
tears to tiara 2 notes

Mar 12th, 2015
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  1. playthrough
  4. 1: Prologue
  5. tarte is about to be executed for blasphemy (claiming to be a goddess). hamil doesn't allow it so he succumbs to greater power (MELQART) to save tarte.
  7. 2: Oasis
  8. hamil dreams about the goddess that he's chosen to forget. he and his people were forced to forget about their gods after the empire's invasion.
  9. she tells him that she's there to respond to his wish. she'll be accompanying him personally. hamil doesn't believe that he deserves her kindness, so he kept rejecting at first.
  10. she insisted regardless, offering to dance with him until he forgets his pain.
  11. he wakes up to reality afterwards, receiving heavy whipping as punishment for daydreaming during work.
  12. he witnesses two people (dion and his mother) get in trouble with the empire shortly after, then interferes to save them. he receives more whipping and passes out.
  13. the empire soldiers declare hamil's further punishment and tells his people that he's not allowed to receive help.
  15. 3 Quarry
  16. during his walk home, a shadow discreetly gives him honey and dates. it's likely as gratitude for earlier. it had to be done discreetly due to circumstances from previous video.
  17. hamil meets the goddess from his dreams, her leg trapped under tree roots after she materialized. after helping her out, she happily jumps around as she exclaims her delight at earth's beauty.
  18. "Boundless energy, a free spirit, the joy of life... She has everything I do not. It's beautiful." -Hamil, watching over Tarte.
  19. she skips around more until she freezes at the sight of the ruined temple. she remarks that it's a terrible thing, but it's fine because people can always start anew again.
  20. "Looking closely, you're just like the temple--full of scars. You honestly took a beating! But you're not the type to let out a yelp, are you? Ahaha! But, it's fine now that I'm here! More than fine. Great even! Everything will be all right, so be at ease! I'll soon relieve the pain from your wounds. I'll fill your life with fun. Because I am here to bring victory, happiness, and joy!"
  21. "I am one of the ancient beings who you worship, the last of the tribe that enlightened your king long ago! Now, Canaanite, revere me. Sing me your praise! I am that which grants a golden harvest. I am your temple and castle. The house of your people! Indeed, I am Ba'al!"
  23. 4: Dates and Honey
  24. it's dark now. hamil allows tarte to follow him home. tarte complains about how boring the place is. hamil states that she doesn't have to stay with him, though she retorts that he should house her because she's ba'al. (apparently there more than one goddess of ba'al, she in particular is tarte - "the honor of ba'al", the war goddess). hamil refuses to believe her at first.
  25. (flashback to previous video) "I-It's not a name the likes of humans may use so casually! But, you are an important servant to me, so if you wish, you may call me that."
  26. hamilcar - originally comes from the name havd-hamilcar, which means servant of melqart, god of war. it's a common name in the barca household, it's given to children who possess great strength. house barca is the closest servants to ba'al, they excel in ancient magic and inherit the strongest of magic powers.
  27. "Power of the goddess of earth, Power of the goddess who bears life, Gather here, and heal this beloved child!" (attempting to heal him, but didn't work)
  28. after seeing the pitiful display, hamil decides to go home. he tells her to hurry back home too, since it'll be dark soon. tarte follows him.
  29. "Wait, you summoned me here, so don't just leave me like that! I said wait!" (end flashback)
  30. "Ugh, if I can't use magic... then even a goddess is but a mere girl..."
  31. hamil explains that he's really not that impressive unlike his ancestors. he's weak and talentless, he doesn't know how to use magic and swords, he doesn't have guts and strength, and he faints at the mere sight of blood.
  32. but he says that's fine since it's enough that he keeps on living, he doesn't care about the family's name or avenging his father's death. he's already used to being mocked and laughed at.
  33. "It's boring to watch over someone who's content because they're fine even if you leave them be. However, making someone who's unsatisfied happy is worth a goddess's time!"
  34. "Heheh, you're completely betraying everyone's expectations. But I think that's fine. You are who you are. That's all there is to it."
  35. they enter the shack.
  36. "It's a tiny place for a goddess, though."
  37. "It matters not as long as you are-- Ah! No, that was a figure of speech. Don't think that I am pleased! To begin with, it's only natural for you to take on this duty since I am your goddess! Don't forget that!"
  38. she doesn't know how to feel hunger, likely because she was a goddess before she came to earth.
