
TeahcerAnon - NN - 07

Jul 1st, 2013
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  1. >When you expected to find some lasagna at the teachers lounge, you didn't expect to find several of them.
  2. >The buffet table was loaded with almost 4 large pans of the stuff, some already half eaten, others not so much.
  3. >Mr. Le Grade really went all out, guess you can figure with a name Le Grande, he'd always like to be over the top.
  4. >This was just ridiculous as you stand behind Edward at the table.
  5. >Whatever he could pack away certainly put you to shame as he dumped large slices of each pasta plate onto his own as he smirked with glee.
  6. "Oh I do hope Le Grande tried the recipe I suggested."
  7. >you blink 'you suggested something to him?'
  8. "Oh but of course!? Do you not think of me as a cook too?"
  9. >Eye rolls please 'You made pig-in-a-blanket and some salads with cake for desert, that's not exactly culinary craftsmanship.'
  10. >Edward huffed, putting his head upright "Sometimes even the simplest of dishes can be a work of art Anon, tut tut, I know full well that my culinary skills are as good as ever."
  11. 'Aside from Le Grandes right? I've never seen you bring a lunch in the two days I was here.'
  12. >Edward had a stoic look as he smirked, chuckling a bit.
  13. "You're a harsh man Anon."
  14. 'I don't mean it Edward, but you don't strike me as a cooking type.'
  15. >Edward seemed a tad complacent, but he only grew his grin wider.
  16. "Tell you what, why don't you come over for lunch this Saturday, we could discuss our culinary aptitude over a nice plate of goodies I can whip up."
  17. 'Keeping it a secret?'
  18. "Why where would the surprise be when I show you just how professional I can be with cooking."
  19. >You shrug, taking your share of pasta 'I'll know it when I see it Discord, you got a deal.'
  20. "Splendid! Come by 10am, and no later, we're going to have a lot of fun, and I can't wait to see the look on your face when I show you how good I can cook!"
  21. >He smiled, patting your shoulder as he walked off towards a seat nearby as you sigh.
  22. >Edward was one hell of a guy, maybe you'll bring him some wine or something when you see him.
  23. >Maybe a cook book too just to get his gears grinding.
  25. >After you fill your plate, you turn about to find a seat, just in time to see Emmy standing behind you.
  26. >She smiled, waving a bit, plate in hand to server herself.
  27. "Hello Anon, I hope you're handling yourself well your first day?" she ask as you nodded.
  28. 'Yeah... its been a pretty crazy day Emmy, how about you?'
  29. >The woman sighed "Bothersome as always, considering what happened in the cafeteria could lead to some unsettling issues with Miss Shimmer.
  30. >Uh oh
  31. 'What do you mean?'
  32. >Emmy looked at you "I'm not sure if you know, but Miss Sunset Shimmer is the daughter of the head of the school board of most of this county, he's a very...influential man, and her daughter was sent to this school as we've had a good reputation. As soon as she arrived though, we've had constant issues, and not just with teachers. Students have requested to be transferred out of Equestria High, and more often we find them with reasons regarding Shimmer's.... attitude."
  33. 'You can't slam the blame on Shimmer?'
  34. >Emmy shook her head "I'm afraid its not that easy, we lack proof of her doings, for all we know she could be scaring the other children to doing it themselves without her even being there. We can't just put the blame on her without reason, her father would be furious and we'd lose a lot more than just students."
  35. 'Damn... thats harsh.'
  36. "It is Anon... fortunately, I was able to speak to Shimmer's father about the incident, he told me it wasn't a big deal."
  37. 'Really?'
  38. "He may be influential Anon, but I'm sure he knows his daughter has habits; it was fortunate of him to understand that she might get some mud in her eyes eventually, but it's always a scare to speak to him about it."
  39. 'Well at least he's able to understand reason, she did 'influence' her friends to gum stick derpy on the seat, and her just deserts of chocolate milk to the face seemed viable.'
  40. "Children will be children Anon, its how they live care free that we can be glad for."
  41. 'Still, I think I'll keep a closer eye on her, I can figure she's going to be a tad uneasy with me.'
