Guest User

ban za smierc

a guest
Sep 2nd, 2014
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  1. options:
  2. deadmsg : &cUmarles,poczekaj 3 dni albo odbanuj sie za SMS na
  3. tag : &
  4. strona : &
  5. czasban : 3 days
  6. czasp : 10 second
  7. variables:
  8. {ban.%player%} = false
  9. on death of player:
  10. strike lightning effect at the player
  11. send "{@tag} &4Masz {@czasp} na pozegnanie sie z serwerem.Mozesz sie odbanowac na {@strona}" to player
  12. wait {@czasp}
  13. set {skript.%player%.dead} to true
  14. execute console command "/kick %player% (@deadmsg} {@strona}"
  15. execute console command "/tempban %player% 3d"
  16. execute console command "/tempbanip %ip% 3d"
  17. wait {@czasban}
  18. set {skript.%player%.dead} to false
  19. execute console command "unban %player%"
  20. on connect:
  21. if {skript.%player%.dead} is true:
  22. kick player due to "{@tag} {@deadmsg} {@strona}"
  23. on death of player:
  24. if player has permissions "hc.admin.noded":
  25. set {skript.%player%.dead} to false
  26. command /hc odbanuj [<offlineplayer>]:
  27. trigger:
  28. if player has permissions "hc.admin":
  29. if arg 1 is offline:
  30. set {skript.%player%.dead} to false
  31. if arg 2 "%player%" is banned:
  32. execute console command "/unban %player%"
  33. send "&2Pomyslnie odbanowano gracz %player% !"
  34. else:
  35. send "&cBlad: Gracz &a%arg player%&c nie jest zbanowany !. jest Online!"
  36. else:
  37. send "&cBlad: Nie masz uprawnien"
  38. stop
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