
Iron Talon sesi rilvi ke 3

May 22nd, 2015
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  1. [2015-05-20 21:36:48] * _tsk is now known as _Gabisa_Main
  2. [2015-05-20 21:41:18] → _somnia joined (~somnia@D65EF556.4FCC2EBF.76D323C4.IP)
  3. [2015-05-20 21:43:51] → _gregory joined (cgiirc@E1AEA670.BC43C999.E4D01511.IP)
  4. [2015-05-20 21:44:14] → _DaikaSan joined (
  5. [2015-05-20 21:45:45] * _gregory is now known as preparing_July
  6. [2015-05-20 21:49:18] <_Gabisa_Main> -----------------------------------
  7. [2015-05-20 21:49:21] <_Gabisa_Main> --Ready? ---
  8. [2015-05-20 21:51:04] <preparing_July> 4Yes
  9. [2015-05-20 21:51:52] → _Eva_ joined (~GospelOfD@B52CB8A9.A98E34F4.4CBFF10.IP)
  10. [2015-05-20 21:53:34] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Silakan ganti nama untuk yang siap --
  11. [2015-05-20 21:53:47] * _somnia is now known as _assembling_elfmongol
  12. [2015-05-20 21:53:52] — preparing_July 4Julianne_Wulf
  13. [2015-05-20 21:55:32] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Silakan putar lagu ini --
  14. [2015-05-20 21:55:34] <_Gabisa_Main> -- --
  15. [2015-05-20 21:55:56] * preparing_July is now known as Julianne_Wulf
  16. [2015-05-20 21:56:12] <_Gabisa_Main> -- salah, maksudnya ini --
  17. [2015-05-20 21:56:14] <_Gabisa_Main> -- --
  18. [2015-05-20 21:56:22] * _Eva_ is now known as _art_loading_
  19. [2015-05-20 22:00:26] <_Gabisa_Main> -- 4 menit lagi game dimulai --
  20. [2015-05-20 22:02:09] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Ready all? --
  21. [2015-05-20 22:02:32] → _nope_kehabisan_hari joined (~alifcool7@BF02184A.882D623B.A307B952.IP)
  22. [2015-05-20 22:02:37] <Julianne_Wulf> 4ready
  23. [2015-05-20 22:02:44] * _DaikaSan is now known as prepare_Lyta
  24. [2015-05-20 22:02:49] <_nope_kehabisan_hari> 7Ready
  25. [2015-05-20 22:03:00] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Silakan putar lagu ini --
  26. [2015-05-20 22:03:02] <_Gabisa_Main> -- --
  27. [2015-05-20 22:03:11] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Silakan ganti nama --
  28. [2015-05-20 22:03:19] <_Gabisa_Main> -- State level dan warna kalian --
  29. [2015-05-20 22:03:26] <_art_loading_> 14["I am still waiting the situation for a while"]
  30. [2015-05-20 22:03:47] <_nope_kehabisan_hari> 7Jhon Oren)
  31. [2015-05-20 22:04:00] * _nope_kehabisan_hari is now known as Jhon
  32. [2015-05-20 22:04:02] <_assembling_elfmongol> 5(( 3 ))
  33. [2015-05-20 22:06:30] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Sekali lagi silakan ganti nama kalian --
  34. [2015-05-20 22:06:36] <_Gabisa_Main> !roll 1d0
  35. [2015-05-20 22:06:37] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? _Gabisa_Main [0] = 0"
  36. [2015-05-20 22:06:39] * _assembling_elfmongol is now known as Khierve
  37. [2015-05-20 22:06:54] <Khierve> 5warna ini aja ))
  38. [2015-05-20 22:06:56] <_art_loading_> 14["...well then..." *looking around*]
  39. [2015-05-20 22:07:02] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Land of Magic part 3 --
  40. [2015-05-20 22:07:05] → _Daikaze joined (
  41. [2015-05-20 22:07:05] * _art_loading_ is now known as ArtheiaPenYDdraig
  42. [2015-05-20 22:07:06] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Loading...---
  43. [2015-05-20 22:07:28] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Day before festival Part 2 --
  44. [2015-05-20 22:07:29] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14["I shall use this color, and I believe my level is 3"]
  45. [2015-05-20 22:07:35] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Start --
  46. [2015-05-20 22:07:45] <Julianne_Wulf> 4I am a level 3
  47. [2015-05-20 22:07:54] ⇐ prepare_Lyta quit ( Quit: ajax IRC Client
  48. [2015-05-20 22:08:37] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Pagi yang indah di irontalon --
  49. [2015-05-20 22:09:05] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Matahari menyinari secara malu - malu menembus lobang - lobang dormitory irontalon --
  50. [2015-05-20 22:09:39] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Kalian Sudah menyelesaikan semua seremonial pagi kalian, berdoa, atau yang lain --
  51. [2015-05-20 22:10:03] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Kalian sedang berada di bar sekarang --
  52. [2015-05-20 22:10:33] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Keadaan bar... --
  53. [2015-05-20 22:11:12] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Kali ini tidak ada yang aneh --
  54. [2015-05-20 22:11:20] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Sebagian orang bermalas - malasan --
  55. [2015-05-20 22:11:26] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Ada yang berjudi --
  56. [2015-05-20 22:11:31] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Ada yang sarapan --
  57. [2015-05-20 22:12:00] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Jika kalian bertemu satu sama lain di bar --
  58. [2015-05-20 22:12:08] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Bagaimanakah keadaan kalian? --
  59. [2015-05-20 22:12:16] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Apa yang sedang kalian lakukan? --
  60. [2015-05-20 22:12:21] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Silakan RP --
  61. [2015-05-20 22:12:32] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14*just entered the...tavern/bar*
  62. [2015-05-20 22:12:32] <Jhon> 7*lagi nonton orang judi
  63. [2015-05-20 22:12:35] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14*looking around*
  64. [2015-05-20 22:12:59] <Khierve> 5*sits in the bar, reading -- seemingly notes, and a map*
  65. [2015-05-20 22:14:14] ⇐ Julianne_Wulf quit (cgiirc@E1AEA670.BC43C999.E4D01511.IP): Ping timeout: 240 seconds
  66. [2015-05-20 22:15:22] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> !roll 1d3
  67. [2015-05-20 22:15:22] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d3? ArtheiaPenYDdraig [3] = 3"
  68. [2015-05-20 22:15:42] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Hari ini adalah giliran D untuk menjaga bar --
  69. [2015-05-20 22:15:42] <_Gabisa_Main>
  70. [2015-05-20 22:16:08] * _Daikaze is now known as Lyta_LV
  71. [2015-05-20 22:16:10] → _gregory joined (cgiirc@E1AEA670.BC43C999.E4D01511.IP)
  72. [2015-05-20 22:16:11] <_Gabisa_Main> -- ArtheiaPenYDdraig, kondisi bar seperti yang dijelaskan tadi --
  73. [2015-05-20 22:16:13] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"hm?"
  74. [2015-05-20 22:16:17] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> !roll 1d0
  75. [2015-05-20 22:16:17] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? ArtheiaPenYDdraig [0] = 0"
  76. [2015-05-20 22:16:22] <Khierve> !roll 1d2
  77. [2015-05-20 22:16:23] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d2? Khierve [2] = 2"
  78. [2015-05-20 22:16:23] <_gregory> (sorry what did I miss?)
  79. [2015-05-20 22:16:28] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14(oh ok)
  80. [2015-05-20 22:17:13] <Lyta_LV> *masuk, sambil rada menjauh, mojok di pojokkan...
  81. [2015-05-20 22:17:28] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14--looking for an empty table--
  82. [2015-05-20 22:17:29] — _gregory 4goes in and looks for a spot in the bar
  83. [2015-05-20 22:17:35] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14(wut, gregory)
  84. [2015-05-20 22:17:43] <_gregory> 4(my bad)
  85. [2015-05-20 22:17:48] * _gregory is now known as Julianne_Wulf
  86. [2015-05-20 22:17:55] <Lyta_LV> *melihat yang lain
  87. [2015-05-20 22:17:58] — Julianne_Wulf 4goes in and looks for a spot in the bar
  88. [2015-05-20 22:18:00] <Jhon> 7"hmm,.. boleh aku ikut?" @orang yg judi
  89. [2015-05-20 22:18:32] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Banyak tempat duduk kosong Julianne_Wulf --
  90. [2015-05-20 22:18:40] — Julianne_Wulf 4reads the menu and orders
  91. [2015-05-20 22:18:48] <_Gabisa_Main> P "Heh, ngapain kamu bocah? Pergi sana "
  92. [2015-05-20 22:19:05] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Ujar P sambil mengayunkan tangannya kearahmu Jhon --
  93. [2015-05-20 22:19:09] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14*take a seat on an empty seat*
  94. [2015-05-20 22:19:12] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Mengisyaratkanmu untuk pergi --
  95. [2015-05-20 22:20:04] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14*look around for a waiter/maid*
  96. [2015-05-20 22:20:14] <Jhon> 7"cih"
  97. [2015-05-20 22:20:34] <Lyta_LV> *mengamati yang lain dari pojok, sambil mengumpulkan keberanian
  98. [2015-05-20 22:20:42] → Sylviana_J joined (cgiirc@E3E37E12.D57364BC.76D323C4.IP)
  99. [2015-05-20 22:20:51] <Jhon> 7"aku akan pasang taruhan banyak"
  100. [2015-05-20 22:20:51] <_Gabisa_Main> -- ada bartender seperti yang tadi dijelaskan ArtheiaPenYDdraig --
  101. [2015-05-20 22:20:57] <_Gabisa_Main>
  102. [2015-05-20 22:21:26] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Julianne_Wulf, D datang padamu dan mengambil pesananmu --
  103. [2015-05-20 22:21:33] <Jhon> 7*keluarin 50 gold
  104. [2015-05-20 22:21:35] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14--memanggil D--
  105. [2015-05-20 22:21:45] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14--*gesture memanggil
  106. [2015-05-20 22:22:50] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"Thanks"
  107. [2015-05-20 22:22:55] <Sylviana_J> 3*baca spellbook di dalam kamar*
  108. [2015-05-20 22:23:19] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14--memesan...sarapan yang biasa saja--
  109. [2015-05-20 22:23:23] — Julianne_Wulf 4ordered grilled ribs and ale
  110. [2015-05-20 22:23:54] <Khierve> 5boleh roll perce buat nyadar ada yg lain? ))
  111. [2015-05-20 22:24:29] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Sylviana_J, kamu sudah selesai mempersiapkan spell --
  112. [2015-05-20 22:24:37] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Sekarang kamu berada di jalan menuju bar --
  113. [2015-05-20 22:24:38] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"These taste good"
  114. [2015-05-20 22:24:43] <_Gabisa_Main> -- silakan Khierve --
  115. [2015-05-20 22:24:48] <Sylviana_J> 3*closed my spellbook*
  116. [2015-05-20 22:24:52] — Julianne_Wulf 4waves at Artheria
  117. [2015-05-20 22:24:53] <Khierve> !roll 1d20+5
  118. [2015-05-20 22:24:54] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+5? Khierve [16] + 5 = 21"
  119. [2015-05-20 22:25:01] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Hm?"
  120. [2015-05-20 22:25:02] <Sylviana_J> 3*beres2*
  121. [2015-05-20 22:25:03] <Khierve> 5"..Oh!"
  122. [2015-05-20 22:25:05] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Oh"
  123. [2015-05-20 22:25:06] <Sylviana_J> 3*lanjut ke tavern*
  124. [2015-05-20 22:25:20] <_Gabisa_Main> -- P menunjukkan Uang sebesar 5000 GP kepadamu jhon --
  125. [2015-05-20 22:25:28] <_Gabisa_Main> P *menaikkan alis*
  126. [2015-05-20 22:25:32] <_Gabisa_Main> P "Apa?"
  127. [2015-05-20 22:25:52] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14*smiles slightly while wave back...slightly @ Julianne_Wulf *
  128. [2015-05-20 22:26:07] <Lyta_LV> *aku kelihatan sama Khierve
  129. [2015-05-20 22:26:09] <Jhon> 7"...."
  130. [2015-05-20 22:26:09] — Julianne_Wulf 4pats a seat next to herself
  131. [2015-05-20 22:26:18] — Julianne_Wulf 4while eating ribs
  132. [2015-05-20 22:26:32] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"...ah"
  133. [2015-05-20 22:26:36] <Khierve> 5She gathered her notes and what seemed to be a map and walked to where Artheia was standing, and noticed the wave.
  134. [2015-05-20 22:26:43] <Jhon> 7*pergi
  135. [2015-05-20 22:26:49] <Jhon> 7*dengan muka merengut
  136. [2015-05-20 22:27:18] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14*stand up and goes to a seat next to Julianne*
  137. [2015-05-20 22:27:34] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> !roll 1d0
  138. [2015-05-20 22:27:34] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? ArtheiaPenYDdraig [0] = 0"
  139. [2015-05-20 22:27:36] <_Gabisa_Main> -- ArtheiaPenYDdraig, kamu duduk sebelah Julianne_Wulf --
  140. [2015-05-20 22:27:36] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"Hello there friend"
  141. [2015-05-20 22:27:42] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"How are you?"
  142. [2015-05-20 22:28:04] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"I am fine, thank you. And how about you?"
  143. [2015-05-20 22:28:17] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14(tadi tidak melihat Khierve ('_' ) )
  144. [2015-05-20 22:28:25] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14@ Julianne_Wulf
  145. [2015-05-20 22:28:27] <Khierve> 5She followed the sight, and ended up at their table, "Good morning,"
  146. [2015-05-20 22:28:34] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Oh"
  147. [2015-05-20 22:28:37] <Khierve> 5(iya lol)
  148. [2015-05-20 22:28:45] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Good morning, Khierve"
  149. [2015-05-20 22:28:53] <Jhon> 7*duduk di tempat random
  150. [2015-05-20 22:28:59] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"I'm doing fine, had a rather disturbing mission the other day"
  151. [2015-05-20 22:29:01] * _bukan_tidur_ is now known as _bukan_dm_paralel_
  152. [2015-05-20 22:29:02] <Jhon> 7*pesan satu bir
  153. [2015-05-20 22:29:12] <Jhon> 7*satu gelas bir
  154. [2015-05-20 22:29:14] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"Oh good morning to you too, Khierve"
  155. [2015-05-20 22:29:15] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Disturbing mission?"
  156. [2015-05-20 22:29:39] <_Gabisa_Main> -- D datang menghampirimu Jhon --
  157. [2015-05-20 22:29:43] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"In a way it is, lots of tunnels and then there's that slime"
  158. [2015-05-20 22:29:43] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Dan memberimu segelas bir --
  159. [2015-05-20 22:30:01] <Jhon> 7*minum dengan cepat
  160. [2015-05-20 22:30:03] <Khierve> 5"May I join you?"
  161. [2015-05-20 22:30:05] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"I see..."
  162. [2015-05-20 22:30:15] <Lyta_LV> !roll 1d20
  163. [2015-05-20 22:30:15] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? Lyta_LV [2] = 2"
  164. [2015-05-20 22:30:16] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Dim, roll fort --
  165. [2015-05-20 22:30:24] <Jhon> 7"that damn old man!"
  166. [2015-05-20 22:30:25] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14(wut, dim)
  167. [2015-05-20 22:30:25] * _bukan_dm_paralel_ is now known as _bukan_cadangan_
  168. [2015-05-20 22:30:27] <Khierve> 5..dim ? ))
  169. [2015-05-20 22:30:30] <Khierve> 5oh ))
  170. [2015-05-20 22:30:57] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Of course" @ Khierve
  171. [2015-05-20 22:31:01] <Jhon> 7*sambil agak membanting gelas
  172. [2015-05-20 22:31:05] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"You do not mind, do you?" @ Julianne_Wulf
  173. [2015-05-20 22:31:19] <Lyta_LV> *masih terlihat gugup...
  174. [2015-05-20 22:31:24] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"I don't mind, please have a seat" @ Khierve
  175. [2015-05-20 22:31:47] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Jhon, roll fort --
  176. [2015-05-20 22:31:55] <_Gabisa_Main> (salah nulis, lol gomen --
  177. [2015-05-20 22:31:55] <Khierve> 5*takes a seat* "Yes the mission," a small sigh, "I've been wondering if there are ways to be more prepared,"
  178. [2015-05-20 22:32:01] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Tunnels, eh?"
  179. [2015-05-20 22:32:02] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Oh?"
  180. [2015-05-20 22:32:14] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"There's only so much one can prepare"
  181. [2015-05-20 22:32:25] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"Its a..dungeon of some description"
  182. [2015-05-20 22:32:43] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"I see"
  183. [2015-05-20 22:33:03] <Lyta_LV> *coba pelan2 jalan terus duduk disamping Jhon
  184. [2015-05-20 22:33:06] <Khierve> 5"..there were centipedes the size of men,"
  185. [2015-05-20 22:33:09] <Jhon> !roll 1d20+3
  186. [2015-05-20 22:33:10] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+3? Jhon [3] + 3 = 6"
  187. [2015-05-20 22:33:20] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Is there anything particular we need to pre--what?"
  188. [2015-05-20 22:33:23] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"And poisonous vines"
  189. [2015-05-20 22:33:37] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"That sounds dangerous"
  190. [2015-05-20 22:34:06] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"Well ours is a dangerous job"
  191. [2015-05-20 22:34:07] <Khierve> 5"We --thankfully survived, but, it was.. too close for comfort,"
  192. [2015-05-20 22:34:12] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"I guess we go to dangerous places"
  193. [2015-05-20 22:34:17] <Khierve> 5(hp -9... ))
  194. [2015-05-20 22:34:32] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"That is true" @ Julianne_Wulf
  195. [2015-05-20 22:34:39] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Jhon, kamu muntah --
  196. [2015-05-20 22:34:47] <_Gabisa_Main> -- SIlakan selain jhon roll perception --
  197. [2015-05-20 22:34:50] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"But I never encountered such creatures before"
  198. [2015-05-20 22:35:06] <Khierve> !roll 1d20+5
  199. [2015-05-20 22:35:06] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+5? Khierve [20] + 5 = 25"
  200. [2015-05-20 22:35:09] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Sylviana_J, kamu tiba di tavern dan meliihat john muntah --
  201. [2015-05-20 22:35:13] <Lyta_LV> !roll 1d20
  202. [2015-05-20 22:35:13] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? Lyta_LV [1] = 1"
  203. [2015-05-20 22:35:16] <Sylviana_J> 3"...Sir Jhon!"
  204. [2015-05-20 22:35:32] <Sylviana_J> 3*lari ke arah Jhon*
  205. [2015-05-20 22:35:33] <Jhon> 7*cough
  206. [2015-05-20 22:35:34] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Khierve, kamu melihat jhon muntah --
  207. [2015-05-20 22:35:40] <Khierve> 5"..Jhon?"
  208. [2015-05-20 22:35:43] <Sylviana_J> 3"Are you alright?"
  209. [2015-05-20 22:36:04] <Jhon> 7"i'm all-" *muntah lagi
  210. [2015-05-20 22:36:08] <Khierve> 5ini pagi kan? ))
  211. [2015-05-20 22:36:11] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> !roll 1d0
  212. [2015-05-20 22:36:11] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? ArtheiaPenYDdraig [1] = 1"
  213. [2015-05-20 22:36:16] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Huh?"
  214. [2015-05-20 22:36:20] <_Gabisa_Main> -- ini pagi yang indah Khierve --
  215. [2015-05-20 22:36:34] <Khierve> 5"I think I just saw Jhon --vomiting,"
  216. [2015-05-20 22:36:40] <Khierve> 5"Please excuse me,"
  217. [2015-05-20 22:36:40] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Jhon? Do you mean Jhon Maldrek?"
  218. [2015-05-20 22:36:43] <Khierve> 5"Yes,"
  219. [2015-05-20 22:36:52] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Oh, sure"
  220. [2015-05-20 22:37:39] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14*melihat Khierve pergi ke arah Jhon *
  221. [2015-05-20 22:37:44] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14(eh, belum ya)
  222. [2015-05-20 22:37:45] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"Jhon? I recall that name"
  223. [2015-05-20 22:37:55] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"I think I've seen him a couple of times"
  224. [2015-05-20 22:38:00] <Khierve> 5*Jalan ke arah jhon*
  225. [2015-05-20 22:38:06] <Khierve> 5liat sylviana? ))
  226. [2015-05-20 22:38:13] <Sylviana_J> 3*jongkok di samping Jhon*
  227. [2015-05-20 22:38:29] <Lyta_LV> (Aku sadar Jhon muntah?)
  228. [2015-05-20 22:38:32] <Khierve> 5"Sylviana!"
  229. [2015-05-20 22:38:39] <_Gabisa_Main> -- tidak Lyta_LV --
  230. [2015-05-20 22:38:42] <Sylviana_J> 3"Ah, Miss Khierve"
  231. [2015-05-20 22:38:44] <Khierve> 5@Sylviana "...What happened?"
  232. [2015-05-20 22:38:58] <Sylviana_J> 3"Please help him, it looks like Sir Jhon got some disease..."
  233. [2015-05-20 22:39:20] <Khierve> 5boleh.. heal check? ))
  234. [2015-05-20 22:39:46] <Sylviana_J> 3(boleh aid khierve?)
  235. [2015-05-20 22:39:57] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"He was amongst those whom I first met when I came here" @ Julianne_Wulf
  236. [2015-05-20 22:40:15] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"Ah right yeah the senior member that got us into mission"
  237. [2015-05-20 22:40:28] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Yes"
  238. [2015-05-20 22:40:37] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14*sambil melihat ke arah Khierve jalan lagi*
  239. [2015-05-20 22:40:53] <Lyta_LV> *udah duduk lama, pesen air putih
  240. [2015-05-20 22:41:03] <Khierve> !roll 1d20+4
  241. [2015-05-20 22:41:03] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+4? Khierve [1] + 4 = 5"
  242. [2015-05-20 22:41:13] <Sylviana_J> 3(....)
  243. [2015-05-20 22:41:38] <Jhon> 7(...)