  39. "Since earlier, the area around my stomach feels a little miserable, like it might be lonely. It feels odd, but is this it?"
  40. date fruits - placed on top of altars as offerings, known as fruit of life
  41. tarte doesn't know how to eat at first, she swallowed the date whole and considered it tasteless. but after being taught how to eat (use her teeth to chew), she finally tasted its sweet taste.
  42. she said that honey looks like ambrosia (food/drink of the gods). she doesn't know how to eat it so hamil taught her. she's familiar with it since she saw it being offered too.
  43. she was already so happy with just eating dates and honey.
  44. "Well done, Hamil. As my servant, a priest of Ba'al, you were impeccable. Your hospitality and ample dinner deserve to be praised. You have my gratitude as the representative of the gods of Ba'al."
  45. "You made me happy. Making someone happy is a great deed, and is worthy of immediate praise."
  46. "I've been taught that raising a servant through praise is what a god ought to do."
  47. "Then I shall sleep as much as you. Hehe, if I do so, we can meet as soon as we wake. You won't ever have to feel lonely."
  48. she's empathic (or she just claims to know everything because she's a goddess), as she was able to determine why hamil likes sleeping outside rather than inside of his lonely shack. (it's because if the sight of the stars, the fragrant grass, the chirping of insects, and the gentle wind)
  50. 5: Star Gazing
  51. tarte actually halved the food that was given to her by hamil, she knows that he hasn't eaten yet so she wanted him to have some too.
  52. "I'm not a heartless master. I am a goddess overflowing with benevolence!"
  53. since hamil's injured and can't rest well, she offered that he can lie down on her lap so that she can cushion him. when hamil declined at first, she insisted it and he eventually agreed.
  54. "A man shouldn't complain. A man shouldn't talk back."
  55. tarte can sing, she sung a song of compassion to help hamil's heart and body heal a little. she sung a lullaby for him until he could sleep, she learned the song from her mother.
  56. the empire rebels call themselves wild rabbits.
  57. dion joins the resistance and reports to them. they find out that since the start of the month, the empire's violence increased drastically and there's been a lot of pillaging to civilians. there's also tax collectors who ask for absurd amounts.
  58. this has been going on for at least seven years. there's been a lot people who were robbed of their belongings and also people who are sold as slaves.
  59. the empire is reported to be beginning to close up schools, possibly provoking the people of hispania that they no longer need schools for their future.
  60. it's noted that the empire will take advantage of the festival of ba'al to use as a turning point for their favor due to how important it is for hispania.
  61. Hispania - province of the Empire. surrounded by ocean at three sides, with the eastern border connected to the Empire. it's not connected to any countries, so they have no borders on land. because of that, there's no threat of invasion around hispania, and the presence of the Empire is not required. even so, the Empire declared the opposite. they were declared a danger zone and they stationed in hispania. taxation is severe and they were forced into extreme labor. but that's not without reason, because hispania rebelled against the empire seven years ago. this was the rebellion led by lord hasdrubal, who condemned the Divine Empire's corruption. since then, the empire mistreated them for seven years. the barca faction (rebellion/resistance) is then formed.
  62. on the other hand, they might also use the festival to announce a peace treaty because the punishment has been going on for long enough. but this may just be wishful thinking on their part.
  63. ever since the previous emperor died, the internal strife ruined order. it's been mostly subsided due to strict measures, but there's still some fires burning in the frontier. hispania itself is noted to be like fire, a crucible--one in which steel melts into a boiling crimson.
  64. hispania wasn't the first to rebel. due to how oppressive the empire is, it caused the rebellion in albion. the empire lost against them and was eventually forced to leave the island. this story is an inspiration to the farthest lands.
  65. the rebellion focuses on supporting hispania from the shadows. this includes protesting against the tyranny of the soldiers, exposing corrupt officials, and reporting them to the senate.
  66. at the moment, the main force is assembled at the village of tamar in preparation for the festival. but there's also a number of other branches across hispania.
  67. a lot of them are lying in wait because they don't have a proper leader, they want to have hamil (son of lord hasdrubal) to lead them.
  68. dion finishes his report about hamil and then they eventually find out that he's with an interesting girl (tarte) who had unknown origins. she wasn't seen going through the borders so they weren't able to find out who she is.
