
The Trial Concludes

Aug 26th, 2015
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  1. [23:33] <AlexanderPyrite> "Wow Lyra this cliff is really high"
  2. [23:33] <AlexanderPyrite> "And I've never used these wings..."
  3. [23:33] <Lyra_Bel> "Okay yeah maybe jumping to our dooms isn't the best way to go about testing them"
  4. [23:33] <Lyra_Bel> "Just hop up to the roof?"
  5. [23:33] <AlexanderPyrite> "Sure..."
  6. [23:33] <Regent> < Roll Athletics to attempt to fly >
  7. [23:33] <AlexanderPyrite> Roll 1d20+9
  8. [23:33] <`DM> AlexanderPyrite rolled 1d20+9 [ 1d20=10 ]{19}
  9. [23:33] <Regent> You jump your way to the roof of the gas station
  10. [23:33] <AlexanderPyrite> "Woah nice"
  11. [23:33] <Lyra_Bel> "I know, right?"
  12. * Lyra_Bel join him
  13. [23:33] <AlexanderPyrite> "Are... Those my jeans?"
  14. [23:33] <Lyra_Bel> "Okay y'know what"
  15. [23:33] <Lyra_Bel> "I thought I was dying. Wanted to make the stuff easy to notice"
  16. [23:33] <AlexanderPyrite> "I have no idea what you're talking about."
  17. [23:33] <AlexanderPyrite> "Let's try to get some air"
  18. [23:33] <AlexanderPyrite> Roll 1d20+9 to fly up and then back down
  19. [23:33] <`DM> AlexanderPyrite rolled 1d20+9 to fly up and then back down [ 1d20=5 ]{14}
  20. [23:33] <Regent> You manage to cautiously beat your wings, working the new muscles a good amount before gently coming back down
  21. [23:33] <AlexanderPyrite> "Hey that didn't go so bad"
  22. [23:33] <Lyra_Bel> "Y'see? Easy"
  23. * Faerzen_Norstov flies up over a neighboring hill towards the gas station
  24. [23:33] <AlexanderPyrite> "So should we try jumping off a cliff now?"
  25. * Faerzen_Norstov glides down in a couple of circles, alighting on the gas station roof.
  26. [23:33] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Planning on going som-- Oh."
  27. [23:33] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Jumping off a cliff now? Was the trial that bad?"
  28. * Faerzen_Norstov chuckles
  29. [23:33] <Lyra_Bel> "Funny"
  30. [23:33] <Lyra_Bel> "With a sense of humour like that, you could get a job as a garbageman anywhere in the country"
  31. [23:33] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Too bad the entire planet is annihilated by meteors in multiple time eras at once."
  32. [23:33] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Darn."
  33. [23:33] <AlexanderPyrite> "What? Never mind, we need to get my shield that I pushed off a cliff"
  34. [23:33] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Ah, so that is what you have planned."
  35. [23:33] <Lyra_Bel> "Your turn to babysit the superdevil. We're going on a sidequest"
  36. [23:33] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Dare I ask what caused that predicament?"
  37. [23:33] <AlexanderPyrite> "He was being a bro"
  38. [23:33] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Excellent."
  39. [23:34] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Did you manage to convince Regent to keep an eye on Abyss while you two took your leave or something along those lines?"
  40. [23:34] <Lyra_Bel> "Waiting for you. Reggie kinda hates me"
  41. [23:35] <Faerzen_Norstov> "The book Regent? How did you manage that? Book Regent has always been so distant and somewhat aloof and melancholic since losing his memory."
  42. [23:35] * Lyra_Bel shrugs
  43. [23:35] <Faerzen_Norstov> "You are to be congratulated on your achievement."
  44. [23:35] * Faerzen_Norstov sighs
  45. [23:36] <Lyra_Bel> "S'pose it happens with all of em sooner or later"
  46. [23:36] <Faerzen_Norstov> "It does not *have* to be that way, Lyra, but it is a bit late in this case for me to be telling you that now."
  47. [23:37] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Before you two pop off on your little adventure, I believe we have a bit of business to take care of with Regent and Abyss."
  48. [23:37] <Lyra_Bel> "We can deal with it after"
  49. [23:37] <Regent> "She was asking how to hurt or kill Abyss, if you care about that at all"
  50. [23:37] <Faerzen_Norstov> <is book regent here now?>
  51. [23:38] <Faerzen_Norstov> <i thought we were still on the gas station>
  52. [23:38] <Regent> < He floats >
  53. [23:38] <Regent> < Abyss and him just have been floating around following silently for a while >
  54. [23:39] <Faerzen_Norstov> "I do care about that, and I dare say I was entirely expecting that to happen while I was gone."
  55. [23:39] <Lyra_Bel> "In my defence, he's the one who brought it up"
  56. [23:39] <Lyra_Bel> "Probably as a distraction so he didn't have to answer my question, now that I think about it"
  57. [23:40] * Faerzen_Norstov shrugs
  58. [23:41] <Faerzen_Norstov> "The technicalities matter not at this point."
  59. [23:41] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Regent, it is my understanding that we are still in the middle of a recess called by Abyss, is that correct?"
  60. [23:41] <Lyra_Bel> "Of course. They change anyway, so..."
  61. [23:41] <Regent> "Yes"
  62. [23:42] <Lyra_Bel> "No time limit set, so we can go do our sidequest"
  63. [23:42] <Lyra_Bel> "Keep an eye on Carl, wouldja?"
  64. [23:42] <Regent> "That's not how this works..."
  65. [23:42] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Lyra, taking care of this should be brief."
  66. [23:42] <Lyra_Bel> "Not if I get my way"
  67. [23:43] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Then don't."
  68. [23:43] <Lyra_Bel> "... So yeah, it'll be done soon"
  69. [23:43] <AlexanderPyrite> "See you faerzen
  70. [23:43] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Guys, please stay for a moment."
  71. [23:43] <AlexanderPyrite> "What's up?"
  72. [23:43] <Lyra_Bel> "You got your time away"
  73. [23:44] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Yes, and now I am trying to give you yours."
  74. [23:44] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Rather than just running away, we can actually get something accomplished here and you can depart without this hanging over your heads to need to return for."
  75. [23:45] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Regent, what are the terms of this recess and when is the trial scheduled to resume?"
  76. [23:45] <Lyra_Bel> "Or we can take a break and actually be calm and collected for when we finish this mess"
  77. [23:45] <Faerzen_Norstov> "And on those lines, is it scheduled to resume?"
  78. [23:45] <Faerzen_Norstov> "It appears to me that Abyss completely voided the contract he had claims over."
  79. [23:46] <Alexander_Pyrite> "so isnt the court trial over?"
  80. [23:46] <Regent> "It shall continue as long as the parties are discussing the settlement and end when an official settlement has been made"
  81. [23:46] <Faerzen_Norstov> "What more is there to discuss? Abyss's claims are null now and I already made the case for ours."
  82. [23:46] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Ah"
  83. [23:47] <Regent> "You've not made an official settlement of the issue technically speaking"
  84. [23:47] * Lyra_Bel clenches a fist but stays quiet
  85. [23:48] <Faerzen_Norstov> "What is there for me to settle? Our only claim wasn't against Abyss to begin with but a general insanity plea."
  86. [23:48] <Faerzen_Norstov> "With no legal contract to object to, there is little we can legally settle over."
  87. [23:49] <Regent> "I would like this to remain in place until an arrangement is made about Abyss' future
  88. [23:50] <Regent> "Just out of my own curiosity"
  89. [23:51] <Faerzen_Norstov> "When you say 'this to remain in place', you are referring to this recess?"
  90. [23:52] <Regent> "Yes"
  91. [23:53] <Regent> "Abyss would be unable to live a comfortable or pleasant lifestyle without some form of host or traveling companion"
  92. [23:53] <Lyra_Bel> "And heaven forbid THAT happen"
  93. [23:53] <Faerzen_Norstov> "In that case, I have a tentative proposal."
  94. [23:53] <Regent> "While the contract has been resolved and negated, I feel it's only fair I stick around until this is settled"
  95. [23:54] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Duly noted."
  96. [23:55] <Faerzen_Norstov> "If Abyss truly didn't know this was an alternate timeline and most of this is instead a result of the actions of Maskwraith which led to the long string of actions taken by Abyss, then exiling Abyss hardly seems just, and in addition Abyss could be very helpful to is if we are careful."
  97. [23:56] <Faerzen_Norstov> "On the other hand, if Abyss is attempting to deceive us at the present, then allowing Abyss to travel around with someone is incredibly dangerous."
  98. [23:56] <Lyra_Bel> "Which is why I said we needed another contract"
  99. [23:56] * Abyss sighs
  100. [23:56] <Faerzen_Norstov> "I do not feel as though I have enough information at the present to know which choice is wisest, and I do not want to rashly decide either of these."
