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a guest
Nov 26th, 2015
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  1. #A script for grabbing the list of Splunk clients and comparing it to a list of active P1s.
  2. cls
  3. #Making sure we have the folders we need
  4. If (!(test-path "\\emeadkhovsand01\logs\ssn\splunksearch")) {new-item "\\emeadkhovsand01\logs\ssn\splunksearch" -type Directory}
  5. If (!(test-path "\\emeadkhovsand01\logs\ssn\splunksearch\Missingtmp")) {new-item "\\emeadkhovsand01\logs\ssn\splunksearch\Missingtmp" -type Directory}
  6. write-host "Purging old files"
  7. If (test-path "\\emeadkhovsand01\logs\ssn\splunksearch\missingtmp") {write-host "Clearing Missingtmp"; Remove-Item \\emeadkhovsand01\logs\ssn\splunksearch\missingtmp\*}
  8. If (test-path "\\emeadkhovsand01\logs\ssn\splunksearch\missing.txt") {write-host "Clearing Missing.txt"; Remove-Item \\emeadkhovsand01\logs\ssn\splunksearch\missing.txt}
  12. write-host "Grabbing the list of Splunk clients"
  13. $secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString "Password" -AsPlainText -Force
  14. $mycreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("username", $secpasswd)
  15. #dispatching the search
  16. $splunkdispatch = invoke-webrequest "https://url-to-splunk-server:8089/services/saved/searches/psrestpos/dispatch?" -method POST -credential $mycreds -Proxy "Http://webproxy:8080" -ProxyUseDefaultCredentials
  17. #find the SID
  18. $SIDRegex = "\d{9,}_\d{5,}"
  19. $SID = select-string -Pattern $SIDRegex -InputObject $splunkdispatch.content | % { $_.Matches }
  21. write-host "`rSaved search has been dispatched, waiting for search to finish and continuing in  5" -NoNewLine; start-sleep -s 1
  22. write-host "`rSaved search has been dispatched, waiting for search to finish and continuing in  4" -NoNewLine; start-sleep -s 1
  23. write-host "`rSaved search has been dispatched, waiting for search to finish and continuing in  3" -NoNewLine; start-sleep -s 1
  24. write-host "`rSaved search has been dispatched, waiting for search to finish and continuing in  2" -NoNewLine; start-sleep -s 1
  25. write-host "`rSaved search has been dispatched, waiting for search to finish and continuing in  1"; start-sleep -s 1
  27. $splunkresults = invoke-webrequest "https://url-to-splunk-server:8089/servicesNS/nobody/search/search/jobs/username__username__search__psrestpos_at_$SID/results?output_mode=csv&count=0"-credential $mycreds -Proxy "Http://webproxy:8080" -ProxyUseDefaultCredentials
  29. #Strip the list of anything but the hostnames
  30. $regex = "PRD-[a-zA-Z]{2}0\d{3}-P1"
  31. $splunkhosts = select-string -Pattern $regex -InputObject $splunkresults.content -AllMatches | % { $_.Matches } | % { $_.Value.ToUpper() } | sort-object $_.Value
  32. $splunkresults.content > splunkhosts.txt
  33. $splunkcount = $Splunkhosts.count
  34. write-host "$splunkcount hosts found"
  35. write-host "Searching the AD for P1s that have been active within the past 21 days"
  36. $d = ((Get-Date).ticks-18144000000000)
  37. $d2 = [DateTime]$d
  38. $strFilter = "(&(objectCategory=Computer)(Name=PRD-*P1)(LastLogon<=$d))"
  39. $objSearcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
  40. $objSearcher.SearchRoot = $objDomain
  41. $SR = "Domain"
  42. $objSearcher.PageSize = 1000
  43. $objSearcher.Filter = $strFilter
  44. $objSearcher.SearchScope = "Subtree"
  45. $colProplist = "dnshostname"
  46. foreach ($i in $colPropList){$objSearcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add($i)}
  48. $colResults = $objSearcher.FindAll()
  49. $hostlist = select-string -Pattern $regex -InputObject $ -AllMatches | % { $_.Matches } | % { $_.Value.ToUpper() } | select-object -unique | sort-object $_.Value
  50. write-host "AD Search completed"
  52. Write-host "Let's see who's missing"
  53. $Missingtmp = $hostlist | ?{$splunkhosts -notcontains $_}
  54. #Strip the list of anything but hostnames
  55. $Missing = select-string -Pattern $regex -InputObject $Missingtmp -AllMatches | % { $_.Matches } | % { $_.Value.ToUpper() } | select-object -unique | sort-object $_.Value
  57. #We only need the ones that respond to ping
  58. write-host "List of missing sessions generated, pinging now."
  59. write-host "Captain Ramius: Re-verify our range to target... one ping only."
  60. write-host "Capt. Vasili Borodin: Captain, I - I - I just..."
  61. write-host "Captain Ramius: Give me a ping, Vasili. One ping only, please."
  62. write-host "Capt. Vasili Borodin: Aye, Captain."
  64. Workflow Ramius
  65. {
  66. param($targets)
  67.     Foreach -Parallel ($target in $targets)
  68.     {
  69.         If(Test-Connection -Cn "$target" -Count 1 -TimeToLive 120 -quiet)
  70.         {Add-Content -path "\\emeadkhovsand01\logs\ssn\splunksearch\Missingtmp\$target.txt" -value $target}
  71.     }
  72. }    
  73. Ramius $Missing
  74. $PingedTargets = dir \\emeadkhovsand01\logs\ssn\splunksearch\Missingtmp\* -include *.txt -rec | gc
  75. select-string -Pattern $regex -InputObject $PingedTargets -AllMatches | % { $_.Matches } | % { $_.Value.ToUpper() } | select-object -unique | sort-object $_.Value > "\\emeadkhovsand01\logs\ssn\splunksearch\missing.txt"
  76. $Count = 0
  77. foreach ($counter in $PingedTargets)
  78.     {
  79.     $Count = $Count+1
  80.     }
  81. write-host "$Count missing Splunk forwarders, deploying them now."
  82. invoke-expression "\\emeadkhovsand01\scripts\ssn\psmagi\bulk_noconfirm.ps1 \\emeadkhovsand01\logs\ssn\splunksearch\missing.txt \\emeadkhovsand01\scripts\production\splunkfwd.vbs 0 120 MissingSplunks D"
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