
2019-02-20 Grammar: negative and sg/pl quantifiers

Feb 21st, 2019
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  1. Greg Malivuk
  3. - Notes from all classes
  4. ---
  5. Homework: p. 362 exercise 4 - Complete these sentences with affirmative or negative quantifiers.
  6. 1 few (They are disappointed because not enough people passed.)
  7. 2 a little
  8. 3 a few (We don’t use “only” with negative quantifiers.)
  9. 4 little (They worked “so long” that now there is almost no time to prepare.)
  10. 5 few (It’s expensive because there are hardly any scholarships.)
  11. 6 little (If he didn’t pass as a result, it means he didn’t put enough effort into studying.)
  12. 7 a few (Emphasizing that it’s more than just one or two.)
  13. 8 little (“Several schools” means it was easy.)
  14. ---
  15. If you can replace the quantifier with “some” and keep a similar meaning, use “a few” or “a little”.
  16. If you can replace it with “hardly any” or “almost no”, use “few” or “little”.
  17. ---
  18. Focus 3: singular and plural quantifiers (for countable nouns)
  19. ---
  20. All students must attend school. (Most quantifiers are plural.)
  21. some students / many students / several students / a few students / a lot of students / etc.
  22. Every student must attend school. (A few are singular.)
  23. each student
  24. every student
  25. no student (or “no students”; “no” can be singular or plural)
  26. one student
  27. either student
  28. neither student
  29. ---
  30. p. 363 exercise 6 - Rewrite the sentences to use singular quantifiers.
  31. 1 Every doctor must complete their residency within two years. (singular “they”)
  32. 2 Each/Every parent wants their child(ren) to succeed in life.
  33. 3 Peter spends every free weekend at the beach.
  34. 4 Each person who came to the examination brought a calculator.
  35. 5 A wise student takes advantage of any/every/each opportunity to gain practical experience.
  36. ---
  37. “Any” in an affirmative statement is similar to “each”, but also requires the idea of possibility or choice.
  38. Any teacher can help you. - OK, because “can” means there’s an element of possibility or choice.
  39. Any teacher helped you. - WRONG, because the simple past removes the possibility, and we can’t use “any” in this situation.
  41. Just ask anyone. - OK, because you can still choose who to ask.
  42. I asked anyone. - WRONG
  43. ---
  44. p. 364 exercise 7 - With a partner, complete the sentences so they’re true for (at least one of) you.
  45. 1 Each student in this class has a handout.
  46. 2 Every teacher I have had has supported me.
  47. 3 Any English class can be good.
  48. 4 No student came to class on Monday.
  49. 5 No teachers were teaching on Sunday.
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