
Silent Age App Fc

Feb 18th, 2015
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  1. 02-18 07:31:17.939 D/su (10884): sending code
  2. 02-18 07:31:17.939 D/su (10884): child exited
  3. 02-18 07:31:17.939 D/su (10882): client exited 0
  4. 02-18 07:31:17.939 I/System (10728): exec(su @ com.nolanlawson.logcat.b.m.a:-1)
  5. 02-18 07:31:17.959 D/su (10902): su invoked.
  6. 02-18 07:31:17.959 D/su (10902): starting daemon client 10275 0
  7. 02-18 07:31:17.959 D/su (10904): remote pid: 10902
  8. 02-18 07:31:17.959 D/su (10904): remote pts_slave:
  9. 02-18 07:31:17.959 D/su (10904): waiting for child exit
  10. 02-18 07:31:17.959 D/su (10905): su invoked.
  11. 02-18 07:31:17.959 D/su (10905): 10275 /system/bin/app_process32 executing 0 /venomsu/sush using binary /venomsu/sush : sush
  12. 02-18 07:31:17.959 D/m0narX_su_observer( 956): Helper called from: 10067
  13. 02-18 07:31:17.999 D/su (10904): sending code
  14. 02-18 07:31:17.999 D/su (10904): child exited
  15. 02-18 07:31:18.009 D/su (10902): client exited 0
  16. 02-18 07:31:18.049 I/System (10728): exec(su @ com.nolanlawson.logcat.b.m.a:-1)
  17. 02-18 07:31:18.059 D/su (10909): su invoked.
  18. 02-18 07:31:18.059 D/su (10909): starting daemon client 10275 0
  19. 02-18 07:31:18.069 D/su (10911): remote pid: 10909
  20. 02-18 07:31:18.069 D/su (10911): remote pts_slave:
  21. 02-18 07:31:18.069 D/su (10911): waiting for child exit
  22. 02-18 07:31:18.069 D/su (10912): su invoked.
  23. 02-18 07:31:18.069 D/su (10912): 10275 /system/bin/app_process32 executing 0 /venomsu/sush using binary /venomsu/sush : sush
  24. 02-18 07:31:18.069 D/m0narX_su_observer( 956): Helper called from: 10067
  25. 02-18 07:31:18.069 D/su (10911): sending code
  26. 02-18 07:31:18.069 D/su (10911): child exited
  27. 02-18 07:31:18.069 D/su (10909): client exited 1
  28. 02-18 07:31:18.089 D/PMS ( 956): acquireWL(34001dd4): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK ActivityManager-Launch 0x1 956 1000 null
  29. 02-18 07:31:18.099 I/System (10728): exec(su @ com.nolanlawson.logcat.b.i.a:-1)
  30. 02-18 07:31:18.109 I/ActionCombine(10728): replace[setMax, setProgress, setTextSize, setTextColor, setVisibility, setImageLevel, setX, setY, setAlpha, setScaleX, setScaleY, setRotation, setRotationX, setRotationY, setElevation, setTranslationX, setTranslationY, setBase, setTime, setEnabled, setStarted, setAllCaps, setClickable, setFocusable, setIndeterminate, setText, setContentDescription, setFormat, setViewPaddingInternal, setTextViewTextSizeInternal, setTextViewCompoundDrawablesInternal, setTextViewCompoundDrawablesRelativeInternal]
  31. 02-18 07:31:18.109 D/m0narX_NotificationExtension( 956): start: com.nolanlawson.logcat
  32. 02-18 07:31:18.109 W/InputMethodManagerService( 956): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@242b4340 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@1d152b5b, client pid=10728, inputType=0x(null)
  33. 02-18 07:31:18.119 D/su (10915): su invoked.
  34. 02-18 07:31:18.119 D/m0narX_NotificationExtension( 956): needToIntercept: Screen turned on
  35. 02-18 07:31:18.119 D/HtcSystemUPManager( 956): HtcSystemUPolicy [canLog (default)] category: launch, enable: true
  36. 02-18 07:31:18.119 D/su (10915): starting daemon client 10275 0
  37. 02-18 07:31:18.119 D/su (10918): remote pid: 10915
  38. 02-18 07:31:18.119 D/su (10918): remote pts_slave:
  39. 02-18 07:31:18.119 D/su (10918): waiting for child exit
  40. 02-18 07:31:18.119 D/su (10919): su invoked.
  41. 02-18 07:31:18.119 D/StatusBarManagerService( 956): setSystemUiVisibility(0x0)
  42. 02-18 07:31:18.119 D/StatusBarManagerService( 956): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams
  43. 02-18 07:31:18.119 D/StatusBarManagerService( 956): showing MENU key
  44. 02-18 07:31:18.129 D/su (10919): 10275 /system/bin/app_process32 executing 0 /venomsu/sush using binary /venomsu/sush : sush
  45. 02-18 07:31:18.129 D/m0narX_su_observer( 956): Helper called from: 10067
  46. 02-18 07:31:18.139 I/RemoteViews( 1138): apply : com.nolanlawson.logcat 0 10 4 35
  47. 02-18 07:31:18.149 V/PhoneStatusBar( 1138): setLightsOn(true)
  48. 02-18 07:31:18.159 D/PMS ( 956): releaseWL(34001dd4): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK ActivityManager-Launch 0x1 null
  49. 02-18 07:31:18.609 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 956): TRAFFIC_STATS_POLL true Token 10 num clients 7
  50. 02-18 07:31:18.609 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 956): packet count Tx=10493 Rx=16730
  51. 02-18 07:31:19.609 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 956): TRAFFIC_STATS_POLL true Token 10 num clients 7
  52. 02-18 07:31:19.609 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 956): packet count Tx=10493 Rx=16731
  53. 02-18 07:31:19.619 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 956): notifying of data activity 1
  54. 02-18 07:31:19.729 E/MP-Decision( 2157): Update arg 2
  55. 02-18 07:31:19.929 E/MP-Decision( 2157): Update arg 1
  56. 02-18 07:31:20.209 E/MP-Decision( 2157): Update arg 2
  57. 02-18 07:31:20.299 E/WifiStateMachine( 956): handleMessage: E msg.what=131155
  58. 02-18 07:31:20.299 E/WifiStateMachine( 956): processMsg: ConnectedState
  59. 02-18 07:31:20.309 E/WifiStateMachine( 956): ConnectedState !CMD_RSSI_POLL 1 0 "NETGEAR45" b4:75:0e:13:2d:6a rssi=-28 f=2412 sc=60 link=150 tx=0.3, 0.0, 0.0 rx=1.5 bcn=0 [on:0 tx:0 rx:0 period:2994] from screen [on:0 period:-1662861955] gl u24 rssi=-28 ag=0 hr ls-=0 [56,56,56,56,61] brc=0 lrc=0
  60. 02-18 07:31:20.309 E/WifiStateMachine( 956): processMsg: L2ConnectedState
  61. 02-18 07:31:20.309 E/WifiStateMachine( 956): L2ConnectedState !CMD_RSSI_POLL 1 0 "NETGEAR45" b4:75:0e:13:2d:6a rssi=-28 f=2412 sc=60 link=150 tx=0.3, 0.0, 0.0 rx=1.5 bcn=0 [on:0 tx:0 rx:0 period:1] from screen [on:0 period:-1662861954] gl u24 rssi=-28 ag=0 hr ls-=0 [56,56,56,56,61] brc=0 lrc=0
  62. 02-18 07:31:20.309 E/WifiStateMachine( 956): get link layer stats 0
  63. 02-18 07:31:20.309 W/WifiHW ( 956): QCOM Debug wifi_send_command "IFNAME=wlan0 SIGNAL_POLL"
  64. 02-18 07:31:20.309 D/wpa_supplicant( 1267): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
  65. 02-18 07:31:20.319 I/wpa_supplicant( 1267): environment dirty rate=0 [0][0][0]
  66. 02-18 07:31:20.319 E/WifiStateMachine( 956): fetchRssiLinkSpeedAndFrequencyNative RSSI = -26 abnormalRssiCnt = 0 newLinkSpeed = 150
  67. 02-18 07:31:20.329 E/WifiStateMachine( 956): fetchRssiLinkSpeedAndFrequencyNative rssi=-26 linkspeed=150
  68. 02-18 07:31:20.329 E/WifiConfigStore( 956): updateConfiguration freq=2412 BSSID=b4:75:0e:13:2d:6a RSSI=-26 "NETGEAR45"NONE
  69. 02-18 07:31:20.329 E/WifiStateMachine( 956): calculateWifiScore freq=2412 speed=150 score=60 highRSSI -> txbadrate=0.00 txgoodrate=0.13 txretriesrate=0.00 rxrate=1.24 userTriggerdPenalty0
  70. 02-18 07:31:20.329 E/WifiStateMachine( 956): good link -> stuck count =0
  71. 02-18 07:31:20.329 E/WifiStateMachine( 956): badRSSI count0 lowRSSI count0 --> score 56
  72. 02-18 07:31:20.329 E/WifiStateMachine( 956): isHighRSSI ---> score=61
  73. 02-18 07:31:20.329 D/WifiWatchdogStateMachine( 956): RSSI current: 3 new: -26, 3
  74. 02-18 07:31:20.329 D/WIFI_ICON( 1138): updateWifiState: RSSI_CHANGED 3 -> 3
  75. 02-18 07:31:20.329 D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1138): dumpIcon[(gone) stat_sys_5signal_3|null stat_sys_wifi_signal_4 (gone) F]
  76. 02-18 07:31:20.329 E/WifiStateMachine( 956): handleMessage: X
  77. 02-18 07:31:20.349 E/BackKey ( 956): doublepress = false
  78. 02-18 07:31:20.359 E/BackKey ( 956): doublepress = false
  79. 02-18 07:31:20.389 D/PMS ( 956): acquireWL(b673ded): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK ActivityManager-Launch 0x1 956 1000 null
  80. 02-18 07:31:20.409 E/MP-Decision( 2157): Update arg 1
  81. 02-18 07:31:20.449 D/HtcSystemUPManager( 956): HtcSystemUPolicy [canLog (default)] category: launch, enable: true
  82. 02-18 07:31:20.449 E/MP-Decision( 2157): Update arg "0 380 380 380".
