

May 16th, 2015
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  1. The Dissolution Of The Power Trip
  3. So we've been discussing breaking up the Power Trip sometime in 1998, and I've got a few ideas for how we can have the group slowly fall apart over the course of the year, leading to Austin and HHH being the core Power Trip again. This would, of course, be followed by HHH turning on Austin and winning the title before he drops it to Bret. We could have Austin/HHH at Mania and Austin/Pillman/HHH sometime later(Summerslam 1999?).
  5. Jericho - Leaves immediately after Survivor Series 1997, as he feels guilty about beating the Harts so dirtily. We pay off the Jericho/Taz series by having Jericho finally accept the handshake Taz offered at IYH 19, and Jericho joins the Trailblazers, eventually winning the Royal Rumble and beating Austin for the title at Mania with the Canadian Destroyer.
  7. HBK and Vince - They're kicked out after Austin, HHH, Joanna, and Pillman decide they've served their purpose, having paved the way for the Power Trip to consolidate the titles, and with them, the power. McMahon and HBK become their own faction with the addition of The Giant, with McMahon desperately trying to reclaim power throughout the year.
  9. Pillman( and possibly Joanna) - We start teasing a love triangle between Pillman, Joanna, and HHH, with Pillman and Joanna spending a lot of time together as tag champions, and HHH becoming jealous. HHH's jealousy drives him to start playing power games with Pillman, and Pillman returns in kind, each man provoking the other to take on more daunting opponents for Wrestlemania, leading to Joanna and Pillman dropping the tag titles to a team to be determined (Godfather and Taylor?) and HHH dropping the IC title to Mick Foley, who (in HHH's mind) Austin has gone soft on. HHH thinks he can take Foley out for good, and fails. After the hardcore match at In Your House 20, Foley develops a respect for Austin, and believes he has the potential to be hardcore. We could pay this off with a tag push for the two after Austin turns face.
  11. HHH - This is the big one. Over the course of 1998, HHH loses faith in Austin as a leader, and starts challenging Austin on things. As well, Foley and Austin have a feud over the summer, with Austin rubbing HHH's failure to actually take Foley out in his face. This leads to a multi-man match at Survivor Series between Giant, Austin, HHH, and some faces (Perhaps an elimination match?) where HBK(there as McMahon's protection for The Giant) and HHH turn on Austin and become their own faction(perhaps feuding with the Austin/Foley tag team?)
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