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Edgy Fic List

a guest
Jun 12th, 2016
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  1. >Alternate to the Schizo Scenario: Lynn is frustrated with how the family treats the situation and dresses up like "Luna" to try and seduce Lincoln.
  2. >Leni is actually a really nasty, abusive bitch, but is constantly doped out on meds, making her kind but staggeringly stupid. She runs out of/loses/forgets to take meds and becomes a bitch again.
  3. >Lynn has a massive Yandere crush on Lincoln, possibly including Bobby's little sister for Lynn to be jealous of.
  4. >Lana hating being Lola's twin which is what led to her becoming Lola's opposite, and becomes depressed how even that doesn't get her much of an entirely separate identity.
  5. >Lynn gets Ewing's Sarcoma and has to learn to deal with the fact that her leg will need to be amputated to save her life.
  6. >Or, even worse, Lynn somehow gets confined to a wheelchair permanently.
  7. >Lincoln is the only one that actually remembers who Luna is, causing her to grow dangerously obsessed with him in the process.
  8. >Lola agrees to let a judge at a pageant molest/fuck her for his vote, which really fucks with her head and makes her fear Lincoln and Dad.
  9. >Instead of being the kind lovable brother he is canon-wise, Lincoln is a juvenile delinquent.
  10. >Luna develops a drug addiction following a concert with her friends.
  11. >It turns out Bobby is abusive to Lori.
  12. >Lincoln feels displaced in his family, Especially since hes the only boy in the family.
  13. >Lori has been physically abusing Leni for years
  14. >Lincoln spirals into a depression because he feels inadequate next to his sisters.
  15. >Ronnie Anne is a abusive and possessive girlfriend to Lincoln, Lincoln enjoys it because hes a masochist.
  16. >Yandere Luan.
  17. >Luan pulls a prank that accidentally permanently injures one of her siblings.
  18. >Lola develops anorexia.
  19. >Lincoln develops paranoia upon overhearing his sisters planning something for him, thinking that they intend to do him harm.
  20. >Lincoln becomes depressed because he finds out he's adopted.
  21. >Lucy starts cutting, and Lincoln is the only one who knows. Fic chronicles the hopelessness of the situation, as Lincoln is trying everything in his power to help Lucy, but she just keeps on getting worse.
  22. >Lincoln gets molested by bobby and kills him, Lynn, Luan and Luna help him hide the body and cover up his death.
  23. >The reason Lucy is an emo is because Lincoln used to rape her. Lincoln eventually realized he's a monster and stop and tries to repair his broken relationship with his sister. Lucy tries to move on and forgive him, but she's still afraid he might go back to his old ways.
  25. >Lincoln does something bad but relatively mundane like breaking Lori's phone
  26. >Lori is furious and approaches him
  27. >Lincoln starts hyper ventilating
  28. >His entire life flashes before his eyes as he enters a catatonic state
  29. >He imagines all the horrible gory acts Lori has LITERALLY threatened him with LITERALLY being done on him
  30. >He has a full blown panic attack
  31. >He passes out for 5 whole minutes
  32. >He wakes up surrounded by his parents and sisters
  33. >He looks at Lori and starts crying while spazzing out
  34. >His fear of Lori has completely broken him and he's unable to intelligibly communicate
  35. >All she was going to really do was thwap him on the head and make him put in some money for a new phone
  36. >Lincoln has to see a psychiatrist for weeks and van barely function
  37. >The parents unable to understand any of this accuse Lori of abuse
  38. >They refuse to believe her when she says she hasnt done anything to him
  39. >The parents are much more careful of leaving Lori alone with her siblings
  40. >Eventually the other sisters turn against her for what they think she's done to Lincoln
  41. >Lori gets more and more isolated from her family as time goes on
  42. >By the time Lincoln's recovered he is unable to tell what was real and what was his imagination
  43. >The psychiatrist used leading questions and eventually made Lincoln believe he truly was a victim of abuse
  44. >Lori is in tears as her only brother avoids her and refuses to defend her or tell the others the truth
  46. >Lincoln suffers from nightmares that involve a memory he's subconsciously trying to repress.
  47. >While practicing her music, Luna accidentally damages her hearing.
  48. >Luna and Luan end up at the same rehab facility.
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