Martin Baron: ((Knocked down from 78% to 58%))
  233. ((39 to 29))
  234. GM (GM): Almost enough to shake the shakes.
  235. Traver S. looks on. "Oh, that's cool...accurate too..."
  236. Martin Baron: ((GM, Clayton handed me some food earlier. Green beans he said. Keep asking you how much MP it recovers.))
  237. GM (GM): Honestly, there is no real bonus for cold canned goods.
  238. Suule S.: ((Well at least it's not Doug Wingeresque picture of Martin with a corny line))
  239. GM (GM): Sorry I haven't been on the ball.
  240. Clayton R. gives the rope an experimental tug. "Alright guys. I got a hook up to the chimney. Martin, you want to hand me the probe?"
  241. Martin Baron: ((Ok, so it's nothing. Wanted to make sure, thank you.))
  242. Traver S.: (...I can already see it now Suule.)
  243. Martin Baron thanks Suule, having a small laugh at the drawing and feeling somewhat better. He tosses the probe to Clayton.
  244. GM (GM): You have been tossed the probe.
  245. Martin Baron: ((Well I slightly regret googling Doug Winger and going to images. At least I'm incognito.))
  246. Clayton R. Clayton nods, thanks Martin and warning to others to watch out if he falls
  247. Traver S.: (That's only the beginning.)
  248. Suule S.: ((Hahah yeah. I thought you were aware, given that /co/ is quite aware of Doug and his passing))
  249. Clayton R. begins climbing
  250. Suule S. sighs "If you're falling, I'm not gonna catch your ass, Clayton."
  251. Martin Baron: ((Forgot about him, but yeah I know of his popularity and death. Not the worse thing I've seen either.))
  252. GM (GM): Mapjump to surface?
  253. Martin Baron: ((Not gonna check out the other room for more office supplies?))
  254. GM (GM): ((That is up to the group.))
  255. Martin Baron: ((Might as well while we're here, ya know.))
  256. Clayton R.: (I guess just for me. I'm only headed up to secure the probe)
  257. GM (GM): Well I suppose we can do it with text
  258. Martin Baron: ((A-OK by me.))
  259. Suule S.: ((We'll check it yeah))
  260. Clayton R.: (Clayton sure is doing a good job let me tell you, you don't have a way to see him so you have to believe me,)
  261. Traver S.: (Sure. Lets go check it out.)
  262. Martin Baron: ((He doesn't even need the hook, he can just climb his way to the tip top with one hand.))
  263. GM (GM): Okay!
  264. You run into the neighboring room.
  265. GM (GM): there is an office farm with electronics, desks, and all the other clerical trappings.
  266. Clayton, you ascend the chimney.
  267. You come to an opening about halfway but it appears to small for you to fit through.
  268. It looks like it is right on surface level.
  269. Traver S.: "You think any of these still work?"
  270. Suule S.: "Wish we had some electricity to find that out... I haven't used one of these in ages..."
  271. Martin Baron shrugs. He's barely used computers before the War, let alone know if one's in working order.
  272. GM (GM) he says in a well lit room
  273. Traver S.: "Last time I used one..." he trails off "Well I was in grade school actually."
  274. Traver S. goes up to one and presses on some keys.
  275. the compy activates
  276. Traver S.: "Oh hey, it does, ballin'!"
  277. Traver S. DJ looks at the screen, what does it show him?
  278. GM (GM): Its asking for a password
  279. it took awhile to reboot.
  280. Clayton R. sighs, looking upward towards the top to see if he could possibly set the probe there
  281. Traver S.: "...Hmm." he thinks for a moment. Well, might as well try the most baseline thing he types in password and hopes the username is set to admin.
  282. GM (GM): Clayton, sure!
  283. I have rolld for that .
  284. It works.
  285. You are greated by the OS screen.
  286. It appears to be more clerical information.
  287. Traver S.: "I'm in."
  288. GM (GM): What info do you want from this thing?
  289. GM (GM): Also, it's been a good long while since anyone has played solitaire on it.
  290. Martin Baron: ((See if it has bomb recipes on there.))
  291. Traver S.: "Ya'know way back I had a friend who was an IT major back in college. He said this sort of stuff happens all the time."
  292. Martin Baron: ((A file of Anarchist's Cookbook for Missiles or something.))
  293. Traver S.: DJ proceeds to look for bomb recipes, sure, maybe he can find some info on why the missles were there? That's clerical stuff.
  294. compy: TRASK, LLC.