  101. [23:57] <Lyra_Bel> "Declaw it"
  102. [23:57] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Honestly, both of these options carry significant risk to us considering that Abyss can do whatever he wants outside of a contract."
  103. [23:57] <Faerzen_Norstov> "My proposal is this."
  104. [23:57] <Abyss> "Lyra, you are legally insane and have no authority to make or participate in a contract, as a side note"
  105. [23:58] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Okay, so that part of the trial is concluded then?"
  106. [23:58] <Lyra_Bel> "Oh shut up. I thought you weren't speaking to me?"
  107. [23:58] <Abyss> "I wasn't speaking at all. Now I am."
  108. [23:58] <Abyss> "Yes, that part of the trial is concluded"
  109. [23:59] <Faerzen_Norstov> <is this Abyss or Regent speaking?>
  110. [23:59] <Abyss> < Abyss >
  111. [23:59] <Abyss> < But Regent would affirm it and say the same thing >
  112. [23:59] <Lyra_Bel> ((Disregard the 'thought you weren't speaking to me' thing then))
  113. [23:59] <Faerzen_Norstov> "I do not believe it is up to you, Abyss, to decide which portions of the trial are concluded and which are not when there has been no official ruling from the presiding judge."
  114. [23:59] <Lyra_Bel> ((Thought quotation marks were still Regent))
  115. [00:00] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Regent?"
  116. [00:00] <Abyss> < Alright, from now on Quotes only for Book Regent, No quotes for Abyss, Asterisks for Crown Regent >
  117. [00:01] <Abyss> "I do believe that we can safely move on from that part of the trial and declare Lyra legally insane."
  118. [00:01] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Very well."
  119. [00:01] * Lyra_Bel looks like she wants to say something
  120. [00:02] <Faerzen_Norstov> "My proposal is this, since I do not feel comfortable exiling Abyss or setting Abyss completely free on the little body of information we have."
  121. [00:02] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Yes, Lyra? Do you need something?"
  122. [00:03] <Lyra_Bel> "I wanna countersue for the emotional abuse of a mentally-disabled person"
  123. [00:03] <Lyra_Bel> "Thoughts?"
  124. [00:03] <Alexander_Pyrite> "we are all going to be obliterated by abyss arent we"
  125. [00:04] <Lyra_Bel> "Without a doubt"
  126. [00:04] <Abyss> "It's unnecessary and I think you are trying to exploit somebody who seems to bear no ill will towards you"
  127. [00:04] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Only time will tell, but hopefully not if we are careful and reasonable."
  128. [00:05] <Faerzen_Norstov> "What is it that you would even sue for, Lyra?"
  129. [00:05] <Faerzen_Norstov> "It isn't like Abyss has a million dollars to pay for damages, let alone like there exists any meaningful economy in which damages have any relevance in the first place."
  130. [00:05] <Lyra_Bel> "Heh"
  131. [00:06] <Lyra_Bel> "Insurance, let's call it"
  132. [00:06] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Hmmm?"
  133. [00:06] <Lyra_Bel> "I want PROOF Carl isn't gonna screw us over"
  134. [00:07] <Lyra_Bel> "If we let him go back to Nickolai, I wanna know for a fact that he's trying to keep us alive"
  135. [00:07] <Abyss> Can you prove Faerzen or Alex isn't doing to try and screw you over at any given moment?
  136. [00:07] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Obtaining that proof is going to be very difficult, Lyra, and I am having a difficult time seeing how suing Abyss is going to provide that."
  137. [00:07] <Lyra_Bel> "Another deal. This one as lopsided as all the others, but to our side instead"
  138. [00:08] <Lyra_Bel> "Like what I was saying before"
  139. [00:08] <Faerzen_Norstov> "How do you expect suing Abyss to provide that?"
  140. [00:09] <Lyra_Bel> "That's how it works, innit? Winner receives compensation from the loser"
  141. [00:09] <Faerzen_Norstov> "I hardly think a permanent agreement to never harm someone in exchange for emotional damages over the span of a couple days is hardly fair legal settlement."
  142. [00:09] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Yes, but you do not get to arbitrarily choose that compensation."
  143. [00:10] <Abyss> May I bring up a point here Lyra?
  144. [00:10] * Lyra_Bel grunts noncommitally
  145. [00:11] <Abyss> You are legally insane, until you receive psychological therapy you need a legal team to perform any legal action for you
  146. [00:11] <Lyra_Bel> "That's why I'm talking at Faerzen, not Reg"
  147. [00:12] <Abyss> But you're arguing stubbornly
  148. [00:13] <Abyss> It seems to me like you should perhaps try a different persuasion tactic or concede the issue
  149. [00:13] <Lyra_Bel> "It also seems to you like you're innocent, so I really don't care about how things seem to you"
  150. [00:14] <Abyss> ...
  151. [00:14] <Abyss> Faerzen, if Lyra wanted to lock me away forever, would you let her?
  152. [00:14] <Abyss> I just ask because I feel honestly unsafe here
  153. [00:15] <Faerzen_Norstov> "What is preventing you from stopping her yourself? You are no longer bound by any contract."
  154. [00:15] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Regent here said it himself, you have free reign to do as you please."
  155. [00:16] <Abyss> Because if I injure her in self defense then I highly doubt that you'll be so willing to stand up for me
  156. [00:17] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Why would I need to stand up for you? You are an immensely powerful entity with currently no legal restrictions on your actions. What do you need someone as insignificant as myself for?"
  157. [00:17] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Or, for that matter, any of us."
  158. [00:17] <Abyss> Never wanted to feel accepted?
  159. [00:19] <Alexander_Pyrite> "holy shit the incredibly powerful timeline hopping semidemon only wants to have friends"
  160. [00:19] <Lyra_Bel> "You can't be serious"
  161. [00:19] <Abyss> I literally cannot live a life alone
  162. [00:20] <Abyss> Other than sitting and thinking
  163. [00:20] <Abyss> I'm a mask
  164. [00:20] <Abyss> Masks need to be worn to fill their purpose
  165. [00:23] <Lyra_Bel> "..."
  166. [00:23] <Lyra_Bel> "Still not seeing the issue"
  167. [00:24] <Abyss> Nobody is going to take me with them if they can't trust me
  168. [00:24] <Lyra_Bel> "So take the deal!"
  169. [00:24] <Abyss> That isn't trust
  170. [00:25] <Lyra_Bel> "You want TRUST!?"
  171. [00:25] * Lyra_Bel laughs bitterly
  172. [00:25] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Lyra..."
  173. [00:25] <Abyss> Eventually
  174. [00:25] <Lyra_Bel> "What?"
  175. [00:25] <Abyss> I do
  176. [00:25] <Abyss> Eventually
  177. [00:25] <Alexander_Pyrite> "You're getting a bit too worked up
  178. [00:26] <Lyra_Bel> "... Right"
  179. [00:26] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Thank you, Alex."
  180. [00:26] <Alexander_Pyrite> "How can we learn to trust you abyss?"
  181. [00:26] * Lyra_Bel closes her eyes and takes a deep breath
  182. [00:26] * Faerzen_Norstov gestures a couple times on his glasses to open SABATH and check on Nick
  183. [00:26] <Abyss> "By giving me opportunities to prove myself"
  184. [00:27] <Abyss> "Same way anybody earns trust"
  185. [00:27] <Faerzen_Norstov> "I think that there is a reaso-- PCHKKKKKT FUCK"
  186. [00:27] <Abyss> < oops >
  187. [00:27] <Lyra_Bel> ((Regent?))
  188. [00:27] * Faerzen_Norstov blushes furiously
  189. [00:27] <Abyss> < meant no quotes >
  190. [00:27] <Abyss> < my b my b >
  191. [00:27] * Faerzen_Norstov gestures wildly in the air for no apparent reason
  192. [00:27] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Yo dude"
  193. [00:27] <Alexander_Pyrite> "whats up"
  194. [00:27] <Abyss> < also lol Faerzen >
  195. [00:27] <Lyra_Bel> ??
  196. [00:27] <Lyra_Bel> "Bad news, I assume?"
  197. [00:28] * Faerzen_Norstov shakily sits down on the ground
  198. [00:28] <Faerzen_Norstov> ", not r-really?"
  199. [00:28] <Faerzen_Norstov> "I-I'm sorry, that w-was rude."
  200. [00:28] <Abyss> *Heh*
  201. [00:28] <Lyra_Bel> "That bad, huh?"
  202. [00:28] <Alexander_Pyrite> "What did you see?"
  203. [00:28] <Abyss> *You asked for it Faerzen*
  204. [00:28] <Faerzen_Norstov> "I j-just need to s-sit down for a moment."
  205. [00:28] * Alexander_Pyrite helps him down
  206. [00:29] <Abyss> *Why don't you tell them what you saw? /chuckles/*
  207. [00:29] <Alexander_Pyrite> "jeez man are you alright?"
  208. [00:29] <Faerzen_Norstov> "D-don't worry about it. It wasn't anything imp-portant."