  244. [2015-05-20 22:41:50] <Khierve> 5She's never seen this condition before, it's still morning, can't be--
  245. [2015-05-20 22:42:00] <_Gabisa_Main> -- silakan Khierve dan Sylviana_J --
  246. [2015-05-20 22:42:12] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"Well, I wonder what exciting thing to do today"
  247. [2015-05-20 22:42:28] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Hm?"
  248. [2015-05-20 22:42:28] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Khierve, jhon makin pucat --
  249. [2015-05-20 22:42:42] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> !roll 1d0
  250. [2015-05-20 22:42:43] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? ArtheiaPenYDdraig [0] = 0"
  251. [2015-05-20 22:43:00] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"I do not know either"
  252. [2015-05-20 22:43:12] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14@ Julianne_Wulf
  253. [2015-05-20 22:43:16] <Khierve> 5"... We should keep his head higher,"
  254. [2015-05-20 22:43:23] <Sylviana_J> 3(ane Heal ya)
  255. [2015-05-20 22:43:26] <Sylviana_J> 3!roll 1d20+2
  256. [2015-05-20 22:43:26] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+2? Sylviana_J [5] + 2 = 7"
  257. [2015-05-20 22:43:30] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Is there any way to see whether we can know if there is any mission we can do?"
  258. [2015-05-20 22:43:38] <Khierve> ))
  259. [2015-05-20 22:43:48] <Sylviana_J> 3(klo bukan Dim gak bisa kayaknya, wkwk)
  260. [2015-05-20 22:43:57] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"Usualy someone shows up, saying they have something for us to do"
  261. [2015-05-20 22:44:02] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Sylviana_J !!, kamu melihat muka Jhon semakin pucat!! --
  262. [2015-05-20 22:44:05] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"So far what we've been doing is sit around"
  263. [2015-05-20 22:44:05] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"I see"
  264. [2015-05-20 22:44:12] <Sylviana_J> 3"Sir Jhon!"
  265. [2015-05-20 22:44:21] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Come to think ab-..huh?"
  266. [2015-05-20 22:44:26] <Jhon> 7(ayo, nyawa jhon ada di tangan kalian)
  267. [2015-05-20 22:44:27] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14*menengok ke arah Jhon dkk*
  268. [2015-05-20 22:44:30] <Sylviana_J> 3"Miss Khierve, what should we do!"
  269. [2015-05-20 22:44:37] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"I wonder what happened there..."
  270. [2015-05-20 22:44:41] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Excuse me for a while"
  271. [2015-05-20 22:44:42] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Lyta_LV, kamu terus terbengong melihat jhon pucat --
  272. [2015-05-20 22:44:43] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14@Julianne
  273. [2015-05-20 22:44:47] <Khierve> 5"..I'll try asking Artheia and Juliane for help,"
  274. [2015-05-20 22:44:59] — Julianne_Wulf 4drinks some more
  275. [2015-05-20 22:45:02] <Khierve> 5*bangun, ke arah arthe + juli*
  276. [2015-05-20 22:45:04] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14*berdiri*
  277. [2015-05-20 22:45:34] <Sylviana_J> 3*try to make Jhon comfortable*
  278. [2015-05-20 22:46:04] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"What happened, Khierve?" *kalau sudah sampai Khierve ke tempat arthe-jul*
  279. [2015-05-20 22:46:24] <Khierve> 5@Artheia "Jhon is sick I can't seem to figure why,"
  280. [2015-05-20 22:46:30] <Lyta_LV> *bingung, mau bantu tapi takut
  281. [2015-05-20 22:46:34] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Sick?"
  282. [2015-05-20 22:46:48] <Khierve> 5A nod, "Please, could you take a look?"
  283. [2015-05-20 22:47:05] → _huaum joined (~Bakut@7F236412.E1414CAD.DAC9999A.IP)
  284. [2015-05-20 22:47:06] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Hmm, I wonder if I have a capable to help, but I shall try"
  285. [2015-05-20 22:47:13] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14*capability
  286. [2015-05-20 22:47:29] <Sylviana_J> 3"Sir Jhon, hang in there..>"
  287. [2015-05-20 22:47:40] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"I will see him then"
  288. [2015-05-20 22:47:46] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14*berjalan ke arah Jhon dkk*
  289. [2015-05-20 22:47:51] <Khierve> 5*ikut*
  290. [2015-05-20 22:48:00] <Jhon> 7*tergeletak tidak berdaya
  291. [2015-05-20 22:48:16] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Excuse me, may I see him?"
  292. [2015-05-20 22:48:21] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14@ Sylviana_J *kalau sudah sampai*
  293. [2015-05-20 22:48:48] <Sylviana_J> 3(Jhon pingsan?)
  294. [2015-05-20 22:48:54] <Sylviana_J> 3"Miss Artheia!"
  295. [2015-05-20 22:48:59] <Lyta_LV> "Jhon..." *suara pelan
  296. [2015-05-20 22:49:16] <Jhon> 7(hanya lemas (?))
  297. [2015-05-20 22:49:25] <Sylviana_J> 3"Eh.." *melihat ke arah Lyta_LV*
  298. [2015-05-20 22:49:44] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Jhon hanya tergeletak lemas --
  299. [2015-05-20 22:49:52] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Excuse me, Jhon Maldrek" *mencoba memeriksa Jhon*
  300. [2015-05-20 22:49:58] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14(...roll heal? <_<)
  301. [2015-05-20 22:50:00] <_Gabisa_Main> -- silakan roll heal --
  302. [2015-05-20 22:50:08] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> !roll 1d20
  303. [2015-05-20 22:50:08] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? ArtheiaPenYDdraig [15] = 15"
  304. [2015-05-20 22:50:10] <_Gabisa_Main> (gede ga ya)
  305. [2015-05-20 22:50:10] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14(wut)
  306. [2015-05-20 22:50:20] <_Gabisa_Main> -- ArtheiaPenYDdraig, kamu mengerti bahwa --
  307. [2015-05-20 22:50:28] ⇐ Julianne_Wulf quit (cgiirc@E1AEA670.BC43C999.E4D01511.IP): Quit: ajax IRC Client
  308. [2015-05-20 22:50:33] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Karena jhon belum sarapan dan langsung minum bir, dia muntah - muntah --
  309. [2015-05-20 22:50:38] <Lyta_LV> *dilihat Sylviana, bingung..
  310. [2015-05-20 22:50:42] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"...."
  311. [2015-05-20 22:50:53] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Julianne masih meminum birnya --
  312. [2015-05-20 22:51:11] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14*melihat ke arah...gelas terdekat dari Jhon*
  313. [2015-05-20 22:51:28] <Khierve> 5"..?"
  314. [2015-05-20 22:51:35] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Gelas tidak berada jauh dari Jhon --
  315. [2015-05-20 22:51:43] <Lyta_LV> "Etto, kamu temannya Jhon?" @Sylviana
  316. [2015-05-20 22:51:52] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"He drank an alcohol before filling up his stomach first"
  317. [2015-05-20 22:51:58] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"That is why he vomitted"
  318. [2015-05-20 22:52:29] <Khierve> 5"..... Oh."
  319. [2015-05-20 22:52:34] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14*berdiri lagi dan mencari D*
  320. [2015-05-20 22:52:36] * _just_not_here_ → _just_loafing_around_
  321. [2015-05-20 22:52:52] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14-gesture minta segelas air putih-
  322. [2015-05-20 22:52:54] <Sylviana_J> 3"Are you a cleric or a doctor?" @Lyta_LV
  323. [2015-05-20 22:52:54] <Sylviana_J> 3"Please..." *kasih badan Jhon ke Artheia*
  324. [2015-05-20 22:52:54] ⇐ Sylviana_J quit (cgiirc@E3E37E12.D57364BC.76D323C4.IP): Remote host closed the connection
  325. [2015-05-20 22:53:35] → Sylviana joined (cgiirc@E3E37E12.D57364BC.76D323C4.IP)
  326. [2015-05-20 22:53:43] <Lyta_LV> "I... I think i can't anything about this..." @_@
  327. [2015-05-20 22:54:13] <_Gabisa_Main> D *memberi air putih*
  328. [2015-05-20 22:54:15] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> !roll 1d0
  329. [2015-05-20 22:54:15] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? ArtheiaPenYDdraig [1] = 1"
  330. [2015-05-20 22:54:16] <_Gabisa_Main> D *bow*
  331. [2015-05-20 22:54:27] <Lyta_LV> "Jhon..."
  332. [2015-05-20 22:54:28] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Thank you"
  333. [2015-05-20 22:54:38] <_Gabisa_Main> D *bows*
  334. [2015-05-20 22:54:47] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Hm?"
  335. [2015-05-20 22:55:12] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Are you one of Jhon Maldrek's friend?" @ Lyta_LV
  336. [2015-05-20 22:55:21] <Lyta_LV> *bertampang sedih, panik, muram
  337. [2015-05-20 22:55:25] <Sylviana> 3*melihat ke arah Lyta_LV*
  338. [2015-05-20 22:55:34] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14*sambil mencoba membantu jhon buat ke posisi duduk*
  339. [2015-05-20 22:55:54] <Sylviana> 3"Is he....okay now?" @ArtheiaPenYDdraig
  340. [2015-05-20 22:55:59] <Lyta_LV> "Hanya... kenalan..."
  341. [2015-05-20 22:56:30] <Lyta_LV> "Tapi... Tapi..."
  342. [2015-05-20 22:56:31] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Well, I am not really sure, but I think water should work"
  343. [2015-05-20 22:56:47] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14*lalu mencoba meminumkan air ke Jhon*
  344. [2015-05-20 22:57:05] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Here, try to drink this water" @ Jhon
  345. [2015-05-20 22:57:11] <Sylviana> 3*relieved*
  346. [2015-05-20 22:57:15] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Jhon, kamu sudah kembali segar --
  347. [2015-05-20 22:57:26] <Jhon> 7*cough
  348. [2015-05-20 22:57:27] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Karena banyak wanita mengelilingimu --
  349. [2015-05-20 22:57:33] <Khierve> 5... ))
  350. [2015-05-20 22:57:38] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Maksudnya karena telah minum air putih --
  351. [2015-05-20 22:57:43] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14(ckckck)
  352. [2015-05-20 22:58:00] <Jhon> 7*sadar dikelilingi cewek
  353. [2015-05-20 22:58:05] <Jhon> 7*bingung
  354. [2015-05-20 22:58:08] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Welcome back, Jhon Maldrek. How do you feel now?"
  355. [2015-05-20 22:58:27] <Lyta_LV> "Jhon, kau tidak apa-apa?" *muka cemas
  356. [2015-05-20 22:58:31] <Jhon> 7"Better than before,." *cough
  357. [2015-05-20 22:58:44] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"That is good to hear"
  358. [2015-05-20 22:58:57] <Sylviana> 3"Feeling better now Sir Jhon?"
  359. [2015-05-20 22:59:00] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Tentu saja jhon, lebih baik --
  360. [2015-05-20 22:59:07] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"And perhaps next time you should not drink alcohol before having a breakfast"
  361. [2015-05-20 22:59:07] <Jhon> 7"thx artheia, sylviana, and..?" *lirik Lyta
  362. [2015-05-20 22:59:10] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Karena kamu sudah tidak sendirian sekarang --
  363. [2015-05-20 22:59:17] <_Gabisa_Main> -- dan lebihnya dikelilingi wanita --
  364. [2015-05-20 22:59:34] <Jhon> 7"noted.."@ artheia
  365. [2015-05-20 22:59:40] <Lyta_LV> *bingung, panik
  366. [2015-05-20 22:59:41] <Khierve> 5blonde, redhead, green haired, purple haired ))
  367. [2015-05-20 22:59:50] → Julianne_Wulf joined (cgiirc@E1AEA670.BC43C999.E4D01511.IP)
  368. [2015-05-20 23:00:03] <Khierve> 5and the brunette balik ))
  369. [2015-05-20 23:00:17] <Julianne_Wulf> 4(sorry inet tadi DC)
  370. [2015-05-20 23:00:23] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Do you not know her? She said both of you are acquaintance"
  371. [2015-05-20 23:00:25] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14@Jhon
  372. [2015-05-20 23:00:37] <Lyta_LV> *@_@
  373. [2015-05-20 23:00:42] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Stop the song --
  374. [2015-05-20 23:00:48] <Jhon> 7"mungkin kita pernah bertemu,.."
  375. [2015-05-20 23:01:01] <Jhon> !roll 1d20+1
  376. [2015-05-20 23:01:01] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+1? Jhon [17] + 1 = 18"
  377. [2015-05-20 23:01:10] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Kalian Roll perception!!! --
  378. [2015-05-20 23:01:14] <Jhon> 7"ah,.. Lyta, is it?
  379. [2015-05-20 23:01:18] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> !roll 1d20
  380. [2015-05-20 23:01:18] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? ArtheiaPenYDdraig [9] = 9"
  381. [2015-05-20 23:01:20] <Khierve> !roll 1d20+5
  382. [2015-05-20 23:01:22] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14(9 saja lol)
  383. [2015-05-20 23:01:23] <Julianne_Wulf> 4!roll 1d20+11
  384. [2015-05-20 23:01:23] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+11? Julianne_Wulf [10] + 11 = 21"
  385. [2015-05-20 23:01:24] <Khierve> !roll 1d20+5
  386. [2015-05-20 23:01:25] <Jhon> !roll 1d20+7
  387. [2015-05-20 23:01:27] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14(roll lagi Khierve)
  388. [2015-05-20 23:01:28] <Khierve> !roll 1d20+5
  389. [2015-05-20 23:01:28] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+5? Khierve [8] + 5 = 13"
  390. [2015-05-20 23:01:32] <Lyta_LV> !roll 1d20
  391. [2015-05-20 23:01:32] <Jhon> !roll 1d20+7
  392. [2015-05-20 23:01:32] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? Lyta_LV [4] = 4"
  393. [2015-05-20 23:01:35] <Jhon> !roll 1d20+7
  394. [2015-05-20 23:01:35] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+7? Jhon [13] + 7 = 20"
  395. [2015-05-20 23:01:50] <Sylviana> 3!roll 1d20+3
  396. [2015-05-20 23:01:51] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+3? Sylviana [5] + 3 = 8"
  397. [2015-05-20 23:02:10] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Khierve , Jhon , Julianne_Wulf --
  398. [2015-05-20 23:02:26] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Kalian dapat mendengar, suara pintu tavern di dobrak!!! --
  399. [2015-05-20 23:02:48] <Lyta_LV> "Ummm.." *mengangguk ke Jhon sesaat, senyum*
  400. [2015-05-20 23:02:52] <Jhon> 7"!"
  401. [2015-05-20 23:03:00] <Jhon> 7*nengok ke arah pintu
  402. [2015-05-20 23:03:02] <_Gabisa_Main> -- *BRAKK* --
  403. [2015-05-20 23:03:12] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"That is rude"
  404. [2015-05-20 23:03:14] <Khierve> 5"!"
  405. [2015-05-20 23:03:26] <Lyta_LV> "?" *bingung
  406. [2015-05-20 23:03:27] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Muncul seorang anak perempuan --
  407. [2015-05-20 23:03:28] <_Gabisa_Main>
  408. [2015-05-20 23:03:39] <Jhon> 7"what is that sound?"
  409. [2015-05-20 23:03:42] <Khierve> 5ini kayla? ))
  410. [2015-05-20 23:03:48] <Sylviana> 3"Eh?"
  411. [2015-05-20 23:03:52] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Huh?"
  412. [2015-05-20 23:03:55] <_Gabisa_Main> K "Are you ready alll?"*suara diberat beratin*
  413. [2015-05-20 23:04:02] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Itu kayla bagi yang mengenal --
  414. [2015-05-20 23:04:04] <Khierve> 5"Kayla?"
  415. [2015-05-20 23:04:27] <_Gabisa_Main> K "Capt'n is he-" *suara pura2 berat*
  416. [2015-05-20 23:04:34] <_Gabisa_Main> K "Hei kaaak" *wave*
  417. [2015-05-20 23:04:53] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"Who's the little kid?"
  418. [2015-05-20 23:04:58] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Who?" *menengok ke arah suara tadi*
  419. [2015-05-20 23:05:07] <Khierve> 5*waves back* "What bring you here?" *mulai jalan*
  420. [2015-05-20 23:05:13] <Lyta_LV> "Etto..." *@_@
  421. [2015-05-20 23:05:23] <Jhon> 7"bocah itu.."
  422. [2015-05-20 23:05:27] <Khierve> 5"..Oh, she posted a quest awhile ago, Sylviana and me were in it,"
  423. [2015-05-20 23:05:38] <Khierve> 5*pergi ke Kayla*
  424. [2015-05-20 23:05:41] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"I see"
  425. [2015-05-20 23:05:45] — Julianne_Wulf 4walks over to where Khierve is
  426. [2015-05-20 23:05:49] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Julianne_Wulf, kamu pernah melihatnya dulu saat pesta makan gratis --
  427. [2015-05-20 23:05:49] <Khierve> 5*brings ))
  428. [2015-05-20 23:05:52] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"Someone you know?"
  429. [2015-05-20 23:05:58] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"Oh right I know you"
  430. [2015-05-20 23:05:59] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14*melihat saja dulu*
  431. [2015-05-20 23:06:07] <Jhon> 7*berusaha berdiri
  432. [2015-05-20 23:06:10] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Di belakangnya ada kakaknya --
  433. [2015-05-20 23:06:30] <_Gabisa_Main>
  434. [2015-05-20 23:06:45] <_Gabisa_Main> K *jalan tegap menuju papan quest*
  435. [2015-05-20 23:06:58] <Khierve> 5*follows* "?"
  436. [2015-05-20 23:07:02] <_Gabisa_Main> K *memasang quest*
  437. [2015-05-20 23:07:17] <_Gabisa_Main> K *balik badan berdiri tegap*
  438. [2015-05-20 23:07:21] <_Gabisa_Main> K *muka serius*
  439. [2015-05-20 23:07:25] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"?"
  440. [2015-05-20 23:07:29] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"You posted a job"
  441. [2015-05-20 23:07:34] <Lyta_LV> *masih duduk, bingung
  442. [2015-05-20 23:07:38] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"That is interesting"
  443. [2015-05-20 23:07:46] — Julianne_Wulf 4goes to see what is posted
  444. [2015-05-20 23:07:52] <_Gabisa_Main> -- K hanya mengcungkan jempol --
  445. [2015-05-20 23:07:58] <Khierve> 5"....."
  446. [2015-05-20 23:08:12] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Julianne_Wulf, tulisannya hanyalah bantu untuk persiapan festival tahunan --
  447. [2015-05-20 23:08:16] <Khierve> 5*baca*
  448. [2015-05-20 23:08:21] <Khierve> 5"...Oh, this,"
  449. [2015-05-20 23:09:13] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"Some preparation for a festival"
  450. [2015-05-20 23:09:28] <_Gabisa_Main> K *tersenyum*
  451. [2015-05-20 23:09:34] <_Gabisa_Main> K "FESTIVAAAL"
  452. [2015-05-20 23:09:36] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"I suppose its a break from the usual assignment"
  453. [2015-05-20 23:09:37] → Forte_A joined (~Ixeaf@69A8E033.A81FF04A.DAC9999A.IP)
  454. [2015-05-20 23:09:40] <_Gabisa_Main> K \(OAO)/
  455. [2015-05-20 23:09:54] <Jhon> 7"hmm,.. sepertinya ada kerjaan" *liat ke arah papan quest
  456. [2015-05-20 23:10:06] <Khierve> 10"It-- they said everyone is invited,"
  457. [2015-05-20 23:10:07] <_Gabisa_Main> --Forte_A, Kamu baru saja masuk tavern dan melihat --
  458. [2015-05-20 23:10:10] * _bukan_cadangan_ is now known as _bukan_idle_
  459. [2015-05-20 23:10:10] <Khierve> 10@Juliane
  460. [2015-05-20 23:10:19] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Julianne_Wulf dan lain2 sedang berkumpul dekat papan quest --
  461. [2015-05-20 23:10:34] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"?" *ikut mendekat ke Julianne_Wulf Khierve*
  462. [2015-05-20 23:10:37] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  463. [2015-05-20 23:10:42] <Lyta_LV> *jalan ke arah papan quest, lihat yang di post anak kecil itu
  464. [2015-05-20 23:10:45] <Sylviana> 3*ikut ke papan quest bareng Jhon*
  465. [2015-05-20 23:10:46] <Forte_A> !roll 1d0
  466. [2015-05-20 23:10:46] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? Forte_A [0] = 0"
  467. [2015-05-20 23:10:59] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  468. [2015-05-20 23:11:01] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"What is it, Julianne, Khierve?"
  469. [2015-05-20 23:11:10] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"Its an assignment"
  470. [2015-05-20 23:11:11] <Forte_A> 5*samperin mereka*
  471. [2015-05-20 23:11:31] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"One for helping out a festival preparation"
  472. [2015-05-20 23:11:37] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"You interested?" @ Artheia
  473. [2015-05-20 23:11:46] <_Gabisa_Main> -- Kalian semua melihat forte datang --
  474. [2015-05-20 23:11:48] <Khierve> 10"A festival, you both should come,"
  475. [2015-05-20 23:11:53] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"What kind of festival?"
  476. [2015-05-20 23:11:57] <Jhon> 7*join july artheia khierve
  477. [2015-05-20 23:12:03] <Sylviana> 3"Festival...."
  478. [2015-05-20 23:12:04] <Khierve> 10"Ah, Sir Audacis," a pause, "....How are you feeling?"
  479. [2015-05-20 23:12:04] <_Gabisa_Main> K "jadi kakak kakak ikut?"
