
Lady Lady Short Story

Sep 16th, 2020
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  1. In layman's terms, the rescue bill for the ones infected by the A virus said: "The people carrying the A-virus are dangerous, but they still retain their human rights, therefore they shall be isolated on an artificial island".
  3. When the bill was approved by the UN to cover up these suspicions, the A-virus ability caused by the infection had already manifested in me.
  5. The abilities, on average, manifested themselves at 14 years old. And yet, as a precocious child, my infection progressed to the Extar ability - the manifestation of the Arm - when I was 9.
  7. Before the UN bill passed, the infected had no human rights. I hid my ability and lived holding my breath. I've never had any relatives since I was born, so there wasn't anyone in the whole world who would protect me.
  9. Then, one day, some men in black who presented themselves as members of the intelligence agency coming from my dead father's homeland (Nathless) appeared before me and told me this:
  10. "You're infected. The special ability in your body is enough to threaten modern society. Normal people are afraid of your power, some might try to drive you out even by force. However, if you'll answer our demands and if this power will help the development of your father's country, we'll protect you and promise you that you'll lead a normal life."
  11. As I was a precocious child, I instantly understood what they meant.
  12. "So you're saying I should become a government dog?"
  13. With what you'd call a surprised expression, the men in black said to me:
  14. "As of now, you're even lower than a dog."
  16. I don't know how they found out, but the intelligence agency knew about my ability. My Extar ability is to turn into an Arm that forcefully reverses transformations. They wanted to use me to impair other ability users, expose them and, if their ability was considered useful, the exposed person was to be taken into the agency; their purpose was to make it stronger.
  18. They told me I didn't have any say in this. I became an agent, teamed up with a Liberator (I don't remember her name) and exposed many ability wielders.
  19. By sacrificing girls with the same condition I had, I was granted a controlled "freedom".
  21. ~5 years later~
  23. The agency laid out a plan to expose a certain criminal gang. It seemed like in that gang there was an ability user because those criminals vanished from the crime scene into thin air. They ordered me to partake in the plan. I didn't have any reason to turn them down. Honestly, it was bothersome to even think about a reason to refuse.
  25. Catching people using my ability.
  26. Repeating this day after day.
  27. I didn't even care anymore.
  28. I was completely degraded to a dog. A tamed dog.
  30. A few days later, the exposing plan began.
  31. That scene surprised me.
  32. The weapon that materializes from my Extar ability - the forceful cancellation of the transformation, Disarmament Buster - didn’t hit the target.
  33. The exposed user rode a black bike (probably a weapon) and was escaping while dodging all of my attacks.
  35. ("They're not avoiding my attacks just because of their driving skills. That bike has a “will” and is avoiding them. They're a top class ability user, huh.")
  37. It was so disappointing to me – it was the first time I failed the mission – but that’s what set my heart on fire.
  38. Then I realized.
  39. I was depressed because everything always went smoothly. The ability to forcefully cancel the transformation is, in a way, invincible, so the word “surprise” was no longer in my dictionary.
  40. There is no game more boring than a game where you’ll always win. People who are satisfied by that are just sadists getting pleasure from tormenting others.
  41. I was enjoying the “surprise” that was growing inside of me.
  42. For the first time since I became an agent I felt “freedom”.
  43. The world is more interesting if anything doesn’t go the way you want it.
  44. But I don’t like things that don’t allow me to go the way I want.
  45. This ambivalence is taking over me.
  46. I cancelled my transformation by myself. My partner, the Liberator, was telling me to stop but I ignored her, jumped into the car and started to chase after the target.
  47. Even though there was no way I could catch up to them.
  48. Moreover, I didn’t even have a weapon.
  49. This was a “surprise” as well.
  50. Yeah, I felt so elated to the point I couldn’t control myself.
  51. I dashed at more than 180 MPH and thought to myself, "I wouldn’t reach the target even if I did this."
  52. And still, without even easing off the gas pedal, I smiled bitterly to myself.
  53. It was a real “surprise".
  54. And then I was met with something even more “surprising".
  55. I saw some lights at the other side of the highway.
  56. They were the headlights of a bike that should've already fled away.
  57. I hit the brakes.
  58. The rock tire left stains on the asphalt and oozed with a burning smell.
  59. I got out of the car and looked at the bike. The person who rode it was nowhere to be seen. Did they escape or just hide somewhere, watching...
  60. Suddenly, the bike reversed its transformation and showed herself.
  61. It was a woman wearing a black dress. She had long, purplish-red hair. Her eyes seemed kind of sad and left an impression on me. But more than that, I was captivated by her figure. Her chest stood out as if it had its own will and when contrasted with her tight waist... her proportions were unparalleled in the whole world. She was around the same age as me as well.
  63. I asked her:
  64. "Where's your partner?"
  65. The woman said, with a small smile:
  66. "Who knows."
  67. "Why were you waiting?"
  68. "Why were you following me by yourself?"
  69. "Surprised?"
  70. "Yes, I am."
  71. "You know, I think the same."
  72. It was kinda late, but I just realized that I was smiling.
  73. ("I’m enjoying it. The meeting with that woman. The meaningless conversation.
  74. I'm sure she is as well.")
  76. That’s why I was following and she was waiting.
  78. ---------------------------------------------------------------//----------------------------------------------------------
  80. I would've never thought she’d follow me by herself.
  81. I was really surprised. But I had a feeling that, perhaps, she would've done it.
  82. The woman getting out of the car had blond hair and, for a government’s dog, she was wearing a practical yet outrageous getup.
