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a guest
Nov 22nd, 2014
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  1. on chat:
  2. if {tag1.%player%} is true:
  3. cancel event
  4. broadcast "&f[&4%{wlasciciel.gildi.musibyc.%player%}%&f] &7%name of player%: &f%message%"
  5. stop
  6. else:
  7. stop
  8. command /gildiespawn:
  9. permission: admin
  10. trigger:
  11. set {spawn} to location of player
  12. command /gildia [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  13. trigger:
  14. if arg 1 is not set:
  15. send "&c/gildia cennik - &aitemki na gildie"
  16. send "&c/gildia stworz - &azakladasz gildie z claimem (100x100)"
  17. send "&c/gildia usun - &ausuwasz gildie"
  18. send "&c/gildia dom - &ateleport do domu"
  19. send "&c/gildia odejdz - &aodchodzisz z gildi"
  20. send "&c/gildia mod (nick) - &anadajesz graczu range (Moderator)"
  21. send "&c/gildia info - &awyswietlasz informacje o gildi"
  22. send "&c/gildia akceptuj - &aakceptujesz zapraszenie za 5 diamentow"
  23. send "&c/gildia party ..."
  24. send " &c zapros - &adodajesz gracza do gildi"
  25. send " &c wyrzuc - &adodajesz gracza do gildi"
  26. if arg 1 is "info":
  27. send "&a==========&cGILDIA&a=========="
  28. if arg 1 is "mod":
  29. if arg 2 is set:
  30. add arg 2 to {gildia.mody.%{nazwa.gildi.musibyc.%player%}%.modowie::*}
  31. else:
  32. send "&cPodaj nick gracza"
  33. if arg 1 is "odejdz":
  34. if {gildia.zalozyciel.%{wlasciciel.gildi.musibyc.%player%}%} is name of player:
  35. send "&cNie mozesz odejsc z wlasnej gildi ..."
  36. stop
  37. else:
  38. if {gildia.jestem.%player%} is true:
  39. remove 1 from {gildia.%{nazwa.gildi.musibyc.%{wlasciciel.gildi.musibyc.%{gildia.szef}%}%}%.liczbaczlonkow}
  40. remove arg 3 from {gildia.%{nazwa.gildi.musibyc.%{wlasciciel.gildi.musibyc.%{gildia.szef}%}%}%.wszyscy-czlonkowie::*}
  41. set {tag.%player%} to false
  42. set {tag1.%player%} to false
  43. make console execute command "rg removeowner -w %world of player% gildia-%{nazwa.gildi.musibyc.%{gildia.szef}%}%-%{wlasciciel.gildi.musibyc.%{gildia.szef}%}% %arg 3%"
  44. set {czlonek.gildi.%{wlasciciel.gildi.musibyc.%{gildia.szef}%}%.%player%} to false
  45. else:
  46. send "&cNie jestes w zadnej gildi"
  47. if arg 1 is "dom":
  48. if {gildia.jestem.%player%} is true:
  49. if {tag1.%player%} is true:
  50. if {tag.%player%} is set:
  51. teleport player to {dom.%{tag.%player%}%}
  52. if arg 1 is "akceptuj":
  53. if {dolaczenie.%player%} is 0:
  54. send "&cNie masz zadnego oczekujacego zaproszenia"
  55. stop
  56. else:
  57. if player have 5 diamond:
  58. add 1 to {gildia.%{nazwa.gildi.musibyc.%{gildia.szef}%}%.liczbaczlonkow}
  59. add player to {gildia.%{nazwa.gildi.musibyc.%{gildia.szef}%}%.wszyscy-czlonkowie::*}
  60. set {tag.%player%} to {wlasciciel.gildi.musibyc.%{gildia.szef}%}
  61. set {tag1.%player%} to true
  62. set {czlonek.gildi.%{gildia.szef}%.%player%} to true
  63. make console execute command "rg addowner -w %world of player% gildia-%{nazwa.gildi.musibyc.%player%}%-%{wlasciciel.gildi.musibyc.%player%}% %arg 3%"
  64. remove 5 diamond from player
  65. else:
  66. send "&cNie masz 5 diamentow"
  67. if arg 1 is "party":
  68. if arg 2 is "dodaj":
  69. if arg 3 is set:
  70. if player is {gildia.mody.%{nazwa.gildi.musibyc.%player%}%.modowie::*}:
  71. send "&aWyslano zaproszenie do gildi %{wlasciciel.gildi.musibyc.%player%}% do gracza %arg 3%"
  72. execute player command "msg %arg 3% &aDostales zaproszenie go gildi %{wlasciciel.gildi.musibyc.%player%}% napisz /gildia dolacz %{wlasciciel.gildi.musibyc.%player%}% aby dolaczyc"
  73. set {dolaczenie.%arg 3%} to {wlasciciel.gildi.musibyc.%{dolaczenie.%player%}%}
  74. set {gildia.szef} to name of player
  75. wait 60 second
  76. set {dolaczenie.%arg 3%} to 0
  77. execute player command "msg %arg 3% &aNiestety twoje zaproszenie sie przedawnilo..."