  83. 02-18 07:31:20.449 E/MP-Decision( 2157): Update arg "0 400 400 400".
  84. 02-18 07:31:20.469 D/StatusBarManagerService( 956): setSystemUiVisibility(0x700)
  85. 02-18 07:31:20.469 D/StatusBarManagerService( 956): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams
  86. 02-18 07:31:20.469 D/StatusBarManagerService( 956): hiding MENU key
  87. 02-18 07:31:20.479 I/InputMethodManagerService( 956): Disable input method client, pid=10728
  88. 02-18 07:31:20.479 D/StatusBarManagerService( 956): swetImeWindowStatus vis=0 backDisposition=0
  89. 02-18 07:31:20.479 I/InputMethodManagerService( 956): Enable input method client, pid=1424
  90. 02-18 07:31:20.499 D/StatusBarManagerService( 956): setSystemUiVisibility(0xc0000700)
  91. 02-18 07:31:20.499 D/StatusBarManagerService( 956): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams
  92. 02-18 07:31:20.499 D/StatusBarManagerService( 956): hiding MENU key
  93. 02-18 07:31:20.499 D/PMS ( 956): releaseWL(b673ded): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK ActivityManager-Launch 0x1 null
  94. 02-18 07:31:20.539 I/System (10728): exec(su @ com.nolanlawson.logcat.b.m.a:-1)
  95. 02-18 07:31:20.559 D/su (10952): su invoked.
  96. 02-18 07:31:20.559 D/su (10952): starting daemon client 10275 0
  97. 02-18 07:31:20.559 D/su (10954): remote pid: 10952
  98. 02-18 07:31:20.559 D/su (10954): remote pts_slave:
  99. 02-18 07:31:20.559 D/su (10954): waiting for child exit
  100. 02-18 07:31:20.559 D/su (10955): su invoked.
  101. 02-18 07:31:20.559 D/su (10955): 10275 /system/bin/app_process32 executing 0 /venomsu/sush using binary /venomsu/sush : sush
  102. 02-18 07:31:20.559 D/m0narX_su_observer( 956): Helper called from: 10067
  103. 02-18 07:31:20.599 D/su (10954): sending code
  104. 02-18 07:31:20.599 D/su (10954): child exited
  105. 02-18 07:31:20.599 D/su (10952): client exited 0
  106. 02-18 07:31:20.629 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 956): TRAFFIC_STATS_POLL true Token 10 num clients 7
  107. 02-18 07:31:20.629 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 956): packet count Tx=10493 Rx=16731
  108. 02-18 07:31:20.629 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 956): notifying of data activity 0
  109. 02-18 07:31:20.639 I/System (10728): exec(su @ com.nolanlawson.logcat.b.m.a:-1)
  110. 02-18 07:31:20.659 D/su (10962): su invoked.
  111. 02-18 07:31:20.659 D/su (10962): starting daemon client 10275 0
  112. 02-18 07:31:20.659 D/su (10964): remote pid: 10962
  113. 02-18 07:31:20.659 D/su (10964): remote pts_slave:
  114. 02-18 07:31:20.659 D/su (10964): waiting for child exit
  115. 02-18 07:31:20.659 D/su (10965): su invoked.
  116. 02-18 07:31:20.659 D/su (10965): 10275 /system/bin/app_process32 executing 0 /venomsu/sush using binary /venomsu/sush : sush
  117. 02-18 07:31:20.659 D/m0narX_su_observer( 956): Helper called from: 10067
  118. 02-18 07:31:20.669 D/su (10964): sending code
  119. 02-18 07:31:20.669 D/su (10964): child exited
  120. 02-18 07:31:20.669 D/su (10962): client exited 0
  121. 02-18 07:31:20.949 E/WifiDataStallTracker( 956): DATA_MONITOR_POLL true Token 1
  122. 02-18 07:31:20.949 D/WifiDataStallTracker( 956): updateDataStallInfo: mDataStallTxRxSum={txSum=10433 rxSum=16523} preTxRxSum={txSum=10433 rxSum=16523}
  123. 02-18 07:31:20.949 D/WifiDataStallTracker( 956): updateDataStallInfo: NONE
  124. 02-18 07:31:20.949 D/WifiDataStallTracker( 956): onDataStallAlarm: Sent 0 pkts since last received, < watchdogTrigger=5
  125. 02-18 07:31:21.009 E/MP-Decision( 2157): Update arg 2
  126. 02-18 07:31:21.029 W/ContextImpl( 1424): Implicit intents with startService are not safe: Intent { } android.content.ContextWrapper.stopService:-1
  127. 02-18 07:31:21.029 W/ActivityManager( 956): Unable to start service Intent { } U=0: not found
  128. 02-18 07:31:21.039 E/WeatherAnimation( 1424): Stop
  129. 02-18 07:31:21.039 D/hansbert( 1424): slide statusbar in
  130. 02-18 07:31:21.039 W/OpenGLRenderer( 1424): Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer...
  131. 02-18 07:31:21.039 W/OpenGLRenderer( 1424): Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer...
  132. 02-18 07:31:21.119 D/PMS ( 956): acquireHCC(2cc3a12b): CPU_MIN_NUM PrismLaunchActivity_4 0x8000 1424 10082 null
  133. 02-18 07:31:21.119 E/MP-Decision( 2157): Update arg 2
  134. 02-18 07:31:21.119 D/PMS ( 956): acquireHCC(3ca8e988): CPU_MIN_NUM ActivityManager-MultiCore-Num 0x8000 956 1000 null
  135. 02-18 07:31:21.119 D/PMS ( 956): acquireHCC(32430f21): CPU_MIN_FREQ PrismLaunchActivity_4 0x2000 1424 10082 null
  136. 02-18 07:31:21.119 D/PMS ( 956): acquireHCC(29afaf46): CPU_MIN_FREQ ActivityManager-MultiCore-Freq 0x2000 956 1000 null
  137. 02-18 07:31:21.119 E/MP-Decision( 2157): Update arg 4
  138. 02-18 07:31:21.119 I/ActivityManager( 956): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 bnds=[270,948][540,1332]} from uid 10082 on display 0
  139. 02-18 07:31:21.119 D/Venom ( 956): Force new Task enabled: false
  140. 02-18 07:31:21.129 E/MP-Decision( 2157): Update arg "0 190 240 240".
  141. 02-18 07:31:21.129 E/MP-Decision( 2157): Update arg "0 75 400 400".