  209. [00:29] <Faerzen_Norstov> "I promise."
  210. [00:29] <Alexander_Pyrite> "You freaked out pretty bad"
  211. [00:29] <Alexander_Pyrite> "you sure you dont want our help?"
  212. [00:29] <Lyra_Bel> "Carl, we aren't going to trust you if you refuse to make promises"
  213. [00:29] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Y-yes, I dare say I did. Please, carry on your conversation. I will be w-with you shortly."
  214. [00:29] <Abyss> *Guys, he's fine*
  215. [00:29] <Abyss> *He just caught Nick changing*
  216. [00:30] <Abyss> *Honest mistake*
  217. [00:30] <Alexander_Pyrite> "oh i mentally called it"
  218. [00:30] * Lyra_Bel rolls her eyes
  219. [00:30] <Alexander_Pyrite> "i was gonna ask but it would have been weird"
  220. [00:30] <Lyra_Bel> "Another necklace? Really?"
  221. [00:30] <Faerzen_Norstov> "I have a proposal that addresses this problem, but I ne-- Oh shut up, Reggie!"
  222. [00:30] <Faerzen_Norstov> "No, Nick is my SABATH player."
  223. [00:30] * Faerzen_Norstov sighs
  224. [00:30] * Alexander_Pyrite elbows Faerzen
  225. [00:30] <Alexander_Pyrite> "nice"
  226. [00:31] * Faerzen_Norstov pushes Alex away
  227. [00:31] <Faerzen_Norstov> "shut up."
  228. [00:31] * Faerzen_Norstov blushes furiously
  229. [00:31] * Alexander_Pyrite laughs
  230. [00:31] <Faerzen_Norstov> "it's not that simple."
  231. [00:31] <Faerzen_Norstov> "just.... please stop."
  232. [00:31] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Alright I'll leave you alone"
  233. [00:31] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Maybe it would be a good time for a side quest?
  234. [00:31] <Lyra_Bel> "Seconded. I want out"
  235. [00:31] <Abyss> *Faerzen, focus*
  236. [00:32] * Faerzen_Norstov takes a deep breath
  237. [00:32] <Faerzen_Norstov> "No, I still would like to voice my proposal."
  238. [00:32] <Abyss> *Trial, then you can be embarrassed*
  239. [00:32] * Faerzen_Norstov slowly stands up
  240. [00:33] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Since I do not feel comfortable exiling Abyss or setting Abyss completely free on the little body of information we have, and before we can do much of anything contract-related we need to be in a position that is not considered duress, I have an idea that I have cleared with Reggie here."
  241. [00:34] <Faerzen_Norstov> "My proposal is that rather than exiling or setting Abyss free, we keep him on a sort of probation. I can take Abyss and take time to collect my thoughts, process what has happened, and talk with you all and Abyss at greater lengths. Reggie has agreed to help protect me from mental influences should protection be necessary."
  242. [00:35] <Faerzen_Norstov> "It is nowhere near open trust, but it seems to me to be the safest option for us, and the closest thing we can do to building trust for Abyss."
  243. [00:35] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Then, later, we can decide what is the best course of action."
  244. [00:35] <Abyss> Thank you very much for the proposal and half-trust placed in me
  245. [00:36] <Lyra_Bel> "You're disarming Nickolai then"
  246. [00:36] <Faerzen_Norstov> "View it not as trust, but the chance at future trust."
  247. [00:36] <Faerzen_Norstov> "You already did that, Lyra, a long time ago."
  248. [00:36] <Lyra_Bel> "Was planning to give it back"
  249. [00:36] <Faerzen_Norstov> "I hardly see it as my fault that Nick no longer has his mask."
  250. [00:36] <Lyra_Bel> "A long time ago"
  251. [00:36] <Faerzen_Norstov> "After all of this, is that really what you had on your mind?"
  252. [00:36] <Abyss> ...
  253. [00:36] <Faerzen_Norstov> "I don't think that is your plan anymore."
  254. [00:37] <Lyra_Bel> "I was... forget it. I'll explain after this goes wrong"
  255. [00:37] <Abyss> Lyra, if I may,
  256. [00:37] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Lyra, if things are going to go wrong, there is a multitude of ways that can happen, regardless of what we do, and we are powerless to stop that. This course of action at least minimizes that and provides us some form of protection against manipulation."
  257. [00:38] <Abyss> I know this is hard for you if you're anything like the Lyra I knew, but I would like you to believe that nothing will go wrong on my end of the deal here
  258. [00:38] <Lyra_Bel> "Then promise not to work against us. Easy"
  259. [00:39] <Abyss> Certainly
  260. [00:39] <Abyss> I promise, you have my word
  261. [00:39] <Lyra_Bel> "Interpret it as us 'trusting you' not to ignore this contract too"
  262. [00:40] <Abyss> I'm not signing another contract
  263. [00:40] <Lyra_Bel> "Then I'm not trusting you. Easy"
  264. [00:40] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Lyra, a contract isn't trust, it is legally enforced compliance."
  265. [00:40] <Abyss> You're insane, how can I trust you?
  266. [00:41] <Lyra_Bel> "You can't. That's why I've been trying to get Faerzen to make the deal, not me"
  267. [00:41] <Faerzen_Norstov> "At this point, Abyss's word however strong that may be, is the most we are going to get from Abyss and attempting to badger him into something else is pointless."
  268. [00:42] <Abyss> "And I will here reiterate the point of contracts under duress being ill advised"
  269. [00:42] <Faerzen_Norstov> "If after this probationary period, I have deemed Abyss an entity with motives in line enough with ours and trustworthy enough to engage in agreements with, then we can think about traversing down that path. As of now, I have no intention of hastily joining a binding agreement with an entity I know very little about."
  270. [00:43] <Lyra_Bel> "..."
  271. [00:43] <Lyra_Bel> "It sounds worse when you put it that way"
  272. [00:43] <Faerzen_Norstov> "What sounds worse?"
  273. [00:43] <Lyra_Bel> "Declawing it"
  274. [00:44] * Faerzen_Norstov shrugs
  275. [00:44] <Faerzen_Norstov> "It is what it is."
  276. [00:44] <Abyss> It has a name and a set of gender pronouns, by the way
  277. [00:44] <Alexander_Pyrite> "It does?"
  278. [00:44] <Lyra_Bel> "It's a voice in our collective heads"
  279. [00:45] <Lyra_Bel> "And if our contracts are all void, it doesn't even have a name"
  280. [00:45] <Abyss> My name is Abyss and I identify as Male thank you
  281. [00:45] <Lyra_Bel> "So the first contract is still binding?"
  282. [00:46] <Abyss> All of our contracts meaning the whole none of them? I never made a contract with you Lyra, we established this
  283. [00:46] * Lyra_Bel grumbles under her breath
  284. [00:46] <Faerzen_Norstov> "If this Abyss is indeed not the one you made a contract with earlier, you are going to be hard-pressed to do anything about it with the other one considering its current state."
  285. [00:47] <Abyss> I know I'm like, horrible scum in your eyes, but can you at least pretend that I'm an equal in terms of using my name and not calling me an 'it'?
  286. [00:48] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Yeah sure"
  287. [00:48] <Lyra_Bel> "Ooh, sorry. Wouldn't want to offend the thing that drove me to attempted suicide"
  288. [00:48] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Cmon, Lyra, its a tiny thing"
  289. [00:49] <Abyss> Listen, I'm really trying to make this the least awful for you that I physically can
  290. [00:49] <Abyss> Could you try and appreciate that's
  291. [00:49] <Abyss> *that?
  292. [00:50] <Lyra_Bel> "Then make a deal not to oppose us"
  293. [00:50] <Lyra_Bel> "Easy"
  294. [00:51] <Abyss> It wouldn't be legally binding
  295. [00:51] <Faerzen_Norstov> "We've already been over this, Lyra, that would easily be classified as formed under duress."
  296. [00:51] <Abyss> I'll make a deal with Faerzen, I trust him enough
  297. [00:51] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Nearly any form of any legal agreement right now would be considered under duress, so that is hardly an option, Lyra."
  298. [00:51] <Abyss> But again, you're literally insane
  299. [00:52] * Lyra_Bel grumbles some more
  300. [00:52] <Abyss> It would also definitely be duress
  301. [00:52] <Abyss> Lyra, you're basically just throwing a tantrum at this point
  302. [00:52] <Faerzen_Norstov> "I put forth my proposal yet again as the only option presented thus far that is both reasonable and cautious for both sides."
  303. [00:53] <Lyra_Bel> "Duress doesn't matter to you people anyway"
  304. [00:53] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Faerzen maybe we should go on a sidequest, give you guys some time to talk?"
  305. [00:54] <Faerzen_Norstov> "I would not like to stand here for who knows how long it will take the two of you to return."
  306. [00:54] <Faerzen_Norstov> "We are deciding this now."