  480. [2015-05-20 23:12:08] <Sylviana> 3*blush*
  481. [2015-05-20 23:12:18] <_Gabisa_Main> K (OwO)
  482. [2015-05-20 23:12:19] <Forte_A> 5"just fine, miss khierve" *smile*
  483. [2015-05-20 23:12:30] <_Gabisa_Main> K "Ayo main ke desaku"
  484. [2015-05-20 23:12:30] <Forte_A> 5*coba... liat papan quest*
  485. [2015-05-20 23:12:36] <Khierve> 10@Forte "That is good to hear,"
  486. [2015-05-20 23:12:52] <Jhon> 7"festival,.. looks fun"
  487. [2015-05-20 23:12:54] <Khierve> 10@Artheia "....I'm not sure myself,"
  488. [2015-05-20 23:12:54] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"Oh hey its Forte"
  489. [2015-05-20 23:12:54] <Forte_A> 5*nod and smile*
  490. [2015-05-20 23:13:01] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"What kind of help do you need?" @ K
  491. [2015-05-20 23:13:02] <Khierve> 10arthe mo sense mo? ))
  492. [2015-05-20 23:13:03] <Forte_A> 5"hey, miss julianne"
  493. [2015-05-20 23:13:10] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14(nggak wkwk @ Khierve)
  494. [2015-05-20 23:13:11] <_Gabisa_Main> K "umm, tidak tahu"
  495. [2015-05-20 23:13:15] <Forte_A> 5"how are you feeling?"
  496. [2015-05-20 23:13:15] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"You seem to be doing just fine"
  497. [2015-05-20 23:13:18] <Forte_A> 5*smile*
  498. [2015-05-20 23:13:20] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Huh?" @K
  499. [2015-05-20 23:13:21] <_Gabisa_Main> K "Hehehhe"
  500. [2015-05-20 23:13:26] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"Me? I'm alright"
  501. [2015-05-20 23:13:29] <Forte_A> 5"yes, i had a good rest"
  502. [2015-05-20 23:13:30] <Lyta_LV> "Kelihatannya menarik..." *senyum
  503. [2015-05-20 23:13:31] <_Gabisa_Main> K "Pokoknya butuh bantuan"
  504. [2015-05-20 23:13:43] <Julianne_Wulf> 4(btw NPC sama Lyta warnanya sama yah)
  505. [2015-05-20 23:13:49] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- DM akan memakai warna ini --
  506. [2015-05-20 23:13:56] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Supaya tidak bertabrakan warna --
  507. [2015-05-20 23:14:01] <Khierve> 10sylviana? ))
  508. [2015-05-20 23:14:05] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Well, it is not like I have other plan for today" (terus itu warnanya sylviana)
  509. [2015-05-20 23:14:21] <_Gabisa_Main> 10-- INi kalau begitu -
  510. [2015-05-20 23:14:26] <_Gabisa_Main> 10-- ... nope --
  511. [2015-05-20 23:14:40] <_Gabisa_Main> 12--This time is ok --
  512. [2015-05-20 23:14:46] <Khierve> 10lol ))
  513. [2015-05-20 23:14:49] ⇐ Lyta_LV quit ( Remote host closed the connection
  514. [2015-05-20 23:14:49] <Sylviana> 3(sip)
  515. [2015-05-20 23:14:52] <_Gabisa_Main> 12(orz)
  516. [2015-05-20 23:14:54] <_Gabisa_Main> 12(lol)
  517. [2015-05-20 23:15:07] <Jhon> 7"aku mau ikut!" @ Kayla
  518. [2015-05-20 23:15:21] <Jhon> 7*smile
  519. [2015-05-20 23:15:26] → Lyta_LV joined (
  520. [2015-05-20 23:15:34] <_Gabisa_Main> 12K "Sekalian yah kalian ikut pestanya juga"
  521. [2015-05-20 23:15:37] <_Gabisa_Main> 12K *grins*
  522. [2015-05-20 23:15:38] <_Gabisa_Main> 12:D
  523. [2015-05-20 23:15:43] <Khierve> 10"Pesta?"
  524. [2015-05-20 23:15:53] <Forte_A> 5"...?"
  525. [2015-05-20 23:16:04] <Forte_A> 5*liat anak*
  526. [2015-05-20 23:16:07] <Sylviana> 3"Pestanya akan mulai sekarang?" @K
  527. [2015-05-20 23:16:08] <_Gabisa_Main> 12K "pesta festival"
  528. [2015-05-20 23:16:24] <_Gabisa_Main> 12K "belum, aku tidak tahu kapan, pokoknya saat bulan purnama"
  529. [2015-05-20 23:16:30] <Jhon> 7"of course i will" *pat kepalanya kayla
  530. [2015-05-20 23:16:35] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Very well, I think I shall join"
  531. [2015-05-20 23:16:45] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"Alright, I'm in..I could always use a paid vacation time"
  532. [2015-05-20 23:16:53] <Khierve> 10"What do you need us to help with, Kayla?"
  533. [2015-05-20 23:16:54] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"Am I right, Artheia?"
  534. [2015-05-20 23:17:08] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Paid vacation time?"
  535. [2015-05-20 23:17:09] <_Gabisa_Main> 12-- Kayla senang ketika kepalanya di pat --
  536. [2015-05-20 23:17:13] <Forte_A> 5"...?"
  537. [2015-05-20 23:17:24] <Forte_A> 5*liat yang lain kebingungan*
  538. [2015-05-20 23:17:28] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"We get paid to help out a couple of kids set up a festival"
  539. [2015-05-20 23:17:33] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"Sounds like a vacation to me"
  540. [2015-05-20 23:17:40] <_Gabisa_Main> 12K "ini festival desa kakak"
  541. [2015-05-20 23:17:42] <Lyta_LV> (Apa yang aku tinggalkan? Sorry dc O.o)
  542. [2015-05-20 23:17:47] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Oh"
  543. [2015-05-20 23:17:55] <Forte_A> 5"...oh"
  544. [2015-05-20 23:17:55] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14(bentar @ Lyta_LV)
  545. [2015-05-20 23:17:59] <_Gabisa_Main> 12-- Lyta_LV, mereka masih berbincang dengan anak kecil --
  546. [2015-05-20 23:18:02] <Forte_A> 5"that sounds... interesting"
  547. [2015-05-20 23:18:23] <Forte_A> 5" you mind splitting the pay with one more person?" *smile*
  548. [2015-05-20 23:18:56] <Khierve> 10She looked at Forte, a lingering stop, "You should join un, Sir Audacis, the village is quite lovely,"
  549. [2015-05-20 23:19:00] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"I don't mind as long as I get paid"
  550. [2015-05-20 23:19:24] <Sylviana> 3"...."
  551. [2015-05-20 23:19:39] <Lyta_LV> *lihat post nya lebih jelas
  552. [2015-05-20 23:19:44] <Forte_A> 5(ada jhon?)
  553. [2015-05-20 23:19:56] * _bukan_idle_ is now known as _bukan_tidur_
  554. [2015-05-20 23:20:14] <Forte_A> 5(sama... lyta?)
  555. [2015-05-20 23:20:24] <Khierve> 10iya ada ))
  556. [2015-05-20 23:20:49] * _huaum is now known as Usbi_Montana
  557. [2015-05-20 23:21:01] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"I do not mind, and I did not realise you were here, Forte Audacis"
  558. [2015-05-20 23:21:06] <_Gabisa_Main> 12-- Sylviana, silakan roll fort --
  559. [2015-05-20 23:21:16] <Forte_A> 5*smile saja* @artheia
  560. [2015-05-20 23:21:26] <Sylviana> 3!roll 1d20+1
  561. [2015-05-20 23:21:27] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+1? Sylviana [6] + 1 = 7"
  562. [2015-05-20 23:21:34] <_Gabisa_Main> 12(sesuai perkiraan)
  563. [2015-05-20 23:21:35] <Sylviana> 3(ya tuhan....)
  564. [2015-05-20 23:21:36] <Forte_A> 5"can i, sir jhon? miss... lyta?"
  565. [2015-05-20 23:21:45] <_Gabisa_Main> 12-- Sylviana, kamu merasa ngantuk setelah misi yang lalu --
  566. [2015-05-20 23:21:52] <Sylviana> 3*kucek2mata*
  567. [2015-05-20 23:21:53] <_Gabisa_Main> 12-- Kamu merasa istirahatmu belum cukup --
  568. [2015-05-20 23:21:53] <Jhon> 7"hm?" *sibuk pat kayla
  569. [2015-05-20 23:21:54] ⇐ Julianne_Wulf quit (cgiirc@E1AEA670.BC43C999.E4D01511.IP): Quit: ajax IRC Client
  570. [2015-05-20 23:21:59] <_Gabisa_Main> 12-- dan kamu memutuskan kembali ke kamar --
  571. [2015-05-20 23:22:05] <Jhon> 7"i don't mind"
  572. [2015-05-20 23:22:15] <Forte_A> 5"thank you, sir jhon"
  573. [2015-05-20 23:22:17] <Sylviana> 3*kembali ke kamar*
  574. [2015-05-20 23:22:30] <Lyta_LV> "??" *bingung
  575. [2015-05-20 23:22:37] <_Gabisa_Main> 12-- Lyta_LV, post hanya berisi 'bantu kami persiapan festival' --
  576. [2015-05-20 23:22:37] <Jhon> 7"makin rame makin seru" *smile
  577. [2015-05-20 23:22:38] <Forte_A> 5"...come to think of it, its been a while since i last saw you, miss lyta" *smile*
  578. [2015-05-20 23:22:40] <Sylviana> 3(Sylviana over and out~ Maaf ya _Gabisa_Main, saya gabisa main, hehe)
  579. [2015-05-20 23:22:43] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> !roll 1d0
  580. [2015-05-20 23:22:44] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? ArtheiaPenYDdraig [1] = 1"
  581. [2015-05-20 23:22:49] <_Gabisa_Main> 12-- menunggu kalian sambil tersenyum --
  582. [2015-05-20 23:22:50] <Forte_A> 5"hum? aren't you a part of this?"
  583. [2015-05-20 23:22:50] * Sylviana is now known as _klemp
  584. [2015-05-20 23:23:08] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Usbi_Montana, kamu tiba di tavern dan melihat yang lain sedang berkumpul --
  585. [2015-05-20 23:23:21] <_Gabisa_Main> 3(=w=)b)
  586. [2015-05-20 23:23:31] <_Gabisa_Main> 3(semangat _klemp)
  587. [2015-05-20 23:23:42] <Usbi_Montana> 12*hoam*
  588. [2015-05-20 23:23:43] <Lyta_LV> "Etto, aku baru saja melihat postnya..." *^^
  589. [2015-05-20 23:23:54] → Julianne_Wulf joined (cgiirc@E1AEA670.BC43C999.E4D01511.IP)
  590. [2015-05-20 23:24:00] <Forte_A> 5"oh... i... i see..."
  591. [2015-05-20 23:24:11] <Usbi_Montana> 12(berkumpul di mana?)
  592. [2015-05-20 23:24:13] <_Gabisa_Main> 3K "Lamaa~ "
  593. [2015-05-20 23:24:20] <_Gabisa_Main> 3K "ayo mengobrol sambil jalan"
  594. [2015-05-20 23:24:25] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Well then, anyone else interested?" *melihat ke arah yang lain*
  595. [2015-05-20 23:24:26] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Sedang berkumpul di depan papan quest --
  596. [2015-05-20 23:24:30] <Usbi_Montana> 12*ke papan quest*
  597. [2015-05-20 23:24:30] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"Should we gear up?"
  598. [2015-05-20 23:24:34] <Jhon> 7"Siap kapten!" @ K
  599. [2015-05-20 23:24:38] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"I think we should"
  600. [2015-05-20 23:24:42] <_Gabisa_Main> 3K *hormat ke arahmu john*
  601. [2015-05-20 23:24:43] <Usbi_Montana> 12"Oi" @al
  602. [2015-05-20 23:24:49] <Khierve> 10ada detail misinya ngapain? ))
  603. [2015-05-20 23:24:52] <Jhon> 7*hormat
  604. [2015-05-20 23:24:56] <Lyta_LV> "Aku ikut!" *senyum
  605. [2015-05-20 23:24:57] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Tidak ada Khierve --
  606. [2015-05-20 23:24:58] <Forte_A> 5"...we should?"
  607. [2015-05-20 23:25:00] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Seperti biasa --
  608. [2015-05-20 23:25:07] <Forte_A> 5"we're preparing for a festival, right?"
  609. [2015-05-20 23:25:09] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"...huh? I think I saw Sylviana a moment ago, but...oh"
  610. [2015-05-20 23:25:09] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Hanya ada tanda tangan Elisa --
  611. [2015-05-20 23:25:13] <Usbi_Montana> 12"Fort, got missions?"
  612. [2015-05-20 23:25:14] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Greeting, Usbi Montana"
  613. [2015-05-20 23:25:24] <Usbi_Montana> 12"Morning, Arth"
  614. [2015-05-20 23:25:29] <Forte_A> 5"oh? sir usbi"
  615. [2015-05-20 23:25:52] <Forte_A> 5"yes, we just accepted one" *smile*
  616. [2015-05-20 23:25:54] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Are you interested to help a festival in a village?"
  617. [2015-05-20 23:25:55] <Lyta_LV> !roll 1d20
  618. [2015-05-20 23:25:55] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? Lyta_LV [6] = 6"
  619. [2015-05-20 23:25:55] <Khierve> 10"Sir Montana," a short bow,
  620. [2015-05-20 23:25:58] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14@ Usbi_Montana
  621. [2015-05-20 23:26:05] <Jhon> 7"aku akan ambil perlengkapan!"
  622. [2015-05-20 23:26:11] <_Gabisa_Main> 3--
  623. [2015-05-20 23:26:12] <Forte_A> 5"...well, i don't know if we could call this a 'mission'"
  624. [2015-05-20 23:26:15] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"You'll never know what to expect"
  625. [2015-05-20 23:26:15] <_Gabisa_Main> 3--Lanjutkan lagunya --
  626. [2015-05-20 23:26:27] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- K menunggu di depan pintu tavern --
  627. [2015-05-20 23:26:30] <Usbi_Montana> 12"Festival? I can do guard duty"
  628. [2015-05-20 23:26:41] <Jhon> 7*lari ambil equipment
  629. [2015-05-20 23:26:41] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"Just in case we'll ran into some trouble"
  630. [2015-05-20 23:26:48] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"Hold on, I'll pick up my gear"
  631. [2015-05-20 23:26:50] <Forte_A> 5"hum... i guess so"
  632. [2015-05-20 23:26:50] <_Gabisa_Main> 3K "Kalian yang lama, akan kuhukum" *suara di berat - beratin*
  633. [2015-05-20 23:26:52] — Julianne_Wulf 4goes to grab gear
  634. [2015-05-20 23:26:57] <Forte_A> 5"i'll bring my gear then"
  635. [2015-05-20 23:26:59] <Forte_A> 5"!"
  636. [2015-05-20 23:27:00] <Usbi_Montana> 12"Count me in, then."
  637. [2015-05-20 23:27:06] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Well, I already have my equipments here"
  638. [2015-05-20 23:27:07] <Forte_A> 5"please don't, miss... um..."
  639. [2015-05-20 23:27:14] <Usbi_Montana> 12"Gimme a sec, Im grabbing my bow"
  640. [2015-05-20 23:27:25] — Usbi_Montana backs to the room grabbing gears
  641. [2015-05-20 23:27:35] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"I shall be waiting with the client then"
  642. [2015-05-20 23:27:40] <Forte_A> 5"i'll grab some of my equipments and i'll come back" *smile*
  643. [2015-05-20 23:27:42] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14*berjalan ke arah pintu tavern*
  644. [2015-05-20 23:28:02] <Lyta_LV> *ambil equipment, terus ke tempat anak kecil tadi
  645. [2015-05-20 23:28:06] — Julianne_Wulf 4goes back fully equiped
  646. [2015-05-20 23:28:16] <Forte_A> 5*ambil equipments*
  647. [2015-05-20 23:28:18] <_Gabisa_Main> 3K *hormat*
  648. [2015-05-20 23:28:23] — Usbi_Montana back
  649. [2015-05-20 23:28:34] <Jhon> 7*Jhon balik
  650. [2015-05-20 23:28:39] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Is there any chance that we will need a mount?" @K
  651. [2015-05-20 23:28:54] <Khierve> 10"We did not need it the last time,"
  652. [2015-05-20 23:29:07] <Khierve> 10"But.." *shooks her head
  653. [2015-05-20 23:29:12] <Usbi_Montana> 12"Oh, the kid from before"
  654. [2015-05-20 23:29:13] <_Gabisa_Main> 3K "Bawa saja, aku tidak tahu soalnya"
  655. [2015-05-20 23:29:16] <_Gabisa_Main> 3K *grin*
  656. [2015-05-20 23:29:17] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"I see" @ Khierve
  657. [2015-05-20 23:29:27] <Usbi_Montana> 12"Hewlett hamlet?" @K
  658. [2015-05-20 23:29:29] <_Gabisa_Main> 3(wut, ke khierve?)
  659. [2015-05-20 23:29:37] <_Gabisa_Main> 3K "Yup"@Usbi_Montana
  660. [2015-05-20 23:29:38] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"...I will go to the stable first then. Where is the assembly point?"
  661. [2015-05-20 23:29:41] <Forte_A> 5*balik*
  662. [2015-05-20 23:29:44] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14(mungkin Khierve nimbrung =3=b)
  663. [2015-05-20 23:29:47] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14@ K
  664. [2015-05-20 23:29:53] <_Gabisa_Main> 3K "Kapalbesarrrrrr"
  665. [2015-05-20 23:29:56] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"So Kid, what kind of festival is this?" @K
  666. [2015-05-20 23:30:00] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"...I see"
  667. [2015-05-20 23:30:04] <Forte_A> 5"...?"
  668. [2015-05-20 23:30:07] <_Gabisa_Main> 3K "Ayo awak kapalku yarr -eh?"
  669. [2015-05-20 23:30:10] <Lyta_LV> *back dengan longspearnya, berdiri dekat pintu tavern
  670. [2015-05-20 23:30:21] <_Gabisa_Main> 3"Itu, festival dansa berpasangan "
  671. [2015-05-20 23:30:28] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"Ah a dance festival"
  672. [2015-05-20 23:30:29] <Forte_A> 5"...oh?"
  673. [2015-05-20 23:30:29] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"I will look for a huge ship then"
  674. [2015-05-20 23:30:31] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"Interesting"
  675. [2015-05-20 23:30:31] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  676. [2015-05-20 23:30:34] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Excuse me"
  677. [2015-05-20 23:30:35] <Forte_A> 5"hum...."
  678. [2015-05-20 23:30:37] <Forte_A> 5"interesting"
  679. [2015-05-20 23:30:44] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14-pergi dulu ke stable ambil kuda-
  680. [2015-05-20 23:30:45] <Forte_A> 5*lirik artheia*
  681. [2015-05-20 23:30:50] <Forte_A> 5"?"
  682. [2015-05-20 23:30:59] <_Gabisa_Main> 3K "Pokoknya pasangan mengelilingi pohon besar"
  683. [2015-05-20 23:31:07] <Khierve> 10"Oh?"
  684. [2015-05-20 23:31:09] <Jhon> 7"berpasangan?"
  685. [2015-05-20 23:31:12] <Forte_A> 5"where is she going?"
  686. [2015-05-20 23:31:13] <Khierve> 10"A tree?"
  687. [2015-05-20 23:31:20] <_Gabisa_Main> 3K "dan meminta berkah kepada dewa untuk panen tumbuhan dan hewan "
  688. [2015-05-20 23:31:26] <Khierve> 10@Forte "Acquiring her mount,"
  689. [2015-05-20 23:31:33] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  690. [2015-05-20 23:31:44] <Forte_A> 5"oh right she bought it"
  691. [2015-05-20 23:31:46] <Khierve> 10@Kayla "Oh, a harvest festival?"
  692. [2015-05-20 23:31:54] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"Ah a harvest festival then" @ Kayla
  693. [2015-05-20 23:32:03] <_Gabisa_Main> 3K "Mungkin itu namanya"
  694. [2015-05-20 23:32:22] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14(brb bentar, siap FF saja kalau sudah waktunya =3=)7)
  695. [2015-05-20 23:32:31] <_Gabisa_Main> 3(FF ke desa?)
  696. [2015-05-20 23:32:50] <Khierve> !roll 1d20+3
  697. [2015-05-20 23:32:50] <Usbi_Montana> 12"Is there any chance someone want to wreck the festival?"
  698. [2015-05-20 23:32:50] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+3? Khierve [11] + 3 = 14"
  699. [2015-05-20 23:33:00] <_Gabisa_Main> 3K "um?"
  700. [2015-05-20 23:33:11] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  701. [2015-05-20 23:33:12] <_Gabisa_Main> 3K "Tidak mungkin, semua orang bersenang - senang di hari festival"
  702. [2015-05-20 23:33:17] <Khierve> 10@Usbi "!"
  703. [2015-05-20 23:33:20] <_Gabisa_Main> 3K *grin*
  704. [2015-05-20 23:33:41] <Jhon> 7*sikut Usbi
  705. [2015-05-20 23:33:43] <Usbi_Montana> 12"heh. nice to hear"
  706. [2015-05-20 23:33:47] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"Who knows, there might be some monster roaming around"
  707. [2015-05-20 23:33:49] <Khierve> 10@Kayla "Please, would you wait at the port?"
  708. [2015-05-20 23:33:52] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  709. [2015-05-20 23:33:54] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"We did fight that dog"
  710. [2015-05-20 23:33:59] <_Gabisa_Main> 3K "monster?"