  142. 02-18 07:31:21.129 I/AnimationUtil( 956): isHTCRecent(The Silent Age/Recent screens.)/0
  143. 02-18 07:31:21.129 D/PMS ( 956): acquireWL(17132b1b): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK ActivityManager-Launch 0x1 956 1000 null
  144. 02-18 07:31:21.159 W/ContextImpl( 1424): Implicit intents with startService are not safe: Intent { } android.content.ContextWrapper.stopService:-1
  145. 02-18 07:31:21.159 W/ActivityManager( 956): Unable to start service Intent { } U=0: not found
  146. 02-18 07:31:21.159 E/WeatherAnimation( 1424): Stop
  147. 02-18 07:31:21.159 D/HtcSystemUPManager( 956): HtcSystemUPolicy [canLog (default)] category: launch, enable: true
  148. 02-18 07:31:21.189 I/ActivityManager( 956): Start proc for activity pid=10993 uid=10305 gids={50305, 9997, 1028, 1015, 1023, 3003} abi=armeabi-v7a
  149. 02-18 07:31:21.199 D/PMS ( 956): acquireWL(3daf5df7): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK SCREEN_FROZEN 0x1 956 1000 null
  150. 02-18 07:31:21.199 D/PMS ( 956): acquireHCC(16567464): CPU_MIN_FREQ WindowManager-ScreenRotation-Freq 0x2000 956 1000 null
  151. 02-18 07:31:21.199 D/PMS ( 956): acquireHCC(39e36cd): CPU_MIN_NUM WindowManager-ScreenRotation-Num 0x8000 956 1000 null
  152. 02-18 07:31:21.209 V/ActivityManager( 956): Display changed displayId=0
  153. 02-18 07:31:21.219 I/ActivityManager( 956): Config changes=480 {0 1.0 310mcc410mnc en_GB ldltr sw360dp w598dp h335dp 480dpi nrml land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.12}
  154. 02-18 07:31:21.219 W/InputReader( 956): VirtualKey 158: could not obtain key code, ignoring
  155. 02-18 07:31:21.219 W/InputReader( 956): VirtualKey 102: could not obtain key code, ignoring
  156. 02-18 07:31:21.219 E/InputReader( 956): Invalid region of VirtualKeyTouchFilter, it may incur abnormal Mis-Touch & HOME_SWIPE detection
  157. 02-18 07:31:21.229 D/VoLTEUtils( 1331): getCurrentConnection() conn: null
  158. 02-18 07:31:21.229 D/VoLTEUtils( 1331): getCurrentConnection() conn: null
  159. 02-18 07:31:21.229 D/DialerApp( 1521): [MirrorLink] getIsMirrorLinkEstablished() isconnected=false
  160. 02-18 07:31:21.229 D/RecentsConfig( 1138): update search id = 9, current recents config = 484400554
  161. 02-18 07:31:21.239 I/RecentsConfig( 1138): enable hardware layer for task view
  162. 02-18 07:31:21.239 D/VoLTEUtils( 1331): getCurrentConnection() conn: null
  163. 02-18 07:31:21.239 D/DialerApp( 1521): [MirrorLink] getIsMirrorLinkEstablished() isconnected=false
  164. 02-18 07:31:21.239 D/NGFService( 4254): onConfiguration
  165. 02-18 07:31:21.239 I/VenomQS ( 1138): updateColumns: normal: 2131492875
  166. 02-18 07:31:21.239 D/PhoneApp( 1331): Has soft key
  167. 02-18 07:31:21.239 I/VenomQS ( 1138): mNumColumns: 5
  168. 02-18 07:31:21.249 D/DialerApp( 1521): Has soft key
  169. 02-18 07:31:21.249 D/DialerApp( 1521): [MirrorLink] getIsMirrorLinkEstablished() isconnected=false
  170. 02-18 07:31:21.249 D/Menu_Visibility( 1138): imeVisible: false
  171. 02-18 07:31:21.249 D/Menu_Visibility( 1138): menu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
  172. 02-18 07:31:21.249 D/Menu_Visibility( 1138): imeVisible: false
  173. 02-18 07:31:21.249 D/Menu_Visibility( 1138): menu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
  174. 02-18 07:31:21.249 D/StatusBarManagerService( 956): setSystemUiVisibility(0x0)
  175. 02-18 07:31:21.249 D/StatusBarManagerService( 956): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams
  176. 02-18 07:31:21.249 D/Menu_Visibility( 1138): imeVisible: false
  177. 02-18 07:31:21.249 D/Menu_Visibility( 1138): menu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
  178. 02-18 07:31:21.249 D/StatusBarManagerService( 956): hiding MENU key
  179. 02-18 07:31:21.259 D/AudioService( 956): handleConfigurationChanged, mCameraSoundForced = false, isHtcCameraSoundForced = false, cameraSoundForced = false
  180. 02-18 07:31:21.259 D/AudioService( 956): onConfigureSafeVolume mMcc=310, mcc=310, mEnableListenNotify=true, force=false
  181. 02-18 07:31:21.259 E/WifiStateMachine( 956): WiFiDisplay: getWifidisplayApEnabled=false
  182. 02-18 07:31:21.259 I/IntentController( 1138): receive(android.intent.action.CONFIGURATION_CHANGED,1,false)
  183. 02-18 07:31:21.259 I/StatusBar( 1138): orientationChange(2)
  184. 02-18 07:31:21.259 I/AutoTest( 1138): [SystemUI][ConfigurationChange_PhoneStatusBar][22][ms][Lower is better]
  185. 02-18 07:31:21.279 D/Menu_Visibility( 1138): imeVisible: false
  186. 02-18 07:31:21.279 D/Menu_Visibility( 1138): menu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
  187. 02-18 07:31:21.279 D/Menu_Visibility( 1138): imeVisible: false
  188. 02-18 07:31:21.279 D/Menu_Visibility( 1138): menu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
  189. 02-18 07:31:21.279 D/Menu_Visibility( 1138): imeVisible: false
  190. 02-18 07:31:21.279 D/Menu_Visibility( 1138): menu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
  191. 02-18 07:31:21.289 D/HtcFooter( 1424): layerDrawableIndex = 3
  192. 02-18 07:31:21.299 I/TrimMemoryManager( 1424): [trimMemory] 20
  193. 02-18 07:31:21.329 D/PMS ( 956): acquireWL(2fe472c9): FULL_WAKE_LOCK Unity-StartupWakeLock 0x1a 10993 10305 null
  194. 02-18 07:31:21.339 I/Prime31 (10993): found Activity proxy class: class com.neatplug.u3d.plugins.common.NPUnityPlayerActivityUtility
  195. 02-18 07:31:21.339 I/Prime31 (10993): found Activity proxy class: class com.prime31.PlayGameServicesPlugin
  196. 02-18 07:31:21.339 I/Prime31 (10993): onCreate. calling through to init
  197. 02-18 07:31:21.339 I/PanelView( 1138): recModeThreshold(50,0)
  198. 02-18 07:31:21.369 W/PopupManager(10993): You have not specified a View to use as content view for popups. Falling back to the Activity content view which may not work properly in future versions of the API. Use setViewForPopups() to set your content view.
  199. 02-18 07:31:21.399 I/Prime31 (10993): onStart. calling through to onStart
  200. 02-18 07:31:21.439 D/AppStateService( 4062): client connected with version: 5089000
  201. 02-18 07:31:21.509 D/CarrierLabel( 1138): ---------- mIntentReceiver : android.intent.action.CONFIGURATION_CHANGED
  202. 02-18 07:31:21.509 D/CarrierLabel( 1138): ServiceStatus = 0, SimState = UNKNOWN
  203. 02-18 07:31:21.509 I/InputMethodManagerService( 956): Disable input method client, pid=1424
  204. 02-18 07:31:21.509 D/StatusBarManagerService( 956): swetImeWindowStatus vis=0 backDisposition=0
  205. 02-18 07:31:21.509 I/InputMethodManagerService( 956): Enable input method client, pid=10993
  206. 02-18 07:31:21.509 W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 1424): reportFullscreenMode on inactive InputConnection
  207. 02-18 07:31:21.509 D/CarrierLabel( 1138): updateNetworkName showSpn=false spn=null showPlmn=true plmn=AT&T
  208. 02-18 07:31:21.519 I/Prime31 (10993): onSignInFailed: Unknown error
  209. 02-18 07:31:21.519 I/ActivityManager( 956): Displayed +361ms
  210. 02-18 07:31:21.519 D/PMS ( 956): releaseWL(17132b1b): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK ActivityManager-Launch 0x1 null
  211. 02-18 07:31:21.549 I/WindowManager( 956): Screen frozen for +349ms due to Window{12a89683 u0}
  212. 02-18 07:31:21.559 D/PMS ( 956): releaseWL(3daf5df7): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK SCREEN_FROZEN 0x1 null
  213. 02-18 07:31:21.579 I/Adreno-EGL(10993): <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:410>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.BF.1.1_RB1. ()
  214. 02-18 07:31:21.579 I/Adreno-EGL(10993): OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: E031.25.03.00
  215. 02-18 07:31:21.579 I/Adreno-EGL(10993): Build Date: 12/11/14 Thu
  216. 02-18 07:31:21.579 I/Adreno-EGL(10993): Local Branch:
  217. 02-18 07:31:21.579 I/Adreno-EGL(10993): Remote Branch: refs/tags/AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.BF.1.1_RB1.
