
Trollage w/ Scar - Hellface's downfall

Jun 28th, 2011
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  1. Is he talking to you?
  2. HellFaceSr: i was shooting at my neighbors and well
  3. AutumnC1: *Unsucsessfull
  4. HellFaceSr: i hit someone i wasnt supposed to i think
  5. Scarletx: Was* Im afk :) (reply)
  6. Tuchiiii: Autumn
  7. Tuchiiii: You can't spell.
  8. Tuchiiii: For shit.
  9. AutumnC1: I dont give a shit.
  10. AutumnC1: So go you dipshit.
  11. HellFaceSr: i am back with FIRE!!!
  12. Scarletx: Uh-oh o.o
  13. HellFaceSr: dam i need a belt brb
  14. Scarletx: Mkay.
  15. HellFaceSr: and yes its the shiny one
  16. Scarletx: The shiny one looks so cool :3
  17. Scarletx: Darn. Tomorrow? (reply)
  18. AutumnC1: :D Today Is the best daay.
  19. HellFaceSr: i know but the belt is huge
  20. To Scarletx: Have you seen it??
  21. To Scarletx: That belt
  22. Tuchiiii: Ooooh
  23. Scarletx: Yeah o.O (reply)
  24. Tuchiiii: Something tells me Hellface and Scar have something special
  25. To Scarletx: I think I'm going to rage him again.
  26. Scarletx: Of course :)
  27. HellFaceSr: a huge belt?
  28. HellFaceSr: lmao
  29. HellFaceSr: yeah we do
  30. HellFaceSr: oh what the hell
  31. HellFaceSr: mark stole my black pants!!!
  32. Tuchiiii: Hellface
  33. Tuchiiii: What if I... Let's say, were to rape Scarlet?
  34. To scarletx: :D Let the laughter begin.
  35. HellFaceSr: then i would rip ur dick off and make you eat it
  36. HellFaceSr: in front of ur family
  37. Scarletx: o.o
  38. HellFaceSr: but thats just hypothetical thinking right?
  39. Tuchiiii: Oh really.
  40. Tuchiiii: Yeah.
  41. HellFaceSr: ok
  42. Tuchiiii: Good.
  43. HellFaceSr: :P lmao
  44. Tuchiiii: You really stand up for her don't you?
  45. HellFaceSr: umm yeah
  46. HellFaceSr: its my second main duty
  47. HellFaceSr: omg scar!!! mark got a kong!!
  48. Tuchiiii: Hellface
  49. Tuchiiii: What's your first?
  50. qawwsedfryhuhko: zooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  51. HellFaceSr: loving her beyond all extremes
  52. Tuchiiii: Ahh.
  53. HellFaceSr: and fighting dragons
  54. Tuchiiii: Would you ever run from a fight over her?
  55. HellFaceSr: i dont understand the question
  56. HellFaceSr: lol
  57. Scarletx: Would you rather fight for me or run.
  58. HellFaceSr: if somone was fighting with her or about her i would stand up till the end
  59. Scarletx: Is what he meant.
  60. HellFaceSr: on her side
  61. Tuchiiii: But
  62. Tuchiiii: I've seen you RUN from a fight over her.
  63. Tuchiiii: How is that?
  64. Tuchiiii: You disappoint me, Hellface.
  65. To scarletx: I know how his feeble mind works now. And I can break it and let the mental retardation gush out of his wounds. Mental wounds, that is.
