
#obama: 2018 Mar 15

Mar 15th, 2018
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  8. 17:40 *** Sneakysne joined #obama
  9. <@Joey> hmm so this is the first time that Mueller supoenas docs from Trump's businesses....does that mean eventually we'll get to see some fucking tax returns?
  10. Topic set by AndroidUS!~AndroidUS@ on Thu Mar 15 2018 17:24:45 GMT-0700 (PDT)
  11. 17:40 AndroidUS here's trouble
  12. 17:40 Sneakysne Anticipation is a source of much human suffering.
  13. 17:41 Sneakysne Mueller has likely had Trump's tax returns since last summer.
  14. 17:41 Sneakysne Whether or not the American people ever see them seems independent of this most recent subpoena.
  15. 17:43 *** Sneakysne was kicked by AndroidUS (get a life, raindonna)
  16. 17:43 !!! You have been kicked from #obama
  17. 17:51 *** Sneakysne joined #obama
  18. <@Joey> hmm so this is the first time that Mueller supoenas docs from Trump's businesses....does that mean eventually we'll get to see some fucking tax returns?
  19. Topic set by AndroidUS!~AndroidUS@ on Thu Mar 15 2018 17:24:45 GMT-0700 (PDT)
  20. 17:51 dez_ Sure
  21. 17:51 dez_ With 9mm weapons
  22. 17:52 dez_ And military tactics
  23. 17:52 Popper can't police officers be criminals dez_?
  24. 17:52 Popper dez_, your "thinking skills" always surprise me
  25. 17:52 dez_ They can but the point is that they were using police issued and restricted guns
  26. 17:53 Popper and..?
  27. 17:53 dez_ And some rightwingers defend those milicianos as bringing stability to slums
  28. 17:53 Popper "some"?
  29. 17:53 dez_ And it means the state at least condoned it
  30. 17:53 dez_ People like bolsonaro
  31. 17:54 dez_ Others are less open about it
  32. 17:54 Popper dez_, some people think maduro is a great leader, does that mean ALL LEFT-WINGERS think that?
  33. 17:54 Popper no dez_
  34. 17:54 dez_ Whatever popper
  35. 17:54 dez_ Btw
  36. 17:54 Popper dez_, you want to generalize about them, you want to stereotype people you disagree with
  37. 17:54 dez_ Im quitting politics
  38. 17:54 dez_ You stereotype me as someone from psol all the time
  39. 17:55 Popper I doubt it, if you do someone even dumber will get IN politics, this is brazil afterall
  40. 17:55 dez_ Lol
  41. 17:55 dez_ Dont worry
  42. 17:55 Popper dez_, that's because you OPENLY SYMPATHIZE with PSOL all the time
  43. 17:55 dez_ Ill still troll you online
  44. 17:55 Joey hey no one can claim crazier politics than the US...fuck we have Trump!
  45. 17:55 dez_ No i do not
  46. 17:55 Popper dez_, thanks
  47. 17:55 dez_ You idiot
  48. 17:56 dez_ Trump level thinking
  49. 17:56 Popper Joey, trump would be a breeze here
  50. 17:56 dez_ Ive said more than once i hate trotskyists
  51. 17:57 dez_ And "some" is not a generalization
  52. 17:57 Joey let's put it this way...he goes to a fund raiser right. Lies to the very people he wants money from they know it's a lie and they still give him money....if that isn't fucked up I don't know what is.
  53. 17:57 dez_ Numbskull
  54. 17:57 Popper dez_, c'mon dez_ I've talked to you about freixo
  55. 17:57 Popper dez_, the causes you support are probably full of PSOL people
  56. 17:57 dez_ Youre a moron
  57. 17:57 Joey "Hey I'm a con man! Give me your money!"
  58. 17:57 dez_ Im leaving it at that
  59. 17:57 Popper Joey, we have politicians who order other people murdered, get caught and never go to prison
  60. 17:58 dez_ Such as who Popper
  61. 17:58 Joey murder....pfffft petty shit...
  62. 17:58 Popper dez_, mayor of small town in the northeast
  63. 17:58 dez_ We have politicians who try to bomb places with homemade bombs
  64. 17:58 Joey we can deal with murder....but liars? apparently not
  65. 17:58 |werejag| murder the liars
  66. 17:58 dez_ And may become president
  67. 17:59 dez_ We also have politicians who stalk harass and shoot journalists
  68. 17:59 Joey heh werejag seriously man we give them money....and make them president
  69. 17:59 dez_ Themselves
  70. 17:59 dez_ And the media says nothing
  71. 17:59 Joey now that's some politics there
  72. 17:59 dez_ Theyre the self define brazilian liberal movement
  73. 18:00 dez_ That is conservative
  74. 18:00 dez_ And associated with the koch brothers
  75. 18:00 Joey nah we don't shoot our journalists just call them fake and actually have people believe the politician and not the journalists.....that's fucked up man
  76. 18:00 dez_ Self defined
  77. 18:00 Sneakysne Popper: Please grade Trump's presidency so far on a scale of [0,1].
  78. 18:01 Sneakysne I'm not sure my score, maybe 0.2.
  79. 18:01 Sneakysne He hasn't actively killed that many people, so there needs to be range below his score in those case in which the POTUS has pogroms, launches nuclear missiles against American targets, etc.
  80. 18:01 dez_ Sneakysne: that may change with the new state department
  81. 18:02 Sneakysne dez_: Why?