  218. 02-18 07:31:21.579 I/Adreno-EGL(10993): Local Patches: NONE
  219. 02-18 07:31:21.579 I/Adreno-EGL(10993): Reconstruct Branch: NOTHING
  220. 02-18 07:31:21.589 W/Adreno-EGL(10993): <qeglDrvAPI_eglGetConfigAttrib:632>: EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE
  221. 02-18 07:31:21.589 W/Adreno-EGL(10993): <qeglDrvAPI_eglGetConfigAttrib:632>: EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE
  222. 02-18 07:31:21.599 D/Unity (10993): GL_AMD_compressed_ATC_texture GL_AMD_performance_monitor GL_AMD_program_binary_Z400 GL_EXT_debug_label GL_EXT_debug_marker GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer GL_EXT_robustness GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV GL_NV_fence GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_OES_depth_texture GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_EGL_sync GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_OES_element_index_uint GL_OES_fbo_render_mipmap GL_OES_fragment_precision_high GL_OES_get_program_binary GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_OES_depth_texture_cube_map GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_standard_derivatives GL_OES_texture_3D GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texture_half_float GL_OES_texture_half_float_linear GL_OES_texture_npot GL_OES_vertex_half_float GL_OES_vertex_type_10_10_10_2 GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_QCOM_alpha_test GL_QCOM_binning_control GL_QCOM_driver_control GL_QCOM_perfmon_global_mode GL_QCOM_extended_get GL_QCOM_extended_get2 GL_QCOM_tiled_rendering GL_QCOM_writeonly_rendering GL_EXT_sRGB GL_EXT_sRGB_write_control GL_EXT_
  223. 02-18 07:31:21.599 D/Unity (10993): texture_sRGB_decode GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture GL_EXT_color_buffer_float GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query
  224. 02-18 07:31:21.629 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 956): TRAFFIC_STATS_POLL true Token 10 num clients 7
  225. 02-18 07:31:21.629 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 956): packet count Tx=10494 Rx=16733
  226. 02-18 07:31:21.629 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 956): notifying of data activity 3
  227. 02-18 07:31:21.639 W/libc (10993): pthread_create sched_setscheduler call failed: Operation not permitted
  228. 02-18 07:31:21.639 D/PMS ( 956): acquireWL(2f506c3a): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK AudioMix 0x1 0 1013 null
  229. 02-18 07:31:21.639 D/PMS ( 956): acquireWL(1513f0eb): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK AudioMix 0x1 0 1013 null
  230. 02-18 07:31:21.649 W/AudFlgTh( 476): Using by PID 10993,
  231. 02-18 07:31:21.649 V/WiredAccessoryManager( 956): Headset UEVENT: {SUBSYSTEM=switch, SEQNUM=4188, ACTION=change, SWITCH_STATE=1, SWITCH_NAME=Beats, DEVPATH=/devices/virtual/switch/Beats}
  232. 02-18 07:31:21.649 E/audio_a2dp_hw( 476): adev_set_parameters: ERROR: set param called even when stream out is null
  233. 02-18 07:31:21.649 E/NetlinkEvent( 370): NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'CDROM_TYPE' not found
  234. 02-18 07:31:21.649 W/Vold ( 370): Ignoring unknown switch 'Beats'
  235. 02-18 07:31:21.649 E/audio_a2dp_hw( 476): adev_set_parameters: ERROR: set param called even when stream out is null
  236. 02-18 07:31:21.649 V/WiredAccessoryManager( 956): Beats UEVENT: STATE:1
  237. 02-18 07:31:21.649 V/WiredAccessoryManager( 956): Beats UEVENT: bests_status:true
  238. 02-18 07:31:21.649 V/AudioService( 956): Receive BEATS_NATIVE_NOTIFICATION from Native AudioTrack!!! notificationOn=true
  239. 02-18 07:31:21.649 D/HarmanManager( 956): onMessageBeatsNotify active=true, HD_stream_only=F, SDEnabled=true, LSEnabled=false
  240. 02-18 07:31:21.649 I/HarmanManager( 956): enable SignalDoctor notification!
  241. 02-18 07:31:21.649 D/PhoneStatusBar( 1138): addIcon slot=signal_doctor index=1 viewIndex=0 icon=StatusBarIcon(pkg=androiduser=0 id=0x30200aa level=0 visible=true num=0 ) name=stat_sys_sd vis=true
  242. 02-18 07:31:21.649 E/msm8974_platform( 476): platform_setup_24bit_playback
  243. 02-18 07:31:21.649 W/msm8974_platform( 476): Format is not 24 bit
  244. 02-18 07:31:21.649 E/msm8974_platform( 476): platform_get_output_snd_device: enter: output devices(0x2), mode=0, adev->usehwaec=0
  245. 02-18 07:31:21.729 W/SensorService( 956): Following SensorService logs are not warning, just make sure they are printed
  246. 02-18 07:31:21.729 W/SensorService( 956): enable: get sensor name = Accelerometer Sensor
  247. 02-18 07:31:21.729 W/SensorService( 956): pid=10993, uid=10305
  248. 02-18 07:31:21.729 W/SensorService( 956): Active sensors: size = 3
  249. 02-18 07:31:21.729 W/SensorService( 956): Accelerometer Sensor (handle=0x00000000, connections=3)
  250. 02-18 07:31:21.729 W/SensorService( 956): CM36282 Light sensor (handle=0x00000003, connections=1)
  251. 02-18 07:31:21.729 W/SensorService( 956): CM36282 Proximity sensor (handle=0x00000004, connections=1)
  252. 02-18 07:31:22.179 W/asset (10993): Copying FileAsset 0xb9a6eb98 (zip:/system/priv-app/Phonesky.apk:/resources.arsc) to buffer size 4503584 to make it aligned.