  66. HellFaceSr: it is a lot easier for me to fight in somones face than it is on the internet
  67. Tuchiiii: I see.
  68. HellFaceSr: in somones face i can have the chance of shutting them up for an exteneded period of time
  69. Tuchiiii: Exeneded period of time. Ahh.
  70. HellFaceSr: ppl like arg that just do not stop becuase of their mentality
  71. Tuchiiii: I completely understand you.
  72. Tuchiiii: Arg?
  73. HellFaceSr: it gets hard to control my anger
  74. Tuchiiii: Who's Arg?
  75. Tuchiiii: He sounds like a real hero to me.
  76. Tuchiiii: Almost like a legend.
  77. Tuchiiii: A miracle to happen upon earth.
  78. Tuchiiii: But tell me
  79. Tuchiiii: Who is he?
  80. HellFaceSr: *smacks forhead*
  81. Mark6996S: BITCH
  82. Tuchiiii: ?
  83. Tuchiiii: What?
  84. HellFaceSr: arg is an animal
  85. Tuchiiii: How?
  86. Tuchiiii: Tell me about him.
  87. Mark6996S: JACOB!!!
  88. Mark6996S: HEY
  89. To scarletx: Good god, he's a real moron.
  90. Scarletx: ...
  91. HellFaceSr: O.o
  92. Tuchiiii: ?
  93. HellFaceSr: omg....
  94. Scarletx: What the hell... (reply)
  95. Tuchiiii: Hellface
  96. Tuchiiii: Did that Mark just call you a bitch?
  97. HellFaceSr: yeah....he is our drummer....
  98. Tuchiiii: Or did he call Scar a bitch..
  99. Mark6996S: dam right i am
  100. Tuchiiii: You play in a band?
  101. Mark6996S: JACOB!!!!
  102. Tuchiiii: What instrument do you play, Hellface,
  103. HellFaceSr: yes i do. lmao i play guitar
  104. Scarletx: Err, Hello Mark?
  105. Tuchiiii: I see.
  106. Mark6996S: yeah and he is a god
  107. Tuchiiii: lol
  108. Tuchiiii: Mark
  109. Tuchiiii: Meet Scarlet
  110. HellFaceSr: mark honestly
  111. Tuchiiii: Jacob's girlfriend.
  112. Tuchiiii: On the internet.
  113. HellFaceSr: im trying to have a man to man talk here
  114. Mark6996S: **** you jacob
  115. Mark6996S: hey eveyone that is acociated to jacob
  116. Tuchiiii: :|
  117. HellFaceSr: umm...
  118. Tuchiiii: Yeah, Me an Hell were putting a real manly conversation in here.
  119. HellFaceSr: ecuse me for a minute
  120. Scarletx: . . .
  121. HellFaceSr: mark when do we play at the mayo center?
  122. Mark6996S: umm 4 days i think?
  123. Mark6996S: why?
  124. HellFaceSr: dam...
  125. Mark6996S: dude shawny told me to tell you that he changed his mind about leaving
  126. Tuchiiii: Scar
  127. Tuchiiii: Hug me
  128. HellFaceSr: ummm
  129. HellFaceSr: mark hold on
  130. Tuchiiii: Hug your little Tuchi
  131. Scarletx: Hm?
  132. Tuchiiii: Hug my tuchi!
  133. HellFaceSr: that just sounds wrong lmao
  134. Scarletx: ... What the hell is a 'tuchi'?
  135. Tuchiiii: Don't be a hypocrite.
  136. Tuchiiii: You saw my tuchi yesterday.
  137. Mark6996S: hey jake... umm you think that we could stay in europe for a week
  138. AutumnC1: n_n
  139. To scarletx: trolololololololol
  140. Scarletx: o.o
  141. Mark6996S: and yes Tuchiiii im well aware that scar and jake are together
  142. Tuchiiii: I'm Jake.
  143. Mark6996S: ok jacob and scar
  144. Tuchiiii: Well, I'm together with scar, that's what I know.
  145. Tuchiiii: I'm Jacob.
  146. Scarletx: Mark, Is this going to be your first time in europe?
  147. HellFaceSr: lmao
  148. Mark6996S: no like the 9th
  149. HellFaceSr: well i must have gotten the wrong birth certificate than
  150. Tuchiiii: So Mark
  151. Tuchiiii: Where have you been?
  152. Tuchiiii: In Europe
  153. Mark6996S: mainly prague but i went itly once and on my senoir class trip we went greece