  42. "I would suggest you avoid dealing with her as much as possible Mr. Anon, she could easily turn anything you might try against you, and her father would easily cut you off if he feels you're doing something wrong."
  43. 'Thanks for the vote of confidence.'
  44. >Emmy sighs, looking upset for her comment "I'm sorry Anon, but that's just the risk you face, I won't butter it up for you."
  45. >Sighing, you nod 'I know you're right Emmy, and I thank you for it to.'
  46. >You smile at her, she returns it, a slight blush in her cheeks as you hear footfalls.
  47. "I see your being as healthy as ever Anon." Miss Red said, looking at emmy.
  48. "Hello Miss Mare."
  49. "Hello Red, how are you?"
  50. "Very well, thank you, considering Anon had been the only patient to my office today." she looked at you "yet he still refuses to eat properly."
  51. 'Its Pasta woman, whats wrong with that?'
  52. >Red shoots you a look "Its fatty, that's what, and despite what you think, its unhealthy."
  53. 'Geeze, whats wrong with it? Its tomato sauce, maybe some meat, pasta and veggies.'
  54. "Unbalanced diet, especially when you eat four of them!"
  55. >You give her a look, she returns it.
  56. >Damn, she was becoming such a mom as you huff.
  57. ' you want it?'
  58. "I'm a vegetarian Anon, I don't eat meat."
  59. >You grab her a plate, slipping the one 'vegan friendly' pasta peice you took onto it and place it in her hands.
  60. 'There, now let me eat my food Red.' You storm off as Emmy giggled at Red.
  61. "You two seem so cute together."
  62. >Red looked at the plate, seeing it to be the full veggy one as she blushed a bit.
  63. "Y-yeah... he's... certainly a strange man."
  64. "One that certainly enjoys bickering with you."
  65. "I only see fit to help him take care of himself!" Red muttered "He's unhealthy, yet he's so thin! how can he pack everything he east into that frame, its unnatural!"
  66. "Why not ask him then?" Emmy suggested, taking a fork of her pasta "I'm sure he'd have a story behind it."
  67. >Red blushed "I... would guess, but each time he tells them I...." she looked away, blushing redder.
  68. >Emmy chuckled "You like him, don't you?"
  69. >Red looked back instantly, blush vibrant as she holds the plate tightly.
  70. "He's... such an interesting person, and he has such a heart for his students! I've never seen Rainbow Dash be so caring for any of the faculty as much as she has for him. She came to the nurses office to See him Emmy, that was a first in my book."
  71. "He's got a big Heart Red, I'm sure you can feel it."
  72. "Yeah..." Red muttered "But..." she sighed, looking at Emmy, her eyes almost broken with sorrow "Its been tarnished, I can sense that much of him, I worry if I try, it might only re-surface the pain he must have been through."
  73. >Emmy sighed, putting an arm around Red. "You've got to take risks hun, with Chrissy trying to get him, you might miss the chance."
  74. "I doubt Chrissy would even get close to him." Red muttered "witch can probably only poke him with a broom."
  75. >Emmy stifled a laugh "Perhaps, but she's manipulative, you and I both know that."
  76. >Redheart only nodded "I'll...see what I can do."
  77. >Emmy smiled, putting a fork on Red's plate. "Now eat hun, you've not had much at all today, we don't want our own nurse getting sick now." she said, gently easing past her as she smiled "and don't worry, its not that bad for you."
  79. --
  81. >Fed and satisfied, you make your way back to your class, you still had one last period before you were free.
  82. >You were going to follow up with the first class, but you also had to discuss the major assignment for the literature part of it.
  83. >The kids had to write a book, better to drop that bombshell on them and have them work on their ideas for the following day.
  84. >You had recall you were only working three out of the 5 days in the week. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and considering it was wednsday today, you were free tomorrow.
  85. >Maybe you'll hang around the school if your students want to see you.
  86. >As you walk down the hallway, you hear a bit of commotion ahead.
  87. "The Great and Powerful Trixie... wants a peanut butter snack!"
  88. *clink, Wrrrrr-stink*
  89. "WHAT! How dare you defy the Great and Powerful Trixie of her delicious treat you monster!"
