
The Dark Retard Rises, Part 1

Mar 16th, 2014
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  1. [23:36] <+boombear> Ask your dad for advice buddy.
  2. [23:36] <@Fleischy> what.
  3. [23:36] <@Fleischy> daddy gave him good advice already
  4. [23:36] <+potifi> fleischy are you ganging up on me
  5. [23:36] <+boombear> :D
  6. [23:37] <+potifi> is boombear someone who im supposed to know
  7. [23:37] <@Fleischy> please
  8. [23:37] <+boombear> is iy not obvious
  9. [23:37] <@Fleischy> no
  10. [23:37] <@Fleischy> but he's somebody that you used to konw
  11. [23:37] <@Fleischy> know* aaaaaa
  12. [23:37] <+boombear> know what
  13. [23:37] <+boombear> who is pot
  14. [23:37] <+potifi> then can you fucking ban him into oblivion
  15. [23:37] <@Fleischy> but why
  16. [23:37] <@Fleischy> what has he done to you
  17. [23:37] <+potifi> idk everything
  18. [23:37] <+boombear> Pot who are you..
  19. [23:38] <+potifi> no dont use my weapon against me
  20. [23:38] <+boombear> is that spring?,are u gen,?
  21. [23:38] <+potifi> its ineffective
  22. [23:38] <+atlan> somebody slightly less retarded than you
  23. [23:38] <+boombear> lol
  24. [23:38] <+potifi> ok atlan go suck your own dick
  25. [23:38] <+boombear> then they must be smart
  26. [23:38] <+boombear> ....
  27. [23:38] <@Fleischy> gen is dead
  28. [23:38] <@Fleischy> im sorry to inform you
  29. [23:38] <+boombear> are u serious
  30. [23:38] <+atlan> potifi: physically impossible
  31. [23:38] <+boombear> D: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  32. [23:38] <@Fleischy> well look at this post on the forum
  33. [23:38] <+atlan> we replaced gen with neg
  34. [23:39] <+boombear> are u playing man thats not funny
  35. [23:39] <+potifi> yes suffer you little shit
  36. [23:39] <@Fleischy> no
  37. [23:39] <@Fleischy> let me show you
  38. [23:39] <+boombear> dont play like that
  39. [23:39] <+boombear> how'd he die
  40. [23:39] <@Fleischy>
  41. [23:39] <+boombear> i never knew are u serious,stop playing man
  42. [23:39] <@Fleischy> he killed himself
  43. [23:39] <@|Pussy|> - "rip gen 2012-2014 ♠ ♠ Ace of Spades Classic (Free)"
  44. [23:40] <+potifi> ok goodnight guys
  45. [23:40] <+potifi> one thing i must say
  46. [23:40] <@Fleischy> and then this
  47. [23:40] <+boombear> woah
  48. [23:40] <+potifi> fleischy atlan boombear go fuck yourself
  49. [23:40] <+potifi> bye
  50. [23:40] <@|Pussy|> - Failed to load page.
  51. [23:40] <@Fleischy> :(
  52. [23:40] <+boombear> omg he really died
  53. [23:40] <@Fleischy> yea
  54. [23:40] <+potifi> yea ask his brother neg
  55. [23:40] <+atlan> fuck yourself potifi
  56. [23:40] <@Fleischy> some people are wearing the black stripes
  57. [23:40] <+potifi> idiots
  58. [23:41] <@Fleischy> in signatures
  59. [23:41] <+atlan> weren't they cousins
  60. [23:41] <+boombear> *gen not geb
  61. [23:41] <+boombear> omfg
  62. [23:41] <+boombear> waaaaaaaaaaaaaait geb quit aos or he actually died when he posted that?
  63. [23:41] <+boombear> woah i thought you'll were playing
  64. [23:41] <+boombear> ....
  65. [23:42] <+boombear> wow
  66. [23:42] <+boombear> he'll be missed
  67. [23:42] <+boombear> i didnt fkign know he died!
  68. [23:42] <@Fleischy> well now you do
  69. [23:42] <+boombear> im so sad i feel like crying
  70. [23:42] <+boombear> but how did he die?
