
Pinkup Lines

Jun 20th, 2013
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  1. >Today was the day.
  2. >Today was the day that you, horse of pink with mane of poof, would achieve the goal that had been at the back of your mind for almost two months.
  3. >From the day he arrived, you knew this was the stallion- no, man- for you.
  4. >You recall the day like it was yesterday.
  5. >A tremendous cake had mysteriously appeared in the middle of Sugarcube Corner.
  6. >Before you could slay the beast and feast upon its confectionery entrails, he had burst forth from the top, shouting "SURPRISE!".
  7. >Apparently this grand entrance was meant for some bachelorette party back in his own world, before a magical mishap hurled him and his sugary prison through the dimensional barrier.
  8. >He took the surprise of it pretty well himself, you recall.
  9. >Since then he's adapted to his apparent new home easily, making friends and getting a new job at the Corner with you.
  10. >He's also been amazingly adept at deflecting or otherwise missing your many advances.
  11. >You weren't sure why, to be honest.
  12. >He was kind, funny, liked to make others happy (in his own special way); it seemed like the two of you were a perfect match.
  13. >But try as you might, he never seemed to catch on and take you for a romp in that magical land between the sheets.
  14. >But no longer.
  15. >Today, you were pulling out all the stops.
  16. >Today, he would be yours.
  17. "By any means necessary."
  18. >"Did you say something, Pinkie?"
  19. "Nope! Musta been the wind!"
  20. >"But we're inside..."
  21. "It was a strong wind."
  22. >"Hm... well, alright. Could you go help Anon in the kitchen? Orders are starting to pile up."
  23. "You got it, Mrs. Cake!"
  24. >Yes, perfect.
  25. >Back here, away from prying pony eyes, you could begin your plan.
  26. >For a moment you simply stood in the doorway and watched him work, sizing up your prey.
  27. >He eventually took notice of you, a smile lighting up his face.
  28. >"Hey Pinks, here to help with the baking?"
  29. "Yep! I figured you could use a hoof putting that bun in my oven."
  30. >He raises an eyebrow.
  31. >"I thought this was Mrs. Cake's oven."
  32. >Your smile falters only slightly.
  33. "Yes. It is. Silly me!"
  34. >You trot over and take the mixing bowl from him.
  35. "Here, let me do that for you. You must be tired, because you've been galloping through my dreams all night."
  36. >"Really? That's strange, you might want to talk to Luna about that."
  37. >It was lucky you had turned away to set the bowl on the counter, else he might have seen your smile drop away completely.
  38. >You do your best to put it back on before he notices.
  39. >"I'll get another baking tray."
  40. >You nod enthusiastically at him, still mixing.
  41. >Things weren't totally going as well as you had hoped, but then again you were only getting started.
  42. "So how are your friends in Cloudsdale?"
  43. >"Uh... I've never been to Cloudsdale."
  44. "Really? I heard you fell through it on your way down from heaven."
  45. >He chuckles lightly.
  46. >"Pinkie, I came here in a cake. You know that better than anyone."
  47. >You give a halfhearted laugh of your own in reply.
  48. "Right... of course."
  49. >The resistant human comes back over to your side, placing the tray down.
  50. >You begin pouring the batter into each cupcake mold, and try your charms again.
  51. "Hey, I'm planning a party later. A private one, just you and me. Clothing optional."
  52. >He laughs again.
  53. >"Hey, I know you ponies like to walk around in the nude all the time, but it's different where I come from."
  54. "Hahaha, yeah."
  55. >Dang, shot down again.
  56. But you were far from out of ammo.
  57. "Anon, I've been meaning to ask you something."
  58. >"What's that, Pinkie?"
  59. "You're not a Changeling, are you?"
  60. >He seems slightly distressed at this assertion.
  61. >"What? No. Why would you think that?"
  62. "Because you've stolen all the love from my heart."
  63. >"I don't think it was me, but if you think there's a changeling about, you might want to warn Twilight or something."
  64. >Your smile fades again as he turns to put the tray in the oven.
  65. >This was becoming irritating.
  66. >Then again, nobody said this'd be easy.
  67. >Time for the big guns.