  711. [2015-05-20 23:34:10] <_Gabisa_Main> 3K "tidak ada monster di desa"
  712. [2015-05-20 23:34:14] <Forte_A> 5"well, we better make sure that they're gone by the time of the festival then" *smile*
  713. [2015-05-20 23:34:14] <Khierve> 10"We'll quickly follow,"
  714. [2015-05-20 23:34:18] <_Gabisa_Main> 3K "aku tidak mengerti"*tilts head*
  715. [2015-05-20 23:34:21] <Jhon> 7"jangan terlalu paranoid~"
  716. [2015-05-20 23:34:25] <Jhon> 7"santai sajalah"
  717. [2015-05-20 23:34:35] <Khierve> 10*ngusir kayla ceritanya ))
  718. [2015-05-20 23:34:38] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Silakan state FF jika kalian ingin --
  719. [2015-05-20 23:34:39] <Forte_A> 5"yes. i agree with sir jhon"
  720. [2015-05-20 23:34:39] <Jhon> 7@july
  721. [2015-05-20 23:34:41] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"Not in the village but sometimes there are uninvited guest"
  722. [2015-05-20 23:34:43] <_Gabisa_Main> 3K "Kaaay~"
  723. [2015-05-20 23:34:46] <Forte_A> 5"worry will only ruin the fun"
  724. [2015-05-20 23:34:47] <_Gabisa_Main> 3K "Aku tunggu yaa"
  725. [2015-05-20 23:34:48] <Forte_A> 5*smile*
  726. [2015-05-20 23:34:48] <Julianne_Wulf> 4(FF)
  727. [2015-05-20 23:34:50] <Khierve> 10biar bisa ngomong ke yang lain ))
  728. [2015-05-20 23:34:52] <Jhon> 7(FF)
  729. [2015-05-20 23:34:54] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14(siap FF)
  730. [2015-05-20 23:34:57] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Kayla pergi ke kapal duluan --
  731. [2015-05-20 23:34:59] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14(kalau mau wkwk)
  732. [2015-05-20 23:35:02] <Khierve> 10bentar saya mo ngomong dl ))
  733. [2015-05-20 23:35:07] <Jhon> 7*sbelum berangkat, hampirin bartender
  734. [2015-05-20 23:35:09] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Ada yang mau diomongin atau persiapan lain? --
  735. [2015-05-20 23:35:15] <Jhon> 7*kasih 1 gp
  736. [2015-05-20 23:35:17] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Kamu melihat D --
  737. [2015-05-20 23:35:23] <Jhon> 7"maaf soal muntahnya"
  738. [2015-05-20 23:35:32] <_Gabisa_Main> 3D "tidak apa - apa tuan"
  739. [2015-05-20 23:35:36] <_Gabisa_Main> 3D *bows*
  740. [2015-05-20 23:35:43] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14(saya ambil kuda saja,kalau yang lain ada yang mau diomongken silakan =w=b)
  741. [2015-05-20 23:35:43] <Forte_A> 5"well... i suppose i'll have a take-out breakfast today"
  742. [2015-05-20 23:35:46] <Jhon> 7*bows
  743. [2015-05-20 23:35:54] <Khierve> 10@All kecuali.. Jhon? "Actually, on the last mission, there was a pair of Succubus and Incubus that threatened to --ruin the festival."
  744. [2015-05-20 23:36:00] <Lyta_LV> "Etto, barangkali ada yang lupa atau belum kenal... Namaku Lyta La Vio..." *^^
  745. [2015-05-20 23:36:10] <Jhon> 7(FF)
  746. [2015-05-20 23:36:11] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14(Arthe juga ga ada harusnya Khierve )
  747. [2015-05-20 23:36:16] <Khierve> 10ah iya ))
  748. [2015-05-20 23:36:18] <Jhon> 7*balik ke rombongan
  749. [2015-05-20 23:36:18] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> !roll 1d0
  750. [2015-05-20 23:36:18] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? ArtheiaPenYDdraig [1] = 1"
  751. [2015-05-20 23:36:19] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  752. [2015-05-20 23:36:46] <Forte_A> 5"...wh... why would they?"
  753. [2015-05-20 23:36:49] <Julianne_Wulf> 4@Khierve: "So we are dealing with a couple of demons"
  754. [2015-05-20 23:36:57] <Khierve> 10".... Sir Dimaethor would know why better,"
  755. [2015-05-20 23:37:01] <Lyta_LV> (FF)
  756. [2015-05-20 23:37:08] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  757. [2015-05-20 23:37:10] <Khierve> 10@Juliane a nod.
  758. [2015-05-20 23:37:11] <Jhon> 7"tapi,.. mereka couple
  759. [2015-05-20 23:37:25] <Jhon> 7"kenapa mereka tidak menari saja di festival~"
  760. [2015-05-20 23:37:43] <Khierve> 10"They said something about their-- power coming with the full moon?"
  761. [2015-05-20 23:37:53] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  762. [2015-05-20 23:38:11] <Khierve> 10"...I don't know if we'll have a chance to speak about this in the boat, but,"
  763. [2015-05-20 23:38:32] <Khierve> 10"Sir Audacis, would you help me keeping Artheia informed?"
  764. [2015-05-20 23:38:38] <Forte_A> 5"i will"
  765. [2015-05-20 23:38:43] <Khierve> 10A nod.
  766. [2015-05-20 23:38:45] <Khierve> 10(ff?))
  767. [2015-05-20 23:38:49] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"Alright, lets get going then"
  768. [2015-05-20 23:39:06] <Forte_A> 5"i'll grab my horse first"
  769. [2015-05-20 23:39:27] <Forte_A> 5(FF)
  770. [2015-05-20 23:39:31] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14(sap FF =3=)7)
  771. [2015-05-20 23:39:33] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- FF ---
  772. [2015-05-20 23:39:39] <_Gabisa_Main> 3---- Desa Hewlett ---
  773. [2015-05-20 23:39:42] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-------------------------------------------
  774. [2015-05-20 23:39:44] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-------------------------------------------
  775. [2015-05-20 23:39:55] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Kalian tiba di desa hewlett --
  776. [2015-05-20 23:40:29] → _DaikaSan joined (
  777. [2015-05-20 23:40:36] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14(wut)
  778. [2015-05-20 23:40:44] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Stop the song --
  779. [2015-05-20 23:40:48] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Change to this --
  780. [2015-05-20 23:40:50] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- --
  781. [2015-05-20 23:41:08] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Kalian melihat orang - orang sibuk mempersiapkan festival --
  782. [2015-05-20 23:41:31] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14*looking around*
  783. [2015-05-20 23:41:43] <Khierve> 10artheia di kapal diupdate? ))
  784. [2015-05-20 23:41:50] <Julianne_Wulf> 4"RIght, time to get to vacation..I mean work"
  785. [2015-05-20 23:41:56] <Forte_A> 5(harusnya)
  786. [2015-05-20 23:41:58] <Usbi_Montana> 12"So.. what now?"
  787. [2015-05-20 23:42:01] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14(saya gimana FOrte_
  788. [2015-05-20 23:42:05] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14(oh, kalau diupdate...)
  789. [2015-05-20 23:42:09] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Banyak orang bolak balik mempersiapkan festivak --
  790. [2015-05-20 23:42:10] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  791. [2015-05-20 23:42:10] <_Gabisa_Main> 3
  792. [2015-05-20 23:42:16] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Ada yang memotong rumput --
  793. [2015-05-20 23:42:17] <Jhon> 7"where ar we going captain?" @ K
  794. [2015-05-20 23:42:23] <Forte_A> 5"the festival... is just around the corner huh?"
  795. [2015-05-20 23:42:27] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- ada yang memangkas tangkai pohon --
  796. [2015-05-20 23:42:37] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14--activate Detect, bole roll planes pas dikasih tau? @ _Gabisa_Main --
  797. [2015-05-20 23:42:43] <_Gabisa_Main> 3K "ikut aku "
  798. [2015-05-20 23:43:02] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- no evil or another creature here ArtheiaPenYDdraig --
  799. [2015-05-20 23:43:10] <Jhon> 7*follow captain
  800. [2015-05-20 23:43:13] <Khierve> 10*follows*
  801. [2015-05-20 23:43:18] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14(oke)
  802. [2015-05-20 23:43:19] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- K lanjut berjalan ke suatu meja di dekat pohon --
  803. [2015-05-20 23:43:19] <Julianne_Wulf> 4*follows*
  804. [2015-05-20 23:43:22] <Forte_A> 5*follows captain*
  805. [2015-05-20 23:43:26] <Lyta_LV> *ikut
  806. [2015-05-20 23:43:29] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Dan kalian bertemu ...--
  807. [2015-05-20 23:43:31] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14*berjalan mengikuti yang lain*
  808. [2015-05-20 23:43:32] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Elisa --
  809. [2015-05-20 23:43:52] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Seorang nenek - nenek bungkuk dengan tongkatnya sedang meramu sesuatu --
  810. [2015-05-20 23:43:58] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14*sambil detect evil periodically*
  811. [2015-05-20 23:44:01] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Jika kalian mendekat, ramuan itu wangi --
  812. [2015-05-20 23:44:03] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14*ke sekeliling sambil jalan*
  813. [2015-05-20 23:44:11] <Forte_A> 5(...spellcraft?)
  814. [2015-05-20 23:44:14] — Julianne_Wulf 4looks around
  815. [2015-05-20 23:44:21] <Forte_A> 5(bole?)
  816. [2015-05-20 23:44:26] <Forte_A> 5*sniffs*
  817. [2015-05-20 23:44:32] <_Gabisa_Main> 3(bukan ramuan spell)
  818. [2015-05-20 23:44:44] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Julianne_Wulf, kamu melihat orang - orang sibuk --
  819. [2015-05-20 23:45:09] <Jhon> 7"hmmm~"
  820. [2015-05-20 23:45:16] <Khierve> 10"Elder Elisa," a bow,
  821. [2015-05-20 23:45:20] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14*ikut saja dulu*
  822. [2015-05-20 23:45:21] <Jhon> 7*liat ramuan
  823. [2015-05-20 23:45:31] <Usbi_Montana> 12*ngikut di belakang*
  824. [2015-05-20 23:45:39] <Forte_A> 5"afternoon" *smile* *bow*
  825. [2015-05-20 23:45:41] <Jhon> 7"ah nek elisa" *ikut bow
  826. [2015-05-20 23:45:48] <Lyta_LV> *bow ke Elisa
  827. [2015-05-20 23:45:59] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "Hai anak - anakku"
  828. [2015-05-20 23:46:04] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E *tersenyum*
  829. [2015-05-20 23:46:10] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14(siang? sore?)
  830. [2015-05-20 23:46:14] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "Ayo bantu kami sekarang"
  831. [2015-05-20 23:46:15] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14(pagi?)
  832. [2015-05-20 23:46:17] <Jhon> 7"itu apa nek?"
  833. [2015-05-20 23:46:23] <Jhon> 7*tunjuk ramuan
  834. [2015-05-20 23:46:24] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Hari ini masih siang --
  835. [2015-05-20 23:46:29] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Good afternoon, ma'am"
  836. [2015-05-20 23:46:36] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "ini Minyak wangi untuk perempuan nak" @Jhon
  837. [2015-05-20 23:46:48] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "Sekarang kami butuh..."
  838. [2015-05-20 23:47:02] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"What can we help with the festival preparation?"
  839. [2015-05-20 23:47:22] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "Orang yang membersihkan tumbuhan liar di persawahan"
  840. [2015-05-20 23:47:30] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  841. [2015-05-20 23:47:34] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"..."
  842. [2015-05-20 23:47:56] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "Lalu.. Membantu memotong hewan "
  843. [2015-05-20 23:48:19] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "hmmm..."
  844. [2015-05-20 23:48:32] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "Membantuku mempersiapkan ramuan ini"
  845. [2015-05-20 23:48:40] <Lyta_LV> *senyum
  846. [2015-05-20 23:48:47] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "dan silakan tanya orang - orang sekitar kalau mau bantu yang lain "
  847. [2015-05-20 23:48:51] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E *smiled*
  848. [2015-05-20 23:49:03] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "Ayo ayo, festival tidak lama lagi"
  849. [2015-05-20 23:49:03] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"I see"
  850. [2015-05-20 23:49:09] <Usbi_Montana> 12"I'll go to the livestocks"
  851. [2015-05-20 23:49:09] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "KIta harus persiapan dari sekarang"
  852. [2015-05-20 23:49:19] <Khierve> 10"Ah, I.. trust everything is going well?"
  853. [2015-05-20 23:49:22] <Forte_A> 5" you need the help in that order or should we split our manpower?" *smile*
  854. [2015-05-20 23:49:33] <Jhon> 7"Kapten, menurutmu tugas apa yg cocok untukku?" @ K
  855. [2015-05-20 23:49:39] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "Silakan menyebar saja "
  856. [2015-05-20 23:49:46] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "Bantu orang - orang desa ini"
  857. [2015-05-20 23:49:49] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E *tersenyum*
  858. [2015-05-20 23:49:53] <Forte_A> 5"i see" *smile*
  859. [2015-05-20 23:50:08] <_Gabisa_Main> 3K "hmm, kamu cocok untuk..."
  860. [2015-05-20 23:50:12] <_Gabisa_Main> 3K *tunjuk Jhon *
  861. [2015-05-20 23:50:15] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Very well, perhaps I should ask around whether there is something else I could help with"
  862. [2015-05-20 23:50:23] <_Gabisa_Main> 3K "Mencabut rumput liar!"
  863. [2015-05-20 23:50:31] <_Gabisa_Main> 3(O_O)o-
  864. [2015-05-20 23:50:37] <Khierve> 10@Elisa "May I help with the perfume?"
  865. [2015-05-20 23:50:38] <Lyta_LV> "Aku ingin membantu memotong hewan..." *senyum
  866. [2015-05-20 23:50:42] <_Gabisa_Main> 3K "Ayo main bersama - sama "
  867. [2015-05-20 23:50:54] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "Silakan anakku Khierve "
  868. [2015-05-20 23:50:56] <Forte_A> 5"hum...."
  869. [2015-05-20 23:50:58] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  870. [2015-05-20 23:51:09] <Forte_A> 5"kapten, can i also get a suggestion?" *smile*
  871. [2015-05-20 23:51:17] <Jhon> 7"ay ay captain!"
  872. [2015-05-20 23:51:20] <Jhon> 7*hormat
  873. [2015-05-20 23:51:20] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Kalian dapat melihat anak - anak berloncatan di pohon besar --
  874. [2015-05-20 23:51:32] <_Gabisa_Main> 3K "hmm, menurut kapten.."
  875. [2015-05-20 23:51:38] <_Gabisa_Main> 3K "Kamu cocok di..."
  876. [2015-05-20 23:51:42] <_Gabisa_Main> 3!roll 1d4
  877. [2015-05-20 23:51:43] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d4? _Gabisa_Main [2] = 2"
  878. [2015-05-20 23:51:55] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Do you have any suggestion on whom I should ask, ma'am?" @nenek
  879. [2015-05-20 23:51:56] <Jhon> 7*berangkat ke tempat rumput liar
  880. [2015-05-20 23:52:10] <_Gabisa_Main> 3K "Mempersiapkan pasangan2"
  881. [2015-05-20 23:52:11] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> !roll 1d0
  882. [2015-05-20 23:52:11] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? ArtheiaPenYDdraig [1] = 1"
  883. [2015-05-20 23:52:17] <_Gabisa_Main> 3K "Biro Jodoh!!"
  884. [2015-05-20 23:52:18] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  885. [2015-05-20 23:52:31] <Forte_A> 5"...huh?"
  886. [2015-05-20 23:52:51] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"...ah, I have yet introduced myself"
  887. [2015-05-20 23:52:55] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  888. [2015-05-20 23:52:59] <Lyta_LV> *bantu2 yang potong hewan...
  889. [2015-05-20 23:53:10] <Forte_A> 5"i... i'm not... really sure i could"
  890. [2015-05-20 23:53:32] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "Hahaha, biro jodoh yah.."
  891. [2015-05-20 23:53:37] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"My name is Artheia Pen y Ddraig. It is a pleasure to meet you, ma'am" *bows slightly" @nenek
  892. [2015-05-20 23:53:40] <Forte_A> 5"...but i could try i guess" *s-smile*
  893. [2015-05-20 23:53:47] <Forte_A> 5"...oh that's right"
  894. [2015-05-20 23:53:52] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Bentar yah yang mencar --
  895. [2015-05-20 23:54:03] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "Oh iya, aku Elisa"
  896. [2015-05-20 23:54:11] <Forte_A> 5"forte audacis, nice to meet you" *smile*@E
  897. [2015-05-20 23:54:18] <Forte_A> 5(awa boleh... asumsi kenalan ama kapten di kapal?)
  898. [2015-05-20 23:54:23] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E " ArtheiaPenYDdraig anakku, silakan bantu forte jadi biro jodoh"
  899. [2015-05-20 23:54:29] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Huh?"
  900. [2015-05-20 23:54:29] <_Gabisa_Main> 3(yap)
  901. [2015-05-20 23:54:37] <_Gabisa_Main> 3(Itu Kayla sih, dia ngaku2 kapten)
  902. [2015-05-20 23:54:41] <Forte_A> 5"...huh?"
  903. [2015-05-20 23:54:48] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E *smile*
  904. [2015-05-20 23:54:48] <Usbi_Montana> 12*berangkat ke penyembelihan*
  905. [2015-05-20 23:54:51] <Forte_A> 5(iya kayla, awa merasa belom kenalan)
  906. [2015-05-20 23:54:58] <_Gabisa_Main> 3#ruangbirojodoh
  907. [2015-05-20 23:55:01] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Matchmaking?"
  908. [2015-05-20 23:55:03] <_Gabisa_Main> 3#ruangpenyembelihan
  909. [2015-05-20 23:55:09] <Khierve> 10"..."
  910. [2015-05-20 23:55:18] <_Gabisa_Main> 3#ruangcabutrumput
  911. [2015-05-20 23:55:20] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"What kind of work is that?"
  912. [2015-05-20 23:55:31] <Forte_A> 5" you sure you could handle this miss artheia?"
  913. [2015-05-20 23:55:49] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Well, I have no idea about that"
  914. [2015-05-20 23:55:54] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "Yah, kalian mendata siapa orang di desa yang belum punya pasangan, dan mencarikannya"
  915. [2015-05-20 23:56:18] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Oh"
  916. [2015-05-20 23:56:34] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Julianne_Wulf, kemana kamu menuju? --
  917. [2015-05-20 23:56:52] ← Usbi_Montana left (~Bakut@7F236412.E1414CAD.DAC9999A.IP)
  918. [2015-05-20 23:56:55] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Apa yang ingin kau lakukan?
  919. [2015-05-20 23:57:00] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  920. [2015-05-20 23:57:07] <Forte_A> 5*lirik artheia*
  921. [2015-05-20 23:57:11] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"?"
  922. [2015-05-20 23:57:21] <Forte_A> 5" sure about this?"
  923. [2015-05-20 23:57:39] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Yang mau jalan silakan pindah room, room ini hanya untuk dadu --
  924. [2015-05-20 23:57:43] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> !roll 1d0
  925. [2015-05-20 23:57:44] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? ArtheiaPenYDdraig [0] = 0"
  926. [2015-05-20 23:57:51] <Khierve> 10saya bantuin bikin parfum ))
  927. [2015-05-20 23:57:58] <Khierve> 10sama mungkin ngobrol sama elisa ))
  928. [2015-05-20 23:58:04] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- BIkin parfum tetap disini --
  929. [2015-05-20 23:58:37] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"I am not really sure, since I have never done something like that before"
  930. [2015-05-20 23:59:14] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Perhaps I will ask around, unless if you need my help" @ Forte
  931. [2015-05-20 23:59:47] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "Khierve anakku, sini sayang "
  932. [2015-05-20 23:59:47] <Forte_A> 5"...well... i am quite... inexperienced in matchmaking myself, honestly"
  933. [2015-05-21 00:00:11] <Lyta_LV> !roll 1d20+6
  934. [2015-05-21 00:00:11] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+6? Lyta_LV [8] + 6 = 14"
  935. [2015-05-21 00:00:20] → Usbi_Montana joined (~Bakut@7F236412.E1414CAD.DAC9999A.IP)
  936. [2015-05-21 00:00:24] <Usbi_Montana> 12!roll 1d20+7
  937. [2015-05-21 00:00:25] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+7? Usbi_Montana [8] + 7 = 15"
  938. [2015-05-21 00:00:37] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"So? What are you going to do?"
  939. [2015-05-21 00:00:39] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14@ Forte_A
  940. [2015-05-21 00:00:57] <Forte_A> 5"...i'll... try it anyway, i guess"
  941. [2015-05-21 00:01:06] <Forte_A> 5"...i might need the experience"
  942. [2015-05-21 00:01:08] <Khierve> 10"Sir Audacis, I think doing it together would probably make it be done faster?"
  943. [2015-05-21 00:01:16] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Would you require my help?"
  944. [2015-05-21 00:01:16] <Khierve> 10(..apa itu grammar))
  945. [2015-05-21 00:01:19] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  946. [2015-05-21 00:01:28] <Khierve> 10*diplo2*
  947. [2015-05-21 00:01:41] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Although I am not sure whether I could be much help in this kind of matter"
  948. [2015-05-21 00:01:43] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- silakan Khierve --
  949. [2015-05-21 00:02:16] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"If you do not mind with me, then I shall help"
  950. [2015-05-21 00:02:24] <Khierve> !roll 1d20+9
  951. [2015-05-21 00:02:24] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "Oh iya, aku baru ingat, ini list pemuda pemudi desa yang belum punya pasangan"
  952. [2015-05-21 00:02:24] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+9? Khierve [10] + 9 = 19"
  953. [2015-05-21 00:02:33] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Hm?"
  954. [2015-05-21 00:02:35] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E *naro kertas di meja*
  955. [2015-05-21 00:02:39] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14*melihat ke Elisa*
  956. [2015-05-21 00:02:43] <Forte_A> 5"well, an extra head would certainly help" *smile*
  957. [2015-05-21 00:02:43] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14*mellihat kertasnya*
  958. [2015-05-21 00:02:48] <Forte_A> 5"?"
  959. [2015-05-21 00:02:52] <Forte_A> 5*liat kertas*
  960. [2015-05-21 00:02:54] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Very well then"
  961. [2015-05-21 00:02:57] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "Maaf lupa memberitahu"
  962. [2015-05-21 00:03:00] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14*ambil kertas*
  963. [2015-05-21 00:03:06] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"It is alright, ma'am" *smiles slightly*
  964. [2015-05-21 00:03:10] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14@Elisa
  965. [2015-05-21 00:03:15] <Forte_A> 5"its okay, miss Elisa" *smile*
  966. [2015-05-21 00:03:38] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14*lalu melihat kertasnya*
  967. [2015-05-21 00:03:56] <Forte_A> 5*balik ke kertas*
  968. [2015-05-21 00:04:03] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Silakan ke ruang biro --
  969. [2015-05-21 00:04:13] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Perhaps, in the end we will need to ask around"
  970. [2015-05-21 00:04:22] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Shall we then?"
