
Template OC WIP - Ciego

Jul 21st, 2014
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  1. Name: Ciego Ortiz
  2. Age: Unknown
  3. Gender: Male
  4. Classification: Ghost
  5. Occupation: Spirit of the Desert, Gunslinger
  6. Height: 5’4”
  7. Weight: 173 Lbs.
  8. Eyes: Yellow
  9. Hair: Bleach Blonde
  10. Appearance:
  11. Ciego is of average height and weight, with a hard angled face that gives him a rough appearance. His body is covered by a large woven poncho, which is a sun-bleached red color, and features a design resembling a raven; in scenarios where he takes off this poncho, a light brown collared shirt can be seen underneath, with crossing belts that hold his many guns. He has a darker skin tone befitting one who has lived in the desert so long, and his hair is fairly messy, part of it covering his right eye, and he wears a blue bantam design. His hair is unusually colored, as it is a bleached blonde, vanilla-like color. His eyes are yellow, due to his nature as a ghost, his nose is surprisingly long, and usually he chews a stem of wheat, turned yellow from being dried out. On his head, he wears a ten gallon hat, with a wide rim that has several holes. He has yellow-brown overalls, and riding boots with spurs on them. On his left arm, he wears a long, large leather glove, which reaches his elbow.
  13. Powers and Abilities
  14. - Call of the Desert
  15. As a spirit of the desert, Ciego can summon a sandstorm as he wishes. By taking a round to pray to the sun, Ciego summons a thick sandstorm, which can heavily reduce visibility for other characters (Ciego himself & the Circling Kettle are not affected by this). While in the sandstorm, Ciego becomes more like a ghost, and is considered completely immune to physical damage, and all methods of detection will fail for Ciego, making him undetectable. The sandstorm will also deal Earth damage to all characters with 3 stars or less defense, with resistances & weaknesses applied. The sandstorm will last three rounds, and in the event another character can change the weather & does so, then the sandstorm will be cancelled out.
  17. - Itchy Trigger Finger
  18. Ciego is gifted with heightened perception, and is especially good at noticing attempts to hit him. Once per round, Ciego can predict an attack coming in on him, and hit them with his gun before they can get in the attack, preventing them from hitting him, or use the knowledge to quickly avoid the attack. Ciego’s counter-attack, despite being faster, will take up his turn, and depending on how committed the opposing character is to their action, they may also attempt to dodge or block. Ciego may only hit one opposing character with this attack, and may not use any of his special attacks or abilities to do so.
  20. - Gunplay Master
  21. Ciego is an incredibly skilled gunner, more than capable of wielding two firearms at once, even if they’re supposed to be used with two hands. Ciego can aim his attacks extremely accurately, and is capable of firing his weapons with unique abilities; these abilities change with the weapon type:
  22. ~ Pistols are capable of creating reflecting shots, which can bounce off of surfaces up to four times.
  23. ~ Shotguns create a wide blast, which will knock back enemies if they successfully hit.
  24. ~ Machine Guns create a stream of bullets, which will pierce armor.
  25. How he manages to keep them hidden is beyond anyone’s guess (probably an unmentioned ghostly power), but he can pull out two of them as he wishes, or switch as he may as well; doing so will take a turn, and will prevent him from doing anything else.
  27. - Circling Kettle
  28. Ciego’s plethora of firearms all have a secondary use. These weapons often are transformed into vultures, who fly alongside Ciego, and aid him with his gunplay. From the crying beaks of these vultures, not only do hallowing cries call out, but so do the various types of projectiles that Ciego’s firearms have. Ciego can have up to three vultures out at a point, who will cover for him as he wishes using different types of gunfire from him, as well as more physical attacks (i.e. diving scratches, pecks, etc.). The vultures can also attempt to eat opposing characters, or dead bodies, and if they successfully do so, Ciego and the respective vulture will restore their health slightly. These vultures can be attacked and defeated, and in the event they are, they will return to their natural form as a firearm, and while Ciego can continue to use the firearm as normal if he wishes, he may no longer transform them. The vultures are treated with their own stats, which are shown in the Stats section of the profile.
  30. Stats:
  31. -Strength: *** (Ciego/Vulture)
  32. -Projection: **** (Ciego/Vulture)
  33. -Toughness: ** (Ciego)/***** (Ciego w/sandstorm)/* (Vulture)
  34. -Attack Type: Puncture (Ciego/Vulture), Earth (Ciego), Slash (Ciego/Vulture), Impact (Vulture)
  35. -Resistances: Spirit (-2), Faith (-2), Earth (+3, +4 in sandstorm), Impact (+3, +4 in sandstorm), Puncture (+3, +4 in sandstorm), Slash (+3, +4 in sandstorm) [Ciego]/Spirit (-1), Impact (-1), Earth (+3) [Vulture]
  36. -Endurance: **** (Ciego)/** (Vulture)
  37. -Stamina: **** (Ciego)/*** (Vulture)
  38. -Speed: *** (Ciego)/**** (Vulture)
  40. Standard Equipment:
  41. ~ Gunsman’s Volt – A pair of belts, crossed together in an X pattern across Ciego’s chest, that hold six different types of guns: two pistols, two shotguns, and two machine guns. Named after the term for a flock of vultures resting in a tree, the guns are like the birds, and can not only be switched as Ciego needs it, but can also be transformed into drones via Circling Kettle. The guns are treated as though they have infinite ammo, though they may only be fire in bursts.
  43. ~ Hunting Knife – A large knife that Ciego keeps on his belt. When enemies come close to Ciego, he can pull this knife out for protection.
  45. Note:
  46. ~ A turn refers to the time take during a player’s post, while a round refers to a period of time, which starts when the player posts and lasts until they must post again. As a result, in larger RPs it’s possible for effects based on rounds to last longer, or for cooldowns to take longer.
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