  90. >You walk up to the girl in question, being none other than Miss Lullimoon, or Trixie, as she was called.
  91. >She seemed rather upset that the vending machine wasn't...vending.... and you could see her peanut butter cracker snack stuck half-way from falling.
  92. >she began to shake the machine a tad bit, but obviously strength wasn't her highest skill.
  93. "Insufferable little..." she began to mutter as she hit it a few times "Trixie demands you give her the treat she paid for!"
  94. >You give a sigh, walking over as you watch her struggle with the vending machine.
  95. 'Need a hand?' you ask as Trixie shoots you a look.
  96. "The Great and Powerful Trixie demands help of no-one!" she continues to struggle "Trixie shall conqure this vile beast!"
  97. >You stand back, crossing your arms as you watch her kick and shaking the machein, not really making it move much as you couldn't help but feel sorry for the pathetic example of prowess this 'Great and Powerful' Trixie considered herself to possess.
  98. >The snack failed to budge no matter how hard she tried as she began to slam her fist against the glass.
  99. "Why...why do you deny the Great and Powerful Trixie her sweet!" she grumbled, rearing back and preapring to deliver a very hard hit to the machine.
  100. >But she doesn't
  101. >In fact, the moment she wound up her punch, you grabbed her wrist.
  102. >She turned to you "What is this!? You dare stop the Great and Powerful trixie from exacting her might upon this device?!"
  103. 'Considering you're doing little to actually get your treat, I can't stand by and let you break School Property."
  104. >Trixie releases her arm from your grip.
  105. "You shall not stop Trixie from getting what she wants!" and she goes about to prepare another punch.
  106. >again you stop it 'I can, and I will Trixie, you wont get it by hitting the glass anyway, that's just being silly.'
  107. >She gives you a look as you gently ease over to the machine and tap the sides with your kunckles, eventually shaking the machein a bit as you see the item is good and stuck.
  108. 'You see, all your smacking and such only made it worse.'
  109. >Trixie blinks, looking sternly at you "You blame Trixie for this problem!?"
  110. 'You were hitting it, knocking it about, for all we know, you got it stuck.'
  111. >She's somewhat fumming as you look at it.
  112. 'Question is, what do we do?'
  113. "You let Trixie continue what she was doing!"
  114. 'And break this thing? Forget it... I know what has to be done.'
  115. >With a sigh, you open your wallet as you draw out the required bit as you plink it into the slot, tapping the buttons as the machine vends.
  116. *Wrrrr-thunk!* two PB cracker snacks tumble to the ground as you reach in and grab them, handing them both to Trixie.
  117. "What's this, Trixie did not pay for two, why do you offer her both when you had paid for one!?" She asks, looking at you.
  118. "I'm stuffed, go on, take them both; besides, I'm not very hungry."
  119. >Trixie blinked, looking at you for a moment... you don't think she'd take them before she quickly grabs them.
  120. "Y-yes, t-the Great and Powerful Trixie is set for her snack!" she said, blushing quiet a bit before running off.
  121. 'Hey!' you call 'I'll see you in class then?'
  122. >You hear a soft meep as she scampers off, nearly tripping on the way.
  123. >Silly girl.
  125. --
  127. >You arrive at your class with a few minutes to spare, quickly easng inside as you already see a few students at their seats.
  128. >Among them are the five you had spent lunch with, RD, Twi, Brad, and Norman.
  129. >Derpy was sitting beside RD as the two were oogling over the Narnia book they were working on while Twilight was trying to show Norman about her book she found.
  130. >You still felt odd about her using it, you didn't mind her inquisitve creativity, but that book troubled you.
  131. >Something about it felt... mystical.
  132. >perhaps you were just skeptical, but it was better to consider such a thing as a book being 'magical'.
  133. >With a sigh, you turn to the board, jotting down the date, the class title, and some notes, notably the worlds.
  134. "MAJOR ASSIGNMENT" along the board as a few students groaned.
  135. >You looked back for a moment with a slight grin as you chuckle; some weren't happy with the words "Major" and "Assignment" sitting together.
  136. >Already you could see some of the students had their minds on the escape that was only an hour away from them, and many were quiet...tired.