  971. [2015-05-21 00:04:23] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14@ Forte_A
  972. [2015-05-21 00:04:30] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14(roomnya apa tadi?)
  973. [2015-05-21 00:05:11] <Forte_A> 5"yes" *smile*
  974. [2015-05-21 00:05:36] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14*goes to...ask around* (menuju ke #ruangbirojodoh )
  975. [2015-05-21 00:06:39] <Khierve> 10ada kursi/ dingklik buat nyampur parfum? ))
  976. [2015-05-21 00:08:35] — Julianne_Wulf 4goes to where the slaughter will be held
  977. [2015-05-21 00:09:21] <_Gabisa_Main> 3#ruangpenyembelihan
  978. [2015-05-21 00:09:39] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Ada khierve --
  979. [2015-05-21 00:09:44] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Khierve, roll will --
  980. [2015-05-21 00:09:58] <Usbi_Montana> 12!roll 1d20+9
  981. [2015-05-21 00:09:58] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+9? Usbi_Montana [1] + 9 = 10"
  982. [2015-05-21 00:10:08] <Julianne_Wulf> 4!roll 1d20+3
  983. [2015-05-21 00:10:08] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+3? Julianne_Wulf [9] + 3 = 12"
  984. [2015-05-21 00:10:16] <Khierve> !roll 1d20+3
  985. [2015-05-21 00:10:16] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+3? Khierve [13] + 3 = 16"
  986. [2015-05-21 00:10:20] <Lyta_LV> !roll 1d20
  987. [2015-05-21 00:10:20] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? Lyta_LV [12] = 12"
  988. [2015-05-21 00:10:56] ⇐ _klemp quit (cgiirc@E3E37E12.D57364BC.76D323C4.IP): Quit: ajax IRC Client
  989. [2015-05-21 00:11:35] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Khierve, kamu mencium bau menyenangkan dan membuatmu ingin terus menghirup --
  990. [2015-05-21 00:11:44] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- tapi kamu tahan untuk berhenti menghirupnya --
  991. [2015-05-21 00:12:55] <Khierve> 10"...Elder, how-- does this perfume meant to be used in the festival, exactly?" She pulled a small chair alongside Elisa.
  992. [2015-05-21 00:13:55] <Jhon> !roll 1d20+4
  993. [2015-05-21 00:13:56] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+4? Jhon [10] + 4 = 14"
  994. [2015-05-21 00:14:08] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "Hmm, semua pria akan tertarik dengan parfum ini.."
  995. [2015-05-21 00:14:13] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "Mau coba nanti?"
  996. [2015-05-21 00:14:18] <Khierve> 10"...."
  997. [2015-05-21 00:14:53] <Khierve> 10"I-- I have no one come with me, It would be.. unwise,"
  998. [2015-05-21 00:15:34] <Khierve> 10"But I agree that it smells wonderful,"
  999. [2015-05-21 00:15:52] <Jhon> !roll 1d20+5
  1000. [2015-05-21 00:15:52] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+5? Jhon [15] + 5 = 20"
  1001. [2015-05-21 00:15:54] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "tidak"
  1002. [2015-05-21 00:16:01] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "Ini untuk membantu saja"
  1003. [2015-05-21 00:16:02] <Khierve> 10"?"
  1004. [2015-05-21 00:18:32] <Khierve> 10She smiled, "Then, I would like to try,"
  1005. [2015-05-21 00:18:38] <Jhon> !roll 1d20+6
  1006. [2015-05-21 00:18:38] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+6? Jhon [16] + 6 = 22"
  1007. [2015-05-21 00:19:33] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "Silakan"
  1008. [2015-05-21 00:19:50] ⇐ _DaikaSan quit ( Quit: ajax IRC Client
  1009. [2015-05-21 00:20:59] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> !roll 1d0
  1010. [2015-05-21 00:21:00] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? ArtheiaPenYDdraig [1] = 1"
  1011. [2015-05-21 00:21:39] <Khierve> 10nyobain itu.. coba pake ato.. ntar nyobanya pas festival?))
  1012. [2015-05-21 00:23:12] <Forte_A> !roll 1d0
  1013. [2015-05-21 00:23:13] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? Forte_A [0] = 0"
  1014. [2015-05-21 00:27:36] <Forte_A> !roll 1d20+16
  1015. [2015-05-21 00:27:36] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Nyobanya boleh sekarang --
  1016. [2015-05-21 00:27:37] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+16? Forte_A [20] + 16 = 36"
  1017. [2015-05-21 00:27:54] <Khierve> 10..boleh sense motive? ))
  1018. [2015-05-21 00:29:26] <_Gabisa_Main> 3--Silakan--
  1019. [2015-05-21 00:29:44] <Khierve> !roll 1d20+6
  1020. [2015-05-21 00:29:44] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+6? Khierve [7] + 6 = 13"
  1021. [2015-05-21 00:29:48] <Khierve> 10...))
  1022. [2015-05-21 00:30:11] <Lyta_LV> !roll 1d20+4
  1023. [2015-05-21 00:30:11] <Lyta_LV> !roll 1d20+4
  1024. [2015-05-21 00:30:11] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+4? Lyta_LV [10] + 4 = 14"
  1025. [2015-05-21 00:31:46] <Usbi_Montana> 12!roll 1d20+5
  1026. [2015-05-21 00:31:46] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+5? Usbi_Montana [11] + 5 = 16"
  1027. [2015-05-21 00:33:09] → _DaikaSan joined (
  1028. [2015-05-21 00:33:21] <Khierve> 10"..Elder, could you tell me what happened last time-- the time before last time Sir Dimaethor came to this village?" A pause, "There was a succubus-- problem?"
  1029. [2015-05-21 00:34:12] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "Succubus?"
  1030. [2015-05-21 00:34:21] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "Apa itu?"
  1031. [2015-05-21 00:34:24] <Khierve> 10"A demon?"
  1032. [2015-05-21 00:34:50] <Jhon> 7*celingak celinguk nyari Kayla
  1033. [2015-05-21 00:35:08] <Khierve> 10"...You mentioned how Kayla was saved-- from something?"
  1034. [2015-05-21 00:37:08] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> !roll 1d0
  1035. [2015-05-21 00:37:09] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? ArtheiaPenYDdraig [0] = 0"
  1036. [2015-05-21 00:37:24] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "?"
  1037. [2015-05-21 00:37:29] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "Aku tidak mengerti"
  1038. [2015-05-21 00:37:41] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Kayla sedang bermain di atas pohon Jhon --
  1039. [2015-05-21 00:37:53] <Khierve> 10"...."
  1040. [2015-05-21 00:38:00] <Forte_A> !roll 1d20+16
  1041. [2015-05-21 00:38:00] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+16? Forte_A [10] + 16 = 26"
  1042. [2015-05-21 00:38:14] <Jhon> 7*hampirin Kayla
  1043. [2015-05-21 00:38:23] <Khierve> 10She smiled, curt, "Then nevermind,"
  1044. [2015-05-21 00:38:51] <Jhon> 7"KAPTEN! TUGAS SELESAI!!" *teriak ke atas pohon
  1045. [2015-05-21 00:38:56] <Khierve> 10"At what time will the festival start? --about a fortnight from now, I believe?"
  1046. [2015-05-21 00:40:08] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Kayla teriak dari atas --
  1047. [2015-05-21 00:40:28] <_Gabisa_Main> 3K "LANJUT SEMBELIH HEWAN ANAK BUAHKU"
  1048. [2015-05-21 00:40:29] <Usbi_Montana> 12!roll 1d20+5
  1049. [2015-05-21 00:40:29] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+5? Usbi_Montana [16] + 5 = 21"
  1050. [2015-05-21 00:40:47] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "Hmm, dari mulai matahari terbenam"
  1051. [2015-05-21 00:40:48] <Jhon> 7"ROGER CAPTAIN!!" *Hormat
  1052. [2015-05-21 00:41:04] <Jhon> 7*menuju tempat nyembelih~
  1053. [2015-05-21 00:41:05] <_Gabisa_Main> 3=w=)b
  1054. [2015-05-21 00:41:39] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "Succubus, nama yang unik ya Khierve "
  1055. [2015-05-21 00:42:12] <Khierve> 10"..?"
  1056. [2015-05-21 00:43:35] <Khierve> 10"Have you heard of it?"
  1057. [2015-05-21 00:43:35] <Lyta_LV> !roll 1d20+4
  1058. [2015-05-21 00:43:36] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+4? Lyta_LV [15] + 4 = 19"
  1059. [2015-05-21 00:48:34] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E " belum"
  1060. [2015-05-21 00:48:40] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "Tapi namanya bagus"
  1061. [2015-05-21 00:51:21] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "ayo sini bantu aku mengaduk " @Khierve
  1062. [2015-05-21 00:51:35] <Khierve> 10"Of course,"
  1063. [2015-05-21 00:51:47] <Usbi_Montana> 12!roll 1d20+9
  1064. [2015-05-21 00:51:47] <Usbi_Montana> 12!roll 1d20+9
  1065. [2015-05-21 00:51:48] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+9? Usbi_Montana [3] + 9 = 12"
  1066. [2015-05-21 00:53:09] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Khierve, roll... apaya.. INT --
  1067. [2015-05-21 00:53:43] <Khierve> !roll 1d20+3
  1068. [2015-05-21 00:53:43] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+3? Khierve [16] + 3 = 19"
  1069. [2015-05-21 00:55:18] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> !roll 1d0
  1070. [2015-05-21 00:55:19] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? ArtheiaPenYDdraig [1] = 1"
  1071. [2015-05-21 00:55:21] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Khierve, kamu mengaduk dengan indah --
  1072. [2015-05-21 00:55:25] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- dengan cekatan --
  1073. [2015-05-21 00:55:33] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "Kamu punya bakat nak"
  1074. [2015-05-21 00:55:38] <Lyta_LV> !roll 1d20
  1075. [2015-05-21 00:55:38] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? Lyta_LV [11] = 11"
  1076. [2015-05-21 00:55:51] ⇐ Usbi_Montana quit (~Bakut@7F236412.E1414CAD.DAC9999A.IP): Ping timeout: 240 seconds
  1077. [2015-05-21 00:56:10] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> !roll 1d20
  1078. [2015-05-21 00:56:10] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? ArtheiaPenYDdraig [16] = 16"
  1079. [2015-05-21 00:56:14] <Forte_A> !roll 1d20+16
  1080. [2015-05-21 00:56:14] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+16? Forte_A [14] + 16 = 30"
  1081. [2015-05-21 00:56:42] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "Sekarang panaskan potnya"
  1082. [2015-05-21 00:56:44] <Khierve> 10A small smile, "I used to help.. my grandmother, back home,"
  1083. [2015-05-21 00:56:52] <Khierve> 10A nod,
  1084. [2015-05-21 00:57:12] → Usbi_Montana joined (~Bakut@7F236412.E1414CAD.DAC9999A.IP)
  1085. [2015-05-21 00:57:14] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "Hmmm, so that's why"
  1086. [2015-05-21 00:59:15] <Lyta_LV> *datang, menghampiri Elisa... "Permisi, apakah ada yang bisa aku bantu?" *^^
  1087. [2015-05-21 00:59:40] <Khierve> 10"....."
  1088. [2015-05-21 01:00:05] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "ayo sini, bantu kami nak"
  1089. [2015-05-21 01:00:17] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E *Masih mengaduk*
  1090. [2015-05-21 01:00:23] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "Eh tunggu!"
  1091. [2015-05-21 01:00:35] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "Coba kalian bawa sedikit ramuan ini"
  1092. [2015-05-21 01:00:39] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "dan coba pakai"
  1093. [2015-05-21 01:00:40] <Lyta_LV> "Bantu apa?"
  1094. [2015-05-21 01:01:13] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E *kasih ramuan ke Khierve dan Lyta_LV *
  1095. [2015-05-21 01:01:26] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "Coba cipratkan ke tubuh kalian"
  1096. [2015-05-21 01:01:29] <Lyta_LV> *ambil ramuan
  1097. [2015-05-21 01:01:36] <Khierve> 10"..."
  1098. [2015-05-21 01:01:57] <Lyta_LV> "Hmm?" *ciprat ke tubuh
  1099. [2015-05-21 01:02:02] <Khierve> 10*takes a bit and put them on pulse points*
  1100. [2015-05-21 01:03:12] <Khierve> 10"Like this?"
  1101. [2015-05-21 01:03:43] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "Coba kalian berjalan sana ke para pria"
  1102. [2015-05-21 01:04:21] <Khierve> 10"......"
  1103. [2015-05-21 01:04:29] <Lyta_LV> "Etto..." *jalan ke para pria
  1104. [2015-05-21 01:04:41] <Khierve> 10*a short prayer*
  1105. [2015-05-21 01:04:45] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> !roll 1d3
  1106. [2015-05-21 01:04:46] <Khierve> 10(spirit shield.)
  1107. [2015-05-21 01:04:46] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d3? ArtheiaPenYDdraig [2] = 2"
  1108. [2015-05-21 01:05:29] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> !roll 1d2
  1109. [2015-05-21 01:05:29] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d2? ArtheiaPenYDdraig [1] = 1"
  1110. [2015-05-21 01:09:15] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Para pria terdiam memendangmu Lyta_LV --
  1111. [2015-05-21 01:10:41] ⇐ Julianne_Wulf quit (cgiirc@E1AEA670.BC43C999.E4D01511.IP): Quit: ajax IRC Client
  1112. [2015-05-21 01:10:41] <Lyta_LV> "Etto..." *tersipu malu...
  1113. [2015-05-21 01:11:12] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Para pria hanya terdiam --
  1114. [2015-05-21 01:11:19] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Khierve, apa yang kau lakukan? --
  1115. [2015-05-21 01:11:23] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> !roll 1d0
  1116. [2015-05-21 01:11:24] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? ArtheiaPenYDdraig [0] = 0"
  1117. [2015-05-21 01:11:48] <Khierve> 10"....Is this truly necessary?" *watches lyta*
  1118. [2015-05-21 01:11:55] <Forte_A> !roll 1d20+16
  1119. [2015-05-21 01:11:55] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+16? Forte_A [4] + 16 = 20"
  1120. [2015-05-21 01:12:16] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "Bagaimana?" @Lyta_LV dan Khierve
  1121. [2015-05-21 01:12:49] <Lyta_LV> *balik ke nenek sambil malu2
  1122. [2015-05-21 01:13:01] <Khierve> 10*masih berdiri di sebelah elisa*
  1123. [2015-05-21 01:13:21] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "Bagaimana Lyta_LV ?"
  1124. [2015-05-21 01:13:31] <Lyta_LV> "Mereka hanya terdiam memandangku..." *blush
  1125. [2015-05-21 01:14:37] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E *smile*
  1126. [2015-05-21 01:14:44] <Lyta_LV> "Sesungguhnya, ramuan apa ini?"
  1127. [2015-05-21 01:14:52] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "Ramuan rahasia desa kami"
  1128. [2015-05-21 01:15:04] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "Bagaiman kalau kalian bantu para biro jodoh?"
  1129. [2015-05-21 01:15:11] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "Sekarang lebih mudah dengan ramuan:
  1130. [2015-05-21 01:15:28] <Khierve> 10".. well, alright,"
  1131. [2015-05-21 01:15:32] <Jhon> !roll 1d20+5
  1132. [2015-05-21 01:15:32] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+5? Jhon [7] + 5 = 12"
  1133. [2015-05-21 01:16:17] <Lyta_LV> "Baiklah.." *bow pamit, lalu ke boiro jodoh
  1134. [2015-05-21 01:16:27] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E *tersenyum*
  1135. [2015-05-21 01:16:31] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E "hati2"
  1136. [2015-05-21 01:16:37] <Khierve> 10A bow,
  1137. [2015-05-21 01:16:42] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E *tersenyum
  1138. [2015-05-21 01:16:45] <_Gabisa_Main> 3E *bow*
  1139. [2015-05-21 01:16:55] <Lyta_LV> (biro jodoh maksudnya)
  1140. [2015-05-21 01:16:58] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> !roll 1d0
  1141. [2015-05-21 01:16:58] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? ArtheiaPenYDdraig [1] = 1"
  1142. [2015-05-21 01:17:31] <_Gabisa_Main> 3#ruangbirojodoh
  1143. [2015-05-21 01:19:51] <Forte_A> !roll 2d20
  1144. [2015-05-21 01:19:51] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d20? Forte_A [18+6=24] = 24"
  1145. [2015-05-21 01:20:20] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> !roll 1d0
  1146. [2015-05-21 01:20:21] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? ArtheiaPenYDdraig [1] = 1"
  1147. [2015-05-21 01:26:24] <Khierve> !roll 1d20+6
  1148. [2015-05-21 01:26:24] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+6? Khierve [20] + 6 = 26"
  1149. [2015-05-21 01:26:27] <Forte_A> !roll 1d20+3
  1150. [2015-05-21 01:26:27] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+3? Forte_A [13] + 3 = 16"
  1151. [2015-05-21 01:26:49] <_Gabisa_Main> 3--- Kalian melihat orang - orang sudah mulai beristirahat Jhon dan Usbi_Montana --
  1152. [2015-05-21 01:27:24] <Usbi_Montana> 12"I guess the preparation is complete, eh?"
  1153. [2015-05-21 01:27:52] <Jhon> 7(di pohon masih ada kayla?)
  1154. [2015-05-21 01:28:10] <Jhon> 7"setidaknya sudah 80% beres"
  1155. [2015-05-21 01:28:31] <Usbi_Montana> 12"mancabut rumput beres?"
  1156. [2015-05-21 01:28:41] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Kayla sudah main entah kemana Jhon --
  1157. [2015-05-21 01:29:02] <Jhon> 7"it was a piece of cake :)"
  1158. [2015-05-21 01:29:22] <Khierve> !roll 1d20+6
  1159. [2015-05-21 01:29:22] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+6? Khierve [16] + 6 = 22"
  1160. [2015-05-21 01:29:26] <Jhon> 7*tanya ke orang2 kayla dimana
  1161. [2015-05-21 01:30:32] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Kamu mengetahui kayla ke suatu tempat dekat hutan Jhon --
  1162. [2015-05-21 01:32:06] <Jhon> 7*cari kayla
  1163. [2015-05-21 01:32:11] <Jhon> 7"aku mau ke kayla"
  1164. [2015-05-21 01:32:17] <Jhon> 7"mau ikut?"
  1165. [2015-05-21 01:32:19] <Jhon> 7@usbi
  1166. [2015-05-21 01:32:37] <Usbi_Montana> 12"not like I got any else to do"
  1167. [2015-05-21 01:32:43] <Usbi_Montana> 12*ikut Jhon*
  1168. [2015-05-21 01:32:50] <Usbi_Montana> 12"anyway"
  1169. [2015-05-21 01:33:21] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Kalian berjalan menuju hutan? --
  1170. [2015-05-21 01:33:51] <Jhon> 7"yo"
  1171. [2015-05-21 01:33:59] <Usbi_Montana> 12(yup)
  1172. [2015-05-21 01:34:23] <Jhon> 7(yo)
  1173. [2015-05-21 01:35:05] <Usbi_Montana> 12"Still, the demon back then"
  1174. [2015-05-21 01:35:17] <Usbi_Montana> 12"I feel like they could come back anytime now"
  1175. [2015-05-21 01:35:29] <Forte_A> !roll 1d20+3
  1176. [2015-05-21 01:35:29] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+3? Forte_A [2] + 3 = 5"
  1177. [2015-05-21 01:35:44] <Jhon> 7"well,. klau itu terjadi,.."
  1178. [2015-05-21 01:35:52] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Kalian berjalan melewati desa ini --
  1179. [2015-05-21 01:35:55] <_Gabisa_Main> 3|_Piano_Cover
  1180. [2015-05-21 01:35:58] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Ganti lagu --
  1181. [2015-05-21 01:36:01] <Jhon> 7"kita siap menghentikan mereka kan?"
  1182. [2015-05-21 01:36:18] <Usbi_Montana> 12"yep"
  1183. [2015-05-21 01:36:25] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> !roll 1d0
  1184. [2015-05-21 01:36:25] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? ArtheiaPenYDdraig [0] = 0"
  1185. [2015-05-21 01:36:39] <Usbi_Montana> 12"I always prep special arrows after then"
  1186. [2015-05-21 01:37:21] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Kalian melewati gubuk - gubuk kecil --
  1187. [2015-05-21 01:37:27] <Jhon> 7"anti-demon arrow?"
  1188. [2015-05-21 01:37:36] <Jhon> 7"sounds cool"
  1189. [2015-05-21 01:37:37] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Silakan roll survival kalian --
  1190. [2015-05-21 01:37:56] <Usbi_Montana> 12!roll 1d20+9
  1191. [2015-05-21 01:37:56] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+9? Usbi_Montana [14] + 9 = 23"
  1192. [2015-05-21 01:38:11] <Usbi_Montana> 12"i know, right" *tunjukin cold-iron arrow*
  1193. [2015-05-21 01:38:18] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> !roll 1d0
  1194. [2015-05-21 01:38:18] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? ArtheiaPenYDdraig [1] = 1"
  1195. [2015-05-21 01:38:24] <Jhon> !roll 1d20+2
  1196. [2015-05-21 01:38:24] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+2? Jhon [7] + 2 = 9"
  1197. [2015-05-21 01:39:16] <Usbi_Montana> 12(survival 23)
  1198. [2015-05-21 01:39:30] <Jhon> 7survival 9)
  1199. [2015-05-21 01:39:36] <Jhon> 7"wait,."
  1200. [2015-05-21 01:39:43] <Jhon> 7"i'm a half devil"
  1201. [2015-05-21 01:39:52] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Usbi kamu tahu kayla kemana, namun kamu menemukan.. seperti... jalan rahasia...--
  1202. [2015-05-21 01:40:05] <Jhon> 7"does'nt that mean,.. that arrow is dangerous for me??"