  307. [00:54] <Faerzen_Norstov> "It really should not be that difficult. What other options do we have?"
  308. [00:54] <Abyss> If I were to make a contract Lyra, by the way
  309. [00:55] <Abyss> One of the clauses would be an effective restraining order against you
  310. [00:55] <Lyra_Bel> "Good"
  311. [00:55] <Abyss> You know why?
  312. [00:55] <Lyra_Bel> "Because I sicken you with my mere presence?"
  313. [00:56] <Abyss> Because I'm afraid of you trying to hurt me
  314. [00:56] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Okay, that was unnecessary and only serves to further build the antagonism here. I am a lawyer here legally representing an involved party trying to produce an amicable settlement. Why is it so hard to stay ON TOPIC?!?!?"
  315. [00:56] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Seriously."
  316. [00:56] <Faerzen_Norstov> "We've been talking in circles for ages."
  317. [00:56] <Faerzen_Norstov> "My patience is wearing *quite* thin right now, and I know the two of you are itching to leave as well."
  318. [00:56] <Lyra_Bel> "Seems like a pretty well-established situation then"
  319. [00:56] * Alexander_Pyrite nods
  320. [00:56] <Abyss> I just want to be safe
  321. [00:57] <Lyra_Bel> "But you refuse to agree not to hurt us"
  322. [00:57] <Abyss> I promise I won't hurt Faerzen
  323. [00:57] <Faerzen_Norstov> Abyss gave you his word but refused to bind himself to a legal contract which would be immediately nullified anyways.
  324. [00:57] <Faerzen_Norstov> "What more do you want, Lyra?"
  325. [00:57] <Abyss> And I promise I won't hurt Alex
  326. [00:57] <Faerzen_Norstov> "There is literally nothing more Abyss can give you right now on that front."
  327. [00:57] <Abyss> But I can't promise I won't hurt you in self defense
  328. [00:58] <Lyra_Bel> "Not good enough"
  329. [00:58] <Lyra_Bel> "What happens when you break those promises?"
  330. [00:58] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Lyra please"
  331. [00:58] <Faerzen_Norstov> "What more do you WANT, Lyra? Good lord."
  332. [00:58] <Abyss> I'm sorry for existing Lyra
  333. [00:59] <Abyss> I'm sorry for what I did to you when I wasn't sure who you were
  334. [00:59] <Lyra_Bel> "Prove it"
  335. [00:59] <Faerzen_Norstov> "How is that even POSSIBLE, Lyra?!?"
  336. [00:59] * Abyss calmly floats up to pressing right against Lyra's nose
  337. [01:00] <Faerzen_Norstov> "You are quite literally making completely unreasonable demands over and over again, expecting different results each time."
  338. [01:00] * Lyra_Bel backs away
  339. [01:00] <Lyra_Bel> "That's because leaving this thing free is even more unreasonable"
  340. [01:00] <Abyss> I am this close to becoming extremely aggravated with you Lyra
  341. [01:00] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Woah guys"
  342. [01:01] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Lyra, we are not leaving this thing free."
  343. [01:01] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Lets not do anything we'll regret"
  344. [01:01] <Abyss> Trying just isn't good enough for you, is it?
  345. [01:01] <Abyss> I have to magic my way into some perfect world where no version of me has ever done anything "wrong"
  346. [01:02] <Lyra_Bel> "You don't need to undo the wrong. I'm not being unreasonable"
  347. [01:02] <Abyss> You are
  348. [01:02] <Abyss> Everybody else agrees with me
  349. [01:02] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Legally binding contracts are entirely meaningless at this moment because of duress, and yet anything short of a legally binding promise is not good enough. What more do you want?"
  350. [01:02] <Abyss> They've told you so multiple times this conversation
  351. [01:03] <Alexander_Pyrite> "mostly faerzen"
  352. [01:03] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Lyra, please illuminate me on what in the world it is you actually hope to accomplish by doing this."
  353. [01:04] <Lyra_Bel> "I told you before. I'm trying to stop Carl from turning against us"
  354. [01:04] <Faerzen_Norstov> "I very much understand your frustration from all the damages Abyss has caused you, but I fail to see how any of your recent actions make any steps towards accomplishing anything."
  355. [01:04] <Faerzen_Norstov> "How?"
  356. [01:04] <Faerzen_Norstov> "How are you trying to do that?"
  357. [01:04] <Faerzen_Norstov> "What are you actually hoping will happen here?"
  358. [01:05] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Contracts are not an option and you said anything Abyss says is not good enough."
  359. [01:05] <Lyra_Bel> "I just want to know what we get back after it turns on us again"
  360. [01:06] * Abyss growls How about this, you put me on and I don't attempt to kill you?
  361. [01:06] <Faerzen_Norstov> "How do you expect to be able to know that?"
  362. [01:07] <Lyra_Bel> "With a deal. If that's not an option, then with promises"
  363. [01:07] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Deals aren't an option and Abyss has already promised!"
  364. [01:07] <Abyss> If I was able to physically bang my head against a wall and experience pain, I would
  365. [01:07] <Faerzen_Norstov> "You explicitly said his promises weren't good enough."
  366. [01:08] <Faerzen_Norstov> "You are quite literally arguing yourself in circles here simply for the sake of arguing."
  367. [01:08] <Lyra_Bel> "That's because there's no set penalty for breaking them yet"
  368. [01:08] <Faerzen_Norstov> "How can we enforce any sort of penalty???"
  369. [01:08] <Abyss> You already threatened to put me in a box and lock me away forever
  370. [01:08] <Abyss> Is that not enough?
  371. [01:09] <Lyra_Bel> "Supposedly, Carl can't lie. Say something like 'if I break a promise, I'll allow myself to be locked away forever'. Provide insurance"
  372. [01:09] <Abyss> Lyra
  373. [01:09] <Lyra_Bel> "That way, when you break it, you're either out of the way, or we now know you can lie after all"
  374. [01:09] <Abyss> No
  375. [01:09] <Lyra_Bel> " 'course not"
  376. [01:10] <Abyss> I won't let you treat me like some sub human garbage that can't be trusted
  377. [01:10] <Abyss> I've done nothing wrong that I haven't done my absolute best to rectify
  378. [01:10] <Faerzen_Norstov> "How is that helpful at all? He will already have broken a promise in that case, so having him make another promise is entirely meaningless."
  379. [01:10] <Lyra_Bel> "Then phrase it better"
  380. [01:10] <Faerzen_Norstov> "If you wish to establish that his word is meaningless then asking him to make a promise is no insurance at all."
  381. [01:11] <Faerzen_Norstov> "We can't force Abyss to do anything without a contract and that is not an option."
  382. [01:11] <Abyss> It's like I'm talking to a wall!
  383. [01:12] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Lyra, since a contract is not an option, there is NOTHING we can get from Abyss other than words, which is why my proposal is the safest option."
  384. [01:12] <Faerzen_Norstov> "How can you possibly hope to get anything better than that when all you have to rely on are words you don't trust?"
  385. [01:12] <Lyra_Bel> "It's safest to not bother with promises of safety?"
  386. [01:12] <Faerzen_Norstov> "ABYSS ALREADY PROMISED!!!"
  387. [01:12] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Seriously???"
  388. [01:12] <Lyra_Bel> "Only for you and Alex"
  389. [01:13] <Abyss> I don't trust you not to hurt me
  390. [01:13] <Alexander_Pyrite> "If he tries to kill you ill beat up him and he cant do anything to me"
  391. [01:13] <Abyss> Or try to lock me away
  392. [01:13] <Alexander_Pyrite> "simple"
  393. [01:13] <Lyra_Bel> "I'm not talking about me either"
  394. [01:13] <Faerzen_Norstov> "What do you care if Abyss promises not to hurt you if you don't trust anything he says to begin with?"
  395. [01:13] <Lyra_Bel> "What happens when you two reunite with Nickolai?"
  396. [01:13] <Abyss> Why don't you make me a contract saying that you promise not to hurt me?
  397. [01:13] <Lyra_Bel> "He carves flesh from bone and says 'oh but I never said I wouldn't'!"
  398. [01:13] <Faerzen_Norstov> "I have no intention of giving Nick back his mask until this situation is resolved."
  399. [01:14] <Abyss> Excuse me
  400. [01:14] <Abyss> I am not his property
  401. [01:14] <Abyss> I am not property
  402. [01:14] <Abyss> I am not an object
  403. [01:14] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Sorta"
  404. [01:14] <Abyss> I am a sentient being much like your selfs
  405. [01:14] <Faerzen_Norstov> "I never said you were, I was referring to the mask in which you reside. Not you."
  406. [01:14] <Faerzen_Norstov> "There is a difference."
  407. [01:15] <Abyss> thats like saying I was referring to your body and not yourself
  408. [01:15] <Lyra_Bel> "So there is a difference."