  83. ("Her style - even if to a lesser degree than mine - isn't bad at all. Since she's wearing sunglasses I can't be sure, but it seems like she's as old as I am.")
  85. I took an interest in her. Yes, I dodged her attacks, but it was the first time I had to swivel so much.
  86. ("She matches my speed; she’s above A-class, an S-class user.")
  87. I wanted to personally find out what kind of woman she was. Even if I had to get my partner off my bike.
  88. I would've never thought she’d be the same age as me...
  89. She told with a smile:
  90. "Are you the gang's leader?"
  91. I slightly shook my head and answered:
  92. "They just hired me. When you have this ability, you can’t get a decent job."
  93. "Yeah, I agree."
  94. Her eyes were tinged with sorrow.
  95. I thought the same. ("She's like me. We only have different employers – a criminal organization and the government.")
  96. Living a life limited by bonds.
  97. Could you say it’s really “living”?
  98. I felt a painful scream bubbling inside of me; I got closer to the girl with sunglasses. I didn't think too much about what I was doing but trusting her felt right, so I did it.
  99. ("These are my true feelings.")
  101. I stopped in front of her and said:
  102. "Feel like catching me?"
  103. "I don't know what to do."
  104. "You’re honest."
  105. "It’s only because it's you. You’re special."
  106. She reached out her hand with a loving look, and the moment her finger touched my cheek, I felt something burst inside of me.
  107. That contact shook my whole body.
  108. Instantly, all the cells in my body awakened and I felt free.
  109. ("It’s not an unpleasant feeling. Instead, the lingering trace of that touch makes my body tremble in pleasure.")
  111. Did I reach climax? Me? Just because her finger touched my cheek?
  112. But when I looked at her, her expression was ecstatic. Just like mine.
  113. Was it an after effect of being infected by the to A-virus?
  114. Or was it...
  115. Right after that, I saw an object coming at us with an earsplitting sound.
  116. "Is that a rocket?"
  117. The impact of the explosion right in front of us made us roll away from the road.
  118. ("It’s probably an attack by the Nathless intelligence agency.")
  119. She stood up and said:
  120. "They really hate you, huh?"
  121. "That’s because I made them suffer a lot. What about you, do your partners hate you too?"
  122. "Not at all. I'm the one who hates them."
  123. "I see."
  125. I looked in the direction the attack came from and asked her:
  126. "What's your plan? You can see what's our situation. You’re an Extar, and I am too. We can’t drive without a Liberator."
  127. "In other words, it's a catch 22."
  128. "Exactly."
  129. ("Even if our situation is dire, she's still smiling.
  130. And I'm smiling too.
  131. Most likely because we're together.
  132. Because even if we don’t know each other’s name and past we feel a sympathy between us.
  133. We can understand each other with a simple touch.")
  135. Since our eyes met, we were already driving.
  136. She was looking at me as she slowly drew her face to mine.
  137. I didn't push her away.
  138. She got closer and gently whispered:
  139. "What’s your name?"
  140. "I'm Lady J."
  141. "I’m Hasumi Rain."
  142. Our lips met.
  143. Sighing sweetly, Rain’s body started to release a light and changed its shape.
  144. ("This is the beginning of our bond.
  145. That kiss.
  146. I will never forget.")
  148. ---------------------------------------------------------------//----------------------------------------------------------
  150. According to the rescue bill, a 7th artificial island - a special, protected area - was created for the infected by the A-virus.
  151. It was also known as Mermaid.
  152. From the run-down trailer in the forest where Lady Lady live peacefully, far from the residential area, you can hear them sighing.
  153. Hasumi Rain and Lady J sleep naked.
  154. That way, they can always answer to each other's needs.
  155. That way, they can always feel each other.
  156. While burying her head into Lady J’s N-cup breasts and stroking one of her nipples, Hasumi Rain asks her:
  157. "J, why didn’t you use your Arm back then?"
  158. "You should already know why."
  159. "Heh."
  161. That time, when Lady J’s Liberator power bloomed, she turned Hasumi Rain into an Arm and prepared for a counterattack.
  162. However, she didn’t shoot.
  163. When Hasumi Rain grasped the meaning of her actions, she immediately understood why Lady J did it.
  164. Even if they escaped from that place, they couldn’t be actually “free”.
  165. If they were to return to the crime organization and the intelligence agency, all they’d get would be a controlled "freedom".
  166. That’s why J chose to get caught on purpose.
  167. Being isolated on the artificial island might be a “confinement” for anyone else, but not for them.
  168. Within those limits, they got their “freedom” in the very sense of the word.
  169. No one controlled them. No one would use them.
  170. If you want to leave the island just do everything you can - but if you don’t want to, just doing nothing is fine.
  171. Sleeping, eating and flirting whenever you feel like it.
  172. They’re “free”.
  174. Because of that, Hasumi Rain chose Lady J.
  175. And Lady J chose Hasumi Rain.
  176. They laid on top of each other many times. They’re so familiar with each other’s bodies now that there’s nothing they don’t know about them.
  177. That’s why even if they don’t do it the ordinary way, they're still able to drive.
  178. They think, "We both have Extar and Liberator powers but we didn’t become hybrids because of the virus.
  179. Our bond made that happen."
  181. The girls made a vow.
  182. Not to God but to themselves.
  183. To always be together.
  184. Not even death can do them part.
  185. Hasumi Rain kissed Lady J, who had just reached her climax from her touch and was breathing raggedly.
  186. It was the same as the day they met.
  187. The kiss of freedom.
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