
Making Ends Meet

Aug 13th, 2012
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  1. Author's note: an elaboration of the idea found in
  3. >”Sir, you need to see this.”
  4. >The voice of the assistant sounds incredibly shocked, even over the crappy walkie talkie.
  5. “What's going on?”
  6. >”One of the population control experiments gave birth to a...I don't even know what the hell this thing is.”
  7. “Very well, I'm on my way.”
  8. >You move through the building until you reach the east wing.
  9. >This part of the facility is where everyone is working on fighting the urge of the fluffy pony to have kids.
  10. >Everything from chemical sterilization through food to reset reprogramming is being tried.
  11. >You see the assistant waving to you through one of the large windows.
  12. >In her arms is a very agitated grey earth fluffy, fighting to get free.
  13. >Only when you enter can you hear her cries.
  14. >”Nuuuu! Pwease down, Nikki nee' gif babeh owwies! Nee' gif owwies! Pwease down!”
  15. >In Nikki's bed are three dead foals, their heads bitten completely off.
  16. >Outside of the bed on the white carpet is a fourth foal, a still-living unicorn.
  17. “What the hell...”
  18. >Its fluff is a deep blue color; its mane is a maroon red.
  19. >It chirps loudly, eyes not yet open.
  20. >You pick it up. After turning it over in your hands a few times, you can barely believe it.
  21. >This foal has two heads.
  22. >In fact, it appears to be two front halves joined at the base of the thorax.
  23. >Overall, it's about one and half times as large as a regular foal.
  24. >When it doesn't feel any fluff on your hand, it begins chirping with fear, legs trying to pull it away in opposite directions.
  25. >”What should we do with it?”
  26. >You think for a moment, ignoring Nikki's desperate pleas to let her kill her child.
  27. “Call genetics. I'm going to take this thing to one of the regular dams.”
  28. >If this foal is a mutation, it may be a goldmine of data about the fluffy pony genome.
  29. >Even if it's just a set of conjoined twins, it can be of use to the reproductive department.
  30. >This foal will be kept alive.
  31. >At least, for as long as it doesn't have to excrete waste. There appears to be no way for it to do so.
  32. >Twenty minutes later, the conjoined foal is with its new mother, a purple pegasus named Fiona.
  33. >Fiona's latest litter was seventy-five percent stillbirths. She is extremely protective of her one living foal.
  34. >She looks at the new, strange baby with trepidation.
  35. >”Babeh sickies?” she asks repeatedly.
  36. >Her brain cannot comprehend what she's looking at.
  37. >”Fiona, this baby is very special,” the geneticist says. “It needs a good mommy like you.”
  38. >”Feena goo' mumma...babeh no wook wike babeh,” she replies, watching it crawl toward the sound of her voice.
  39. >Very gently, she pushes it away. “Babeh...babeh dumb...”
  40. >Her biological foal, hugging her belly fluff, chirps loudly as she moves.
  41. >She immediately comforts it with quiet babbling.
  42. >This particular geneticist is a bit of a hard-ass.
  43. >You watch as she quickly intervenes to stop the rejection process.
  44. >”Fiona, feed this baby.”
  45. >”Babeh dumb, no wan'.”
  46. >”Fiona, feed this baby right now.”
  47. >”No wan', babeh sickies, goo' babeh haf sickies fwom dumb babeh!”
  48. “Let's just reset her, Cynthia.”
  49. >”No, I'm going to make this stick the old-fashioned way,” she replies.
  50. >She reaches down and plucks the green pegasus foal from Fiona's belly.
  51. >”Nuuuuuuu! Pwease gif goo' babeh!” she screeches, terrifying the conjoined foal near her.
  52. >”Feed your new baby or you'll never get this one back.”
  53. >”Gif babeh! Babeh nee' mumma! Nee' miwkies an' wuv!”
  54. >”Feed it, Fiona!”
  55. >The green foal chirps with terror as Cynthia squeezes it slightly.
  56. >”Gif nummies! Gif nummies to new babeh now!” Fiona wails, broken by the panic of her foal.
  57. >She pulls the conjoined foal over with her forelegs and guides it to a teat.