  82. 18:02 dez_ Hawk
  83. 18:02 Sneakysne Pompeo?
  84. 18:02 fieryUSA something tells me the american nuclear arsenal is preprogrammed to NOT destroy american targets, it doesn't matter what trump's crazy ass might say.
  85. 18:02 dez_ Wants war with iran and regime change in north korea
  86. 18:02 dez_ Yes pompeo
  87. 18:02 Sneakysne I don't know a great deal about Pompeo, but my understanding is that he's a bad guy.
  88. 18:03 Sneakysne He appears to have low empathy, high factionalism, and high authoritarianism.
  89. 18:03 dez_ Thats basically it
  90. 18:03 dez_ Yes
  91. 18:03 Sneakysne This is generally the worse cognitive profile a person can have.
  92. 18:03 dez_ Yes
  93. 18:03 Sneakysne It doesn't seem Americans have a range of wonderful options.
  94. 18:04 dez_ Its shit everywhere
  95. 18:04 Sneakysne The most effective is to have a Blue Wave in 2018 Nov.
  96. 18:04 Popper dez_, I wonder how many PSOL people will fight for these poor criminals, driven to execute marielle because of society
  97. 18:04 Sneakysne However, the nation needs injunctive relief from the GOP.
  98. 18:04 dez_ Popper: eat a dick
  99. 18:04 Popper dez_, these are the biggest victims afterall
  100. 18:04 Sneakysne Popper: I put you on ignore.
  101. 18:04 Sneakysne Reason: You appear to be participating in factionalist musings the goal of which is to divide Americans from one another.
  102. 18:05 dez_ I refer to my previous statement
  103. 18:05 Sneakysne Which ways can American receive injunctive relief from the GOP?
  104. 18:05 dez_ Dicks not eaten yet popper
  105. 18:05 Sneakysne The range would appear to be 'wait until Nov' or 'use weapons to kill and terrorize members of the GOP who are in government'.
  106. 18:06 Joey how long is it going to be before Trumpo fires Mueller?
  107. 18:06 Sneakysne dez_: Please reward rational behavior while punishing factional behavior.
  108. 18:06 Sneakysne or = to
  109. 18:06 dez_ I feel bad for you
  110. 18:07 Sneakysne The Declaration of Independence requires a long train of usurpations before 'use of weapons to kill and terrorize members of the government' is advocated.
  111. 18:07 dez_ Its probably shitty to be so dumb
  112. 18:07 Sneakysne I believe that we have a long train of usurpations, however there is light by 2018 Nov.
  113. 18:07 dez_ Can you open a fridge Popper ?
  114. 18:07 Sneakysne I think that if the 2018 Nov election is meddled with by members of the GOP, the Framers would advocate the use of violence against those members of the GOP in government.
  115. 18:07 dez_ Its not a monster and it wont eat you
  116. 18:08 Sneakysne dez_: It's strange to watch you reward factional behavior.
  117. 18:08 Sneakysne You need to have good ideals and the will to see those ideals instituted.
  118. 18:08 Sneakysne Anti-factionalism is the *core* American trait.
  119. 18:08 Sneakysne You can practice right now.
  120. 18:08 dez_ Raindonna
  121. 18:09 Sneakysne I see. You're a factionalist yourself.
  122. 18:09 dez_ America today is very factionslist
  123. 18:09 Sneakysne My error -- I misjudged you.
  124. 18:09 Sneakysne Please proceed, governor.
  125. 18:09 Sneakysne (Most humans are factionalists)
  126. 18:09 Sneakysne Humans begin to move past factionalism in stage 5 of Kohlberg's model.
  127. 18:10 dez_ The level of bickering in american politics is higher
  128. 18:10 Sneakysne You'll notice that stage 6 factionalism is the complete transcendent of factionalism, explicitly relying on the categorial imperative.
  129. 18:10 dez_ Omg email in private server
  130. 18:10 Sneakysne dez_: I put you on ignore.
  131. 18:10 Sneakysne Reason: I am not valuing your content.
  132. 18:11 Sneakysne I can unilaterally do this because it is consistent with the categorical imperative, i.e. I can wish that all people unilaterally control their social interactions simultaneously.
  133. 18:11 Sneakysne I apologize for being substantially smarter than most of this channel's inhabitants.
  134. 18:12 Sneakysne That's a recurring source of stress for most human communities.
  135. 18:12 Joey heh raindonna spouting
  136. 18:12 Joey let him rant on so that blah blah blah
  137. 18:13 Joey whatever gave you that idea?
  138. 18:13 Joey his logic is insurmountable.
  139. 18:14 Sneakysne When the gap between the intelligence of a community member excessively exceeds the average of the community leaders, that member will generally be able to point out patterns in leadership that the leaders wish to obfuscate from the community at large.
  140. 18:14 Sneakysne Generally because those hidden patterns are leveraged as a source of ongoing power.
  141. 18:14 Joey also totally nonsequitur
  142. 18:14 Joey a conclusion or statement that does not logically follow from the previous argument or statement.
  143. 18:15 Joey but hey play along....
  144. 18:15 Sneakysne Joey: I put you on ignore.
  145. 18:15 Sneakysne I wanted to engage you, but I am punishing you for using an epithet.
  146. 18:16 Sneakysne It appears the odds of good conversation occurring, at this point, are quite low.
  147. 18:16 Sneakysne Therefore:
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