  253. 02-18 07:31:22.199 D/PMS ( 956): releaseHCC(2cc3a12b): CPU_MIN_NUM PrismLaunchActivity_4 0x8000 null
  254. 02-18 07:31:22.199 D/PMS ( 956): releaseHCC(32430f21): CPU_MIN_FREQ PrismLaunchActivity_4 0x2000 null
  255. 02-18 07:31:22.199 D/PMS ( 956): releaseHCC(16567464): CPU_MIN_FREQ WindowManager-ScreenRotation-Freq 0x2000 null
  256. 02-18 07:31:22.199 D/PMS ( 956): releaseHCC(39e36cd): CPU_MIN_NUM WindowManager-ScreenRotation-Num 0x8000 null
  257. 02-18 07:31:22.209 D/Finsky (10148): [1189] InAppBillingUtils.pickAccount: Account determined from installer data - [33HbknVt0_bodwf96yy-9x77HWU]
  258. 02-18 07:31:22.209 D/Finsky (10148): [1190] InAppBillingUtils.pickAccount: Account determined from installer data - [33HbknVt0_bodwf96yy-9x77HWU]
  259. 02-18 07:31:22.219 D/Finsky (10148): [1189] InAppBillingUtils.pickAccount: Account determined from installer data - [33HbknVt0_bodwf96yy-9x77HWU]
  260. 02-18 07:31:22.219 D/Finsky (10148): [1190] InAppBillingUtils.pickAccount: Account determined from installer data - [33HbknVt0_bodwf96yy-9x77HWU]
  261. 02-18 07:31:22.219 D/Finsky (10148): [1189] InAppBillingUtils.pickAccount: Account determined from installer data - [33HbknVt0_bodwf96yy-9x77HWU]
  262. 02-18 07:31:22.239 D/StatusBarManagerService( 956): setSystemUiVisibility(0x3)
  263. 02-18 07:31:22.239 D/StatusBarManagerService( 956): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams
  264. 02-18 07:31:22.239 D/StatusBarManagerService( 956): hiding MENU key
  265. 02-18 07:31:22.299 D/StatusBarManagerService( 956): setSystemUiVisibility(0x1303)
  266. 02-18 07:31:22.299 D/StatusBarManagerService( 956): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams
  267. 02-18 07:31:22.299 D/StatusBarManagerService( 956): hiding MENU key
  268. 02-18 07:31:22.409 I/art ( 956): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 49658(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 7(2MB) LOS objects, 33% free, 27MB/40MB, paused 902us total 91.732ms
  269. 02-18 07:31:22.409 D/PMS ( 956): releaseWL(2fe472c9): FULL_WAKE_LOCK Unity-StartupWakeLock 0x1a null
  270. 02-18 07:31:22.409 I/DSPluginJNI(10993): [JNI_OnLoad] Creating java link vm = b8876b98
  271. 02-18 07:31:22.409 I/DSPluginJNI(10993): [JNI_OnLoad] JNI Environment is = b994ea50
  272. 02-18 07:31:22.409 I/DSPluginJNI(10993): [JNI_OnLoad] Current activity = 0050002d
  273. 02-18 07:31:22.409 I/DSJavaPlugin(10993): DSJavaPlugin v1.0
  274. 02-18 07:31:22.409 I/DSJavaPlugin(10993): dolby.ds.state is: on
  275. 02-18 07:31:22.409 D/AppStateService( 4062): client connected with version: 5089000
  276. 02-18 07:31:22.419 I/art (10993): Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<com.dolby.dap.DsClient13Wrapper>
  277. 02-18 07:31:22.419 W/SensorService( 956): Following SensorService logs are not warning, just make sure they are printed
  278. 02-18 07:31:22.419 W/SensorService( 956): enable: get sensor name = Accelerometer Sensor
  279. 02-18 07:31:22.419 W/SensorService( 956): sensor 00000000 already enabled in connection 0xb9bde318 (ignoring)
  280. 02-18 07:31:22.419 W/SensorService( 956): pid=10993, uid=10305
  281. 02-18 07:31:22.419 W/SensorService( 956): Active sensors: size = 3
  282. 02-18 07:31:22.419 W/SensorService( 956): Accelerometer Sensor (handle=0x00000000, connections=3)
  283. 02-18 07:31:22.419 W/SensorService( 956): CM36282 Light sensor (handle=0x00000003, connections=1)
  284. 02-18 07:31:22.419 W/SensorService( 956): CM36282 Proximity sensor (handle=0x00000004, connections=1)
  285. 02-18 07:31:22.419 I/art (10993): Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<com.dolby.dap.DsClient13Wrapper>
  286. 02-18 07:31:22.429 E/AndroidRuntime(10993): FATAL EXCEPTION: MyHandlerThread
  287. 02-18 07:31:22.429 E/AndroidRuntime(10993): Process:, PID: 10993
  288. 02-18 07:31:22.429 E/AndroidRuntime(10993): java.lang.Error: FATAL EXCEPTION [MyHandlerThread]
  289. 02-18 07:31:22.429 E/AndroidRuntime(10993): Unity version : 4.5.5p3
  290. 02-18 07:31:22.429 E/AndroidRuntime(10993): Device model : HTC HTC One_M8
  291. 02-18 07:31:22.429 E/AndroidRuntime(10993): Device fingerprint: htc/htc_europe/htc_m8:5.0.1/LRX22C/448934.10:user/release-keys
  292. 02-18 07:31:22.429 E/AndroidRuntime(10993):
  293. 02-18 07:31:22.429 E/AndroidRuntime(10993): Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'void com.dolby.dap.IDsClient.init()' on a null object reference
  294. 02-18 07:31:22.429 E/AndroidRuntime(10993): at com.dolby.dap.DSJavaPlugin$MyHandlerThread.handleMessage(
  295. 02-18 07:31:22.429 E/AndroidRuntime(10993): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  296. 02-18 07:31:22.429 E/AndroidRuntime(10993): at android.os.Looper.loop(
  297. 02-18 07:31:22.429 E/AndroidRuntime(10993): at
  298. 02-18 07:31:22.429 E/ActivityManager( 956): App crashed! Process:
  299. 02-18 07:31:22.429 W/ActivityManager( 956): Force finishing activity
  300. 02-18 07:31:22.469 I/DSPluginJNI(10993): [callMethodWithBoolReturn] java_rtn = 00000001
  301. 02-18 07:31:22.469 I/DSPluginJNI(10993): [callMethodWithIntReturn] java_rtn = ffffffff
  302. 02-18 07:31:22.479 D/PMS ( 956): acquireWL(3d492524): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK ActivityManager-Launch 0x1 956 1000 null
  303. 02-18 07:31:22.499 D/StatusBarManagerService( 956): setSystemUiVisibility(0x0)
  304. 02-18 07:31:22.499 D/StatusBarManagerService( 956): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams
  305. 02-18 07:31:22.499 D/StatusBarManagerService( 956): hiding MENU key
  306. 02-18 07:31:22.499 W/BroadcastQueue( 956): Skipping deliver [background] BroadcastRecord{3399fe43 u-1 callingPid=-1 callingUid=-1} to ReceiverList{2fb1efd 10993 remote:9d21f54}: process crashing
  307. 02-18 07:31:22.529 I/art (10993): Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<>
  308. 02-18 07:31:22.529 I/art (10993): Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<>
  309. 02-18 07:31:22.539 I/art (10993): Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<>
  310. 02-18 07:31:22.539 I/art (10993): Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<>
  311. 02-18 07:31:22.559 I/EffectDs( 476): Effect_process(b72fdbd8) called on session 0 (logs suppressed for next second) (inBuffer==outBuffer)?TRUE! outputConfig.accessMode=WRITE
  312. 02-18 07:31:22.599 I/WebViewFactory(10993): Loading version 37 (1602158-arm) (code 111201)
  313. 02-18 07:31:22.619 I/LibraryLoader(10993): Loading: webviewchromium
  314. 02-18 07:31:22.619 I/LibraryLoader(10993): Time to load native libraries: 5 ms (timestamps 7780-7785)
  315. 02-18 07:31:22.619 I/LibraryLoader(10993): Expected native library version number "",actual native library version number ""
  316. 02-18 07:31:22.619 V/WebViewChromiumFactoryProvider(10993): Binding Chromium to main looper Looper (main, tid 1) {28fb2fbb}
  317. 02-18 07:31:22.629 I/LibraryLoader(10993): Expected native library version number "",actual native library version number ""
  318. 02-18 07:31:22.629 I/chromium(10993): [] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
  319. 02-18 07:31:22.629 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 956): TRAFFIC_STATS_POLL true Token 10 num clients 7
  320. 02-18 07:31:22.629 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 956): packet count Tx=10495 Rx=16734
  321. 02-18 07:31:22.639 I/BrowserStartupController(10993): Initializing chromium process, renderers=0
  322. 02-18 07:31:22.639 W/art (10993): Attempt to remove local handle scope entry from IRT, ignoring
  323. 02-18 07:31:22.649 W/chromium(10993): [] locale_file_path.empty()
  324. 02-18 07:31:22.649 W/AudioManagerAndroid(10993): Requires BLUETOOTH permission
  325. 02-18 07:31:22.649 E/AwAssets(10993): Error while loading asset .pak: .pak
  326. 02-18 07:31:22.649 W/chromium(10993): [] Failed to load .pak.pak from the apk too. Bringing up WebView without any locale
  327. 02-18 07:31:22.649 E/AwAssets(10993): Error while loading asset webviewchromium.pak: This file can not be opened as a file descriptor; it is probably compressed
  328. 02-18 07:31:22.649 W/chromium(10993): [] Cannot load webviewchromium.pak assets from the apk. Falling back loading it from /data/data/
  329. 02-18 07:31:22.649 E/chromium(10993): [] Failed to load /data/data/
  330. 02-18 07:31:22.649 E/chromium(10993): Some features may not be available.