  68. "So, did you have any plans for after work?"
  69. >He thinks for a minute as he closes the oven.
  70. >"Hm... not really. Why, did you have something in mind?"
  71. "Yeah. Have you ever tried riding bareback? I could teach you."
  72. >He scratches at the back of his head, looking around the room.
  73. >"Sorry, I was never much of a rider back home."
  74. "Alright, that's okay."
  75. >You jump up onto the counter, into a cake pan that was sitting out.
  76. "Hey, I know. Let's make a Pinkie cake. You can be the frosting."
  77. >"I don't think you should be standing in the cookware like that, it's probably unsanitary."
  78. "Oh, right. Sorry."
  79. >Jumping down, you saunter across the kitchen.
  80. "Working in here all day must make a big guy like you hungry. You want a slice of my Pie?"
  81. >You bump your butt into the side of his leg to drive the point home.
  82. >"No thanks, I had a late lunch today."
  83. >You stop in your tracks.
  84. >This was getting ridiculous, nobody could be that dense.
  85. >No, no, It's okay. You can still make this work.
  86. >You just have to lay it on thicker.
  87. >A lot thicker.
  88. >Suddenly, you dash over and jump on the counter again, this time looking out the window.
  89. >You feign surprise at something and turn back to your unwavering quarry.
  90. "Oh no! The dick police are coming, you've got to hide! Quick, in here!"
  91. >You spin around once more, raising your behind in the air in his direction.
  92. >Things are silent for a moment.
  93. >"Pinkie, are you feeling alright?"
  94. >You stand back up alarmingly fast, jumping off the counter and turning to face him in midair.
  95. "No, I'm not. You see, I've got a terrible condition. And the only cure is in your pants."
  96. >You rush forward, attacking his trousers.
  97. >He stumbles backwards, falling to the floor in surprise.
  98. >You take the initiative and pounce on his chest, preventing further escape.
  99. >You meet his look of shock with your own of high elation.
  100. "Hey, let's play a game. Here's how to play. First, we go upstairs. Then you put your penis inside of me."
  101. >"Pinkie, I can't!"
  102. >A hint of anger creeps into your expression.
  103. "Of course you can! It's easy! Here, I'll show you!"
  104. >You back up and start trying to undo the button on his pants with your mouth.
  105. >To your displeasure, he starts to shove you off.
  106. >"Pinkie, no! I just don't see you like that!"
  107. >You look back up at him, the guise of happiness long gone.
  108. "Why not?! Is there something wrong with me?"
  109. >"No, it's not that, I–"
  110. "You already found somepony else, didn't you? Oh, I knew I shouldn't have waited so long!"
  111. >"No, Pinkie, I mean I'm–"
  112. "Or do you just not like ponies at all? Look, I know it might be scary getting it on with something so different, but we can make it work, I know it!"
  113. >"Pinkie."
  114. "Come on, we can start slow. What's another couple months, I can wait longer. I'm a patient mare, you'll see!"
  115. >"Pinkie I'm gay."
  116. "And when the time comes I know you'll be able to rise to the occasion and– what."
  117. >"I'm gay. I like men. Or other things that have dicks. I'm not exactly picky, as I've come to find out."
  118. >You fall back into a sitting position, just staring at him.
  119. >"I would have told you sooner, after you started with your advances, but I figured you'd give up eventually once I never reciprocated."
  120. >You stay silent.
  121. >"I'm sorry you had to find out this way, I really am. But we can still be friends, right? I know how much that means to you."
  122. >You nod slowly.
  123. "Yeah... of course."
  124. >Anon gets to his feet and makes his way back over to the counter.
  125. >"Great. Now come on, let's get back to baking, I'm sure there's plenty of hungry ponies out there still waiting."
  126. "Yeah, alright."
  127. >Still sitting, you think for a moment.
  128. "Hey, Anon?"
  129. >"Yeah?"
  130. "What's that one word you say sometimes, when you're really angry or frustrated?"
  131. >"Hm... you mean fuck?"
  132. "That's the one, thanks."
  133. >You take a deep breath.
  135. >Sugarcube Corner did a midair flip.
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