  70. 6: Boar Hunting and 7: Death to rabbits
  71. the faction practices their skills by hunting boars. dion was taught how to use the bow. in the previous video, he was assigned to watch over hamil. after practice, he decides to hunt rabbits for food and to invite hamil to go with him. hamil later declines and it's revealed eventually (in his thoughts) that he actually knows what the faction is doing all along. but he pretends not to know so that they can't unite and start civil war against the empire. (because in his opinion, more people will be hurt) he realizes that dion might have joined their cause because of what happened to his mother yesterday. so he's guessing that it's dion who is sent to watch over his actions.
  72. tarte wakes up all alone and goes off to find hamil. hamil was at the temple, continuing the work that he was punished to do previously. during this, he picked up that he was being watched by monomachus and played it dumb as usual. monomachus was able to be fooled for now, but he's not happy with how airheaded hamil is carrying himself. he wants him to take up the sword, learn war tactics, and help them fight for freedom. but hamil continues to derail the topic and even made an excuse for tarte's presence yesterday. (a girl that came over to play) monomachus became emotional in time because he really wants to protect the country, but hamil runs away before the topic gets out of hand.
  73. he heads over to dion's location to help him catch rabbits. he asks dion to give him a bigger portion (rather than half) because he has tarte to feed too. hamil gave dion a rather simple explanation of tarte instead of making a story up (a simple ordinary girl who seems to be about their age). dion almost slipped a few times by saying "i heard of her from the meeting" (but he slipped earlier already anyway, yet didn't realize it...) he tells hamil that he's nuts to let a stranger stay at his house (because she might kill him in his sleep and rob him...) when dion asks where she's from, he continues to answer honestly and lets dion know that she claimed to be a goddess and that she's ba'al. dion warns him that the empire might burn her on the stake for blasphemy. monomachus follows after hamil here and their conversation is cut off. dion decides to invite monomachus to join the hunt, too. but soon after, tarte's voice is heard approaching.
  74. when tarte enters the scene, she is sniffing around like a dog looking for her master. it's ironic when she calls hamil her servant and she's the master. when questioned about it, she says:
  75. "It is a sweet and comforting fragrance, one that makes my chest somewhat sad."
  76. monomachus and dion tease her for being a maiden in love, since hamil asked them if he really smells like that.
  77. "...Hey! Wh-what are you jerks saying? That's not what I meant! I'm merely saying I followed the vestiges of our bond! A-And you. Don't jump to the wrong conclusion! You and I are bound by fate countless years ago as servant and master! We are not in one of those relationships!"
  78. after introductions, monomachus and dion go to a corner and talk about tarte. they conclude that there's something wrong with tarte and it might be best if she sees a doctor. they decide that she really is ill and will let her go peacefully after hearing her story. meanwhile, hamil scolds tarte a little and tells her that she shouldn't say that she's a goddess so easily. she can do it only if she becomes close to the person. she decides to listen to hamil's words. when they come back monomachus asks where she's from.
  79. "I am from a place you all refer to as a different world or the world above. You may also call it the back of the north wind."
  80. but after this display, hamil decides it's better to give her a make-up background story after all.
  81. "This girl is a priestess under the care of the Imperial Army. She said that she was staying with the soldiers for a few days. Well, uh, she came to watch the Ba'al Festival that's coming up."
  82. at this point, the rabbits start coming out of their holes. tarte reacts excitedly and wonders what those are, hamil tells her that they're rabbits and that they're delicious in stew. she says she knows what it is because it's also an offering.
  83. after the rabbit battle, they eat together. hamil purposely doesn't eat a lot so he could give the rest to the people from the school (cademia). everyone (except dion) is moved and decided to donate more of their share too. tarte smacks him for being greedy and dion retorts that he doesn't want this treatment from someone who ate the most just now. she retorts:
  84. "Hey! It's only natural for a goddess to eat as much of the offerings as she wants! What insolence coming from my own devotee!"
  85. the cademia is considered holy ground. it's officially called Cademia Vocational Schools Affiliated with Retiree Housing. hamil's father (lord hasdrubal) is the founder.
  86. "I see. So it's a place where soldiers are made into teachers. I know that well. Soldiers who enlightened the people were once called magisters. In other words, Monomachus bears the responsibility of a magister here?"
  87. after the mention of magister, monomachus is shocked. it seems the word wasn't heard of since lord hasdrubal's time.
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