  409. [01:15] * Faerzen_Norstov gestures to Reggie and Regent
  410. [01:15] <Faerzen_Norstov> If you really wish to take up semantics on inanimate object residences, I suggest you take it up with these two."
  411. [01:15] <Alexander_Pyrite> ((i need to go in 30~ minutes))
  412. [01:15] <Abyss> I'm not residing in here
  413. [01:16] <Abyss> My sentience was created within here
  414. [01:16] <Abyss> Regardless, I am not an object, and don't refer to me as such
  415. [01:16] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Okay, well pardon me for not immediately knowing that was different from these two here. I was not intentionally being offensive, geez."
  416. [01:17] <Abyss> I'm a bit upset right now
  417. [01:17] <Abyss> I think we all are
  418. [01:17] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Can we please calm down and return, *yet again*, to the matter at hand?"
  419. [01:18] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Abyss, what do you think of my proposal?"
  420. [01:18] <Abyss> As long as you don't let *it* near me, I agree with you
  421. [01:19] * Lyra_Bel smirks
  422. [01:20] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Lyra?"
  423. [01:21] <Lyra_Bel> "Unless I get a reason to, I ain't going near it"
  424. [01:21] <Faerzen_Norstov> "I can technically approve this proposal on your behalf as I am your legal representative, but I still want your opinion."
  425. [01:21] <Abyss> I want a promise
  426. [01:22] <Alexander_Pyrite> "oh my god back to promises"
  427. [01:22] <Abyss> Hey
  428. [01:22] <Abyss> This means something to me
  429. [01:23] <Abyss> This is my entire immortal future on the line here if this goes wrong
  430. [01:23] * Alexander_Pyrite grumbles
  431. [01:23] <Abyss> So yes I want a promise
  432. [01:23] <Abyss> I don't think that I'm being too unreasonable about it
  433. [01:25] <Lyra_Bel> "I ain't gonna come after you without a good reason. As a majority of the mentally-unaffected party would see it like"
  434. [01:26] <Abyss> Promise me you won't attempt to hurt me
  435. [01:26] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Just as you cannot promise to never harm Lyra, I do not think she can promise the same."
  436. [01:26] <Lyra_Bel> "I won't attempt to hurt you, unless I have a reason to"
  437. [01:27] <Abyss> Faerzen, can you promise you will keep me safe from Lyra unless if I do something wrong in your eyes?
  438. [01:28] <Lyra_Bel> "Don't do it"
  439. [01:28] <Lyra_Bel> "I don't trust the wording"
  440. [01:28] <Faerzen_Norstov> "I mean, if you want to be technical, everything you do is wrong in Lyra's eyes."
  441. [01:28] <Faerzen_Norstov> "As for my eyes."
  442. [01:28] <Lyra_Bel> "Majority vote, with anyone dead voting against"
  443. [01:28] <Abyss> What, can't I feel safe?
  444. [01:28] <Abyss> Is that not allowed?
  445. [01:29] <Lyra_Bel> "Welcome to Sabath"
  446. [01:29] <Abyss> This isn't SABATH doing this
  447. [01:29] <Abyss> This is you doing this
  448. [01:29] <Lyra_Bel> "Keep on telling yourself that"
  449. [01:30] <Faerzen_Norstov> "What is it that you dislike so much about that promise, Lyra?"
  450. [01:30] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Do you really think my interpretation of 'wrong' so unreasonable?"
  451. [01:30] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Or is it just that you don't think it aligns as closely with your interpretation as you'd like?"
  452. [01:30] <Lyra_Bel> "Under mental compulsion it's pretty far from agreeable, yeah"
  453. [01:31] <Lyra_Bel> "Again, make it a majority vote"
  454. [01:31] <Abyss> You already have me cornered, outnumbered, scared, and on the defensive
  455. [01:31] <Abyss> What more do I need to suffer to gain your trust?
  456. [01:31] <Faerzen_Norstov> "I can promise to keep Abyss safe from Lyra as I see fit. Is that good enough for you, Lyra?"
  457. [01:32] <Lyra_Bel> "Only if you're free of mental compulsion at the time"
  458. [01:32] <Faerzen_Norstov> "That is reasonable."
  459. [01:33] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Is that good enough for you, Abyss?"
  460. [01:33] <Abyss> Yes
  461. [01:33] <Abyss> Thank you
  462. [01:33] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Very well."
  463. [01:33] <Alexander_Pyrite> "holy shit"
  464. [01:33] <Alexander_Pyrite> "We've done it"
  465. [01:33] <Lyra_Bel> "When we all die"
  466. [01:34] <Lyra_Bel> "Stay away from my funeral"
  467. [01:34] <Abyss> You know what?
  468. [01:34] <Abyss> Stop
  469. [01:34] <Abyss> You don't need to be so openly negative and hateful
  470. [01:34] <Alexander_Pyrite> "oh jeez"
  471. [01:34] <Abyss> I don't care what excuses you have
  472. [01:35] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Okay, okay, okay. Let's just stop this right here before it inevitably escalates further."
  473. [01:35] <Faerzen_Norstov> "PLEASE."
  474. [01:35] <Faerzen_Norstov> "I am sick and tired of this,"
  475. [01:35] <Faerzen_Norstov> "I am SO fed up with all of this BULLSHIT right now, so please, can everyone just leave unless there is something actually important they have to say?
  476. [01:36] <Lyra_Bel> "Might be important"
  477. [01:36] * Alexander_Pyrite looks at lyra
  478. [01:36] <Abyss> No. I can't. I have no form of self propulsion
  479. [01:36] * Faerzen_Norstov raises an eyebrow at Lyra
  480. [01:36] <Lyra_Bel> "Carl only agreed not to hurt you two"
  481. [01:37] <Lyra_Bel> "Tarane, Nickolai, Byron, they're all fair game."
  482. [01:37] * Lyra_Bel shrugs
  483. [01:37] <Abyss> I'm just sooooooo hateful and spiteful that I would kill random strangers, now would I?
  484. [01:37] <Lyra_Bel> "Yuppers"
  485. [01:37] <Faerzen_Norstov> "I mean technically, there is also Juan and an as of yet still unnamed player as well that you didn't even mention, Lyra."
  486. [01:38] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Possibly even more."
  487. [01:38] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Though from my trip around the gates, that seems unlikely."
  488. [01:38] <Lyra_Bel> "Oh, right, Juan and... I think the name was s'posed to be Petrus?"
  489. [01:38] <Abyss> Should I promise not to hurt every living thing other than you?
  490. [01:38] <Lyra_Bel> "That'll work"
  491. [01:38] <Abyss> No
  492. [01:38] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Pardon me, two unnamed players."
  493. [01:38] <Lyra_Bel> "Yeah, figured"
  494. [01:38] <Abyss> Quit asking me for the ludicrous
  495. [01:39] <Faerzen_Norstov> "I am going to have to agree with Abyss on that particular point."
  496. [01:39] <Lyra_Bel> "The other people, then"
  497. [01:39] <Lyra_Bel> "You ain't hunting Tarane for sport"
  498. [01:39] <Abyss> HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO HUNT THEM?
  499. [01:39] <Abyss> I CANT BLIDDY MOVE ON MY OWN
  500. [01:40] <Lyra_Bel> "Shouldn't be a problem, then"
  501. [01:41] <Abyss> EXACTLY.
  502. [01:41] <Lyra_Bel> "So promise"
  503. [01:42] <Abyss> Shall I promise not to perform other impossible feats then?
  504. [01:42] <Abyss> Like turning you into a unicorn?
  505. [01:42] <Lyra_Bel> "I don't really care"
  506. [01:42] <Alexander_Pyrite> "just promise not to hurt the other players, man"
  507. [01:42] * Lyra_Bel nods
  508. [01:42] <Faerzen_Norstov> "While I agree that you cannot of your own free volition seek out and hunt down the other players, it is entirely likely that you will encounter them regardless."
  509. [01:42] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Lets get this over with"
  510. [01:43] <Faerzen_Norstov> "I see little difference between promising not to hurt Alex and not hurting Tarane."
  511. [01:43] <Abyss> Alex you hurt your shield friend there
  512. [01:43] <Abyss> How can I trust you, huh?
  513. [01:44] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Because, uh"
  514. [01:44] <Lyra_Bel> "Nice segue"
  515. [01:44] <Alexander_Pyrite> "He's a shield"
  516. [01:44] <Abyss> Why am I held to standards you can't hold yourself?
  517. [01:44] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I knew he'd be fine"
  518. [01:44] <Abyss> You threw him off a cliff
  519. [01:44] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I've jumped off cliffs"
  520. [01:44] <Abyss> That's a pretty deep chasm
  521. [01:44] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Do you want me to jump off that chasm? Is that what you want?"
  522. [01:45] * Faerzen_Norstov rolls his eyes
  523. [01:45] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I will do it"
  524. [01:45] <Faerzen_Norstov> "SERIOUSLY???"