  137. >You however don't notice Trixie in her spot.
  138. >She had scamper off, but you didn't think she'd be the one to skimp out on class.
  139. >With a shrug, you turn to the chalkboard as you continue to write just as the last period bell rings.
  140. 'Alright class-' you begin, turning just as you see the lights suddenly turn off.
  141. 'Uh...what the?' you ask, looking up to see the door suddenly open as white smoke drifts in.
  142. "Ladies and Gentlmen!" came a loud, female voice from outside. "Witness in awe at the splendor, grace, beauty of none other than the Great and Powerful-"
  143. >Trixie stepped inside, donning a star filled cape and wizards hat.
  144. "TRIXIE~!" she called, holding a pair of sparklers in both hands as you blink for a second.
  145. >Was this for real as you slowly walk over to the doorway.
  146. 'Trixie... what is this?'
  147. "Trixie has seen it fit to make her entrance better for the new teacher, she had wasted such time before idly gawking at Mr. Anon before her, and has set to do more in showing her worth as a student."
  148. >She wiggled the sparklers as you blink a few more times, then quickly grab the extinguisher beside the door, plucking the pin.
  149. "W-what are you-"
  150. >She doesn't get a chance as you splash her with a single shot, covering the poor girl in soapy suds as her hat crumples a bit, and her sparklers go out.
  151. >Everyone blinks, a few snickers as you sigh, putting the Extinguisher down.
  152. 'I do believe carrying Sparklers inside the school is a fire hazard Trixie...' you sigh, easing over to the locker where the 'emergency kit' was and drew out a blanket.
  153. "W-what have you done, y-you've Ruined Trixie's show!"
  154. 'This isn't the time nor place Miss Lullimoon.' You retort, removing her hat and cape and putting the towel around her.
  155. >You were fortunate that only her upper body got wet from the suds, having aimed directly for the sparklers as you slowly dry her down.
  156. "W-what are you doing, T-Trixie needs no ones help!" she fidgets, freeing herself as she grips the towel close to her "why had you done such a thing!?"
  157. >You shurg 'Would you rather deal with the fire-department when they come here from your sparklers setting of an alarm?'
  158. "...."
  159. >She had a look of defeat as you sigh, patting her head.
  160. 'You have anything to change into? I'm sure you wouldn't want to wear partially wet clothing for the class...'
  161. "Y-yes...Trixie always carries spares in her locker."
  162. 'Alright, shall I escort you there or-'
  163. "Trixie can handle herself!" she barks, keeping the blanket wrapped around as you sigh, seeing her ease out of the room as everyone snickers.
  164. >Again you shoot them a look.
  165. 'I take it she's done that before?' you ask aloud.
  166. "Y-yes, she has, the first day she did it, nearly gave everyone a heart attack!" Twilight notions "She's always wanting attention."
  167. 'So I see... well... I'll give her some time after class to catch up, entering with sparklers isn't a smart idea at all.'
  168. >Another group of chuckles as you turn back to the board.
  169. 'Alright, if you remember from your last class, we talked about fictional writers, your assignment for that class is to research writers... well, while you're at it, you can start with your major assignment for this class, which fits in well for it.'
  170. >Murmurs of curiosity perhaps go through the crowd as you smirk, turning and writing on the board.
  171. 'Your assignment is to write a book by the end of this semester, not a long one, but a book none the less. Each class we will discuss the methods of writing and talk about different plot methods and so forth, I know this may sound simialr to your prior class with me, but there is a different. For one thing, that first class is to study and understand the concepts of writing.'
  172. >students were taking notes, you could see the ususal crew diligently writing their notes as you smirk.
  173. 'This class will however put that into practice. Your major assignment will take the rest of the semester, but I already have a plan for your first homework assignment.'
  175. >A collective groan touched your ears.
  176. >yes, your cries of pain feed my wrath as you smirk.
  177. 'Now now, its not a difficult assignment my kiddies, all you need to do is write how you spend your day at school.'
  178. "Is that all!?" Pinkie exclaimed "That sounds like super fun!"