  154. Mark6996S: and i was born in ireland and came here so i count that as one too
  155. Tuchiiii: Oh
  156. Tuchiiii: What language do people talk in Europe?
  157. Tuchiiii: Klingon?
  158. Tuchiiii: Martian language?
  159. Tuchiiii: What do they look like?
  160. Tuchiiii: Do they have superpowers?
  161. Mark6996S: umm jake...james is going to ur house to punch you in the face
  162. Mark6996S: yes they have superpowers smart ass
  163. Scarletx: ...
  164. Tuchiiii: Oh?
  165. Tuchiiii: Tell me about it
  166. HellFaceSr: hey tuchiiii try not to piss off mark..... he gets colorful
  167. Tuchiiii: Colorful?
  168. Mark6996S: what the hell does that mean?
  169. Tuchiiii: Is he a fairy?
  170. HellFaceSr: lmao yes he is a fairl
  171. Tuchiiii: Ahh.
  172. HellFaceSr: fairy
  173. Tuchiiii: You know fairy = gay, right?
  174. Mark6996S: **** you
  175. Tuchiiii: So you just called your friend over there gay
  176. Tuchiiii: Is that what you're intending to do.
  177. Tuchiiii: Fighting with him over the internet so he can't beat you?
  178. Tuchiiii: Tsk tsk.
  179. HellFaceSr: we have a brother relationship
  180. To scarletx: Having a blast
  181. Tuchiiii: ...
  182. Mark6996S: hey tuchiiii suck one and leave my bro alone
  183. Tuchiiii: You're saying
  184. Tuchiiii: Your dad f*cked his mom?
  185. Tuchiiii: Or the other way around?
  186. Mark6996S: if i want to kick his ass ill just walk to his house
  187. HellFaceSr: no its like a really strong best freind relationship thing
  188. Tuchiiii: so no incest involved?
  189. HellFaceSr: ugh no
  190. Mark6996S: why are you a smart ass
  191. Tuchiiii: I'm just smarter..
  192. HellFaceSr: mark shut up
  193. Tuchiiii: Sorry.
  194. Scarletx: Your pissing him off. :) Can I break up with it now? (reply)
  195. HellFaceSr: no he is srry
  196. Mark6996S: **** off jacob i am not
  197. Mark6996S: i know an asshole when i see one
  198. To Scarletx: Yes, after I told him I'm arg. Then you huggle and kisses me :D
  199. Tuchiiii: Hellface
  200. Scarletx: :3 (reply)
  201. Tuchiiii: Help me out here
  202. Tuchiiii: Your friend is being a dick
  203. HellFaceSr: mark shut the hell up
  204. To Scarletx: Ok... Ready?
  205. HellFaceSr: ill come over there and light ur dam house on fire
  206. Scarletx: Yep. (reply)
  207. Tuchiiii: Hellface
  208. Tuchiiii: I have something to say..
  209. Mark6996S: hell no i wont shut up.
  210. Mark6996S: he is a dick to you and me
  211. Tuchiiii: I'm sorry man.
  212. Tuchiiii: I'm really sorry.
  213. Tuchiiii: But I think I HAVE to ruin your relation with scaer.
  214. Tuchiiii: scar*
  215. Tuchiiii: Fact is
  216. HellFaceSr: yeha well at least i can some what control myself
  217. Tuchiiii: I love her
  218. Tuchiiii: and she loves me.
  219. Tuchiiii: Doesn't she?
  220. Tuchiiii: :)
  221. KingxKUSH: LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  222. Tuchiiii: Also
  223. Tuchiiii: I'm Arg, Hellface.
  224. Scarletx: Ohai Kush.
  225. Tuchiiii: You lost your girl to me.
  226. HellFaceSr: yeah i figured
  227. Tuchiiii: Good.
  228. Tuchiiii: Well, here's another fact
  229. Tuchiiii: Scar never loved you.
  230. KingxKUSH: That's rich.
  231. Tuchiiii: She was with me all the time.
  232. Scarletx: Its called manipulation :)
  233. Tuchiiii: And acting as if she loved you.
  234. Tuchiiii: Too bad, son.
  235. Scarletx: And Jacob. I never loved you at all.
  236. Tuchiiii: You'll never have a girlfriend.
  237. Tuchiiii: Good, scar
