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Sep 4th, 2015
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  2. <Vryheid> I gotta find some way to respond to this massive scribe of violence this slanders guy posted
  3. <InvictusZero> Unown: same way you can be the goodguy savior of the world despite using three versions of the Devil as your Personas
  4. <Vryheid> I'm hoping invictus has realized that his delusions of peace and fairness in pokemon is now futile and that all pokemon fanfics should be about torching nidoran babies
  5. <InvictusZero> Vryheid did you read that discussion Unown and I had the other day?
  6. <Vryheid> some of it
  7. <Vryheid> ideals vs morals
  8. <Unown> Vryheid: To be fair, Pokemon are fairly resistant to getting torched it seems.
  9. <Vryheid> the problem I have with this guy's writing is that it comes off as really try-hard edgy at first like he's making the guy swear so much its offputting
  10. <ThatGuywiththatOneAshfic>
  11. <ThatGuywiththatOneAshfic> hehehehe
  12. <Vryheid> once it gets going it's really good but he can't just make bastard come off to be some meathead arnold schwarzeneggar type
  13. <Vryheid> and the actual arnold is cool, bastard is not
  14. <so_s>
  15. <so_s> wud u
  16. <InvictusZero> Vryheid: more like ideals vs reality, unless you're a fan of Nietzsche
  17. <Vryheid> once it gets going though it's really good
  18. <Vryheid> I like the whole nietzche vs kant moral debate
  19. <ThatGuywiththatOneAshfic>
  20. * Unown has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
  21. * DreamWeaver has quit (Quit: Gotta go fluff it up irl)
  22. <Vryheid> he also copied this whole snorlax is the toughest pokemon ever spiel which I didn't get in game of champions and I don't get now
  23. <Vryheid> why does snorlax have to be some unstoppable 20 ton monster of death
  24. <InvictusZero> basically I was arguing against idealism in fiction because overstating the power of ideals is unrealistic to the point where it lowers verisimilitude
  25. <Krouscht> Explain
  26. * ThatGuywiththatOneAshfic has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  27. <Vryheid> invictus I think whether or not you think as an individual that idealism should be in fiction is irrelevant
  28. <Vryheid> the fact is that idealism is what drives a lot of people and therefore it MUST be in fiction whether you personally like it or not
  29. <InvictusZero> I've come to the conclusion than my setting can at best only attain a local maximum; even if implemented perfectly, it could never be great
  30. <InvictusZero> it's about how much actual power is assigned to "being right"
  31. <InvictusZero> fiction frequently portrays "good" winning over "evil" by merit of its morals (often with ludicrous excuses) when this is not how it works in reality
  32. <Vryheid> reality is though that often nobody really gets what they want
  33. <Krouscht> You know what wins really often, Invictus?
  34. <Krouscht> .yt Lodsamoney
  35. <Internets> :: YouTube BF HARDLINE: LODSAMONEY :: URL (01:38) :: Views 278 :: Rating [+] 4 likes [-] 0 dislikes ::
  36. <Vryheid> you can shape ideas and history after the fact but even the "winning" side ends up fucking themselves over quite often
  37. <Vryheid> my problem with a lot of fics is that they give you quick and easy answers to everything
  38. <Vryheid> they never make you ask if the protagonists did the right thing or if there was a better way
  39. <Krouscht> .yt Loadsamoney
  40. <Internets> :: YouTube Harry Enfield: loadsamoney :: URL (03:20) :: Views 2,864,435 :: Rating [+] 31,501 likes [-] 512 dislikes ::
  41. <Vryheid> that's why I kind of liked the ending to The Last of Us, it made a lot of people angry
  42. <Krouscht> Correct version
  43. * LilicaEvo ( has joined
  44. <InvictusZero> vryheid: and pretending that the "good ending" exists or that victory is assured if you're on the "right" side is what makes stories unbelievable
  45. <Krouscht> EHL OH DEE ES OV EE EM OH EN EE
  46. <Krouscht> WOT'ZAT SPELL?
  47. <Krouscht> LOADSMONEY
  48. <Krouscht> (prob'ly)
  49. <Krouscht> Anyways I'm off to bed
  50. <Krouscht> G'dnight
  51. * Krouscht has quit (Quit: Quite the curious device, non?)