  295. Suule S.: Hmmm hmmm
  298. Suule S.: Muntions assembling facility eh? Oh try to grab maybe some addresses
  299. Clayton R. contiues upward
  300. Suule S.: Maybe there are other facilities like this
  301. Martin Baron looks around the room, looking for plugs to the computers. Maybe they can unplug everything and bring it back to Endtown for a reward.
  302. Traver S. DJ makes note to get other addresses on the list of things to do.
  303. Suule S.: Say
  304. Are these linked to a network drive?
  305. GM (GM): "Sorry to all our partners at NDDC but we are going to be four missiles short in the latest shipment. Some of the staff has gotten the 'wastes' and that is just the shortfall in production."
  306. Suule S.: Or it's all on this disk drive?
  307. Suule S. vaguely recalls how his university had the habit of putting evertything on a central server
  308. GM (GM): It contines, "but hey, what are the odds of war breaking out in afew days?"
  309. Traver S.: "...That person probably hates themselves right now."
  310. GM (GM): It does appear to be a terminal/server setup.
  311. Suule S.: (I'll scavenge the room for any sort of data carriers)
  312. Traver S.: "Jus' sayin' yo."
  313. Suule S.: rolling 1d100
  314. (87)= 87
  315. compy: besides that it looks like this facility used to be a shell factory during WW2. Repurposed by Trask and refitted with a proton power cell to fit ww3 military requirements.
  316. there is a little memo about the history of the building.
  317. GM (GM): Very boring.
  318. Traver S.: DJ'll give that a read before going on to search to see if there are other places like this around somewhere.
  319. Martin Baron: ((Gonna roll a perception check. Not gonna find anything with scavenge, but just want a good look of the room.))
  320. GM (GM): kk
  321. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100
  322. (24)= 24
  323. Clayton R. sees if he can reach the top of the chimney
  324. Martin Baron: ((Can't find diddly))
  325. GM (GM): You find a coffee station.
  326. there is some old, nasty coffee there.
  327. Martin Baron: ((Daw.))
  328. Suule S.: ((BTW, did I find any data carriers with that roll of mine?))
  329. Martin Baron briefly considers pocketing the coffee station, but decides against it at the last second.
  330. GM (GM): What's your strength, clayton?
  331. Clayton R.: 2
  332. GM (GM): You cannot climb very far beyond this point.
  333. In retrospect, it is a miracle you made it this far up.
  334. Martin Baron: ((Maybe just set the probe there and say "Screw it, good enough?"))
  335. GM (GM): Roll perception Clayton!
  336. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+40
  337. (41)+40= 81
  338. GM (GM): You hear someone talking about 'demons' outside through the beaver hole.
  339. more like shouting.
  340. Clayton R. arches an eyebrow, and he moves the get a look at the source of the shouting through the hole.
  341. GM (GM): (Since I'm sure we'll go back to the comp) You gather that there are 8 facilities over the country.
  342. brb
  343. Traver S.: (Any nearby?)
  344. Martin Baron: ((Hey, we should grab some paper and write these coordinates down. Prevent any more missiles getting taken by the Topsiders.))
  345. Suule S.: ((Well I did a scavange roll for data carriers, so we can save that shit onto them))
  346. Martin Baron: ((We got 80 pens, we just need paper))
  347. Traver S.: (One of us can just go back down and get some.)
  348. Clayton R.: (Oh heay, Nice to see ya Walker.)
  349. M. Walker: (Hi guys! Totally spaced it today, guh. Had some car trouble with the cold and all)
  350. Suule S.: (Ah... awesome you made it though.)
  351. Martin Baron: ((Sorry to hear that))
  352. Traver S.: (That's rough, nice to have you with us all the same htough!)
  353. M. Walker: (Thanks!)
  354. GM (GM): (Glad to you made it... I've been floundering today as well.)
  355. Back on track:
  356. compy: the 7 other facilites are mostly on the western boarder of the Neitherlands.
  357. GM (GM): There is a problem...
  358. Suule S.: ((DM, I'm still reminding you of that roll for scavenging data carriers before it rolls off the log.))
  359. GM (GM): Yeah, this is the bits youre getting.
  360. Suule S.: ((Ahh... so this is all on the data carriers?))
  361. ((I can of course carry them back to Endtown?))
  362. GM (GM): Well, there are gigs and gigs of worksheets, contracts, office gossip, journal vouchers, etc.
  363. Just gigantic amounts of financial data that is completely useless now.
  364. Martin Baron: ((Main value is having tech that can't be reproduced. Materials for computers are hard to come by when you're buried underground.))
  365. GM (GM): anyway, the map of the facilities is great but doesn't account for the area being an absolute desert without any features.