  179. 'It gets better' you waggle a finger 'you have to make it a fictional piece, meaning you can bend the rules of what actually happens, exaggerate a bit, BUT it must keep within reason, if something didn't happen, don't fake that it did.'
  180. "Then...what could we do?"
  181. >You look at Twilight, thinking about her question before you notice derpy.
  182. "Well, considering what happened earlier for anyone in the cafeteria.." you grin, seeing Shimmers face redden.
  183. 'The evil inferno Gorgon mistress dared to bring harm of her evil gum-butt attack to the fair maiden Derpy! Yet, charging in was the grand Knight Anonymous who came to her aid, only to see the Maiden Derpy was a warrior princess, who defeated the Gorgon with a splash of mystical chocolate milk.'
  184. >Giggles erupted through the class as Shimmering was certainly 'simmering' in anger as you cast a grin to her.
  185. 'Pretty much, anything you can exaggerate of what happened is fair game, but keep it clean, that's all really. You have till Friday when I see you again, so get yourselves sorted.'
  186. >Derpy was blushing a bit as RD nudged her "Yah showed miss fire head who was boss Derpy."
  187. "Y-yeah..." Derpy said "I.... I did...t-thanks to Mr. Anon."
  188. >you chuckle, turning back to the board as you write a few more things, only to hear a 'slip' on your desk.
  189. >you look to see another airplane... obviously from RD as you smirk, looking back to see her sitting casually, not really showing she had done it as you grin, shaking your head.
  190. >You did tell her to lighten the strikes, and she obviously listened.
  191. >her stealth was good as you hear the door open, seeing a rather unsettled Trixie walk in and take her seat.
  193. >The class went by calming.
  194. >Aside from both Trixie and Shimmering staring daggers at the back of your neck.
  195. >You could feel their anger towards you, but hopefully they would get over it.
  196. >Trixie would, obviously you were partially at fault for spraying her with a fire extinguisher, but she had called it upon herself.
  197. >You'd have to apologize before she left as you wrote a few more notes on the board.
  198. >Soon enough, the end of school bell rang and the class cried out in joy, slamming books closed and filing out.
  199. 'REMEBER, your first assignment is due on FRIDAY!' you call, watching the students eave as a few wave at you.
  200. >You notice Trixie, she seemed upset as you sigh, walking over and stopping her.
  201. "What do you want, the Great and Powerful Trixie wants nothing to do with a show stopper like you."
  202. 'I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I wouldn't have done what I did if I knew someone would get hurt, and holding Sparklers, as cool as it was, isn't agood way to enter a class-room, especially if the smoke alarms went off.'
  203. >Trixie looked away, sighing.
  204. "Trixie had...suffered a simialr fate before, Mr. Book Read had done the same thing when Trixie started with him."
  205. >She looked at you, sorrowful "Trixie...just wanted to show you she was a willing student!"
  206. >You kneel to her level 'You're certainly a willing student to want to go to that extreme, but that effort should be put into your work, I know you're a smart kid, so lets make sure we can make you smarter.'
  207. >She blushed, looking away "Trixie... I.... thank you mr. Anon..." she said, sighing a bit as you hand her back her cape and hat, dried of course.
  208. 'Well, you're very welcome, now then, why don't you go on home, you've got enough material to write a very good story on how your day went, and besides, you look good with the hat and cape.'
  209. >She blushed brighter, nodding slowly "Haha....y-yes, the great and Power Trixie shall always look her best for her classes!" and without another word she ran off.
  211. --
  213. >Scooting in the teachers lounge, you were quiet upset by the lack of teachers remaining after the bell.
  214. >Most had things at home to tend to.
  215. >Discord for one had been for a tea party with the Queen of England.
  216. >For all you knew, he was probably right.
  217. >That usually left who his other party was, even if it was legit.
  218. >Still, you can't blame him for punctuality, thats for sure.
  219. >He was an okay guy, so you could let him leave without concern
  220. >Then Miss Redheart.
  221. >She worked part-time at the local hospital, and why shouldn't she.
  222. >She was trained for it.
  223. >IronWill apparently had some fitness competition to go to, which sounded kinda cool.
  224. >Mixed martial arts were involved anyway, UFC kinda thing.
