
Ana vs Jake

Sep 9th, 2015
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  1. [12:00] <`DM> ==========================
  2. [12:00] <`DM> Anastasia: Enter the police station.
  3. [12:00] * Anastasia_Locke takes a few deep breaths to calm her nerves, then pushes the door open and walks briskly through wearing a slightly annoyed expression, acting like she owns the place.
  4. [12:00] <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 1d20 bluff
  5. [12:00] <`DM> Anastasia_Locke rolled 1d20 bluff [ 1d20=6 ]{6}
  6. [12:01] <Anastasia_Locke> ((Wow that went better the first time))
  7. [12:01] <Jake_Brandt> ((HAH))
  8. [12:01] <`DM> Anastasia: The woman at the front desk is too busy with paperwork to notice you.
  9. [12:01] <`DM> Anastasia: The rest of the police-men just look at you strangely, as if to think, "what's this little girl doing here?" but it doesn't seem like they really care about you.
  10. [12:02] <`DM> Anastasia: The police officers at station are very busy with paperwork today-- the others are out patrolling Leechville.
  11. [12:02] * Anastasia_Locke proceeds towards the cells, still doing her best to look like she's got some very important business to attend to
  12. [12:03] <`DM> Anastasia: Before you can even get past the meeting room, a policeman grabs you by the shoulder and asks, "where d'ya think yer goin', missy?"
  13. [12:03] <Anastasia_Locke> "Where's Pete?"
  14. [12:05] <`DM> Anastasia: The officer is a middle-aged, tall, tan, bald, and muscular man with a handlebar mustache. "'Scuse me? You mean the big boss? What're you goin' round callin him Pete fer, like he's yer uncle or sumthin"
  15. [12:05] <Anastasia_Locke> "Uh."
  16. [12:05] <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 1d20+1 to keep from laughing
  17. [12:05] <`DM> Anastasia_Locke rolled 1d20+1 to keep from laughing [ 1d20=17 ]{18}
  18. [12:06] * Anastasia_Locke shrugs
  19. [12:06] <Anastasia_Locke> "That's the name I was told."
  20. [12:06] <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 1d20 Bluff
  21. [12:06] <`DM> Anastasia_Locke rolled 1d20 Bluff [ 1d20=3 ]{3}
  22. [12:06] * Jake_Brandt , be the mysterious tapping noise
  23. [12:07] <Jake_Brandt> roll 1d20 to make a tap-a-tap tap
  24. [12:07] <`DM> Jake_Brandt rolled 1d20 to make a tap-a-tap tap [ 1d20=5 ]{5}
  25. [12:07] <Jake_Brandt> (( :( ))
  26. [12:08] <`DM> Anastasia: "Well, he can't be seein' you right now, he's a busy guy. Like I said, big boss n' all."
  27. [12:08] <Anastasia_Locke> "I don't need to talk to him. Just tell me where he is."
  28. [12:10] <`DM> Anastasia: "He's in his office, where he usually is. Now don't go about botherin' him." The man leaves towards the cafeteria.
  29. [12:10] * Anastasia_Locke beams
  30. [12:10] <Anastasia_Locke> "Thank you!"
  31. [12:11] * Anastasia_Locke continues on towards the cells
  32. [12:13] == Procyon [Procyon@] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
  33. [12:13] <`DM> Anatasia: You make it to where the two temporary-holding cells are. They look like solitary cells with steel doors.
  34. [12:13] <Anastasia_Locke> Any way to see inside?
  35. [12:13] <`DM> Anastasia; The doors have no windows, only a little slot at the bottom for sliding in trays of food.
  36. [12:14] <`DM> Anastasia: The slot slides up and down and is locked with a mechanism from the outside.
  37. [12:14] <Anastasia_Locke> Can anybody see me right now?
  38. [12:14] <`DM> Anastasia: There is nobody around you that you can see.
  39. [12:15] * Anastasia_Locke opens the slot the tiniest bit
  40. [12:15] <Anastasia_Locke> For, let's say the left cell
  41. [12:15] * Jake_Brandt : Start tapping on the door
  42. [12:15] <`DM> Anastasia: You see floor, mostly. However, your hear tapping from the right cell's door.
  43. [12:15] <`DM> you hear**
  44. [12:16] <Jake_Brandt> roll 1d20+2 to hear if anyone is there
  45. [12:16] <`DM> Jake_Brandt rolled 1d20+2 to hear if anyone is there [ 1d20=9 ]{11}
  46. [12:17] * Anastasia_Locke backs away slightly
  47. [12:17] <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 1d20+2 Stealth
  48. [12:17] <`DM> Anastasia_Locke rolled 1d20+2 Stealth [ 1d20=5 ]{7}
  49. [12:17] <`DM> Jake: You hear some footsteps moving.
  50. [12:17] * Jake_Brandt lays down on the ground, looking at the slot intently from afar
  51. [12:18] <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 1d20+1 Perception to hear him moving
  52. [12:18] <`DM> Anastasia_Locke rolled 1d20+1 Perception to hear him moving [ 1d20=18 ]{19}
  53. [12:19] <Jake_Brandt> roll 1d20+2 for stealth
  54. [12:19] <`DM> Jake: You look at the slot. It is very closed at the moment.
  55. [12:19] <`DM> Jake_Brandt rolled 1d20+2 for stealth [ 1d20=10 ]{12}
  56. [12:19] <`DM> Anastasia: You hear very little shuffling from the floor inside the right cell.
  57. [12:19] * Jake_Brandt knows that good things come for people who wait
  58. [12:20] * Anastasia_Locke stands still and watches intently
  59. [12:20] * Jake_Brandt rolls to guess who it is outside
  60. [12:21] <Jake_Brandt> roll 1d20+2
  61. [12:21] <`DM> Jake_Brandt rolled 1d20+2 [ 1d20=5 ]{7}
  62. [12:21] <Jake_Brandt> ".....oooohhhh Peeeettttteeeerrrr....."
  63. [12:22] * Anastasia_Locke decaptchas her pepper spray. Just in case.
  64. [12:23] <Jake_Brandt> "Ooorrrrr.....perhaaaapssss it Anastaaaaaaassssiaaa?" my says in a sing-songy sort of way
  65. [12:23] <Anastasia_Locke> :/ :/ :/
  66. [12:25] <Jake_Brandt> "Oooorrrr perrrrhaaaaps the front desk lady?"