  52. <Vryheid> happy endings are lame
  53. <Vryheid> I kept reading that chapter and thinking "if your only advice for surviving half the pokemon is not encountering them in the first place, you need more fucking training"
  54. <Vryheid> you'd think after seeing the decapitated nidoking heads you'd be like "hey guys maybe we should head back and regroup for a bit"
  55. <Vryheid> "maybe we should send that flying pokemon we should have brought in the first place to scout ahead"
  56. <InvictusZero> well it was Command's bright idea to send a bunch of noobs on the road of pain
  57. <Vryheid> "maybe we should camoflage our scent so grumpy bearlax can't spot us as easily"
  58. <Vryheid> maybe we should bring a halfway decent battling pokemon so we don't get our asses wrecked"
  59. * Unown ( has joined
  60. <InvictusZero> you know what was kinda weird about the chapter? the early part about Amber sounded like the author was taking out his frustration over someone he knew; then he realized that his protag now sounded like a /pol/tard, so he had him agree with liberal opinions
  61. <Vryheid> the liberal opinions came out of fucking nowhere
  62. <Vryheid> like really
  63. <InvictusZero> exactly
  64. <Vryheid> you telling me an assclown like bastard suddenly cares about global warming
  65. <InvictusZero> like the author felt he had to compensate for something
  66. <Vryheid> no the only thing this guy cares about is guns, sex, and evolving his fucking magikarp
  67. <Unown> What are we talking about here?
  68. <Vryheid> this monster of a chapter unown
  69. <Unown> From?
  70. <Vryheid> if you have some time I highly recommend reading it
  71. <Vryheid> I mentioned it in the vp thread
  72. <InvictusZero>
  73. <Vryheid> it's easily the biggest single chapter I've ever seen on
  74. <Vryheid> I don't know why he didn't split it up
  75. <Vryheid> but still it's very good writing
  76. <Unown> >48000 words
  77. <Unown> >chapter
  78. <Unown> why.png
  79. <Unown> >58000 words total
  80. <so_s>
  81. <Vryheid> invictus what made me upset about the whole passage is that I was so ready for some serious character arcs
  82. <Vryheid> like finally they got away from the big threat, time for amber to reveal her past and become more cooperative with bastard
  83. <Vryheid> time for cortez to grow into his secondary leadership role
  84. <InvictusZero> the chapter's ending was disappointing in that regard, that's true
  85. <Vryheid> time for echo team to finally have that teamwork and comrodarie
  86. <Vryheid> nope
  87. <Vryheid> gotta fuck it all up
  88. <Vryheid> but it was a punch in the gut of an ending you gotta admit
  89. <Vryheid> I think it did a good job showing why the guy is so angry
  90. <Vryheid> I can empathize with his attitude more
  91. <InvictusZero> it did turn the protagonist into more than just a monster in human skin, but it really didn't need to ruin the potential it implied with the other characters, especially after all that setup
  92. <InvictusZero> like
  93. <Vryheid> what honestly is kind of telling about how I've been trained towards certain biases is that despite everything I've read, I have some vague hope that these trainers can keep the peace just by being nice with their pokemon
  94. <Vryheid> like I have some inner thought like "well maybe, maybe if all the humans just tried to live peacefully and stopped murdering all the wild pokemon, maybe they wouldn't kill each other"
  95. <Vryheid> that's how it usually works in fanfiction
  96. <Vryheid> but I'm getting the impression slanders is really going all the way in trying to make trainers look like a bunch of delusional hippies
  97. <InvictusZero> Amber was supposedly a total bitch and everyone hated her; the only reason she wasn't fired was because the rangers have serious personnel problems, but how and why did she stay for 16 years despite being attacked and without changing her attitudes in any way? I thought there'd be some insight and development, but NOPE
  98. <InvictusZero> vryheid if that story ends in some hippie bullshit way I'll have to invent a way to keelhaul the author over the internet
  99. <InvictusZero> that has zero basis for the world he has set up
  100. <Vryheid> well what I mean is
  101. <InvictusZero> worse than what I originally had
  102. <Vryheid> what if his premise is that training is by definition futile
  103. <Vryheid> that the rangers really are right
  104. <InvictusZero> it better be that
  105. <Vryheid> and that people should all give up with "friendship" and treat their pokemon like shit
  106. <Vryheid> and become a bunch of bitter pokemon abusing psychopaths holed up in military bunkers
  107. <InvictusZero> unless the history part is completely made up, I don't see a canon-like attitude towards pokémon working at all
  108. <Vryheid> you know when I first saw amber and how much zane complained about her I thought it was just him being an unreliable narrator
  109. <Vryheid> like, maybe this guy is just so biased that he's making up details about her or exaggerating it
  110. <InvictusZero> all I could think of was "author, get off your soapbox"