  238. Scarletx: Dont you love my acting skills?
  239. Tuchiiii: *kisses*
  240. Tuchiiii: I do love them.
  241. Scarletx: :3
  242. Mark6996S: umm
  243. KingxKUSH: Stupidity.
  244. Tuchiiii: :D
  245. Mark6996S: what the hell just happend
  246. KingxKUSH: Anyways.
  247. Tuchiiii: Mark
  248. Scarletx: Im laughing hard.
  249. Tuchiiii: Me and Scarlet fooled Jacob.
  250. Scarletx: At this idiot.
  251. KingxKUSH: Back to what I was doing.
  252. Tuchiiii: He thought Scar loved him all the time.
  253. Tuchiiii: And she didn't.
  254. Tuchiiii: She didn't love him at all.
  255. Tuchiiii: There's only one person in the world she'll love in a platonic way
  256. Tuchiiii: And that's me.
  257. Scarletx: :)
  258. Tuchiiii: non-platonic*
  259. Tuchiiii: So, Mark.
  260. Tuchiiii: What are you going to do now?
  261. Mark6996S: umm well prevent jake from going over the edge and imporvise from there
  262. Mark6996S: and when we do get to euro ill find you and beat ur skinny twaty ass
  263. Tuchiiii: I see.
  264. Tuchiiii: You don't know where I live, though.
  265. Mark6996S: its really not that hard to find ppl
  266. Crolia: Profile
  267. Scarletx: Yes it is.
  268. Mark6996S: when jake ran away i found him in 2 days
  269. KingxKUSH: NOt really.
  270. Tuchiiii: Well, Mark.
  271. Tuchiiii: I live in Liverpool.
  272. KingxKUSH: Fairly easy. As a matter of fact if I get clearance to I can easily look at someones records >.>
  273. Scarletx: HellFaceSr: thanks for ****ing ME UP!!! (reply) (reply)
  274. To Scarletx: :D
  275. To Scarletx: Tell him it's not that bad and that he'll find a GF anyway.
  276. To Scarletx: We don't want him to commit suicide.
  277. To Scarletx: Because you know, he could.
  278. Tuchiiii: Ahh, King.
  279. Tuchiiii: But you don't.
  280. Mark6996S: jake?
  281. KingxKUSH: Very easy to get, I happen to know people.
  282. Mark6996S: so you guys like to make a kid commit sucide?
  283. KingxKUSH: They are easy to bribe.
  284. KingxKUSH: >.>
  285. Tuchiiii: Noddie.
  286. Tuchiiii: Who's easy to bribe?
  287. KingxKUSH: And your immaturity amazes me.
  288. Tuchiiii: Whose?
  289. KingxKUSH: You prick.
  290. KingxKUSH: Actually. All of you.
  291. Tuchiiii: I see.
  292. Tuchiiii: Anyway.
  293. Scarletx: Joli.
  294. Scarletx: He's insane.
  295. Scarletx: He has a knife at his neck.
  296. Tuchiiii: Nah.
  297. Scarletx: Joli. Hes on webcam. With a knife at his neck.
  298. Mark6996S: you ****ing dicks!!!
  299. Mark6996S: jacob the hell
  300. Mark6996S: dont do it man
  301. To scarletx: So, what are we going to do about that? Tell him he's sweet and try to persuade him.
  302. Crolia: Who is ' Jacob ' please ?
  303. Tuchiiii: HellfaceSR
  304. Mark6996S: you guys killed him
  305. KingxKUSH: I lost all respect for you people.
  306. Mark6996S: you guys ****ing killed him
  307. micmic98: who killed who
  308. Scarletx: Why not save him.
  309. Scarletx: While you still have the chance little boy.
  310. Mark6996S: he lives 20 miles from me
  311. Mark6996S: your a whore
  312. Scarletx: Drive.
  313. Mark6996S: n owonder you were adopted
  314. Scarletx: ... He told you about me?
  315. Mark6996S: parents saw ur true identidy
  316. Tuchiiii: ?
  317. Scarletx: So what Mark?
  318. KingxKUSH: How the mighty has fallen.
  319. Mark6996S: dont think i wouldnt let my bro date some random chick withot investigating?
  320. Mark6996S: more mighty than you
  321. Scarletx: You do know.