  366. Suule S. sighs "You know, I think browsing this will take ages. Might pocket the carriers and have the professor Qu... Mallard look it over. Or have someone else do this job. We're not having too much time here
  367. Clayton R. is still trying to get a good look tot hose shouting outside.
  368. Traver S.: "I agree."
  369. Clayton R.: *to those
  370. GM (GM): Anyone have electronics?
  371. Martin Baron takes his backpack off and places it on a desk, opening the flap to start taking random pieces of the office with him.
  372. GM (GM): Also, walker enters the room.
  373. Suule S.: (One skill I don't fucking have... brilliant)
  374. (Darn goofed)
  375. Traver S. is a kickboxer, not an IT.
  376. GM (GM): To be fair, this is a weird scenario for the setting.
  377. You have grabbed random things around the room.
  378. M. Walker adds "How is it looking...?"
  379. Martin Baron: ((I'll take the mice and keyboards if I can't fit a whole PC in my pack.))
  380. Suule S.: ( I have engineering and science... )
  381. GM (GM): roll science
  382. (Really kind of hard to say, Martin. Aaron likes retro stuff so that means the computers are likely evil in nature and large. But its teh future so they should be compact.)
  383. Suule S.: rolling 1d100
  384. (40)= 40
  385. (I have 3 in science thankfully)
  386. GM (GM): Yeah, the server looks like the computer in the corner there.
  387. Martin Baron: ((Hmm. Once they're done looking at the screen, I'm gonna try taking one of the PCs for extra dosh.))
  388. GM (GM): It might have an internal battery even.
  389. ZOT!
  390. GM (GM): Clayton!
  391. Suule S. sighs "Okay... guys. This is the server... we need to CAREFULLY disconnect it and transport it to Endtown in one piece. Along with all those data carriers I've found"
  392. GM (GM): A beam punches right though the chimney and nearly takes your head off!
  393. Clayton R.: (yes?)
  394. (Shieet)
  395. Traver S.: DJ see's this and just kinda goes "...Seriously?"
  396. Traver S. goes and helps Suule with it.
  397. Traver S.: "Er... so should we shut it down first?"
  398. Clayton R. lurches backwards as the beam burst through. He stays down to keep his cover... He really wishes he had a radio right now.
  399. GM (GM): You shut it down.
  400. Clayton takes wise courses of actions!
  401. Suule S. looks at Manalisha and Martin. "Say while we're doing things here why won't you and Martin check on Clayton? I'm sure he landed on his ass on a ton of bricks by now."
  402. Martin Baron: "OK." Martin says, zipping up the backpack and hauling the acquired loot out of the room.
  403. Clayton R. is silently cursing to himself
  404. GM (GM): At his point you hear the iron gate creek below you, its Martin!
  405. And Marsala!
  406. Minasha.
  407. Walker, it's walker!
  408. Martin Baron: "Hey Clayton? You got the probe up yet?" he calls out, unaware of the new hole close to the top.
  409. Clayton R. curses again and skoots toward the edge of his outcropping, waving his arms frantically, and drawing his hand across his neck. there was also some pointing at the smoking holes in the wall.
  410. Suule S.: ((We don't need a roll to disconnect it I hope...))
  411. GM (GM): Nope, its all in the pack now.
  412. Martin Baron: ((Please don't say we gotta roll perception to get his message))
  413. GM (GM): Martin, Walker, you put 2 and 2 together and realize he's telling you to keep quiet and that someone besides Martin is shooting at them!
  414. And with that. I'm going to be a giant tease and end the session there!
  415. xp, Suule really found his element so he gets +10.
  416. Dj cut to the quick which a skill in of itself so he gets +10
  417. Clayton R.: part of me is excited to try a high risk, a reward plan if the enemies are who I think they are
  418. *high reward
  419. GM (GM): Clayton kept on objective so he gets +12
  420. Martin Baron: Concerning the ZOT noise, I think it's who you're thinking of.
  421. M. Walker: Ah geez
  422. GM (GM): Yes, Ming the Merciless and his army of winged warriors.
  423. Suule S.: Say... 200 XP means Level 3? Or do I need 300 XP?
  424. GM (GM): Yeah. Level 3
  425. If you're level 2, you need 200 xp
  426. Now, MVP?
  427. Suule S.: I'm level 2 right now, so...
  428. Martin Baron: Clayton for not getting zotted
  429. GM (GM): +10 to clayton for being a man of action!
  430. Traver S.: Indeed.
  431. Clayton R.: (Aww dude. Level 3 now.)
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