  58. >”Good girl. I'm keeping this one until your new baby is done.”
  59. >”Gif nummies, no huwt babeh, babeh goo' babeh,” Fiona mumbles.
  60. >She feeds one head, but the other chirps loudly.
  61. >”No cwy, babeh haf nummies!” Fiona reassures it.
  62. >It still chirps. Confused, Fiona tries to contort herself so the other teat reaches its mouth, but she can't.
  63. >”Just turn it around, Fiona.”
  64. >”Tuwn 'woun'?”
  65. >”Christ, you're a moron.”
  66. >Cynthia turns the foal around so the other head gets a shot at the teat.
  67. >”Like that.”
  68. >”Babeh go 'woun', haf nummies 'gain?”
  69. >Fiona is even more confused than before, not understanding why she has to feed the same baby twice.
  70. >You and Cynthia leave her to deal with the foal.
  71. >This room is equipped with cameras for all-day monitoring, as Fiona is one of the mares that belongs to the genetics department.
  72. >In fact, their experiments are why she only has one foal alive out of four.
  73. >Half an hour later, you check on the feed from Fiona's room.
  74. >Her foal and the conjoined foal are sleeping soundly next to their mother.
  75. >Just as you're about to walk away, you see the conjoined foal wake up and start moving around.
  76. >One head expels something that's too dark to be milk vomit.
  77. >It chirps fearfully, the sound muffled by whatever it is coming out.
  78. >”Babeh? No cwy, mumma hewe!” Fiona says as she startles awake.
  79. >”No smell pwetty...babeh make poopies,” she says, gently moving the foal away from the mess.
  80. >It shat out of its mouth. The anatomists are going to have a field day with this thing.
  81. >By the next morning, the two-headed foal is still kicking, but the heads are acting much differently.
  82. >Fiona refuses to feed the head that keeps shitting.
  83. >”Dat no babeh, dat babeh poopie pwace,” she says.
  84. >The dominant head now gets all of her attention.
  85. >It suckles happily alongside its pegasus sister, while the inferior head chirps pathetically for milk.
  86. >While on the teat, more liquid shit dribbles out of its mouth.
  87. >”No make poopies on mumma!” Fiona complains with a scolding tone.
  88. >”Wuv!” chirps her green foal, already learning basic words.
  89. >”Wuv babeh, no cwy.”
  90. >The two-headed foal only makes chirping noises.
  91. >The fun continues as the hours pass.
  92. >Fiona has finally noticed that the 'poopie pwace' of her new baby talks like a baby.
  93. >She can't come to terms with it.
  94. >”Poopie pwace talkies? Feena poopie pwace talkies too?”
  95. >While her foals sleep, she spends several minutes moving in a circle, trying to talk to her ass.
  96. >”Poopie pwace fwiend? No talkies?”
  97. >Her foals awake, and she waddles over to tend to them.
  98. >The dominant head gets a meal, as does the green pegasus.
  99. >The other head mewls constantly for attention, and is ignored.
  100. >More excrement leaks from its mouth as it cries, turning the chirps to gurgles.
  101. >Fiona scolds it, too. ”Poopie pwace no talkies, babehs haf nummies.”
  102. >This repeats the second day, but a new problem is arising.
  103. >The two-headed foal is taking twice the milk to support the half that's not eating.
  104. >The other foal is beginning to experience a shortage.
  105. >”Why babeh haf aww nummies? Goo' babeh nee' nummies!”
  106. >It ignores her completely, suckling for thirty minutes at a time.
  107. >”Wuv! Mumma! Hung'y!” the other foal cries, nipping at a teat that isn't bearing much milk.
  108. >”Sowwy! Babeh take aww nummies!”
  109. >The other foal still hasn't learned any words.
  110. >The dominant head chirps loudly whenever another fluffy talks, as if trying to mimic their words.
  111. >The other head wheezes and emits a wavering squeak. Shit leaks from its mouth constantly.
  112. >When Fiona's stacked blocks fall over and scare the foals, the results are predictable.
  113. >The green foal squirts piss and shit fearfully, running around and hiding in Fiona's fluff.
