

Dec 20th, 2016
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  1. >You're Erich Rammstein.
  2. >And you're at the park yet again.
  3. >Except this time, it's the middle of night.
  4. >A few street lamps are on, but that's about it.
  5. >The cool, brisk air coupled with the beauty of nature…
  6. >This is what gives you peace.
  7. >This is what brings a smile to your face.
  8. >No one can appreciate this scenery the same way you can.
  9. >Alas, all good things must come to an end.
  10. >Hopefully, there will be another [spoiler]Reich[/spoiler].
  11. >...A man can dream.
  12. >You go to exit the park, and start heading home.
  13. >As you do, your good mood takes a hit.
  14. >There's a pair of women walking around, tittering and messing with each other.
  15. >Rather, one is being overly excited, and the other is just figuratively sitting back, and letting her friend go off.
  16. >They look alike, could they be sisters?
  17. >But what's really bringing your blood to boil is their attire.
  18. >Why do they insist on wearing such scandalous dresses?!
  19. >You know it's unfair to judge people based on their attire, and you have no place telling people how to live.
  20. >Hell, they were probably out clubbing.
  21. >But Verdammt, these women could stand to have a little God blessed self respect!
  22. >They aren't prostitutes!
  23. >Probably...
  24. >As you pass by, you fight the urge to open your mouth and say something.
  25. >You fail.
  28. “Auf Wiedersehn, Schweinhund!” vs. The Beauty and the Brains!
  31. “Degenerate Bimbos…”
  32. >You walk on, despite hearing the tittering stop.
  33. >”Hey, asshole! You wanna say that to my face?!”
  34. >Just ignore them.
  35. >You can't.
  36. >You turn around.
  37. “No, I don't wanna look at some degenerate bimbo caked in too much makeup!”
  38. >They both look angry, but one has her hand on her sister's shoulder.
  39. >The one being held back sighed, before grinning.
  40. >”Whatever. You just wish you could get a girl as hot as me.”
  41. >Don't say anything.
  42. >You've already said enough.
  43. “Why would I want to get with a walking STD?”
  44. >Fich.
  45. >Her friend is agape, but she's absolutely livid.
  46. >>”Cloudchaser, look at how he's dressed! He's a-”
  47. >”You motherfucker! You wanna take that back?!”
  48. “...Yeah, I will take it back.”
  49. >Leave it at that.
  50. >Don't open your mouth.
  51. “Why would I get with the very thing ripping our society apart? Your appearance and behavior may be pleasing to men and certain women, but when you're old, and wrinkled, what qualities will you have? No one wants to take a whore as a wife. You're going to grow old and die alone.”
  52. >”That does it! [SCISSOR SISTERS]!”
  53. >You look up to see a robotic looking Stand flying at you!
  54. >Scheiße!
  55. “[BENZIN]!”
  56. >”Auf!”
  57. >A huge fist flies out from your coat toward the Stand, colliding lightly with it.
  58. >It sends the Stand and it's user sliding back.
  59. >She gets up with her friend’s help.
  61. >You step up, opening your jacket to reveal [BENZIN].
  62. “A whore and her Stand is still a whore.”
  63. >She glares at you angrily, bringing out her Stand.
  64. >”I don't care if you're a Nazi! I'm gonna cut that stupid look off your face!
  65. >Her friend sighs, placing a hand on her head.
  67. [spoiler]Rammstein's theme - Eyes of Heaven OST[/spoiler]
  69. >You let her act first.
  70. >Her Stand immediately shoots toward you, its legs stabbing forward.
  71. >Predictable.
  72. >You shoot your tentacles out from the darkness in front of you.
  73. >Wrapping her Stand's legs first, you entangle the girl.
  74. >She immediately tries to struggle against her unseen bonds.
  75. “This was a surprisingly easy fight. I didn't expect much to begin with, but your Stand isn't-”
  76. >You're cut off as the Stand's legs cut through her bonds rapidly.
  77. >”You're an idiot! My [SCISSOR SISTERS] can cut through anything!”
  78. >So you can't have your Stand hold hers.
  79. >That's going to be annoying.
  80. >Her Stand resumes her charge.
  81. >You step back into the shadows, and disassemble yourself.
  82. >You reassemble yourself behind the two women.
  83. >They seem confused.
  84. >”Hey! Where'd he go?”
  85. >You smirk, summoning up a knight riding a horse.
  86. >This is almost too easy.
  88. >You see one of the women get an idea.
  89. >”[MATERIAL GIRL]!”
  90. >Wait, is she a Stand user, too?