  1203. [2015-05-21 01:40:10] <Jhon> 7*agak menjauh
  1204. [2015-05-21 01:40:44] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> !roll 1d0
  1205. [2015-05-21 01:40:44] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? ArtheiaPenYDdraig [0] = 0"
  1206. [2015-05-21 01:41:08] <Forte_A> !roll 1d20+3
  1207. [2015-05-21 01:41:08] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+3? Forte_A [3] + 3 = 6"
  1208. [2015-05-21 01:42:28] <Usbi_Montana> 12"devil, or demon?"
  1209. [2015-05-21 01:42:38] <Usbi_Montana> 12*puter arrow kayak muter bolpen*
  1210. [2015-05-21 01:42:50] <Usbi_Montana> 12"those are two different things"
  1211. [2015-05-21 01:43:27] <Forte_A> !roll 1d20+3
  1212. [2015-05-21 01:43:28] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+3? Forte_A [18] + 3 = 21"
  1213. [2015-05-21 01:43:35] <Jhon> 7"bukannya mereka ssasa saja?"
  1214. [2015-05-21 01:43:50] <Jhon> 7*Sama
  1215. [2015-05-21 01:43:58] <Usbi_Montana> 12"why dont you find out? Catch" *kasih lempar panah ke Jhon*
  1216. [2015-05-21 01:44:28] <Jhon> 7"WHAT THE-"
  1217. [2015-05-21 01:44:31] * Lyta_LV is now known as _Daikaze
  1218. [2015-05-21 01:44:42] * _DaikaSan is now known as Lyta_LV
  1219. [2015-05-21 01:45:11] <Jhon> 7*menghindar
  1220. [2015-05-21 01:45:18] <Usbi_Montana> 12"Boo"
  1221. [2015-05-21 01:45:35] <Usbi_Montana> 12(btw jhon bertanduk?)
  1222. [2015-05-21 01:45:43] <Jhon> 7"NEVER TRY THAT AGAIN" *panik
  1223. [2015-05-21 01:45:47] <Jhon> 7(yup)
  1224. [2015-05-21 01:46:14] <Usbi_Montana> 12"you sure you're not half-chicken instead?"
  1225. [2015-05-21 01:46:32] <Usbi_Montana> 12*picks-up arrow*
  1226. [2015-05-21 01:46:39] <Jhon> 7"...."
  1227. [2015-05-21 01:46:50] <Usbi_Montana> 12"that aside, I think I know where that girl went"
  1228. [2015-05-21 01:46:51] <Jhon> 7"GIVE ME THAT ARROW"
  1229. [2015-05-21 01:46:58] <Jhon> 7*ambil
  1230. [2015-05-21 01:47:00] <Usbi_Montana> 12"Ooh?"
  1231. [2015-05-21 01:47:05] <Usbi_Montana> 12*kasih*
  1232. [2015-05-21 01:47:41] <Jhon> 7*dengan perlahan2
  1233. [2015-05-21 01:47:57] <Jhon> 7*majukan jari mendekati arrow
  1234. [2015-05-21 01:48:06] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> !roll 1d0
  1235. [2015-05-21 01:48:06] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? ArtheiaPenYDdraig [0] = 0"
  1236. [2015-05-21 01:48:10] <Jhon> 7*ketika nyaris nyentuh
  1237. [2015-05-21 01:48:24] <Jhon> 7"On second tought.."
  1238. [2015-05-21 01:48:31] <Jhon> 7"biar kucoba ini nanti di rumah
  1239. [2015-05-21 01:48:34] <Usbi_Montana> 12"BOO!"
  1240. [2015-05-21 01:48:36] <Jhon> 7*di guild
  1241. [2015-05-21 01:48:39] <Usbi_Montana> 12*lempar arrow*
  1242. [2015-05-21 01:48:46] <Jhon> 7*simpen di tas
  1243. [2015-05-21 01:48:50] <Jhon> 7*menghindar!
  1244. [2015-05-21 01:49:15] <Usbi_Montana> 12*ngakak*
  1245. [2015-05-21 01:49:37] <Usbi_Montana> 12"bahaha.. oh.. ah okey.. "
  1246. [2015-05-21 01:49:43] <Jhon> 7"lupakan panahnya"
  1247. [2015-05-21 01:49:46] <Jhon> 7*kesel
  1248. [2015-05-21 01:49:49] <Usbi_Montana> 12*megang perut*
  1249. [2015-05-21 01:49:55] <Jhon> 7"tadi ada apa soal kayla?"
  1250. [2015-05-21 01:50:12] <Usbi_Montana> 12"wait wait.. "
  1251. [2015-05-21 01:50:22] <Usbi_Montana> 12*sakit perut ketawa*
  1252. [2015-05-21 01:50:49] <Usbi_Montana> 12"ok, ok. sorry."
  1253. [2015-05-21 01:51:07] <Jhon> 7-_-
  1254. [2015-05-21 01:51:20] → Julianne_Wulf joined (cgiirc@E1AEA670.BC43C999.E4D01511.IP)
  1255. [2015-05-21 01:51:22] <Usbi_Montana> 12"look there" *tunjuk jalan rahasia*
  1256. [2015-05-21 01:51:58] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Julianne_Wulf, kamu berada di bawah pohon besar tempat festival, sedang tertidur --
  1257. [2015-05-21 01:51:58] <Jhon> 7"hm?"
  1258. [2015-05-21 01:52:09] <Usbi_Montana> 12*simpen arrow dulu*
  1259. [2015-05-21 01:52:25] <Usbi_Montana> 12"looks like a secret passage"
  1260. [2015-05-21 01:52:41] <Jhon> 7"really?"
  1261. [2015-05-21 01:52:44] <Jhon> 7*coba masuk
  1262. [2015-05-21 01:52:53] <Usbi_Montana> 12*masuk juga*
  1263. [2015-05-21 01:53:08] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Ada tulisan bahasa Abyssal --
  1264. [2015-05-21 01:53:12] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Mengerti? --
  1265. [2015-05-21 01:53:21] <Usbi_Montana> 12-- tidak --
  1266. [2015-05-21 01:53:41] <Jhon> 7-- nope --
  1267. [2015-05-21 01:56:54] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- survival then --
  1268. [2015-05-21 01:58:15] <Jhon> !roll 1d20+2
  1269. [2015-05-21 01:58:15] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+2? Jhon [13] + 2 = 15"
  1270. [2015-05-21 01:58:25] <Usbi_Montana> 12!roll 1d20+9
  1271. [2015-05-21 01:58:25] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+9? Usbi_Montana [18] + 9 = 27"
  1272. [2015-05-21 02:01:26] <Usbi_Montana> 12(27 survival)
  1273. [2015-05-21 02:01:32] <Jhon> 7(15)
  1274. [2015-05-21 02:02:11] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Usbi, kamu menemukan.. --
  1275. [2015-05-21 02:02:19] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Batu yang bisa di geser --
  1276. [2015-05-21 02:02:46] <Forte_A> !roll 1d20+3
  1277. [2015-05-21 02:02:46] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+3? Forte_A [17] + 3 = 20"
  1278. [2015-05-21 02:03:33] <Usbi_Montana> 12*geser*
  1279. [2015-05-21 02:04:09] <Jhon> 7"wut,.. How could you found all of this secret passage..."
  1280. [2015-05-21 02:04:14] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> !roll 1d0
  1281. [2015-05-21 02:04:14] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? ArtheiaPenYDdraig [1] = 1"
  1282. [2015-05-21 02:04:23] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Masuk? --
  1283. [2015-05-21 02:04:34] <Usbi_Montana> 12"would you believe if I said.."
  1284. [2015-05-21 02:04:39] <Usbi_Montana> 12"because Im a dwarf?"
  1285. [2015-05-21 02:04:56] <Usbi_Montana> 12*masuk*
  1286. [2015-05-21 02:05:24] <Jhon> 7"I'll believe it.... for now"
  1287. [2015-05-21 02:05:27] <Jhon> 7*masuk
  1288. [2015-05-21 02:07:38] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- kalian masuk ke goa..--
  1289. [2015-05-21 02:07:55] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- goa itu bertuliskan bahasa yang tidak kalian kenal --
  1290. [2015-05-21 02:09:21] <Jhon> 7"ini seperti saat kita masuk ke gua dengan succubus dan incubus itu,.."
  1291. [2015-05-21 02:09:31] <Jhon> 7(ada penerangan?)
  1292. [2015-05-21 02:10:14] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Tidak ada penerangan, seluruhnya gelao --
  1293. [2015-05-21 02:10:15] <Usbi_Montana> 12"yea. the writings on the wall felt similar"
  1294. [2015-05-21 02:10:19] <Usbi_Montana> 12*darkvision*
  1295. [2015-05-21 02:11:11] <Jhon> 7*darkvision*
  1296. [2015-05-21 02:11:45] <Jhon> 7*masuk lbh dalam ke gua
  1297. [2015-05-21 02:11:50] <Usbi_Montana> 12( darkvision ftw )
  1298. [2015-05-21 02:12:01] <Usbi_Montana> 12*menjelajah juga*
  1299. [2015-05-21 02:12:40] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- terdapat pertigaan, kanan or kiri? --
  1300. [2015-05-21 02:13:19] <Jhon> 7(knowledge dungeoneering?)
  1301. [2015-05-21 02:13:29] <Usbi_Montana> 12(perception?)
  1302. [2015-05-21 02:15:17] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- manapun --
  1303. [2015-05-21 02:15:26] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- dungeoneering or percept --
  1304. [2015-05-21 02:15:33] <Usbi_Montana> 12!roll 1d20+10
  1305. [2015-05-21 02:15:33] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+10? Usbi_Montana [18] + 10 = 28"
  1306. [2015-05-21 02:15:38] <Usbi_Montana> 12(percept 28)
  1307. [2015-05-21 02:15:44] <Jhon> !roll 1d20+8
  1308. [2015-05-21 02:15:44] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+8? Jhon [4] + 8 = 12"
  1309. [2015-05-21 02:15:53] <Jhon> 7dungeoneering 12)
  1310. [2015-05-21 02:16:02] <Jhon> 7ada apa dengan semua roll ini.,.)
  1311. [2015-05-21 02:16:53] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Usbi, kamu melihat jalan ke kanan buntu --
  1312. [2015-05-21 02:18:00] <Usbi_Montana> 12*ke kanan*
  1313. [2015-05-21 02:18:14] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Usbi berjalan ke kanan --
  1314. [2015-05-21 02:18:22] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Ternyata memang jalan buntu.. --
  1315. [2015-05-21 02:18:33] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Kecuali.. Roll Dungeoneering --
  1316. [2015-05-21 02:18:49] <Jhon> 7(roll lagi?)
  1317. [2015-05-21 02:18:54] <Jhon> 7*Jhon ikut usbi
  1318. [2015-05-21 02:19:06] <Usbi_Montana> 12"Looks like a dead end"
  1319. [2015-05-21 02:19:35] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Btw stop song --
  1320. [2015-05-21 02:19:43] <_Gabisa_Main> 3--Roll lagi kalo mau cek jalan buntu --
  1321. [2015-05-21 02:19:49] <Jhon> !roll 1d20+8
  1322. [2015-05-21 02:19:50] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+8? Jhon [4] + 8 = 12"
  1323. [2015-05-21 02:19:55] <Jhon> 7(ORZ)
  1324. [2015-05-21 02:20:03] <Jhon> 712 cek jalan buntu)
  1325. [2015-05-21 02:20:09] <Jhon> 7"hmmm"
  1326. [2015-05-21 02:20:11] <Usbi_Montana> 12(wkwk roll 4 lagi)
  1327. [2015-05-21 02:20:17] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Itu memang jalan buntu Jhon --
  1328. [2015-05-21 02:21:01] <Jhon> 7"i guess so"
  1329. [2015-05-21 02:21:05] <Khierve> !roll 1d20+3
  1330. [2015-05-21 02:21:06] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+3? Khierve [20] + 3 = 23"
  1331. [2015-05-21 02:21:14] <Jhon> 7"let's go to the other one"
  1332. [2015-05-21 02:21:29] <Jhon> 7*balik lagi
  1333. [2015-05-21 02:21:42] <Usbi_Montana> 12"k"
  1334. [2015-05-21 02:21:50] <Usbi_Montana> 12*balik, trus ke jalan satunya*
  1335. [2015-05-21 02:26:34] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Kalian ke jalan satuya --
  1336. [2015-05-21 02:28:28] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Maaf, Game akan di Paus 10 menit --
  1337. [2015-05-21 02:28:39] <_Gabisa_Main> 3-- Saya menuju kosan viktor --
  1338. [2015-05-21 02:31:55] ⇐ Julianne_Wulf quit (cgiirc@E1AEA670.BC43C999.E4D01511.IP): Quit: ajax IRC Client
  1339. [2015-05-21 02:34:03] ⇐ _Gabisa_Main quit (cgiirc@49ACB1B8.E1414CAD.DAC9999A.IP): Quit: ajax IRC Client
  1340. [2015-05-21 02:45:58] → _Gabisa_main joined (cgiirc@7F236412.E1414CAD.DAC9999A.IP)
  1341. [2015-05-21 02:46:29] <_Gabisa_main> 3--- Ready? ---
  1342. [2015-05-21 02:46:55] <Usbi_Montana> 12[rede]
  1343. [2015-05-21 02:47:02] <_Gabisa_main> 3
  1344. [2015-05-21 02:47:58] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Kalian pergi ke ruang satunya --
  1345. [2015-05-21 02:48:06] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Usbi_Montana dan Jhon --
  1346. [2015-05-21 02:48:10] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Roll reflex ! --
  1347. [2015-05-21 02:48:57] <Usbi_Montana> 12!roll 1d20
  1348. [2015-05-21 02:48:57] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? Usbi_Montana [19] = 19"
  1349. [2015-05-21 02:49:15] <_Gabisa_main> 3Jhon: ?
  1350. [2015-05-21 02:49:16] <Forte_A> !roll 1d0
  1351. [2015-05-21 02:49:16] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? Forte_A [0] = 0"
  1352. [2015-05-21 02:50:09] <Forte_A> !roll 1d20+16
  1353. [2015-05-21 02:50:09] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+16? Forte_A [12] + 16 = 28"
  1354. [2015-05-21 02:50:13] <Khierve> !roll 1d20+6
  1355. [2015-05-21 02:50:13] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+6? Khierve [8] + 6 = 14"
  1356. [2015-05-21 02:50:17] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> !roll 1d0
  1357. [2015-05-21 02:50:17] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? ArtheiaPenYDdraig [1] = 1"
  1358. [2015-05-21 02:50:26] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> !roll 1d20
  1359. [2015-05-21 02:50:26] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? ArtheiaPenYDdraig [9] = 9"
  1360. [2015-05-21 02:50:44] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> !roll 1d0
  1361. [2015-05-21 02:50:45] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? ArtheiaPenYDdraig [0] = 0"
  1362. [2015-05-21 02:51:06] <Khierve> !roll 20+3
  1363. [2015-05-21 02:51:06] <_O_Ox> "おろ、 Khierve?" 090420+314(最初は xdx にすることでござる).
  1364. [2015-05-21 02:51:11] <Khierve> !roll 1d20+3
  1365. [2015-05-21 02:51:11] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+3? Khierve [10] + 3 = 13"
  1366. [2015-05-21 02:52:23] <_Gabisa_main> 3Jhon:
  1367. [2015-05-21 02:52:25] <_Gabisa_main> 3Jhon:
  1368. [2015-05-21 02:57:43] <_Gabisa_main> 3--- Usbi_Montana --
  1369. [2015-05-21 02:57:52] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Kamu berjalan ke kiri... ---
  1370. [2015-05-21 02:58:01] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Dan berhasil melewati jebakan ---
  1371. [2015-05-21 02:58:12] <Khierve> !roll 1d20+3
  1372. [2015-05-21 02:58:12] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+3? Khierve [6] + 3 = 9"
  1373. [2015-05-21 02:58:17] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Ternyata goa masih panjang, lanjut? --
  1374. [2015-05-21 02:58:58] <Forte_A> !roll 1d20+16
  1375. [2015-05-21 02:58:58] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+16? Forte_A [1] + 16 = 17"
  1376. [2015-05-21 03:00:10] <Usbi_Montana> 12*stealthing*
  1377. [2015-05-21 03:00:14] <Usbi_Montana> 12*then continue exploring
  1378. [2015-05-21 03:00:26] <Usbi_Montana> 12!roll 1d20+9
  1379. [2015-05-21 03:00:26] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+9? Usbi_Montana [2] + 9 = 11"
  1380. [2015-05-21 03:00:43] <_Gabisa_main> 3--Kau bersatu dengan kegelapan Usbi_Montana --
  1381. [2015-05-21 03:00:48] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Kulitmu maksudnya --
  1382. [2015-05-21 03:01:19] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Kamu terus berjalan hingga.... ---
  1383. [2015-05-21 03:01:37] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Didepanmu ada pintu gerbang besar --
  1384. [2015-05-21 03:02:07] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- dan goa sekamkin dalam semakin besar --
  1385. [2015-05-21 03:03:34] <Usbi_Montana> 12*coba nguping*
  1386. [2015-05-21 03:03:45] <_Gabisa_main> 3--- Roll percept --
  1387. [2015-05-21 03:03:54] <Usbi_Montana> 12!roll 1d20+10
  1388. [2015-05-21 03:03:54] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+10? Usbi_Montana [13] + 10 = 23"
  1389. [2015-05-21 03:04:07] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Kamu.. tidak mendengar apapun ---
  1390. [2015-05-21 03:04:48] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Pintu tersebut besar dan berukirkan gambar dan tulisan yang tidak kamu kenali --
  1391. [2015-05-21 03:05:15] <Usbi_Montana> 12*perhatikan gambar*
  1392. [2015-05-21 03:05:32] <Usbi_Montana> 12*simpen di ingatan*
  1393. [2015-05-21 03:05:34] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Terlihat gambar.. pedangg... ---
  1394. [2015-05-21 03:05:34] <Usbi_Montana> 12*balik*
  1395. [2015-05-21 03:05:58] <Usbi_Montana> 12*gambar pedang?*
  1396. [2015-05-21 03:06:02] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> !roll 1d0
  1397. [2015-05-21 03:06:03] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? ArtheiaPenYDdraig [0] = 0"
  1398. [2015-05-21 03:06:16] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Kamu kembali ke? ---
  1399. [2015-05-21 03:06:55] <Usbi_Montana> 12*ke.. rumah E*
  1400. [2015-05-21 03:07:09] <Usbi_Montana> 12*oh tandain dulu entrancenya*
  1401. [2015-05-21 03:07:22] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Kamu hapal entrancenya Usbi_Montana ---
  1402. [2015-05-21 03:07:40] <_Gabisa_main> 3--- Kamu kembali menuju rumah Elisa ---
  1403. [2015-05-21 03:07:47] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Namun ternyata disana tidak ada orang ---
  1404. [2015-05-21 03:07:59] <_Gabisa_main> 3---|_Piano_Cover ---
  1405. [2015-05-21 03:08:15] <Usbi_Montana> 12"huh?"
  1406. [2015-05-21 03:08:21] <Usbi_Montana> 12*lurking around village*
  1407. [2015-05-21 03:09:03] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Setelah kamu berjalan2, ternyata mereka semua kumpul di dekat pohon besar --
  1408. [2015-05-21 03:09:59] <Usbi_Montana> 12*ikutan*
  1409. [2015-05-21 03:11:50] <Usbi_Montana> 12*ke kumpulan*
  1410. [2015-05-21 03:11:55] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Mereka sedang bersendau gurau satu sama lain Usbi_Montana --
  1411. [2015-05-21 03:12:06] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Ada yang makan, ada yang minum, ada yang bermain catur --
  1412. [2015-05-21 03:12:26] <Forte_A> !roll 1d20+16
  1413. [2015-05-21 03:12:27] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+16? Forte_A [3] + 16 = 19"
  1414. [2015-05-21 03:12:36] <Usbi_Montana> 12*ikutan main catur*
  1415. [2015-05-21 03:13:37] <Forte_A> !roll 1d20+3
  1416. [2015-05-21 03:13:38] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+3? Forte_A [15] + 3 = 18"
  1417. [2015-05-21 03:15:21] <Forte_A> !roll 1d20+16
  1418. [2015-05-21 03:15:21] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+16? Forte_A [10] + 16 = 26"
  1419. [2015-05-21 03:22:59] <Lyta_LV> !roll 1d20
  1420. [2015-05-21 03:22:59] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? Lyta_LV [8] = 8"
  1421. [2015-05-21 03:24:17] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> !roll 1d20
  1422. [2015-05-21 03:24:17] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? ArtheiaPenYDdraig [16] = 16"
  1423. [2015-05-21 03:24:22] <Forte_A> !roll 1d20+7
  1424. [2015-05-21 03:24:22] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+7? Forte_A [11] + 7 = 18"
  1425. [2015-05-21 03:24:29] <Khierve> !roll 1d20+5
  1426. [2015-05-21 03:24:29] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+5? Khierve [18] + 5 = 23"
  1427. [2015-05-21 03:24:35] <Lyta_LV> !roll 1d20
  1428. [2015-05-21 03:24:35] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? Lyta_LV [11] = 11"
  1429. [2015-05-21 03:27:06] ⇐ Lyta_LV quit ( Quit: ajax IRC Client
  1430. [2015-05-21 03:27:36] * _Daikaze is now known as Lyta_LV
  1431. [2015-05-21 03:32:40] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> !roll 1d0
  1432. [2015-05-21 03:32:40] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? ArtheiaPenYDdraig [1] = 1"
  1433. [2015-05-21 03:34:04] ⇐ Usbi_Montana quit (~Bakut@7F236412.E1414CAD.DAC9999A.IP): Ping timeout: 240 seconds
  1434. [2015-05-21 03:34:27] → Usbi_Montana joined (~Bakut@7F236412.E1414CAD.DAC9999A.IP)
  1435. [2015-05-21 03:34:41] <Forte_A> !roll 1d20+16
  1436. [2015-05-21 03:34:41] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+16? Forte_A [3] + 16 = 19"
  1437. [2015-05-21 03:35:51] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> !roll 1d0
  1438. [2015-05-21 03:35:51] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? ArtheiaPenYDdraig [1] = 1"
  1439. [2015-05-21 03:38:54] <Forte_A> !roll 1d20+16
  1440. [2015-05-21 03:38:54] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+16? Forte_A [2] + 16 = 18"
  1441. [2015-05-21 03:41:26] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Change the song --
  1442. [2015-05-21 03:41:54] <_Gabisa_main> 3
  1443. [2015-05-21 03:42:37] <_Gabisa_main> 3------------------------------------------------------------------
  1444. [2015-05-21 03:42:56] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Kalian melihat orang - orang desa berkumpul di dekat pohon besar --
  1445. [2015-05-21 03:43:32] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Mereka berbahagia bersenda gurau --
  1446. [2015-05-21 03:43:40] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Kalian melihat usbi bermain catur disana --
  1447. [2015-05-21 03:43:46] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  1448. [2015-05-21 03:43:46] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- dan tiba - tiba --
  1449. [2015-05-21 03:43:58] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Datang daging yang banyak! --
  1450. [2015-05-21 03:44:06] <Forte_A> 5"!"