  71. [23:42] <+potifi> taking too much anti depressants
  72. [23:43] <+boombear> lol no i just said that i barely knew gen
  73. [23:43] <@Fleischy> well we didn't find any news
  74. [23:43] <@Fleischy> from poland
  75. [23:43] <+boombear> but he'll be missed
  76. [23:43] <+boombear> wow
  77. [23:44] <+boombear> thats just .....messed up
  78. [23:44] <@Fleischy> now Sw is left with about 4 members
  79. [23:44] <@Fleischy> rip
  80. [23:44] <@Fleischy> ok 5
  81. [23:45] <+boombear> ooo
  82. [23:45] <+boombear> dnag thats messed up
  83. [23:45] <+boombear> *dang
  84. [23:45] <+boombear> woah man thats just heavy
  85. [23:45] <+potifi> yeah just like you
  87. [23:45] * +potifi ( Quit (Quit)
  88. [23:45] <+boombear> ......
  89. [23:46] <+boombear> that was gay...
  90. [23:46] <+boombear> and i only way like 70 something
  91. [23:46] <+boombear> tons oooooooo
  92. [23:46] <+boombear> jk
  93. [23:46] <+boombear> i way 73 pounds
  94. [23:46] <@Fleischy> what's that in a real system
  95. [23:46] <+boombear> lol way i meant weigh
  96. [23:46] <@Fleischy> like, metric
  97. [23:46] <+boombear> o i dont know all that metric crap
  98. [23:46] <@Fleischy> 73 kilos is quite heavy
  99. [23:46] <+boombear> thold on lers see
  100. [23:47] <@Fleischy> you mean the only system that matters
  101. [23:47] <+boombear> no not 73 kilos noo
  102. [23:47] <+boombear> hold on
  103. [23:47] <+boombear> stupid metric system
  104. [23:47] <@Fleischy> you mean the logical system
  105. [23:47] <@Fleischy> where each level is evenly divided in 10s
  106. [23:47] <+boombear> its
  107. [23:47] <@Fleischy> 10 centimeters in a dm, 10 dms in a meter, 1000 meters in a km, etc
  108. [23:47] <@Fleischy> not
  109. [23:47] <@Fleischy> like
  110. [23:48] <+boombear> 33.1122
  111. [23:48] <@Fleischy> 30 in something 10 in something 2939 in something
  112. [23:48] <@Fleischy> do americans even know how to calculate without calculators
  113. [23:48] <+boombear> o im only 33 kilo
  114. [23:48] <@Fleischy> eat more fried chicken and watermelon
  115. [23:48] <+boombear> lol...
  116. [23:48] <+boombear> yes fleichy we do
  117. [23:49] <+boombear> other country think were wastefull and we have to much of everything...
  118. [23:49] <+boombear> i disagree
  119. [23:49] <+neg> usa sucks
  120. [23:50] <+boombear> what country are you .....
  121. [23:50] <@Fleischy> except the other countries do make sense don't they
  122. [23:50] <@Fleischy> USA is the only country not to have signed the kyoto protocol
  123. [23:50] <@Fleischy> and is the biggest emitter of greenhouse gases
  124. [23:51] <+neg> kyoto makes anime noob
  125. [23:51] <+neg> !google kyoani
  126. [23:51] <@|Pussy|> Google search results for "kyoani":
  127. [23:51] <@|Pussy|> 1. Kyoto Animation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
  128. [23:51] <@|Pussy|> 2. Anime - -
  129. [23:51] <+neg> see
  130. [23:51] <+boombear> tand green houses gasses is actually helpfull
  131. [23:51] <+boombear> u never trust Wikipedia
  132. [23:52] <+boombear> but green house does polute
  133. [23:52] <+neg> white house too
  134. [23:52] <@Fleischy> right
  135. [23:52] <+boombear> lol the white a building
  136. [23:52] <+boombear> lol
  137. [23:52] <+boombear> were the president lives
  138. [23:52] <+neg> wow no shit
  139. [23:53] <+boombear> lol
  140. [23:53] <@Fleischy> this guy is smart
  141. [23:53] <+boombear> lol my IQ is 10713873468234875+ and counting lol
  142. [23:54] <+neg>
  143. [23:54] <@|Pussy|> - Failed to load page.
  144. [23:54] <@Fleischy> after 0. , sure
  145. [23:54] <@Fleischy> I hate aluminum
  146. [23:55] <+boombear> ...