  67. [12:26] * Anastasia_Locke realizes he's guessing
  68. [12:26] <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 1d20+1 to keep from laughing
  69. [12:26] <`DM> Anastasia_Locke rolled 1d20+1 to keep from laughing [ 1d20=9 ]{10}
  70. [12:26] * Anastasia_Locke exhales slightly through her nose
  71. [12:27] <Jake_Brandt> roll 1d20+2 perception
  72. [12:27] <`DM> Jake_Brandt rolled 1d20+2 perception [ 1d20=18 ]{20}
  73. [12:28] <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 1d20+2 Stealth
  74. [12:28] <`DM> Anastasia_Locke rolled 1d20+2 Stealth [ 1d20=13 ]{15}
  75. [12:29] <`DM> Jake: You hear a small puffing noise.
  76. [12:29] * Jake_Brandt gets serious now.
  77. [12:30] <Jake_Brandt> (Could I tell it was a laugh exhale?)
  78. [12:30] <`DM> ((no))
  79. [12:31] * Jake_Brandt goes back to tapping and scratching the walls
  80. [12:32] * Anastasia_Locke listens to the tap/scratching for a bit
  81. [12:34] * Jake_Brandt is starting to get bored, so he starts to sing Opera
  82. [12:34] <Anastasia_Locke> ?? ?? ??
  83. [12:35] <Anastasia_Locke> ((How loudly?))
  84. [12:36] <Jake_Brandt> (( pp to ff )) (( ))
  85. [12:38] <Anastasia_Locke> ((DM, loud enough to alert some of the other officers in the building?))
  86. [12:39] <`DM> Jake: Roll 1d20+CHA.
  87. [12:39] <Jake_Brandt> roll 1d20-1
  88. [12:39] <`DM> Jake_Brandt rolled 1d20-1 [ 1d20=3 ]{2}
  89. [12:39] * Jake_Brandt fails miserably, it sounds like a mess
  90. [12:40] * Jake_Brandt starts laughing at himself
  91. [12:40] <`DM> ((no guards are alerted))
  92. [12:40] * Anastasia_Locke gives the cell a concerned look and a pained wince
  93. [12:41] * Jake_Brandt starts laughing uncontrollably
  94. [12:42] * Anastasia_Locke breathes "Psycho"
  95. [12:42] <Jake_Brandt> "Ohhhh, only if Tricky were here to hear that!' Jake says raspily
  96. [12:42] <`DM> The handlebar-mustached man, walking along towards the stairs to the station's jail, knocks on the cell door and tells Jacob to keep it down in there.
  97. [12:42] <Jake_Brandt> ((Where is Ana?))
  98. [12:43] <`DM> As he goes down the steps, he makes eye contact with Anastasia and tells her: "Stay away from the cell, he's a looney, that kid."
  99. [12:43] <Anastasia_Locke> "And unguarded."
  100. [12:43] * Jake_Brandt knocks on the cell door
  101. [12:44] <Anastasia_Locke> D:
  102. [12:44] <`DM> Jake: You knock on your cell door.
  103. [12:45] * Jake_Brandt tries to get the Guard's attention
  104. [12:46] <`DM> Jake: There is no response. He's probably gone already.
  105. [12:46] <Jake_Brandt> "Hey! Hey! Guardman, what ever your name was!"
  106. [12:46] * Jake_Brandt carries on without him.
  107. [12:47] <Jake_Brandt> "Have you heard that Paul Walker has dandruff?"
  108. [12:48] <Jake_Brandt> "The police found his head and shoulders on the dashboard!!!"
  109. [12:48] * Jake_Brandt starts cackling
  110. [12:48] <Anastasia_Locke> :/
  111. [12:49] <Jake_Brandt> "Oooh, tough crowd it seems, am I just not...punny enough for you!?"
  112. [12:49] * Jake_Brandt cackles agains
  113. [12:49] <Anastasia_Locke> :/ :/ :/
  114. [12:51] <Jake_Brandt> "Hey then, rather this then grinding you bones!!"
  115. [12:51] <Jake_Brandt> "I really am not CUT out for this, am I?!"
  116. [12:51] * Jake_Brandt starts laughing uncontrollably again
  117. [12:52] <Anastasia_Locke> ??
  118. [12:52] * Anastasia_Locke continues to fail to get the joke
  119. [12:53] <Jake_Brandt> "Oh well then, I'm off to take a short nap, tell me when little Ms. Locke comes back, if she isn't here already that is."
  120. [12:53] <Anastasia_Locke> :O
  121. [12:54] * Anastasia_Locke backs away slowly
  122. [12:54] <Jake_Brandt> roll 1d20+2 perception
  123. [12:54] <`DM> Jake_Brandt rolled 1d20+2 perception [ 1d20=7 ]{9}
  124. [12:54] <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 1d20+2 Stealth
  125. [12:54] <`DM> Anastasia_Locke rolled 1d20+2 Stealth [ 1d20=3 ]{5}
  126. [12:55] <`DM> Jake: You hear footsteps.
  127. [12:55] <jaczac|m> ((Sorry Cai, I was at apes, I had to go quick))
  128. [12:55] <Jake_Brandt> "Bye Byeeeee!"
  129. [12:55] * Anastasia_Locke freezes
  130. [12:57] <`DM> ((ok jac u wanna take over?))
  131. [12:57] * Jake_Brandt starts slurping and gnawing at the wall
  132. [12:57] <Anastasia_Locke> :/
  133. [12:57] <jaczac|m> ((I can if you want))
  134. [12:57] <`DM> ((ok let me give u some stuff cus i retconned the whole thing from when ana entered))
  135. [12:58] <jaczac|m> ((K))
  136. [13:04] <jaczac|m> ((DM has been updated, continue))
  137. [13:04] <Anastasia_Locke> :/
  138. [13:09] * Jake_Brandt starts having relations with the door
  139. [13:11] <Jake_Brandt> (( ))
  140. [13:11] <jaczac|m> Uh.
  141. [13:11] * Jake_Brandt has married the door.
  142. [13:11] <jaczac|m> I'm not sure how to respond to that
  143. [13:11] <jaczac|m> To be honest
  144. [13:12] * Jake_Brandt goes on a honeymoon with the door, and accidently knocks her up.
  145. [13:13] <jaczac|m> Anyway, while jake was copulating with the door, a low ranking policeman enters with a tray of "food."
  146. [13:13] * Jake_Brandt says in a girly voice, "I am tired of living in this cell, you think this is ther right enviroment for a baby?"
  147. [13:13] <jaczac|m> Ana roll to stay invis.
  148. [13:13] <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 1d20+2 Stealth
  149. [13:13] <`DM> Anastasia_Locke rolled 1d20+2 Stealth [ 1d20=7 ]{9}
  150. [13:13] <jaczac|m> Stealthed I mean
  151. [13:14] <jaczac|m> You barely manage to hide behind a trash can.
  152. [13:14] <jaczac|m> the man slides the tray through the slot and bangs a couple times on the door.
  153. [13:14] <jaczac|m> "HEY STOP YOUR SHIT."
