
Friendship League

Feb 25th, 2014
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  1. >Day costumes in Equestria
  2. >You are woken up by a knock on the door at 10 am
  3. >You sulk over to the door muttering obscenities about these ponies
  4. >You open the door
  5. >Pinkie is vibrating on your porch
  6. May I help you?
  7. >She flings herself in and shuts the door
  9. >You sit there running back what she said in your mind but slower
  10. Sure. When?
  11. >After all it's a costume, and you are fucking beast at making costumes
  12. >"7:30"
  13. Okay.
  14. >She squees and jumps behind your couch
  15. Uh Pinkie?
  16. >You look behind the couch
  17. >She is gone and a cupcake lays there
  18. >It has a tag on the paper that says "For my friend Anon."
  19. Fucking Pinkie...
  20. >You eat the cupcake and head off to Rarity's for some materials
  21. >You knock on her door
  22. >It swings open and Sweetie Bell leaves
  23. >"Hi Anon bye Anon!"
  24. >You wave and walk through the doorway
  25. >Rarity notices you and walks up
  26. >"How may I be of service Anon?"
  27. I need some materials for a costume I'm making for Pinkie's party.
  28. >She walks you up the stairs to a big dark room
  29. >She flips the light on
  30. >The place is filled with fabrics and such to the top
  31. Oh my...
  32. >"Why do you think this place looks so big on the outside? I've horded since I was small."
  33. >She stands proudly
  34. >"Alright stop gawking and speak up, what do you need?"
  35. >You pick up your jaw from the ground and place it where it should be
  36. I need some blue and red spandex, red slightly pointed shoes, some yellow and red fabric, and a red cape.
  37. >She looks at you with a strange look
  38. >"Alright? Here."
  39. >All the stuff you asked for she levitates to you in seconds
  40. How did you...
  41. >"Memorization."
  42. How much you want for this?
  43. >"Not a thing except that you put them to good use."
  44. Really? Thanks!
  45. >You rush out and run home to begin making your costume
  46. >You finish in just about 7 hours
  47. >You hold up your Superman outfit with great pride
  48. >You put it on and then the boots and cape
  49. >You look at the time
  50. >It's 7:53
  51. >Whatever, all the cool kids show up late
  52. >You use some jel and comb your hair just like Superman's
  53. >You look in the mirror
  54. I look fucking amazing.
  55. >"D-damn right you do."
  56. >You almost fall over afraid
  57. Fluttershy what the fuck you should have knocked!
  58. >"O-oh well I saw you through the window naked so I uh...haha...yeah."
  59. Fluttershy the costume party has already started at Pinkie's. You better get ready.
  60. >She nods
  61. >"O-oh yes I know."
  62. >You both just stand there staring at each other
  63. Okay...
  64. >You walk out of your bathroom and she flings herself in and closes the door
  65. >Damn shes weird
  66. >Knock on the door
  67. >You answer it
  68. >Purplesmart wearing a black and grey vest type thing with a black cape and a yellow b-
  69. >She's Batman okay?
  70. Oh nice Batman costume Twi.
  71. >"Batman? Thats a funny name. No I'm Batcolt. I couldn't find a girl costume..."
  72. >She lowers her head
  73. It's okay Twi you look kinda cute in that.
  74. >She initiates super blush mode level Twilight Sparkle
  75. >You bend down to hug her
  76. >She pulls back and trys to talk like Batman with scratchy voice
  77. >"My parents are dead."
  78. Hey Twi?
  79. >"Yeah?"
  80. You suck at that talk normal.
  81. >"Okay."
  82. >Suddenly a Pink flash of light behind her
  83. >Pinkie Pie emerges in Pink tights and with a band around her hoof that looks like...
  84. Green Lantern?
  85. >"Haha no silly I'm the Pink Lantern!"
  86. >You shrug
  87. Why aren't you at the party Pinkie?
  88. >"I came looking for you and the others...we were going as the Friendship League right?"
  89. >Oh my fucking wat
  90. Wat.
  91. >"Yeah! You're Superstallion, I'm the Pink Lantern, Twi's Batcolt, Rarity is Wondermare, Rainbow is The Dash, and Fluttershy is Aquacolt."
  92. >You sit there in just amazement of these ponies and their extremely similar universe
  93. Wait what about Applejack?
  94. >Twilight steps up
  95. >"She...She didn't really understand who the Friendship League was...She chose Spidermare."
  96. >Pinkie bursts out laughing but Twilight punches her in the gut
  97. >You chuckle
  98. >They made Fluttershy the useless one with the similar powers
  99. >Fluttershy steps out of the bathroom with an Aqua man suit on
  100. >"Pinkie I wanted him to guess who I was! Y-you ruined it!"
  101. >She starts crying
  102. >What the fuck?
  103. >You go to comfort her
  104. >She pokes an eye out
  105. >"Is comforting attention seeking whores your fetish?"
  106. What? No.
  107. >"Oh."
  108. >"W-what about role playing? Superstallion wanna r-ride?"
  109. >All of you stare at her
  110. Can we start going now please?
  111. >They nod in agreement and you set off
  112. >You pass a bush that makes a strange sound
  113. Wait, stop.
  114. >They stop
  115. >Bush continues to make noise
  116. >You reach into the bush and pull out Rarity
  117. What...what the hell were you doing in a bush?
  118. >"I fell, thank you for saving me!"
  119. >She hugs you
  120. >Flutters looks pissed
  121. >You see her attempt at Wonderwoman
  122. >Mane is styled very accurate to hers, all seems right except her red chest piece
  123. Uh...wheres the rest of the costume?
  124. >She blushes a little as she stands up on her hind legs
  125. >Red thing is covering crotch tits
  126. >Not sure if disgusted by seeing that or okay with not seeing crotch tits
  127. >You all continue walking
  128. >Fucking red and yellow streak past you
  129. Hey Rainbow.
  130. >She stops going fast and walks
  131. >"Sup."
  132. >Her costume is completely accurate. You know besides her being a pony
  133. >You get to the party and everyp0ny looks at you
  134. >They are all wearing sexy costumes and grinding on each other or kissing
  135. What the fuck did you all have to drink?!
  136. >Half start to look worried
  138. >You party hard as fuck with these crazy mares
  139. >You notice Spidermare sitting alone at the bar
  140. >What a loser
  141. >You go over there and out drink her
  142. >You're so drunk you stumble out of SugarCube Corner with Fluttershy
  143. >She's sober
  144. >You get back to your house and she lays you in your bed
  145. >Drunk brain has been activated please give dick full control of body
  146. >Permission granted Drunk Brain, Penis is now in control
  147. H-hey Fluttershy...wanna ride the Superstallion?
  148. >She squees and is on top of you in an instant
  149. >You get a boner
  150. >But Fluttershy's hooves and you drunk cant take off the spandex
  151. >Oh well
  152. >Looks like Superstallion's not
  153. >Fucking Aquacolt
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