  525. [01:45] <Lyra_Bel> "The crystals are unbreakable"
  526. [01:45] <Abyss> I want you to not act like you're better then me
  527. [01:45] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Is this REALLY what we're talking about now?"
  528. [01:45] <Lyra_Bel> "He IS better than you!"
  529. [01:45] * Alexander_Pyrite blushed
  530. [01:45] <Faerzen_Norstov> "SHUT UP, LYRA!"
  531. [01:45] <Alexander_Pyrite> ((blushes))
  532. [01:45] <Faerzen_Norstov> "This isn't RELEVANT!"
  533. [01:46] <Faerzen_Norstov> "We have one FUCKING matter at hand right now, can we not get that resolved???"
  534. [01:46] <Abyss> I'm just such a hateful and malevolent creature am I?
  535. [01:46] <Faerzen_Norstov> "PLEASE?!?"
  536. [01:46] <Abyss> Faerzen, just take me away from here
  537. [01:47] <Abyss> This trial is over
  538. [01:47] <Lyra_Bel> "Make the promises"
  539. [01:47] <Lyra_Bel> "Stop running"
  540. [01:47] <Abyss> Promise you won't hurt me
  541. [01:47] <Abyss> Oh wait you can't
  542. [01:47] <Lyra_Bel> "It's not about me"
  543. [01:48] <Abyss> No, it isn't
  544. [01:48] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Abyss, will you agree not to harm the other players of this session besides Lyra, just like you promised not to hurt Alex and I? You have surely met all of them from the alternate timeline you say you are from."
  545. [01:48] <Abyss> I have not
  546. [01:48] <Abyss> I've seen several die after knowing them for less than the span of a few minutes
  547. [01:48] <Abyss> But that doesn't count
  548. [01:49] <Abyss> I will make no such promise
  549. [01:49] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Pardon me if I sound rude, but you've hardly even interacted with Alex here, and you already promised not to harm him."
  550. [01:49] <Abyss> I did that to appease Lyra
  551. [01:49] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Yeah, and you watched me chuck a sentient shield off a cliff"
  552. [01:49] <Lyra_Bel> "Not appeased"
  553. [01:49] <Abyss> Shut up Lyra
  554. [01:50] <Lyra_Bel> "Make me"
  555. [01:50] <Abyss> I'm done making promises
  556. [01:50] <Abyss> You've already walled me in another sort of contract with your promises
  557. [01:50] <Abyss> Let it be done
  558. [01:50] <Lyra_Bel> "Not killing innocents? Is that a barrier for you?"
  559. [01:51] <Abyss> Is it for you Lyra?
  560. [01:51] <Abyss> I've never killed an innocent
  561. [01:51] <Lyra_Bel> "Then promising not to won't be a wall at all"
  562. [01:51] <Abyss> Faerzen
  563. [01:51] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Yes?"
  564. [01:51] <Abyss> Seriously, let's leave
  565. [01:52] <Abyss> I am not making promises at this time
  566. [01:52] <Faerzen_Norstov> "I would agree that we are not getting anywhere with this, and continuing to bash our heads against the figurative wall on the matter will not accomplish anything."
  567. [01:52] <Abyss> Regent, are you satisfied that the trial is over?
  568. [01:52] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Lyra, I will tell you this."
  569. [01:53] <Abyss> "It does seem to be, I can conclude this presently"
  570. [01:53] <Faerzen_Norstov> "If, in the future, Abyss and I encounter other players not currently covered by Abyss's promises, then I will consider asking him for their protection, but for now continuing to pursue such a goal is pointless, exhausting, and frustrating."
  571. [01:53] <Faerzen_Norstov> "FINALLY!"
  572. [01:54] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Thank you, Regent, for dealing with all of this crap."
  573. [01:54] <Abyss> Faerzen, catch me please
  574. [01:54] * Faerzen_Norstov extends his hand under the mask
  575. [01:54] <Abyss> Regent suddenly disappears back to Faerzen's house and Abyss ceases floatation simulataneously
  576. [01:55] * Lyra_Bel starts counting under her breath
  577. [01:55] <Alexander_Pyrite> "come on lyra, lets go get my shield"
  578. [01:55] <Alexander_Pyrite> "What are you doing?"
  579. [01:56] <Lyra_Bel> "Trying not to do something real stupid"
  580. [01:56] * Lyra_Bel resumes counting
  581. [01:56] * Alexander_Pyrite grabs lyra's arm and gently leads her to the cliff
  582. [01:56] <Abyss> Don't worry, you're insane, nobody would blame you
  583. [01:56] <Faerzen_Norstov> "I am going to presume that Regent returned to whence he came."
  584. [01:56] <Faerzen_Norstov> "I am so out of here."
  585. [01:56] <Faerzen_Norstov> "See you two later."
  586. [01:56] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Please just leave me alone for a while unless you need me."
  587. [01:57] * Lyra_Bel opens her mouth to respond
  588. [01:57] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Alright, see you Faerzen"
  589. [01:57] <Faerzen_Norstov> "I really could use some quiet for just a single minute."
  590. [01:57] <Alexander_Pyrite> "sorry about the making fun of you thing"
  591. [01:57] <Lyra_Bel> Roll 1d20-1 to keep from saying something stupid
  592. [01:57] <`DM> Lyra_Bel rolled 1d20-1 to keep from saying something stupid [ 1d20=7 ]{6}
  593. [01:57] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Not that I expect to get that now with three sentient beings with me, but I can dream....."
  594. [01:57] <Lyra_Bel> "D'you wanna tell Nickolai you just okayed his death, or should I?"
  595. [01:57] <Faerzen_Norstov> "......"
  596. [01:58] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Jesus Lyra"
  597. [01:58] <Abyss> Please put me on so I can feel the smack across her face
  598. [01:58] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Unfortunately, to address both of your comments, I have quite a great deal of things I need to discuss with Nick."
  599. [01:58] * Lyra_Bel takes a running leap off the cliff and absconds
  600. [01:58] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Fuck"
  601. [01:58] * Alexander_Pyrite follows her
  602. [01:58] <Faerzen_Norstov> "This will be one of them, among many other things I am not looking forw---"
  603. [01:58] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Well then."
  604. [01:58] <Abyss> I...
  605. [01:58] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Good riddance."
  606. [01:58] <Abyss> Fucking...
  607. [01:58] <Abyss> Am I really that awful?
  608. [01:59] * Faerzen_Norstov flies upwards through the first gate
  609. [01:59] <Faerzen_Norstov> "I certainly have to say that Lyra has QUITE the propensity for making everything out to be the worst it possibly could."
  610. [01:59] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Even when she has very little reason for doing so."
  611. [02:00] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Like I said during the trial, she creates pain for herself and she enjoys it. This whole scenario is no different."
  612. [02:00] <Faerzen_Norstov> "If she can see herself more as the victim, then she almost certainly will."
  613. [02:00] <Abyss> I do believe I hate her
  614. [02:01] <Faerzen_Norstov> "I admire several things about her, but I might have to agree with you in that sentiment."
  615. [02:01] <Faerzen_Norstov> "It is honestly quite a weird slew of emotions whenever I see her."
  616. [02:01] * Faerzen_Norstov flies through the next gate
  617. [02:01] <Abyss> ...
  618. [02:02] <Abyss> *No response*
  619. [02:02] * Faerzen_Norstov flies through the next gate in silence
  620. [02:03] <Abyss> So
  621. [02:03] <Abyss> Literally every person I have ever met and known seems to hate me
  622. [02:03] <Abyss> In both timelines
  623. [02:04] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Okay, I am going to be completely frank with you here."
  624. [02:05] <Faerzen_Norstov> "As of now, I do not trust you, I do not like you, and I am scared of what you can do just as I am fearful of most other powerful entities of unknown motives in this session. However, I would not say I hate you. I have yet to decide on that."
  625. [02:06] <Abyss> ...
  626. [02:06] <Faerzen_Norstov> "I am trying to be as unbiased and reasonable in this situation as possible, but that is proving very difficult."
  627. [02:06] <Faerzen_Norstov> "I honestly very much wish all of this to work out, and for us to cooperate."
  628. [02:06] <Abyss> I have never known kindness, caring, or happiness
  629. [02:06] <Faerzen_Norstov> "I hope that all of this is simply a massive misunderstanding that can eventually be water under the bridge."
  630. [02:07] <Faerzen_Norstov> "I sincerely wish for everything to be okay and I do not want to hate you or be enemies with you if at all possible."
  631. [02:07] <Abyss> But
  632. [02:07] <Faerzen_Norstov> "However, there is too much at stake for me to just blindly walk into that."
  633. [02:08] <Abyss> If everybody I've known hates me, fears me, is repulsed by me
  634. [02:08] <Abyss> How can I hope to accomplish good?
  635. [02:08] <Faerzen_Norstov> "I am going to venture out VERY far on a limb here when I say this."