  147. [23:55] <+boombear> seriously neg
  148. [23:55] <+boombear> i remeber some racist mofo kept posting annoying racist post on some irc then after i get banned he uploads pics of himseld
  149. [23:55] <@Fleischy> must have been MKU
  150. [23:56] <+boombear> and im all like...... hes all like jajjajajaj
  151. [23:56] <+neg> more like zeka
  152. [23:56] <+boombear> yae thats his face
  153. [23:56] <+zeka> u fkn wot
  154. [23:56] <+boombear> whos dat
  155. [23:56] <+boombear> ...nvm
  156. [23:56] <@Fleischy> zeka tell us a thing or 2 about americans
  157. [23:56] <+zeka> no
  158. [23:56] <+zeka> fuck u
  159. [23:56] <+zeka> u turk shit
  160. [23:57] <+boombear> ...zeka im american to
  161. [23:57] <+zeka> k
  162. [23:57] <+boombear> lol waait ur turkish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  163. [23:57] <+zeka> don't care
  164. [23:57] <+boombear> wait ur fkign turkish
  165. [23:57] <+boombear> lol
  166. [23:57] <+zeka> no i'm portuguese
  167. [23:57] <+zeka> or what uneducated americans would call spanish
  168. [23:57] <@Fleischy> last time I checked I was russian
  169. [23:57] <+boombear> isnt that that place were indians live and there all in poverty,and are lots of terriost
  170. [23:57] <@Fleischy> dunno, never been here
  171. [23:57] <+zeka> shut up u turk
  172. [23:57] <@Fleischy> not surprised if that's what they taught you in usa schools
  173. [23:58] <+boombear> Zeka im fking american..............
  174. [23:58] <+zeka> i don't care
  175. [23:58] <+zeka> go wave your freedom missiles somewhere else
  176. [23:58] <+zeka> im not buying them
  177. [23:58] <+boombear> lol no but Afghanastan is a state that has terriost
  178. [23:58] <+zeka> afghanistan maybe
  179. [23:58] <+zeka> but hey you're pulling out aren't you
  180. [23:58] <@Fleischy> yes every country except usa has terrorists
  181. [23:58] <@Fleischy> theyre bad evil people who want your freedomz
  182. [23:58] <+zeka> and germany has nazi scum
  183. [23:59] <+zeka> and russia has commie shit
  184. [23:59] <@Fleischy> :(
  185. [23:59] <+boombear> wait in russia wasnt it true if u were a jew back then if you were in the army and if you quit wouldnt you be assasinated
  186. [23:59] <+boombear> and is it true in russia whats a russian pessent?
  187. [23:59] <+boombear> and is it true back then soilders hated jews to like germans
  188. [23:59] <+boombear> lol
  189. [23:59] <+boombear> just some on my personal questions
  190. [00:00] <+boombear> And is it true in russia if u were to worship god in public would u be killed?
  191. [00:00] <@Fleischy> no, no and no
  192. [00:00] <@Fleischy> and no
  193. [00:00] <+boombear> what about the
  194. [00:00] <+boombear> nvm
  195. [00:00] <+boombear> tokay
  196. [00:00] <+zeka> russia is orthodox
  197. [00:00] <@Fleischy> and quite strongly so
  198. [00:00] <+boombear> waaaaaaait
  199. [00:00] <+boombear> 1 more question plz
  200. [00:00] <@Fleischy> a lot of people are religious
  201. [00:00] <@Fleischy> i mean in %
  202. [00:01] <+zeka> put ur hand up for question
  203. [00:01] <@Fleischy> I'll get back to you on that
  204. [00:01] <+boombear> is it true if ur russian and u want to leave russia to go to ammerica is it true sometimes soldiers wont let you leave??????????????????
  205. [00:01] <@Fleischy> - sally 2012
  206. [00:01] <@Fleischy> no it's not
  207. [00:01] <@Fleischy> this isn't 1950s
  208. [00:01] <+boombear> *raises hand again
  209. [00:01] <@Fleischy> probably should be though
  210. [00:01] <+zeka> >2014
  211. [00:01] <@Fleischy> was much better when western culture was out of russia
  212. [00:02] <+zeka> yes
  213. [00:02] <+zeka> all hail the motherland
  214. [00:02] <@Fleischy> no fucking faggots everywhere
  215. [00:02] <+boombear> is it true in russia in school if u talk to a guys girfriend in school the teachers allow them to fight for the girl?
