

Aug 19th, 2015
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  1. Character's name: Erik
  3. -Are they named after you?
  4. No
  5. -Does the name sound like yours?
  6. No
  7. -Is it your nickname?
  8. No
  9. -Is a name you wish you had?
  10. no
  11. -Is their first or last name a conjuction of words that are either nouns/verbs?
  12. Maybe? yes?
  13. =Do they combine to make it sound poetic/awesome/intimidating?
  14. No
  15. Other basic info:
  17. -Is your character around Ed's age?
  18. Yes
  19. =Practices alchemy?
  20. Yes or trys too
  21. ==Is just as good, or better than Ed? (+3)
  22. No
  23. -The age you wish you were, or changes with yours?
  24. No
  25. -Are they a Homunculus?
  26. No i wish he was though
  27. =Partially a Homunculus?
  28. ==Can use alchemy? (+5)
  29. ==Has a power than can easily be used to godmod? (+10)
  31. -Are they a chimera?
  32. no
  33. =Of more than one animal and human?
  34. =Were they kidnapped for this to happen?
  36. -Some other type of alchemically enhanced being?
  37. No
  38. =Were they kidnapped for this to happen?
  40. -If they are a chimera, are they part wolf or cat?
  41. No
  42. =Neko?
  43. =Kitsune?
  45. -Do they show no signs of being a chimera other than a few features?
  46. No
  47. =Ears and tail?
  48. =Just tail?
  49. =Just ears?
  51. -Can they shapeshift? (+3)
  52. No
  53. Appearance:
  54. He is about 6 ft tall, the tone of his skin is white.
  55. -Are they exceptionally attractive?
  56. to be honest, thats a big idk Yes and no
  57. =Is it often pointed out to them?
  58. No
  59. -Do they have a great physique which is often described/pointed out?
  60. No never was poitned out
  61. -Do you go out of your way to describe if they are specifically NOT attractive?
  62. No
  63. -Do they have hair which reaches past their waist [For male OCs: Mid-waist] which they let hang free?
  64. No
  65. =If they have hair longer than their shoulders, does it never seem to get in the way of combat or work?
  67. -Is their eye color something not normally seen IRL?
  68. No
  69. =Never seen IRL?
  70. ==Gold?
  71. ===Have funky shapes? (+5)
  73. -If they are a Homunculus, are their eyes a color other than violet, purple, or black?
  75. -Do they have automail not given to them by Pseu's treatments?
  76. No
  77. =With no reason?
  78. ==Did they recover and adjust to them quickly? (+3)
  79. ===If they are young, do they mysteriously never outgrow their automail? (+10)
  81. -Is their hair an unnatural color?
  82. No
  83. -Does their hair have different colored streaks or chunks?
  84. No
  85. -Does your character regularly wear mini-skirts? (+999 for arctic climates if human)
  86. No
  87. -Do they usually wear clothing with texts or logos?
  88. No
  89. -Ed's red cloak? (+10)
  90. No
  91. -Something you wish you could get away with in public?
  92. No
  93. -Clothing that does not suit arctic conditions? (+5 if human)
  94. NO
  95. -Clothing like a character's in the anime?
  96. No
  97. -Does no one take note of your character's strange attire?
  98. NO
  99. History:
  101. -Are they a child of a character in the anime?
  102. No
  103. -Child of a homunculus?
  104. I wish but NO
  105. -Child of an anime character and other OC?
  106. No
  107. -Are they a sibling of an anime character?
  108. No
  109. =Your favorite character?
  110. Yes
  112. -Were they adopted by a canon?
  113. No
  115. -Do they end up living with or especially close to a canon? (+5)
  116. No
  117. -Are they a childhood friend of the Elrics or Rockbells? (+5)
  118. No
  119. -Were they abandoned?
  120. NO
  121. -Are they they last survivor of a race/family?
  122. Yes
  123. -Do they openly angst about their past?
  124. No
  125. -Is their tragic past used to draw attention?
  126. Yes
  127. =Used as an excuse?
  128. No
  129. -Do they feel guilty about their past?
  130. Yes
  131. =Do they have no reason to?
  132. No
  133. -Were their parents/guardians killed?
  134. No
  135. =By Scar?
  136. =By the State?
  137. =By a war?
  139. -Are the rules of the universe broken for them?
  140. No
  141. ====(The following are to be added normally, but if a state alchemist, added by +10 instead)
  143. -Did they pass through the gate from our world?
  144. He is able to use alchemy able to transmute stone so yes
  145. -Have they been 'sheltered' or kept away from the world during childhood?
  146. No
  147. -Are they very accomplished for their age?
  148. Yes
  149. -Extremely disireable or useful in the story's universe? (i.e., teen state alchemist)
  150. Yes
  151. ====(+10 scoring over.)
  153. Alchemy and Powers: he is able to transmute stone, such as raising it form the ground, or having a dome come around him, or have pillars rise out form the ground underneath his opponents. HE can also do metal transmutation, with flimsy and considered "Weak" metals. SUch as iron, copper, bronze, etc etc. but unable to manipulate stronger metals like tungsten, steel, tittanium. He didn't really learn it from anyone he was just able to do it. Does he know how he does it..No.
  155. -Do they posess a Philosopher's Stone? (+15)
  156. No
  157. -Are they a skilled alchemist?
  158. No
  159. -Better than Ed, yet younger than 25? (+10)
  160. No
  161. -Trained by a canon character? (+25)
  162. No
  163. -Are they an Ishvallen alchemist?
  164. No
  165. =Ishvallen State Alchemist? (+15)
  167. -Does their State Alchemsit title sound more pretty than intimidating?
  168. No
  169. -Are they never shunned/dislike for being a dog of the military?
  170. No
  171. -Are they considered "The best" at their alchemy?
  172. No
  173. -Have the seen the gate and or are able to transmute without a circle? (+10)
  174. Yes Metals and stone, as he has been practicing most of his life.
  175. =Without losing anything major?
  176. Yes
  177. ==Arm and Leg? (+5)
  178. No
  179. Desueifiers (-1 from your OC's tally.)
  181. -Is 40+ years old and looks like it
  182. -Is not an Alchemist, Homunculus, Chimera, Military, Ishvalen, or Xingese
  183. -Has a severe mental or physical issue bad enough to inhibit them
  184. -Has failed a State Alchemy exam simply because they were not good enough
  185. -Is honestly weak or out of shape
  186. -Is human and dislikes Ed/Al.
  187. -Is knowledgeable in Alchemy, but was taught by Tris over a long period of time.
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