
Trollplay bug reports - #1

Jul 26th, 2012
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  1. <genericAnomaly> (uh, hi. I don't wanna intrude or anything, I was just wondering if anyone knew what's going on with the logs?)
  2. <PurpleKoopa> [what's going on with the logs?]
  3. <genericAnomaly> (they don't seem to be logging properly. Or maybe they're not recalling properly, I'm not certain)
  4. <PurpleKoopa> [hmm. are these recent logs or old logs? the old logs have been having problems, i think.]
  5. <genericAnomaly> (new logs.)
  6. <genericAnomaly> (If I try to "save" a log it does give me a unique url, but the page is empty, and from the code it looks like it's dying before finishing)
  7. <genericAnomaly> (since it basically opens the div that the log would be in but doesn't send anything else)
  8. <genericAnomaly> (I tracked it back to logs from earlier today, the last log that I can view is this one: . Not mine I just found it with a retriever)
  9. <timaeusTestified> ((That's not an issue that I can fix. ))
  10. <timaeusTestified> ((Oh, you're using Trollmegle, not trollplay. ))
  11. <timaeusTestified> ((its the same on both though. ))
  12. <genericAnomaly> (isn't it just a mirror?)
  13. <timaeusTestified> ((No. ))
  14. <Nitro> [ is the working URL.]
  15. <PurpleKoopa> [trollmegle moved to trollplay a while ago.]
  16. <genericAnomaly> (I was under the impression that was just an alias for trollplay)
  17. <genericAnomaly> (I've been using with no issues for the past couple weeks actually)
  18. <PurpleKoopa> [hm! well, is the URL you'll want. no issues there!]
  19. <Nitro> [Trollmegle was the original name. The Trollmegle URL may work but it's probably going to be extremely buggy like that, unless Rec did something that I'm unaware of. Trollplay shouldn't give you that problem.]
  20. <timaeusTestified> ((, the domain, is owned now by the person who runs Omegle. Eventually, will be inaccessable. ))
  21. <genericAnomaly> (Well I just ran the same retrieve on trollplay, with identical results.)
  22. <genericAnomaly> (the logs cut out at 2838972)
  23. <Nitro> [Alright. No one on at the moment can fix the issue but said developer will be notified as soon as she's available. How can we contact you if we need more details?]
  24. <genericAnomaly> (If you want, sure, I'm usually on this server and idle in #badmovies whenever I am, channel's only active saturday nights. I doubt I've got much information you guys won't already have though)
  27. More people have reported the issue since then.
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