  78. else:
  79. send "&cNie jestes liderem/modem"
  80. else:
  81. send "&cPodaj nick gracza"
  82. if arg 2 is "wyrzuc":
  83. if arg 3 is set:
  84. if arg 3 is not {gildia.%{nazwa.gildi.musibyc.%arg 3%}%.wszyscy-czlonkowie::*}:
  85. if player is {gildia.mody.%{nazwa.gildi.musibyc.%player%}%.modowie::*}:
  86. remove 1 from {gildia.%{nazwa.gildi.musibyc.%arg 3%}%.liczbaczlonkow}
  87. remove arg 3 from {gildia.%{nazwa.gildi.musibyc.%arg 3%}%.wszyscy-czlonkowie::*}
  88. set {tag.%arg 3%} to false
  89. set {tag1.%arg 3%} to false
  90. make console execute command "rg removeowner -w %world of player% gildia-%arg 2%-%arg 3% %arg 3%"
  91. set {czlonek.gildi.%{wlasciciel.gildi.musibyc.%player%}%.%arg 3%} to false
  92. else:
  93. send "&cNie jestes liderem/modem"
  94. else:
  95. send "&cNie ma takiej osoby w gildi"
  96. else:
  97. send "&cPodaj nick gracza"
  98. if arg 1 is "usun":
  99. if {gildia.jestem.%player%} is true:
  100. if {gildia.zalozyciel.%{wlasciciel.gildi.musibyc.%player%}%} is name of player:
  101. execute player command "rg remove gildia-%{nazwa.gildi.musibyc.%player%}%-%{wlasciciel.gildi.musibyc.%player%}%"
  102. delete {gildia.%{wlasciciel.gildi.musibyc.%player%}%.wszyscy-czlonkowie::*}
  103. set {gildia.%{wlasciciel.gildi.musibyc.%player%}%.liczbaczlonkow} to 0
  104. remove {nazwa.gildi.musibyc.%player%} from {listagildi.gildie::*}
  105. remove {wlasciciel.gildi.musibyc.%player%} from {listatagowgildi.gildie::*}
  106. set {gildia.zalozyciel.%{wlasciciel.gildi.musibyc.%player%}%} to 0
  107. execute console command "pex user %player% remove wlasciciel.gildi"
  108. set {gildia.jestem.%player%} to false
  109. broadcast "&aGracz: &7%name of player% &ausunal gildie o nazwie: &7%{nazwa.gildi.musibyc.%player%}% &ai tagu: &7%{wlasciciel.gildi.musibyc.%player%}%"
  110. loop all players:
  111. if {czlonek.gildi.%{wlasciciel.gildi.musibyc.%player%}%.%loop-player%} is true:
  112. set {tag1.%loop-player%} to false
  113. set {tag.%loop-player%} to false
  114. set {czlonek.gildi.%{wlasciciel.gildi.musibyc.%player%}%.%loop-player%} to false
  115. else:
  116. send "&cNie jestes liderem"
  117. stop
  118. else:
  119. send "&cNie posiadasz gildi!"
  120. stop
  121. send "&aUsuwanie gildi w toku"
  122. if arg 1 is "cennik":
  123. send "&7Itemy na gildie to:"
  124. send "&6- 64 diamenty"
  125. send "&6- 64 sztabki zelaza"
  126. send "&6- 64 sztabki zlota"
  127. send "&6- 64 emeraldow"
  128. send "&6- 32 obsydiany"
  129. send "&6- 16 koxow"
  130. if arg 1 is "stworz":
  131. if arg 2 is not set:
  132. send "&c/gildia stworz (nazwa) (tag)"
  133. stop
  134. if arg 2 is {listagildi.gildie::*}:
  135. send "&cTaka gildia juz istnieje"
  136. stop
  137. if arg 3 is {listatagowgildi.gildie::*}:
  138. send "&cGildia o takim tagu juz istnieje"
  139. stop
  140. if {gildia.jestem.%player%} is true:
  141. send "&cMasz juz gildie!"
  142. stop
  143. if player cannot build at block under player:
  144. send "&cTeren pod toba jest zajety!"