  154. [13:15] * Jake_Brandt slaps the door's face. "Biatch, you can't tell me where or where not to have a house" Jake says with a deep baritone
  155. [13:15] <jaczac|m> "...fuckin psycho."
  156. [13:15] <jaczac|m> He leaves without seeing ana.
  157. [13:15] * Anastasia_Locke continues listening
  158. [13:16] <Jake_Brandt> "Is he gone" Jake says in a high pitched voice.
  159. [13:16] <Jake_Brandt> "Yes baby, you can come back in now."
  160. [13:16] <Jake_Brandt> roll 1d20+2 perception
  161. [13:16] <`DM> Jake_Brandt rolled 1d20+2 perception [ 1d20=6 ]{8}
  162. [13:17] * Jake_Brandt is slapped in the face by the door
  163. [13:17] <jaczac|m> What are trying to percept?
  164. [13:17] <Jake_Brandt> The emotions of the door
  165. [13:17] <jaczac|m> You think the door wants your advances. She really doesn't, but you can't tell because you are a psychopath.
  166. [13:18] * Jake_Brandt has her baby anyway, she can't leave me nnow
  167. [13:18] <jaczac|m> Ana would you like to continue listening?
  168. [13:18] <Anastasia_Locke> Yes
  169. [13:19] <jaczac|m> K
  170. [13:19] <Jake_Brandt> "Honey, what should we name the baby?" Jake says in a girl voice,
  171. [13:20] <Jake_Brandt> "Her name shall be Lock."
  172. [13:20] * Anastasia_Locke clenches a fist
  173. [13:21] <Jake_Brandt> "THAT'S ALL YOU COULD THINK OF, MY LAST NAME?" Jake yells in a girly voice
  175. [13:21] <Anastasia_Locke> Decaptchalogue pistol
  176. [13:21] <jaczac|m> You do so.
  177. [13:22] <jaczac|m> ((If you kill him, it's permanent.))
  178. [13:22] <Jake_Brandt> "Calm down, honey, no need to get angry," Jake says in a baritone voice
  179. [13:24] <Jake_Brandt> "Alright folks, that's a wrap! Good job, Jake! Good job, Annie. Our show is sure to be picked up, now! The perfect amount of drama, romance, and funny situations!" a seemingly monotone voice says.
  180. [13:25] * Jake_Brandt is making a soap opera/sitcom it seems.
  181. [13:25] <Jake_Brandt> "Thanks Callum." the baritone voice speaks
  182. [13:25] * Anastasia_Locke is about to join the PK Party Boat, it seems
  183. [13:25] <Jake_Brandt> roll 1d20+2 perception
  184. [13:26] <`DM> Jake_Brandt rolled 1d20+2 perception [ 1d20=20 ]{22}
  185. [13:26] <jaczac|m> You know the keys lay in the entry office, where the receptionist sits.
  186. [13:26] <jaczac|m> Jake hears ana gripping her pistol tightly, and breathing heavily.
  187. [13:26] <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 1d20+2 Stealth
  188. [13:26] <`DM> Anastasia_Locke rolled 1d20+2 Stealth [ 1d20=7 ]{9}
  189. [13:26] <Anastasia_Locke> Okay yeah
  190. [13:26] <Anastasia_Locke> Worth a try
  191. [13:26] <jaczac|m> You are slightly hidden.
  192. [13:27] <Jake_Brandt> "About time you showed up,"
  193. [13:28] <Jake_Brandt> "Would you go be a doll and get your father? We have something to speak about, if that is who I think it is, of course."
  194. [13:28] == Jaczac [Jaczac@] has joined #rpgstuck_jaczac
  195. [13:29] <Anastasia_Locke> "..."
  196. [13:30] <Jake_Brandt> "No? That is what I thought."
  197. [13:31] == mode/#rpgstuck_jaczac [+o Jaczac] by ChanServ
  198. [13:33] * Jake_Brandt starts screaming
  199. [13:33] <Jaczac> You hear footsteps.
  200. [13:33] <Jaczac> And a man swear and start walking towards from the office across the hall.
  201. [13:33] <Jaczac> .roll stealth
  202. [13:33] * Anastasia_Locke captchas her pistol, but not the pepper spray
  203. [13:33] <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 1d20+2
  204. [13:33] <`DM> Anastasia_Locke rolled 1d20+2 [ 1d20=20 ]{22}
  205. [13:33] * Anastasia_Locke vanishe into the ether
  206. [13:34] <Jaczac> you stealth perfectly. If you want to try to steal the keys, tou have advantage.
  207. [13:34] <Jake_Brandt> ((How does readying an action work?))
  208. [13:34] * Anastasia_Locke waits to see what the guard does first
  209. [13:35] <Anastasia_Locke> If he walks away, THEN thievery check on him
  210. [13:35] <Jaczac> The guard enters.
  211. [13:35] <Jaczac> Are you still screaming?
  212. [13:35] * Jake_Brandt has stopped but he starts to talk to the guard
  213. [13:36] <Jaczac> "Ugh. Another psychopath."
  214. [13:36] <Jake_Brandt> "Just a word is all"
  215. [13:36] * Anastasia_Locke readies an action to activate Mindkind and spray a whole bunch of pepper spray at Jacob
  216. [13:36] <Jake_Brandt> "If I die, make sure Peter knows Ana did it.
  217. [13:36] * Jake_Brandt goes back to bed
  218. [13:37] * Jake_Brandt has eyes closed
  219. [13:37] <Jaczac> ((just a second))
  220. [13:39] <Jake_Brandt> ((Jaczac))
  221. [13:39] <Jaczac> ((ik))
  222. [13:40] <Jake_Brandt> ((Does my cell have water?))
  223. [13:40] <Jaczac> ((yes, toilet))
  224. [13:40] <Jake_Brandt> "No sink?"
  225. [13:41] <Jake_Brandt> (("No sink?"))
  226. [13:41] <Jake_Brandt> ((sorry))
  227. [13:41] <Jaczac> "Ugh. No kid, too many people broke'm"
  228. [13:41] <Jaczac> "And who is Ana?"
  229. [13:42] <Jake_Brandt> "Either his daughter or niece, she snuck in a while ago I presume."
  230. [13:43] <Jake_Brandt> "Also, while your here..."
  231. [13:44] * Jake_Brandt starts whispering to the guard "You know the explosion in the park? I know who did it."
  232. [13:44] <Jaczac> "You what? Something about the explsion?"
  233. [13:45] <Jake_Brandt> "Yep, know who killed all those people."
  234. [13:45] <Jaczac> "..."
  235. [13:45] <Jake_Brandt> "Go check the warehouse."
  236. [13:46] * Anastasia_Locke casts Prestidigitation and fills the cell with the smell of vomit
  237. [13:46] <Jaczac> "I'm getting Officer Paley."
