
Modelo de Template - CP Agorinha

Oct 13th, 2013
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  11. -----------------------------------------------
  12. HTML feito por Son Ivson
  13. "Promoção! Copie e leve uma penca de problemas grátis!"
  14. ----------------------------------------------- */
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  16. ====================
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  85. /* Cabeçalho
  86. -----------------------------------------------
  87. */
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  152. ----------------------------------------------- */
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  226. /* Headings
  227. ------------------------------------------------ */
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  237. -----------------------------------------------
  238. */
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  307. }
  308. .post blockquote p {
  309. }
  310. /* Comments
  311. ----------------------------------------------- */
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  313. }
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  376. /* Conteudo da barra lateral
  377. ----------------------------------------------- */
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  423. /* Perfil
  424. ----------------------------------------------- */
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  430. }
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  453. /* Footer
  454. ----------------------------------------------- */
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  464. /* Credit
  465. ------------------------------------------------ */
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  523. <div id='header-wrapper'> Código do Cabeçalho linkado
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