  322. KingxKUSH: Oh but, you don't know kid.
  323. Scarletx: Everything I told him was Bull shit.
  324. To scarletx: Don't let him scare you.
  325. Mark6996S: scar when this tuchiii gets you prego and he leaves you ur ****ed
  326. Tuchiiii: Oh
  327. KingxKUSH: I'm about to be pretty pisses so please keep pushing my buttons.
  328. Scarletx: Abortion.
  329. KingxKUSH: pissed*
  330. Mark6996S: hmm
  331. Scarletx: I won't. (reply)
  332. Mark6996S: you know jacob should have done it in front of you
  333. To KingxKUSH: Are you serious? I deemed you pretty smart.
  334. Scarletx: Done what?
  335. Crolia: :O
  336. Mark6996S: what he is doing right now
  337. Scarletx: He doesn't have the balls to do it.
  338. KingxKUSH: I thought you were smart as well til you and scare pulled this immature shit. (reply)
  339. Mark6996S: oh dont worry i called 911
  340. Mark6996S: you want a bet>
  341. KingxKUSH: scar* (reply)
  342. Scarletx: Oh dont worry He wont.
  343. Mark6996S: jacob made me a movie back in the day
  344. To KingxKUSH: FFS, It's a joke.
  345. Mark6996S: i found him currelld up in the bath tub with a knife in his neck
  346. micmic98: :o
  347. Mark6996S: good thing he lied to you too
  348. Mark6996S: lmao
  349. Mark6996S: wow
  350. Mark6996S: this is rich. im going to call him quick
  351. KingxKUSH: I know dude. This is some bullshit. (reply)
  352. To KingxKUSH: Ye.
  353. Scarletx: I dont want to be held responsible of a childs death. I'm still a minor. (reply)
  354. Mark6996S: oh shit
  355. To Scarletx: Hurdur, they don't know you.
  356. Mark6996S: wrong number
  357. To Scarletx: Mark is playing around.
  358. Mark6996S: hey scar
  359. Mark6996S: you konw what
  360. okimhere54321: HI
  361. Mark6996S: he told me that there was this one girl he would like to **** with
  362. Mark6996S: you know she seemed nice and all
  363. Tuchiiii: ...
  364. Mark6996S: so he said why not get back at the female race
  365. sandy121: hi
  366. KingxKUSH: Idk. I'm gonna sit back and watch for a bit though. (reply)
  367. Mark6996S: so he and i made this plan
  368. Scarletx: I don't think I want to keep talking. Guilt might wash over me. (reply)
  369. To KingxKUSH: I see.
  370. To Scarletx: It will wash off.
  371. micmic98: o.O
  372. Mark6996S: act like he fell in love so he could throw you down a ****ing whole too
  373. sandy121: mark hiya xx
  374. micmic98: nice plan
  375. KingxKUSH: Hey mark you want to quit the act now?
  376. HellFaceSr: hey mark did you tell them?
  377. Scarletx: Randoms backing me up somehow? (reply)
  378. Mark6996S: lmao yes i did
  379. Tuchiiii: We all DIDN'T fall for it.
  380. HellFaceSr: well i admit it kinda failed
  381. Scarletx: It did.
  382. AutumnC1: I dont care! Im Tired Of mine... when they both get bitchy we can trade and trade em :)!
  383. HellFaceSr: but hey scar you know what?
  384. Scarletx: Autumn. Shut up.
  385. Scarletx: What now?
  386. HellFaceSr: you were kinda cool
  387. KingxKUSH: The whole suicide shit pissed me off so now I get to make your life hell.
  388. HellFaceSr: lmao
  390. Scarletx: I dont give a flying shit.
  391. HellFaceSr: for a whory slut
  392. AutumnC1: >_<
  393. HellFaceSr: XD
  394. Mark6996S: jacob be nice
  395. KingxKUSH: No get mean I need some entertainment.
  396. Mark6996S: we dont want to hurt the babies to much
  397. Scarletx: Why not shove that knife up your throat you miserable annoyance pathetic piece of shit who cares nothing of the world.
