
Doraemon Robot Wars Sources

Jun 10th, 2016
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  1. Huge thanks to Frostcalibur; wouldn't have been possible without his translations.
  2. Compiled by BedheadBernie (
  4. Footage
  6. Description:
  7. The general plot of the film centres around a Robotics Exhibition in Taiwan (that's right, Nobita and Doraemon live in Taiwan) where they are voting for the world's best robot. One weird professor is really committed to developing the world's best robot, but has his spotlight suddenly stolen from him when Doraemon and Nobita somehow end up entering the competition. Having been accidentally coerced into the competition, Doraemon used a wide variety of gadgets to defeat his opponents and ended up winning the World's Most Excellent Robot award (it was a bit like that tournament in Dragon Ball [TL Note: I don't follow Dragon Ball so I have no idea what the name of the place is in English. Here's an image though]). The weird professor is so frustrated by this that he begins to develop an evil robot to defeat Doraemon. Meanwhile, Doraemon has become a household name overnight and is now a big star. Wanting to become a star and experience the spotlight as well, Nobita uses a gadget to disguise himself as Doraemon. The result of this is that Nobita, disguised as Doraemon, ends up being abducted by the weird professor's evil robot. Once he learns of this Doraemon immediately sets out to rescue Nobita. Meanwhile, still really obsessed with ensuring the world realises his robots are the best in the world, the weird professor sends out an army of robots to carry out terrorist attacks all around the world. Eventually Doraemon saves Nobita and manages to learn the weakness of the professor's robots, a fear of a certain type of gemstone. With this knowledge a group of the world's most powerful elementary school students are able to set out on an adventure, find the gemstone, and save the world.
  9. Advertisement
  12. Film Information File
  14. 電影檔案
  15. Film Information File
  16. 小叮噹大戰機器人
  17. Doraemon Battles Against Robots
  18. 中文片名 小叮噹大戰機器人
  19. Title of Film in Chinese: Doraemon Battles Against Robots
  20. 色彩種類 彩色
  21. Colour Type: Colour
  22. 影片規格 35mm
  23. Film Specifications: 35mm
  24. 影片時間 83
  25. Length of Film 83 minutes
  26. 分級級數 普遍級
  27. Motion Picture Rating/Certification: Standard
  28. 出品年份 1983
  29. Release Date: 1983
  30. 出品國家 中華民國
  31. Country of Origin: Republic of China (This is basically something Taiwan calls themselves to indicate that they independent from Mainland China)
  32. 發行公司 金淮電影事業有限公司
  33. Distribution Company: Jin Huai Film Industry Limited
  34. 導演 王亞權
  35. Director: Wang Ya Quan
  36. 編劇 方于
  37. Screenwriter: Fang Yu
  38. 製片人 羅理平
  39. Producer: Luo Li Ping
  43. : : 小叮噹大戰機器人 Doraemon Battles Against Robots
  44. : 濃濃的盜版風 Strong piracy culture/practices [TL Note: Note quite sure about this, having read through everything though it may basically be a plea to the pirating community]
  45. : 看了一下上映年份 It seems the year it began showing
  46. : 是1983年 was 1983
  47. : 上網搜尋了一下相關資料 Some information I found was able to find online:
  48. : 劇情大意大概是台灣舉辦了一場機器人博覽會(對,大雄跟小叮噹住在台灣) The general plot of the film centres around a Robotics Exhibition in Taiwan (that's right, Nobita and Doraemon live in Taiwan)
  49. : 大會要票選出世界上最棒的機器人 Where they are voting for the world's best robot.
  50. : 有一位怪博士致力於研究出最棒的機器人 There's this one weird professor who is really committed to developing the world's best robot
  51. : 卻被來看展亂入的小叮噹與大雄組搶盡了鋒頭 But has his spotlight suddenly stolen from him when Doraemon and Nobita somehow end up entering the competition.
  52. : 誤打誤撞被強推去參賽的小叮噹用許多神奇的道具打敗了所有的參賽者 Having been accidentally coerced into the competition, Doraemon used a wide variety of gadgets to defeat his opponents
  53. : 得到了世界最優秀機器人獎(有點像天下第一武道大會冠軍) And ended up winning the World's Most Excellent Robot award (it was a bit like that tournament in Dragon Ball)
  54. : 怪博士因此懷恨在心,並開始開發打敗小叮噹的邪惡機器人 The weird professor is so frustrated by this that he begins to develop an evil robot to defeat Doraemon.
  55. : 然後小叮噹一夕之間成了全台灣家喻戶曉的大明星 After this Doraemon became a household name overnight and is now a big star.
  56. : 大雄為了過過當明星的癮,就用道具把自己打扮成小叮噹去感受鎂光燈下的虛榮 Wanting to become a star and experience the spotlight as well, Nobita uses a gadget to disguise himself as Doraemon.
  57. : 結果怪博士的邪惡機器人出現綁走了假扮成小叮噹的大雄 The result of this is that Nobita, disguised as Doraemon, ends up being abducted by the weird professor's evil robot.
  58. : 天下第一武道大會冠軍小叮噹出馬去救出大雄 Once he learns of this Doraemon immediately sets out to rescue Nobita.
  59. : 於此同時走火入魔的怪博士為了讓全世界知道自己的機器人才是最優秀的 Meanwhile, still really obsessed with ensuring the world realises his robots are the best in the world,
  60. : 派出了機器人軍團去對世界各地進行恐怖攻擊 The weird professor sends out an army of robots to carry out terrorist attacks all around the world.
