
Rules of the Channel

Nov 19th, 2015
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  30. ROTC - Rules of the Channel:
  31. 1. At most times, you are obliged to stay in topic.
  32. 1.1. Because trolling, autism and moar ebolaids might disrupt the operation's progress and distract the people involved.
  33. 1.2. Too much autism is a no no.
  34. 1.2.3. Also children below the age of 18.
  35. Yes, we don't love nor do we appreciate the presence of skiddies (script kiddies).
  36. 1.3. Lurking is both good and bad. Lurking can be beneficial for NewBloods, but for others, it might also slow down progress of the operation. Please refrain from lurking for excessive timeframes.
  37. 1.3.3. You should read the Main Pad accordingly and if you're not sure of what to do, read the guides inscribed inside the aforementioned pad.
  38. Doing unnecessary actions that are too leet (1337) for the operation will result to a one-way trip to Disneyland, or worse, a permanent supply of trains.
  39. 2. Make sure to read the network rules via typing /motd in your status tab. This is strictly mandatory to prevent unnecessary trouble within the network and the operation itself.
  40. 2.1. If you ever encounter problems concerning network rules, please contact the sysops.
  41. 2.2. You can contact most of them in #anonops but you could also learn how to contact them by typing !staff
  42. 2.3. Unnecessary or undeniably stupid reports to sysops might result to kicks, bans, kills, or even worse, zlines (aka Network bans).
  43. 2.4. However these are mostly temporary. There are no regulations to promote permanent bans, unless if you are severely harming the network, or the people within it.
  44. 2.5. To provide more detail about network rules, #opnewblood is open for your inquiries for such.
  45. 2.6. We are not responsible for any trouble that might have caused you to receive sanctions IRC-related.
  46. 2.6.1. Bitching about what happened to you won't solve a thing.
  47. 3. If you have certain things off-topic that might not be a major concern for the operation, please take it somewhere else. NO EXCEPTIONS.
  48. 3.1. I love cocks and .bhg52'90$- <further section of the rule has been deleted due to autism>
  49. 3.2. However, if needed to discuss off-topic to minimize boredom, and somehow, to take away some seconds out of your leisure time while doing some srs shit, THERE IS ONLY ONE EXCEPTION. Please do speak up. :)
  50. 3.3. <rule deleted by abstergo>
  51. 3.3.1. .timebomb abstergo
  52. 3.3.2. $timebomb abstergo
  53. 3.3.3. .lazor abstergo
  54. 3.3.4. .fuck abstergo
  55. 3.3.5. Rape abstergo by any means, thanks to his unnecessary rule deletion.
  56. 4. Don't be a motherfucking, cocksucking, buttfucking, gayshit, rump thumping, tonsil tickling, budgie smuggling, Cadbury canal boat cruising, (as you can see I've run out of words, if you got moar to add, please contact abstergo@cleanses.your.assassins) ebolaids survivor, dumbass autist retard idiot.
  57. 5. Further rules under strict renovation. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you so much.
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