  398. KingxKUSH: I'll take both of you. >:)
  399. HellFaceSr: lmao ok scar maby i will
  400. Scarletx: Take a video.
  401. Scarletx: So I can watch and laugh.
  402. HellFaceSr: come to the concert ;)
  403. Scarletx: Never.
  404. HellFaceSr: and i will do it right on stage.
  405. Scarletx: Your band sucks balls.
  406. HellFaceSr: put on a spectacular show
  407. Tuchiiii: Yeah
  408. Tuchiiii: I'd watch that;
  409. Scarletx: Joy.
  410. Tuchiiii: And maybe eat the corpse.
  411. HellFaceSr: lmao hey mark didya find them yet>
  412. Tuchiiii: Trololol
  413. Mark6996S: almost still tracking the ip
  414. Tuchiiii: Your mark is a son of a whore.
  415. AutumnC1: Rofl Is it just me or does everyone in here had me but 3 ppl
  416. Tuchiiii: And he doesn't have the mental capacities to find it.
  417. HellFaceSr: :)
  418. KingxKUSH: Lol.
  419. Tuchiiii: If you're using some shit like
  420. Tuchiiii: I laugh at you.
  421. KingxKUSH: Trace Ip's?
  422. HellFaceSr: oh mark are there any crips in england still?
  423. KingxKUSH: You think that works eh?
  424. 7988: hi all
  425. Mark6996S: umm i dont think so anymore
  426. Tuchiiii: Tracing yahoo email address doesn't work for shit, mark.
  427. Mark6996S: hmm?
  428. KingxKUSH: Lmfaooo!
  429. Mark6996S: talking to me?
  430. Tuchiiii: You will end up at their servers in california or osmething.
  431. Tuchiiii: Ye.
  432. KingxKUSH: Amateur,
  433. Mark6996S: ok kush
  434. Mark6996S: track me
  435. Mark6996S: find me
  436. Mark6996S: comone
  437. Mark6996S: come all
  438. KingxKUSH: Can I send this virus i've been creating to you when im done with it?
  439. KingxKUSH: It would be an excelltn test.
  440. Mark6996S: sure
  441. Scarletx: California o.e (reply)
  442. To Scarletx: ....
  443. Scarletx: Dont do that. Again. Please. (reply)
  444. KingxKUSH: Although you probably will be going computer shopping afterwards.
  445. To Scarletx: That was a coincidence
  446. KingxKUSH: If I do it right,
  447. To Scarletx: Sorry, lovely hunny...
  448. Scarletx: That was odd. (reply)
  449. KingxKUSH: I am a bit rusty,
  450. KingxKUSH: After all.
  451. To Scarletx: I think Yahoo does have servers in Cali.
  452. Scarletx: Its not even.. (reply)
  453. To Scarletx: And if you trace public email services you'll end up with their servers.
  454. KingxKUSH: <wins.
  455. To Scarletx: So if their servers were in let's say Iowa you'd end up there.
  456. Scarletx: They still think Im in europe. (reply)
  457. Mark6996S: hey jake want a slushy?
  458. To Scarletx: Mmm
  459. Mark6996S: im going to greenway
  460. Scarletx: They'll be confused right? (reply)
  461. To Scarletx: ye
  462. HellFaceSr: sure
  463. HellFaceSr: hey mark
  464. Tuchiiii: So wait, wait
  465. HellFaceSr: wanna hang out with these guys?
  466. Tuchiiii: Jacob wanted to **** some slut
  467. Mark6996S: hell no