  238. [13:46] <Jaczac> ,roll
  239. [13:46] * Jake_Brandt has a strong stomach
  240. [13:46] <Anastasia_Locke> ((Roll what? Its a cantrip))
  241. [13:46] <Jaczac> ((oh right.))
  242. [13:47] <Jake_Brandt> ((Roll constitution?))
  243. [13:47] <Jaczac> "Eugh man. thats revolting."
  244. [13:47] <Jaczac> He leaves.
  245. [13:47] <Jaczac> You know Paley is the seargent here.
  246. [13:48] <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 2#1d20+2 Thievery to get keys
  247. [13:48] <`DM> Anastasia_Locke rolled 2#1d20+2 Thievery to get keys [ 1d20=15 ]{17}, [ 1d20=6 ]{8}
  248. [13:48] * Jake_Brandt readies himself
  249. [13:48] <Jaczac> you barely get them.
  250. [13:48] <Anastasia_Locke> ((17 is barely getting them?))
  251. [13:49] <Jaczac> Yep
  252. [13:49] <Anastasia_Locke> ((O.O))
  253. [13:49] <Jaczac> 16 was passing.
  254. [13:49] * Jake_Brandt walks to the side of the door
  255. [13:50] <Jaczac> You think you have about 10 minutes before he gets back.
  256. [13:52] == yzabtech [] has joined #rpgstuck_jaczac
  257. [13:52] <Anastasia_Locke> What all is inside the cell?
  258. [13:53] <Jaczac> Bed Jake and toilet, plus a plastic tray from dinner,
  259. [13:53] <Jaczac> also the food i presume
  260. [13:53] <Anastasia_Locke> What kind of food?
  261. [13:54] <Jaczac> ham sandwich, oj carton, cookie(raisin)
  262. [13:55] <Anastasia_Locke> Prestidigitation
  263. [13:56] <Anastasia_Locke> Illusory blindfold over his eyes
  264. [13:57] * Jake_Brandt rolls 1d20+2 to know the layout of the room
  265. [13:57] <Jake_Brandt> roll 1d20+2
  266. [13:57] <`DM> Jake_Brandt rolled 1d20+2 [ 1d20=3 ]{5}
  267. [13:57] <Anastasia_Locke> ((Safe to say that's one turn of blindness?))
  268. [13:57] <Jaczac> you bump into stuff
  269. [13:57] <Jaczac> yes
  270. [13:58] <Jake_Brandt> Can I still hear?
  271. [13:58] <Jaczac> yes
  272. [13:58] <Jaczac> only a blindfold
  273. [13:58] <Anastasia_Locke> Lasts until my NEXT turn ends, so...
  274. [13:58] <Jaczac> Yes.
  275. [13:58] <Anastasia_Locke> Open door, activate mindkind, and pepper spray him
  276. [13:59] <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 1d20+3
  277. [13:59] <`DM> Anastasia_Locke rolled 1d20+3 [ 1d20=20 ]{23}
  278. [13:59] <Jaczac> pepper spray perfectly enters his eyes, mouth and nose
  279. [13:59] <Jaczac> incapacitating him.
  280. [13:59] == yzabtech [] has left #rpgstuck_jaczac [Leaving]
  281. [13:59] * Jake_Brandt goes to the toilet to wash it out of eyes
  282. [13:59] <Anastasia_Locke> ((Double dice or max damage?))
  283. [13:59] <Jaczac> zroll to remember
  284. [13:59] <Jaczac> ((cant remember tbh))
  285. [13:59] <`DM> (( dabble dice ))
  286. [14:00] <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 2d4+3 damage
  287. [14:00] <`DM> Anastasia_Locke rolled 2d4+3 damage [ 2d4=5 ]{8}
  288. [14:00] <Jaczac> you do so
  289. [14:00] <Jake_Brandt> roll 1d20 to get rid of pepperspray
  290. [14:00] <`DM> Jake_Brandt rolled 1d20 to get rid of pepperspray [ 1d20=14 ]{14}
  291. [14:01] <Jaczac> ((im unsure how pepper spray works0)
  292. [14:01] == Serket [] has joined #rpgstuck_jaczac
  293. [14:01] <Jake_Brandt> ((You can wash it out with water, it is an oil based thing.))
  294. [14:01] <Anastasia_Locke> ((1d4 damage, dex-based, blinds until cleared, aoe attack))
  295. [14:01] <Jaczac> got it.
  296. [14:01] <Anastasia_Locke> ((friendly fire))
  297. [14:01] <Jaczac> jake, roll toblindly walk to toilet
  298. [14:01] == Tarane[K1K] [~K1Krystal@] has joined #rpgstuck_jaczac
  299. [14:02] == Tarane[K1K] has changed nick to Archive
  300. [14:03] * Jake_Brandt washes it out of eyes.
  301. [14:03] * Jake_Brandt rolls 1d20+2 perception
  302. [14:03] <Jaczac> no roll to remember
  303. [14:03] <Jake_Brandt> roll 1d20+2 perception
  304. [14:03] <`DM> Jake_Brandt rolled 1d20+2 perception [ 1d20=16 ]{18}
  305. [14:03] <Jaczac> im calling it wis
  306. [14:03] <Jaczac> what is your wis mod
  307. [14:03] <Jaczac> actaully,
  308. [14:03] <Jake_Brandt> +2
  309. [14:03] <Jaczac> nvm you pass anyway
  310. [14:03] <Jaczac> you sucessfully wash it out, but still have a blindfold on
  311. [14:04] <Jaczac> its your turn
  312. [14:04] <Anastasia_Locke> ((Mine?))
  313. [14:04] <Jake_Brandt> ((One turn has passed, blindfold is gone?))
  314. [14:04] <Anastasia_Locke> ((MY next turn ends))
  315. [14:04] <Jaczac> ((end of ana's next))
  316. [14:04] <Jaczac> ((no jakes. cleaning was minor, he has major if he wants0)
  317. [14:05] <Jake_Brandt> roll 1d20+3 to push the door closed, while yelling SPARTA!!!!
  318. [14:05] <`DM> Jake_Brandt rolled 1d20+3 to push the door closed, while yelling SPARTA!!!! [ 1d20=9 ]{12}
  319. [14:05] <Jaczac> you do so.
  320. [14:06] <Jaczac> 4 minutes before backup arrives
  321. [14:06] <Jaczac> ana's turn
  322. [14:06] <Jake_Brandt> (("She is outside, right?))
  323. [14:06] <Jaczac> no
  324. [14:06] <Anastasia_Locke> More pepper spray
  325. [14:06] <Jaczac> she's inside
  326. [14:06] <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 2#1d20+3
  327. [14:06] <`DM> Anastasia_Locke rolled 2#1d20+3 [ 1d20=1 ]{4}, [ 1d20=5 ]{8}
  328. [14:06] <Jaczac> wait why do you have advantage?