  331. 02-18 07:31:22.699 W/FlurryAgent(10993): Start session with context: com.prime31.UnityPlayerNativeActivity@33dfb52c count:0
  332. 02-18 07:31:22.709 D/LocationManagerService( 956): getProviders()=[]
  333. 02-18 07:31:22.709 D/LocationManagerService( 956): getProviders()=[]
  334. 02-18 07:31:22.709 D/LocationManagerService( 956): getBestProvider(Criteria[power=NO_REQ acc=---], true)=null
  335. 02-18 07:31:22.859 I/DSPluginJNI(10993): [release] called, attached to b994ea50
  336. 02-18 07:31:22.859 I/DSJavaPlugin(10993): release()
  337. 02-18 07:31:22.859 I/DSPluginJNI(10993): [release]
  338. 02-18 07:31:22.939 V/WiredAccessoryManager( 956): Headset UEVENT: {SUBSYSTEM=switch, SEQNUM=4189, ACTION=change, SWITCH_STATE=0, SWITCH_NAME=Beats, DEVPATH=/devices/virtual/switch/Beats}
  339. 02-18 07:31:22.949 E/NetlinkEvent( 370): NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'CDROM_TYPE' not found
  340. 02-18 07:31:22.949 W/Vold ( 370): Ignoring unknown switch 'Beats'
  341. 02-18 07:31:22.949 V/WiredAccessoryManager( 956): Beats UEVENT: STATE:0
  342. 02-18 07:31:22.949 E/audio_a2dp_hw( 476): adev_set_parameters: ERROR: set param called even when stream out is null
  343. 02-18 07:31:22.949 V/WiredAccessoryManager( 956): Beats UEVENT: bests_status:false
  344. 02-18 07:31:22.949 E/audio_a2dp_hw( 476): adev_set_parameters: ERROR: set param called even when stream out is null
  345. 02-18 07:31:22.949 V/AudioService( 956): Receive BEATS_NATIVE_NOTIFICATION from Native AudioTrack!!! notificationOn=false
  346. 02-18 07:31:22.979 W/ActivityManager( 956): Activity pause timeout for ActivityRecord{1d592507 u0 t188 f}
  347. 02-18 07:31:22.979 D/HtcSystemUPManager( 956): HtcSystemUPolicy [canLog (default)] category: launch, enable: true
  348. 02-18 07:31:22.979 E/MP-Decision( 2157): Update arg "0 380 380 380".
  349. 02-18 07:31:22.979 E/MP-Decision( 2157): Update arg "0 400 400 400".
  350. 02-18 07:31:22.979 D/PMS ( 956): acquireWL(5a6fe33): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK SCREEN_FROZEN 0x1 956 1000 null
  351. 02-18 07:31:22.979 D/PMS ( 956): acquireHCC(17fff5f0): CPU_MIN_FREQ WindowManager-ScreenRotation-Freq 0x2000 956 1000 null
  352. 02-18 07:31:22.979 D/PMS ( 956): acquireHCC(1c8b0769): CPU_MIN_NUM WindowManager-ScreenRotation-Num 0x8000 956 1000 null
  353. 02-18 07:31:22.999 I/ActivityManager( 956): Config changes=480 {0 1.0 310mcc410mnc en_GB ldltr sw360dp w360dp h567dp 480dpi nrml port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.13}
  354. 02-18 07:31:22.999 V/ActivityManager( 956): Display changed displayId=0
  355. 02-18 07:31:23.009 W/InputReader( 956): VirtualKey 158: could not obtain key code, ignoring
  356. 02-18 07:31:23.009 W/InputReader( 956): VirtualKey 102: could not obtain key code, ignoring
  357. 02-18 07:31:23.009 E/InputReader( 956): Invalid region of VirtualKeyTouchFilter, it may incur abnormal Mis-Touch & HOME_SWIPE detection
  358. 02-18 07:31:23.019 D/RecentsConfig( 1138): update search id = 9, current recents config = -1854869921
  359. 02-18 07:31:23.019 I/RecentsConfig( 1138): enable hardware layer for task view
  360. 02-18 07:31:23.019 I/VenomQS ( 1138): updateColumns: normal: 2131492875
  361. 02-18 07:31:23.019 I/VenomQS ( 1138): mNumColumns: 3
  362. 02-18 07:31:23.019 D/Menu_Visibility( 1138): imeVisible: false
  363. 02-18 07:31:23.019 D/Menu_Visibility( 1138): menu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
  364. 02-18 07:31:23.029 D/NGFService( 4254): onConfiguration
  365. 02-18 07:31:23.029 D/Menu_Visibility( 1138): imeVisible: false
  366. 02-18 07:31:23.029 D/Menu_Visibility( 1138): menu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
  367. 02-18 07:31:23.029 D/Menu_Visibility( 1138): imeVisible: false
  368. 02-18 07:31:23.029 D/Menu_Visibility( 1138): menu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
  369. 02-18 07:31:23.029 D/VoLTEUtils( 1331): getCurrentConnection() conn: null
  370. 02-18 07:31:23.029 D/VoLTEUtils( 1331): getCurrentConnection() conn: null
  371. 02-18 07:31:23.029 D/VoLTEUtils( 1331): Call is not active
  372. 02-18 07:31:23.029 D/VoLTEUtils( 1331): getCurrentConnection() conn: null
  373. 02-18 07:31:23.029 D/DialerApp( 1521): [MirrorLink] getIsMirrorLinkEstablished() isconnected=false
  374. 02-18 07:31:23.029 D/PhoneApp( 1331): Has soft key
  375. 02-18 07:31:23.029 D/DialerApp( 1521): [MirrorLink] getIsMirrorLinkEstablished() isconnected=false
  376. 02-18 07:31:23.029 D/DialerApp( 1521): Has soft key
  377. 02-18 07:31:23.029 D/DialerApp( 1521): [MirrorLink] getIsMirrorLinkEstablished() isconnected=false
  378. 02-18 07:31:23.039 I/StatusBar( 1138): orientationChange(1)
  379. 02-18 07:31:23.039 I/AutoTest( 1138): [SystemUI][ConfigurationChange_PhoneStatusBar][20][ms][Lower is better]
  380. 02-18 07:31:23.039 E/WifiStateMachine( 956): WiFiDisplay: getWifidisplayApEnabled=false
  381. 02-18 07:31:23.039 D/AudioService( 956): handleConfigurationChanged, mCameraSoundForced = false, isHtcCameraSoundForced = false, cameraSoundForced = false
  382. 02-18 07:31:23.039 D/AudioService( 956): onConfigureSafeVolume mMcc=310, mcc=310, mEnableListenNotify=true, force=false
  383. 02-18 07:31:23.039 I/IntentController( 1138): receive(android.intent.action.CONFIGURATION_CHANGED,1,false)
  384. 02-18 07:31:23.059 D/Menu_Visibility( 1138): imeVisible: false
  385. 02-18 07:31:23.059 D/Menu_Visibility( 1138): menu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
  386. 02-18 07:31:23.059 D/Menu_Visibility( 1138): imeVisible: false
  387. 02-18 07:31:23.059 D/Menu_Visibility( 1138): menu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
  388. 02-18 07:31:23.059 D/Menu_Visibility( 1138): imeVisible: false
  389. 02-18 07:31:23.059 D/Menu_Visibility( 1138): menu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
  390. 02-18 07:31:23.059 D/StatusBarManagerService( 956): setSystemUiVisibility(0xc0000000)
  391. 02-18 07:31:23.059 D/StatusBarManagerService( 956): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams
  392. 02-18 07:31:23.059 D/StatusBarManagerService( 956): hiding MENU key
  393. 02-18 07:31:23.069 I/FeedGridScroller( 1424): updateBottomBoundary() - 309 -> 309
  394. 02-18 07:31:23.089 I/Prime31 (10993): onSignInFailed: Unknown error
  395. 02-18 07:31:23.099 I/PanelView( 1138): recModeThreshold(50,0)
  396. 02-18 07:31:23.109 D/HtcFooter( 1424): layerDrawableIndex = 0
  397. 02-18 07:31:23.119 D/libc (10993): [NET] android_getaddrinfofornet+,hn 15(0x646174612e666c),sn(),hints(known),family 0,flags 4
  398. 02-18 07:31:23.119 D/libc (10993): [NET] android_getaddrinfofornet-, err=8