  1451. [2015-05-21 03:44:10] <Forte_A> 5"wha?"
  1452. [2015-05-21 03:44:10] <Khierve> 10"..?"
  1453. [2015-05-21 03:44:12] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Daging panggang yang baunya menyerap ke hidung kalian --
  1454. [2015-05-21 03:44:20] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"...huh?"
  1455. [2015-05-21 03:44:22] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Daging dibawakan oleh chef dari desa itu --
  1456. [2015-05-21 03:44:33] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  1457. [2015-05-21 03:44:35] <Lyta_LV> !roll 1d20
  1458. [2015-05-21 03:44:35] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? Lyta_LV [18] = 18"
  1459. [2015-05-21 03:44:41] <Forte_A> 5(baunya lebih kuat dari bau parfum?)
  1460. [2015-05-21 03:45:06] <Lyta_LV> "Kelihatannya menggiurkan..."
  1461. [2015-05-21 03:45:35] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Lebih kuat parfum --
  1462. [2015-05-21 03:45:39] <Khierve> 10berarti td C boong kan? ))
  1463. [2015-05-21 03:45:42] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Namun barunya begitu nikmat --
  1464. [2015-05-21 03:45:44] <Forte_A> 5(F)
  1465. [2015-05-21 03:45:58] <_Gabisa_main> 3(F?)
  1466. [2015-05-21 03:46:04] <Forte_A> 5(F U)
  1467. [2015-05-21 03:46:16] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> !roll 1d0
  1468. [2015-05-21 03:46:16] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? ArtheiaPenYDdraig [1] = 1"
  1469. [2015-05-21 03:46:27] <Usbi_Montana> 12*main catur dengan santai*
  1470. [2015-05-21 03:46:29] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- C tidakbohong, dia hanya merasa A memang tidak mau dengannya --
  1471. [2015-05-21 03:46:33] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"I think it has been a while since the last time I see this kind of view"
  1472. [2015-05-21 03:46:48] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  1473. [2015-05-21 03:47:04] <Khierve> 10@Artheia "I felt the same the first time I was here,"
  1474. [2015-05-21 03:47:12] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Hari sudah semakin malam tanpa kalian sadari --
  1475. [2015-05-21 03:47:14] → _Daikaze joined (
  1476. [2015-05-21 03:47:15] <Khierve> 10"Even in this kind of world,"
  1477. [2015-05-21 03:47:23] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Dan kalian sudah lelah berjalan - jalan seharian --
  1478. [2015-05-21 03:47:36] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Usbi_Montana, roll int dan wis --
  1479. [2015-05-21 03:47:44] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Indeed"
  1480. [2015-05-21 03:47:45] <Forte_A> 5*sigh*
  1481. [2015-05-21 03:47:45] <Usbi_Montana> 12!roll 2d20
  1482. [2015-05-21 03:47:46] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d20? Usbi_Montana [8+11=19] = 19"
  1483. [2015-05-21 03:47:49] <Khierve> 10...kl nginep lagi mandi deh. gawat ))
  1484. [2015-05-21 03:47:54] <Usbi_Montana> 12{9,15}
  1485. [2015-05-21 03:47:58] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14*looking at the moon*
  1486. [2015-05-21 03:48:03] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14(kalau ada)
  1487. [2015-05-21 03:48:06] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Kamu memenangkan permainan catur --
  1488. [2015-05-21 03:48:16] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Dan kamu sadar ada daging gratis di dekatmu --
  1489. [2015-05-21 03:48:24] <Forte_A> 5"i suppose everyone needs a little break"
  1490. [2015-05-21 03:48:33] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  1491. [2015-05-21 03:48:33] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Tiba - tiba .... --
  1492. [2015-05-21 03:48:38] <Usbi_Montana> 12"man, you underestimated dwarven's chess proficiency"
  1493. [2015-05-21 03:48:42] <Usbi_Montana> 12"Hahahahah"
  1494. [2015-05-21 03:48:49] <_Gabisa_main> 3S "No, you are just lucky man"
  1495. [2015-05-21 03:48:52] <_Gabisa_main> 3@Usbi_Montana
  1496. [2015-05-21 03:49:27] <Usbi_Montana> 12"Yea, yea. Oh, do you smell that?"
  1497. [2015-05-21 03:49:34] <_Gabisa_main> 3S
  1498. [2015-05-21 03:49:39] <_Gabisa_main> 3S "What?"
  1499. [2015-05-21 03:49:52] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- E menghampiri ArtheiaPenYDdraig dkk --
  1500. [2015-05-21 03:49:58] <Usbi_Montana> 12"roasted beef. Mmmh"
  1501. [2015-05-21 03:50:07] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- E membawa talenan berisi teh hangat --
  1502. [2015-05-21 03:50:10] ⇐ Lyta_LV quit ( Ping timeout: 240 seconds
  1503. [2015-05-21 03:50:10] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  1504. [2015-05-21 03:50:13] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> !roll 1d0
  1505. [2015-05-21 03:50:13] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? ArtheiaPenYDdraig [0] = 0"
  1506. [2015-05-21 03:50:16] <_Gabisa_main> 3E "Welcome back"
  1507. [2015-05-21 03:50:16] <Khierve> 10"Elder,"
  1508. [2015-05-21 03:50:20] <_Gabisa_main> 3E *smile*
  1509. [2015-05-21 03:50:21] <Usbi_Montana> 12"Later, dawg" *ngambil makan*
  1510. [2015-05-21 03:50:23] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"..." *masih melihat ke arah bulan*
  1511. [2015-05-21 03:50:57] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"...huh? Ah, I apologise I did not realise your arrival, ma'am"
  1512. [2015-05-21 03:51:10] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14@E
  1513. [2015-05-21 03:51:13] <_Daikaze> *bow
  1514. [2015-05-21 03:51:36] <Forte_A> 5"miss elisa" *smile*
  1515. [2015-05-21 03:51:37] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Bulan sudah 3/4 ArtheiaPenYDdraig ---
  1516. [2015-05-21 03:51:51] * _Daikaze is now known as Lyta_LV
  1517. [2015-05-21 03:52:00] <_Gabisa_main> 3E "Setelah ini silakan istirahat di guest house kami"
  1518. [2015-05-21 03:52:05] <Usbi_Montana> 12*maem daging*
  1519. [2015-05-21 03:52:13] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Oh?"
  1520. [2015-05-21 03:52:15] <Khierve> 10"...The last one?"
  1521. [2015-05-21 03:52:18] <Khierve> 10@E
  1522. [2015-05-21 03:52:36] <Khierve> 10*picks up a cup of tea*
  1523. [2015-05-21 03:52:49] <Forte_A> 5"no.... that's fine, we'll rest at the inn" *smile*
  1524. [2015-05-21 03:53:06] <_Gabisa_main> 3
  1525. [2015-05-21 03:53:08] <Khierve> 10@Forte "I don't think there's an Inn."
  1526. [2015-05-21 03:53:16] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Keadaan desa, tapi bulang 3/4 --
  1527. [2015-05-21 03:53:18] <Forte_A> 5"?"
  1528. [2015-05-21 03:53:24] <Forte_A> 5"there... isn't?"
  1529. [2015-05-21 03:53:28] <Forte_A> 5"such a shame"
  1530. [2015-05-21 03:53:30] <Khierve> 10the voice of someone who is resigned to her fate.
  1531. [2015-05-21 03:53:38] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Usbi_Montana, daging tersebut sangatlah enak --
  1532. [2015-05-21 03:53:39] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"...?"
  1533. [2015-05-21 03:53:41] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> !roll 1d0
  1534. [2015-05-21 03:53:41] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? ArtheiaPenYDdraig [0] = 0"
  1535. [2015-05-21 03:53:43] <Forte_A> 5"the village could attract many tourists" *smile*
  1536. [2015-05-21 03:53:56] <_Gabisa_main> 3E "ya, guest house kemarin"
  1537. [2015-05-21 03:54:19] <Usbi_Montana> 12(can I see the others?)
  1538. [2015-05-21 03:54:20] <Khierve> 10"...Elder, how long will the perfume will be active?"
  1539. [2015-05-21 03:54:21] <_Gabisa_main> 3E "maaf, tetapi kami tidak mencari keuntungan, kami hanya ingin desa ini tentram"
  1540. [2015-05-21 03:54:25] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- ya Usbi_Montana --
  1541. [2015-05-21 03:54:34] <Forte_A> 5"i see" *smile*
  1542. [2015-05-21 03:54:36] <_Gabisa_main> 3E "Hanya sehari ini Khierve "
  1543. [2015-05-21 03:54:37] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"I see"
  1544. [2015-05-21 03:54:38] <Khierve> 10*-will ))
  1545. [2015-05-21 03:54:51] <Forte_A> 5*phew*
  1546. [2015-05-21 03:54:51] <Khierve> 10"including tonight?"
  1547. [2015-05-21 03:55:02] <_Gabisa_main> 3E "Iya, ada masalah? "
  1548. [2015-05-21 03:55:06] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  1549. [2015-05-21 03:55:07] <Khierve> 10"....."
  1550. [2015-05-21 03:55:10] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"?"
  1551. [2015-05-21 03:55:24] <Forte_A> 5"i guess..."
  1552. [2015-05-21 03:55:31] <Forte_A> 5"i'll spend the night here" *smile*
  1553. [2015-05-21 03:55:35] <Usbi_Montana> 12*ke yang lain*
  1554. [2015-05-21 03:55:38] <Lyta_LV> *Duduk di tempat duduk, meregangkan badan...
  1555. [2015-05-21 03:55:44] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"....?"
  1556. [2015-05-21 03:55:47] <Forte_A> 5"i'll sleep at the boat later"
  1557. [2015-05-21 03:55:49] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Lyta_LV, badanmu terasa lelah sekali --
  1558. [2015-05-21 03:55:51] <Usbi_Montana> 12"Oi"
  1559. [2015-05-21 03:55:54] <Usbi_Montana> 12@al
  1560. [2015-05-21 03:55:54] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Oh"
  1561. [2015-05-21 03:55:56] <Forte_A> 5"hum?"
  1562. [2015-05-21 03:55:59] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Usbi Montana"
  1563. [2015-05-21 03:56:01] <Forte_A> 5"oh sir usbi"
  1564. [2015-05-21 03:56:04] <_Gabisa_main> 3E "perahu? mengapa?"
  1565. [2015-05-21 03:56:05] <Usbi_Montana> 12*sambil bawa sate*
  1566. [2015-05-21 03:56:10] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14(usbi ga roll will? *plak*)
  1567. [2015-05-21 03:56:11] <_Gabisa_main> 3E "nanti kalau hujan gimana?"
  1568. [2015-05-21 03:56:23] <Forte_A> 5"i have a tent" *smile*
  1569. [2015-05-21 03:56:24] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14(atau ga mempan sama dwarf *plakeplak*)
  1570. [2015-05-21 03:56:25] <Usbi_Montana> 12(bau daging menutupi bau parfum)
  1571. [2015-05-21 03:56:27] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Usbi mendekat Lyta_LV dan Khierve ? --
  1572. [2015-05-21 03:56:31] <Usbi_Montana> 12(*plak*)
  1573. [2015-05-21 03:56:39] <Usbi_Montana> 12-ngga, ke forte arthe)
  1574. [2015-05-21 03:56:45] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- silakan roll will kalo iya --
  1575. [2015-05-21 03:56:47] <Forte_A> 5(no yu die 2)
  1576. [2015-05-21 03:56:48] <Khierve> 10@Elisa "Is there a way to --- would taking a bath help?"
  1577. [2015-05-21 03:56:53] <Forte_A> 5(masih ga terlalu jauh kan?)
  1578. [2015-05-21 03:56:55] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- forte, arte , Khierve bersamaan --
  1579. [2015-05-21 03:57:01] <_Gabisa_main> 3--silakan roll will kalo gitu --
  1580. [2015-05-21 03:57:07] <Usbi_Montana> 12!roll 1d20+9
  1581. [2015-05-21 03:57:07] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+9? Usbi_Montana [20] + 9 = 29"
  1582. [2015-05-21 03:57:13] <Khierve> 10....LOL ))
  1583. [2015-05-21 03:57:16] <_Gabisa_main> 3(mamam)
  1584. [2015-05-21 03:57:26] <Usbi_Montana> 12"How's yer day?"
  1585. [2015-05-21 03:57:58] <Usbi_Montana> 12"have some meat, I helped chopping em"
  1586. [2015-05-21 03:58:03] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Well...a bit confusing"
  1587. [2015-05-21 03:58:09] <Forte_A> !roll 1d0
  1588. [2015-05-21 03:58:09] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? Forte_A [0] = 0"
  1589. [2015-05-21 03:58:19] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- forte dekat Khierve ? --
  1590. [2015-05-21 03:58:25] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Silakan roll will kalo iya --
  1591. [2015-05-21 03:58:36] <Forte_A> !roll 1d20+3
  1592. [2015-05-21 03:58:36] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+3? Forte_A [12] + 3 = 15"
  1593. [2015-05-21 03:58:42] <Usbi_Montana> 12"confusing?"
  1594. [2015-05-21 03:59:25] <_Gabisa_main> 3E "Ayo silakan dimakan, oh iya, ini kuncinya"
  1595. [2015-05-21 03:59:26] <Forte_A> 5" was tiresome, that's for sure"
  1596. [2015-05-21 03:59:31] <_Gabisa_main> 3E *kasih kunci cottage*
  1597. [2015-05-21 03:59:37] <Khierve> 10@E "Is there a bath in the cottage?"
  1598. [2015-05-21 03:59:44] <Forte_A> 5*smile*
  1599. [2015-05-21 03:59:51] <_Gabisa_main> 3E "ada, tapi malam begini dingin kalau mandi"
  1600. [2015-05-21 03:59:59] <Khierve> 10"..It's alright."
  1601. [2015-05-21 04:00:18] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  1602. [2015-05-21 04:00:27] <Forte_A> 5"no need to worry, i'm used to camping" *smile*
  1603. [2015-05-21 04:00:32] <Khierve> 10A sigh at Forte, "Please, join us, it'll be alright,"
  1604. [2015-05-21 04:00:46] <Usbi_Montana> 12"thats rude, fort"
  1605. [2015-05-21 04:00:49] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  1606. [2015-05-21 04:00:55] <Forte_A> 5"?"
  1607. [2015-05-21 04:01:00] <Forte_A> 5"how so-"
  1608. [2015-05-21 04:01:02] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  1609. [2015-05-21 04:01:04] <Forte_A> 5"oh"
  1610. [2015-05-21 04:01:09] <Usbi_Montana> 12"its as if youre saying, camping is better than her house"
  1611. [2015-05-21 04:01:11] → _Eva_ joined (~GospelOfD@DEE082B6.C1A561DD.ADA97295.IP)
  1612. [2015-05-21 04:01:17] <_Eva_> 14(dece ternyata)
  1613. [2015-05-21 04:01:18] <Forte_A> 5"i'm sorry" *bow*@elisa
  1614. [2015-05-21 04:01:24] <Usbi_Montana> 12*nomnom*
  1615. [2015-05-21 04:01:24] * _Eva_ is now known as ArtheiaPenDdraig
  1616. [2015-05-21 04:01:29] <_Gabisa_main> 3E "Tidak apa -apa, pasti ada alasannya"
  1617. [2015-05-21 04:01:35] <_Gabisa_main> 3E *smile*
  1618. [2015-05-21 04:01:44] <_Gabisa_main> 3E "aku ke wargaku dulu ya"
  1619. [2015-05-21 04:01:47] <Lyta_LV> *bangun dari tempat duduk, menikmati pemandangan sekitar
  1620. [2015-05-21 04:01:51] <_Gabisa_main> 3E *tersenyum dan pamit*
  1621. [2015-05-21 04:01:52] <ArtheiaPenDdraig> 14"Well, I am not sure I can explain it with words" @ Usbi
  1622. [2015-05-21 04:01:52] <Khierve> 10"Thankyou Elder,"
  1623. [2015-05-21 04:02:01] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  1624. [2015-05-21 04:02:05] ⇐ ArtheiaPenYDdraig quit (~GospelOfD@B52CB8A9.A98E34F4.4CBFF10.IP): Ping timeout: 240 seconds
  1625. [2015-05-21 04:02:11] <ArtheiaPenDdraig> 14"Oh, thank you, ma'am"
  1626. [2015-05-21 04:02:19] * ArtheiaPenDdraig is now known as ArtheiaPenYDdraig
  1627. [2015-05-21 04:02:22] <Khierve> 10"......"
  1628. [2015-05-21 04:02:28] <Forte_A> 5"yes, thank you, miss elisa"
  1629. [2015-05-21 04:02:30] <Khierve> !roll 1d20+3
  1630. [2015-05-21 04:02:30] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+3? Khierve [19] + 3 = 22"
  1631. [2015-05-21 04:02:58] <Usbi_Montana> 12"Does it has something to do with demons?"
  1632. [2015-05-21 04:03:03] <Forte_A> 5"?"
  1633. [2015-05-21 04:03:05] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Kunci siapa yang megang? --
  1634. [2015-05-21 04:03:05] <Forte_A> 5"demons?"
  1635. [2015-05-21 04:03:05] <Usbi_Montana> 12(E udah cabut kan?)
  1636. [2015-05-21 04:03:12] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- E sudah pergi --
  1637. [2015-05-21 04:03:14] <Khierve> 10saya? ))
  1638. [2015-05-21 04:03:15] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"No...wait, why did you ask?"
  1639. [2015-05-21 04:03:23] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  1640. [2015-05-21 04:03:30] <Usbi_Montana> 12"Ah, right, you guys werent there"
  1641. [2015-05-21 04:03:36] <Forte_A> 5"that's right, i almost forgot"
  1642. [2015-05-21 04:03:38] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Khierve memegang kunci cottage --
  1643. [2015-05-21 04:03:54] <Forte_A> 5"did you ran into the - ...em?"
  1644. [2015-05-21 04:04:25] <Usbi_Montana> 12"In a cavern nearby, some time ago"
  1645. [2015-05-21 04:04:34] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"Eh?"
  1646. [2015-05-21 04:04:54] <Usbi_Montana> 12"The matter had been resolved, no worries"
  1647. [2015-05-21 04:05:03] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  1648. [2015-05-21 04:05:04] <Khierve> 10"Was it a pair of incubus and succubus?"
  1649. [2015-05-21 04:05:22] <Usbi_Montana> 12"..Wha? How did you know?"
  1650. [2015-05-21 04:05:31] <Khierve> 10"They attacked us."
  1651. [2015-05-21 04:05:34] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"..."
  1652. [2015-05-21 04:05:56] <Khierve> 10She looked tired, "I was here before with Sir Dimaethor and Sylviana,"
  1653. [2015-05-21 04:06:11] <Usbi_Montana> 12"Damn! I thought theyd never come back again"
  1654. [2015-05-21 04:06:14] <Khierve> 10"To collect the flowers that makes the perfume,"
  1655. [2015-05-21 04:06:17] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  1656. [2015-05-21 04:06:18] <Khierve> 10"And met them,"
  1657. [2015-05-21 04:06:57] <Usbi_Montana> 12"Inside a cave?"
  1658. [2015-05-21 04:07:08] <Khierve> 10"In the..."
  1659. [2015-05-21 04:07:21] <Khierve> 10"In the forest, but we passed a cafe, yes,"
  1660. [2015-05-21 04:07:25] <Khierve> 10*cave ))
  1661. [2015-05-21 04:07:39] <Khierve> 10"Was it beside a cliff?"
  1662. [2015-05-21 04:08:27] <Usbi_Montana> 12"n.. no. "
  1663. [2015-05-21 04:08:54] <Usbi_Montana> 12"Did you and others fought with them?"
  1664. [2015-05-21 04:08:59] <Khierve> 10"....."
  1665. [2015-05-21 04:09:08] <Khierve> 10"we... "
  1666. [2015-05-21 04:09:14] <Khierve> 10"They ran away."
  1667. [2015-05-21 04:09:18] <Usbi_Montana> 12"Or they ran away, saying, time out?"
  1668. [2015-05-21 04:09:40] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14(hmm...GM, bisa iseng roll planes buat inget-inget apa pernah tau detil soal incu/succu?)