  329. [14:07] <Jaczac> or is that dual wield
  330. [14:07] <Anastasia_Locke> Because you're blind
  331. [14:07] <Jaczac> hmm
  332. [14:07] <Anastasia_Locke> ((From PHB: • Attack rolls against the creature have advantage, and the creature’s attack rolls have disadvantage.))
  333. [14:07] <Jaczac> his erratic movements make it impossible to hit him
  334. [14:07] <Anastasia_Locke> ((Page 41))
  335. [14:07] <Jaczac> he dodges
  336. [14:07] <Jaczac> minor and move if oyu want
  337. [14:07] <Anastasia_Locke> Mindkind 2, repeat as a minor action
  338. [14:07] <Jaczac> opening the door can be minor
  339. [14:07] <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 2#1d20+3
  340. [14:07] <`DM> Anastasia_Locke rolled 2#1d20+3 [ 1d20=7 ]{10}, [ 1d20=16 ]{19}
  341. [14:07] <Jaczac> damn how do you have mindkind two already?
  342. [14:08] <Jake_Brandt> ((Because she is a spoony cheat))
  343. [14:08] <Anastasia_Locke> ((I cast it a while ago))
  344. [14:08] <Jaczac> ((hehe))
  345. [14:08] <Jaczac> you hit
  346. [14:08] <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 1d4 damage
  347. [14:08] <`DM> Anastasia_Locke rolled 1d4 damage [ 1d4=1 ]{1}
  348. [14:08] <Jaczac> one damage
  349. [14:08] <Anastasia_Locke> And blinded again
  350. [14:09] <Jake_Brandt> ((I knew I should have been sheap and chose to be a psion.))
  351. [14:09] * Anastasia_Locke backs away slightly
  352. [14:09] <Anastasia_Locke> ((HP remaining?))
  353. [14:09] <Jaczac> 3
  354. [14:11] <Anastasia_Locke> End turn
  355. [14:11] <Jaczac> jake
  356. [14:11] <Jaczac> s
  357. [14:11] <Jake_Brandt> how does grappling work
  358. [14:11] <Jake_Brandt> is it d10?
  359. [14:11] <Jaczac> no
  360. [14:11] <Jaczac> str vs str/acro
  361. [14:12] <Jaczac> you're blind so you'd have disadvantage, and she'd had advantage
  362. [14:12] <Jaczac> washing is a minor though
  363. [14:12] <Anastasia_Locke> ((Except then you need to go back to the toiler from the door where you are now))
  364. [14:12] <Jake_Brandt> (I should be not blind))
  365. [14:12] <Jake_Brandt> ((DHUT IT STRAT))
  366. [14:13] <Jaczac> ((you're peppersprayed
  367. [14:13] <Jake_Brandt> ((I washed the pepperspray out.))
  368. [14:13] <Jake_Brandt> ((You think I don't know how pepperspray works?))
  369. [14:13] <Jaczac> she re aprayed you
  370. [14:13] <Jaczac> spray*
  371. [14:14] <Jake_Brandt> ((She missed.))
  372. [14:14] <Anastasia_Locke> ((Second attack hit))
  373. [14:14] <`DM> ((she got a 20 wtf))
  374. [14:14] <Jaczac> she mindkinded it
  375. [14:14] <Jaczac> yeah
  376. [14:14] <Jaczac> two minutes till backup arrives
  377. [14:14] <Jake_Brandt> ((Oh, I thought that was a regular mindkind attack.))
  378. [14:14] <Anastasia_Locke> ((No, the second shot was as a minor action because Mindkind 2 lets me do that))
  379. [14:15] <Jake_Brandt> ((Dirty cheating psion.))
  380. [14:15] <Jaczac> yup
  381. [14:15] <Jaczac> psionics man
  382. [14:15] <Jake_Brandt> ((And to think I complemented Zion on them.))
  383. [14:16] <Jake_Brandt> ((Also, why would pepperspray do damage?))
  384. [14:16] <Anastasia_Locke> Getting peppersprayed hurts
  385. [14:16] <Jake_Brandt> ((Not like dying))
  386. [14:16] <Jaczac> it can KO you however
  387. [14:16] <`DM> ((hurry up and do something))
  388. [14:16] <Jaczac> which is what getting to 0 hp
  389. [14:17] <Jaczac> no time is passing btw
  390. [14:17] * Jake_Brandt knocks into Anastasia the bitch.
  391. [14:17] <Jake_Brandt> roll 1d20+3
  392. [14:17] <`DM> Jake_Brandt rolled 1d20+3 [ 1d20=20 ]{23}
  393. [14:18] <Anastasia_Locke> ((Disadvantage))
  394. [14:18] <Jaczac> knocks?
  395. [14:18] <Jaczac> wtf does that mean
  396. [14:18] <Serket> (( Shove...?
  397. [14:18] <Jaczac> proabbly
  398. [14:18] <Jake_Brandt> ((I don't know the term. Like stunning her or something.))
  399. [14:18] <Jake_Brandt> how does disadvantage work?
  400. [14:18] <Anastasia_Locke> ((Roll twice, use lower result))
  401. [14:19] <Jaczac> you roll twice
  402. [14:19] <Jaczac> take lower
  403. [14:19] <Jaczac> yup
  404. [14:19] <Jake_Brandt> roll 1d20+3
  405. [14:19] <`DM> Jake_Brandt rolled 1d20+3 [ 1d20=16 ]{19}
  406. [14:19] <Jaczac> you hit her
  407. [14:19] <Jaczac> no crit effeects though
  408. [14:19] <Jaczac> thats a shove?
  409. [14:19] <Jake_Brandt> You know how stunning works?
  410. [14:19] <Jake_Brandt> Kinda like that, Idk how to describe it
  411. [14:20] <Anastasia_Locke> ((PHB has info for shoving))
  412. [14:20] <Anastasia_Locke> ((Knocking me prone?))
  413. [14:20] <Jaczac> yeah it knocks you back 5M
  414. [14:20] <Jaczac> or makes you prone
  415. [14:20] <Jaczac> either one
  416. [14:20] <Anastasia_Locke> (( Shove: When you use your major Action to attack you may replace one of your attacks with an attempt to shove a creature. The creature must be no more than one size larger than you and must be within your reach. you make an Athletics check contested by the opponent’s Athletics or Acrobatics check(their choice), if you succeed then you may shove the target up to 5’ (1.66 Meters) away from you or render them prone.))
  417. [14:21] <Jake_Brandt> what does prone mean?
  418. [14:21] <`DM> on the ground
  419. [14:21] <Anastasia_Locke> ((Disadvantage to hit, needs to crawl, and melee attackers have advantage))
  420. [14:21] <Jake_Brandt> can she attack?
