

Apr 30th, 2012
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  1. >>>You go into a fluffy pony shelter because you want to give a try to ownership and 5$ looks a reasonable fee
  2. >>>Most of the fluffies at the shelter are riddled with filth ill and/or injured
  3. >>>Pick a scarlet unicorn stallion filthy as the rest but without sign of external injuries furthermore they tell you this one is "house trained"
  4. >>>Go home and clean it thoroughly noticing that the lil' guy has not said a word which in a fluffy pony ranges from unbelievable to wrong.
  5. >>>You take him to his safety room displayed according to what you read in fluffy pony care manuals
  6. >>>Still not a word
  7. >>>Pick him up and show him around the house and when you open your now empty broom closet and tell him this is the "Sorry place" if he misbehaves the thing starts trembling and crying emptying his bowels and shaking in an uncontrollable way
  8. >>>He realizes he shat himself and looks at the feces with horror taking his wailing to a higher pitch and bracing himself with his stubby legs
  9. >>>You wonder what kind of "house training" the poor thing got
  10. >>>Go fix spaghetti hugging and trying to comfort him.
  11. >>Stubby as you named the unicorn does not tremble anymore when you go in the house it even starts to perk when he gets your attentions
  12. >>You never imagined it would make you so happy to care about a fluffy pony given what you read mostly on internet
  13. >>Today you got a cartoon movie and made a bowl of spaghetti for the lil guy just to celebrate it's your first month together
  14. >>You both watch the movie and you see Stubby is still silent but enjoying the moment
  15. >>When it ends you take Stubby to the safety room where a new set of blocks and a bright red ball are awaiting for him and leave him in the floor disbelief in his eyes
  16. >>You decide to leave him alone with his new toys in hopes this way he'll feel more comfortable
  17. >>As you close the door quietly you hear a faint almost whispered " 'tubby wuv daddy"
  18. >>A single tear trails your cheek as something melts inside you
  19. >You're in the floor of your living room, bleeding
  20. >If you're alive by morning your head will be hell on earth, lead pipes do that kind of things when applied with enough swing
  21. >The man with the pipe is teasing at you and giving random kicks to your ribcage "so where's the little fucker? I have a pipe here with it's name written on it"
  22. >You bleed some more praying Stubby is hiding but your hopes evaporate as you see him standing a few feet from you, he's trembling but there's something in his eyes
  23. >"Wo-hoo jackpot!" Let's out the man with the pipe reading for an overhead downward slash
  24. >"munsta leave daddy alone" he puffs his cheeks still shaking tho
  25. >"shut the fuck up turd" Pipe comes down
  26. >Before it makes contact you see a bright spark in Stubby's almost vestigial horn an instant before being blinded by a bright light and passing out.
  27. >Morning arrives, you wake up nursing your head with both hands knowing you have a nasty wound under all that clotted blood, the carpet is a mess.
  28. >You notice a faint silhouette against the wall and a half melted pipe resting by it you suddenly panic and look around for stubby.
  29. >His crimson body lies where you last saw him and on his head a charred mark where his horn was let's you see his fractured skull.
  30. >You pick him up he's cold and stiff and smells of toasted marshmallow, his eyed closed as if sleeping.
  31. >This is the saddest day in your whole life.
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