  636. [02:09] <Faerzen_Norstov> "I am entirely speculating on what may be an alternate timeline I know next to nothing about and on an entity I have only just met."
  637. [02:09] <Faerzen_Norstov> "So please take this with a grain of salt, though I think it may still have some truth buried inside it somewhere."
  638. [02:10] <Faerzen_Norstov> "It seems as though your primary method of action is through engaging in legal agreements with others, granting them abilities in exchange for something that benefits yourself."
  639. [02:10] <Faerzen_Norstov> "These contracts are sought out by others, meaning that the other party desires power."
  640. [02:10] <Abyss> No
  641. [02:10] <Abyss> It's not like that
  642. [02:11] * Faerzen_Norstov flies through the first gate again
  643. [02:11] <Abyss> My first memory was lying forever in a room
  644. [02:11] <Abyss> No sense of time, of feeling
  645. [02:11] <Abyss> Then Nickolai came to me
  646. [02:12] <Abyss> And I discovered who I was and what I could do with him together
  647. [02:12] <Abyss> I guess I didn't really know what I was doing was wrong
  648. [02:12] <Abyss> It was the only thing I knew
  649. [02:12] <Abyss> So we fought...
  650. [02:13] <Abyss> and...
  651. [02:13] <Abyss> (Pause)
  652. [02:13] <Abyss> Anyways
  653. [02:13] <Abyss> Then Lyra took me from Nick
  654. [02:13] * Faerzen_Norstov flies through the first gate, listening intently
  655. [02:13] <Abyss> Expecting me to be a demon or some form of murderous Diablo
  656. [02:14] <Abyss> And just sought vengeance
  657. [02:14] <Abyss> The ability to kill
  658. [02:14] <Abyss> She didn't care about me
  659. [02:14] <Abyss> She hated me
  660. [02:14] <Abyss> And then she died too
  661. [02:14] <Abyss> Nick took me back
  662. [02:14] <Abyss> Nick was worse than Lyra
  663. [02:15] <Abyss> He tried to kill me, steal my power
  664. [02:15] * Faerzen_Norstov flies through the next gate
  665. [02:15] <Abyss> And he was my father
  666. [02:15] <Abyss> I just...
  667. [02:15] <Abyss> Now I'm here
  668. [02:15] <Abyss> And everybody already hates me over some misunderstanding
  669. [02:16] <Abyss> I
  670. [02:16] <Abyss> Maybe I am a monster
  671. [02:16] <Faerzen_Norstov> Regardless of the technical nature of how you granted people powers, I believe what I was about to say still stands.
  672. [02:16] <Faerzen_Norstov> And so I would like to say it.
  673. [02:16] <Abyss> Maybe I don't deserve kindness
  674. [02:16] <Faerzen_Norstov> Much of what you have done has been in conjunction with someone else. With a host, as you have said.
  675. [02:17] <Faerzen_Norstov> Your host uses some of your abilities and power to their own ends, and it isn't always immediately clear what those ends are. Often, in the Nick and Lyra's case from your timeline, those ends were incredibly negative.
  676. [02:18] <Faerzen_Norstov> Even if you weren't the one that directly caused those actions and all of that death, from an outside point of view, it is still very easy to associate you with them.
  677. [02:18] <Faerzen_Norstov> Even in this timeline.
  678. [02:18] <Faerzen_Norstov> I.....
  679. [02:18] * Faerzen_Norstov flies through next gate
  680. [02:18] <Faerzen_Norstov> I dare say our Nick has gone nowhere near as far as yours.
  681. [02:18] <Abyss> i can't cry Faerzen
  682. [02:18] <Faerzen_Norstov> And even then, just the hints of derangement and power that I saw in him because he found you
  683. [02:19] <Abyss> I think I would be right now
  684. [02:19] <Abyss> If I could
  685. [02:19] <Abyss> But I can't
  686. [02:19] <Abyss> Because I'm just an object
  687. [02:19] <Faerzen_Norstov> I didn't know that there was an entity living inside the mask, but I was terrified of it.
  688. [02:19] <Faerzen_Norstov> From an observer's perspective, I simply saw it as a tool that Nick was using.
  689. [02:19] <Faerzen_Norstov> A symbol if you will of everything that I knew had gone wrong in the alternate timeline.
  690. [02:20] * Faerzen_Norstov flies through next gate
  691. [02:20] <Abyss> < how many gates is that now >
  692. [02:20] <Faerzen_Norstov> <8>
  693. [02:20] <Faerzen_Norstov> <one more>
  694. [02:20] <Abyss> < k <
  695. [02:21] <Abyss> I don't want to live like this
  696. [02:21] <Faerzen_Norstov> I cannot say for sure if I ever really blamed the mask for what he did or what I thought he was capable of, but I saw it as something that enabled him.
  697. [02:21] <Faerzen_Norstov> Even if you didn't cause these terrible things to happen, someone else used you to make them happen and that causes people on the outside to tie you to them.
  698. [02:22] <Abyss> Why?
  699. [02:22] <Faerzen_Norstov> I do not know how much control you have over what people use you for, but I must say being seen as a tool that someone else uses for mass murder is not going to help people like you.
  700. [02:23] <Abyss> You think you hear Regent whimper a little
  701. [02:23] <Faerzen_Norstov> I only speak for myself when I say this, but I saw Nick using his gun as a weapon.
  702. [02:23] <Faerzen_Norstov> If I knew that that weapon was sentient and was allowing all of this to happen.....
  703. [02:23] <Faerzen_Norstov> *mask (not gun, oops)
  704. [02:24] <Faerzen_Norstov> Again, I do not know if you had a choice in the matter
  705. [02:24] <Faerzen_Norstov> I am simply describing how it appears to someone on the outside.
  706. [02:24] * Abyss presses up closer against Faerzen
  707. [02:24] <Abyss> ...
  708. [02:25] * Faerzen_Norstov flies through the next gate
  709. [02:25] <Faerzen_Norstov> Here we are, at last.
  710. [02:26] <Faerzen_Norstov> None of that gray ashen nonsense or cheeto sandstorms.
  711. [02:26] * Abyss 's voice wavers a bit
  712. [02:26] <Abyss> I dot want to talk anymore
  713. [02:26] <Abyss> *don't
  714. [02:26] <Faerzen_Norstov> Okay, then let me say this.
  715. [02:28] <Faerzen_Norstov> I do not know how much control you had over your hosts, how much you knew what they were doing, or what you thought of what they were using your power for. However, I would venture to say that you were in a tricky spot regardless: either helplessly watching others abuse the power you'd given them to do horrible things, or put in a position where yo
  716. [02:28] <Faerzen_Norstov> u would have to make them your puppet and control their every action to make sure your power was put to a use you were okay with. Both are immense burdens that have no easy solution.
  717. [02:29] <Faerzen_Norstov> If either of those were the case, I am sorry.
  718. [02:30] <Abyss> (No response)
  719. [02:31] <Abyss> < Official ship name for Abyss x Faerzen is Court Date BTW >
  720. [02:31] <Lyra_Bel> ((Aww yiss))
  721. [02:32] <Lyra_Bel> ((I am the master shipnamer))
  722. [02:32] <Lyra_Bel> ((It is me))
  723. [02:32] * Faerzen_Norstov holds Abyss behind his back and gestures with the hand not holding Abyss to bring up the security software on his glasses, quickly disengaging the deadlock on the back door, entering, and locking down the door behind him
  724. [02:32] * Faerzen_Norstov hold Abyss in front of him and looks at him
  725. [02:32] <Abyss> Abyss feels warmer than normal and a little bit moist
  726. [02:33] <Faerzen_Norstov> I completely understand if you don't want to talk right now, but I am not leaving you anywhere.
  727. [02:33] <Abyss> You stare into the empty eye sockets of the mask
  728. [02:33] <Faerzen_Norstov> I do wish to talk with someone else though while Nick, erm...... yeah.
  729. [02:33] * Faerzen_Norstov looks around the room for book!Regent
  730. [02:34] <Abyss> < Nick's inside cooking IIRC >
  731. [02:34] <Abyss> < no, downstairs on the couch sleeping >
  732. [02:34] <Faerzen_Norstov> <i thought he was trying to nap>
  733. [02:35] <Abyss> < yeah he is napping >
  734. [02:35] <Abyss> < i think book regent is in your room >
  735. [02:35] <Faerzen_Norstov> <is Nick wearing clothes?>
  736. [02:36] <Abyss> < ... >
  737. [02:36] <Abyss> < I'd assume so >
  738. [02:36] <Faerzen_Norstov> <okay ill just assume that was implied in roo's post>
  739. [02:37] * Faerzen_Norstov tiptoes up the spiral staircase from the workshop to his room on the third floor
  740. [02:37] <Faerzen_Norstov> roll 1d20+5 stealth
  741. [02:37] <`DM> Faerzen_Norstov rolled 1d20+5 stealth [ 1d20=11 ]{16}
  742. [02:37] <Abyss> < You're good >
  743. [02:38] * Faerzen_Norstov opens the door to his room and walks inside after taking a brief moment to adjust to the slanted floor
  744. [02:38] <Abyss> Abyss is silent and feels warm like flesh
  745. [02:39] * Faerzen_Norstov looks around the room for book Regent
  746. [02:39] <Abyss> Book Regent is where you left him
  747. [02:40] * Faerzen_Norstov opens book regent and decaptchalogues his fountain pen (Co - COBALT)
  748. [02:41] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Thank you for dealing with all of that back there, Regent. I am sorry that you were dragged into all of this, and I appreciate you handling it so reasonably. I wish I could say I would have done the same in your situation."
