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a guest
Oct 16th, 2013
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  1. configVersion: 1
  2. backstab:
  3. type: backstab
  4. lore: []
  5. items:
  6. - 267
  7. - 272
  8. - 276
  9. - 283
  10. - 268
  11. - 359
  12. - 261
  13. names:
  14. - BackStabItem
  15. chance: 1
  16. critChance: 0.5
  17. multiplier: 2.0
  18. critMultiplier: 3.0
  19. maxAngle: 90.0
  20. onSneak: true
  21. critOnSneak: true
  22. attackerMsg: Backstab!
  23. victimMsg: You got stabbed in the back!
  24. critMsg: CRITICAL!
  25. poison:
  26. type: effect
  27. lore: []
  28. items:
  29. - 294
  30. itemNames: []
  31. effectType: POISON
  32. chance: 1
  33. maxAngle: 90.0
  34. duration: 5
  35. strength: 0
  36. onSneak: true
  37. hook:
  38. lore: []
  39. items:
  40. - 262
  41. itemNames: []
  42. type: grapplinghook
  43. pullLore: []
  44. pullItems:
  45. - 287
  46. pullItemNames: []
  47. distanceMsg: Your hook is to far away!
  48. initialMsg: You are to far away from your initial location!
  49. errorMsg: You can't hook there!
  50. blockTime: 100.0
  51. maxDistance: 100.0
  52. distanceToInitial: 10.0
  53. itemsPerBlock: 0.01
  54. pickpocket:
  55. type: pickpocket
  56. cooldown: 60
  57. cooldownMsg: §cYou can not pickpocket for§4 %time% §cseconds!
  58. levelSystem: schurke
  59. maxAngle: 90
  60. chance: 10
  61. maxValue: 100
  62. maxDistance: 8
  63. onSneak: true
  64. aboutOnDamage: true
  65. valueCatalogue: default
  66. maxValueMsg: §cYou already stole enough!
  67. cantStealMsg: §cYou can't steal that!
  68. stealFailedMsg: §cYou failed in stealing this item.
  69. attemptStealMsg: §7*§cYou feel something move in your pockets.. §7*
  70. airassassin:
  71. type: airassassination
  72. chance: 1
  73. minHeight: 5
  74. maxHeight: 4
  75. damagePerHeight: 24
  76. negateFallOnSuccess : true
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