  1669. [2015-05-21 04:09:59] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14(..yang diketahui secara umum <_<)
  1670. [2015-05-21 04:10:04] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14(bukan yang spesifik duo ini wkwk)
  1671. [2015-05-21 04:10:14] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- silakan --
  1672. [2015-05-21 04:10:20] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> !roll 1d20+3
  1673. [2015-05-21 04:10:20] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+3? ArtheiaPenYDdraig [18] + 3 = 21"
  1674. [2015-05-21 04:10:22] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14(wut)
  1675. [2015-05-21 04:10:39] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14(planes 21, trained >_>b)
  1676. [2015-05-21 04:11:12] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- ArtheiaPenYDdraig, kamu tahu incubus dan succubus adalah iblis yang menawan dan menjerat mangsanya dengan keindahannya --
  1677. [2015-05-21 04:11:51] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14(apa sah awa buka-buka bestiary? wkwk)
  1678. [2015-05-21 04:11:57] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Kalian ga ke cottage? --
  1679. [2015-05-21 04:12:04] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Buka aja =w=)b --
  1680. [2015-05-21 04:12:11] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Malam semakin dingin --
  1681. [2015-05-21 04:12:13] <Khierve> 10ini sambil jalan? ))
  1682. [2015-05-21 04:12:20] <Usbi_Montana> 12(kirain sambil jalan)
  1683. [2015-05-21 04:12:23] <Forte_A> 5*belom ke cottege, masih pesta dulu*
  1684. [2015-05-21 04:12:29] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14(oke)
  1685. [2015-05-21 04:12:33] <Khierve> 10ah ok ))
  1686. [2015-05-21 04:12:37] <Usbi_Montana> 12"Then it's very likely theyll come back"
  1687. [2015-05-21 04:12:43] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"..."
  1688. [2015-05-21 04:12:45] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Yang ke cottage sudah sampai cottage --
  1689. [2015-05-21 04:12:53] <Usbi_Montana> 12"Looks like one of them holds a grudge against Dim"
  1690. [2015-05-21 04:12:53] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Cottage tempat yang sangat hangat dan nyaman --
  1691. [2015-05-21 04:13:01] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- berada di sebelah danau --
  1692. [2015-05-21 04:13:07] <Khierve> 10"There are plenty of rooms,"
  1693. [2015-05-21 04:13:10] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- dan dapat melihat danau langsung --
  1694. [2015-05-21 04:13:19] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- terdapat kursi untuk memandang bulan --
  1695. [2015-05-21 04:13:46] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- kursi tersebut berada di balkon --
  1696. [2015-05-21 04:13:53] <Lyta_LV> *baru sadar beberapa hilang di pesta...
  1697. [2015-05-21 04:13:53] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- forte, roll fort --
  1698. [2015-05-21 04:14:01] <Khierve> 10@Usbi "..Yes."
  1699. [2015-05-21 04:14:09] <Khierve> 10She looked away.
  1700. [2015-05-21 04:14:13] <Forte_A> !roll 1d20+1
  1701. [2015-05-21 04:14:14] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+1? Forte_A [14] + 1 = 15"
  1702. [2015-05-21 04:15:13] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Forte, kamu merasa sedikit kedinginan --
  1703. [2015-05-21 04:15:16] <Forte_A> 5(awa... dipesta sampe kira-kira sejam mereka balik, terus ke cottage)
  1704. [2015-05-21 04:15:21] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- dan orang - orang mulai pulang --
  1705. [2015-05-21 04:15:31] <_Gabisa_main> 3--lyta, orang - orang di pesta mulai pulang --
  1706. [2015-05-21 04:15:36] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- apa yang kamu lakukan? --
  1707. [2015-05-21 04:15:44] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Lyta_LV --
  1708. [2015-05-21 04:16:00] <Lyta_LV> *cari orang2 irontalon
  1709. [2015-05-21 04:16:10] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Orang orang sudah berada di cottage --
  1710. [2015-05-21 04:16:14] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- ke cottage? --
  1711. [2015-05-21 04:16:44] <Lyta_LV> (Emang aku tahu ke cottage jalannya?)
  1712. [2015-05-21 04:16:59] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- ditunjukkan oleh orang desa sekitar --
  1713. [2015-05-21 04:17:03] <Khierve> 10khierve mandi deh ))
  1714. [2015-05-21 04:17:10] <Khierve> 10sama presti baju ))
  1715. [2015-05-21 04:17:13] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- roll fort Khierve --
  1716. [2015-05-21 04:17:15] <Lyta_LV> *ke cottage
  1717. [2015-05-21 04:17:31] <Khierve> !roll 1d20+2
  1718. [2015-05-21 04:17:31] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+2? Khierve [10] + 2 = 12"
  1719. [2015-05-21 04:17:33] <Usbi_Montana> 12*duduk2 di balkon*
  1720. [2015-05-21 04:17:36] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- STATE YANG KALIAN LAKUKAN --
  1721. [2015-05-21 04:17:44] <Usbi_Montana> 12*duduk2 di balkon*
  1722. [2015-05-21 04:17:52] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> !roll 1d0
  1723. [2015-05-21 04:17:52] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? ArtheiaPenYDdraig [0] = 0"
  1724. [2015-05-21 04:18:07] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Lyta_LV sudah sampai cottage --
  1725. [2015-05-21 04:18:19] <Lyta_LV> *masuk kamar sendiri, tidur
  1726. [2015-05-21 04:18:21] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14--di kamar deh, duduk melihat ke arah bulan--
  1727. [2015-05-21 04:19:28] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"..."
  1728. [2015-05-21 04:19:29] <Usbi_Montana> 12*sambil ngeliatin bulan*
  1729. [2015-05-21 04:19:34] <Forte_A> 5*kalo sudah agak lama kearah cottage*
  1730. [2015-05-21 04:20:01] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Sudah lama forte --
  1731. [2015-05-21 04:20:10] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Khierve, kamu menggigil --
  1732. [2015-05-21 04:20:13] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- kedinginan --
  1733. [2015-05-21 04:20:22] <Khierve> 10"......"
  1734. [2015-05-21 04:20:52] <Khierve> 10"Worth it, I suppose," she said to herself, trying not to stutter.
  1735. [2015-05-21 04:21:33] <Forte_A> 5*jalan ke cottage*
  1736. [2015-05-21 04:22:26] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Forte_A, ketika kamu sampai cottage, kamu melihat Khierve menggigil --
  1737. [2015-05-21 04:22:38] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- dan kamu roll wi- eh enggak --
  1738. [2015-05-21 04:22:43] <Forte_A> 5(tiada bau?)
  1739. [2015-05-21 04:22:48] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- nothing --
  1740. [2015-05-21 04:22:51] <Khierve> 10ngga ada ))
  1741. [2015-05-21 04:22:53] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  1742. [2015-05-21 04:23:00] <Forte_A> 5"evening, miss khierve" *smile*
  1743. [2015-05-21 04:23:11] <Khierve> 10*sits in front of the fireplace*
  1744. [2015-05-21 04:23:20] <Khierve> 10"..Evening,"
  1745. [2015-05-21 04:24:07] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Khierve, kamu mulai merasa hangat --
  1746. [2015-05-21 04:24:13] <Forte_A> 5"...i... i am sorry for my... weak constitution"
  1747. [2015-05-21 04:24:55] <Khierve> 10"I assure you," a smile, "I did not find affected attention flattering,"
  1748. [2015-05-21 04:25:01] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- ArtheiaPenYDdraig, kamu melihat bulan dan terbayang....--
  1749. [2015-05-21 04:25:09] <Khierve> 10Hades? ))
  1750. [2015-05-21 04:25:20] <Forte_A> 5(hades?)
  1751. [2015-05-21 04:25:22] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14(wut)
  1752. [2015-05-21 04:25:55] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Bayangan ayahmu dulu --
  1753. [2015-05-21 04:26:01] <Forte_A> 5"yes, i know"
  1754. [2015-05-21 04:26:11] <Forte_A> 5"...the perfume is too strong for its own good"
  1755. [2015-05-21 04:26:49] <Khierve> 10"....."
  1756. [2015-05-21 04:27:03] <Khierve> !roll 1d0
  1757. [2015-05-21 04:27:04] <Usbi_Montana> 12*keluarin selimut dari selimut*
  1758. [2015-05-21 04:27:04] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? Khierve [1] = 1"
  1759. [2015-05-21 04:27:14] <Usbi_Montana> 12*keluarin selimut dari tas*
  1760. [2015-05-21 04:27:28] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Usbi_Montana, roll magic pake int.... --
  1761. [2015-05-21 04:27:30] — Usbi_Montana sleeps on the balcony, under the moonlight
  1762. [2015-05-21 04:27:31] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- oh gajadi --
  1763. [2015-05-21 04:27:40] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"..."
  1764. [2015-05-21 04:27:42] <Khierve> 10"I thought the reason why you readily protected Artheia from that Ogre was-- of personal nature,"
  1765. [2015-05-21 04:27:45] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> !roll 1d0
  1766. [2015-05-21 04:27:45] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? ArtheiaPenYDdraig [0] = 0"
  1767. [2015-05-21 04:27:50] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14*long sigh*
  1768. [2015-05-21 04:28:02] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  1769. [2015-05-21 04:28:12] <Forte_A> 5"well..."
  1770. [2015-05-21 04:28:14] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14*menunduk dan melihat tangan sendiri*
  1771. [2015-05-21 04:28:19] <Forte_A> 5"i can't say that you were wrong"
  1772. [2015-05-21 04:28:24] <Forte_A> 5*smile*
  1773. [2015-05-21 04:28:25] <Khierve> 10"Oh?"
  1774. [2015-05-21 04:29:07] <Forte_A> 5"...but that implies that i am..." "also feel the same towards sir dim and miss julianne, no?"
  1775. [2015-05-21 04:29:07] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Tanganmu bercahaya terkena cahaya bulan ArtheiaPenYDdraig --
  1776. [2015-05-21 04:29:19] <Khierve> 10"Exactly,"
  1777. [2015-05-21 04:29:34] <Khierve> 10"I realized it might have been something else entirely,"
  1778. [2015-05-21 04:29:42] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  1779. [2015-05-21 04:29:51] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> !roll 1d0
  1780. [2015-05-21 04:29:51] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? ArtheiaPenYDdraig [1] = 1"
  1781. [2015-05-21 04:29:57] <_Gabisa_main> 3(forte ga duduk?)
  1782. [2015-05-21 04:29:57] <Forte_A> 5"yes, i was wondering as well"
  1783. [2015-05-21 04:30:06] <Forte_A> 5"...what is this other assumption?"
  1784. [2015-05-21 04:30:15] <Forte_A> 5*sambil... jalan ke kursi?*
  1785. [2015-05-21 04:30:18] <Forte_A> 5*terus duduk*
  1786. [2015-05-21 04:30:52] <Usbi_Montana> 12(kursi balkon? ada Usbi)
  1787. [2015-05-21 04:31:07] <Khierve> 10depan perapian? ))
  1788. [2015-05-21 04:31:15] <Forte_A> 5(perapian di balkon?)
  1789. [2015-05-21 04:31:40] <Khierve> 10ngga harusnya ))
  1790. [2015-05-21 04:31:44] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Perapian di ruang tengah --
  1791. [2015-05-21 04:31:45] <Khierve> 10di ruang tengah gt? ))
  1792. [2015-05-21 04:31:50] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- balkon di deket danau --
  1793. [2015-05-21 04:32:48] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Usbi sedang nyenyak tertidur ketika...--
  1794. [2015-05-21 04:33:04] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"...Father, watch over me...when the time has come..." *mumbles*
  1795. [2015-05-21 04:33:10] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Ada ikan loncat ke atasnya... --
  1796. [2015-05-21 04:33:16] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14*lalu melihat lagi ke arah bulan, sebelum berjalan ke arah tempat tidur*
  1797. [2015-05-21 04:33:18] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Entah Usbi_Montana bangun atau tidak --
  1798. [2015-05-21 04:33:37] <Khierve> 10She exhaled, the breath was cold, "...I understand in Kingsfield -- sacrifices might've been necessary. But the well-- I wondered whether you do not value your own life."
  1799. [2015-05-21 04:33:37] <Usbi_Montana> 12!roll 1d20+5
  1800. [2015-05-21 04:33:37] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+5? Usbi_Montana [8] + 5 = 13"
  1801. [2015-05-21 04:33:47] <Usbi_Montana> 12"eh? huh?"
  1802. [2015-05-21 04:33:49] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  1803. [2015-05-21 04:34:02] <Usbi_Montana> 12*tangkep itu yang loncat ke atasnya*
  1804. [2015-05-21 04:34:26] <Khierve> 10lumayan dpt ikan ))
  1805. [2015-05-21 04:34:34] <Forte_A> 5"believe me, i value my life"
  1806. [2015-05-21 04:34:39] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- ArtheiaPenYDdraig, bulan seolah tersenyum membalas doa'mu --
  1807. [2015-05-21 04:34:50] <Forte_A> 5"perhaps even more than you value yours"
  1808. [2015-05-21 04:34:55] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- ikan tersebut bergerak gerak kabur --
  1809. [2015-05-21 04:34:58] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- Roll reflex --
  1810. [2015-05-21 04:35:07] <Khierve> 10@Forte "..."
  1811. [2015-05-21 04:35:11] <Usbi_Montana> 12!roll 1d20+6
  1812. [2015-05-21 04:35:11] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+6? Usbi_Montana [2] + 6 = 8"
  1813. [2015-05-21 04:35:39] <Forte_A> 5"...the incident in the well... i'll admit, it was a mistake"
  1814. [2015-05-21 04:35:46] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"..." *melihat agak lama, lalu naik ke tempat tidur*
  1815. [2015-05-21 04:35:56] <Forte_A> 5"but it works for the best, right?"
  1816. [2015-05-21 04:36:10] <Forte_A> 5"i am alive, and nobody else were hurt?"
  1817. [2015-05-21 04:36:20] <Khierve> 10"....."
  1818. [2015-05-21 04:36:45] <Forte_A> 5(sensemo)
  1819. [2015-05-21 04:36:48] <Usbi_Montana> 12"deez nuts"
  1820. [2015-05-21 04:36:49] <Forte_A> !roll 1d20+16
  1821. [2015-05-21 04:36:50] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+16? Forte_A [15] + 16 = 31"
  1822. [2015-05-21 04:36:50] <Khierve> 10monggo ))
  1823. [2015-05-21 04:36:51] <_Gabisa_main> 3-- ikan kembali ke air --
  1824. [2015-05-21 04:36:54] <Khierve> 10wew ))
  1825. [2015-05-21 04:36:56] <Usbi_Montana> 12*pindah tempat*
  1826. [2015-05-21 04:36:58] <Usbi_Montana> 12"..."
  1827. [2015-05-21 04:37:01] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  1828. [2015-05-21 04:37:09] <Usbi_Montana> 12*di luar dingin?*
  1829. [2015-05-21 04:37:21] <Forte_A> 5"nobody else got hurt... right?"
  1830. [2015-05-21 04:38:22] <Khierve> 10"... no one else was harmed,"
  1831. [2015-05-21 04:38:33] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  1832. [2015-05-21 04:38:40] <Forte_A> 5(sensemo)
  1833. [2015-05-21 04:38:53] <Khierve> 10gih ))
  1834. [2015-05-21 04:38:54] <Forte_A> !roll 1d20+16
  1835. [2015-05-21 04:38:55] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+16? Forte_A [15] + 16 = 31"
  1836. [2015-05-21 04:39:02] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  1837. [2015-05-21 04:39:37] <Forte_A> 5"'re great with your words, miss khierve" *smile*
  1838. [2015-05-21 04:40:51] ⇐ _Gabisa_main quit (cgiirc@7F236412.E1414CAD.DAC9999A.IP): Read error: Connection reset by peer
  1839. [2015-05-21 04:40:59] → _tsk joined (cgiirc@7F236412.E1414CAD.DAC9999A.IP)
  1840. [2015-05-21 04:41:16] * _tsk is now known as _gabisa_main
  1841. [2015-05-21 04:41:34] <_gabisa_main> -- dingin banget Usbi_Montana --
  1842. [2015-05-21 04:41:47] <Usbi_Montana> 12*masuk ke dalem*
  1843. [2015-05-21 04:41:54] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14"..." *melihat ke arah langit-langit*
  1844. [2015-05-21 04:41:55] <Usbi_Montana> 12*cari perapian*
  1845. [2015-05-21 04:42:04] <Khierve> 10"...All I understand," she stood up from her chair, "Is that when someone is lost-- they don't come back,"
  1846. [2015-05-21 04:42:05] <_gabisa_main> -- kamu mengganggu Khierve dan Forte_A --
  1847. [2015-05-21 04:42:13] <_gabisa_main> -- maksudnya kamu bertemu Khierve dan Forte_A --
  1848. [2015-05-21 04:42:17] <Usbi_Montana> 12- like I care -
  1849. [2015-05-21 04:42:23] <Forte_A> 5"...mind telling me what happened while i was unconcious?"
  1850. [2015-05-21 04:42:28] <Khierve> 10udah kelar kok ))
  1851. [2015-05-21 04:42:29] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  1852. [2015-05-21 04:42:30] <Usbi_Montana> 12"Oh, perapian!"
  1853. [2015-05-21 04:42:46] <ArtheiaPenYDdraig> 14--perlahan-lahan menutup mata dan tidur--
  1854. [2015-05-21 04:42:51] <Usbi_Montana> 12*duduk2 deket perapian*
  1855. [2015-05-21 04:42:55] <_gabisa_main> 3-- langit terbuat dari kayu ArtheiaPenYDdraig --
  1856. [2015-05-21 04:42:56] <Forte_A> 5"...i know, miss khierve, i know"
  1857. [2015-05-21 04:43:08] <_gabisa_main> 3-- Energimu habis dan kau mulai menikmati tidurmu --
  1858. [2015-05-21 04:43:37] <Khierve> 10"..I must excuse myself, Goodnight, Sir Audacis, Sir Montana,"
  1859. [2015-05-21 04:43:45] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  1860. [2015-05-21 04:43:50] <Forte_A> 5"good night, miss khierve"
  1861. [2015-05-21 04:43:52] <Usbi_Montana> 12"nite"
  1862. [2015-05-21 04:44:03] <_gabisa_main> 3-- Khierve pun pergi --
  1863. [2015-05-21 04:44:58] <Forte_A> 5"so, sir usbi, what happened at the cave?"
  1864. [2015-05-21 04:45:21] <Usbi_Montana> 12"Demons."
  1865. [2015-05-21 04:45:43] ⇐ Lyta_LV quit ( Read error: Connection reset by peer
  1866. [2015-05-21 04:45:49] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  1867. [2015-05-21 04:45:52] <Usbi_Montana> 12"Three casualties, one dead, two almost dead"
  1868. [2015-05-21 04:45:58] <Forte_A> 5"!"
  1869. [2015-05-21 04:46:02] <Forte_A> 5"who?"
  1870. [2015-05-21 04:47:26] <Usbi_Montana> 12"villagers"
  1871. [2015-05-21 04:47:31] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  1872. [2015-05-21 04:47:35] <Khierve> !roll 1d20+3
  1873. [2015-05-21 04:47:35] — _O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+3? Khierve [1] + 3 = 4"
  1874. [2015-05-21 04:47:39] <Forte_A> 5*sigh*
  1875. [2015-05-21 04:47:41] <Khierve> 10LOL.))
  1876. [2015-05-21 04:47:49] <_gabisa_main> 3-- Dengan tidurnya 2 orang... sesi dengan ini berakhir ---
  1877. [2015-05-21 04:48:17] <Forte_A> 5"not feeling like talking about it?"
  1878. [2015-05-21 04:48:21] <_gabisa_main> 3-- Land of Magic part: 3--
  1879. [2015-05-21 04:48:25] <Usbi_Montana> 12"And from Khierve's part"
  1880. [2015-05-21 04:48:31] <Usbi_Montana> 12"I got a feeling"
  1881. [2015-05-21 04:48:34] <_gabisa_main> 3-- The days before festival 2 --
  1882. [2015-05-21 04:48:36] <_gabisa_main> 3-- End --
  1883. [2015-05-21 04:48:40] <Usbi_Montana> 12"they'll be back, sooner or later"
  1884. [2015-05-21 04:48:42] <_gabisa_main> 3-- ORP lanjut --
  1885. [2015-05-21 04:48:51] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  1886. [2015-05-21 04:49:07] <Khierve> 10She closed her eyes, but even so, she remembered clearly.
  1887. [2015-05-21 04:49:26] <Forte_A> 5"we'll be here when they do"
  1888. [2015-05-21 04:49:47] <Usbi_Montana> 12"hope we won't be late"
  1889. [2015-05-21 04:49:57] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  1890. [2015-05-21 04:49:59] <Khierve> 10pelan2 ketiduran deh, dingin ))
  1891. [2015-05-21 04:50:00] <Forte_A> 5*nod*
  1892. [2015-05-21 04:50:16] <Usbi_Montana> 12"The one we found dead"
  1893. [2015-05-21 04:50:22] <Usbi_Montana> 12"it was cruel"
  1894. [2015-05-21 04:50:36] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  1895. [2015-05-21 04:50:49] <Usbi_Montana> 12"his body was ripped apart everywhere"
  1896. [2015-05-21 04:51:16] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  1897. [2015-05-21 04:51:42] <Forte_A> 5"have you told miss elisa about it?"
  1898. [2015-05-21 04:52:02] <Usbi_Montana> 12"told? Elisa saw the corpse herself"
  1899. [2015-05-21 04:52:11] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  1900. [2015-05-21 04:52:37] <Forte_A> 5"...her reaction?"
  1901. [2015-05-21 04:53:14] <Usbi_Montana> 12"She cried. whatd you expect?"
  1902. [2015-05-21 04:53:21] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  1903. [2015-05-21 04:53:24] <Forte_A> 5"no"
  1904. [2015-05-21 04:53:33] <Forte_A> 5"it just seemed that she's... to calm"
  1905. [2015-05-21 04:54:00] <Usbi_Montana> 12"what less would you expect from an elder?"
  1906. [2015-05-21 04:54:08] <Forte_A> 5"..."
  1907. [2015-05-21 04:54:10] <Forte_A> 5"i suppose"
  1908. [2015-05-21 04:55:29] <Forte_A> 5"...and i suppose i'll take my rest now"
  1909. [2015-05-21 04:55:35] <Forte_A> 5"goodnight, sir usbi" *smile*
  1910. [2015-05-21 04:55:41] <Usbi_Montana> 12"nite"
  1911. [2015-05-21 04:55:45] <Forte_A> 5*berdiri, terus... cari kamar dan tidur*
  1912. [2015-05-21 04:57:00] <Usbi_Montana> 12-slept like a hobo near fireplace-
  1913. [2015-05-21 05:02:48] ← Usbi_Montana left
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