  399. 02-18 07:31:23.119 D/libc (10993): [NET] android_getaddrinfofornet+,hn 15(0x646174612e666c),sn(),hints(known),family 0,flags 1024
  400. 02-18 07:31:23.119 D/libc (10993): [NET] android_getaddrinfofornet-, pass to proxy
  401. 02-18 07:31:23.119 D/libc (10993): [NET] android_getaddrinfo_proxy+
  402. 02-18 07:31:23.119 D/libc (10993): [NET] android_getaddrinfo_proxy get netid:0
  403. 02-18 07:31:23.119 D/libc ( 471): [NET] android_getaddrinfofornet+,hn 15(0x646174612e666c),sn(),hints(known),family 0,flags 1024
  404. 02-18 07:31:23.119 D/libc ( 471): [NET] _dns_getaddrinfo+, netid:100, mark:917604
  405. 02-18 07:31:23.119 D/libc ( 471): [NET] _dns_getaddrinfo-, (NS_SUCCESS)
  406. 02-18 07:31:23.119 D/libc ( 471): [NET] android_getaddrinfofornet-, SUCCESS
  407. 02-18 07:31:23.119 D/libc (10993): [NET] android_getaddrinfo_proxy-, success
  408. 02-18 07:31:23.129 D/PMS ( 956): releaseHCC(3ca8e988): CPU_MIN_NUM ActivityManager-MultiCore-Num 0x8000 null
  409. 02-18 07:31:23.129 D/PMS ( 956): releaseHCC(29afaf46): CPU_MIN_FREQ ActivityManager-MultiCore-Freq 0x2000 null
  410. 02-18 07:31:23.139 D/CarrierLabel( 1138): ---------- mIntentReceiver : android.intent.action.CONFIGURATION_CHANGED
  411. 02-18 07:31:23.139 D/CarrierLabel( 1138): ServiceStatus = 0, SimState = UNKNOWN
  412. 02-18 07:31:23.139 D/CarrierLabel( 1138): updateNetworkName showSpn=false spn=null showPlmn=true plmn=AT&T
  413. 02-18 07:31:23.149 D/PMS ( 956): releaseWL(3d492524): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK ActivityManager-Launch 0x1 null
  414. 02-18 07:31:23.159 D/DSJavaPlugin(10993): Activitys:[]
  415. 02-18 07:31:23.169 D/Process (10993): killProcess, pid=10993
  416. 02-18 07:31:23.169 D/Process (10993): com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer.kill:-1 com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer.quit:-1 com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity.onDestroy:-1
  417. 02-18 07:31:23.189 I/WindowState( 956): WIN DEATH: Window{12a89683 u0}
  418. 02-18 07:31:23.189 I/ActivityManager( 956): Recipient 10993
  419. 02-18 07:31:23.189 D/Process ( 956): killProcessQuiet, pid=10993
  420. 02-18 07:31:23.189 D/Process ( 956):$AppDeathRecipient.binderDied:-1 android.os.BinderProxy.sendDeathNotice:-1
  421. 02-18 07:31:23.329 I/ActivityManager( 956): Process (pid 10993) has died
  422. 02-18 07:31:23.329 E/WifiStateMachine( 956): handleMessage: E msg.what=131155
  423. 02-18 07:31:23.329 E/WifiStateMachine( 956): processMsg: ConnectedState
  424. 02-18 07:31:23.329 E/WifiStateMachine( 956): ConnectedState !CMD_RSSI_POLL 1 0 "NETGEAR45" b4:75:0e:13:2d:6a rssi=-26 f=2412 sc=60 link=150 tx=0.1, 0.0, 0.0 rx=1.2 bcn=0 [on:0 tx:0 rx:0 period:3001] from screen [on:0 period:-1662858929] gl u24 rssi=-26 ag=0 hr ls-=0 [56,56,56,56,61] brc=0 lrc=0
  425. 02-18 07:31:23.329 E/WifiStateMachine( 956): processMsg: L2ConnectedState
  426. 02-18 07:31:23.329 D/StatusBarManagerService( 956): setSystemUiVisibility(0xc0000700)
  427. 02-18 07:31:23.329 D/StatusBarManagerService( 956): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams
  428. 02-18 07:31:23.329 D/StatusBarManagerService( 956): hiding MENU key
  429. 02-18 07:31:23.329 E/WifiStateMachine( 956): L2ConnectedState !CMD_RSSI_POLL 1 0 "NETGEAR45" b4:75:0e:13:2d:6a rssi=-26 f=2412 sc=60 link=150 tx=0.1, 0.0, 0.0 rx=1.2 bcn=0 [on:0 tx:0 rx:0 period:0] from screen [on:0 period:-1662858929] gl u24 rssi=-26 ag=0 hr ls-=0 [56,56,56,56,61] brc=0 lrc=0
  430. 02-18 07:31:23.329 E/WifiStateMachine( 956): get link layer stats 0
  431. 02-18 07:31:23.329 W/WifiHW ( 956): QCOM Debug wifi_send_command "IFNAME=wlan0 SIGNAL_POLL"
  432. 02-18 07:31:23.329 D/wpa_supplicant( 1267): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
  433. 02-18 07:31:23.329 I/wpa_supplicant( 1267): environment dirty rate=0 [6][0][0]
  434. 02-18 07:31:23.329 W/InputMethodManagerService( 956): Got RemoteException sending setActive(false) notification to pid 10993 uid 10305
  435. 02-18 07:31:23.339 E/WifiStateMachine( 956): fetchRssiLinkSpeedAndFrequencyNative RSSI = -26 abnormalRssiCnt = 0 newLinkSpeed = 150
  436. 02-18 07:31:23.339 E/WifiStateMachine( 956): fetchRssiLinkSpeedAndFrequencyNative rssi=-26 linkspeed=150
  437. 02-18 07:31:23.339 D/StatusBarManagerService( 956): swetImeWindowStatus vis=0 backDisposition=0
  438. 02-18 07:31:23.339 E/WifiConfigStore( 956): updateConfiguration freq=2412 BSSID=b4:75:0e:13:2d:6a RSSI=-26 "NETGEAR45"NONE
  439. 02-18 07:31:23.339 I/InputMethodManagerService( 956): Enable input method client, pid=1424
  440. 02-18 07:31:23.339 E/WifiStateMachine( 956): calculateWifiScore freq=2412 speed=150 score=60 highRSSI -> txbadrate=0.00 txgoodrate=3.07 txretriesrate=0.00 rxrate=3.12 userTriggerdPenalty0
  441. 02-18 07:31:23.339 E/WifiStateMachine( 956): good link -> stuck count =0
  442. 02-18 07:31:23.339 E/WifiStateMachine( 956): badRSSI count0 lowRSSI count0 --> score 56
  443. 02-18 07:31:23.339 E/WifiStateMachine( 956): isHighRSSI ---> score=61
  444. 02-18 07:31:23.339 E/WifiStateMachine( 956): handleMessage: X
  445. 02-18 07:31:23.339 D/WifiWatchdogStateMachine( 956): RSSI current: 3 new: -26, 3
  446. 02-18 07:31:23.349 I/WindowManager( 956): Screen frozen for +374ms due to Window{19e7aaf9 u0}
  447. 02-18 07:31:23.359 D/PMS ( 956): releaseWL(5a6fe33): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK SCREEN_FROZEN 0x1 null
  448. 02-18 07:31:23.359 D/WIFI_ICON( 1138): updateWifiState: RSSI_CHANGED 3 -> 3
  449. 02-18 07:31:23.359 D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1138): dumpIcon[(gone) stat_sys_5signal_3|null stat_sys_wifi_signal_4 (gone) F]
  450. 02-18 07:31:23.359 D/HtcUPManager( 1138): HtcUPServiceProxy onTrimMemory() has been called. Memory Level: 60
  451. 02-18 07:31:23.569 I/EffectDs( 476): Effect_process(b72fdbd8) called on session 0 (logs suppressed for next second) (inBuffer==outBuffer)?TRUE! outputConfig.accessMode=WRITE
  452. 02-18 07:31:23.629 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 956): TRAFFIC_STATS_POLL true Token 10 num clients 7
  453. 02-18 07:31:23.629 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 956): packet count Tx=10499 Rx=16736
  454. 02-18 07:31:23.639 W/OpenGLRenderer( 1424): Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer...
  455. 02-18 07:31:23.649 W/OpenGLRenderer( 1424): Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer...
  456. 02-18 07:31:23.949 D/HarmanManager( 956): onMessageBeatsNotify active=false, HD_stream_only=F, SDEnabled=true, LSEnabled=false
  457. 02-18 07:31:23.949 I/HarmanManager( 956): disable SignalDoctor notification!