  749. [02:41] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Would you like to talk?"
  750. [02:41] <Abyss> < I assume you've just been holding Abyss in your hand this entire time btw >
  751. [02:41] <Faerzen_Norstov> <yes>
  752. [02:41] <Abyss> < cool >
  753. [02:42] <Abyss> "I've not much to say"
  754. [02:42] <Faerzen_Norstov> "I don't particularly know if I have much to say either, but I would like to talk to someone and I haven't spoken with you in a while."
  755. [02:43] <Faerzen_Norstov> "If you would wish not to, that is perfectly fine."
  756. [02:43] <Faerzen_Norstov> "I would not like to leave you here on my desk though if you would wish not to be."
  757. [02:43] <Abyss> "I'm fine here for now"
  758. [02:44] <Abyss> "I'm not sure your companion there is"
  759. [02:44] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Abyss or Reggie?"
  760. [02:44] <Faerzen_Norstov> "I am honestly not sure any of the three of us are fine right now."
  761. [02:44] <Abyss> Abyss
  762. [02:44] <Abyss> *""
  763. [02:45] <Faerzen_Norstov> "Yes, I am aware. I wish to speak with him when he wishes to speak with me."
  764. [02:45] <Abyss> *I could use a break too, just set me on a ledge somewhere or something*
  765. [02:46] <Abyss> *I've been quiet because I thought I wouldn't be very helpful*
  766. [02:46] <Faerzen_Norstov> *I am sorry Reggie, but for now at least I would not like to be alone with Abyss*
  767. [02:46] <Abyss> *Alright*
  768. [02:46] <Faerzen_Norstov> *Would you mind staying with me?*
  769. [02:46] <Abyss> *Sure*
  770. [02:47] <Faerzen_Norstov> *Thank you. I appreciate it.*
  771. [02:47] * Faerzen_Norstov sighs
  772. [02:47] <Faerzen_Norstov> *Why does everything have to be so hard?*
  773. [02:47] <Abyss> *I think Abyss is in a bit of a dark spot right now and needs some help*
  774. [02:47] * Faerzen_Norstov captchalogues his pen (Co - COBALT) and sits on the edge of his bed next to his desk with Regent open on it
  775. [02:48] <Faerzen_Norstov> *Yes, I would say he is, but I do not know how to help at this point.*
  776. [02:48] <Abyss> *you could try talk to him*
  777. [02:48] <Abyss> *From what he said he's never had anybody who cared about him before*
  778. [02:48] <Faerzen_Norstov> *He said he didn't want to talk.*
  779. [02:49] <Abyss> *He said that he didn't want to talk, not that he wasn't willing to listen*
  780. [02:50] <Faerzen_Norstov> *What would I say though? I know hardly anything about him, let alone do I feel in a position to be comforting him right now.*
  781. [02:50] <Faerzen_Norstov> *I did just spearhead an entire court case against him.*
  782. [02:50] <Abyss> *Imagine you had never had anybody care for you*
  783. [02:51] <Abyss> *your entire life*
  784. [02:51] <Faerzen_Norstov> *Fortunately, that is very difficult for me to imagine.*
  785. [02:51] <Abyss> *Abyss is living that life*
  786. [02:51] <Faerzen_Norstov> *What am I supposed to say though?*
  787. [02:52] <Abyss> *Let him know that you care about him*
  788. [02:52] <Faerzen_Norstov> *"Yeah, you totally were complicit in tons of murders, but you know what? I love you, bro!" Yeah, that's not going to happen.*
  789. [02:52] <Abyss> *Just that you don't want him to panic like this, that you want him to feel better*
  790. [02:53] <Faerzen_Norstov> *Isn't that obvious though? I thought I made clear my desires for things to work out earlier.*
  791. [02:53] <Abyss> *You may find it hard to tell but he's basically curled up in the fetal position crying right now by human standards*
  792. [02:53] <Faerzen_Norstov> *.......*
  793. [02:54] <Abyss> *Go help him*
  794. [02:55] <Faerzen_Norstov> *I don't see how I can say much that is meaningful given my situation and predicament with him, but I will try. That is certainly better than the alternative of just letting him be alone for a long time.*
  795. [02:55] * Faerzen_Norstov sighs
  796. [02:56] <Abyss> *nothing is worse than being alone*
  797. [02:57] <Faerzen_Norstov> *I know this is incredibly selfish of me, but why is there still so much to worry about! I was hoping that this would all be over, or that I'd at least have some time to rest! Will there never be a single moment in this game when I don't feel like I'm scrambling to fix yet another thing that I feel pseudo-responsible for and would feel terrible for
  798. [02:57] <Faerzen_Norstov> not trying to fix?*
  799. [02:57] <Faerzen_Norstov> *I genuinely want Abyss to feel better.*
  800. [02:57] <Faerzen_Norstov> *I'm just so exhausted!*
  801. [02:57] <Faerzen_Norstov> *You saw me back there at the trial at the end.*
  802. [02:57] <Abyss> *Faerzen*
  803. [02:58] <Faerzen_Norstov> *If we had hung around there for any longer, I don't know what I would have done!*
  804. [02:58] <Abyss> *You can go to bed after this*
  805. [02:58] <Faerzen_Norstov> *Really though?*
  806. [02:58] <Faerzen_Norstov> *That is precisely what you said last time*
  807. [02:58] <Abyss> *Quit whining about your past problems*
  808. [02:58] <Abyss> *live in the now*
  809. [02:58] <Abyss> *this is an easy one to deal with+
  810. [02:59] <Abyss> *go already, the sooner you get done the sooner you rest*
  811. [03:00] <Faerzen_Norstov> *I beg to differ that comforting a powerful entity who enabled the murders of my friends in an alternate timeline, who I just defeated in court, and who is currently an emotionally unstable mess is going to be easy. But I will try anyways because I can't not.*
  812. [03:00] <Faerzen_Norstov> *I simply hope I don't end up making things worse.*
  813. [03:00] * Faerzen_Norstov looks at Abyss
  814. [03:00] <Abyss> *Lyra*
  815. [03:01] <Faerzen_Norstov> *What about her?*
  816. [03:01] <Abyss> *Right now you're helping somebody in pain at the most fundamental level*
  817. [03:01] <Abyss> < Oops >
  818. [03:01] <Abyss> < Meant Faerzen >
  819. [03:01] <Abyss> < Total slip up there >
  820. [03:01] <Faerzen_Norstov> <lol>
  821. [03:01] <Lyra_Bel> ((Pretty major mistake, yeah))
  822. [03:01] <Archive> <Lyra confirmed for Faerzen>
  823. [03:01] <Lyra_Bel> ((What shall we name the ship?))
  824. [03:01] <Abyss> < Lyrzen >
  825. [03:02] <Abyss> < Duh >
  826. [03:02] <Lyra_Bel> ((Mashing names together is lame. We need something awesome))
  827. [03:02] <Faerzen_Norstov> <pretty sure if lyra and faerzen are a ship of any sort it wouldn't be <3 >
  828. [03:02] <Abyss> < <3< >
  829. [03:02] <Faerzen_Norstov> <that's the one>
  830. [03:02] <Lyra_Bel> (( c8< ))
  831. [03:03] <Archive> <Chemical Dissonance is a bit long, isn't it?>
  832. [03:03] <Abyss> < Ay lmao >
  833. [03:03] <Lyra_Bel> ((Works for me))
  834. [03:03] <Lyra_Bel> ((Proceed as you were))
  835. [03:04] <Abyss> < Faerzen ==> >
  836. [03:05] <Faerzen_Norstov> *I know that, but that doesn't mean I know any more what I am doing. I am simply going to bumble around in the darkness of the unknown in the direction I think would be most helpful. As usual, I will try, I will do my best, I will hedge my best on what I think to be most prudent, and then I will hope for the best.*
  837. [03:05] <Faerzen_Norstov> *Thank you for keeping me in line.*
  838. [03:05] <Abyss> *Faerzen*
  839. [03:05] <Abyss> *Every moment we delay is a moment he's in pain*
  840. [03:06] * Faerzen_Norstov tips his head down to look at Abyss
  841. [03:06] <Faerzen_Norstov> *Very well then, here it goes.*
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