  421. [14:21] <Anastasia_Locke> ((With disadvantage, yes))
  422. [14:21] <Jake_Brandt> Okay then, I shove her
  423. [14:22] <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 2#1d20+2 to resist
  424. [14:22] <`DM> Anastasia_Locke rolled 2#1d20+2 to resist [ 1d20=6 ]{8}, [ 1d20=4 ]{6}
  425. [14:22] <Jaczac> the blind hitting the prone
  426. [14:22] <Jake_Brandt> (It does sound as nice as stunning
  427. [14:22] <Jaczac> rolls suck dont they
  428. [14:22] <`DM> Jaczac rolled suck dont they error: malformed expression
  429. [14:22] <Jaczac> rolls
  430. [14:22] <`DM> Jaczac rolled error: malformed expression
  431. [14:22] <Jaczac> you have to roll athletics
  432. [14:22] <Anastasia_Locke> ((contested by the opponent’s Athletics or Acrobatics check(their choice),))
  433. [14:23] <Jake_Brandt> I roll?
  434. [14:23] <Jaczac> yes
  435. [14:23] <Jaczac> disadvantage still
  436. [14:23] <`DM> no wtf
  437. [14:23] <`DM> didnt he already roll to shove
  438. [14:23] <Jaczac> hes blind still
  439. [14:23] <Jaczac> wait he did
  440. [14:24] <Jaczac> right nvm
  441. [14:24] <Anastasia_Locke> ((Yeah, I'm prone))
  442. [14:24] <Jaczac> i lied
  443. [14:24] <Jaczac> ana is prone
  444. [14:24] * Anastasia_Locke stands up
  445. [14:24] * Jake_Brandt smashes his fist into her face
  446. [14:24] <Jaczac> 1.5 mins before they get here
  447. [14:24] <Jaczac> he does still ahve a minor
  448. [14:24] <Jake_Brandt> roll 1d20+3
  449. [14:24] <`DM> Jake_Brandt rolled 1d20+3 [ 1d20=6 ]{9}
  450. [14:24] <Jaczac> but hes still blind
  451. [14:24] <Anastasia_Locke> And already used his major action
  452. [14:24] <Jaczac> yep
  453. [14:24] <Jaczac> hes punching
  454. [14:25] <Jake_Brandt> Can I punch?
  455. [14:25] <Jaczac> yes
  456. [14:25] <Jaczac> but disadcantage
  457. [14:25] <Jaczac> w/e typing
  458. [14:25] <Anastasia_Locke> ((Is it not my turn?))
  459. [14:25] <Jaczac> it isnt yet
  460. [14:25] <Jake_Brandt> she is prone?
  461. [14:25] <Jaczac> he still has a minor
  462. [14:25] <Jaczac> yeah she still is
  463. [14:25] <Jaczac> actually, do they cancel?
  464. [14:25] <Jaczac> adv and dis
  465. [14:25] <Anastasia_Locke> ((Yes))
  466. [14:25] <Jaczac> ok well you miss
  467. [14:25] * Anastasia_Locke stands up
  468. [14:25] <Jaczac> 9 doesnt hit
  469. [14:25] <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 2#1d20+3 to pepper spray some more
  470. [14:25] <`DM> Anastasia_Locke rolled 2#1d20+3 to pepper spray some more [ 1d20=10 ]{13}, [ 1d20=1 ]{4}
  471. [14:26] <Anastasia_Locke> ((13 hit?
  472. [14:26] <Anastasia_Locke> ))
  473. [14:26] <Jaczac> brandt whats your AC?
  474. [14:26] <Jake_Brandt> 12
  475. [14:26] <Jaczac> it hits
  476. [14:26] <`DM> ((why did u roll twice if u have adv and dis))
  477. [14:26] <Jaczac> .roll dmg
  478. [14:26] <Anastasia_Locke> ((I stood up))
  479. [14:26] <Jaczac> thats only defending rolls
  480. [14:26] <Jaczac> and she stood
  481. [14:26] <Jaczac> or
  482. [14:26] <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 1d4+3 damage
  483. [14:26] <`DM> Anastasia_Locke rolled 1d4+3 damage [ 1d4=4 ]{7}
  484. [14:26] <Jaczac> idk, ignore my pathtic knowledge of game mechanics
  485. [14:27] <`DM> wait a sec
  486. [14:27] <`DM> oh ok
  487. [14:27] <Jake_Brandt> hold on, do any of us know what we are doing?
  488. [14:27] <`DM> we do
  489. [14:27] <Anastasia_Locke> ((Yep))
  490. [14:27] <Jake_Brandt> are you sure XD
  491. [14:27] <Jaczac> ((yes, but prone-ness and double dis/adv is difficult for me for reasons))
  492. [14:28] <Jake_Brandt> okay, I am KO'd right
  493. [14:28] <Jaczac> Jake brandt is unconsious yes
  494. [14:28] <Jake_Brandt> Con check?
  495. [14:28] <Jaczac> you aspyxiated on pepper spray
  496. [14:29] <Jaczac> yes you start making saves
  497. [14:29] <Jake_Brandt> How?
  498. [14:29] <Jaczac> .roll con
  499. [14:29] <Jaczac> three times: if you pass three times, you restabilize with 1hp
  500. [14:29] <Anastasia_Locke> ((But still unconscious, right?))
  501. [14:30] <Jaczac> no awake
  502. [14:30] <Jake_Brandt> roll 1d20+ con?
  503. [14:30] <`DM> Jake_Brandt rolled 1d20+ con? error: malformed expression
  504. [14:30] <Jaczac> yes iirc
  505. [14:30] <Jaczac> lemme check
  506. [14:30] <Jaczac> Whenever you start your turn with 0 hp you make a CON check DC 10. If you succeed then you gain a death save success, if you fail you get a failure. at three failures you die and at 3 successes you stabilize at 0 HP. Rolling a 1 or taking any damage during your turns counts as two failures. Rolling a 20 immediately stabilizes and you gain 1 HP.
  507. [14:31] <Jaczac> so yes roll
  508. [14:31] <Jake_Brandt> con modifier?
  509. [14:31] <Jaczac> yes
  510. [14:31] <Jake_Brandt> 1d10?