  114. >The two-headed foal, however, gets nowhere, its two pairs of front legs tearing in opposite directions.
  115. >Shit also squirts from the inferior head's mouth, causing it to become terrified, which frightens the dominant head.
  116. >This causes even more shit to squirt out, prolonging the cycle until the foal's bowels – or whatever is in there – are emptied.
  117. >The inferior head is so traumatized, it faints. The dominant head has to use its half of the body to drag the dead weight around.
  118. >”Babeh sickies?” Fiona asks, hugging the foal.
  119. >It still just chirps back at her.
  120. >Another researcher watching the footage surmises that the foal actually needs more milk than it's getting to support both brains.
  121. >If it took any more, it'd probably drain Fiona dry.
  122. >By the third day, the two heads are in wildly different states.
  123. >The dominant head is as happy as can be, trying desperately to play with its green sibling.
  124. >It can't accomplish this because the inferior head is becoming sick and lethargic.
  125. >The blue foal drags itself around after the green foal.
  126. >The green foal wants nothing to do with it, preferring to lead it away and then run back to its mother's teat to suckle.
  127. >Fast learner, that one is. You jot down a reminder to send it to the behavioral department when it gets weaned.
  128. >The blue foal is becoming scared of itself. The dominant head feels four legs, but has control of only two.
  129. >It chirps as loudly as it can manage. Fiona doesn't understand what's wrong.
  130. >”Babeh cwy? Babeh no haf owwies, babeh no cwy. Mumma hewe, babeh happy!”
  131. >It can't talk back to her; even a simple 'weggies owwies' in a scared tone would tell her something is amiss.
  132. >Then she'd call for a human, like she does whenever her babies talk to her about 'owwies'.
  133. >The inferior head, meanwhile, just squeaks quietly.
  134. >Its facial fluff is matted and caked with waste. Even its nostrils are brown.
  135. >Its eyes have become cloudy over time, lacking the sheen of the other foal's.
  136. >By afternoon, the dominant half of the foal spends most of its time running away from the inferior half.
  137. >Every time the inferior half squeaks in protest, the dominant half's fear makes it shit itself.
  138. >By the time your shift is over, the inferior half no longer squeaks.
  139. >On the third day, the inferior half is quiet, but still alive.
  140. >It breathes languidly.
  141. >The dominant half isn't in much better shape.
  142. >The forceful expulsion of shit through one of the digestive tracts means that the foal is now ravaged with infection.
  143. >Fiona finally realizes that something is wrong.
  144. >”Hewp! Babeh sickies! Babeh haf owwies, hooman hewp pwease!”
  145. >The dominant head chirps loudly in concert with her, desperate for some sort of care.
  146. >The inferior head's eyes are barely open. Its mouth only moves when fearful shit is forced out of it.
  147. >The foal drags itself around helplessly. Soon, it becomes apparent that the inferior half has died.
  148. >The living half screeches and squeaks powerfully, no longer feeling vast parts of itself.
  149. >”Gif huggies! Babeh no cwy, huggies make owwies go 'way!”
  150. >The other foal is scared out of her wits, hiding behind Fiona.
  151. >Without two hearts to pump the higher blood volume, and two sets of lungs to oxygenate the blood, the dominant half begins suffering greatly.
  152. >After a while it just flops over and gulps air, trying to close the oxygen gap.
  153. >”Pway?” the other foal asks, nudging it gently.
  154. >”Babeh no pway, babeh sickies, hooman pwease hewp babeh,” Fiona sobs.
  155. >Moments later, the dominant half's overworked heart seizes up. It shudders violently before falling still.
  156. >”B-babeh?”
  157. >The foal's corpse is removed immediately for examination.
  158. >It's about a week later when you hear that the inferior half of the foal only had an esophagus leading into the dominant half's intestine.
  159. >The inferior half was constantly swallowing shit, forcing it down, only to throw it up when too much accumulated.
  160. >As for how the foal was born this way, no one is sure.
  161. >The leading theory is that the zygote was somehow damaged during gestation.
  162. >The genetics department, of course, is now trying to replicate the two-headed foal.
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