  216. [00:02] <@Fleischy> no it's not
  217. [00:02] <+boombear> o
  218. [00:02] <@Fleischy> we're humans, not dogs
  219. [00:02] <+zeka> it is here !!!!
  220. [00:02] <+boombear> okay end of questions
  221. [00:02] <@Fleischy> good
  222. [00:02] <@Fleischy> you were about to leave?
  223. [00:02] <+boombear> anyone got any questions for me an american
  224. [00:02] <+zeka> no
  225. [00:02] <@Fleischy> no
  226. [00:03] <+boombear> okay
  227. [00:03] <+boombear> lol
  228. [00:03] <+boombear> so 1 more
  229. [00:03] <+zeka> unless you wanna tell me your weight, how many guns you own and if you went to walmart today
  230. [00:03] <+boombear> is it true
  231. [00:03] <+boombear> ??
  232. [00:03] <+neg> what is the deal with walmart anyway
  233. [00:03] <@Fleischy> we all know he's 400 kilos, owns 3 snipers, 10 handguns and 7 rifles, and he bought 50 bigmacs for breakfast
  234. [00:03] <+boombear> 33killos (73 pounds) 3 guns and no i havent
  235. [00:03] <+zeka> k
  236. [00:03] <@Fleischy> the NSA told us
  237. [00:03] <+zeka> ur skiny as shit
  238. [00:04] <+boombear> fle no i dont
  239. [00:04] <+neg> dont you guys have one shop that is in every smallest city
  240. [00:04] <+zeka> unless you converted shit wrong
  241. [00:04] <+zeka> oh starbucks
  242. [00:04] <@Fleischy> 73 pounds is 400 kilos
  243. [00:04] <+neg> wait
  244. [00:04] <+zeka> yea he converted shit wrong
  245. [00:04] <@Fleischy> yea
  246. [00:04] <+boombear> lol
  247. [00:04] <+boombear> whats the NSA??????????????
  248. [00:04] <@Fleischy> the thing in your xbox
  249. [00:04] <+neg> boombear #1 troll 2014 so far
  250. [00:04] <+boombear> o
  251. [00:05] <+boombear> do youll have Xboxes in ur countrys?
  252. [00:05] <@Fleischy> I never had a console
  253. [00:05] <+neg> i do
  254. [00:05] <@Fleischy> other than PC
  255. [00:05] <+neg> ahahahha loser
  256. [00:05] <@Fleischy> :(
  257. [00:05] <+neg> <Fleischy> I never had a console
  258. [00:05] <+neg> <Fleischy> other than PC
  259. [00:05] <+neg> <Fleischy> other than PC
  260. [00:05] <+boombear> are you'll living in poverty?
  261. [00:05] <@Fleischy> yea
  262. [00:05] <+neg> shit nigger
  263. [00:05] <@Fleischy> we all want to live in glorious america
  264. [00:05] <+boombear> lol Fle if i could
  265. [00:05] <+neg> i had 5 consoles
  266. [00:05] <@Fleischy> ok I had a PSP too
  267. [00:05] <+neg> still have
  268. [00:05] <+boombear> i'd sbuy you'll pasports
  269. [00:05] <+neg> uh 5
  270. [00:06] <@Fleischy> it sucked so much ass i didnt want to mention it
  271. [00:06] <+boombear> and you'd come to america
  272. [00:06] <+neg> ahahhahahahhaha
  273. [00:06] <@Fleischy> omg i cant wait :)))))))
  274. [00:06] <+zeka> how's texas
  275. [00:06] <+boombear> and see whats its like
  276. [00:06] <@Fleischy> im sure its the best contri in teh wrold :DDDDDD
  277. [00:06] <+boombear> how the fk do u know i live in texas..
  278. [00:06] <+neg> after all you are just buttmad jelly
  279. [00:06] <+boombear> lol!
  280. [00:06] <+neg> because living in america is cool
  281. [00:06] <@Fleischy> boombear remember how i found out your address once
  282. [00:06] <+boombear> texas is a state
  283. [00:06] <+zeka> and if my calculations are correct
  284. [00:06] <+zeka> pearland
  285. [00:06] <+boombear> o yae
  286. [00:06] <@Fleischy> so yea
  287. [00:06] <+boombear> ...!!!!!!!!!!!