  511. [14:31] <Jaczac> no
  512. [14:31] <Jaczac> 1d20 as usual
  513. [14:31] <Jake_Brandt> roll 1d20
  514. [14:31] <`DM> Jake_Brandt rolled 1d20 [ 1d20=5 ]{5}
  515. [14:31] <Jake_Brandt> roll 1d20
  516. [14:31] <`DM> Jake_Brandt rolled 1d20 [ 1d20=17 ]{17}
  517. [14:32] <Jake_Brandt> roll 1d20
  518. [14:32] <`DM> Jake_Brandt rolled 1d20 [ 1d20=1 ]{1}
  519. [14:32] <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 1d20+1 (Heal) to stabilize but leave unconscious
  520. [14:32] <`DM> Anastasia_Locke rolled 1d20+1 (Heal) to stabilize but leave unconscious [ 1d20=1 ]{2}
  521. [14:32] <Jaczac> wait no
  522. [14:32] <Jaczac> just do one
  523. [14:32] <Jaczac> oh my lord
  524. [14:32] <Jake_Brandt> I thought three?
  525. [14:32] <Jaczac> yes, but not simultanously
  526. [14:32] <Jaczac> one per turn
  527. [14:32] <Jake_Brandt> oh
  528. [14:32] <Serket> Ana crit failed to try and heal him. 0_0
  529. [14:32] <Jaczac> ((wtf does that mean))
  530. [14:33] <Jaczac> does he die?))
  531. [14:33] <`DM> no
  532. [14:33] <`DM> u make it up my friend
  533. [14:33] <Jake_Brandt> yes
  534. [14:33] <Jaczac> Brandt has 1 failure for death saves.
  535. [14:33] <`DM> she slips on his blood ro something
  536. [14:33] <`DM> who knows
  537. [14:33] <Anastasia_Locke> (( Stabilizing A Creature: A creature may use an action to make a DC 10 Medicine check. On a success the creature is stabilized and unconscious, and regains 1d4 hp after one hour. ))
  538. [14:33] <Anastasia_Locke> ((No effect on a fail or critfail))
  539. [14:33] <Jaczac> Ana, you fail to stabilize.
  540. [14:33] <Jaczac> 1 minute till guards arrive
  541. [14:34] <Jake_Brandt> roll 1d20
  542. [14:34] <`DM> Jake_Brandt rolled 1d20 [ 1d20=14 ]{14}
  543. [14:34] <Jaczac> Jake, your turn, which
  544. [14:34] <Jaczac> yep
  545. [14:34] <Jaczac> one sucess, one failure
  546. [14:34] <Jaczac> ana you go
  547. [14:34] <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 1d20+1 (Heal) to stabilize but leave unconscious
  548. [14:34] <`DM> Anastasia_Locke rolled 1d20+1 (Heal) to stabilize but leave unconscious [ 1d20=1 ]{2}
  549. [14:34] <Jaczac> omfg
  550. [14:34] <`DM> LOL
  551. [14:34] <Serket> holy shit
  552. [14:34] <Jaczac> oh my fucking god
  553. [14:34] <Jaczac> D I C E B O T
  554. [14:35] <Jaczac> yo ufail again.
  555. [14:35] <Jaczac> You are now covered in blood he has coughed up, and there is now pepper spray on your eyes.
  556. [14:35] <Jake_Brandt> asdfklyhasfsfd
  557. [14:35] <Jake_Brandt> Haha
  558. [14:35] <Jaczac> Because you dont just double critfail and dont take punishments.
  559. [14:35] <Anastasia_Locke> Entirely reasonable
  560. [14:35] <Jaczac> Jake, roll saving throws
  561. [14:36] <Jake_Brandt> roll 1d20
  562. [14:36] <`DM> Jake_Brandt rolled 1d20 [ 1d20=17 ]{17}
  563. [14:36] <Jaczac> two passes
  564. [14:36] <Jaczac> ana, if you want to try again
  565. [14:36] <Jaczac> go ahead
  566. [14:36] <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 1d20+1 (Heal) to stabilize but leave unconscious
  567. [14:36] <`DM> Anastasia_Locke rolled 1d20+1 (Heal) to stabilize but leave unconscious [ 1d20=6 ]{7}
  568. [14:36] <Jaczac> (( can you say 1/400)
  569. [14:36] <Jake_Brandt> she is blinded
  570. [14:36] <Jaczac> you still fail to heal him
  571. [14:36] <Anastasia_Locke> Minor action to clean eyes
  572. [14:36] <Jaczac> Yeah, she can do that.
  573. [14:36] <Anastasia_Locke> Move action to loot body?
  574. [14:36] <Jaczac> 30 seconds till guards
  575. [14:36] <Jaczac> yes
  576. [14:37] <Anastasia_Locke> I take his strife deck
  577. [14:37] <Jaczac> you take it
  578. [14:37] <Jake_Brandt> I dont have a strife deck
  579. [14:37] <Serket> (( You can do that?
  580. [14:37] <Jaczac> he has nothing in it
  581. [14:37] <Jaczac> the guards took his weapons m8
  582. [14:37] <Jake_Brandt> ((It was taken))
  583. [14:37] <Serket> (( I didn't know that strife abstrati and fetch modi were like... Things you could actually take from someone.
  584. [14:37] <Jaczac> Yep.
  585. [14:37] <Anastasia_Locke> ((C1 says they are, because reasons))
  586. [14:37] <Jake_Brandt> roll 1d20
  587. [14:37] <`DM> Jake_Brandt rolled 1d20 [ 1d20=3 ]{3}
  588. [14:38] <Jaczac> you fail
  589. [14:38] <Jaczac> two sucesses, two fails
  590. [14:38] <Jaczac> 15 seconds
  591. [14:38] <`DM> oh fuyck
  592. [14:38] <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 1d20+1 (Heal) to stabilize but leave unconscious
  593. [14:38] <`DM> Anastasia_Locke rolled 1d20+1 (Heal) to stabilize but leave unconscious [ 1d20=14 ]{15}
  594. [14:38] <Serket> (( Next one decides if he dies or not. 0_0
  595. [14:38] <Jaczac> Ana is no longer blinded, but still bloody
  596. [14:38] <Jaczac> you succeed
  597. [14:38] <Anastasia_Locke> Move action to sprint out of there
  598. [14:38] <Jaczac> 10 seconds
  599. [14:38] <Jaczac> You bail
  600. [14:38] <Anastasia_Locke> Prestidigitation to clean myself
  601. [14:38] <Jaczac> .roll dex
  602. [14:38] <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 1d20+2
  603. [14:38] <`DM> Anastasia_Locke rolled 1d20+2 [ 1d20=7 ]{9}
  604. [14:38] <Jake_Brandt> lol
  605. [14:38] <Jaczac> you cant clean yourself, but it looks like you cleaned yourself
  606. [14:39] <Jaczac> you make alot of noise and somone turns to follow you, but he walks
  607. [14:39] <Jaczac> and doesnt catch up.
  608. [14:39] * Anastasia_Locke drops the key on the floor and continues to abscond around the nearest corner
  609. [14:40] <Jaczac> You do so.