  468. Tuchiiii: and she didn't want him
  469. Tuchiiii: so he decided to turn gay,
  470. Tuchiiii: ?
  471. ExGray: 0.o''
  472. Mark6996S: yo uthink jakes gay?
  473. AutumnC1: ,
  474. AutumnC1: ,
  475. AutumnC1: ,
  476. AutumnC1: ,
  477. Mark6996S: well ill ask his gf
  478. AutumnC1: SPAM.
  480. HellFaceSr: mark she is stiing next to me bro lol
  482. fury1202: Spam
  483. Mark6996S: oh lol i forgot
  484. fury1202: Is
  485. fury1202: gay
  486. Tuchiiii: Hurdur
  487. To scarletx: Hrrrrr
  488. fury1202: 8--------)
  489. To scarletx: Is that webcam on?
  490. ExGray: More spam?
  491. fury1202: H
  492. fury1202: =-O:’(O:-)>:-(o_O:’(:-\>:-(:-D:O:-X:-\;-):-D>:-(
  493. fury1202: O:-):’(o_OB-)=-O:’(:-D:-P:-)O:-):-Q:-D=-O:-\:’(
  494. KingxKUSH: Stop spamming cu.nt nugget.
  495. ExGray: Good luck
  496. Mark6996S: jake did you get scars number yet?
  497. HellFaceSr: yeah....
  498. Scarletx: 911.
  499. HellFaceSr: lmao
  500. Scarletx: Call on emergencies.
  501. Mark6996S: ur welcome lol
  502. To scarletx: Sweetie
  503. To scarletx: Don't worry.
  504. To scarletx: They don' thave your number.
  505. KingxKUSH: Hmm.
  506. To scarletx: It's theoretically impossible for them to do so.
  507. KingxKUSH: I think I need to messege my little muslim friend.
  508. KingxKUSH: Make a couple go poof.
  509. KingxKUSH: Could be fun to watch.
  510. KingxKUSH: Lemme see if he is on.
  511. Mark6996S: think you can make me go poof?
  512. KingxKUSH: I know someone overseas who can >:)
  513. Mark6996S: nice
  514. Mark6996S: very clever
  515. KingxKUSH: I keep asking him to teach me but, he wont >.>
  516. Mark6996S: hey kush wanna hang out some time
  517. Mark6996S: you know for old time sakes
  518. KingxKUSH: I dont even know you.
  519. HellFaceSr: mark?
  520. HellFaceSr: really>
  521. HellFaceSr: you have to ask everyone lol
  522. Mark6996S: so thats how you get to know ppl
  523. Tuchiiii: Hrrr
  524. Mark6996S: and hey maby if we put all this bullshit behind us we can call hangout
  525. Tuchiiii: Eat shit!
  526. Tuchiiii: :D
  527. KingxKUSH: Strawberry flavored shit.
  528. HellFaceSr: yeah sounds good to me
  529. Mark6996S: maby then i could get to have a chance at scar.
  530. HellFaceSr: mark god no
  531. HellFaceSr: lol
  532. HellFaceSr: dont even say that
  533. HellFaceSr: lmao
  534. Mark6996S: why not?
  535. Tuchiiii: lol
  536. Tuchiiii: Well, you'd have to get past me first :oD
  537. Mark6996S: from this end she doesnt look chinese
  538. Mark6996S: in fact she got a nice ass
  539. Tuchiiii: lol
  540. Tuchiiii: ALL MINE
  541. HellFaceSr: you killed chat
  542. Mark6996S: awh tuchiii
  543. Mark6996S: hard to be urs when she has been everywhere else
  544. Mark6996S: and will be going down here
  545. Tuchiiii: I see.
  546. Tuchiiii: Still mine, though :oD
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