
Ocarina of Time Bingo League Thingey

Mar 25th, 2014
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  1. Team OoT Bingo Tournament/League/Whatever Ideas:
  3. Sorry this is a bit long, hopefully its not too long that people just don't bother reading it.
  5. So, I'm thinking about putting together some sort of tournament or league for team Ocarina of Time bingos. I see a lot of people around who are learning how to speedrun OoT and want to get into bingos, but they find it a bit intimidating with the large number of tricks you have to learn to be 'competitive' in solo bingos. I'd like to try to get some sort of team bingo league going to encourage players who've been bingo-ing for awhile and know whats up to try to help out some of the guys who are a hesitant to get into it. I'm not 100% certain of anything with this, so I'm just gonna kinda list down thoughts that I've had for each part, and I'd love to hear feedback/other ideas for what people (both experienced and inexperienced) would find fun, useful, etc. for people both in the league and people watching the matches (it would be cool to be able to "cast" the matches through restreams or w/e at some point, but that's not the main objective, so w/e).
  7. Teams:
  8. -3 main players per team
  9. -1 alternate (maybe?) since its impossible for people to make it to every match. alternates can be members of another team (wouldn't want to force someone to sit out for all the fun!) or something along those lines
  10. -I think it would be lame to allow a stacked team of all fantastic players who know everything about bingos, so maybe restrict each team to have 1 person who's won a previous saturday night bingo, or only 1 person in the top X on the OoT SRL leaderboards. idk how to best try to restrict this, but I would like to have the 'old hands' at bingo team up with newer players to help them improve
  11. -obviously a team of 3 new players is perfectly allowed and would be cool to see as well. hopefully people who know whats up can help them out even if they aren't on their team.
  13. League Layout:
  14. -Since the objective is to try to get new players experience in bingos or w/e, I think having a single elimination tournament style would be pretty lame, cuz if you lose one match you're out. Not a very good learning environment.
  15. -Perhaps a round-robin style league would be better? Or if there are enough teams a set of round robin groups into a tournament style playoffs for the top X teams from each group.
  16. -This would very much depend on how many teams end up being interested, and what the people involved want to do.
  18. Match Style:
  19. -So, this is where we can start to have the most fun. I've got a couple of different ideas that I'll list off. I really want to hear people's feedback on the match types and any other ideas people have. I'll start with explaining the traditional team bingo styles, and then explain some of my other ideas:
  21. 1) Blackout - Each team of 3 has to work together to complete all 25 objectives on the board. Each player must work from their own new file, and any objective can be completed by any player on the team, though each objective must be completely done by only one player (for example: for a 6 maps objective, one player must obtain 6 maps, not 2 maps per player). First team to blackout the entire board wins. This could be good, but might end up with the strong player just carrying weaker players who don't really learn much, and the team with the better strong player wins.
  23. 2) Lockout - Both teams of 3 players each must compete to complete objectives on the same board. Each objective can only be claimed by one team, and the team that claims it is determined on a first come first served basis. The race ends when the whole board is claimed, and the team with the most claimed goals wins. I think this would be a very poor fit for this sort of league, as it's a bit overly intense and a bit too competitive.
  25. 3) Triple Pick - In this, each team of 3 players has to pick out 3 separate rows between themselves, and each member of the teams must complete one row each. Swapping objectives between rows is not allowed, and each player must complete the row in its entirety by themselves (i.e., not allowed to have 1 member do 13 goals, and the other members do 1 each). The winning team is either based on the final member to finish's time, or cumulative time of each member of the team. This one is a bit weird so I'll give an example:
  27. A team has members A, B, and C. Collectively, the team looks at the board and finds row 1, row 2, and row 3 to be pretty strong, so they decide to do them. Member A takes row 1, B takes row 2, and C takes row 3. Straightforward, but it has some interesting side effects imo.
  29. Usually in a bingo, there's that one really good row that all the strong players jump on, but instead you'd want the weaker players to take those faster or easier rows in order to get their times down, and the stronger players will have to take more difficult or longer rows in order to make their team overall perform better.
  31. 4) Triple Draft Pick - same sort of system as triple pick, but instead each row can only be chosen once by either of the teams. Row's are chosen by a back and forth draft style pick where the teams only get a certain amount of time to analyse the board between picks. Draft picking happens until each team has 3 rows. Which players execute which rows is up to the team, but again you are not allowed to have multiple players complete the same row, and you are not allowed to swap objectives between rows. This puts a bit more of a competitive feel between the teams, and could be interesting.
  33. Prizes:
  34. -you'll have fun, what more could you want?
  35. -oh, bragging rights. Those are good too :3
  37. I've probably said this enough already, but I REALLY want to hear people's thoughts on this. If something along these lines ends up happening, I'd prefer not to have it happen until after May or so (I've got graduation coming up, so busyness is overcoming me).
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