  610. [14:40] <Jaczac> roll 1d20 luck
  611. [14:40] <`DM> Jaczac rolled 1d20 luck [ 1d20=5 ]{5}
  612. [14:40] <Anastasia_Locke> F
  613. [14:40] <Jake_Brandt> roll 1d20 to become consious
  614. [14:40] <`DM> Jake_Brandt rolled 1d20 to become consious [ 1d20=17 ]{17}
  615. [14:40] <Jaczac> im a big fan of rolling luk tbh
  616. [14:40] <Jaczac> jake brandt revives
  617. [14:40] <Jaczac> as the guards stand over him
  618. [14:40] <Jake_Brandt> "What did I tell you?"
  619. [14:40] <Jaczac> He's covered inpepper spray and blood
  620. [14:40] <Jake_Brandt> "You should keep Ms. Locke in check."
  621. [14:40] <Jaczac> Ana successfully leaves the station, covered in psionically hidden blood.
  622. [14:41] <Jaczac> "Ms. Locke?"
  623. [14:41] <Anastasia_Locke> ((Prestidigitation actually does clean things))
  624. [14:41] <Jaczac> "The only person here is Mr."
  625. [14:41] <Jaczac> ((oh really?))
  626. [14:41] <Anastasia_Locke> (( You instantaneously clean or soil an object no larger than 1 cubic foot. ))
  627. [14:41] <Anastasia_Locke> ((I'm assuming my clothes can fold into that space))
  628. [14:41] <Jaczac> ((huh, interesting. my b))
  629. [14:41] <Jaczac> ((yeah, i assume its volume of 1 cf))
  630. [14:41] <Jake_Brandt> "Anastasia. Now if you excuse me, I want to get some peace and quiet."
  631. [14:42] <Jaczac> "Anastasia? Pete's daughter?"
  632. [14:42] <Anastasia_Locke> ((Vomit effect is still up, for the record))
  633. [14:42] <Anastasia_Locke> ((Lasts an hour))
  634. [14:42] <Jake_Brandt> "Yes, she was here for quiet a while."
  635. [14:42] <Jaczac> "And what is that smell?"
  636. [14:42] <Jaczac> "She was here? How?"
  637. [14:42] <Jake_Brandt> "Whatever physic power see uses."
  638. [14:43] * Anastasia_Locke starts jogging home
  639. [14:43] <Jaczac> You successfully do so.
  640. [14:43] <Jake_Brandt> "You were incompetent enough to let her in and got your keys taken."
  641. [14:43] <Jaczac> "Jesus."
  642. [14:43] <Jake_Brandt> "You idiots."
  643. [14:43] <Jaczac> "Check keys. Tell everyone to."
  644. [14:43] <Jaczac> ""Uh. Officer, I dont have mine."
  645. [14:43] <Jaczac> "Goddamnit smith"
  646. [14:43] <Jaczac> "Shit..."
  647. [14:44] <Jaczac> "Call Pete."
  648. [14:44] <Jake_Brandt> "No wonder the park blew up, even Callum can do something without getting caught."
  649. [14:44] <Jaczac> Smith leaves."
  650. [14:44] * Jake_Brandt facepalms
  651. [14:44] <Jaczac> "Callum?"
  652. [14:44] <Jake_Brandt> "He is the guy who blew up the park."
  653. [14:44] <Jaczac> "What proof do you have of that?
  654. [14:44] <Jake_Brandt> "Did you all do nothing when 22 people died?"
  655. [14:44] <Jaczac> And why are you telling us?"
  656. [14:45] <Jaczac> "You killed and ate someone."
  657. [14:45] <Jake_Brandt> "Because, I am tired of your incompetence
  658. [14:45] <Jaczac> "..."
  659. [14:45] <Jake_Brandt> "You idiots."
  660. [14:45] <Jaczac> "And you think that you can do better?"
  661. [14:45] * Jake_Brandt goes to bed and back to sleep.
  662. [14:45] <Jaczac> "GRAH."
  663. [14:45] <Jake_Brandt> "I can and have."
  664. [14:46] <Jaczac> He leaves, and slams the door.
  665. [14:46] <Jaczac> Ana gets home to her apartment.
  666. [14:46] <Jaczac> The phone is ringing.
  667. [14:46] * Anastasia_Locke goes to Kazuma's apartment instead of her own
  668. [14:47] <Jaczac> After a short while, Kazuma's phone begins ringing as well.
  669. [14:47] * Anastasia_Locke answers
  670. [14:47] <Anastasia_Locke> "Hello?"
  671. [14:47] <Jaczac> "Ana! Its Peter, whats going on?"
  672. [14:47] <Jaczac> "Paley says the prisoner says you broke in and pepper spreayed him.:
  673. [14:47] <Anastasia_Locke> "Me and Kaz WERE sleeping. It's like one in the morning."
  674. [14:47] * Jake_Brandt is yelling in the backround, chastising the prison guards
  675. [14:48] <Jaczac> .roll bluff
  676. [14:48] <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 1d20
  677. [14:48] <`DM> Anastasia_Locke rolled 1d20 [ 1d20=18 ]{18}
  678. [14:48] <Anastasia_Locke> ((Aww yiss))
  679. [14:48] <Jaczac> "I suppose so."
  680. [14:48] <Jaczac> "Why would he want to frame you though?"
  681. [14:48] <Anastasia_Locke> "Is everything alright?"
  682. [14:48] <Jaczac> "The bastard must've pepper sprayed himself and framed you."
  683. [14:49] <Jaczac> "He was passed out in his cell."
  684. [14:49] * Jake_Brandt shouts at Peter
  685. [14:49] <Jaczac> "He- just a sec."
  686. [14:49] <Jake_Brandt> "YOU GODDAMN IDIOT"
  687. [14:49] <Jaczac> Peter walks away from jake, out of earshot.
  688. [14:49] <Anastasia_Locke> "He kind of was hurting himself when we saw him this morning"
  689. [14:49] == Serket [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
  691. [14:49] <Anastasia_Locke> "Ran into a tree."
  692. [14:49] <Jaczac> "He's still screaming, sorry."
  693. [14:49] <Jaczac> "He ran into a tree? Why?"
  694. [14:50] <Anastasia_Locke> "I don't know. Because he's crazy, I guess?"
  695. [14:50] <Jaczac> "It fits his profile."
  696. [14:50] <Jaczac> "Definite psychosis."
  697. [14:50] * Jake_Brandt is tired and goes to sleep
  698. [14:50] <Jaczac> "Sorry for waking you girls."
  699. [14:50] <Jaczac> "I'll hang up, have a good night."
  700. [14:50] <Anastasia_Locke> "Good night. Stay safe."
  701. [14:50] <Jaczac> Click.
  702. [14:51] <Jaczac> Ana goes to sleep.
  703. [14:51] <Jaczac> So does Jacob.
  704. [14:51] <Jaczac> =======END=======
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