  458. 02-18 07:31:23.979 D/PMS ( 956): releaseHCC(17fff5f0): CPU_MIN_FREQ WindowManager-ScreenRotation-Freq 0x2000 null
  459. 02-18 07:31:23.979 D/PMS ( 956): releaseHCC(1c8b0769): CPU_MIN_NUM WindowManager-ScreenRotation-Num 0x8000 null
  460. 02-18 07:31:23.979 E/MP-Decision( 2157): Update arg 1
  461. 02-18 07:31:24.029 E/MP-Decision( 2157): Update arg 2
  462. 02-18 07:31:24.129 I/Venom_BrightnessControl( 1138): mBrightnessControl = false
  463. 02-18 07:31:24.129 I/Venom_BrightnessControl( 1138): mBrightnessControl = false
  464. 02-18 07:31:24.129 D/Venom_StatusBarExtension( 1138): onStartExpand()
  465. 02-18 07:31:24.129 D/m0narX_ExtendedInfo( 1138): Start refresh
  466. 02-18 07:31:24.129 I/Venom_StatusBarExtension( 1138): dimen/operator_handle_height id: 7f0f00ce
  467. 02-18 07:31:24.129 I/Venom_StatusBarExtension( 1138): drawable/common_b_div id: 7f020088
  468. 02-18 07:31:24.139 I/Venom_StatusBarExtension( 1138): drawable/ext_ram_cpu_icon id: 7f020758
  469. 02-18 07:31:24.139 I/Venom_StatusBarExtension( 1138): StatusBarHeaderView - HEIGHT: 342
  470. 02-18 07:31:24.139 D/Venom_StatusBarExtension( 1138): closeAllWidgets()
  471. 02-18 07:31:24.139 D/RingtonePlayer( 1138): stop
  472. 02-18 07:31:24.139 D/PhoneStatusBar( 1138): disable: 0x00000000 -> 0x00120000 (diff: 0x00120000)
  473. 02-18 07:31:24.139 D/PhoneStatusBar( 1138): disable: < expand ICONS* alerts SYSTEM_INFO* back home recent clock search >
  474. 02-18 07:31:24.159 D/StatusBarManagerService( 956): setSystemUiVisibility(0xc0000600)
  475. 02-18 07:31:24.159 D/StatusBarManagerService( 956): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams
  476. 02-18 07:31:24.159 D/StatusBarManagerService( 956): hiding MENU key
  477. 02-18 07:31:24.179 I/Venom_BrightnessControl( 1138): mBrightnessControl = false
  478. 02-18 07:31:24.189 I/Venom_BrightnessControl( 1138): mBrightnessControl = false
  479. 02-18 07:31:24.189 D/PMS ( 956): acquireHCC(25fa694c): CPU_MIN_FREQ SystemUIScroll_4.0 0x2000 1138 10004 null
  480. 02-18 07:31:24.189 I/ClockController( 1138):{6c542f6 V.ED.... ......ID 408,36-757,122 #7f110212 app:id/header_date}
  481. 02-18 07:31:24.189 D/PMS ( 956): acquireHCC(347c2d95): CPU_MIN_NUM SystemUIScroll_4.0 0x8000 1138 10004 null
  482. 02-18 07:31:24.189 I/IntentController( 1138): register(date,android.intent.action.TIME_SET,true)
  483. 02-18 07:31:24.189 E/MP-Decision( 2157): Update arg 2
  484. 02-18 07:31:24.189 I/IntentController( 1138): register(date,android.intent.action.DATE_CHANGED,true)
  485. 02-18 07:31:24.189 I/IntentController( 1138): register(date,android.intent.action.LOCALE_CHANGED,true):create
  486. 02-18 07:31:24.189 I/IntentController( 1138): register(date,android.intent.action.TIMEZONE_CHANGED,true)
  487. 02-18 07:31:24.189 I/IntentController( 1138): register(date,,true)
  488. 02-18 07:31:24.219 I/Venom_BrightnessControl( 1138): mBrightnessControl = false
  489. 02-18 07:31:24.219 I/Venom_BrightnessControl( 1138): mBrightnessControl = false
  490. 02-18 07:31:24.229 I/Venom_BrightnessControl( 1138): mBrightnessControl = false
  491. 02-18 07:31:24.249 I/Venom_BrightnessControl( 1138): mBrightnessControl = false
  492. 02-18 07:31:24.249 I/Venom_BrightnessControl( 1138): mBrightnessControl = false
  493. 02-18 07:31:24.249 I/PanelView( 1138): receiverMode(false,0.70537233,7776.621)
  494. 02-18 07:31:24.339 I/PanelView( 1138): onExpandingFinish(false,false)
  495. 02-18 07:31:24.489 D/TaskPersister( 956): removeObsoleteFile: deleting file=186_task.xml
  496. 02-18 07:31:24.499 D/TaskPersister( 956): removeObsoleteFile: deleting file=186_task_thumbnail.png
  497. 02-18 07:31:24.539 D/PMS ( 956): releaseHCC(25fa694c): CPU_MIN_FREQ SystemUIScroll_4.0 0x2000 null
  498. 02-18 07:31:24.539 D/PMS ( 956): releaseHCC(347c2d95): CPU_MIN_NUM SystemUIScroll_4.0 0x8000 null
  499. 02-18 07:31:24.539 E/MP-Decision( 2157): Update arg 1
  500. 02-18 07:31:24.579 I/EffectDs( 476): Effect_process(b72fdbd8) called on session 0 (logs suppressed for next second) (inBuffer==outBuffer)?TRUE! outputConfig.accessMode=WRITE
  501. 02-18 07:31:24.629 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 956): TRAFFIC_STATS_POLL true Token 10 num clients 7
  502. 02-18 07:31:24.629 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 956): packet count Tx=10499 Rx=16736
  503. 02-18 07:31:24.639 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 956): notifying of data activity 0
  504. 02-18 07:31:24.649 D/PMS ( 956): releaseWL(2f506c3a): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK AudioMix 0x1 null
  505. 02-18 07:31:24.879 E/MP-Decision( 2157): Update arg 2
  506. 02-18 07:31:24.949 I/System (10728): exec(su @ com.nolanlawson.logcat.b.m.a:-1)
  507. 02-18 07:31:24.959 D/StatusBarManagerService( 956): setSystemUiVisibility(0xc0000700)
  508. 02-18 07:31:24.959 I/StatusBar( 1138): notification intent send:0|com.nolanlawson.logcat|2131296342|null|10275
  509. 02-18 07:31:24.959 D/StatusBarManagerService( 956): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams
  510. 02-18 07:31:24.959 D/StatusBarManagerService( 956): hiding MENU key
  511. 02-18 07:31:24.959 W/InputMethodManagerService( 956): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@4bf0e11 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@37fbd395, client pid=1424, inputType=0x(null)
  512. 02-18 07:31:24.989 D/su (11115): su invoked.
  513. 02-18 07:31:24.989 D/su (11115): starting daemon client 10275 0
  514. 02-18 07:31:24.989 D/su (11117): remote pid: 11115
  515. 02-18 07:31:24.989 D/su (11117): remote pts_slave:
  516. 02-18 07:31:24.989 D/su (11117): waiting for child exit
  517. 02-18 07:31:24.989 D/su (11118): su invoked.
  518. 02-18 07:31:24.989 D/su (11118): 10275 /system/bin/app_process32 executing 0 /venomsu/sush using binary /venomsu/sush : sush
  519. 02-18 07:31:24.989 D/m0narX_su_observer( 956): Helper called from: 10067
  520. 02-18 07:31:25.039 D/su (11117): sending code
  521. 02-18 07:31:25.039 D/su (11117): child exited
  522. 02-18 07:31:25.039 D/su (11115): client exited 0
  523. 02-18 07:31:25.079 E/MP-Decision( 2157): Update arg 1
  524. 02-18 07:31:25.089 I/System (10728): exec(su @ com.nolanlawson.logcat.b.m.a:-1)
  525. 02-18 07:31:25.099 D/PMS ( 956): acquireHCC(2dc85b76): CPU_MIN_FREQ SystemUIScroll_4.0 0x2000 1138 10004 null
  526. 02-18 07:31:25.099 D/PMS ( 956): acquireHCC(3d711577): CPU_MIN_NUM SystemUIScroll_4.0 0x8000 1138 10004 null
  527. 02-18 07:31:25.109 E/MP-Decision( 2157): Update arg 2
  528. 02-18 07:31:25.109 D/su (11123): su invoked.
  529. 02-18 07:31:25.109 D/su (11123): starting daemon client 10275 0
  530. 02-18 07:31:25.109 D/su (11125): remote pid: 11123
  531. 02-18 07:31:25.109 D/su (11125): remote pts_slave:
  532. 02-18 07:31:25.109 D/su (11125): waiting for child exit
  533. 02-18 07:31:25.109 D/su (11126): su invoked.
  534. 02-18 07:31:25.119 D/su (11126): 10275 /system/bin/app_process32 executing 0 /venomsu/sush using binary /venomsu/sush : sush
  535. 02-18 07:31:25.119 D/m0narX_su_observer( 956): Helper called from: 10067
  536. 02-18 07:31:25.119 D/su (11125): sending code
  537. 02-18 07:31:25.119 D/su (11125): child exited
  538. 02-18 07:31:25.119 D/su (11123): client exited 0
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