  288. [00:06] <+boombear> omfg !fle
  289. [00:06] <@Fleischy> ;)
  290. [00:06] <+atlan> I am starving in poverty here in germany
  291. [00:06] <@Fleischy> read my pastebins
  292. [00:06] <+boombear> 1why the hell did you tell them
  293. [00:06] <+atlan> feed me uncle sam
  294. [00:07] <@Fleischy> because they want to come to america the best countri
  295. [00:07] <+boombear> there probably fking terriosy...
  296. [00:07] <@Fleischy> of course they are
  297. [00:07] <+boombear> lol
  298. [00:07] <@Fleischy> they're not americans
  299. [00:07] <+boombear> when i grow up i want to be a lawyer
  300. [00:07] <+boombear> or in the Airforce
  301. [00:07] <@Fleischy> you have to go to school for that one
  302. [00:07] <+boombear> or marine core
  303. [00:07] <+zeka> corps*
  304. [00:07] <@Fleischy> army doesn't take anorexics
  305. [00:07] <@Fleischy> corpse*
  306. [00:07] <+boombear> i know that Fle i go to school every day
  307. [00:08] <+boombear> this week was spring break
  308. [00:08] <@Fleischy> sunday school doesnt count
  309. [00:08] <+zeka> is it spring yet
  310. [00:08] <+boombear> lol
  311. [00:08] <+boombear> ...
  312. [00:08] <@Fleischy> its always sunny in america
  313. [00:08] <+boombear> in our part of the golbe it is
  314. [00:08] <@Fleischy> !!!!!
  315. [00:08] <+boombear> no fle it actually ranied today
  316. [00:08] <+boombear> rained
  317. [00:08] <@Fleischy> rained mana from heaven
  318. [00:09] <+boombear> yae
  319. [00:10] <+boombear> so whats it lke in a russian school Fle?????????
  320. [00:10] <+neg> probably shit
  321. [00:10] <+boombear> neg were th fk ar eu from
  322. [00:10] <+boombear> ...
  323. [00:10] <@Fleischy> well
  324. [00:10] <+neg> <Fleischy> from poland
  325. [00:10] <+boombear> im pretty sure russia is better than ur crap so dont say shi* like dat
  326. [00:11] <@Fleischy> if youre a nerd you get beaten up daily
  327. [00:11] * zeka is now known as zeka|afk
  328. [00:11] <@Fleischy> if youre a gurl you get fuckd daily
  329. [00:11] <+boombear> im not a nerd :F
  330. [00:11] <+neg> its better but still shit
  331. [00:11] <+boombear> u must get fucked and beat
  332. [00:11] <+boombear> lol!
  333. [00:11] <+boombear> jk
  334. [00:11] <+neg> yes
  335. [00:11] <@Fleischy> lol!
  336. [00:11] <+neg> Haha!
  337. [00:11] <+boombear> its was a good joke
  339. [00:12] <+boombear> and now its gone...
  340. [00:12] <+boombear> but are u serious peps get beat up like dat and girls get banged
  341. [00:12] <@Fleischy> yes while the teachers are watching
  342. [00:12] <+boombear> o
  343. [00:12] <@Fleischy> and all of that while we're drunk
  344. [00:12] <+boombear> cool
  345. [00:12] <@Fleischy> and high on crocodil
  346. [00:12] <+boombear> lol
  347. [00:12] <+boombear> ...dude u make ur country look ba
  348. [00:12] <@Fleischy> and then we get shipped off to crimea
  349. [00:12] <+boombear> *bad
  350. [00:12] <+neg> it would be funny if it wasnt true
  351. [00:12] <@Fleischy> ikr
  352. [00:13] <+boombear> lol
  353. [00:13] <+boombear> qwews crimea whats that
  354. [00:13] <+boombear> weres
  355. [00:13] <+boombear> lol
  356. [00:13] <@Fleischy> where russia is at war with ukraine
  357. [00:14] <+atlan> may I set up the gas chamber
  358. [00:14] <@Fleischy> ukraine is a country next to russia
  359. [00:14] <@Fleischy> yes atlan
  360. [00:14] <+boombear> o they send children into war?????????????
  361. [00:14] <@Fleischy> yea
  362. [00:14] <@Fleischy> everyone fights for mighty putin
  363. [00:14] <+boombear> ...