  145. stop
  146. if player cannot build at block 50 meters northwest:
  147. send "&cTeren na polnocny-zachod stad jest juz zajety"
  148. stop
  149. if player cannot build at block 50 meters north:
  150. send "Teren na polnoc stad jest juz zajety"
  151. stop
  152. if player cannot build at block 50 meters northeast:
  153. send "Teren na polnocno-wschodni stad jest juz zajety"
  154. stop
  155. if player cannot build at block 50 meters west:
  156. send "Teren na zachod stad jest juz zajety"
  157. stop
  158. if player cannot build at block 50 meters east:
  159. send "Teren na wschod stad jest juz zajety"
  160. stop
  161. if player cannot build at block 50 meters southwest:
  162. send "Teren na poludniowy-zachod stad jest juz zajety"
  163. stop
  164. if player cannot build at block 50 meters southeast:
  165. send "Teren na poludniowy-wschod stad jest juz zajety"
  166. stop
  167. if distance between {spawn} and location of player is greater than 600:
  168. if arg 2 is set:
  169. if arg 3 is set:
  170. if player has 64 diamond:
  171. if player has 64 iron ingot:
  172. if player has 64 gold ingot:
  173. if player has 64 emerald:
  174. if player has 32 obsidian:
  175. if player has 16 enchanted golden apple:
  176. set {tag1.%player%} to true
  177. set {tag.%player%} to arg 3
  178. set {czlonek.gildi.%arg 3%.%player%} to true
  179. set {wlasciciel.gildi.musibyc.%player%} to argument 3
  180. set {nazwa.gildi.musibyc.%player%} to argument 2
  181. set {dom.%arg 3%} to location of player
  182. set {gildia.zalozyciel.%arg 3%} to name of player
  183. add player to {gildia.mody.%arg 2%.modowie::*}
  184. set {gildia.jestem.%player%} to true
  185. set block under player to bedrock
  186. remove 64 diamond from player
  187. remove 64 iron ingot from player
  188. remove 64 gold ingot from player
  189. remove 64 emerald from player
  190. remove 32 obsidian from player
  191. remove 16 enchanted golden apple from player
  192. make console execute command "pex user %name of player% add worldguard.*"
  193. make console execute command "pex user %name of player% add worldedit.*"
  194. wait 1 tick
  195. make player execute command "//pos1"
  196. make player execute command "//pos2"
  197. wait 1 tick
  198. make player execute command "//expand 50 n"
  199. make player execute command "//expand 50 s"
  200. make player execute command "//expand 50 w"
  201. make player execute command "//expand 50 e"
  202. make player execute command "//expand vert"
  203. wait 1 tick
  204. make player execute command "/rg define gildia-%arg 2%-%arg 3%"
  205. wait 1 tick
  206. make console execute command "pex user %name of player% remove worldguard.*"
  207. make console execute command "pex user %name of player% remove worldedit.*"
  208. make console execute command "rg addowner -w %world of player% gildia-%arg 2%-%arg 3% %name of player%"
  209. make console execute command "rg setpriority -w %world of player% gildia-%arg 2%-%arg 3% 1"
  210. make console execute command "rg flag -w %world of player% gildia-%arg 2%-%arg 3% greeting &7Wchodzisz na teren gildi: &f[&6%arg 2%&f]"
  211. make console execute command "rg flag -w %world of player% gildia-%arg 2%-%arg 3% farewell &7Wyszles poza teren gildii: &f[&6%arg 2%&f]"
  212. make console execute command "rg flag -w %world of player% gildia-%arg 2%-%arg 3% chest-access deny"
  213. set {gildia.%arg 2%.liczbaczlonkow} to 0
  214. add 1 to {gildia.%arg 2%.liczbaczlonkow}
  215. add player to {gildia.%arg 2%.wszyscy-czlonkowie::*}
  216. add arg 2 to {listagildi.gildie::*}
  217. add arg 3 to {listatagowgildi.gildie::*}
  218. execute console command "pex user %player% add wlasciciel.gildi"
  219. loop 100 times:
  220. send " "
  221. broadcast "&aGracz: &7%name of player% &astworzyl gildie o nazwie: &7%arg 2% &ai tagu: &7%arg 3%"
  222. send "&aTworzenie gildie zakonczylo sie poprawnie"
  223. else:
  224. send "&cBrak potrzebnych przedmiotow!"
  225. else:
  226. send "&cBrak potrzebncyh przedmiotow"
  227. else:
  228. send "&cBrak potrzebnych przedmiotow"
  229. else:
  230. send "&cBrak potrzebnych przedmiotow"
  231. else:
  232. send "&cBrak potrzebnych przedmiotow"
  233. else:
  234. send "&cBrak potrzebnych przedmiotow"
  235. else:
  236. send "&cUstaw tag gildi"
  237. else:
  238. send "&cUstaw nazwe gildi"
  239. else:
  240. send "&cJestes zbyt blisko spawnu"
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