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Sep 12th, 2012
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  1. [18:45] <@MrWizard>
  2. [18:45] <@tzukaZONE> only computer people would put up with that shit
  3. [18:45] <@MrWizard> video of new ttt2 characters!
  4. [18:45] <Twinniss> im cool with android
  5. [18:45] <kryoWORK> thats the only part of my android i dont like
  6. [18:45] <@MarkMan23> i guess i can talk about the chars now
  7. [18:45] <faceless> wait, they never had fullscreen mode in the browser before?
  8. [18:45] <kryoWORK> the gps sometimes being shitty
  9. [18:45] <@MarkMan23> what do you wanna know
  10. [18:45] <@MarkMan23> lol
  11. [18:45] * EvilDan ( Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
  12. [18:46] <jay_simon> slim bob
  13. [18:46] <@tzukaZONE> who is sebastion
  14. [18:46] <B6S> tzukaZONE, i havent not had GPS in maybe a year, defective phone perhaps?
  15. [18:46] <jay_simon> looks shitty
  16. [18:46] <jay_simon> is he shitty
  17. [18:46] <jay_simon> sebastian is lilis butler
  18. [18:46] <@MarkMan23> Sebastian is Lili's butler
  19. [18:46] <kryoWORK> sebastian is lilis butler
  20. [18:46] <@tzukaZONE> B6S: not the phone, for sure
  21. [18:46] <@MarkMan23> he plays like T5DR Lili
  22. [18:46] <B6S> mine pops up every single time
  23. [18:46] <faceless>
  24. [18:46] <@MarkMan23> not new Lili
  25. [18:46] <@tzukaZONE> so sebastion just fights like lili?
  26. [18:46] <@FMJaggy> MrWizard: Slim bob seems like a minor update to fat bob
  27. [18:46] <@MarkMan23> different
  28. [18:46] <@tzukaZONE> i see
  29. [18:46] <jay_simon> how is slim bob
  30. [18:46] <@MarkMan23> Slim Bob lacks some of regular bob's buff moves
  31. [18:46] <@tzukaZONE> they are all basically slightly tweaked palette swaps right?
  32. [18:46] <jay_simon> i saw he falls over
  33. [18:46] <@MarkMan23> he doesn't have f,f+1+2 launch throw
  34. [18:46] <jay_simon> after like uf1+2
  35. [18:46] <faceless> tzukaZONE sounds like your phone is defective
  36. [18:46] <jay_simon> and cant pick niggas up
  37. [18:46] <jay_simon> yeah
  38. [18:46] <@MarkMan23> yeah belly moves, he falls over
  39. [18:46] <@tzukaZONE> faceless: its not my fuckin phone fool
  40. [18:46] <jay_simon> he seems kinda shitty
  41. [18:46] <@tzukaZONE> ive had two identical phones
  42. [18:47] <jay_simon> whats the plus side of him
  43. [18:47] <@tzukaZONE> same shit
  44. [18:47] <@MarkMan23> but he has improved range, different hitboxes
  45. [18:47] <jay_simon> does he get some new moves that do more damage or something
  46. [18:47] <@MarkMan23> it's funny, p.jack has less range in his arms
  47. [18:47] <faceless> two identical phones with the same problem.... but it's not he phone?
  48. [18:47] <jay_simon> bob has plenty of range already tho
  49. [18:47] <B6S> tzukaZONE, what phone
  50. [18:47] <jay_simon> unless he gets buffer combos
  51. [18:47] <@tzukaZONE> who does dr b fight like?
  52. [18:47] <jay_simon> i cant see him being better
  53. [18:47] <faceless> sounds like it's the phone.. or more specifically, the GPS hardware or RIL
  54. [18:47] <kryoWORK> dr b fights like dr b
  55. [18:47] <@tzukaZONE> faceless: epic 4g
  56. [18:47] <kryoWORK> own style
  57. [18:47] <@MarkMan23> Dr. B is original
  58. [18:47] * tolkaNo2 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  59. [18:47] * dv310p3r ( has joined #capcom
  60. [18:47] <@MarkMan23> not like T3
  61. [18:47] <jay_simon> how is violet
  62. [18:47] <jay_simon> compared to lee
  63. [18:47] <faceless> epic 4g? yeah, it's the phone
  64. [18:47] <Fergus> What's Miharu like?
  65. [18:47] <PureYeti> does dr b have some yoshimitsu moves?
  66. [18:47] <faceless> run CM9
  67. [18:48] <@tzukaZONE> so dr b is actually new?
  68. [18:48] <kryoWORK> miharu looks like ling
  69. [18:48] <@MarkMan23> Violet has some differences, mostly some T4 moves, he has bone shredder and f,f,N+3+4, and swayback kick
  70. [18:48] <faceless> or find the GPS fix for Samsung roms
  71. [18:48] <@MarkMan23> that's like the only differences
  72. [18:48] <@MarkMan23> between violet and lee
  73. [18:48] <vgambit> tzukaZONE: I have an epic 4g too
  74. [18:48] <vgambit> same bullshit gps issue
  75. [18:48] <vgambit> even with cm9
  76. [18:48] <Toshin> ohh sway <3
  77. [18:48] <@tzukaZONE> yep
  78. [18:48] <B6S> epic 4g is a phone issue
  79. [18:48] <DaFeetLee> who actually uses siri
  80. [18:48] <DaFeetLee> lol
  81. [18:48] <@MarkMan23> Miharu is ling with ass moves
  82. [18:48] <kryoWORK> i could have sworn i did f,f,N+3+4 with lee in ttt2 once
  83. [18:48] <kryoWORK> then i could never do it again
  84. [18:48] <IU|SUPARX> lol snoop stage
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