  61. : 而小叮噹在救出大雄的同時也掌握了怪博士的機器人共同的弱點 Eventually Doraemon saves Nobita and is able to learn the weakness of the professor's robots,
  62. : 就是害怕某種寶石 A fear of a certain type of gemstone.
  63. : 然後世界最強小學生五人組展開大冒險,找到了這種寶石拯救全世界 With this knowledge a group of the world's most powerful elementary school students are able to set out on an adventure, find the gemstone, and save the world.
  64. : 欸,感覺其實蠻熱血的耶 Ay, it feels like it's actually pretty action-packed
  65. : 製作公司”宏廣” The production company, Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd.
  66. : 聽說是當時世界最大的動畫代工廠(現在不知道還是不是)Was apparently the largest animation studio in the world at the time (Not sure whether that is still the case now)
  67. : 當年台灣的動畫產業正準備要蓬勃發展,金馬獎甚至還有設立最佳動畫影片獎 At the time Taiwan's animation study was about to flourish, the Golden Horse Awards even set up an award for the Best Animated Film
  68. : 這部電影上映的時候版上應該還有很多人還沒出生吧 A lot of people here probably weren't born yet when the film was showing
  69. : 但聽說也在那年代的小學生間掀起了一股不小的轟動 But I've heard that it was pretty impactful on elementary students at the time
  70. : 有很多人在戲院裡面為小叮噹加油 A lot of people were cheering for Doraemon in theatres
  71. : 但是似乎找不到關於這部片子的影像相關資料 But I haven't been to any information about where to find a copy of this film
  72. : 聽說連"宏廣"都沒有 I've heard Wang Film Productions don't have a copy either
  73. : 國家電影歷史資料館裡似乎也沒有 It doesn't appear to be in the National Film Archive either
  74. : 那....到底哪裡有!? So... Where can I find it?!
  75. : 好想看阿阿阿阿阿阿阿阿阿阿阿阿阿 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really want to watch it, argh!!!!!
  76. : 怎麼會有這種夢幻逸品阿阿阿阿阿 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How can there be such an elusive thing, argh!!!!!
  77. : 我願意出五萬收購錄影帶(如果有的話) I'm willing to pay 50 thousand TWD in order to acquire videotapes of the film (If they exist)
  78. : 意者站內信 [TL Note: I don't quite understand this, I think it might mean "I await your responses"]
  79. : 有看過的人可以分享心得嗎 Can people who have watched it share their honest thoughts on the film?
  80. 我回老家翻出了這捲錄影帶,分享給大家聞香一下 I went back to my parents' place to dig out the video tape, I'll share it here so everyone can have a look
  81. 影片 The film
  82. 截圖 Photos
  83. 劇情跟上面說的有點不太一樣 There are a number of areas where the plot of the film differs from what is described above
  84. 首先是大雄的爸爸被裁員,大雄跟小叮噹晚上去工廠一探究竟, First of all, Nobita's father lost his job. Nobita and Doraemon snuck into the factory in the middle of the night to find out why.
  85. 原來是人類員工都被怪博士做的高效能的機器人員工取代. It turns out that all the human workers were being put out of their jobs by robots the weird professor had developed.
  86. 大雄跟小叮噹就惡搞機器人員工,讓他們工作出錯. Nobita and Doraemon messed around with the robot workers, causing them to malfunction
  87. 後來劇情帶到機器人博覽會,小叮噹意外擊敗怪博士的機器人,跟怪博士結下樑子. Following this the film then went onto the Robotics Exhibition. What Doraemon did in the factory completely ruined the weird professor's robots, thus leading the professor to really hate Doraemon.
  88. 之後"宇宙總部"(類似科學小飛俠的無名主宰)警告怪博士要留意小叮噹. After this the "Headquarters of the Universe" (A bit like the Galactor from Gatchaman) warned the weird professor to keep his eye on Doraemon.
  89. "於此同時走火入魔的怪博士為了讓全世界知道自己的機器人才是最優秀的 派出了機器人軍團去對世界各地進行恐怖攻擊" "Meanwhile, still really obsessed with ensuring the world realises his robots are the best in the world, the weird professor sends out an army of robots to carry out terrorist attacks all around the world."
  90. 其實是怪博士先製作的一群盜版小叮噹做壞事,最後再開巨大機器人攻擊城市. Actually, the weird professor created a bunch of evil Doraemon to do bad deeds. Only towards the end did he unleash a giant robot on the city
  91. 破壞範圍大概只在台北市而已. The damage was also only in Taipei.
  92. "而小叮噹在救出大雄的同時也掌握了怪博士的機器人共同的弱點 就是害怕某種寶石 然後世界最強小學生五人組展開大冒險,找到了這種寶石拯救全世界" Eventually Doraemon saves Nobita and is able to learn the weakness of the professor's robots, a fear of a certain type of gemstone. With this knowledge a group of the world's most powerful elementary school students are able to set out on an adventure, find the gemstone, and save the world.
  93. 實際上是小叮噹自己回1000年前找寶石,留下手無寸鐵的大雄自己抵抗巨大機器人. In truth Doraemon went back a thousand years ago in time to find the gemstone, leaving Nobita to fight, unarmed, against the giant robot in the mean time.
  94. 不知道為什麼小學生大雄可以跟類似國軍的單位一起開坦克, I don't really know why an elementary student like Nobita was able to lead somehow lead a platoon of tanks
  95. 技安跟阿福也拿機關槍上場. 最後巨大機器人要破壞在台北市馬路中央的國軍總部時, 小叮噹從1000年前回來解救大家. Takeshi and Suneo were also able get a couple of guns and enter the battle. In the end the giant robot is about to destroy the military headquarters in Taipei when Doraemon returns from 1000 years ago and is able to save everyone.
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