  111. <Vryheid> honestly I think that would have been more effective because it would allow me to more easily distinguish between what the author is saying and what zane is saying
  112. <Vryheid> but I mean, amber apparently was as much of a bitch as zane said she was which I think is kind of problematic
  113. <Vryheid> she's treated like crap the entire chapter and there's no real sympathetic moment for her at all
  114. <InvictusZero> so far, the narrative has always agreed with the protag and that's not exactly a good thing; someone like him should not be a reliable narrator even if the world is a post-postapocalyptic hellhole
  115. <InvictusZero> >but I mean, amber apparently was as much of a bitch as zane said she was which I think is kind of problematic that's why the author inserted the liberal opinion part
  116. <Vryheid> the whole point of us as readers being willing to accept such an unpleasant narrator is the ability to be put in the perspective of an unpleasant protagonist
  117. <Vryheid> but it seems like the protagonist is right about everything all the time
  118. <Vryheid> which means it kind of feels like the author is endorsing this
  119. <Nandosagi> which story is this again
  120. <Vryheid> violence the fanfic
  121. * Nandosagi is now known as Nandosagi|writing
  122. <Nandosagi|writing> >open page
  123. <Nandosagi|writing> >roll mouse wheel one revolution
  124. <Nandosagi|writing> .yt Dr. Weird Snake
  125. <Internets> :: YouTube Dr. Weird's Snake :: URL (00:12) :: Views 110,790 :: Rating [+] 419 likes [-] 8 dislikes ::
  126. <Nandosagi|writing> Steve is mfw
  127. <InvictusZero> it would be hilariously subversive if the protagonist ended up learning that history has been thoroughly rewritten to justify human mistakes and pokémon being so brutal was adaption to humanity's first encounter response, but given that the protag is talking about his past, that can't happen
  128. <Vryheid> we know that pokemon freak out due to gunfire
  129. <Vryheid> another element borrowed directly from game of champions
  130. <Vryheid> maybe if, you know, they didn't shoot the pokemon the pokemon wouldn't get so hostile
  131. <Vryheid> just a thought
  132. <InvictusZero> according to history, pokémon just started rampaging when they first appeared
  133. <InvictusZero> game of champions did that too? I remembered it as the justification for medieval weaponry in Sun Soul
  134. <Nandosagi|writing> I don't even remember why I actually liked Sun Soul
  135. <Nandosagi|writing> when I read it like two years ago
  136. <InvictusZero> since the protag has been right about everything so far, history is probably accurate
  137. <InvictusZero> Sun Soul had a few interesting ideas but never followed through with them; I kinda liked the world and would've wanted to see more of its inner workings, but that wasn't on the author's agenda; instead, generic war plot and deus ex machina artifact
  138. <Nandosagi|writing>
  139. <Nandosagi|writing> I don't know the one thing I remember is that it at least seemed like it held on to itself
  140. <Nandosagi|writing> but who knows
  141. <Vryheid> invictus in one of the footnotes in game of champions it goes on about how pokemon go in a blood frenzy at the sound of gunfire and how they need to use gas powered crossbows
  142. <Vryheid> it's exactly the same concept
  143. <Nandosagi|writing> >gas powered crossbows
  144. <Nandosagi|writing> this just makes me think of SnK
  145. <Vryheid> this story expands it entirely to explosions of any kind
  146. <Vryheid> I like zane as a character though, like, he feels a lot more human than these goofy trainer stereotypes
  147. <Vryheid> he actually has to think on his feet to solve problems
  148. <Unown> >Pokemon freak out at gunfire
  149. <Vryheid> the power of friendship does not see him through
  150. <Unown> But how does that work when there's *literally* explosions everywhere in most incarnations of the canon?
  151. <InvictusZero> thinking about it, I remember snorlax being some sort of terror beast in Sun Soul too; which came first, Game of Champions of Sun Soul?
  152. <Nandosagi|writing> isn't Sun Soul from like 2001
  153. <Unown> If they freak out over a boolet getting shot, why not freak out over every missed Hyper Beam ever?
  154. <InvictusZero> Unown: gotta fabricate excuses for the lack of guns in canon and crank up the "humanity is fucked" angle
  155. <Unown> And wouldn't "freaking out over bullets" just motivate the development of silencers earlier on in history?
  156. <Nandosagi|writing> just develop laser guns
  157. <Nandosagi|writing> :P
  158. * Kuronata has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  159. <Unown> Invictus: Simple. They're largely redundant and inherently "anti-personnel weapons". Meaning they'd be more prone to be looked down upon and "muh chillens"'d
  160. <InvictusZero> vryheid: yeah, overall the protagonist is still an interesting character
  161. <InvictusZero> Unown: but if pokémon are stronger than guns, how has humanity survived?
  162. <Unown> Invictus: Depends on how idealistic your setting is.
  163. <Vryheid> lots and lots of guns
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