  91. >Might be best to hang back, and see what she can do.
  92. >The other one turns around.
  93. >...She's facing your direction.
  94. >She looks up, straight at you.
  95. >”There! He's over there!”
  96. >She pointed you out!
  97. >Scheiße! Her Stand lets her find things?
  98. >You send your Knight forward preemptively.
  99. >Her friend turns around.
  100. >With a whinny, the horseback Knight charges toward the women...
  101. >”[SCISSOR SISTERS]!”
  102. >...And is immediately cut to ribbons.
  103. >So together, they can find and cut anything.
  104. “I'm impressed,”
  105. >You smirk, causing them to stop.
  106. “The two of you working together make for a dangerous foe. I can't hide from you, forcing me to confront you directly. And I can't defend against your attacks, forcing me to go on the offensive. I have a friend. She and her Stand are perfect for this type of scenario.”
  107. >You look up at them, getting your Stand at the ready.
  108. "I think I'm going to emulate her a bit.”
  109. >You charge forward recklessly, summoning your Stand and two shadow constructs.
  111. >As you're about to hit the lighted area where they're standing, you suddenly disassemble yourself.
  112. >Your constructs continue onwards, as you reassemble yourself some distance away.
  113. >The wolf construct leaps at the first girl, only to be swiftly cut down.
  114. >[BENZIN] goes to punch her, only to be decapitated.
  115. >But she's not paying attention.
  116. >Your shadow Hessian brings down his poleaxe on the one who can track you.
  117. >But before he makes contact, he stops an inch away from her neck, and smiles at her.
  118. >He's suddenly cut down by [SCISSOR SISTERS].
  119. >The one girl turns to the other.
  120. >”Flitter! Where is he?”
  121. >>”H-huh? Oh yeah! Right! Um…”
  122. >You can't help but grin.
  123. >You begin deconstructing yourself, and reassembling yourself rapidly, and in multiple locations.
  124. >>”He’s...over there! No wait-there! No, over there!”
  125. >Your rapid teleportation speeds up, and is almost dizzying to you.
  126. >You close your eyes, and just listen.
  127. >”Flitter? You alright, Sis?”
  128. >You can hear her frustrated tears forming.
  129. >>”I...I don't know where he is!”
  131. >That's what you were waiting for.
  132. >You stop teleporting, and summon a shadow spear.
  133. >You launch it at the lamppost above the girls.
  134. >>”I-I got him! He's-”
  135. >The light breaks, and broken glass rains down on the women.
  136. >”Kyaaaa!”
  137. >>”Eeeeek!”
  138. >You watch [SCISSOR SISTERS] rapidly hack the broken glass away from the girls.
  139. >All according to keikaku.
  140. >You teleport one more time.
  141. >”F-flitter?”
  142. >Shaking, she looks down at her Stand.
  143. >”W-where is he now?”
  144. >You deliver your best impression of the TF2 spy.
  145. “Right behind you.”
  146. >You see them freeze, and you teleport away.
  147. >[SCISSOR SISTERS] goes to attack the air as her user screams in fright.
  148. >They both look in disbelief as you aren't there anymore.
  149. >You decide it's time to finish this.
  150. >You conjure a huge jackboot with a swastika on the bottom, and place it above the two of them.
  151. >You wait for the one with the tracking Stand to look around.
  152. >She then notices the giant boot above her, and you see her pupils narrow in fear.
  153. >>”Gaaaaaahhh…”
  154. >Unable to get a word out, she opts to pat her friend's shoulder instead.
  155. >Her friend looks up, and freezes.
  156. >You give a small laugh.
  157. >The boot is thrust downward, and you hear the ladies cry out in terror.
  158. >It stops before it crushes the two girls.
  159. >You see them hugging each other, their eyes tightly shut.
  160. >You almost feel sorry for them.
  161. >Almost.
  162. >You wait until they open their eyes, seeing nothing but the swastika on the bottom of the boot.
  163. >Then, you pop [BENZIN]'s head out from the center, shooting it directly at their faces.
  164. >”AUF!”
  165. >This sets the two girls off.
  166. >They run away screaming, scrambling to get away.
  167. >With their exit, your good mood has returned.
  168. >Hopefully, they'll take this as a lesson to become better people.
  169. >You frown.
  170. >You aren't much better.
  171. >You couldn't help yourself again, and ended up scaring a couple girls into seeing things your way.
  174. “Tch! In my effort to get you girls to improve, I discovered I need to improve as well. I'm going home.”
  176. Winner: Erich Rammstein
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