  364. [00:14] <+atlan> mother russia
  365. [00:14] <+boombear> im lucky im not russian
  366. [00:14] <+atlan> vodka vodka
  367. [00:14] <@Fleischy> we believe in our glorious leader
  368. [00:14] <+boombear> but if i had to fight i would
  369. [00:14] <@Fleischy> DA SJUDA SUKA
  370. [00:14] <+boombear> who's ur leader
  371. [00:14] <+boombear> lol
  372. [00:15] <@Fleischy> putin of course
  373. [00:15] <+neg> Fleischy
  374. [00:15] <+boombear> what kinda name
  375. [00:15] <+boombear> ;p;
  376. [00:15] <@Fleischy> you know who's the president of russia right
  377. [00:15] <+neg> obobo
  378. [00:15] <@Fleischy> hint: snowden
  379. [00:15] <+boombear> sure...
  380. [00:15] <+boombear> its snowden
  381. [00:15] <+neg> zeb is way more annoying than jdrew
  382. [00:16] <+neg> like
  383. [00:16] <+boombear> u tthink jdrew is anoying
  384. [00:16] <+neg> holy shit
  385. [00:16] <+neg> why does he have age: 28
  386. [00:16] <+boombear> idk
  387. [00:16] <+boombear> heard about that time someone sold jdrew some weed
  388. [00:17] <+boombear> then he gets jumped by the same group lol...
  389. [00:17] <+atlan> neg: who
  390. [00:17] <+neg> zeb
  391. [00:17] <+neg> zeb 99
  392. [00:17] <+boombear> ?
  393. [00:18] <+atlan> lol
  394. [00:18] <+boombear> fle but why were so mean to me when i meat u..?
  395. [00:19] <+neg> meat
  396. [00:19] <+neg> fleischy
  397. [00:19] <+neg> get it
  398. [00:19] <+boombear> lol
  399. [00:19] <@Fleischy> because I'm meaty
  400. [00:19] <+boombear> ....
  401. [00:19] <+atlan> I'll give you meat
  402. [00:19] <+boombear> seriouslly thought why'd you always tryan make me suffer
  403. [00:19] <+boombear> i suffered D:
  404. [00:19] <+boombear> jk
  405. [00:19] <+boombear> but real talk why
  406. [00:20] <@Fleischy> let me put it this way
  407. [00:20] <+boombear> okay go ahead
  408. [00:20] <@Fleischy> no matter how hard i try to explain it to you, your brain is simply shaped in the way that prevents you from understanding my reasons
  409. [00:20] <@Fleischy> so I'll just let you spend sleepless nights trying to figure it out
  410. [00:20] <+boombear> dude just tell besides insulting me
  411. [00:21] <+boombear> me
  412. [00:21] <@Fleischy> now I'm getting a headache which I didn't want to get
  413. [00:21] <@Fleischy> so would you be so kind and remove yourself
  414. [00:21] <+boombear> sorry...
  415. [00:21] <+boombear> how about i just stfu
  416. [00:21] <+neg> no
  417. [00:21] <@Fleischy> yeah how about that
  418. [00:21] <+boombear> sounds good then...shutting up
  419. [00:22] <+boombear> I cam in like a wrecking baaaaaaallllllllll
  420. [00:22] <+boombear> sorry it was so tempting ......
  421. [00:22] <+neg> starships were ment to flyyyyyy
  422. [00:22] <@Fleischy> baby baby baby ooooooooooooooh
  423. [00:22] <+boombear> yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  424. [00:23] <+boombear> this is no situation
  425. [00:23] <+boombear> im just a kid having pride in this nation
  426. [00:23] <+boombear> this is my motivation
  427. [00:23] <+boombear> come to school to get and education
  428. [00:23] <+boombear> so dont try me with ur accusation
  429. [00:23] <+boombear> for youll be in for a long conversation
  430. [00:23] <+boombear> and hear me out u wont ever defeat my americanazation
  431. [00:23] <+neg> did anyone notice how his gramar suddenly improved
  432. [00:24] <+boombear> and if u think u can neg
  433. [00:24] <@Fleischy> neg, a chimpanzee is not much different from a gorilla
  434. [00:24] <+boombear> u might need a vacation
  435. [00:24] <+neg> what
  436. [00:24] <+boombear> or is just that ur brain is the size of a grain of sand
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