  225. >Dats bad-ass.
  226. >That left Le Grande, Emmy... And Chrysalis.
  227. >The witch...
  228. >Least of all to you anyway, but seduction goes in there somewhere, and lord if you didn't find that creepy.
  229. >Still was thoughtful of her, but how far would she be willing to go.
  230. >Who else would've wanted you, alone, in the auditorium?
  231. >You were certain that she had something to do with it.
  232. *click*
  233. The locks of a suitcase close as Emmy gave a sigh.
  234. "Well then, that is it for me today. I must say, despite the escapade in the cafeteria, I'm quiet glad everything went okay today. Which reminds me Mr. Anonomopolis.-
  235. >uh oh.
  236. "Can you explain to me just what went on in the Cafeteria today?
  237. >You look at Emmy, putting a bit of a smile across your face.
  238. 'Nothing too dramatic... Miss Shimmer had been causing a problem, I'm sure you knew that much.'
  239. >Emmy gave a sly smirk "She's always the root cause, I've come to realize that much. What I meant was what happened between you and her, she obviously wasn't happy with you."
  240. 'I did diddly squat to her Miss Mare. I had told her that wasn't very cool, not even laid a finger on her.'
  241. >Emmy studied you seriously.
  242. "And you can be honest with that fact?"
  243. 'Scouts honor if you want me to go that far.' you raid yur hand, placing the other on your heart. 'One of the students who was at the...butt...of the joke had splashed Shimmer with her chocolate milk. Was a riot of laughter that followed, must say, my sides were certainly having fun.'
  244. "Well..." Miss Mare began, looking seriously at you before going into a more relaxed posture "as long as yo physically did nothing, they I can't charge you for anything."
  245. >You give a rather unsettling grin, blinking a few times.
  246. 'Gee... thanks.'
  247. "I'm actually glad a student stood up to Miss Shimmer for once, its a heartwarming to know that she isn't totally in control of the student body."
  248. 'I guess not...' you mutter, checking the clock a bit as Emmy simply smiles.
  249. "Well Anon, it was a pleasure to have you here, you're off tomorrow yes?"
  250. 'Yeah... I don't have class to teach till Friday.'
  251. >Emmy nods "Well, you're free to come down to the school, you can always offer your time for the students." she snaps her fingers "If you wish, we can put one of the spare offices aside for you?"
  252. >Blinking, you nod at the idea 'Sure, that would be sweet, I could bring some junk over so the kids can do stuff if they have the spare time.'
  253. "As long as its school friendly Anon." Emmy said, wiggling a finger "we wouldn't want to show the teachers as slackers now would we?"
  254. >You shake your head as Miss Mare slid her suitcase from her desk and grabbed a few lose folds in her free arm, with a sigh, she hefts it up and walks towards the door.
  255. "Have a pleasant night Anon, please don't stay too late." She said, smiling as she stepped out.
  257. --
  259. >Sitting for almost another hour of quiet contemplating got you to wonder just what was going on with this school.
  260. >Perhaps you were slightly off-kilt with the idea of a meeting a mysterious stranger in the auditorium even thought your mind bore some idea on who exactly that person was.
  261. >It didn't help either that both Edward and Miss mare had mentioned Chrysalis as being a 'bad influence' in most regards as well as a manipulative woman.
  262. >What made it worse was the fact Edward even had an issue with her, and he seemed like the most chilled guy here.
  263. >Still, you shouldn't put any real 'blame' on her for being a bad individual, you haven't met her outside the party and the few times during the day at school, and even then it was rather 'harmless' flirting from her part.
  264. >What troubled you was the fact she had gone to such lenghts to get you, a note asking to see you after school hours was superior sketch right off the bat, but you were willing to at least see it through.
  265. >Never judge a book by its cover, who knows, maybe she's just lonely and wants some love?
  266. >Couldn't hurt to at least be friendly, she didn't deserve your dislike anyway.
  267. >With a sigh, you eye the clock, it was almost 6pm as you huff, getting up, and making your way to the auditorium.
  268. 'Lets get this over with...' you mutter as you make your way through the empty halls of the school.
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